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(Oxford University Press, 1997) Arie Rip is professor of philosophy at the University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands He is a former secretary of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (1981–86) and past president of the Society for Social Studies of Science (1988–89) His research and publications focus on science and technology dynamics and science and technology policy... professor in the department of history and philosophy of science, University of Tokyo His main research theme is phenomenological theory of knowledge; he has been working on the philosophy of perception and mind and the philosophy of science and technology His main publications include Perception and the Life-World (University of Tokyo Press, 1995; in Japanese); and “Consciousness and the Mind-Body... UK: Open University Press Smith, Dorothy E 1990 Texts, Facts, and Feminity: Exploring the Relations of Ruling London: Routledge Smith, Merritt Roe, and Leo Marx, eds 1994 Does Technology Drive History? The Dilemma of Technological Determinism Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press Smith, Terry 1993 Making the Modern: Industry, Art, and Design in America Chicago: University of Chicago Press Smits, Martijntje 1997... Social Theory (Polity, 412 About the Authors 2000); and with Daniel Miller, The Internet: An Ethnographic Approach (Berg, 2000) Johan Schot is professor of social history of technology at Eindhoven University of Technology and the University of Twente and scientific director of the Foundation for the History of Technology He is the program leader of the national research program on the history of technology... 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University He is the author of Alternative Modernity (University of California Press, 1995), Questioning Technology (Routledge, 1999), and Transforming Technology (Oxford University Press, 2002) Feenberg is currently 410 About the Authors doing research on the Internet and software development for online education under grants from the National Science Foundation and the Fund for the Improvement of... Adri de la Bruhèze forthcoming The Mediated Design of Products, Consumption and Consumers in the Twentieth Century.” In Nelly Oudshoorn and Trevor Pinch, eds How Users Matter: The Co-Construction of Users and Technology (under review by MIT Press) Schot, Johan, and Arie Rip 1998 The Past and Future of Constructive Technology Assessment.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 54: 251–268 Schumpter,... 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