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Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery Episode 4 ppt

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Membrane technology 57 hand, the trend is linear for constant flux operation. The trend in the residual membrane permeability, that is the permeability of the “permanently fouled” membrane as reflected in the trend in the minima for the backflush cycles in Fig. 2.22, also tends to be exponential or pseudo-exponential. Whether constant flux or constant pressure operation, the mean energy consumption relates to the mean membrane permeability over a cleaning cycle. Electrodialysis In electrodialysis the total power consumption is the product of the voltage and the current. Since the voltage relates directly to the current by the resistance according to Ohm’s law, the specific energy demand is critically dependent upon the current and electrical resistance. The applied current i is directly proportional to the total equivalent quantity of counter-ions or co-ions extracted: (2.25) where Q is the flow through the stack, F is the Faraday constant, AC is the change in the diluate concentration in eq m-3 from inlet to outlet, N is the number of cell pairs (the number of desalinating or concentrating cells in the stack) and 6 is the current efficiency (normally 85-95%). The energy demand is then given by: E = i2R/OQ (2.26) where R is the overall electrical resistance in ohms, and relates to the cell pair resistance RCP: R = RcpN (2.27) If scaling can be overcome and the path length can be extended by staging the principal constraint placed on the recovery 0 in Equation (2.26) is from electrodialysis reversal (see below). Because there is no osmotic pressure limitation in electrodialysis, and because the concentrate and diluate streams can be completely segregated, further efficiencies are obtained by recycling of the concentrate stream, which then decreases both the concentrate waste volume and the electrical resistance across the stack. For large-scale systems, recoveries in excess of 80% are normal. The cell pair electrical resistance is given by: (2.28) where the subscripts conc and dil refer to the concentrate and diluate compartments and CEM and AEM refer to the cation and anion exchanging membranes. The concentrate resistance is normally no more than 20% of the 58 Menibranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-use diluate resistance and the resistance of the ion exchange membranes, although determined to some extent by the salt concentration, is normally low - between 2 and 10 f2 cm2 for most commercial ion exchange membranes in 0.5 eq mP3 NaCl (Strathmann, 1984). It therefore follows that the main contribution to the electrical resistance is from the diluate cell. The specific energy demand is increased, by 5-lo%, by electrodialysis reversal (EDR) operation. In this operational mode, which is very common in ED applications, the current is periodically reversed such that the concentrated stream becomes the diluate stream and vice versa. This adds to process complexity and reduces recovery but also virtually eliminates problems with scaling, since reversing the polarity of the electrodes produces a concomitant pH shift that suppresses the build-up of scale during the high-pH cathode electrode compartment. Ancillary mass transfer promotion Mass transfer can be promoted simply through changing the spacer material. Membrane spacers for ED technologies are either sheet flow, which promote plug flow of the water throughout the width of the channel, or tortuous path, which provide an extended path length and thus a greater linear flow velocity for the same volumetric throughput (Fig. 2.24). Tortuous path spacers yield higher Reynolds numbers but at the expense of a higher pressure drop across the stack. Most commercial ED systems are now based on sheet flow spacers. Certain technologies use additional devices to promote mass transfer. Examples include the mechanically enhanced, high-shear processes (Section 2.1.4) which employ motors to increase the shear at or near the membrane surface. The additional energy consumption of such devices relates directly the shear applied, and a key part of the design of such devices is optimisation so as to impart the maximum shear for the minimum energy expenditure. As already stated (Section 2.1.4), coarse bubble aeration may also be employed to enhance mass transfer and in immersed membrane processes, such as the submerged membrane bioreactor (Stephenson et al., 2000). In such cases it represents a significant, sometimes the most significant, contribution to the overall energy demand and is dependent on the air flow rate, the nozzle diameter and the submersion depth. Other turbulence promotion devices, such as pulsed and vortex flow (Section 2.1.4) have yet to be commercialised. (a) (b) Figure 2.24 Electrodialysis spacers: (a) sheetflow (Eurodia) and (b) tortuouspath (Ionics) Membrane technolog3 59 2.4.3 Fouling and pretreatment Pretreatment is required to suppress fouling and/or clogging of membranes, or else to remove chemically aggressive constituents such as chlorine. Clogging of membrane channels by solid matter can, to some extent, be controlled hydrodynamically, for a cross-flow process, or by the appropriate backflush regime for a dead-end process. It is only for certain filtration processes and/or specific duties, such as filtration of municipal or laundry wastewater, that pretreatment to remove gross solids may be critical. In these examples it is the filamentous matter that causes a problem, as it can form large aggregates which can become tangled with hollow fibres or otherwise clog the membrane channels and, for an immersed system, the aerators. Submerged membrane bioreactors for sewage treatment thus routinely employ fine screens and/or microstrainers to remove these materials. Pretreatment of membrane filtration feedwaters can be analogous to that employed for depth filtration. An example is the use of coagulants to assist in the removal of natural organic matter (NOM) from upland surface waters. Precoagulation increases overall NOM removal, thereby reducing the propensity to form trihalomethanes, as well as producing a more permeable and less adherent filter cake (Judd and Hillis, 2001). The requirement for pretreatment is determined by the feedwater concentration of: 0 0 0 microorganisms and nutrients. suspended solids, and colloidal matter in particular, scalants (sparingly soluble dissolved salts), and The physical manifestation of these are briefly described in Table 2.13. Appropriate pretreatment technology can normally only be identified through pilot plant trials or through reference to appropriate case studies. However, in Table 2.13 Physical manifestation of foulants Foulant Symptoms Silt/carbon fines Element may be stained with brown or black material at the inlet and exhibit low permeate flow. Higher flow and very poor rejection may occur in later stages due to irreparable damage to the membrane by abrasive particles. Usually on tap water or brackish water elements only. The element may be noticeably heavier than normal, and will exhibit low permeate flow and poor salt rejection. Rust colouring. possibly originating from iron pipework, at inlet ofelement. Element will exhibit low permeate flow and poor salt rejection. Element may have strong odour, possible mould growth and will exhibit low permeate flow whilst maintaining a high salt rejection, which can increase with decreasing flux. Carbonate scale, suspended silica Iron fouling Biological growth 60 Membranesfor Industrial Wastewater RecoverM and Re-use the case of pressure-driven dense membrane processes (reverse osmosis and nanofiltration), pretreatment is both critical and to some extent predictable from the feedwater quality - specifically from derived indices pertaining to colloidal particles and calcium carbonate scalant. Proscriptive methods for measuring fouling propensity are available (ASTM D4189, D3 739, D4582, D4692, D4993), and in the following sections pretreatment requirements for reverse osmosis are discussed. A discussion of cleaning methods for fouled membranes follows in Section 2.4.4. Suspended solids Suspended solids in the feed can accumulate at the membrane surface to an extent dependent upon the degree of turbulence provided by the cross-flow. Gross suspended solids are readily removed by pre-filtration using cartridge filters (Section 2.1.4) which may or may not be preceded by depth (e.g. sand) filtration. Colloidal matter, derived from aluminium silicate (clays), iron colloids, organic materials, etc., is less readily removed. Colloids introduce problems in membrane processes only when coagulation of the suspended colloidal particles takes place in the membrane. Pretreatment is thus designed either to remove the colloidal particles or else stabilise them to prevent their coagulation during permeation. The fouling nature of a water is best determined by the Fouling Index or Silt Density Index (SDI), which measure the rate at which a membrane’s pores plug. Standard test kits are available for determining SDI values. The test, a standard empirical test described in the reference literature (ASTM D4189), involves passing water at constant pressure (typically 2 bar) through a standard 0.45 pm- rated filter. The time ti taken to collect a given volume of water, typically 100 ml, from the clean filter is measured. Filtration is continued for a pre-set time (tt), usually 15 minutes, and the time (tf) taken to collect a second sample of the same volume is measured. The SDI is then given by: (2.29) loop - ti/tf) SDI = tt Suppliers of spiral wound RO and NJ? modules will normally specify an SDI value below 5. Waters of higher SDI values must be pretreated either chemically to stabilise the colloid, normally by addition of chemicals although occasionally softening can be used to stabilise the colloid by removing colloid-destabilising divalent species, or by some solid-liquid separation process to remove suspended material. Softening is unlikely to be economically viable on this basis alone, but in reducing the divalent ion level the scaling propensity of the water is also reduced which then allows operation at a higher conversion. Physical separation may demand pre-coagulation to increase the particle size and ensure retention of the suspended solids by the filter. For some applications where the feedwater contains natural organic matter the RO process may be preceded by fine microfiltration or even ultrafiltration. Membrane technologg 61 Scalants and scaling indices Scalants are low-solubility salts whose precipitation onto the membrane is promoted by the conversion of water into permeate and further encouraged in pressure-driven dense membrane processes both by concentration polarisation and the pH shift produced by carbon dioxide permeation. The scale formed can reduce the membrane permeability and permselectivity. As with colloidal and particulate fouling, scaling is also a problem in membrane filtration processes. Any water containing calcium carbonate close to or beyond its thermodynamic saturation limit, as is the case for many dairy and pharmaceutical effluents, can produce calcite (the most common crystal form of calcium carbonate) at the membrane surface. Scale formation propensity is usually apparent from chemical thermodynamics, and specifically the solubility product K, (Table 2.14), although it can never be unequivocally predicted. The solubility product represents the maximum value of the product of the molar concentrations of the two component ions of the salt. If the solubility is exceeded then the salt will precipitate. The general rule of thumb to avoid precipitation is that the ionic product should not exceed 80% of the solubility product. The appropriate constants for thermodynamic equilibria appropriate to some of the more common scalants, such as salts of the divalent alkaline earth elements of magnesium, calcium and barium, are normally included in CAD packages for designing RO arrays (Section 4.1). The thermodynamic relationships include, in the case of calcium carbonate formation, data pertaining to hydrolysis. The significance of this is outlined below. Calcium carbonate is very insoluble in water and readily precipitates to form a scale on pipework, heat transfer surfaces and membranes. The equilibrium constant for the dissolution reaction is represented by: K, = [ca2+][co:-] and so: (2.30) (2.31) When carbon dioxide dissolves in water it forms carbonic acid, which dissociates producing acid and bicarbonate ions thus: C02(dissolved) + H20IH+ + HCO, (2.32) This is the origin of the pH shift in reverse osmosis. Because the membrane allows free passage of carbon dioxide, the C02/HC03- ratio in the permeate is high and that of the retentate low. Since, according to Equation (2.32), the acid (i.e. H+) concentration relates directly to the C02/HC03- ratio, the retentate pH is correspondingly high whilst that of the permeate is low. Bicarbonate ions further dissociate to carbonate: (2.33) 62 Membranes for lndustrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-use Table 2.14 Solubility products for some common scalants at 20°C ~ Salt Formula Solubility product, K, Aluminium hydroxide Barium sulphate Calcium carbonate Calcium fluoride Calcium hydrogen phosphate Calcium hydroxide Calcium sulphate Cadmium sulphide Cobalt sulphide Chromium hydroxide Copper sulphide Dolomite Ferrous hydroxide Ferric hydroxide Ferrous sulphide Lead sulphide Manganese hydroxide Manganese sulphide Magnesium ammonia phosphate Magnesium carbonate Magnesium hydroxide Mercuric bromide Mercuric chloride Mercuric sulphide Nickel hydroxide Nickel sulphide Silver chloride Silver sulphide Zinc hydroxide Zinc sulphide 8.5 x 10-23 4.8 x 10-9 2.0 x 10-7 2.3 x 10-4 9.2 x lo-" 3.2 x lo-'' 8 x 1.4 x 3.0 x 2.9 x 6.8 x 10-l8 4.8 x lo-'' 1.0 x 10-44 3.8 x 10-38 4.0 x 10-19 5.0 x 10-29 4.0 x 10-14 1.4 x 10-15 2.2 x 10-13 1.0 x 10-5 5.2 x 10-23 1.0 x 10-45 3.4 x 10-1' 3.5 x 10-1* 8.7 x lo-" 7.7 x l0-l3 1.5 x 10-1" 1.6 x 10-49 1.0 x 10-17 1.0 x 10-23 for which the equilibrium constant is: Kl = [H+][COi-]/[HCO,] and so: [COf-] = K2[HC0,]/[Ht] Equations (2.31) and (2.35) can be combined to give: [H'] = K2 [Ca2+] [HCO:]/K, Thus: pH, = (pK2 - pK,) + pCa + pAlk (2.34) (2.35) (2.36) (2.37) Membrane technology 63 where Alk represents the molar bicarbonate concentration or alkalinity. In this equation the term pHs represents the pH at which the water is in equilibrium with calcium carbonate, and is thus sometimes referred to as the saturation pH. The value of (pK2 - pK,) is dependent on temperature and ionic strength. The Langelier Saturation Index is defined as: LSI = pH - pHs (2.38) where pH is the actual measured pH of the water and pH, is the calculated value. The LSI effectively measures the degree to which the water is either supersaturated or undersaturated with calcium carbonate, and thus its propensity for forming scale (ASTM D3 739). A negative LSI indicates a corrosive water that will dissolve calcium carbonate scale and a positive LSI indicates a scale-forming one. The LSI is widely used and there are several nomograms available for rapid calculation (Fig. 2.2 5). Whilst the LSI is a good predictor of scaling it is a bit unreliable in the range -1 to +1 and gives no indication of the relative scaling potential. The Ryznar Stability Index gives more quantifiable results and is defined as follows: Example rTDS constant, C pCa =2 10 Ca -concentration, calculated as Ca CO, Figure 2.25 Langelier Scaling Index nomogram 64 Membranesfor lndustrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-use RSI = 2pHs - pH (2.39) An RSI of 7 indicates a water more or less at equilibrium. As the value falls the water becomes more scaling and as it rises the water becomes more corrosive. The Langelier and Ryznar saturation indices can be used to predict scaling in most waters but they become unreliable when the total dissolved solids content approaches 5000 mg IF1. Above this level the Stiff and Davis index (ASTM D4582) or a similar method must be adopted. Not all scale-forming compounds have a pH-dependent deposition. Some scalants have simple chemistry, analogous to that given in Equation (2.30): Mzf + YZ-AMY or Mz+ + ZY-AMYz (2.41) (2.40) Scalants having the chemistry represented by Equation (2.39) are mainly the sulphates of magnesium, barium and strontium (ASTM D4692). The simplest means of preventing scale formation in RO systems is to operate at a conversion sufficiently low that the reject stream is not so concentrated that solubility problems are encountered. This, of course, has economic implications for the operation of the plant that may be unacceptable, and in such cases some form of scale prevention must be used. Where calcium carbonate or some other hydrolysable scalant is the main problem, i.e. those salts containing hydroxide (OH-) and carbonate (C032-) which therefore have associated pH-dependent solubility due to hydrolysis reactions (i.e. reaction with acid, H+) of these anions, it is often possible to adjust the LSI by acid dosing. This converts bicarbonate into carbon dioxide which can be removed by degassing of either the feed or the permeate. Depending on whether hydrochloric or sulphuric acid is used there will be an increase in sulphate or chloride concentration. Increasing the sulphate may give rise to calcium sulphate precipitation. Scale-inhibiting chemicals can be used to delay precipitation of some salts by interfering with the crystallization process forming microcrystals which do not cause fouling and which will not show significant agglomeration at least until the concentrate stream has left the RO unit. Most of the commercially available chemicals work well on calcium carbonate, provided that the LSI in the concentrate stream is less than +2, but less well on other salts. The most established scale inhibitors are termed “glassy polyphosphates”, typically sodium hexametaphosphate (Calgon@). These work by absorbing into the nanoscopic protonuclei forming during the incipient stages of precipitation and destabilising the subsequent crystal nuclei. They are not the most effective chemicals for the application and revert quite quickly in solution to orthophosphate, producing calcium phosphate sludge which can cause blocking of separators and small bore pipes. Since the development of Calgon, more Membrane technology 65 effective threshold chemicals, including phosphonates. have become available. Polycarboxylic acids, such as polyacrylates and polymalonates, operate by blocking crystal growth sites preventing the growth of nuclei into crystals whiIst chelating chemicals react with potentially insoluble cations like calcium to form a soluble complex. Dosage rates are typically of the order of 5-10 mg 1-1 and, whilst some indication of the efficacy of these reagents may arise from the scale inhibition mechanism, it is generally the case that only pilot trials yield reliable information as to their suitability for a particular duty. Where scale-inhibiting chemicals are unable to cope with the concentrations involved, and where chemical dosing is to be avoided for some reason, then pretreatment of the water is necessary to remove the scale-forming salts. This may be by sodium cycle ion exchange softening, ion exchange dealkalisation, lime or lime-soda softening or even a nanofiltration process if divalent ions are to be selectively removed. Some scalants are particularly recalcitrant. Dissolved (or “active”) silica, evaluated using ASTM D4993, is not readily removed by pretreatment and there are proprietary reagents that have been developed specifically to inhibit its precipitation. However, modern RO membranes are reasonably tolerant, and raw environmental waters rarely require more than filtration and dosing as pretreatment for membrane permeation. Mircroorganisms and nutrients Bacteria are ubiquitous and thrive in the high surface area environment of a reverse osmosis membrane element, where they form biofilms. They are naturally transported towards the membrane surface under the force of the permeate flow, and are supplied with nutrients both from the feedwater and, under some circumstances, the pretreatment chemicals. Reports of the latter, as discussed by Flemming (1992), include flocculants (Graham et al., 1989), phosphorus-containing scale inhibition chemicals (Ahmed and Alansari, 1989), sodium thiosulphate, as used for quenching chlorine (Winters and Isquith, 1979), and even chlorine itself, which was found to degrade organic matter sufficiently for it to become biologically assimilable (Applegate et al., 1986). Although they can form substantial biofilm layers in potable and wastewater applications, bacteria require only an extremely low nutrient load to survive in biofilms and can exist even in ultrapure water systems, where their management becomes particularly vexing, Biofilm formation is thus unavoidable in most membrane operations, and it is likely that all membrane fouling is associated with biofilm formation, although the biofilm itself is not necessarily onerous. Biofilm formation results from the rapid formation of an organic film, normally within the first few minutes of operation, followed by microbial adhesion and further entrapment of dissolved and suspended solid matter which co-deposits with the microorganisms. The conditioning film can be existing organic matter from the feedwater, such as NOM, or microbial products, namely extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The rate of microbial deposition and the overall biofilm thickness depend on hydrodynamics, with biofilm thickness apparently decreasing with increasing turbulence (Ridgeway, 1988). Other key factors 66 Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-use include the membrane material and feedwater bacterial and nutrient concentration (Characklis and Marshall, 1 990). The principle effect of biofilm formation on membrane process performance is to reduce membrane permeability. In the case of cellulosic membranes the bacteria may ingest the membrane itself, causing irreversible degradation and significant loss of salt rejection. Since the elimination of biofouling is only possible through complete removal of microorganisms, the only convenient effective pretreatment is dosing with a liquid biocide. However, the most effective of these (chlorine and its compounds) are oxidative and will degrade most reverse osmosis membranes, the principal exception to this being cellulosic materials. UV irradiation, and even pre-sterilisation, are of limited efficacy since they generally are unable to completely prevent biofilm formation and cannot act directly upon the biofilm once it has formed. The main emphasis, therefore, is on control of the biofilm (where possible), and on its periodic removal through an appropriate cleaning protocol. Organic matter There are essentially three key categories of organic foulants: 0 proteins, 0 carbohydrates, and 0 fats, oils and grease (FOG). As with biological matter, pretreatment to remove organic matter is rarely feasible, and it is more usual to adopt an appropriate backflush and, in particular, cleaning strategy so as to ameliorate the worst effects of organic fouling. Proteins and carbohydrates form a part of the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), as well as natural organic matter (NOM). Proteins may be colloidal or dissolved, and are least soluble at their isoelectric point, which tends to arise at pH values of 4-5. Their removal is therefore most effective at extremes of pH. Carbohydrates include starches, polysaccharides, and fibrous and pectin materials. Fouling by these materials is very sensitive to flux, and their removal sensitive to the precise cleaning protocol adopted. FOG forms part of the suspended matter, and is particularly problematic since these substances generally have a high affinity for the more hydrophobic membranes, and polysulphone in particular, and are not readily removed by normal backflushing and cleaning methods. Their effective removal is normally only achievable at high temperatures and/or by the use of organic solvents. Organic solvents are only an option for ceramic or highly inert polymeric membranes (Section 2.1.3). A summary of foulant impacts and pretreatment options for reverse osmosis are listed in Table 2.1 5. 2.4.4 Backflushing and cleaning An essential distinction must be made between the intermittent backflush cycle, in which the fouled membrane is physically cleaned by flowing the product [...]... reverse osmosis ASTMD4189, Standard test method for Silt Density Index (SDI)ofwater ASTM D4582 Standard practice for calculation and adjustment of the Stiff and Davis stability index for reverse osmosis Membrane technology 71 ASTM D4692, Standard practice for calculation and adjustment of sulfate scaling salts (CaS 04. SrS 04 and BaS 04 )for reverse osmosis ASTM D4993, Standard practice for calculation and... 6.9-9.0 500 100 50 40 -350 0.07-350 7-10 200-700 0.5-10 880- 140 43 00-5800 7.5-8.6 19 000- 24 000 1-50 1-100 100 -40 0 90-150 6.6-7.5 40 0-950 1- 14 0.5-3 25 75 1-50 1-5 1 4 0.1 0.1 24 500 0.5 0.5 50 200 0.01-5 48 -1 70 Variable 0.05-1 0.01-0.3 0.7-30 Variable 1-30 5-100 0.1-5 0.1-5 0.008-0.65 110-160 13 000-18 000 0.001-0.009 . SrS 04 and BaS 04) for reverse osmosis. ASTM D4993, Standard practice for calculation and adjustment of silica scaling for reverse osmosis. Belfort, G., Davis, R.H. and Zydney, A.L. (19 94) 10-23 4. 8 x 10-9 2.0 x 10-7 2.3 x 10 -4 9.2 x lo-" 3.2 x lo-'' 8 x 1 .4 x 3.0 x 2.9 x 6.8 x 10-l8 4. 8 x lo-'' 1.0 x 10 -44 3.8 x 10-38 4. 0. Section 2 .4. 2. The loss of product water arises because of its use for both backflushing and cleaning, and can be significant. For example, a 20 s backflush 68 Membranesfor Industrial Wastewater

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