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Software Engineering A PRACTITIONER’S APPROACH phần 6 pptx

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Other books that focus on procedural design issues include those by Robert- pro-son Simple Program Design, Boyd and Fraser Publishing, 1994, Bentley Programming Pearls, Addison-Wesley, 1

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1 5 7 S U M M A R Y

The user interface is arguably the most important element of a computer-based tem or product If the interface is poorly designed, the user’s ability to tap the com-putational power of an application may be severely hindered In fact, a weak interfacemay cause an otherwise well-designed and solidly implemented application to fail.Three important principles guide the design of effective user interfaces: (1) placethe user in control, (2) reduce the user’s memory load, and (3) make the interfaceconsistent To achieve an interface that abides by these principles, an organized designprocess must be conducted

sys-User interface design begins with the identification of user, task, and mental requirements Task analysis is a design activity that defines user tasks andactions using either an elaborative or object-oriented approach

environ-Once tasks have been identified, user scenarios are created and analyzed to define

a set of interface objects and actions This provides a basis for the creation of screenlayout that depicts graphical design and placement of icons, definition of descriptivescreen text, specification and titling for windows, and specification of major and minormenu items Design issues such as response time, command and action structure,error handling, and help facilities are considered as the design model is refined Avariety of implementation tools are used to build a prototype for evaluation by theuser

The user interface is the window into the software In many cases, the interfacemolds a user’s perception of the quality of the system If the “window” is smudged,wavy, or broken, the user may reject an otherwise powerful computer-based system


[LEA88] Lea, M., "Evaluating User Interface Designs," User Interface Design for puter Systems, Halstead Press (Wiley), 1988

Com-[MAN97] Mandel, T., The Elements of User Interface Design, Wiley, 1997

[MON84] Monk, A (ed.), Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction, Academic

Press, 1984

[MOR81] Moran, T.P., "The Command Language Grammar: A Representation for the

User Interface of Interactive Computer Systems," Intl Journal of Man-Machine ies, vol 15, pp 3–50.

Stud-[MYE89] Myers, B.A., "User Interface Tools: Introduction and Survey, IEEE Software,

January 1989, pp 15–23

[NOR86] Norman, D.A., "Cognitive Engineering," in User Centered Systems Design,

Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 1986

[RUB88] Rubin, T., User Interface Design for Computer Systems, Halstead Press (Wiley),


[SHN90] Shneiderman, B., Designing the User Interface, 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley, 1990.

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15.1 Describe the worst interface that you have ever worked with and critique it

relative to the concepts introduced in this chapter Describe the best interface thatyou have ever worked with and critique it relative to the concepts introduced in thischapter

15.2 Develop two additional design principles that “place the user in control.”

15.3 Develop two additional design principles that “reduce the user’s memory load.”

15.4 Develop two additional design principles that “make the interface consistent.”

15.5 Consider one of the following interactive applications (or an application

assigned by your instructor):

a A desktop publishing system

b A computer-aided design system

c An interior design system (as described in Section 15.3.2)

d An automated course registration system for a university

e A library management system

f An Internet-based polling booth for public elections

g A home banking system

h An interactive application assigned by your instructor

Develop a design model, a user model, a system image, and a system perception forany one of these systems

15.6 Perform a detailed task analysis for any one of the systems listed in Problem

15.5 Use either an elaborative or object-oriented approach

15.7 Continuing Problem 15.6, define interface objects and actions for the

applica-tion you have chosen Identify each object type

15.8 Develop a set of screen layouts with a definition of major and minor menu

items for the system you chose in Problem 15.5

15.9 Develop a set of screen layouts with a definition of major and minor menu

items for the advanced SafeHome system described in Section 15.4.1 You may

elect to take a different approach than the one shown for the screen layout in Figure15.2

15.10 Describe your approach to user help facilities for the task analysis design

model and task analysis you have performed as part of Problems 15.5 through 15.8

15.11 Provide a few examples that illustrate why response time variability can be

an issue

15.12 Develop an approach that would automatically integrate error messages and

a user help facility That is, the system would automatically recognize the error type

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and provide a help window with suggestions for correcting it Perform a reasonablycomplete software design that considers appropriate data structures and algorithms.

15.13 Develop an interface evaluation questionnaire that contains 20 generic

tions that would apply to most interfaces Have ten classmates complete the tionnaire for an interactive system that you all use Summarize the results and reportthem to your class

ques-F U R T H E R R E A D I N G S A N D I N ques-F O R M AT I O N S O U R C E S

Although his book is not specifically about human/computer interfaces, much of what

Donald Norman (The Design of Everyday Things, reissue edition,

Currency/Double-day, 1990) has to say about the psychology of effective design applies to the user face It is recommended reading for anyone who is serious about doing high-qualityinterface design

inter-Dozens of books have been written about interface design over the past decade.However, books by Mandel [MAN97] and Shneiderman [SHN90] continue to provide

the most comprehensive (and readable) treatments of the subject Donnelly (In Your Face: The Best of Interactive Interface Design, Rockport Publications, 1998); Fowler, Stanwick, and Smith (GUI Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1998); Weinschenk, Jamar, and Yeo (GUI Design Essentials, Wiley, 1997); Galitz (The Essential Guide to User Inter- face Design: An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Techniques, Wiley, 1996); Mul- let and Sano (Designing Visual Interfaces: Communication Oriented Techniques, PrenticeHall, 1995); and Cooper (About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design,

IDG Books, 1995) have written treatments that provide additional design guidelinesand principles as well as suggestions for interface requirements elicitation, designmodeling, implementation, and testing

Task analysis and modeling are pivotal interface design activities Hackos and

Redish (User and Task Analysis for Interface Design, Wiley, 1998) have written a book

dedicated to these subjects and provide a detailed method for approaching task

analy-sis Wood (User Interface Design: Bridging the Gap from User Requirements to Design,

CRC Press, 1997) considers the analysis activity for interfaces and the transition

to design tasks One of the first books to present the subject of scenarios in

user-interface design has been edited by Carroll (Scenario-Based Design: Envisioning Work and Technology in System Development, Wiley, 1995) A formal method for design of

user interfaces, based on state-based behavior modeling has been developed by

Hor-rocks (Constructing the User Interface with Statecharts, Addison-Wesley, 1998) The evaluation activity focuses on usability Books by Rubin (Handbook of Usabil- ity Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests, Wiley, 1994) and Nielson (Usability Inspection Methods, Wiley, 1994) address the topic in considerable detail.

The Apple Macintosh popularized easy to use and solidly designed user interfaces

The Apple staff (MacIntosh Human Interface Guidelines, Addison-Wesley, 1993)

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dis-cusses the now famous (and much copied) Macintosh look and feel One of the liest among many books written about the Microsoft Windows interface was pro-

ear-duced by the Microsoft staff (The Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design: An Application Design Guide, Microsoft Press, 1995)

In a unique book that may be of considerable interest to product designers,

Mur-phy (Front Panel: Designing Software for Embedded User Interfaces, R&D Books, 1998)

provides detailed guidance for the design of interfaces for embedded systems andaddresses safety hazards inherent in controls, handling heavy machinery, and inter-faces for medical or transport systems Interface design for embedded products is

also discussed by Garrett (Advanced Instrumentation and Computer I/O Design: Time System Computer Interface Engineering, IEEE, 1994).

Real-A wide variety of information sources on user interface design and related jects is available on the Internet An up-to-date list of World Wide Web referencesthat are relevant to interface design issues can be found at the SEPA Web site:



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Component-level design, also called procedural design, occurs after data,

architectural, and interface designs have been established The intent

is to translate the design model into operational software But the level

of abstraction of the existing design model is relatively high, and the tion level of the operational program is low The translation can be challeng-ing, opening the door to the introduction of subtle errors that are difficult to findand correct in later stages of the software process In a famous lecture, EdsgarDijkstra, a major contributor to our understanding of design, stated [DIJ72]: Software seems to be different from many other products, where as a rule higherquality implies a higher price Those who want really reliable software will discoverthat they must find a means of avoiding the majority of bugs to start with, and as aresult, the programming process will become cheaper effective programmers should not waste their time debugging—they should not introduce bugs to startwith

abstrac-Although these words were spoken many years ago, they remain true today.When the design model is translated into source code, we must follow a set ofdesign principles that not only perform the translation but also do not “intro-duce bugs to start with.”

What is it? Data, architectural,and interface design must betranslated into operational soft-ware To accomplish this, the design must be rep-

resented at a level of abstraction that is close to

code Component-level design establishes the

algorithmic detail required to manipulate data

structures, effect communication between

soft-ware components via their interfaces, and

imple-ment the processing algorithms allocated to each


Who does it? A software engineer performs

component-level design

Why is it important? You have to be able to

deter-mine whether the program will work before you

build it The component-level design representsthe software in a way that allows you to reviewthe details of the design for correctness and con-sistency with earlier design representations (i.e.,the data, architectural, and interface designs) Itprovides a means for assessing whether data struc-tures, interfaces, and algorithms will work

What are the steps? Design representations of data,architecture, and interfaces form the foundationfor component-level design The processing nar-rative for each component is translated into a pro-cedural design model using a set of structuredprogramming constructs Graphical, tabular, ortext-based notation is used to represent thedesign



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It is possible to represent the component-level design using a programming guage In essence, the program is created using the design model as a guide An alter-native approach is to represent the procedural design using some intermediate (e.g.,graphical, tabular, or text-based) representation that can be translated easily intosource code Regardless of the mechanism that is used to represent the component-level design, the data structures, interfaces, and algorithms defined should conform

lan-to a variety of well-established procedural design guidelines that help us lan-to avoiderrors as the procedural design evolves In this chapter, we examine these designguidelines

logi-The constructs are sequence, condition, and repetition Sequence implements cessing steps that are essential in the specification of any algorithm Condition pro-

pro-vides the facility for selected processing based on some logical occurrence, and

repetition allows for looping These three constructs are fundamental to structured programming—an important component-level design technique.

The structured constructs were proposed to limit the procedural design of ware to a small number of predictable operations Complexity metrics (Chapter 19)indicate that the use of the structured constructs reduces program complexity andthereby enhances readability, testability, and maintainability The use of a limitednumber of logical constructs also contributes to a human understanding process that

soft-psychologists call chunking To understand this process, consider the way in which

you are reading this page You do not read individual letters but rather recognize terns or chunks of letters that form words or phrases The structured constructs are

pat-What is the work product? Theprocedural design for each com-ponent, represented in graphical,tabular, or text-based notation, is the primary work

product produced during component-level design

How do I ensure that I’ve done it right? A design

walkthrough or inspection is conducted The

design is examined to determine whether datastructures, interfaces, processing sequences, andlogical conditions are correct and will produce theappropriate data or control transformation allo-cated to the component during earlier designsteps



“When I'm working

on a problem, I

never think about

beauty I think only

how to solve the

problem But when I

have finished, if the

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logical chunks that allow a reader to recognize procedural elements of a module,rather than reading the design or code line by line Understanding is enhanced whenreadily recognizable logical patterns are encountered.

Any program, regardless of application area or technical complexity, can bedesigned and implemented using only the three structured constructs It should benoted, however, that dogmatic use of only these constructs can sometimes causepractical difficulties Section 16.1.1 considers this issue in further detail

16.1.1 Graphical Design Notation

"A picture is worth a thousand words," but it's rather important to know which ture and which 1000 words There is no question that graphical tools, such as theflowchart or box diagram, provide useful pictorial patterns that readily depict proce-dural detail However, if graphical tools are misused, the wrong picture may lead tothe wrong software

pic-A flowchart is quite simple pictorially pic-A box is used to indicate a processing step

A diamond represents a logical condition, and arrows show the flow of control

Fig-ure 16.1 illustrates three structFig-ured constructs The sequence is represented as two processing boxes connected by an line (arrow) of control Condition, also called if- then-else, is depicted as a decision diamond that if true, causes then-part processing

to occur, and if false, invokes else-part processing Repetition is represented using two slightly different forms The do while tests a condition and executes a loop task repetitively as long as the condition holds true A repeat until executes the loop task

first, then tests a condition and repeats the task until the condition fails The tion (or select-case) construct shown in the figure is actually an extension of the

selec-First task Next task



Condition T F



Case condition

Case part T

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if-then-else A parameter is tested by successive decisions until a true condition occursand a case part processing path is executed.

The structured constructs may be nested within one another as shown in Figure16.2 Referring to the figure, repeat-until forms the then part of if-then-else (shownenclosed by the outer dashed boundary) Another if-then-else forms the else part ofthe larger condition Finally, the condition itself becomes a second block in a sequence

By nesting constructs in this manner, a complex logical schema may be developed Itshould be noted that any one of the blocks in Figure 16.2 could reference another mod-ule, thereby accomplishing procedural layering implied by program structure

In general, the dogmatic use of only the structured constructs can introduce ficiency when an escape from a set of nested loops or nested conditions is required.More important, additional complication of all logical tests along the path of escapecan cloud software control flow, increase the possibility of error, and have a nega-tive impact on readability and maintainability What can we do?

inef-The designer is left with two options: (1) inef-The procedural representation is redesigned

so that the "escape branch" is not required at a nested location in the flow of control

or (2) the structured constructs are violated in a controlled manner; that is, a strained branch out of the nested flow is designed Option 1 is obviously the idealapproach, but option 2 can be accommodated without violating of the spirit of struc-tured programming

con-Another graphical design tool, the box diagram, evolved from a desire to develop

a procedural design representation that would not allow violation of the structuredconstructs Developed by Nassi and Shneiderman [NAS73] and extended by Chapin

[CHA74], the diagrams (also called Nassi-Shneiderman charts, N-S charts, or Chapin charts) have the following characteristics: (1) functional domain (that is, the scope of

Next taskThen-partLoop task


understand the design.

If using them without

longer are used as

widely as they once

were In general, use

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repetition or if-then-else) is well defined and clearly visible as a pictorial tion, (2) arbitrary transfer of control is impossible, (3) the scope of local and/or globaldata can be easily determined, (4) recursion is easy to represent.

representa-The graphical representation of structured constructs using the box diagram isillustrated in Figure 16.3 The fundamental element of the diagram is a box To rep-resent sequence, two boxes are connected bottom to top To represent if-then-else,

a condition box is followed by a then-part and else-part box Repetition is depictedwith a bounding pattern that encloses the process (do-while part or repeat-until part)

to be repeated Finally, selection is represented using the graphical form shown atthe bottom of the figure

Like flowcharts, a box diagram is layered on multiple pages as processing ments of a module are refined A "call" to a subordinate module can be representedwithin a box by specifying the module name enclosed by an oval

ele-16.1.2 Tabular Design Notation

In many software applications, a module may be required to evaluate a complex bination of conditions and select appropriate actions based on these conditions Deci-sion tables provide a notation that translates actions and conditions (described in aprocessing narrative) into a tabular form The table is difficult to misinterpret and may

Do-while-Loop condition


Repeat-until-Repetition Selection




Then-Case conditionValue





Use a decision table

when a complex set of

conditions and actions

is encountered within

a component.

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even be used as a machine readable input to a table driven algorithm In a hensive treatment of this design tool, Ned Chapin states [HUR83]:

compre-Some old software tools and techniques mesh well with new tools and techniques of ware engineering Decision tables are an excellent example Decision tables preceded soft-ware engineering by nearly a decade, but fit so well with software engineering that theymight have been designed for that purpose

soft-Decision table organization is illustrated in Figure 16.4 Referring to the figure, thetable is divided into four sections The upper left-hand quadrant contains a list of allconditions The lower left-hand quadrant contains a list of all actions that are possi-ble based on combinations of conditions The right-hand quadrants form a matrixthat indicates condition combinations and the corresponding actions that will occurfor a specific combination Therefore, each column of the matrix may be interpreted

as a processing rule.

The following steps are applied to develop a decision table:

1 List all actions that can be associated with a specific procedure (or module).

2 List all conditions (or decisions made) during execution of the procedure.

3 Associate specific sets of conditions with specific actions, eliminating

impos-sible combinations of conditions; alternatively, develop every posimpos-sible mutation of conditions

per-4 Define rules by indicating what action(s) occurs for a set of conditions.

Conditions 1 2 3 4 n


Condition #1Condition #2Condition #3

Action #1Action #2Action #3Action #4Action #5

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To illustrate the use of a decision table, consider the following excerpt from a cessing narrative for a public utility billing system:

pro-If the customer account is billed using a fixed rate method, a minimum monthly charge isassessed for consumption of less than 100 KWH (kilowatt-hours) Otherwise, computerbilling applies a Schedule A rate structure However, if the account is billed using a vari-able rate method, a Schedule A rate structure will apply to consumption below 100 KWH,with additional consumption billed according to Schedule B

Figure 16.5 illustrates a decision table representation of the preceding narrative.Each of the five rules indicates one of five viable conditions (i.e., a T (true) in bothfixed rate and variable rate account makes no sense in the context of this procedure;therefore, this condition is omitted) As a general rule, the decision table can be effec-tively used to supplement other procedural design notation

16.1.3 Program Design Language

Program design language (PDL), also called structured English or pseudocode, is "a

pid-gin language in that it uses the vocabulary of one language (i.e., English) and theoverall syntax of another (i.e., a structured programming language)" [CAI75] In thischapter, PDL is used as a generic reference for a design language

At first glance PDL looks like a modern programming language The differencebetween PDL and a real programming language lies in the use of narrative text (e.g.,English) embedded directly within PDL statements Given the use of narrative textembedded directly into a syntactical structure, PDL cannot be compiled (at least notyet) However, PDL tools currently exist to translate PDL into a programming lan-

Fixed rate acct

Variable rate acct

Consumption <100 kwhConsumption ≥100 kwh

Min monthly chargeSchedule A billingSchedule B billingOther treatment


F I G U R E 16.5


decision table

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guage “skeleton” and/or a graphical representation (e.g., a flowchart) of design Thesetools also produce nesting maps, a design operation index, cross-reference tables,and a variety of other information

A program design language may be a simple transposition of a language such asAda or C Alternatively, it may be a product purchased specifically for procedural design.Regardless of origin, a design language should have the following characteristics:

• A fixed syntax of keywords that provide for all structured constructs, datadeclaration, and modularity characteristics

• A free syntax of natural language that describes processing features

• Data declaration facilities that should include both simple (scalar, array) andcomplex (linked list or tree) data structures

• Subprogram definition and calling techniques that support various modes ofinterface description

A basic PDL syntax should include constructs for subprogram definition, interfacedescription, data declaration, techniques for block structuring, condition constructs,repetition constructs, and I/O constructs The format and semantics for some of thesePDL constructs are presented in the section that follows

It should be noted that PDL can be extended to include keywords for multitaskingand/or concurrent processing, interrupt handling, interprocess synchronization, andmany other features The application design for which PDL is to be used should dic-tate the final form for the design language

16.1.4 A PDL Example

To illustrate the use of PDL, we present an example of a procedural design for the

SafeHome security system software introduced in earlier chapters The system

mon-itors alarms for fire, smoke, burglar, water, and temperature (e.g., furnace breakswhile homeowner is away during winter) and produces an alarm bell and calls a mon-itoring service, generating a voice-synthesized message In the PDL that follows, weillustrate some of the important constructs noted in earlier sections

Recall that PDL is not a programming language The designer can adapt as requiredwithout worry of syntax errors However, the design for the monitoring softwarewould have to be reviewed (do you see any problems?) and further refined beforecode could be written The following PDL defines an elaboration of the procedural

design for the security monitor component.

PROCEDURE security.monitor;

INTERFACE RETURNS system.status;


address IS HEX device location;

It’s a good idea to use

your programming

language as the basis

for the PDL This will

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bound.value IS upper bound SCALAR;


END signal TYPE;

TYPE system.status IS BIT (4);

TYPE alarm.type DEFINED

smoke.alarm IS INSTANCE OF signal;

fire.alarm IS INSTANCE OF signal;

water.alarm IS INSTANCE OF signal;

temp.alarm IS INSTANCE OF signal;

burglar.alarm IS INSTANCE OF signal;

TYPE phone.number IS area code + 7-digit number;

WHEN cps = "test" SELECT

CALL alarm PROCEDURE WITH "on" for test.time in seconds;

WHEN cps = "alarm-off" SELECT


WHEN cps = "new.bound.temp" SELECT

CALL keypad.input PROCEDURE;

WHEN cps = "burglar.alarm.off" SELECT deactivate signal [burglar.alarm];

REPEAT UNTIL activate.switch is turned off

reset all signal.values and switches;

DO FOR alarm.type = smoke, fire, water, temp, burglar;

READ address [alarm.type] signal.value;

IF signal.value > bound [alarm.type]

THEN phone.message = message [alarm.type];

set alarm.bell to "on" for alarm.timeseconds;

PARBEGIN CALL alarm PROCEDURE WITH "on", alarm.time in seconds;

CALL phone PROCEDURE WITH message [alarm.type], phone.number;





END security.monitor

Note that the designer for the security.monitor component has used a new

con-struct PARBEGIN ENDPAR that specifies a parallel block All tasks specified withinthe PARBEGIN block are executed in parallel In this case, implementation details arenot considered

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1 6 2 C O M PA R I S O N O F D E S I G N N O TAT I O N

In the preceding section, we presented a number of different techniques for senting a procedural design A comparison must be predicated on the premise thatany notation for component-level design, if used correctly, can be an invaluable aid

repre-in the design process; conversely, even the best notation, if poorly applied, adds tle to understanding With this thought in mind, we examine criteria that may beapplied to compare design notation

lit-Design notation should lead to a procedural representation that is easy to stand and review In addition, the notation should enhance "code to" ability so thatcode does, in fact, become a natural by-product of design Finally, the design repre-sentation must be easily maintainable so that design always represents the programcorrectly

under-The following attributes of design notation have been established in the context

of the general characteristics described previously:

Modularity Design notation should support the development of modular software

and provide a means for interface specification

Overall simplicity Design notation should be relatively simple to learn, relatively

easy to use, and generally easy to read

Ease of editing The procedural design may require modification as the software

process proceeds The ease with which a design representation can be edited canhelp facilitate each software engineering task

Machine readability Notation that can be input directly into a computer-based

development system offers significant benefits

Maintainability Software maintenance is the most costly phase of the software life

cycle Maintenance of the software configuration nearly always means maintenance

of the procedural design representation

Structure enforcement The benefits of a design approach that uses structured

pro-gramming concepts have already been discussed Design notation that enforces theuse of only the structured constructs promotes good design practice

Automatic processing A procedural design contains information that can be

processed to give the designer new or better insights into the correctness and ity of a design Such insight can be enhanced with reports provided via softwaredesign tools

qual-Data representation The ability to represent local and global data is an essential

element of component-level design Ideally, design notation should represent suchdata directly

Logic verification Automatic verification of design logic is a goal that is paramount

during software testing Notation that enhances the ability to verify logic greatlyimproves testing adequacy

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"Code-to" ability The software engineering task that follows component-level

design is code generation Notation that may be converted easily to source codereduces effort and error

A natural question that arises in any discussion of design notation is: "What tion is really the best, given the attributes noted above?" Any answer to this question

nota-is admittedly subjective and open to debate However, it appears that program designlanguage offers the best combination of characteristics PDL may be embedded directlyinto source listings, improving documentation and making design maintenance lessdifficult Editing can be accomplished with any text editor or word-processing sys-tem, automatic processors already exist, and the potential for "automatic code gen-eration" is good

However, it does not follow that other design notation is necessarily inferior toPDL or is "not good" in specific attributes The pictorial nature of flowcharts and boxdiagrams provide a perspective on control flow that many designers prefer The pre-cise tabular content of decision tables is an excellent tool for table-driven applica-tions And many other design representations (e.g., see [PET81], [SOM96]), notpresented in this book, offer their own unique benefits In the final analysis, the choice

of a design tool may be more closely related to human factors than to technicalattributes

The design process encompasses a sequence of activities that slowly reduces thelevel of abstraction with which software is represented Component-level designdepicts the software at a level of abstraction that is very close to code

At the component level, the software engineer must represent data structures,interfaces, and algorithms in sufficient detail to guide in the generation of program-ming language source code To accomplish this, the designer uses one of a number

of design notations that represent component-level detail in either graphical, lar, or text-based formats

tabu-Structured programming is a procedural design philosophy that constrains thenumber and type of logical constructs used to represent algorithmic detail The intent

of structured programming is to assist the designer in defining algorithms that areless complex and therefore easier to read, test, and maintain


[BOH66] Bohm, C and G Jacopini, "Flow Diagrams, Turing Machines and Languages

with Only Two Formation Rules," CACM, vol 9, no 5, May 1966, pp 366–371 [CAI75] Caine, S and K Gordon, "PDL—A Tool for Software Design," in Proc National Computer Conference, AFIPS Press, 1975, pp 271–276

Trang 17

[CHA74] Chapin, N., "A New Format for Flowcharts," Software—Practice and ence, vol 4, no 4 , 1974, pp 341–357

Experi-[DIJ65] Dijkstra, E., "Programming Considered as a Human Activity," in Proc 1965 IFIP Congress, North-Holland Publishing Co., 1965

[DIJ72] Dijkstra, E., “The Humble Programmer,” 1972 ACM Turing Award Lecture,

CACM, vol 15, no 10, October, 1972, pp 859–866.

[DIJ76] Dijkstra, E., "Structured Programming," in Software Engineering, Concepts and Techniques, (J Buxton et al., eds.), Van Nostrand-Reinhold, 1976

[HUR83] Hurley, R.B., Decision Tables in Software Engineering, Van

Nostrand-Reinhold, 1983

[LIN79] Linger, R.C., H.D Mills, and B.I Witt, Structured Programming,

Addison-Wesley, 1979

[NAS73] Nassi, I and B Shneiderman, "Flowchart Techniques for Structured

Pro-gramming," SIGPLAN Notices, ACM, August 1973

[PET81] Peters, L.J., Software Design: Methods and Techniques, Yourdon Press, 1981 [SOM96] Sommerville, I., Software Engineering, 5th ed., Addison-Wesley, 1996.


16.1 Select a small portion of an existing program (approximately 50–75 source

lines) Isolate the structured programming constructs by drawing boxes around them

in the source code Does the program excerpt have constructs that violate the tured programming philosophy? If so, redesign the code to make it conform to struc-tured programming constructs If not, what do you notice about the boxes that you’vedrawn?

struc-16.2 All modern programming languages implement the structured programming

constructs Provide examples from three programming languages

16.3 Why is “chunking” important during the component-level design review


Problems 16.4–16.11 may be represented using any one (or more) of the proceduraldesign notations presented in this chapter Your instructor may assign specific designnotation to particular problems

16.4 Develop a procedural design for components that implement the following

sorts: Shell-Metzner sort; heapsort; BSST (tree) sort Refer to a book on data tures if you are unfamiliar with these sorts

struc-16.5 Develop a procedural design for an interactive user interface that queries for

basic income tax information Derive your own requirements and assume that all taxcomputations are performed by other modules

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16.6 Develop a procedural design for a program that accepts an arbitrarily long text

as input and produces a list of words and their frequency of occurrence as output

16.7 Develop a procedural design of a program that will numerically integrate a

function f in the bounds a to b

16.8 Develop a procedural design for a generalized Turing machine that will accept

a set of quadruples as program input and produce output as specified

16.9 Develop a procedural design for a program that will solve the Towers of Hanoi

problem Many books on artificial intelligence discuss this problem in some detail

16.10 Develop a procedural design for all or major portions of an LR parser for a

compiler Refer to one or more books on compiler design

16.11 Develop a procedural design for an encryption/decryption algorithm of your


16.12 Write a one- or two-page argument for the procedural design notation that

you feel is best Be certain that your argument addresses the criteria presented inSection 16.2


The work of Linger, Mills, and Witt (Structured Programming—Theory and Practice,

Addison-Wesley, 1979) remains a definitive treatment of the subject The text contains

a good PDL as well as detailed discussions of the ramifications of structured gramming Other books that focus on procedural design issues include those by Robert-

pro-son (Simple Program Design, Boyd and Fraser Publishing, 1994), Bentley (Programming Pearls, Addison-Wesley, 1986 and More Programming Pearls, Addison-Wesley, 1988), and Dahl, Dijkstra, and Hoare (Structured Programming, Academic Press, 1972).

Relatively few recent books have been dedicated solely to component-level design

In general, programming language books address procedural design in some detailbut always in the context of the language that is introduced by the book The fol-lowing books are representative of hundreds of titles that consider procedural design

in a programming language context:

[ADA00] Adamson, T.A., K.C Mansfield, and J.L Antonakos, Structured Basic Applied to nology, Prentice-Hall, 2000.

Tech-[ANT96] Antonakos, J.L and K Mansfield, Application Programming in Structured C,

Trang 19

[WEL95] Welburn, T and W Price, Structured COBOL: Fundamentals and Style, 4th ed., Mitchell

Publishers, 1995

A wide variety of information sources on software design and related subjects isavailable on the Internet An up-to-date list of World Wide Web references that arerelevant to design concepts and methods can be found at the SEPA Web site:



Trang 20

or imperfectly specified, as well as [in] later design and development stages Because of human inability to perform and communicate with perfection, softwaredevelopment is accompanied by a quality assurance activity

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and resents the ultimate review of specification, design, and code generation.The increasing visibility of software as a system element and the attendant

rep-"costs" associated with a software failure are motivating forces for well-planned,thorough testing It is not unusual for a software development organization toexpend between 30 and 40 percent of total project effort on testing In theextreme, testing of human-rated software (e.g., flight control, nuclear reactormonitoring) can cost three to five times as much as all other software engi-neering steps combined!

What is it? Once source code hasbeen generated, software must

be tested to uncover (and correct)

as many errors as possible before delivery to your

customer Your goal is to design a series of test

cases that have a high likelihood of finding errors—

but how? That’s where software testing techniques

enter the picture These techniques provide

sys-tematic guidance for designing tests that (1)

exer-cise the internal logic of software components,

and (2) exercise the input and output domains of

the program to uncover errors in program

func-tion, behavior and performance

Who does it? During early stages of testing, a

soft-ware engineer performs all tests However, as the

testing process progresses, testing specialists maybecome involved

Why is it important? Reviews and other SQA ities can and do uncover errors, but they are notsufficient Every time the program is executed, thecustomer tests it! Therefore, you have to executethe program before it gets to the customer withthe specific intent of finding and removing allerrors In order to find the highest possible num-ber of errors, tests must be conducted systemati-cally and test cases must be designed usingdisciplined techniques

activ-What are the steps? Software is tested from two ferent perspectives: (1) internal program logic isexercised using “white box” test case design tech-

dif-Q U I C K


Trang 21

In this chapter, we discuss software testing fundamentals and techniques for ware test case design Software testing fundamentals define the overriding objec-tives for software testing Test case design focuses on a set of techniques for thecreation of test cases that meet overall testing objectives In Chapter 18, testing strate-gies and software debugging are presented.

Testing presents an interesting anomaly for the software engineer During earlier ware engineering activities, the engineer attempts to build software from an abstractconcept to a tangible product Now comes testing The engineer creates a series oftest cases that are intended to "demolish" the software that has been built In fact,testing is the one step in the software process that could be viewed (psychologically,

soft-at least) as destructive rsoft-ather than constructive

Software engineers are by their nature constructive people Testing requires thatthe developer discard preconceived notions of the "correctness" of software just devel-oped and overcome a conflict of interest that occurs when errors are uncovered.Beizer [BEI90] describes this situation effectively when he states:

There's a myth that if we were really good at programming, there would be no bugs to catch

If only we could really concentrate, if only everyone used structured programming, down design, decision tables, if programs were written in SQUISH, if we had the right sil-ver bullets, then there would be no bugs So goes the myth There are bugs, the myth says,because we are bad at what we do; and if we are bad at it, we should feel guilty about it.Therefore, testing and test case design is an admission of failure, which instills a goodlydose of guilt And the tedium of testing is just punishment for our errors Punishment forwhat? For being human? Guilt for what? For failing to achieve inhuman perfection? For notdistinguishing between what another programmer thinks and what he says? For failing to

top-be telepathic? For not solving human communications problems that have top-been kickedaround for forty centuries?

niques Software requirementsare exercised using “black box”

test case design techniques Inboth cases, the intent is to find the maximum num-

ber of errors with the minimum amount of effort

and time

What is the work product? A set of test cases

designed to exercise both internal logic and

exter-nal requirements is designed and documented,expected results are defined, and actual resultsare recorded

How do I ensure that I’ve done it right? When youbegin testing, change your point of view Try hard

to “break” the software! Design test cases in a ciplined fashion and review the test cases you docreate for thoroughness

Trang 22

Should testing instill guilt? Is testing really destructive? The answer to these tions is "No!" However, the objectives of testing are somewhat different than we mightexpect.

3 A successful test is one that uncovers an as-yet-undiscovered error

These objectives imply a dramatic change in viewpoint They move counter to thecommonly held view that a successful test is one in which no errors are found Ourobjective is to design tests that systematically uncover different classes of errors and

to do so with a minimum amount of time and effort

If testing is conducted successfully (according to the objectives stated previously), itwill uncover errors in the software As a secondary benefit, testing demonstrates thatsoftware functions appear to be working according to specification, that behavioral andperformance requirements appear to have been met In addition, data collected as test-ing is conducted provide a good indication of software reliability and some indication

of software quality as a whole But testing cannot show the absence of errors anddefects, it can show only that software errors and defects are present It is important

to keep this (rather gloomy) statement in mind as testing is being conducted

17.1.2 Testing PrinciplesBefore applying methods to design effective test cases, a software engineer mustunderstand the basic principles that guide software testing Davis [DAV95] suggests

a set1of testing principles that have been adapted for use in this book:

All tests should be traceable to customer requirements As we have

seen, the objective of software testing is to uncover errors It follows that themost severe defects (from the customer’s point of view) are those that causethe program to fail to meet its requirements

Tests should be planned long before testing begins Test planning

(Chapter 18) can begin as soon as the requirements model is complete.Detailed definition of test cases can begin as soon as the design model has

1 Only a small subset of Davis’s testing principles are noted here For more information, see [DAV95].

“Errors are more

Trang 23

been solidified Therefore, all tests can be planned and designed before anycode has been generated.

The Pareto principle applies to software testing Stated simply, the

Pareto principle implies that 80 percent of all errors uncovered during testingwill likely be traceable to 20 percent of all program components The problem,

of course, is to isolate these suspect components and to thoroughly test them

Testing should begin “in the small” and progress toward testing “in the large.” The first tests planned and executed generally focus on individual

components As testing progresses, focus shifts in an attempt to find errors inintegrated clusters of components and ultimately in the entire system (Chap-ter 18)

Exhaustive testing is not possible The number of path permutations for

even a moderately sized program is exceptionally large (see Section 17.2 forfurther discussion) For this reason, it is impossible to execute every combi-nation of paths during testing It is possible, however, to adequately coverprogram logic and to ensure that all conditions in the component-leveldesign have been exercised

To be most effective, testing should be conducted by an independent

third party By most effective, we mean testing that has the highest

probabil-ity of finding errors (the primary objective of testing) For reasons that havebeen introduced earlier in this chapter and are considered in more detail inChapter 18, the software engineer who created the system is not the bestperson to conduct all tests for the software

17.1.3 Testability

In ideal circumstances, a software engineer designs a computer program, a system,

or a product with “testability” in mind This enables the individuals charged with

test-ing to design effective test cases more easily But what is testability? James Bach2

describes testability in the following manner

Software testability is simply how easily [a computer program] can be tested Sincetesting is so profoundly difficult, it pays to know what can be done to streamline it Some-times programmers are willing to do things that will help the testing process and a check-list of possible design points, features, etc., can be useful in negotiating with them.There are certainly metrics that could be used to measure testability in most of itsaspects Sometimes, testability is used to mean how adequately a particular set of

2 The paragraphs that follow are copyright 1994 by James Bach and have been adapted from an Internet posting that first appeared in the newsgroup comp.software-eng This material is used with permission.

Trang 24

tests will cover the product It's also used by the military to mean how easily a toolcan be checked and repaired in the field Those two meanings are not the same as

software testability The checklist that follows provides a set of characteristics that lead

to testable software

Operability "The better it works, the more efficiently it can be tested."

• The system has few bugs (bugs add analysis and reporting overhead to thetest process)

• No bugs block the execution of tests

• The product evolves in functional stages (allows simultaneous developmentand testing)

Observability "What you see is what you test."

• Distinct output is generated for each input

• System states and variables are visible or queriable during execution

• Past system states and variables are visible or queriable (e.g., transaction logs)

• All factors affecting the output are visible

• Incorrect output is easily identified

• Internal errors are automatically detected through self-testing mechanisms

• Internal errors are automatically reported

• Source code is accessible

Controllability "The better we can control the software, the more the testing can

be automated and optimized."

• All possible outputs can be generated through some combination of input

• All code is executable through some combination of input

• Software and hardware states and variables can be controlled directly by thetest engineer

• Input and output formats are consistent and structured

• Tests can be conveniently specified, automated, and reproduced

Decomposability "By controlling the scope of testing, we can more quickly

iso-late problems and perform smarter retesting."

• The software system is built from independent modules

• Software modules can be tested independently

Simplicity "The less there is to test, the more quickly we can test it."

• Functional simplicity (e.g., the feature set is the minimum necessary to meetrequirements)

Trang 25

• Structural simplicity (e.g., architecture is modularized to limit the tion of faults).

propaga-• Code simplicity (e.g., a coding standard is adopted for ease of inspection andmaintenance)

Stability "The fewer the changes, the fewer the disruptions to testing."

• Changes to the software are infrequent

• Changes to the software are controlled

• Changes to the software do not invalidate existing tests

• The software recovers well from failures

Understandability "The more information we have, the smarter we will test."

• The design is well understood

• Dependencies between internal, external, and shared components are wellunderstood

• Changes to the design are communicated

• Technical documentation is instantly accessible

• Technical documentation is well organized

• Technical documentation is specific and detailed

• Technical documentation is accurate

The attributes suggested by Bach can be used by a software engineer to develop a ware configuration (i.e., programs, data, and documents) that is amenable to testing.And what about the tests themselves? Kaner, Falk, and Nguyen [KAN93] suggestthe following attributes of a “good” test:

soft-1 A good test has a high probability of finding an error To achieve this goal, the

tester must understand the software and attempt to develop a mental picture

of how the software might fail Ideally, the classes of failure are probed Forexample, one class of potential failure in a GUI (graphical user interface) is afailure to recognize proper mouse position A set of tests would be designed

to exercise the mouse in an attempt to demonstrate an error in mouse tion recognition

posi-2 A good test is not redundant Testing time and resources are limited There is

no point in conducting a test that has the same purpose as another test.Every test should have a different purpose (even if it is subtly different) For

example, a module of the SafeHome software (discussed in earlier chapters)

is designed to recognize a user password to activate and deactivate the tem In an effort to uncover an error in password input, the tester designs aseries of tests that input a sequence of passwords Valid and invalid pass-words (four numeral sequences) are input as separate tests However, each

sys-What are the

attributes of

a “good” test?


Trang 26

valid/invalid password should probe a different mode of failure For example,the invalid password 1234 should not be accepted by a system programmed

to recognize 8080 as the valid password If it is accepted, an error is present.Another test input, say 1235, would have the same purpose as 1234 and istherefore redundant However, the invalid input 8081 or 8180 has a subtledifference, attempting to demonstrate that an error exists for passwords

“close to” but not identical with the valid password

3 A good test should be “best of breed” [KAN93] In a group of tests that have a

similar intent, time and resource limitations may mitigate toward the tion of only a subset of these tests In such cases, the test that has the highestlikelihood of uncovering a whole class of errors should be used

execu-4 A good test should be neither too simple nor too complex Although it is

sometimes possible to combine a series of tests into one test case, the ble side effects associated with this approach may mask errors In general,each test should be executed separately

The design of tests for software and other engineered products can be as ing as the initial design of the product itself Yet, for reasons that we have alreadydiscussed, software engineers often treat testing as an afterthought, developing testcases that may "feel right" but have little assurance of being complete Recalling theobjectives of testing, we must design tests that have the highest likelihood of findingthe most errors with a minimum amount of time and effort

challeng-A rich variety of test case design methods have evolved for software These ods provide the developer with a systematic approach to testing More important,methods provide a mechanism that can help to ensure the completeness of tests andprovide the highest likelihood for uncovering errors in software

meth-Any engineered product (and most other things) can be tested in one of two ways:(1) Knowing the specified function that a product has been designed to perform, testscan be conducted that demonstrate each function is fully operational while at thesame time searching for errors in each function; (2) knowing the internal workings

of a product, tests can be conducted to ensure that "all gears mesh," that is, internaloperations are performed according to specifications and all internal componentshave been adequately exercised The first test approach is called black-box testingand the second, white-box testing

When computer software is considered, black-box testing alludes to tests that are

conducted at the software interface Although they are designed to uncover errors,black-box tests are used to demonstrate that software functions are operational, thatinput is properly accepted and output is correctly produced, and that the integrity of

“There is only one

rule in designing test

cases: cover all

features, but do not

make too many test

Trang 27

external information (e.g., a database) is maintained A black-box test examines somefundamental aspect of a system with little regard for the internal logical structure ofthe software.

White-box testing of software is predicated on close examination of procedural

detail Logical paths through the software are tested by providing test cases that cise specific sets of conditions and/or loops The "status of the program" may beexamined at various points to determine if the expected or asserted status corre-sponds to the actual status

exer-At first glance it would seem that very thorough white-box testing would lead to

"100 percent correct programs." All we need do is define all logical paths, developtest cases to exercise them, and evaluate results, that is, generate test cases to exer-cise program logic exhaustively Unfortunately, exhaustive testing presents certainlogistical problems For even small programs, the number of possible logical pathscan be very large For example, consider the 100 line program in the language C Aftersome basic data declaration, the program contains two nested loops that executefrom 1 to 20 times each, depending on conditions specified at input Inside the inte-rior loop, four if-then-else constructs are required There are approximately 1014pos-sible paths that may be executed in this program!

To put this number in perspective, we assume that a magic test processor ("magic"because no such processor exists) has been developed for exhaustive testing Theprocessor can develop a test case, execute it, and evaluate the results in one mil-lisecond Working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the processor would work for 3170years to test the program This would, undeniably, cause havoc in most developmentschedules Exhaustive testing is impossible for large software systems

White-box testing should not, however, be dismissed as impractical A limitednumber of important logical paths can be selected and exercised Important datastructures can be probed for validity The attributes of both black- and white-box test-ing can be combined to provide an approach that validates the software interfaceand selectively ensures that the internal workings of the software are correct

White-box testing, sometimes called glass-box testing, is a test case design method

that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases Usingwhite-box testing methods, the software engineer can derive test cases that (1) guar-antee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least once,(2) exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides, (3) execute all loops attheir boundaries and within their operational bounds, and (4) exercise internal datastructures to ensure their validity

A reasonable question might be posed at this juncture: "Why spend time and energyworrying about (and testing) logical minutiae when we might better expend effort

It is not possible to

exhaustively test every

program path because

the number of paths is

simply too large

White-box tests can be

designed only after a

component-level design

(or source code)

exists The logical

details of the program

must be available

Trang 28

ensuring that program requirements have been met?" Stated another way, why don't

we spend all of our energy on black-box tests? The answer lies in the nature of ware defects (e.g., [JON81]):

soft-• Logic errors and incorrect assumptions are inversely proportional to the bility that a program path will be executed Errors tend to creep into our work

proba-when we design and implement function, conditions, or control that are out

of the mainstream Everyday processing tends to be well understood (andwell scrutinized), while "special case" processing tends to fall into the cracks

We often believe that a logical path is not likely to be executed when, in fact, it may be executed on a regular basis The logical flow of a program is some-

times counterintuitive, meaning that our unconscious assumptions aboutflow of control and data may lead us to make design errors that are uncov-ered only once path testing commences

Typographical errors are random When a program is translated into

program-ming language source code, it is likely that some typing errors will occur.Many will be uncovered by syntax and type checking mechanisms, but othersmay go undetected until testing begins It is as likely that a typo will exist on

an obscure logical path as on a mainstream path

Each of these reasons provides an argument for conducting white-box tests box testing, no matter how thorough, may miss the kinds of errors noted here White-box testing is far more likely to uncover them

Basis path testing is a white-box testing technique first proposed by Tom McCabe

[MCC76] The basis path method enables the test case designer to derive a logical plexity measure of a procedural design and use this measure as a guide for defining abasis set of execution paths Test cases derived to exercise the basis set are guaran-teed to execute every statement in the program at least one time during testing

com-17.4.1 Flow Graph NotationBefore the basis path method can be introduced, a simple notation for the represen-

tation of control flow, called a flow graph (or program graph) must be introduced.3

The flow graph depicts logical control flow using the notation illustrated in Figure17.1 Each structured construct (Chapter 16) has a corresponding flow graph symbol

To illustrate the use of a flow graph, we consider the procedural design tation in Figure 17.2A Here, a flowchart is used to depict program control structure

represen-“Bugs lurk in corners

Trang 29

Figure 17.2B maps the flowchart into a corresponding flow graph (assuming that nocompound conditions are contained in the decision diamonds of the flowchart) Refer-

ring to Figure 17.2B, each circle, called a flow graph node, represents one or more

procedural statements A sequence of process boxes and a decision diamond can

map into a single node The arrows on the flow graph, called edges or links,

repre-sent flow of control and are analogous to flowchart arrows An edge must terminate

at a node, even if the node does not represent any procedural statements (e.g., seethe symbol for the if-then-else construct) Areas bounded by edges and nodes are

called regions When counting regions, we include the area outside the graph as a


When compound conditions are encountered in a procedural design, the tion of a flow graph becomes slightly more complicated A compound condition occurswhen one or more Boolean operators (logical OR, AND, NAND, NOR) is present in aconditional statement Referring to Figure 17.3, the PDL segment translates into the

genera-flow graph shown Note that a separate node is created for each of the conditions a and b in the statement IF a OR b Each node that contains a condition is called a pred- icate node and is characterized by two or more edges emanating from it.

17.4.2 Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric that provides a quantitative measure of the

logical complexity of a program When used in the context of the basis path testingmethod, the value computed for cyclomatic complexity defines the number of inde-pendent paths in the basis set of a program and provides us with an upper bound forthe number of tests that must be conducted to ensure that all statements have beenexecuted at least once

An independent path is any path through the program that introduces at least one

new set of processing statements or a new condition When stated in terms of a flow

The structured constructs in flow graph form:

Where each circle represents one or morenonbranching PDL or source code statements



F I G U R E 17.1

Flow graph


4 A more-detailed discussion of graphs and their use in testing is contained in Section 17.6.1.

Draw a flow graph

when the logical

control structure of a

module is complex.

The flow graph

enables you to trace

program paths more


Trang 30




F I G U R E 17.2

Flowchart, (A)

and flow

graph (B)

Trang 31

graph, an independent path must move along at least one edge that has not been versed before the path is defined For example, a set of independent paths for the flowgraph illustrated in Figure 17.2B is

tra-path 1: 1-11 path 2: 1-2-3-4-5-10-1-11 path 3: 1-2-3-6-8-9-10-1-11 path 4: 1-2-3-6-7-9-10-1-11 Note that each new path introduces a new edge The path 1-2-3-4-5-10-1-2-3-6-8-9-10-1-11

is not considered to be an independent path because it is simply a combination ofalready specified paths and does not traverse any new edges

Paths 1, 2, 3, and 4 constitute a basis set for the flow graph in Figure 17.2B That

is, if tests can be designed to force execution of these paths (a basis set), every ment in the program will have been guaranteed to be executed at least one time andevery condition will have been executed on its true and false sides It should be notedthat the basis set is not unique In fact, a number of different basis sets can be derivedfor a given procedural design

state-How do we know how many paths to look for? The computation of cyclomaticcomplexity provides the answer

Cyclomatic complexity has a foundation in graph theory and provides us with anextremely useful software metric Complexity is computed in one of three ways:

1 The number of regions of the flow graph correspond to the cyclomatic


2 Cyclomatic complexity, V(G), for a flow graph, G, is defined as

V(G) = E  N + 2


IF a OR bthen procedure xelse procedure yENDIF

Trang 32

where E is the number of flow graph edges, N is the number of flow graph


3 Cyclomatic complexity, V(G), for a flow graph, G, is also defined as

V(G) = P + 1 where P is the number of predicate nodes contained in the flow graph G.

Referring once more to the flow graph in Figure 17.2B, the cyclomatic complexitycan be computed using each of the algorithms just noted:

1 The flow graph has four regions.

2 V(G) = 11 edges  9 nodes + 2 = 4

3 V(G) = 3 predicate nodes + 1 = 4.

Therefore, the cyclomatic complexity of the flow graph in Figure 17.2B is 4

More important, the value for V(G) provides us with an upper bound for the

num-ber of independent paths that form the basis set and, by implication, an upper bound

on the number of tests that must be designed and executed to guarantee coverage

of all program statements

17.4.3 Deriving Test CasesThe basis path testing method can be applied to a procedural design or to sourcecode In this section, we present basis path testing as a series of steps The proce-

dure average, depicted in PDL in Figure 17.4, will be used as an example to illustrate each step in the test case design method Note that average, although an extremely

simple algorithm, contains compound conditions and loops The following steps can

be applied to derive the basis set:

1 Using the design or code as a foundation, draw a corresponding flow graph A flow graph is created using the symbols and construction rules pre-

sented in Section 16.4.1 Referring to the PDL for average in Figure 17.4, aflow graph is created by numbering those PDL statements that will bemapped into corresponding flow graph nodes The corresponding flow graph

is in Figure 17.5

2 Determine the cyclomatic complexity of the resultant flow graph The

cyclomatic complexity, V(G), is determined by applying the algorithms described in Section 17.5.2 It should be noted that V(G) can be determined

without developing a flow graph by counting all conditional statements in the

PDL (for the procedure average, compound conditions count as two) and

adding 1 Referring to Figure 17.5,

V(G) = 6 regions V(G) = 17 edges  13 nodes + 2 = 6

V(G) = 5 predicate nodes + 1 = 6

Cyclomatic complexity

provides the upper

bound on the number

of test cases that must

be executed to

guarantee that every

statement in a

component has been

executed at least once

“To err is human, to

find a bug, devine.”

Robert Dunn

Trang 33

3 Determine a basis set of linearly independent paths The value of V(G)

provides the number of linearly independent paths through the program

con-trol structure In the case of procedure average, we expect to specify six


path 1: 1-2-10-11-13 path 2: 1-2-10-12-13 path 3: 1-2-3-10-11-13 path 4: 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-2- path 5: 1-2-3-4-5-6-8-9-2- path 6: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-2- The ellipsis ( .) following paths 4, 5, and 6 indicates that any path through theremainder of the control structure is acceptable It is often worthwhile to iden-tify predicate nodes as an aid in the derivation of test cases In this case, nodes

2, 3, 5, 6, and 10 are predicate nodes

4 Prepare test cases that will force execution of each path in the basis set Data should be chosen so that conditions at the predicate nodes are

appropriately set as each path is tested Test cases that satisfy the basis setjust described are

PROCEDURE average;

INTERFACE RETURNS average, total.input, total.valid;

INTERFACE ACCEPTS value, minimum, maximum;

TYPE value[1:100] IS SCALAR ARRAY;

TYPE average, total.input, total.valid;

minimum, maximum, sum IS SCALAR;


* This procedure computes the average of 100 or fewer numbers that lie between bounding values; it also computes the sum and the total number valid.

increment total.input by 1;

IF value[i] > = minimum AND value[i] < = maximum

ENDIF increment i by 1;

THEN average = sum / total.valid;

ELSE average = –999;

THEN increment total.valid by 1;

sum = s sum + value[i]

ELSE skip


3 6 4

5 7 8 9

10 11

12 13

Trang 34

Path 1 test case:

value(k) = valid input, where k < i for 2 ≤ i ≤ 100 value(i) = 999 where 2 ≤ i ≤ 100

Expected results: Correct average based on k values and proper totals.

Note: Path 1 cannot be tested stand-alone but must be tested as part of path 4, 5, and

6 tests

Path 2 test case:

value(1) = 999

Expected results: Average = 999; other totals at initial values.

Path 3 test case:

Attempt to process 101 or more values

First 100 values should be valid

Expected results: Same as test case 1.

Path 4 test case:

value(i) = valid input where i < 100 value(k) < minimum where k < i Expected results: Correct average based on k values and proper totals.




Trang 35

Path 5 test case:

value(i) = valid input where i < 100 value(k) > maximum where k <= i Expected results: Correct average based on n values and proper totals.

Path 6 test case:

value(i) = valid input where i < 100 Expected results: Correct average based on n values and proper totals.

Each test case is executed and compared to expected results Once all test cases havebeen completed, the tester can be sure that all statements in the program have beenexecuted at least once

It is important to note that some independent paths (e.g., path 1 in our example)cannot be tested in stand-alone fashion That is, the combination of data required totraverse the path cannot be achieved in the normal flow of the program In such cases,these paths are tested as part of another path test

17.4.4 Graph MatricesThe procedure for deriving the flow graph and even determining a set of basis paths

is amenable to mechanization To develop a software tool that assists in basis path

testing, a data structure, called a graph matrix, can be quite useful.

A graph matrix is a square matrix whose size (i.e., number of rows and columns)

is equal to the number of nodes on the flow graph Each row and column corresponds

to an identified node, and matrix entries correspond to connections (an edge) betweennodes A simple example of a flow graph and its corresponding graph matrix [BEI90]

To this point, the graph matrix is nothing more than a tabular representation of a

flow graph However, by adding a link weight to each matrix entry, the graph matrix

can become a powerful tool for evaluating program control structure during testing.The link weight provides additional information about control flow In its simplestform, the link weight is 1 (a connection exists) or 0 (a connection does not exist) Butlink weights can be assigned other, more interesting properties:

• The probability that a link (edge) will be executed

• The processing time expended during traversal of a link

• The memory required during traversal of a link

• The resources required during traversal of a link

Trang 36

To illustrate, we use the simplest weighting to indicate connections (0 or 1) The graphmatrix in Figure 17.6 is redrawn as shown in Figure 17.7 Each letter has been replacedwith a 1, indicating that a connection exists (zeros have been excluded for clarity).

Represented in this form, the graph matrix is called a connection matrix.

Referring to Figure 17.7, each row with two or more entries represents a predicatenode Therefore, performing the arithmetic shown to the right of the connection matrixprovides us with still another method for determining cyclomatic complexity (Sec-tion 17.4.2)

Beizer [BEI90] provides a thorough treatment of additional mathematical rithms that can be applied to graph matrices Using these techniques, the analysisrequired to design test cases can be partially or fully automated










Flow graph






Connected tonodeNode




Connected tonodeNode

F I G U R E 17.7



Trang 37

1 7 5 C O N T R O L S T R U C T U R E T E S T I N G

The basis path testing technique described in Section 17.4 is one of a number of niques for control structure testing Although basis path testing is simple and highlyeffective, it is not sufficient in itself In this section, other variations on control struc-ture testing are discussed These broaden testing coverage and improve quality ofwhite-box testing

tech-17.5.1 Condition Testing5

Condition testing is a test case design method that exercises the logical conditions

contained in a program module A simple condition is a Boolean variable or a tional expression, possibly preceded with one NOT (¬) operator A relational expres-sion takes the form

rela-E 1 <relational-operator> E 2 where E 1 and E 2are arithmetic expressions and <relational-operator> is one of thefollowing: <, ≤, =, ≠ (nonequality), >, or ≥ A compound condition is composed of two

or more simple conditions, Boolean operators, and parentheses We assume thatBoolean operators allowed in a compound condition include OR (|), AND (&) and NOT

(¬) A condition without relational expressions is referred to as a Boolean expression.

Therefore, the possible types of elements in a condition include a Boolean ator, a Boolean variable, a pair of Boolean parentheses (surrounding a simple or com-pound condition), a relational operator, or an arithmetic expression

oper-If a condition is incorrect, then at least one component of the condition is rect Therefore, types of errors in a condition include the following:

incor-• Boolean operator error (incorrect/missing/extra Boolean operators)

• Boolean variable error

• Boolean parenthesis error

• Relational operator error

• Arithmetic expression error

The condition testing method focuses on testing each condition in the program dition testing strategies (discussed later in this section) generally have two advan-tages First, measurement of test coverage of a condition is simple Second, the testcoverage of conditions in a program provides guidance for the generation of addi-tional tests for the program

Con-The purpose of condition testing is to detect not only errors in the conditions of a

program but also other errors in the program If a test set for a program P is effective

5 Section 17.5.1 and 17.5.2 have been adapted from [TAI89] with permission of Professor K C Tai.

Errors are much more

common in the

neighborhood of

logical conditions than

they are in the locus of

sequential processing


Trang 38

for detecting errors in the conditions contained in P, it is likely that this test set is also effective for detecting other errors in P In addition, if a testing strategy is effective for

detecting errors in a condition, then it is likely that this strategy will also be effectivefor detecting errors in a program

A number of condition testing strategies have been proposed Branch testing is probably the simplest condition testing strategy For a compound condition C, the true and false branches of C and every simple condition in C need to be executed at

least once [MYE79]

Domain testing [WHI80] requires three or four tests to be derived for a relational

expression For a relational expression of the form

E 1 <relational-operator> E 2 three tests are required to make the value of E 1greater than, equal to, or less

than that of E 2 [HOW82] If <relational-operator> is incorrect and E 1 and E 2arecorrect, then these three tests guarantee the detection of the relational operator

error To detect errors in E 1 and E 2 , a test that makes the value of E 1greater or

less than that of E 2should make the difference between these two values as small

as possible

For a Boolean expression with n variables, all of 2n possible tests are required (n > 0).

This strategy can detect Boolean operator, variable, and parenthesis errors, but it is

practical only if n is small.

Error-sensitive tests for Boolean expressions can also be derived [FOS84, TAI87].For a singular Boolean expression (a Boolean expression in which each Boolean

variable occurs only once) with n Boolean variables (n > 0), we can easily ate a test set with less than 2n tests such that this test set guarantees the detec-

gener-tion of multiple Boolean operator errors and is also effective for detecting othererrors

Tai [TAI89] suggests a condition testing strategy that builds on the techniques just

outlined Called BRO (branch and relational operator) testing, the technique

guaran-tees the detection of branch and relational operator errors in a condition providedthat all Boolean variables and relational operators in the condition occur only onceand have no common variables

The BRO strategy uses condition constraints for a condition C A condition straint for C with n simple conditions is defined as (D 1 , D 2 , , D n ), where D i (0 < i ≤ n)

is a symbol specifying a constraint on the outcome of the ith simple condition in dition C A condition constraint D for condition C is said to be covered by an execu- tion of C if, during this execution of C, the outcome of each simple condition in C satisfies the corresponding constraint in D.

con-For a Boolean variable, B, we specify a constraint on the outcome of B that states that B must be either true (t) or false (f) Similarly, for a relational expression, the sym-

bols >, =, < are used to specify constraints on the outcome of the expression

Even if you decide

against condition

testing, you should

spend time evaluating

Trang 39

As an example, consider the condition

C 1 : B 1 & B 2 where B 1 and B 2 are Boolean variables The condition constraint for C 1is of the form

(D 1 , D 2 ), where each of D 1 and D 2is t or f The value (t, f) is a condition constraint

for C 1 and is covered by the test that makes the value of B 1to be true and the value

of B 2to be false The BRO testing strategy requires that the constraint set {(t, t), (f, t),

(t, f)} be covered by the executions of C 1 If C 1is incorrect due to one or more Boolean

operator errors, at least one of the constraint set will force C 1to fail

As a second example, a condition of the form

C 2 : B 1 & (E 3 = E 4)

where B 1 is a Boolean expression and E 3 and E 4are arithmetic expressions A

con-dition constraint for C 2 is of the form (D 1 , D 2 ), where each of D 1 is t or f and D 2is

>, =, < Since C 2 is the same as C 1 except that the second simple condition in C 2is a

relational expression, we can construct a constraint set for C 2by modifying the

con-straint set {(t, t), (f, t), (t, f)} defined for C 1 Note that t for (E 3 = E 4) implies = and that

f for (E 3 = E 4) implies either < or > By replacing (t, t) and (f, t) with (t, =) and (f, =),respectively, and by replacing (t, f) with (t, <) and (t, >), the resulting constraint set

for C 2is {(t, =), (f, =), (t, <), (t, >)} Coverage of the preceding constraint set will

guar-antee detection of Boolean and relational operator errors in C 2

As a third example, we consider a condition of the form

C 3 : (E 1 > E 2 ) & (E 3 = E 4)

where E 1 , E 2 , E 3, and E 4 are arithmetic expressions A condition constraint for C 3is

of the form (D 1 , D 2 ), where each of D 1 and D 2 is >, =, < Since C 3 is the same as C 2 except that the first simple condition in C 3is a relational expression, we can con-

struct a constraint set for C 3 by modifying the constraint set for C 2, obtaining{(>, =), (=, =), (<, =), (>, >), (>, <)}

Coverage of this constraint set will guarantee detection of relational operator errors

in C3.

17.5.2 Data Flow Testing

The data flow testing method selects test paths of a program according to the

loca-tions of definiloca-tions and uses of variables in the program A number of data flow ing strategies have been studied and compared (e.g., [FRA88], [NTA88], [FRA93])

test-To illustrate the data flow testing approach, assume that each statement in aprogram is assigned a unique statement number and that each function does not

modify its parameters or global variables For a statement with S as its statement


Trang 40

DEF(S) = {X | statement S contains a definition of X}

USE(S) = {X | statement S contains a use of X}

If statement S is an if or loop statement, its DEF set is empty and its USE set is based

on the condition of statement S The definition of variable X at statement S is said to

be live at statement S' if there exists a path from statement S to statement S' that tains no other definition of X.

con-A definition-use (DU) chain of variable X is of the form [X, S, S'], where S and S' are statement numbers, X is in DEF(S) and USE(S'), and the definition of X in statement

S is live at statement S'.

One simple data flow testing strategy is to require that every DU chain be covered

at least once We refer to this strategy as the DU testing strategy It has been shown

that DU testing does not guarantee the coverage of all branches of a program ever, a branch is not guaranteed to be covered by DU testing only in rare situations

How-such as if-then-else constructs in which the then part has no definition of any able and the else part does not exist In this situation, the else branch of the if state-

vari-ment is not necessarily covered by DU testing

Data flow testing strategies are useful for selecting test paths of a program

con-taining nested if and loop statements To illustrate this, consider the application of

DU testing to select test paths for the PDL that follows:

proc xB1;

do while C1

if C2then

if C4 then B4;

else B5;



if C3 then B2;

PDL Assume that variable X is defined in the last statement of blocks B1, B2, B3, B4,

and B5 and is used in the first statement of blocks B2, B3, B4, B5, and B6 The DU

testing strategy requires an execution of the shortest path from each of B i , 0 < i ≤ 5,

It is unrealistic to

assume that data flow

testing will be used

extensively when

testing a large system.

However, it can be

used in a targeted

fashion for areas of

the software that are


Ngày đăng: 13/08/2014, 08:21



