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Trang 1Thermal and Catalytic Processes in
Trang 2Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress
Originally published in Romanian as Conversia Hidrocarburilor in 3 volumes, 1996–1997.ISBN: 0-8247-0952-7
This book is printed on acid-free paper
Marcel Dekker, Inc
270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Copyright# 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved
Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or
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Trang 3To my dear wife Irena
Trang 4This book is considered to be a completely new version of the original book lished in 3 volumes in Romania, in 1996–1997 under the title Conversia
Recent developments in petroleum processing required the complete revision
of some of the chapters, the elimination of outdated material and bringing up to
Furthermore, the presentation of theoretical aspects has been somewhat expandedand deepened
The processes discussed in this book involve the conversion of hydrocarbons
by methods that do not introduce other elements (heteroatoms) into hydrocarbonmolecules The first part is devoted to thermal conversion processes (pyrolysis, vis-breaking, coking) The second part studies catalytic processes on acidic catalysts(catalytic cracking, alkylation of isoalkanes, oligomerization) The third and fourthparts analyze catalytic processes on metal oxides (hydrofining, hydrotreating) and onbifunctional catalysts (hydroisomerization, hydrocracking, catalytic reforming),respectively
The importance of all these processes resides in the fact that, when required,they allow large variations in the proportion of the finished products as well asimprovement of their quality, as required by increasingly stringent market demands.The products of primary distillation are further processed by means of secondaryoperations, some fractions being subjected to several processing steps in series.Consequently, the total capacity of the conversion processes is larger than that ofthe primary distillation
The development of petroleum refining processes has made it possible to duce products, especially gasoline, of improved quality and also to produce syntheticchemical feedstocks for the industry The petrochemical branch of the refining indus-try generates products of much higher value than does the original refining industryfrom which the feedstocks were derived
Trang 5pro-One should not overlook the fact that the two branches are of quite differentvolume A few percentage points of the crude oil processed in the refineries aresufficient to cover the needs for feeds of the whole petrochemical and syntheticorganic industry and of a large portion of the needs of the inorganic chemicalsindustry The continuous development of new products will result in a larger fraction
of the crude oil than the approximately 10% used presently being consumed asfeedstocks for the chemical industry
Hydrocarbons conversion processes supply hydrocarbons to the petrochemicalindustry, but mainly they produce fuels, especially motor fuels and quality lubricat-ing oils The same basic processes are used in all these different applications Thespecific properties of the feedstocks and the operating parameters are controlled inorder to regulate the properties of the product for each application In this book, theprocesses are grouped by these properties, in order to simplify the presentation and
to avoid repetitions
The presentation of each group of processes begins with the fundamentalscommon to all the processes: thermodynamics, reaction mechanisms (including cat-alysis when applicable), and, finally, process kinetics In this manner, operatingparameters practiced in commercial units result as a logical consequence of earliertheoretical discussion This gives the reader a well-founded understanding of eachtype of process and supplies the basis on which improvements of the process may beachieved
The presentation of commercial implementation is followed by a discussion ofspecific issues pertaining to the design of the reaction equipment, which results in theunity of the theoretical bases with the design solutions adopted for commercialequipment and the quantitative aspects of implementation
My warmest thanks to Prof Sarina Feyer-Ionescu, to my son Prof GeorgeRaseev, and especially to my technical editor Dr G Dan Suciu, for their support inpreparing the English-language version of this book
Serge Raseev
Trang 6Preface to the Romanian Edition
This book is the fruit of many years of work in the petrochemical industry, and inresearch, and of university teaching It sums up my technical and scientific back-ground and reflects the concepts that I developed over the years, of the manner inwhich the existing knowledge on chemical process technology—and especially on theprocessing of hydrocarbons and petroleum fractions—should be treated and con-veyed to others
While initially the discipline of process technology was taught mainly bydescribing the empirical information, it soon changed to a quantitative disciplinethat considers the totality of phenomena that occur in the processes of chemicalconversion of industrial interest
The objective of process technology as a discipline is to find methods for thecontinual improvement of commercial processes To this purpose it uses the latestadvances in chemistry, including catalysis, and applies the tools of thermodynamicsand kinetics toward the quantitative description of the processes In this manner itbecame possible to progress from the quantitative description provided by the reac-tion mechanisms to the mathematic formulation for the evolution in time of theprocesses
In order to implement the chemical process on a commercial scale, a series ofadditional issues need to be addressed: the effect of the operating parameters and theselection of the optimal operating conditions, selection of the reactor type, the design
of the reaction equipment and of the other processing steps, the limitations due tothe heat and mass transfer, and the limitations imposed by the materials of construc-tion
Process technology thus becomes the convergence point of several theoreticaland applicative disciplines called upon to solve in an optimal manner the complexinterrelations among quite different sciences and phenomena (chemistry, hydraulics,heat transfer, etc.) This situation requires a multifaceted competence and the fullunderstanding and control of the entire complex phenomenon that is the implemen-
Trang 7tation of chemical conversions in the conditions of the commercial units Without it,one cannot address the two basic questions about process technology: first, why thecommercial processes have been developed in the manner they are presently imple-mented and second, how they can be continually improved.
In this manner, by mastering the complex phenomena involved, the processengineer is fully equipped to answer the ‘‘why’’ and ‘‘how’’ questions, and will beable to become one of the important driving forces of technical progress This is theconcept that has guided me during my entire professional activity
This book treats the conversion of hydrocarbons and petroleum fractions bythermal and catalytic methods, while attempting to answer the ‘‘why’’ and ‘‘how’’questions at the level of the current technical knowledge In this manner, I hope tocontribute to the education of specialists who will advance continuing developments
in processing methods
I am thankful to Mr Gavril Musca and Dr Grigore Pop for their help increating this book My special gratitude goes to Prof Sarina Feyer-Ionescu, for herspecial contributions
Serge Raseev
Trang 8Preface
Preface to the Romanian Edition
1 Thermodynamic Analysis of Technological Processes
1.1 Calculation of the Overall Thermal Effect
1.2 Equilibrium Calculations for a Wide Range of Process ConditionsReferences
2 Theoretical Background of Thermal Processes
2.1 Thermodynamics of Thermal Processes
2.3 Kinetics of Thermal Processes
2.4 Influence of Operating Conditions
4 Industrial Implementation of Thermal Processes
4.1 Thermal Cracking at High Pressures and Moderate Temperatures
4.3 Pyrolysis
Trang 95 Elements of Reactor Design
5.1 Design of the Reaction Section of Tubular Furnaces
5.2 Design of Soakers, Coke Drums, and Reaction Chambers
5.3 Systems Using Solid Heat Carrier
6 Theoretical Basis of Catalytic Cracking
6.1 Process Thermodynamics
6.2 Cracking Catalysts
6.4 Kinetics of Catalytic Cracking
6.5 Effect of Process Conditions
6.6 Catalyst Regeneration
7 Industrial Catalytic Cracking
7.1 Feed Selection and Pretreatment
7.2 Process History, Types of Units
8 Design Elements for the Reactor–Regenerator System
8.1 Some Fluidization Problems
8.2 Fluidization with Solids Circulation
10 Hydrofining and Hydrotreating
Trang 1010.5 Effect of Process Parameters
11.5 Influence of Operating Parameters
11.6 Industrial Hydroisomerization of Lower Alkanes
11.7 Hydroisomerization of Lube Oils and Medium FractionsReferences
12.5 Effect of Process Parameters
12.6 Commercial Hydrocracking of Distillates
12.7 Residue Hydrocracking
12.8 Processes Using Slurry Phase Reactors
12.9 Production of High Grade Oils by Hydrocracking
13.4 The Kinetics of Catalytic Reforming
13.5 The Effect of Process Parameters
Trang 1114.4 Initial Data for the Selection of Refinery Configuration
14.5 Approach for Establishing the Configuration of a Modern
Appendix Influence of the n=i-Alkanes Ratio in the Pyrolysis Feed
on the Ethene/Propene Ratio in the Products
Trang 12Thermodynamic Analysis of
Technological Processes
The thermodynamic study of technological processes has two objectives:
Determination of the overall thermal effect of chemical transformations thattake place in the industrial process
Determination of the equilibrium composition for a broad range of tures and pressures in order to deduce optimum working conditions andperformances
tempera-The manner in which the two objectives are approached within the conditions ofchemical technology is different from the classical approach and requires the use ofthe specific methodology outlined in this chapter
In practical conditions under which technological processes operate, the main tion may be accompanied by secondary reactions In many cases the transformation
reac-is of such complexity that it cannot be expressed by a reasonable number of chemicalreactions
When calculating the heat of reaction in such situations, in order to avoid thedifficulties resulting from taking into account all reactions many times in the calcu-lation, simplified approaches are taken Thus, one may resort to the approximation
of limiting the number of the reactions taken into consideration, or to take accountonly the main reaction Such approximations may lead to significant errors.Actually, the exact value of the thermal effect can be calculated without having
to resort to such approximations Since the thermal effect depends only on the initialand the final state of the system (the independence of path, as stipulated by thesecond principle of thermodynamics), it may be calculated based on the initial andfinal compositions of the system, without having to take in account the reactions thattake place
Trang 13Accordingly, the classic equations, which give the thermal effect of a chemicalreaction:
organic compounds, which are of interest in studying petrochemical processes, aregiven in thermodynamic data books [1,2] The values are usually given for tempera-ture intervals of 100 K, within which linear interpolation is accurate Thus, thecalculations that use the heat capacities may be avoided
Example 1.1 shows how to perform the calculations by means of relations (1.3)and (1.4)
dehydrogena-tion process of isopentane to isoprene at 6008C
The composition of the streams at the inlet and outlet of the reactor is given inTable 1.1 The coke composition by weight, is 95% carbon and 5% hydrogen.The calculations of the heat of formation at the inlet and the outlet of the
Trang 14According to Eq (1.3), the overall thermal effect per unit mass (kg) of feed willbe:
and 121 8 ¼ 113g, isoprene is formed In these conditions, the thermal effectexpressed per mole of reacted isopentane is:
873=600(K) (8C)
f 873(kcal/kg)
neH0 f873(kcal/kg)
Trang 15is taken into account, then according to the Eq (1.1) one obtains:
C5H8 HfÞC5H12 ¼ 13:91 ð44:51Þ ¼ 58:42 kcal=mol
¼ 244:59 kJ=molthe value being the same whether expressed per mole of isopentane or of isoprene.This example shows that large errors may result if the computation of theoverall thermal effect is not based on the real compositions of the inlet and outletstreams of the reactor
Eq (1.4) makes it possible to compute the thermal effects by using the heats ofcombustion This is useful for the conversion of petroleum fractions of other feed-stocks consisting of unknown components In such cases it is usually more conve-
For liquid petroleum fractions, the heats of combustion may be determined by
the characterization factor
The characterization factor of residues may be determined graphically from theviscosity, by means ofFigure 1.2[3]
The heat of combustion of coke is determined experimentally or less precisely
on the basis of the elementary composition
The heats of combustion of gaseous components may be found in data books[1,2], or may be calculated from the heats of formation [2], by applying Eq (1.1) Forhydrocarbons, this equation takes the form:
An illustration of these calculations is given in Example 1.2
The characterization factor and the specific gravities were used to determinethe heats of combustion for all the liquid fraction from Figure 1.1
SOLUTION By introducing the values of the heats of combustion from Tables1.3 and 1.4 into Eq (1.4), one obtains:
¼ 204 kJ/kg
Calculation of the thermal effects for a specific reaction, usually a small ber obtained as the difference of heats of combustion, usually larger numbers, is
Trang 16num-associated with large errors, unless the determination of the values of the heats ofcombustion was made with high accuracy This fact is especially valid for liquidfractions, for which the graphical determination of the combustion heats may giveerrors In order to obtain exact results, the determination of the heats of combustion
of the liquid fractions by direct calorimetric methods is recommended
Figure 1.1 Heat of combustion of petroleum fractions Final state: gaseous CO2and liquidwater at 158C
Trang 17Graphs and empirical relations are given [4–7] for the calculation of the mal effect in the petroleum refining processes The values calculated by their meansand the numerical values given in the literature must be critically analyzed, takinginto account the characteristics of the feed, the operating conditions, and the con-version Only values that refer to comparable feeds and conditions should be used incomputations.
ther-For the process of thermal cracking, the use of equation [8] is recommended:
Figure 1.2 KUOPas function of the kinematic viscosity and density
Trang 18The calculatedH is expressed in kJ/kg of feed The sign is that used in thethermodynamic notation.
which gives the same result as the heats of combustion method
In the literature, the thermal effect of reactions is often expressed per unit mass
of main product and not per unit mass of feed In some cases, this way of expression isuseful, since the thermal effect thus becomes actually independent of conversion [5]
The computation of the equilibrium compositions for a wide range of process ditions (temperatures and pressures) has the purpose of identifying practical operat-ing conditions that will optimize the performance of the process Depending on thespecifics of the process, the problem may be limited to the calculation of the equili-brium of the main reaction, or may be extended also to the secondary reactions
con-In all cases, the composition at equilibrium, calculated on basis of namic principles, represents the maximum conversion that is possible to achieve inthe given conditions There is however no certainty that such performance will beactually obtained Nonthermodynamic factors, such as the reaction rate and theresidence time within the reactor will determine how close the actual performancewill approach the theoretical one
thermody-The use of classical methods for computing equilibrium compositions for thelarge number of temperature–pressure values needed for thermodynamic analysis of
a broad range of process conditions necessitates a large number of calculations A
Table 1.3
Composition(wt %)
Trang 19method elaborated by the author many years ago [9] provides a simple method forthe calculation and graphical representation of the equilibrium The method is out-lined below.
For any chemical reaction, the standard free energy is expressed by the tion:
Trang 20and as function of the equilibrium constant, by the expression:
Assuming that the substances participating in the reaction do not deviate fromthe behaviour of ideal gas, the equilibrium constant may be expressed by the rela-tion:
Ka¼ Kp¼ ’iðxÞ
Here,’iðxÞ is a function of the conversion at equilibrium x The form of this functiondepends on the stoechiometry of the reaction but is independent on the nature of thesubstances that participate in the reaction
transfor-mations, one obtains:
these conditions, using as coordinates log p and 1=T, the Eq (1.11) corresponds to afamily of parallel straight lines with the equilibrium conversion x as parameter.Simple plots are obtained, by writing:
at equilibrium Both b and d are independent of the nature of the chemical
sub-Table 1.4
Yields(wt %) Density
Trang 21stances that take part in the reaction and have been calculated [9] for chemical
For reactions proceeding in the opposite direction, the sign of the constants band d must be changed, and the meaning of the conversion x reversed (for example
Since in plots of log p versus 1=T the straight lines of constant conversion areparallel, it is enough to calculate one point of each line and to determine the slope ofall the straight lines by calculating just one point for any other pressure Thus, thewhole family of lines may be obtained by selecting a pressure of 1 bar for thedetermining one point on each straight line and a pressure of either 10 bar or 0.1bar for which one calculates the one point needed to determine the slope of all lines.For these values of the pressure, the relation (1.12) becomes:
The calculation is illustrated by the Example 1.3
Note that for temperature ranges of not more than 200–3008C that intervene inthe analysis of industrial processes, the variations with the temperature ofH0
may be neglected, without consequently introducing any practical errors.Deviations from ideal conditions are important near the critical state and donot affect the results at temperatures much higher than the critical, as used in the
Trang 22TABLE 1.5 Values of the Constants b and d for Various Reaction Stoichiometric Types
Reaction form b
x= equilibrium conversion0.99 0.95 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.01
2A$B 4.57 15.85 9.14 6.37 3.56 1.84 0.54 0.57 1.61 2.67 3.90 5.66 7.18 10.483A$B 9.14 16.38 11.41 7.69 3.94 1.79 0.23 1.04 2.19 3.34 4.62 6.40 7.91 11.29A+B$C 4.57 18.30 11.90 9.13 6.31 4.60 3.29 2.18 1.14 0.08 1.15 2.89 4.42 7.74A+B$2C 0 21.01 14.45 11.48 8.26 6.12 4.36 2.75 1.14 0.61 2.75 5.98 9.13 15.54A+2B$C 9.14 25.07 15.20 11.48 7.73 5.58 4.03 2.75 1.60 0.46 0.83 2.62 4.17 7.53A+3B$C 13.72 30.65 18.00 13.10 8.61 6.14 4.42 3.04 1.83 0.63 0.58 2.49 4.05 7.44A+B$ C+D 0 18.25 11.70 8.73 5.51 3.37 1.61 0 1.61 3.37 5.51 8.73 11.70 18.25A+2B$2C 2.29 33.42 19.07 14.76 10.20 7.41 4.77 3.20 0.18 0.69 3.03 6.38 9.45 16.10A+3B$2C 4.57 31.01 22.71 17.21 11.60 8.16 5.54 3.32 1.22 1.74 3.55 6.80 9.88 16.53A+2B$C+D 4.57 26.04 16.33 12.03 7.52 4.66 2.42 0.443 1.45 3.44 5.76 9.15 12.25 18.87A+3B$C+D 9.14 32.81 20.01 14.47 8.84 5.40 2.80 0.572 1.51 3.64 6.08 9.56 12.64 19.28A+4B$C+D 13.72 38.92 23.10 16.40 9.78 5.83 2.99 0.581 1.63 3.85 6.37 9.90 13.00 19.66A+5B$C+D 18.28 44.54 25.79 18.00 10.50 6.19 3.09 0.538 1.77 4.06 6.62 10.19 13.31 19.98A$ B+4C 18.28 7.34 3.99 2.418 0.594 0.744 1.96 3.22 4.66 6.50 9.20 14.32 20.09 35.032C$A+5B 18.28 17.22 10.56 7.44 3.87 1.30 0.99 3.29 5.84 8.95 13.25 20.76 28.54 47.3
Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Trang 23thermal and catalytic processes in petroleum refining If corrections as such arehowever needed, they can be accomplished by using the methods elaborated in theoriginal work [9].
This method of equilibrium representation will be widely used in the followingchapters for the analysis of practical process conditions
1 FD Rossini, KS Pitzer, RL Arnett, RM Braun, GC Pimentel Selected Values of Physicaland Thermodynamical Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds, Pittsburgh:Carnegie Press, 1953
2 DR Stull, EF Westrum Jr., GC Sinke The Chemical Thermodynamics of OrganicCompounds, New York: John Wiley, 1969
3 P Wuithier Le petrole raffinage et genie chimique, Vol 1, 2nd Edition, Technip, Paris,1972
4 OA Hougen, KM Watson Chemical Process Principles, vol 1 New York: John Wiley,1947
5 S Raseev Procese distructive de prelucrate a titeiului, Editura tehnica, Bucuresti, 1964
6 G Suciu, R Tunescu Editors Ingineria prelucrdrii hidrocarburilor, Editura tehnica,Bucuresti, 1973
7 WL Nelson Petroleum Refinery Engineering, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1958
8 IH Hirsch, EK Ficher The Chemistry of Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Vol 2, Chap 23, NewYork: Reinhold Publishing Co., 1955
9 S Raseev, Stud Cercet Chim 5 (2): 267, 285, 1957
Trang 24Theoretical Background of Thermal
fractions under the influence of high temperatures Most of the transformations arecracking by a radicalic mechanism
The thermal processes comprise the following types of industrial processes:
PYROLYSIS (STEAM CRACKING) Main purpose: the production of ethene and spropene for the chemical industry The pyrolysis of liquid feed stocks, leads also tobutadiene, isoprene, and C6-C8aromatics
Characteristic for the pyrolysis process are temperatures of about 900–9508Cand low pressures (less than 5 bar)
At the present, pyrolysis is the most important thermal process
VISBREAKING Used for producing fuel oils from heavy residues
The process is characterized by relatively mild temperatures (around 5008C)and pressures, generally of 15–20 bar Recently, processes at much lower pressures,sometimes atmospheric, were also developed (Section 4.2.1)
Of similar type was the old-time cracking process for gasoline production It wasrealized at relatively low temperatures (495–5108C) and high pressure (20–40 bar)
COKING Used for producing petroleum coke from heavy residues
There are two types of coking processes: the delayed coking realized at about4908C, and a 5–15 bar in coke drums, and fluid coking realized at about 5708C and2–3 bar, in a fluidized bed
Of some importance is the production of needle coke, which is used for theproduction of electrodes especially for electrometallurgy processes (e.g aluminum)
Thermodynamic calculations show that the thermal decomposition of alkanes ofhigher molecular weight may take place with high conversions even at relativelylow temperatures Thus, n-decane may convert to over 90% to form pentene andpentane at 3508C and 1 atmospheric pressure
Trang 25The great number of parallel–successive reactions that may take place results inthe final product distribution being controlled by the relative rates of the reactionsthat take place and not by the thermodynamic equilibrium.
The situation is different for the lower alkanes Thus, in order to achieve aconversion of 90% in the decomposition of butane to ethene and ethane at a pressure
of 2 bar, a temperature of near 5008C is required (Figure 2.1) In these conditions thedehydrogenation reaction reaches a conversion at equilibrium of only about 15%(Figure 2.2).This makes possible a comparison of the two possible reaction path-ways
Figure 2.1 The thermodynamic equilibrium for reaction C4H10Ð C2H6+ C2H4
Trang 26The products obtained from the thermal decomposition of ethane, propane,and ethene, are those one would expect from dehydrogenation reactions:
Trang 27Many studies [1,2,109–111] reached the conclusion that in the pyrolysisprocess, irrespective of the feedstock used, the values of the concentration ratiosethene/ethane, propene/propane and acetylene/ethene in the reactor effluent are
Even if such assertions are only approximately accurate, the equilibrium ofthese reactions is of high interest for determining optimum operating conditions inpyrolysis
Figure 2.3 The thermodynamic equilibrium for reaction C2H6 Ð C2H4+ H2
Trang 28Figure 2.3 illustrates the significant increase of the conversion of ethane toethene as the temperature increases from 800 to 9508C This justifies the use oftubes of special heat-resisting alloys, which make possible the continuous increase
of the temperatures towards the coil outlet, as practiced in modern high-conversionpyrolysis furnaces
The formation of propene (Figure 2.4) is favored by the equilibrium, but thecompetitive reaction by which propane is cracked to ethene and methane, influencesFigure 2.4 The thermodynamic equilibrium for reaction C3H8 Ð C3H6+ H2.
Trang 29the final product distribution The final product composition is determined by therelative rate of the two reactions.
The equilibrium conversion to acetylene is much lower than that to alkenes(Figure 2.5) Still, the presence of acetylene in the reaction products makes theirpurification necessary The continuous increase in coil outlet temperatures has madethe acetylene removing sections a standard feature of the pyrolysis unit
Pressure has a strong effect on the conversions at equilibrium of these threereactions Increased conversions are obtained as the operating pressure decreases.Thus, a 50% lowering of pressure causes a supplementary amount of about 10%Figure 2.5 The thermodynamic equilibrium for reaction C2H4 Ð C2H2+ H2
Trang 30ethane to be transformed to ethene (Figure 2.3) The same effect is obtained byreducing the partial pressures of the hydrocarbon, e.g by increasing the proportion
of dilution steam introduced in the reactor
The equilibrium graph for the dehydrogenation of butene to butadiene (Figure2.6) shows that in pyrolysis it is possible with high conversions The parallel reac-
reduced the amounts of the butadiene produced An analogous situation occurs inthe dehydrogenation of isopentene to isoprene
Figure 2.6 The thermodynamic equilibrium for reaction C4H8 Ð C4H6+ H2
Trang 31In visbreaking and delayed coking, the relatively mild operating temperatureslead to a product containing no acetylene and only minor quantities of butadiene.The equilibrium for the polymerization of alkanes may be illustrated by the
cannot take place in the conditions of pyrolysis, but it may be intense in visbreaking,delayed coking, and the older high pressure cracking processes
The dehydrogenation of alkylcyclohexanes to aromatics is exemplified inFigure 2.7, by the conversion of metilcyclohexane to toluene While these reactions
Figure 2.7 Reaction C5H11 CH3 Ð C6H5 CH3+ 3H2.
Trang 32are thermodynamically favored in all thermal processes, the low reaction rates at theoperating temperatures limit the conversions achieved.
It is well-known that chemical transformations, which are expressed usually byglobal chemical reactions, actually take place through a large number of paralleland successive elementary reactions Their knowledge is necessary both for under-standing of the chemical aspect of the process and for correctly formulating thekinetic equations
The initial chemical phenomenon, which take place at high temperatures, is thebreaking of the hydrocarbon molecule in two free radicals:
to determine which is the initial step of the thermal decomposition process
hydrocarbons, sulfur compounds, and nitrogen compounds
Trang 33Table 2.1 Dissociation Energies of Some Hydrocarbons andRelated Substances
Trang 35For the lower hydrocarbons, more complete data are available, including thevalues of the pre-exponential factors (Table 2.2).
For instance, the relative rate of breaking of the molecule of ethane at atemperature of 9008C, according to the reactions:
C – C bond will be preferentially broken The cracking of the C – H bonds may beneglected, since their rate is approximately two orders of magnitude lower than for
C – C bonds
5.185 1016
n C4H10! 2C2H5 1.5 1016
5.0 1015
Trang 36From the same table one may note that the energy of the C – C bonds in alkanes decreases as one moves towards the center of the molecule Thus, for n-hexane, the energy is about 318 kJ/mole for cracking in two propyl radicals, andapproximately 322 kJ/mole for cracking in ethyl and butyl radicals In the same way,the energy needed for the cracking of n-pentane to ethyl and propyl radicals is lower
n-by 8 kJ/mole than for cracking to methyl and butyl radicals
According to relation (2.4), such small differences of energy lead to ratios ofthe respective reaction rates of about 1.5-2.5 Thus, one may not neglect the variousways in which the C – C bonds of a molecule may crack
The energy of the C – C bonds of tertiary and especially quaternary carbonatoms is lower than the others; thus they will be preferentially cracked
The double and triple bonds have bonding energies much higher that the single
C – C bonds in alkanes
The energy of the C6H5 –C6H5bond is 415 kJ/mole, but it decreases greatly ifthe rings are bound by means of an alkylic bridge, or if the bridge is bound to morearomatic rings Thus, for the molecule (C6H5)3C – C(C6H5)3, the dissociation energydecreases to as low as 46 kJ/mole
For sulphur compounds, the energy of the C – S bonds is of the same order asthat of the C – C bonds in n-alkanes
From the above data, it may be concluded that in all cases, the initial step inthe thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons is the breaking of a C – C bond Thecracking of various C – C bonds takes place with comparable rates, with the excep-tion of those in the position to double bonds, to triple bonds, or to aromatic rings,the rate of which can be neglected
The formation of free radicals by the cracking of C – C bonds was confirmedexperimentally The presence of methyl and ethyl radicals in the pyrolysis of ethane
in a tubular reactor was first identified by mass spectroscopy [29–31]
The concentration of the various species of radicals formed in the pyrolysis ofethane and propane at 8508C, using dilution with steam in conditions similar tothose of industrial processes, was determined by Sundaram and Froment in 1977
At a concentration of the feed of 10–2mole/liter, the concentrations of the radicals in
10–7.0and 10–9.3in the pyrolysis of propane
Semenov [18] distinguishes three types of transformations undergone by theformed radicals:
Trang 37Reactions (a), isomerization by odd electron migration, are understood to takeplace via the formation of a cyclic activated complex, followed by the transfer of anatom of hydrogen [35,38]
For higher radicals (Cþ5), a cyclic-activated complex of 5 or 6 atoms is formed.For the lower radicals (C5– C3), the formation of an activated cyclic complex of 3 or
4 atoms is necessary, which would require a higher activation energy This energy ismuch higher than that for decomposition or substitution reactions For these rea-sons, the isomerization reaction with migration of an odd electron may be neglectedfor alkanes, which have chains shorter than that of 5 atoms of carbon (Table 2.3)
In conclusion, isomerization by odd electron migration must be taken intoaccount only for molecules which have longer chains [35,40,41]
kJ/mole Accordingly, at the high temperatures characteristic for thermal processes,
and characteristic for polymerization processes at low temperatures
The cracking reactions (b1) of the radicals occurs by the breaking of the C – C
excess of bonding energy possessed by the carbon at which the odd electron islocated The excess will be distributed over the three bonds of this carbon atom.The electron-attracting effect of the carbon with the odd electron strengthens the
position will be weakened This explains the preferred cracking in position.The electrons of the C – H bonds are less prone to polarization and play no role
in the cracking
The decomposition of alkyl radicals or of alkyl chains takes place by successive
Trang 38For the methyl and ethyl radicals, at temperatures of 600–9008C, the life is of
radicals increase
these will be the ones cracked
which shows that the second reaction is unlikely
The radicals, before or after cracking, may give substitution reactions of type(c) with molecules of the feed A new radical, of higher molecular mass, is thereby
mass is formed Such reactions may continue and the cracking reactions acquire thecharacter of a chain reaction.*
Besides the substitution reactions, additions of the free radicals to doublebonds also may take place, leading to the formation of radicals with higher mole-
The data of Table 2.6 suggest that reactivity diminishes with increasing cular mass, which is easy to explain by steric hindrances Thus, if the rates of thereactions which follow are compared, by using relation (2.5):
* The formulation of this mechanism for the thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons was first developed
by F.C Rice and K.F Herzfeld [32].
Trang 39Table 2.4 Thermal Effects for the Decomposition of Selected Radicals
C C C C C C C C ! C5H10þ C3H7
C6H12þ C2H5
Trang 40The above information on the reactions generated by the radicals formed in theinitial breaking of the C – C bonds, make it possible to analyze the succession oftransformations that take place during the thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons.
the odd electron, of the radicals produced following the initial cleavage (reactions of
hydro-carbon molecules by way of substitution reactions of the type (c) and produce newradicals with a higher molecular mass The decomposition and substitution reactions
Table 2.5 Kinetic Constants for the Decomposition of Selected