Excel Unit 1 PG 5-31-2011 Professional Development Center Page 21 of 31 Remove Wrap Text in a Column 1. Click the column B header to select it. 2. Click the Wrap Text button in the Alignment group on the Home tab to remove the wrapping. Notice that the column is now not wide enough to display the text. 3. Widen column B by double-clicking its right vertical border. 4. The rows automatically adjust to their previous width. Enter a Line Break to Wrap Text Easier If desired, text can be wrapped as the data is entered. 1. Click cell C3. 2. Type the word Price. 3. Press Alt + Enter. 4. Type the word per 5. Press Alt + Enter. 6. Type the word Item. 7. Press Enter. Using AutoComplete and AutoCorrect The AutoComplete feature will automatically insert data in a cell that begins the same as a previous entry. If the data inserted by AutoComplete is the data desired in the cell, simply press Enter. If it is not the desired data, simply continue typing the correct data. This feature is very useful in a worksheet that contains repetitive data entries. The AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects many common typing errors. To see what symbols and words are in the AutoCorrect dialog box, click the File tab and then click the Options button located below the Help tab. At the Excel Options dialog box, click Proofing in the left panel and then Click the AutoCorrect Options button located in the right panel. The AutoCorrect dialog box will appear. 1 Excel Unit 1 PG 5-31-2011 Professional Development Center Page 22 of 31 Editing Cells Once information has been entered, it may be necessary to make changes either because of typographical errors or because the information itself has changed. If a change is made to a cell containing a number used in a formula, the formula will automatically be updated. To delete or clear the contents of a cell, press the Delete key. There are several ways to edit cells. Edit Data in the Formula Bar The Formula Bar shows all data entered, not the results of data calculations. All information, therefore, can be edited this way. 1. Click cell B4. Notice the text displayed for hotdogs in the formula bar. 2. Click to the right of Hotdogs in the formula bar. 3. Press the Home key to move the cursor to the beginning of the formula bar. 4. Type 6 Count and press space. 5. Press Enter. 6. Widen the column, if necessary. Edit Data Directly in the Cell Typing the information directly in a cell is another option. 1. Double-click cell B5. The cell is now in “edit mode” and the cursor is blinking in the cell. 2. Press the Home key to move the cursor to the beginning of the cell. 3. Type 12 Count and press space. 4. Press Enter. 5. Widen the column, if necessary. Click a cell only once to select it. Double-click a cell to edit its contents. Overwrite Existing Data in Cells To change information entirely in a cell, simply click the cell and retype the desired information. 1. Click cell A4. Type 80. Enter. Notice the Cost, Subtotal, Tax and Total increase. 2. Click cell A8. Type 70. Enter. 3. Click cell A9. Type 70. Enter. 4. Click cell A10. Type 3. Enter. Notice the Cost, Subtotal, Tax and Total decrease. 5. Adjust the width of column D and resave the file. 1 Excel Unit 1 PG 5-31-2011 Professional Development Center Page 23 of 31 Inserting Columns and Rows Once information is entered on the worksheet, adjustments to data placement may need to be done. Inserting columns and rows can help to make the worksheet better organized. Inserting a Column 1. To add a column between Price and Cost, select column D. 2. When a column is selected, click the Insert button in the Cells area on the Home tab. A column is added to the left of column D. 3. When only a cell in column D is selected, click the Insert button drop-down list and click Insert Sheet Columns. A column is added to the left of column D 4. Click cell D3. Type Tax Rate and press Enter. Note the automatic bolding. Note: A quick way to insert column(s) is to select the desired number of columns to the right of where the new column(s) will appear. Right- click one of the selected column headers and click Insert from the shortcut menu. The new column(s) will appear to the left of the selected column(s). 2 3 4 Excel Unit 1 PG 5-31-2011 Professional Development Center Page 24 of 31 Inserting a Row 1. To add a row before Row 7, select Row 7. 2. When a row is selected, click the Insert button in the Cells area on the Home tab. Row 7 is now a new row and all other entries have shifted downward. 3. When only a cell in Row 7 is selected, click the Insert button drop-down list and click Insert Sheet Rows. Row 7 is now a new row. 4. In cell A7 type 45 and press Tab. 5. In Cell B7 type Bags of Tortilla Chips and press Tab. 6. In Cell C8, type 2.89 and press Tab. 7. In Cell D8, copy or create a formula to calculate the cost. 8. Resave the workbook. 2 3 4 Excel Unit 1 PG 5-31-2011 Professional Development Center Page 25 of 31 Deleting a Column 1. Select column D to delete it. 2. When a column is selected, click the Delete button in the Cells area on the Home tab. The column is deleted. The columns to the right are shifted left. 3. Click the Undo button. 4. When only a cell in column D is selected, click the Delete button drop-down list and click Delete Sheet Columns. The column is deleted. 5. Click the Undo button. 6. Right-click the column D header and click Delete from the shortcut menu. The column is now deleted. 7. Click the Undo button. Deleting a Row 1. Select Row 2 to delete it. The rows below are shifted upwards. 2. When a row is selected, click the Delete button in the Cells area on the Home tab. Row 2 is now deleted and all other entries have shifted upward. 3. Click the Undo button. 4. When only a cell in Row 2 is selected, click the Delete button drop-down list and click Delete Sheet Rows. Row 2 is now deleted. 5. Click the Undo button. 6. Right-click the Row 2 header and click Delete from the shortcut menu. The row is deleted. 7. Widen Row 2 to a height of 51.00 (85 pixels) to give the illusion of space between the title and the data. 2 4 6 2 4 Excel Unit 1 PG 5-31-2011 Professional Development Center Page 26 of 31 The Cut Command There are many ways to move (or cut) text in a worksheet. The Cut and Paste buttons can be used on the Clipboard group on the Home tab. The shortcut menu can be used by right clicking selected text. Also, shortcut keys can be used to perform the same action, Ctrl + X for Cut and Ctrl + V for Paste. Text can be dragged and dropped to a new location as well. Move the Tax Rate 1. Click cell C13. 2. Click the Cut button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. A flashing “marquee” appears around the selected text. 3. Right-click cell D3. 4. Click Paste. The tax rate is moved to cell D3. 5. Click Esc to remove the marquee. Delete the Tax and Total Rows 1. Select Rows 12 through 14 by clicking on the Row 12 header and then drag the mouse down to Row 14. 2. Click the Delete button in the Cells group on the Home tab. The rows are deleted. 4 1 Excel Unit 1 PG 5-31-2011 Professional Development Center Page 27 of 31 Move a Column Column E should be moved one column to the left in order to improve the appearance of the worksheet. 1. Select column E by clicking on the column header. 2. Right-click Column E and click Cut from the shortcut menu. 3. An error message appears stating that the column is part of a merged cell. The merged and centered title in Row 1 needs to be temporarily unmerged. 4. Choose OK to close to error message. 5. Click cell A1. The entire title is selected. 6. Click the Merge & Center button to turn off this feature. The title moves to cell A1 and the other cells are unmerged. 7. Select column E by clicking on the column header. 8. Right-click column E and click Cut from the shortcut menu. 9. Right-click column D, the destination location. 10. Instead of clicking Paste, click Insert Cut Cells so that the contents of column D are not overridden. column D shifts to the right and the Cost column is inserted before it. Merge & Center Title The title of the worksheet now needs to be remerged and centered once again. 1. Click cell A1. 2. Select cells A1 through F1. We will be adding another column to the end of the worksheet. 3. Click the Merge & Center button. 4. The title is centered properly. 10 3 Excel Unit 1 PG 5-31-2011 Professional Development Center Page 28 of 31 Create a Cost with Tax Column 1. Click cell F2. 2. Type Cost with. 3. Press Alt + Enter. 4. Type Tax. 5. Press Enter. The Copy Command There are many ways to copy (or duplicate) text in a worksheet. The Copy and Paste buttons can be used on the Clipboard group on the Home tab. The shortcut menu can be used by right clicking selected text. Also, shortcut keys Ctrl + C for Copy and Ctrl + V for Paste can be used to perform the same action. Text can be dragged and dropped to a new location by using the Ctrl key. Copy the Tax Rate 1. Click cell E3. 2. Click the Copy button. A flashing “marquee” appears around the selected text. 3. Select cells E4 through E11. 4. Click Paste. The tax rate is copied to the other cells. 5. Press Esc to remove the marquee. Note: The AutoFill feature could have been used as well. Creating a Total with Tax Formula 1. Click cell F3. 6. Type = to begin the formula. Determine what calculation needs to be performed. 2. Click on Cell D3 to include Cost in the formula. 3. Press the * (asterisk) key for multiplication. 4. Type 1.065 (6.5% converted to a decimal). 7. Press Enter. The final total with tax included should be displayed. (161.028) 8. Use AutoFill to calculate the remaining cells. (See the next page for the final results.) Note: The formula should read =D3*1.065. If =D3*6.5% were used, the final result would only calculate the actual amount of the tax (less the actual cost). =D3*E3+D3 also works. 1 Excel Unit 1 PG 5-31-2011 Professional Development Center Page 29 of 31 Spell Check a Workbook Prior to printing a worksheet, Spell Check should always be used to double-check text entries. 1. Press Ctrl + Home to move to cell A1. 2. Click the Spelling button in the Proofing area on the Review tab. 3. Make the corrections as necessary. 4. Click OK when the message below appears. The table below explains each of the options in the Spelling dialog box. Selection Procedure Ignore Once Will skip over this one occurrence, but will highlight any other occurrences appearing later in the workbook. Ignore All Will skip over all occurrences of this spelling. Add to Dictionary Will add the entry to the dictionary in Excel so that the word is no longer highlighted when using Spell Check. Change Will change this one entry to the one highlighted in the Suggestions area of the Spelling window. Change All Will change this entry and any others following it in the workbook to the one highlighted in the Suggestions area of the Spelling window. AutoCorrect Will add this entry to the AutoCorrect function in Excel. This allows a user to specify a misspelling and an appropriate replacement. If the misspelling is encountered in the future, it will be corrected automatically. 2 Excel Unit 1 PG 5-31-2011 Professional Development Center Page 30 of 31 Worksheet Wrap-Up Do you remember how to use these Excel features? 1. Column F needs to be formatted for Currency. 2. The column headings in Row 2 need to be centered. 3. A grand total needs to be calculated at Cell F12. 4. Row 12 should be deeper in order to separate the total from the rest of the numbers. 5. Adjust the widths of the columns so that they look attractive to the eye. 6. Type your name in Cell A13. Preview and Print a Workbook 1. Click the File tab and click Print. 2. A preview of the worksheet displays along with several printing options. 3. Verify that the worksheet looks correct as well as attractive to the eye. 4. If changes need to be made to the worksheet, click the Home tab and edit the file as desired. 5. Click the Print button. 6. Resave the file. 7. Click the File tab and click Exit. The program closes. 5 1 7 . should read =D3*1.065. If =D3*6.5% were used, the final result would only calculate the actual amount of the tax (less the actual cost). =D3*E3+D3 also works. 1 Excel Unit 1 PG 5 -31 -2011 Professional. of the worksheet. 3. Click the Merge & Center button. 4. The title is centered properly. 10 3 Excel Unit 1 PG 5 -31 -2011 Professional Development Center Page 28 of 31 Create a Cost. column(s) will appear to the left of the selected column(s). 2 3 4 Excel Unit 1 PG 5 -31 -2011 Professional Development Center Page 24 of 31 Inserting a Row 1. To add a row before Row 7, select