Many motile shore animals on both hard and soft shores have evolved behavioral strategies that enable them to both evade extreme environmental conditions and to undertake feeding migrati
4.1 Introduction 238
4.2 Ecological Niches on the Shore 238
4.2.1 Introduction 238
4.2.2 The Environment 238
4.2.3 Environmental Stress 239 Desiccation 239 Thermal Tolerance 243
4.2.4 Ecological Niches 244 Introduction 244 The “Envirogram” Concept 245 Weather 247 Resources 249 Other Organisms 249 Disturbance and Patchiness 251 The Importance of Recruitment 251
4.3 The Establishment of Zonation Patterns 251
4.3.1 Reproduction 251 Developmental Types in Marine Benthic Invertebrates 251 Development Types in Marine Algae 252 Reproductive Strategies 252 A Model of Nonpelagic Development Co-adaptive with Iteroparity 254
4.3.2 Settlement and Recruitment 255 Introduction 255 Distinction Between Settlement and Recruitment 256
4.3.3 Settlement 256 Introduction 256 Settlement Inducers 257 Settlement on Rock Surfaces and Algae 258 Avoidance of Crowding 259 Settlement on Particulate Substrates 260 Variation in Settlement 261
4.3.4 Recruitment 261 Introduction 261 Components of Recruitment 261
4.4 The Maintenance of Zonation Patterns 263
4.4.1 Introduction 263
4.4.2 Elements of Behavior in Littoral Marine Invertebrates 263
4.4.3 Behavior Patterns in Representative Species 265 Movement Patterns and Orientation Mechanisms in Intertidal Chitons and Gastropods 265 Interaction Between the Siphonarian Limpet Siphonaria Theristes and Its Food Plant Iridacea Corriucopiae 265 Maintenance of Shore-Level Size Gradients 266 Behavior Patterns in Sandy Beach Invertebrates 267 0008_frame_C04 Page 237 Monday, November 13, 2000 9:53 AM
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4.4.4 Clock-Controlled Behavior in Intertidal Animals 271 Introduction 271 Behavior Rhythms, Tidal Oscillations, and Lunar Cycles 273 Locomotor Rhythms and Maintenance of Zonation 273
In previous chapters, it was shown that the plants and animals on the shore occupy distinct zones or habitats in which they can survive and obtain the resources they require for growth and reproduction They thus occupy a specific ecological niche The ecological niche concept will be explored in the succeeding section While a limited number of animal species exhibit direct development in which the juveniles hatch directly from the egg, other species have pelagic larvae that need to settle at an appro-priate level on the shore in order to maintain viable pop-ulations For sessile species, the choice of a settlement site is irreversible Hence, such species have evolved behaviors that will ensure that they will settle at the right level on the shore Other species such as mussels and limpets settle low on the shore and subsequently migrate
to occupy the zone in which the adults are found Most algae reproduce by forming microscopic life cycle stages that are released into the water column and later settle on rocky substrates If they settle at the appropriate level, they will grow to give rise to the adult plant
Many motile shore animals on both hard and soft shores have evolved behavioral strategies that enable them
to both evade extreme environmental conditions and to undertake feeding migrations in order to utilize available food resources These behavioral strategies will be dis-cussed in detail later in this chapter
It is obvious from the preceding chapters that plants and animals on the shore are not randomly distributed, but occupy distinct vertical zones, and are often restricted to microhabitats within these zones Basic to an understand-ing of shore ecology is a knowledge of the ways in which organisms are adapted to the environmental conditions they are subjected to, and the particular functional role or
which they are an integral part Here we will consider the twin concepts of “environment” and “ecological niche” in some detail
The history of the niche concept is well known and documented (see reviews by Whittaker and Levin, 1977;
Diamond and Case, 1986) More recently, Price (1980) has reviewed niche and community concepts in the inshore
benthos with particular reference to macroalgae The niche concept includes the ideas of ecopotential, fundamental niche, and realized niche Ecopotential can be considered
as the unexpressed individual, breeding group, or local population potentiality to occupy a particular role in a community The fundamental niche is the unconstrained expression of that ecopotential in the presence of only those limitations that derive from interactions between the ambient physical environment and the population of the species under consideration The realized niche is the totally constrained living relationships of the population
of a species within its delimited community
The term “environment” is not an easy one to define since organisms, populations, and communities form interacting systems within their environments For the individual organisms, substrate, physical and chemical conditions, its disease organisms, parasites, symbionts and commensals, its associated organisms, competitors and predators, its food resources and other phenomena, all form part of its environment The environment of a population is more difficult to define, since the individuals within a population
do not all respond in the same way to a particular environ-mental factor However, it is useful to consider the envi-ronment of a population as the sum of all those phenomena
to which the population as a whole and its individuals respond Communities, on the other hand, modify and con-trol the physical and chemical conditions and resources of the areas in which they are found to such an extent that separate consideration of the environment and community
is of little value It is best to view the community and the sum total of the environmental conditions of an area in which it is found as the components of an ecosystem.
It is useful to break down the environment of an organ-ism into its component factors, all of which must remain within tolerable limits if the organism is to survive Any one of these factors may become limiting in the sense that,
if it exceeds the tolerable limits for the individual, it will die, although the other factors remain suitable We will consider this concept of limiting factors in some detail later In addition to limiting environmental factors we also need to consider regulatory factors that control the size of the population, e.g., disease, competition, or predation may prevent the population from expanding, but it does not threaten its continuous existence
The environment, then, is a term used to describe in
an unspecific way, the sum total of all the factors of an
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area that influence the lives of the individuals present
There have been numerous attempts to classify the
impor-tant environmental variables, ranging from very general
ones (e.g., biotic vs abiotic), to habitat-specific schemes
(e.g., for a rocky shore mussel community, these include
tidal emersion and immersion, wave action, water
move-ment, water and air temperatures, salinity, substrate,
aspect, etc.) However, a better classification reflecting
causal relationships is needed Perhaps the most useful
one is that of Andrewartha and Birch (1954), who
sepa-rated the environment into four major divisions: weather,
food, organism of the same and different kinds, and a place
to live A modified subdivision of these categories as they
apply to the shore is given in Table 4.1
4.2.3 E NVIRONMENTAL S TRESS Desiccation
There is a considerable body of literature on the responses
of intertidal communities and individual species to
gradi-ents of emersion/submersion (tidal height) and wave
expo-sure Nevertheless, many of the conclusions reached on
the effects of emersion during low tide do not provide
completely satisfactory explanations for littoral zonation,
species distributions, and abundance patterns (Chapman,
1973; Underwood, 1978a,b; 1985; Underwood and
Den-ley, 1984)
During periods of emersion (exposure to air), tion (water loss and temperature stress) may affect the
desicca-photosynthetic capacities of plants (Schonbeck and
Norton, 1979; Dring and Brown, 1982; Smith and Berry,1986), the nutritional performance of algae (Schonbeckand Norton, 1979), and the ability of animals to grow andcarry out the normal functions of feeding and reproduction.The amount of water lost by algae depends on theduration of exposure to air, the atmospheric conditions(solar insolation, temperature, cloud cover, humidity, etc.),and the surface-to-volume evaporation ratio of the plant(Dromgoole, 1980) While a brief exposure of an algawould have little impact, prolonged exposure could besevere The higher up the shore that a species grows, thelonger it is exposed to desiccation effects However, des-iccation can be minimized by growing in favorable habi-tats, e.g., under overhangs, in shade, in rock pools, orbeneath the canopy of larger algae Some algae (e.g.,fucoids) tolerate desiccation rather than having the ability
to avoid stress (i.e., by maintaining a high water potential).Moreover some algae have the ability to harden to droughtconditions (Schonbeck and Norton, 1979)
Emersion from the marine environment exposes roalgae to increased osmotic stress because of tissue waterloss (desiccation), increased irradiances, and elevated thal-lus temperatures as tissues dry Desiccation stress reducesphotosynthetic capacity (Dring and Brown, 1982), as well
mac-as altering respiration rates Incremac-ased thallus temperaturesare typically associated with emersion stress increases,photosynthesis, and dark respiration rates with a Q10 of
ca 2.0 Photosynthetic rates reach temperates above whichthey rapidly decline
Many experiments have tested the recovery of algaefrom emersion, usually by measuring the rates of photo-synthesis or respiration (see review of Gesner andSchramm, 1971) Some representative results shown in
Figure 4.1 illustrate the recovery of Fucus vesciculosus
(mid-intertidal) and Pelvetia canaliculata (high intertidal).The latter, as expected, was able to withstand longer peri-ods of desiccation If relative humidity is experimentallymaintained at a level high enough to prevent desiccation,the photosynthetic rate may be maintained for long peri-ods, as found in Fucus serratus by Dring and Brown(1982) These authors assessed three hypotheses thatmight explain the effects of desiccation on intertidal plantsand zonation: (1) species from the upper shore are able tomaintain active photosynthesis at lower tissue water con-tent than are species lower on the shore (this was refuted
by the experimental data); (2) the rate of recovery ofphotosynthesis after a period of emersion is more rapid inspecies on the upper shore (this was also refuted by theavailable data); and (3) the recovery of photosynthesisafter a period of emersion is more complete in speciesfrom the upper shore (this hypothesis was supported byDring and Brown’s data)
Beach and Smith (1997) have studied the ogy of the Hawaiian high-tidal, turf-forming red alga, Ahn- feltiopsis concinna They found that the capacity to recover
ecophysiol-TABLE 4.1 Classification of Environmental Factors
A Weather
1 Immersion
2 Emersion and water loss
3 Temperature — heat and cold
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photosynthetic activity from emersion stresses varied
between algae from microsites separated by <10 cm Algae
from canopy microsites that were regularly exposed to a
greater range of irradiance, temperature, and osmotic stress
than algae from understory microsites had greater capacity
to recover from these stresses alone or in combination
compared to tissues from understory microsites Net
pho-tosynthesis was enhanced by 20% water loss or exposure
to 2,150 MosM kg–1 media compared to values for algae
that were in a fully immersed state The temperature
optima for net photosynthesis was 33°C, while the upper
performance threshold was 40°C Highly responsive stress
acclimation capacity, coupled with microclimate benefits
of a turf form, substantially contribute to the ecologicalsuccess of A concinna as an ecological dominant at hightidal elevations in the Hawaiian archipelago
The situation concerning the consequences of algaedrying out is further complicated in that there is evidence
it may be accompanied by an increase in the rate ofexudation of organic matter (Siebruth, 1960) The amount
of carbon released in 10 minutes by Fucus vesciculosus
after resubmergence increased in relation to the duration
of exposure (and hence the amount of water lost) Algaefrom higher on the shore lost more water and releasedless carbon
Unless rocky-shore animals have special mechanisms
to combat water loss, they lose water to the air If this occursfor extended periods, they eventually die from desiccation.Death of animals on the shore due to desiccation may
be due to disturbances in the metabolism resulting from
an increasing concentration of the internal body fluids ormore usually from asphyxia For those organisms thatrespire by means of gills, a constant water film must bemaintained over the respiratory surfaces
In addition to water loss by evaporation, animals alsolose water by excretion Most marine animals excreteammonia as their principal nitrogenous waste product, but
it is highly toxic, requiring a very dilute urine and thepassage out of the body of a large volume of water Somelittoral species of gastropods have been able to reducetheir excretory water loss by excreting appreciableamounts of uric acid, which is a soluble and less toxicproduct requiring less water for its excretion In Britishgastropods, those living highest on the shore have thegreatest uric acid concentration in their nephridia.Desiccation stress, of course, varies with position onthe shore in relation to the amount of exposure to air over
a tidal cycle, as well as to the periods of continuous sion Animals on hard shores are much more vulnerable todrying out than those on soft shores, and for the latter theproblem is more acute on sandy than on muddy shores.Mudflats rarely dry out, but the upper regions of sandybeaches can become quite dry However, on sandy beaches,the inhabitants avoid desiccation by burrowing On muddyshores, surface dwellers such as some mudflat snails bur-row into the surface sediments when the tide is out
emer-On hard shores the animals found in the eulittoral canresist desiccation inside an impervious shell or tube thatcan be tightly closed up (barnacles and mussels), sealedoff by a horny membrane (many gastropods), a calcareousoperculum (serpulid tubeworms), or closely pressed to therock surface (limpets) In many of these species there is
a correlation between shell thickness and position on theshore, animals living higher on the shore having, in gen-eral, thicker shells than those lower down Some attachedsoft-bodied forms, such as anemones, produce a copioussecretion of mucus that assists resistance to drying out In
FIGURE 4.1 Recovery of photosynthesis in two intertidal
following desiccation for several days Upper curve in (a) is rate
in a thallus resubmerged immediately after reaching 10 to 12%
is expressed as percentage of the rate in undehydrated control
plants (From Lobban, C.S., Harrison, P.T., and Duncan, M.J.,
Press, Cambridge, 1985, 170 Based on Gessner, F and
Schramm, W., 1971.)
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addition, a number of physiological adaptations have
developed to enable animals to withstand the risk of
des-iccation Since water loss results in an increasing
concen-tration of the body fluids, an efficient osmoregulatory
sys-tem is required Also, since desiccation is usually
accompanied by an increase in body temperature,
toler-ance of high temperatures is also required It must be
pointed out, however, that the latent heat of evaporation
helps to cool an animal that is losing water, and this may
be a significant factor in reducing body temperature
On New Zealand shores, littorinids and trochids form
a useful series (Figure 4.2), with overlapping vertical
ranges and distinctive midpoints, for studying the effects
of desiccation on intertidal animals Rasmussen (1965)
has tested the relative amount of desiccation these four
species can tolerate by determining the 50% mortality
point when they were exposed in sunlight at 35°C The
results are given below:
He also carried out a series of experiments to test whetherthere was a differential susceptibility to desiccation withincreasing age The distribution curve for Melagraphia aethiops is shown in Figure 4.3 It can be seen that thereare four definite size classes and possibly a fifth Mela- graphia spat settle over the entire intertidal range and thenmigrate as they grow toward a central vertical zone Thosethat do not reach this zone perish The first-year classremains well sheltered from desiccation in runnels, pools,and under rocks Older individuals are found on the openrock surface Desiccation experiments (Figure 4.3) indi-cate that there is a definite increase in desiccation toler-ance with size and age
Broekhuysen (1940) studied a series of gastropodsranging, from the upper shore Littorina africana knys-
trgina, and Burnupena cincta to the low shore species O sinensis (Figure 4.4) Broekhuysen (1940) compared therelative tolerance of the six gastropods to desiccation bymeasuring both the percentage water loss and mortality
in the gastropod over a range of temperatures However,
as pointed out by Brown (1960), the water loss wasexpressed as percentage of total wet weight including theshell, whereas most investigators express the rate of des-
FIGURE 4.2 The vertical distribution of littorinid and trochid gastropods on New Zealand shores.
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iccation as water loss per unit dry weight including the
shell Brown repeated Broekhuysen’s experiments to give
the results shown in Table 4.2, where desiccation is
expressed as water loss per unit dry weight including shell
From the table, two general conclusions can be drawn
First, there is a correspondence between zonational level
and the percentage water loss causing 50% mortality
However, some species, such as L africana knysnaensis,
are less tolerant of water loss than would be assumed from
their level on the shore, while others such as Burnupena
cincta are apparently more tolerant than would be
indi-cated by their position on the shore Second, a tolerance
of between 15 and 37% water loss is characteristic of thespecies series before 50% mortality occurs
The reasons for the exceptions in the zonationalsequence are twofold Burnupena cincta lives in a drier sit-uation on the open rock surface compared to Oxystele tig- rina, which is restricted to damp situations and pools Sec-ond, L africana knysnaensis, in common with other hightidal species, can cement the rim of the shell to the substra-tum with mucus and thus limit water loss Other speciesincluding the gastropod Nerita and limpets can retain extra-
FIGURE 4.3 A Size class numbers of the trochid, Melagraphia aethiops B Size classes of the catseye, Turbo smaragda C Percent
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corporeal water under the shell for much of the intertidal
emersion period and thus reduce desiccation effects Thermal Tolerance
The temperature tolerance of an intertidal organism is an
important factor in determining the upper level at which
a particular species can survive when the tide is out
How-ever, the situation is complicated by the interaction of a
large number of variables The magnitude of the
temper-ature stress is dependent on season, the time of day when
emersion occurs, the duration of the exposure to air, and
other factors Its effect may be modified by factors such
as shape and color of the organism, body size, and themagnitude of the water loss Desiccation may modify theeffects of temperature stress in a variety of ways Forexample, each gram of water evaporated from the tissues
at 33°C removes 544 calories of heat, and this valueincreases with temperature so that it represents an impor-tant potential method of facilitating heat loss Many inter-tidal organisms have evolved structural and physiologicaladaptations that minimize the impact of thermal stresssuch as shell shape and the retention of extracorporealwater in the mantle cavities of molluscs
Much of the extensive literature on the thermal ance of intertidal and subtidal organisms has beenreviewed by Kinne (1971), Somero and Hochachka(1976), and Newell (1979) The most detailed of theseearly studies relating the temperature tolerances of inter-tidal animals to their zonational position on the shore wasthat of Broekhuysen (1940) He demonstrated that thesequence of thermal death points of a series of SouthAfrican gastropods showed a general correspondence withtheir zonational position on the shore much as describedfor their desiccation tolerance (see Section above)(Figure 4.5) The highest species on the shore, L africana
(48.6°C), while the lowest species, Oxtstele sinensis, hadthe lowest (39.6°C) Since then, numerous studies haveconfirmed and amplified such sequences in the thermaltolerances for a variety of taxa
FIGURE 4.4 Graph showing the relation between the distribution of gastropods on the shore at False Bay, South Africa, and tidal
The Range of Distribution (Height in Feet above
Datum) and Water Loss Required to Induce 50%
Mortality in a Series of Gastropods from Cape
Peninsula, South Africa
Mean Zonational Level
% Water Loss for 50% Mortality
Littorina africana knysnaensis 12.3 33.17
Source: After Brown, A.C., Porta Acta Zool., 7, 1960.
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4.2.4 E COLOGICAL N ICHES Introduction
As Warren (1971) points out in referring to animal species,
“Each species has evolved as part of an ecosystem: an
ecosystem in which it occupies certain spaces during
cer-tain times; and ecosystem in which it can tolerate the
ranges of physical and chemical conditions; an ecosystem
in which it utilizes some of the species for energy and
material resources and in which it is utilized by other
organisms; an ecosystem in which it has many kinds of
relations with different species, and in which it can satisfy
its shelter and other needs.”
In considering the ecological niche of a species, we
concern ourselves with what a species does, what activities
characterize its life, how and where it carries out these
activities, why or for what purpose they are carried out,
and when they occur The concept of the niche is thus a
functional one
The ecological niche of a species can be described by
1 The interaction of the species populations with
the environmental factors listed in Table 4.1
2 The structural, physiological, and behavioral
adaptations that enable the species to surviveand reproduce in the environment it inhabits
3 The times at which the interactions occur
4 The effects of the species’ activities on the
eco-system of which it is a part
While a complete description of the ecological niche
of a species is not usually possible, the concept is theless a useful one in that it enables us to gain an under-standing of the role of a particular species in the ecosystem
never-in which it is found
Species can be categorized (Vermeij, 1978) as:
repro-ductive output, a short life history, high ability, reduced long-term competitive abilities,and generally occupy ephemeral or disturbedhabitats
chronic physiological stress, exhibit low rates
of recolonization, tend to be long-lived withslow growth rates and, consequently are gener-ally poor competitors
live in physiologically favorable environments,have long life spans, are good competitors, andhave evolved mechanisms to reduce predation
In the rocky intertidal zone, stress-tolerant forms arecharacteristic of the upper intertidal habitat, whereas biot-ically competent forms are prevalent in the lower inter-tidal Opportunistic forms appear ephemerally on dis-turbed or newly available substrates
Andrewartha and Birch (1984) make three tions concerning the way in which the environment works.The first is that the environment can be considered as a
proposi-FIGURE 4.5 Graph showing the relationship between upper zonational limit (height in feet above chart datum) and upper limit of
3rd ed., Marine Ecological Surveys, Faversham, Kent, 1979 146 Data from Broekhuysen, 1940 With permission.)
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together with a web of indirectly acting components that
affect those in the centrum (Figure 4.6) The second is
that the centrum consists of four divisions here modified
to include (1) resources, with two components (food and
a place to live), (2) other organisms (competitors and
predators), (3) weather, and (4) disturbances (accidental
events that eliminate an organism or population) The third
proposition is that the web is a number of systems of
branching chains; a link in the chain may be a living
organism (or its artifact or residue), or inorganic matter
or energy The “Envirogram” Concept
According to Andrewartha and Birch (1984), activity in
the directly acting components is the proximate cause of
the condition of an individual of a species that affects its
chance to survive and reproduce But the distal cause of
an individual’s condition is to be found in the web, amongthe indirectly acting components that modify the centrum
A modifier may be one or several steps removed from thecentrum, and the pathway from a particular modifier to itstarget in the centrum may be joined by incoming pathwaysfrom other modifiers that may be behind or alongside thefirst one (n steps away from its target in Figure 4.8) Theenvirogram is a graphic representation of these pathways
An example of an envirogram for the food resource
of a limpet, Patelloida latistrigata, is given in Figure 4.7.The food of this limpet on the rocky shores of southernAustralia comprises the spores and young stages of algaethat it scrapes from the rock The envirogram depicts theweb of effects determining the supply of food and, hence,indirectly affecting the limpet Nearby mature algae arethe source of the spores and the water currents are required
to carry them onto the shores Another limpet, Cellana
FIGURE 4.6 The environment comprises everything that might influence an animal’s chance to survive and reproduce Only those
“things” that are the proximate causes of changes in the physiology or behavior of an animal are placed in the centrum and recognized
as “directly acting” components of the environment Everything else acts indirectly, that is, through an intermediary of chain of intermediaries that ultimately influences the activity of one or other of the components of the centrum All these indirectly acting
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FIGURE 4.7 Part of the envirogram of the limpet Patelloida latistrigata on the coast of New South Wales, showing only the
Longman Chesire, Melbourne, 1994, 156 Adapted from Andrewartha and Birch, 1984 With permission.)
FIGURE 4.8 Basic algal life cycles (Redrawn from Hinde, R., in Coastal Marine Ecology of Temperate Australia, Underwood, A.J and Chapman, M.G., Eds., University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, 1995, 127 With permission.)
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tramoserica, which eats the same food as Patelloida, is
an important factor determining the abundance of food
available to Patelloida Other variables that determine the
action of the first-order interactions (1n) lie further out in
the web of the environment of Patelloida Barnacles may
preempt space needed by Cellana (Patelloida can graze
over the tops of the barnacles) so barnacles indirectly
influence the food supply of Patelloida The density of the
barnacles in turn is determined by the suitability of the
substrate for settling, predation by the whelk Morula
Cellana Other 2n to 5n factors affecting the supply of
food for Patelloida are also shown Weather
The various weather factors listed in Table 4.1 will be
considered in turn with reference to the ways in which
selected organisms are adapted to cope with the problems
sub-mersion and esub-mersion have already been discussed in
Sections 1.3.4 and 2.3.3 Some shore organisms require
periods of emersion in order to function normally and die
if subjected to periods of continuous submergence On the
other hand, as discussed in the sections listed above,
emer-sion poses considerable problems for aquatic organisms
and a variety of mechanisms have evolved (morphological,
physiological and behavioral) to minimize water loss
zonation patterns of rocky shore intertidal organisms has
been considered in Section When the shore is
uncovered by the tide, wide and rapid temperature changes
are encountered by the species living there However, it
needs to be borne in mind that the body temperatures of
intertidal organisms rarely correspond exactly to the
ambi-ent air temperatures In some cases, the body temperatures
may exceed those of the air as has been recorded for
barnacles; in other cases, the body temperature may be
reduced below that of the ambient temperature due to the
cooling effect of evaporative water loss Edney (1951) has
demonstrated the importance of transpiration in the
con-trol of body temperature in the littoral fringe isopod, Ligia
oceanic The thermal sensitivity of most species
popula-tions correlates with both latitudinal distribution and level
occupied on the shore, as well as the topography and
aspect of the shore from which samples have been taken
for experimental studies In such experiments, as Newell
(1979) points out, the duration of exposure at each
tem-perature is important; a long exposure at a lower
temper-ature may cause the same percentage mortality as a brief
exposure at a higher temperature In considering the
tem-perature tolerances of intertidal organisms, care in their
interpretation needs to be taken since the stresses of
tem-perature and desiccation are interdependent, and otherenvironmental factors, such as wind velocity, are involved
In considering thermal tolerances, the phenomenon
of “acclimation” must also be taken into account Thus,animals have the ability to adjust their metabolic ratesover a period of time to the prevailing temperature con-ditions The results of numerous studies have led to gen-eral agreement that in many species, cold acclimationinvolves a compensatory rise in the level of activity insuch a way that the rate remains comparably with that ofwarm-acclimated animals The result of this is that com-parably sized individuals of a species with a wide latitu-dinal range show similar levels of activity at the coldtemperate and warm temperate limits of their ranges As
a measure of metabolic activity, the rates of various tions, such as cirral beat in barnacles, heartbeat, and therate of water filtration in bivalves, are measured Sincethese rate functions all vary with body weight, it is impor-tant that comparisons be made with comparable sizeranges of the species being compared In considering thetemperature tolerances of intertidal organisms, thestresses of temperature and desiccation are interdepen-dent, and other environmental factors, such as wind veloc-ity and humidity, are also involved
the vertical zonation patterns on hard shores has alreadybeen considered in Section 2.3.1 Here we shall examine
in more detail some of the adaptations to combat waveshock found in intertidal plants and animals
Wave action has a considerable effect on the size range
of many species of intertidal animals This is especiallynotable in the case of littorinid snails On New Zealandshores, both Littorina cincta and L unifasciata show adecrease in average size with increasing wave action Smith(1958) found that the degree of wave action has a moder-ating effect on numbers, vertical distribution and range, andsize and shape of both species on the shores of LytteltonHarbour An increase in wave action was accompanied by
an upward shift in the zone of vertical distribution and anincrease in the width of the zone Shading permitted anupward extension of the range of L unifasciata Maximumand mean densities showed a general increase correspond-ing with an increase in exposure (see Section L.
cincta was less tolerant of extreme exposure than L
was least Larger individuals occupied a wider range ofsites than smaller individuals There were also differences
in shell shape that could be correlated with exposure towave action; shells were significantly more elongated inthe more sheltered areas and the rate of increase in thediameter of the whorl, and hence aperture size relative tothe rate of growth of the shell, also differed significantly
The elongated shape would presumably be more vulnerable
to wave action and more liable to dislodge
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Other species of gastropods appear to be able to
mod-ify the form and thickness of the shell in order to withstand
the stresses imposed by strong wave action For British
species of limpets, it has been shown that those living high
on the shore in exposed situations have shells that are
flatter in shape and better adapted to withstand wave action
than those in sheltered situations
On soft shores, especially on sand beaches, wave
action influences the distribution of the animals by the
effect of the waves on the type of sediment, strong wave
action being associated with coarser sediments Beach
profiles and beach stability are also affected, especially
after storm events when the levels may change by a meter
or more Such changes can prevent some species from
establishing themselves
have to cope with fluctuations in the salinity of the
sea-water that covers them during the tidal cycles Exceptions
are those living in high shore tide pools, rock substrates
in estuaries, and near the mouths of rivers A limited
number of species, such as the barnacle Elminius
modes-tus, are able to adjust to salinity changes and consequently
substrates in areas of low or fluctuating salinities are
char-acterized by an impoverished flora and fauna Often their
vertical ranges are extended due to the absence of
com-peting species Organisms high on the shore may be
affected by freshwater seepage and runoff from the land
and in such situations, blue-green algae and filamentous
greens such as Enteromorpha spp are common.On
mud-flats, runoff from the land may dilute the surface salinities
of the sediment
Kinne (1967) has analyzed the responses of intertidal
organisms to environmental stresses such as salinity and
groups them under the following headings: escape,
reduc-tion of contact, regulareduc-tion, and acclimareduc-tion Escape may
be affected by vertical or horizontal migration into an area
where the salinity range is more tolerable Motile animals,
especially rapid movers such as fishes, can respond in this
way as can many organisms in soft deposits by simply
burrowing into the sediments where conditions are more
suitable Many organisms are able to escape temporary
short-term salinity changes by reduction of contact This
may involve the closing of valves (barnacles and bivalves),
operculum (gastropods and tubeworms), or by the
secre-tion of a mucus coating
The most important class of response is that of
regu-lation Space does not permit a detailed discussion of the
ways in which regulation occurs In general, species react
in one of three ways First, there are those species in which
the blood concentration is almost isotonic (i.e., similar in
concentration) throughout the salinity range that is
toler-ated by the organism Such species are poikilosmotic
organisms or conformers Second, there are the species
whose blood is hyperosmotic (higher in concentration) to
that of the medium at reduced salinities and isosmotic at
higher salinities Third, there are those whose blood ishyperosmotic in reduced salinities and hyposmotic (lower
in concentration) at higher salinities Reduced and highersalinities are relative to the salinity in which the animalnormally lives and to which it is acclimatized The lattertwo classes are the regulators or homiosmotic organisms
Some open shore organisms are conformers; others canregulate to a varying extent Most are stenohaline (tolerat-ing a narrow range of salinity variation); a few are eury-haline (tolerating wide variations in salinity) These areoften the open shore organisms that extend into estuaries
shores, apart from the special case of rock pools, oxygenconcentration is rarely a significant factor In tide poolsunder bright light, photosynthesis by dense algal vegeta-tion can sometimes raise the oxygen content appreciablyand at the same time the withdrawal of carbon dioxidefrom the water raises the pH Bacterial degradation ofstranded debris, on the other hand, can lead to decreasedoxygen, increased carbon dioxide, and reduced pH
Since the amount of dissolved oxygen in water is afunction of temperature, the heating of shallow water overmudflats may result in lowered oxygen levels This may
be accentuated by the presence of decaying organic matter
The infauna of mudflats and estuarine intertidal flats oftenhave to cope with reduced oxygen levels at low tide
Burrowing forms have a variety of mechanisms for lating water through their burrows but are unable to do sowhen the tide is out This situation is tolerated by reducingthe metabolic rate to low levels and many burrowing spe-cies can withstand surprisingly long anaerobic periodssuch as the nine days for the lugworm Arenicola marina
circu-and 21 days for the tubeworm, Owenia fusiformis,reported by Dales (1958) If the burrows drain completely,some species, provided the body surface remains wet, canbreathe atmospheric air The meio- and microfauna of softshores, on the other hand, must cope with anaerobic con-ditions if they live below the RPD layer
with the rise and fall of the tide Excessive illuminationcan be damaging due to the ultraviolet and infrared rays,which can be lethal to some organisms Such rays are,however, rapidly absorbed by seawater It is difficult, how-ever, to dissociate the effects of radiation from those ofheat and desiccation stress For many organisms, as dis-cussed below, light is of great significance in controllingthe movements of animals in maintaining themselveswithin optimal environmental conditions or microclimates
The role of light in controlling the photosynthetic rates
of algae and the attenuation of light and its spectral position with water depth have already been covered inSection On sand and mud shores, light is not animportant factor in the lives of burrowing species How-ever, the degree of illumination is an important factor inthe photosynthesis of benthic microalgae
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Trang 13Adaptations to Shore Life 249
Water currents: Perhaps the most important role of
currents in the life of shore organisms is in the distribution
of larval stages of animals and the sporelings of algae
Much of the patchy distribution patterns that occur, e.g.,
bivalves on sandy beaches, can be explained by the
vagar-ies of current systems during the critical settling period
Special conditions occur where tidal currents, which can
often be termed rapids, occur in narrows where tidal
move-ment is compressed in a funneling effect between islands
or the narrow entrances of some inlets Resources
Resources are those “things” provided by the environment
that enhance the ability of an individual or population to
establish itself, survive, and grow to reproduce The
prin-cipal resources for an animal are “food” and “a place to
live.” For plants, “foods” are nutrients and carbon dioxide
Food and feeding have been considered in Section 2.7 and
will be dealt with in greater detail in Chapter 6 A place
to live is the equivalent of the “habitat” of an organism
For littoral species, this includes the vertical range over
which a species can live and includes all those physical
factors that limit their distribution
Food: In general, for most shore animals, food does
not become a limiting factor It is, however, a limiting
factor for those filter feeders that grow high on the shore
near the upper limits of the species vertical range Here
the limiting effect is the time coverage by water which
may be insufficient to enable an adequate supply of food
to be obtained
A place to live: A place to live is synonymous with
the habitat, or the place you would go to find the species
in question For shore organisms, the types of substratum
(rock, shingle, sand, mud, and various intermixtures) are
of prime importance in determining whether the
appropri-ate habitat is available for a particular organism
On hard shores, rock surfaces at the appropriate level
are necessary for sessile plants and animals, as well as for
relatively sedentary forms such as limpets and some other
herbivores For rock borers, rock of the type that they can
bore into is essential and for those species that live in the
shade and humidity under boulders, the distribution of
such habitats will determine their presence or absence
Other species, such as the epiflora and epifauna that live
in association with seaweeds, depend on the presence of
other living organisms to provide a suitable habitat
On soft shores, many animals construct permanent
bur-rows in substrates of the appropriate grain size Deposit
feeders are restricted to sediments of a particular grain size
composition For the interstitial animals on soft shores, a
place to live is on or in the spaces between sand and silt
particles of the appropriate size Throughout this book
many examples have been given of the importance of
hab-itat in determining the presence or absence of a particular
species As a population regulator, this factor acts in anegative sense since it becomes significant by its absence Other Organisms
The other animals and plants that make up the livingcomponent of an organism’s environment include mem-bers of the population to which it belongs as well members
of the populations of other species On this basis we can
divide the interactions that occur into intraspecific (between members of the same species) and interspecific
(between members of different species)
Intraspecific interactions: Such interactions are most
obvious when the members of the same species competefor some resource that is in short supply, e.g., food orspace In general food is not as limiting as is space
Intraspecific interactions will be dealt with in Sections5.3.2.2,, and
Interspecific interactions: Populations of two
spe-cies may interact in basic ways that correspond to binations of 0 (no significant interaction), + (positive inter-action), and – (negative interaction) The different kinds
com-of possible interactions are shown in Table 4.3 All com-of theseinteractions are likely to occur in littoral communities For
a given pair of species, the interactions may change underdifferent environmental conditions or during successivestages in their life histories
1 Competition Competition occurs when two
species strive and compete for the same ronmental resource, and is best exemplifiedwhen it is for living space, especially betweensessile species such as barnacles, mussels, andserpulids The various kinds of competition will
envi-be discussed in Sections 6.6.2 and 6.3.4
TABLE 4.3 Analysis of Intraspecific Population Interactions Type of
General Nature of the Interaction
1 Neutralism 0 0 Neither population affects the other
2 Competition – – Inhibition of each species by the other
3 Amensalism – 0 Population 1 inhibited, 2 not affected
4 Parasitism + – Population 1 the parasite, generally
smaller than 2, the host
5 Predation + – Population 1, the predator, generally
larger than 2, the prey
6 Commensalism + – Population 1, the commensal, benefits,
while 2, the host, is not affected
7 Mutualism + + Interaction favorable to both populations
Note: 0 indicates no significant interactions; + indicates growth,
sur-vival, or other population attribute benefited; and – indicates population growth, survival, or other attribute inhibited.
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Trang 14250 The Ecology of Seashores
2 Parasitism It would be difficult to find a shore
organism that does not have its quota of asites The most widely studied of the para-sitic animals are the flukes or trematodes thatoccur as larval stages in invertebrates, and theshore mollusc in particular The final hosts forthese parasites are vertebrates, especiallyfishes and birds Estuarine molluscs, whichform the principal food resource of manywading birds, often carry a great variety ofthe larval trematodes Other parasites includeprotozoans, bacteria, and viruses The impact
par-of parasites on the population density par-of seaurchins on the Nova Scotia coast is discussed
in Section 5.2
3 Predation The dense populations of animals on
both hard and soft shores offer ideal nities to predators and on all types of shore,predation is a significant factor in controllingthe densities of many species Filter-feedinganimals can be regarded as indiscriminate pred-ators on small zooplankton as well as the larvalstages of many species of shore animals Otherpredators are more specific and in some casesthe prey may be restricted to a single group ofanimals and even to a single species, e.g.,bivalve molluscs as is the case of some preda-tory gastropods
opportu-Shore animals are exposed to a double set
of predators During submergence they arepreyed upon by other marine animals, but whenuncovered they are subject to terrestrial preda-tors, especially marine birds Most of themarine invertebrate predators are either anem-ones, gastropod molluscs, cards, lobsters, andechinoderms, while fishes are important marinepredators The role of predators will not be dis-cussed here but will be dealt with in detail inSections 6.2.3 and 6.3.5
4 Commensalism and Mutualism There are a
great variety of associations between marineanimals in addition to those of competitor, pred-ator and prey, and host and parasite Broadlyspeaking, these other relationships can begrouped into those of commensalism and mutu-alism In the former association, the two specieslive together in some degree of harmony withone species generally benefiting to a greater orlesser degree from the association In mutual-ism there is a close physiological associationbetween the two species, usually for mutualbenefit It must be remembered, however, thatthere are many transitional examples that do not
fit neatly into either category Commensalism:
Based on the type of commensal relationship,
we can distinguish three subgroups: epizoitism, endoecism, and iniquilism.
• Epizoitism Epizoites are animals that live
attached to the surfaces of other animals,such as barnacles and tubeworms and othersessile species found growing on the shells
of molluscs Epizoites sometimes displaydefinite preferences for particular speciessuch as the New Zealand species, the small
mudflat limpet, Notoacmea helmsi, on the shells of the mudflat snail, Zediloma subros- trata, and the hydroid, Amphisbetia fascic- ulata, which attaches itself to the shell of the bivalve, Paphies donacina, on sand
• Endoecism There are large numbers of
com-mensals that lurk in the burrows, tubes, ordwellings of various animals Manypolynoid worms are such commensals They
include the polynoid Lepidasthenia aecolus,
found in the burrows of the lugworm,
Abarenicola assimilis; the short, rather broad and flat Lepidastheniella comma liv-
ing in the tubes of terebellids, especially
Thelepus species; and the larger, more der Lepidasthenia sp found in the tubes of the sand beach maldanid, Axiothella quadri- maculata Experimental analyses of host-
slen-commensal relationships have shown thatsome species are attracted to specific chem-icals given off by their copartners
A number of molluscs, especiallybivalves, are commensal with other animals.New Zealand examples include the small
bivalves of the genus Arthritica, A hulmei
which lives under the elytra of the scale
worm Aphtodita australis, A crassiformis living with the large rock borer, Anchomasa similis, and A bifurcata attached to the outer
surface of the head end of the perctinarid
polychaete, Pectinaria australis.
• Iniquilism This term is applied to the cases
where the commensals live in the body ities or internal cavities of their hosts Suchspecies benefit by obtaining access to foodsupplies, by sharing the host’s refuge, or bytaking advantage of the repellent properties
cav-of the host This is probably one cav-of the routes
to parasitism and many inquiline sals are close to being parasites One suchexample are the pinnitherid (pea) crabs,which are found in the mantle cavities ofmussels and a range of other bivalves
Trang 15commen-Adaptations to Shore Life 251 Disturbance and Patchiness
Two of the salient features of littoral systems are that they
are spatially patchy and that important processes such as
disturbance and recruitment are spatially and temporarily
variable On rocky shores in particular, spatial patchiness
is obvious as a result of differences in substrate, angle of
slope, degree of wave action, amount of shade, degree of
sand coverage and sand scouring, and in the frequency
and intensity of disturbances that result in new substrates
being made available for colonization Aspects of all of
these have already been covered in Chapter 2 and they
will be further considered in Chapter 5 Patchiness can
also be a consequence of random settlement and
recruit-ment in intertidal invertebrates, e.g., barnacles and
mus-sels on rocky shores, and bivalves and polychaetes on
soft shores The Importance of
Many recent field studies have shown that, once
plank-tonic larvae are transported to a substrate suitable for
settlement, variation in recruitment (the proportion of the
settlers that have survived over a time period with the
potential to contribute to the adult population) on a
relatvely small spatial scale (sites of meters to ten meters
apart) can be determined by variation in the supply of
planktonic larvae (Grosberg, 1982; Minchinton and
Scheibling, 1991; Bertness et al., 1992) Further, it has
been shown that variation in recruitment may be directly
proportional to the amount of space on the substratum
available for colonization (Gaines and Roughgarden,
1985; Minchinton and Scheibling, 1993; Chabot and
Bourget, 1988) However, Raimondi (1990) has shown
that under certain conditions this relationship does not
apply In addition, a wealth of studies (mostly
mechanism-orientated and carried out in the laboratory) have
demon-strated that physical (Butman, 1987; Raimondi, 1988a)
and biological (Raimondi, 1988b; Andre et al., 1993)
interactions between the incoming larvae and established
residents and the behavioral responses of the larvae when
selecting a settlement site can influence the distribution
of the larvae at settlement (Crisp, 1984; Pawlik et al.,
1991) A prevalent indicator of the suitability of a habitat
for settlement is the presence of conspecific adults (i.e.,
gregarious behavior: Gabbott and Larman, 1987;
Rai-mondi, 1988b) Resident individuals may exude chemical
attractants that stimulate settlement of conspecific larvae,
or physical contact between conspecific individuals may
be required
The role of settlement and recruitment in the
estab-lishment of intertidal communities will be considered
later in this chapter and will be explored in detail in
Chapter 5
In order to maintain a population at a particular zone onthe shore, a species must reproduce, disperse its larvae,and the larvae must settle at the appropriate level on theshore and survive to reproduce In this section we willconsider these events in the life histories of intertidalorganisms and the various factors that influence them
spec-we adopt a modified version of that proposed by Thorson(1946; 1950)
1 Pelagic (long-life) planktotrophic These larvae
spend a significant proportion of the ment time swimming freely in the surfacewaters and feeding on other planktonic organ-isms, usually phytoplankton Duration of larvallife varies from a few weeks to two or threemonths Eggs are released with little yolk butare produced in great numbers, e.g., up to
develop-85,000 eggs per spawning in the gastropod, torina littorea, (Bingham, 1972), and up to 70million eggs per individual in a single spawning
Lit-of the oyster, Crassostrea virginica Predation,
starvation, and other factors take a tremendoustoll on planktotrophic larvae, with an estimatedmortality exceeding 99% (Thorson, 1950).However, the enormous numbers of larvae thatare produced counterbalance this extremelyhigh larval mortality Scheltema (1967) dividedthe planktonic stage of planktotrophic speciesinto two phases: (1) growth and development(the pre-competent period of Jackson andStrathmann, 1981), followed by (2) a “delayperiod” (“competent period”) in which devel-opment is essentially completed but larvaladaptations for a planktonic existence areretained until a suitable substrate for settlement
is found
2 Short-life planktotrophic These larvae are
dis-criminated chiefly on the basis that their sizeand organization change, hardly, if at all, in thecourse of the week or less spent in the plankton
3 Pelagic lecithotrophic larvae These larvae are
large and provided with much yolk, hatchingfrom a large yolky egg The yolk provides all
Trang 16252 The Ecology of Seashores
the energy needed by the larva until phosis into a settled juvenile (thus they are non-planktotrophic) Reproductive effort per off-spring is thus much higher than in the plank-totrophic species and larval mortality is muchlower Accordingly, far fewer eggs per parentare produced (4,100 eggs per parent in the
metamor-bivalve, Nucula proxima, and 1,200 in the related species, N annulata).
4 Non-pelagic lecithotrophic To the above
pelagic species must be added those that show(1) the so-called “mixed development,” (2)
“direct development,” and (3) some form ofbrooding Mixed development occurs whenearly developmental stages are encapsulated, butlater stages emerge as free-swimming, pre-metamorphic larvae (Pechenik, 1979; see also
Caswell, 1981) Mixed development is nent in several benthic marine groups, especiallypolychaetes and gastropods Direct developmenttakes place within a encapsulated egg fromwhich a benthic juvenile eventually hatches
promi-Among the higher prosobranch gastropods(Neogastropoda), oviparous species maydeposit, along with viable eggs, a supplementaryfood source in the form of nurse eggs Broodedlarvae, which are characteristic of ovoviviparousspecies, are retained (sometimes encapsulated)within the parent throughout development,emerging as metamorphosed juveniles Developmental Types in Marine Algae
The basic life cycle of an algal macrophyte is depicted in
Figure 4.8 Type A is what is known as a sporic life cycle,
which has a spore-producing phase, the sporophyte, which
is usually diploid (2n); and a usually haploid (n),
gamete-producing phase, the gametophyte The sporophyte and
gametophyte are separate free-living plants, which may
look exactly the same, or be very different The sporophyte
produces spores that are liberated into the water column
(they may be motile, and as such are called zoospores)
The spores give rise to the gametophytes (male and
female), which produce eggs and sperm The fertilized
egg results in the production of the zygote (2n) which
develops into the mature plant (sporophyte), which by
meiosis produced the spores that are the agent for
dis-persal Figure 4.9 illustrates the life cycle of a kelp The
adult sporophyte releases spores into the water These are
washed around by waves and currents, eventually to settle
on the bottom where they develop into gametophytes
In addition, some algae can reproduce vegetatively
through fragmentation It is especially common in
fila-mentous species and appears to play an important role in
maintaining populations in habitats such as estuaries or
salt marshes (Norton and Mathieson, 1983) Other speciescan regenerate from basal structures after the foliosefronds have been abraded or consumed by herbivores Reproductive Strategies
Life history patterns are often referred to as “strategies,”
a viewpoint that has often been criticized However, aspointed out by Grahame and Branch (1985), if the view
is taken that survival and progeny leaving are the outcomes
of a series of features (morphological, physiological, andbehavioral), then these adaptations can be seen as a “strat-egy” assembled by natural selection and ensuring survival.Todd (1985) has reviewed reproductive strategies of rockyshore invertebrates with special reference to northern tem-perate regions He differentiates the terms life historystrategy, life cycle strategy, and larval strategy, and illus-trates their interrelations as shown in Figure 4.10 Repro- ductive strategy is a general term encompassing all three strategies listed above Life history strategy has a dichot-
omous base and refers to organisms as being either parpous (reproducing once and then dying) or interparous
semi-(undergoing repeated breeding periods) (Cole, 1954) val strategy applies to the three fundamental larval types
Lar-— planktotrophic, pelagic lecithotrophic, and non-pelagiclecithotrophic
Energetic considerations also enter into life historystrategies Since the total energy budget of an individualorganism is finite, the proportion allocated to reproductionwill vary depending on age, availability of food resources,and environmental variables Montague et al (1981) con-sidered that the reproductive strategy of an individualorganism is the set of physiological, morphological, andbehavioral traits that dictate the “where,” “when,” “howoften,” “how many” (and for marine invertebrates, “whatkind of”) tactics of propagule production In this contextthere is the concept of reproductive effort (RE, i.e., ameasure of the proportion of somatic effort (in energyterms) allocated specifically to reproduction) (Hirshfieldand Tinkle, 1974)
Life cycle and life history strategies: Most temperate
rocky shore invertebrates, almost without exception, play extended or perennial life cycles This contrasts to softshore invertebrates in which a range of life cycles, espe-cially those of bivalves and gastropods, which are longlived, to some polychaetes which are annuals or less A
dis-distinction needs to be made between potential and realized
longevity in that survivorship of (potentially) long-livedanimals, such as barnacles, may be markedly controlled bythe activities of predators (e.g., Connell, 1970; 1972; 1975),
or abiotic factors such as freezing (e.g., Wethey, 1985) Inaddition, local habitat patches, separated by perhaps only
a few meters, may confer very different survivorship andgrowth probabilities for conspecific individuals (e.g.,
Patella vulgata, see Lewis and Bowman, 1975)
Trang 17Adaptations to Shore Life 253
FIGURE 4.9 The life cycle of a kelp (Redrawn from Kennelly, S.J., in Coastal Marine Ecology of Temperate Australia, Underwood,
A.J and Chapman, M.G., Eds., University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, 1995, 108 With permission.)
FIGURE 4.10 The interrelationships between reproductive energy traits (Redrawn from Todd, C.D., in The Ecology of Rocky Shores,
Moore, P.C and Seed, R., Eds., Hodder & Straughton, London, 1985, 204 With permission.)
Trang 18254 The Ecology of Seashores
Barnacles, characteristic of rocky shores worldwide, are
all potentially long lived and interoparopus Most species
(e.g., Chthalamus stellatus and Elminius modestus)
com-plete several reproductive cycles at variable intervals
depending on a complex of factors such as natality, mortality,
food availability, and ambient temperatures (Barnes and
Bar-nes, 1968; Crisp and Patel, 1969) Life spans are highly
variable Tetraclita squamosa, which requires ten years to
reach maturity, may attain 14 years of age (Hines, 1979),
while Semibalanus balanoides has a maximum (realized)
longevity of only two years on New England shores (Wethey,
1984) Nevertheless, on British shores S balanoides matures
in its first year and together with Chthalamus spp has a
considerably greater life span than on New England shores
On the North American west coast, the goosenecked
barna-cle, Pollicipes polymerus, has a maximum life span of a least
6 (Paine, 1974) and perhaps up to 20 years
Temperate shore bivalves are also long lived The
cos-mopolitan Mytilus edulis may attain sexual maturity
within only 1 to 2 months of settling and may live as long
as 18 to 24 years (Seed, 1969; Suchanek, 1981) In
con-trast, the much larger, faster-growing M californianus
may require anywhere from 4 months to 3 years to mature
(Suchanek, 1981) but certainly lives for 7 to 30, and
pos-sibly as many as 50 to 100 years (Suchanek, 1981)
On North American Pacific shores, the large (up to
1,200 g) chiton, Cryptochiton stelleri, lives for 16 to 25
years (Branch, 1981) Other chitons are similarly long
lived Branch (1981) in his review of limpet biology found
that they invariably displayed extended perennial life
cycles Of the 20 species for which he had data, all except
one had life cycles ranging from in excess of one year to
approximately 30 years
Among the archaeogastropoda trochid (“topshell”)
prosobranchs, Williamson and Kendell (1981) estimated a
maximum adult life span of more than 10 years for
Mon-odonta lineata and concluded that other major British
top-shells, Gibbula cineraria and G umbilicalis, were similarly
long lived For British littorinids, Hughes and Roberts’
(1980) estimated age at first maturity ranged from 8.5
months (Littorina littorea) to 18 months (L nigrolineata
and L saxatilus) to 3 years (L neritoides), while longevity
ranged from 8 years (L littorea and L nigrolineata), to 8
to 11 years (L saxtilus), to 16 years (L neritoides) The
predatory dogwhelk, Nucella lapillus, matures after 2.5 to
3 years (Hughes, 1972) and individual survivorship does
not exceed 6 years (Hughes and Roberts, 1980) The three
Nucella species on Pacific Northwest shores show variable
life spans from 2 to 4 years (Todd, 1985)
Pisaster ochraceus on the Pacific Northwest coast of
North America is estimated to have a life span of perhaps
34 years (Menge, 1972), while the smaller Leptasterias
hexactis has an estimated longevity of from 4 to 18 years.
Larval dispersal and larval strategies: Pelagic larval
forms generally display “delay” of metamorphosis in the
absence of a specific cue or cues, and as the pause passesthe larvae become less and less discriminating with regard
to the choice of a settlement site (e.g., Crisp, 1974; mann, 1978; Pechenik, 1984; and others in Chia and Rice,1978) In this context there is a distinction between the “pre-competent” and “competent” phases of development (e.g.,Crisp, 1974) During the pre-competent phase, the larva ismorphologically and/or physiologically incapable of settle-ment and metamorphosis; the competent (= delay) phasecommences from the point at which metamorphosis can takeplace upon the reception of the appropriate stimulatory cues.The competent phase is not, however, of indefinite duration(see review by Jackson and Stratham, 1981) and varies for
Strath-a rStrath-ange of tStrath-axStrath-a from Strath-a few dStrath-ays to Strath-a few months of durStrath-ation.All pelagic larvae are subject to dispersal away fromthe potential micro-habitat, and for rocky shore species inparticular this poses considerable risks in subsequentlyfinding a suitable substratum for settlement Larval trans-port is unpredictable and suitable habitats are patchy inspace and time However, there are advantages commen-surate with a pelagic phase; these include the potential toincrease the species’ geographical range, an increase ingene flow, the reduction of local extinctions resulting fromdensity-independent perturbations, and (as a result of thenecessarily high fecundity) the increase in potential juve-nile offspring per unit RE
Timing of reproduction: In many species the release
of eggs and sperm or larvae coincides with particularphases of the tidal cycle; e.g., in the pulmonate snail,
Melampus bidentatus, which inhabits the higher levels of
salt marshes, both hatching of the eggs and settlement oflarvae are synchronized with spring tides (Russel-Hunter
et al., 1972) Both Littorina littorea and L melanostoma
have a lunar-tidal rhythm in which the release of eggscoincides with spring tides
Many species of intertidal organisms reproduce ally, or concentrate their reproduction over a certain period
annu-of the year In many cases, temperature may be the cuefor reproduction However, food availability may, in manyinstances, be more important than temperature Manyinvertebrates spawn so as to coincide with the spring phy-toplankton bloom and thus allow the larvae to capitalize
on a rich but transient food resource In the tropics, ever, many invertebrates may breed continuously
how- A Model of Non-pelagic Development
Co-adaptive with Iteroparity
Todd (1985) has developed a flowchart illustrating thepossible reproductive strategy responses of rocky shoreanimals (especially prosobranchs), based largely on theextensive body of research on British littorinids (e.g.,Hughes and Roberts, 1980; Raffaelli, 1982; Atkinson andNewberry, 1984) (Figure 4.11) In the model, increasesand decreases in life span, current fecundity, and juvenile
Trang 19Adaptations to Shore Life 255
survivorship are balanced according to the prevailing
selective regime Selection (predatory) pressure favors an
increase in hatching size (fewer larger individuals, plus
reduced adult longevity and increased reproductive effort)
The initial settlement of planktonic propagules of benthic
organisms usually varies considerably both in time and
space (e.g., Connell, 1961a; 1985; Hawkins and Hartnoll,1982; Caffey, 1985; Wethey, 1985) As a consequence,over the last few years there has been much interest andresearch on local variation of settlement and/or recruit-ment, and its consequences upon the distribution andabundance of intertidal species (e.g., Grosberg, 1982;Keough and Downes, 1982; Keough, 1983; Underwoodand Denley, 1984; Gaines and Roughgarden, 1985;Bushek, 1988; Fairweather, 1988a; Bertness et al., 1992;Rodriguez et al., 1993) This emphasis has been termed
FIGURE 4.11 Flowchart illustrating possible reproductive strategy responses of rocky shore animals (especially prosobranch
gas-tropods) The responses are to selection pressure favoring an increase in hatching size The diagram should be followed according
to the key (Redrawn from Todd, C.D., in The Ecology of Rocky Shores, Moore, P.C and Seed, T., Eds., Hodder & Straughton,
London, 1985, 211 With permission.)