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Cắt cầu Physeal ppsx

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Physeal Bridge Resection Khalid I. Khoshhal, FRCS Edin, ABOS, and Gerhard N. Kiefer, MD, FRCSC Abstract The physes, located near each end of the long bones, are responsible for bone lengthening during growth. The physis is composed of cartilage, bone, and a fibrous component that sur- rounds the periphery of the growth plate. The cartilage has three main lay- ers: resting and germinal cells, pro- liferating cells, and hypertrophying cells. The matrix of the physis is com- posed of collagen, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins. Collagen provides strength and stability to the cartilage, particularly in response to shear forc- es. Proteoglycans give cartilage its compressive strength and the ability to resist deformation. Glycoproteins organize the collagen and proteogly- cans into a mesh. The layer of hyper- trophying cells in the cartilage is struc- turally weak because the matrix is scanty. Most physeal fracture separa- tions occur at the layer of hypertro- phying cells or at the chondro-osseous junction. 1 However, depending on the mechanism of injury, Salter-Harris type I and II physeal fractures some- times involve the germinal cell lay- er. 2,3 In experimental studies on im- mature bovine bones, Moen and Pelker 4 suggested that the rate of load- ing, the maturity of the physis, the spe- cific type of joint, and sex may influ- ence the pattern of the fracture and the layer involved. Growth arrest after trauma is most likely during early adolescence,when the physis isthickest and the cartilage is weakest. The groove of Ranvier, which contains osteoblastic, prechon- drogenic, and fibrous cells, is an area of intense cellular division that con- tributes to the horizontal growth of the physis. 5 The perichondrial ring of LaCroix, 6 which consists ofa thin ring of intramembranous bone andan out- er fibrous layer, supports the weak chondro-osseous junction. Injuries to these peripheral portions of the phy- sis also cause growth disturbances. Fifteen percent to 30% of injuries to long bones during childhood in- volve the physis. 7,8 Significant growth disturbances occur with approxi- mately 10% of physeal injuries; mi- nor disturbances are seen in a higher percentage of patients. 8 The location and size of the physeal bridge deter- mine the clinical deformity. When the physis is affected peripherally, teth- ering can cause angular deformity. When the physis is affected centrally, growth at the periphery causes meta- physeal tenting (Fig. 1). This tenting is associated with bone growth defi- ciency and potential alteration of the articular surface. Fortunately, not all patients who develop a physeal bridge requir e treatment. These phys- eal injuries occur most commonly in adolescents, who have limited gr owth remaining. Some physeal bridges re- solve spontaneously. 9,10 Although physeal bridges start to form between 1 and 2 months after injury, they may not become clini- cally evident until years later, par- ticularly if the injury occurs when Dr. Khoshhal is Assistant Professor and Consul- tant Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon, Department of Orthopedics, King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Kiefer is Clinical As- sociate Professor, University of Calgary, and Di- rector, Division of Pediatric Orthopedics, Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. None of the following authors or the departments with which they are affiliated has r eceived anything of value from or owns stock in a commercial com- pany or institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article: Dr. Khoshhal and Dr. Kiefer. Reprint requests: Dr. Khoshhal, King Khalid Uni- versity Hospital, PO Box 7805, Riyadh 11472, Saudi Arabia. Copyright 2005 by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Growth arrest secondary to physeal bridge formation is an uncommon but well- recognized complication of physeal fractures and other injuries. Regardless of the underlying etiology, physeal bridges may cause angular and/or longitudinal growth disturbances, with progression dependent on the remaining physeal growth poten- tial. Physeal bridge resection and insertion of interposition material releases the teth- ering effect of the bridge. Physeal bridge resection has become an accepted treatment option for patients with existing or developing deformity and for those with at least 2 years or 2 cm of growth remaining. Current experimental research is focused on the use of gene therapy and other factors that enhance chondrocyte proliferation to improve the management of growth arrest. The use of cartilage and cultured chon- drocytes as interposition material after physeal bridge resection is an area of active research. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2005;13:47-58 Vol 13, No 1, January/February 2005 47 the epiphyseal ossification center is small. Because many bridges do not manifest until the adolescent growth spurt, young patients should be followed until skeletal maturity to be sure that a bridge does not oc- cur. 8,11,12 Johnson and Southwick 9 re- ported that gr owth can continue nor- mally after physeal bridging when the lesion is small. In such instances, continued growth can disrupt an im- mature bony bridge, thereby permit- ting longitudinal growth to be rees- tablished. Also, some physeal bridges spontaneously lengthen with growth, similar to bone regeneration during distraction osteogenesis. However, this happens only when the bridge is small and well localized. Physeal bridges vary by location and patient age. A size threshold seems to exist that can be overcome by intrinsic physeal recovery capac- ity. Animal studies suggest that dam- age to <7% of the cross-sectional area of the physis does not usually cause a permanent physeal bridge. 13,14 Österman 15 induced physeal defects in rabbits and filled them with free fat graft. The defects became smaller with time, and the originally induced defects were almost totally corrected. Österman concluded that complete regeneration of the physis is not important to normal growth when physeal bridge formation can be pre- vented. The two separate parts of the same physis can grow normally and independently. 15 When a traumatic physeal bridge is identified early, treatment can be directed solely to- ward resolving the bridge rather than toward managing both the area of the bridge and the acquired growth de- formity. Treatment is indicated only in pa- tients with existing or developing deformities who have significant growth remaining. Treatment options include corrective osteotomy, comple- tion of the epiphysiodesis (with or without the contralateral extremity in the forearm or leg), and lengthening of the involved segment. Epiphysiod- esis and/or shortening of the oppo- site extremity may be indicated in some patients. Combinations of these procedures can be used with or with- out surgical excision of the physeal bridge. 16 The results of physeal dis- traction r emain controversial because premature complete epiphysiodesis frequently occurs after distraction of the physis. 17 Autogenous physeal transplantation has had limited suc- cess in the treatment of physeal bridg- es, as have allografts, which fail be- cause of immune response. 11 Surgical resection of the physeal bridge and insertion of an interposi- tion material was introduced by Langenskiöld 18 in the late 1960s with the objective of relieving the tether- ing effect. Longitudinal growth after resection of a distal tibial physeal bridge was first documented by Peterson, 19 who reported growth of 16.7 cm inthe tibia of a 5-year-old boy. Peterson 16 noted the growth in theop- erated bone to be an average of 94% (range, 0 to 200%) compared with the normal extremity. Williamson and Staheli 20 reported mean growth of 83% in 22 resections at 2 years. Al- though resection of physeal bridges is beneficial, it remains unpredictable. Excellent and good results in most se- ries range from 62% to 90%. 16,20-22 Poor r esults are fr equent, usually sec- ondary to osteomyelitis or congeni- tal deformities (eg, Madelung’s de- formity). 23 Etiology Physeal bridging occurs when there is contact between the epiphysis and the metaphysis, resulting in osseous consolidation in that region. Contact may occur when part of the physis is completely destroyed or when a fracture becomes displaced. Contact also can occur when the physis is dis- rupted, resulting in a liquid mixture of blood and crushed tissue lying in continuity between the epiphysis and the metaphysis. 24 Physeal bridges commonly occur after trauma 25 (Fig. 2). Although physeal injuries repre- sent 15% to 30% of all fractures, only 1% to 10% of those injuries result in physeal bridges. 26,27 All five Salter -Harris types of phys- eal fracture, as well as Rang’s sixth type (ie, injury to the perichondrial ring),havebeenr eportedtocausephys- eal bridges. In these groups, growth arrest occurs more frequently than was originally suggested by the Salter- Harris classification scheme. 3,11 Low- er extremity bars occur more frequent- ly than do upper extremity bars because the injuries often are more violent. High-energy injuries, especial- ly with physeal comminution, usual- ly are associated with physeal bridg- Figure 1 Anteroposterior radiograph dem- onstrating a central physeal bridge in the proximal phalanx of the middle finger of the left hand that caused tenting of the physis, deformity of the articular surface, and short- ening of the phalanx. Physeal Bridge Resection 48 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons es regardless of the type of fractur e. 11,24 Most Salter-Harris type I fractures have an excellent prognosis. A phys- eal bridge may occur if the fracture is severely displaced and if reduction is difficult.Approximately 75% of all physeal fractures are type II fractures. Although the prognosis typically is good, growth disturbances occur in 10% to 30% of patients, depending on the location of the fracture. Growth disturbances are especially frequent in distal femoral fractur es. In their re- view of 151 injuries of the distal fem- oral physis, Eid and Hafez 28 report- ed an even higher complication rate (46.2% shortening, 63% angular de- formity) in type II fractures compared with type IV (40.9% shortening, 63.6% angular deformity). The outcome of type III fractures depends on the vas- cularity of the physis and the involve- ment of the germinal layer.Fortunate- ly, such fractures usually occur near the end of growth, when bridge for- mation does not cause significant de- formity. 26 Because Salter-Harris type IV physeal fractures cross the meta- physis, epiphysis, and physis, a dis- placed, unreduced type IV physeal fracture has the greatest potential to form a physeal bridge. A bridge may form even with anatomic reduction. 16 In type V Salter-Harris injuries, no fracture is evident radiographically, but these injuries can cause growth abnormalities. Thus, the diagnosis of- ten is made in retrospect from clin- ical and radiographic evidence, usu- ally after deformity has occurred. The existence of this type of physeal in- jury has been questioned. 25-27 Type VI physeal injuries usually ar e the r esult of direct trauma or ligamentous avul- sion. Peripheral physeal bridging may occur in these cases. In fractures in- volving physeal comminution, or in a fracture exiting at the groove of Ran- vier,placement of prophylactic fat graft in the physeal defect may be consid- ered. This may prevent future phys- eal bridge formation. 11,29 Foster et al 29 hypothesized that the free fat pr events bridge formation. The graft is pushed aside, thus allowing the physis to re- gain some or all of the original width by regeneration from the inner part toward the periphery during contin- ued growth. Partial regeneration of the physis also has been noted. 15 Physeal fractures of the distal fe- mur, proximal tibia, and distal tibia have the greatest propensity for com- plications. Barmada et al 30 reported that physeal bridge formation occurs in 32% of distal tibia physeal fractures. The highest percentage (38%) was af- ter type III and IV Salter-Harris frac- tures. The incidence increased to 60% when a residual gap was evident on postreduction radiographs. In prox- imal tibia physeal fractures, the risk of growth abnormality varies with the type of injury. The risk after injury is 50% in patients with Salter-Harris type I fractures, 25% after type II, 6% after type III, and 55% after type IV. Patients with Salter-Harris type III fractures have a lower risk of growth abnor- malities because these fractures usu- ally occur near skeletal maturity. 31-33 The incidence of physeal bridge formation is higher after injuries to the distal femoral and proximal tib- ial physes than to other physes, re- gardless of the type of injury. Al- though <3% of all physeal injuries occur at the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the tibia, >50% of all physeal bridge resections Figure 2 Physeal bridge of the distal tibial physis in a 5-year-old girl after an abduction injury. A, Mortise view demonstrating fracture of the medial malleolus extending to the physis. B, Anteroposterior radiograph of the ankle 15 months after injury, demonstrating a medial physeal bridge. C, Mortise view 4 years postexcision. Interposition material can be seen medially. D, Mortise view 8 years postexcision demonstrating good general alignment. Khalid I. Khoshhal, FRCS Edin, ABOS, and Gerhard N. Kiefer, MD, FRCSC Vol 13, No 1, January/February 2005 49 occur at these locations. 11,26,34 The dis- tal femoral and proximal tibial phy- ses contribute to the greatest propor- tion of limb growth and are more susceptible to bridge formation be- cause they are more frequently sub- jected to relatively violent injury mechanisms. As a result, physeal bridges in these areas are most likely to produce noticeable angular defor- mity and marked limb-length dis- crepancy. Each of these physes has a large surface area with marked un- dulations that increase physeal sta- bility and protect the physes from shearing injuries. Conversely, with high-energy trauma, the same undu- lations predispose the physis to dam- age. The metaphyseal surfaces are sheared against the physeal surface, producing direct injury to the undu- lations, with subsequent increased likelihood of physeal bridge forma- tion. In contrast, physeal fractures of the distal radius andulna have a more benign outcome. Cannata et al 35 re- ported on the long-term prognosis (average follow-up, 25.5 years) of 157 patients with physeal fractures at the distal radius and ulna. Only 10 pa- tients were symptomatic; none of those with either radioulnar length discrepancy <1 cm or with styloid nonunion reported symptoms. Other insults that can cause phys- eal bridge formation are infection (osteomyelitis, systemic infection [eg, meningococcemia]), tumors, irra- diation, thermal and electrical burns (eg, laser beam damage, 27 lightning strike 36 ), vascular insufficiency, met- abolic disorders (eg, vitaminAintox- ication 16 ), disuse, 27 and hematologic abnormalities. Iatrogenic injury, such as insertion of metal or drilling across the physis as well as subperiosteal dissection extending to the perichon- drial ring, also can cause physeal bridges. 34 Physeal bridge formation secondary to iatrogenic placement of metal pins andscrews across the phy- sis depends on factors such as pin lo- cation, size, obliquity to the physis, duration of use, and, most important, whether the pin is smooth or thread- ed. A smooth pin of small diameter placed perpendicularly across the center of a large physis for 2 to 3 weeks rarely results in physeal bridge formation. However, a large, thread- ed pin placed obliquely across a phy- sis and left in place for a few weeks has a greater risk of forming a phys- eal bridge. 16 The presence of a trac- tion pin acr oss or even close to a phy- sis sometimes is associated with subsequent physeal bridging, espe- cially in the proximal tibia. 27 Congen- ital or developmental physeal bridg- es can occur with Blount’s disease, Madelung’s deformity (Fig. 3), or longitudinal bracketed epiphysis (ie, delta phalanx), or from no obvious cause. Repeated minor trauma may play a role in physeal bridge resec- tion. 16,24,37 A benign tumor in the vi- cinity of the physis may result in physeal disruption and bridging that can be demonstrated on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans; ex- amples include a bone cyst, en- chondroma, aneurysmal bone cyst, chondroblastoma, chondromyxoid fibroma, fibrous dysplasia, or osteo- chondroma. 5,27 In some cases, par- ticularly when the abnormality is caused by injury to the blood supply, the physis remains open but is thin and irregular. The rate of longitudi- nal growth slows because ofimpair ed cell formation. In such cases, the phy- sis may close prematurely, although there may be a delay of several years between the insult andpr emature clo- sure. 17 Once formed, physeal bridg- es can increase in size as the child grows, resulting in a greater propen- sity for a growth problem. 13 Classification Peterson 16 has classified physealbridg- es into thr ee descriptive types: periph- eral, elongated, and central (Fig. 4). Peterson’s classification describes not only the pattern of injury but also in- dicates the ease of surgical repair. Pe- ripheral bridges causeconsiderable an- gular deformity and are relatively easy to correct surgically. However, satis- factory long-term outcome is unlike- ly with large bridges because there is insufficient surrounding physis to re- establish growth. Elongated physeal bridges are linear or longitudinal and involve the middle of the physis from one edge to the other, with healthy physis on either side. Elongated bridg- es are unusual and most commonly occur as a consequence of Salter-Harris type III or IV fractures (ie, malunion of a medial malleolus fracture). 25 Cen- tral bridges have a perimeter of healthy physis. The bridge acts as a central tether, resulting in tenting of the p hysis with eventual distortion of the articular surface (Fig. 1). Histopathology The mechanism of injury is likely a combination of cellular disruption and ischemia. Destruction of the epi- physeal vascular supply leads to the development of a central physeal bridge that may be followed by par- Figure 3 Anteroposterior radiograph of the right wrist showing a physeal bridge in the medial part of the distal radial physis in a 9-year-old girl with Madelung’s deformity. Physeal Bridge Resection 50 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons tial or complete epiphysiodesis. In contrast, destruction of the meta- physeal vascular supply may tempo- rarily interfere with ossification but usually does not result in physeal bridge formation. 38 The initial chang- es that occur in a segment of disrupt- ed physis involve the formation of fi- brous tissue, which may vascularize. The cartilage along these transphys- eal vessels undergoes calcification, a necessary prelude to the eventual chondro-osseous transformation that leads to early bony physeal bridg- ing. 11 The bridge usually is composed of very dense, sclerotic bone. At sur- gery, the abnormal physeal tissue has a grayish, translucent appearance, whereas the normal physis is usual- ly opaque white with a blue tinge. 25 A fracture is likely to limit physeal damage to the actual cleavage plane, but more diffuse damage may occur when the fracture transects a signif- icant intraepiphyseal vessel. The ex- tent of microscopic physeal damage after infection is much greater than what is visible on radiographs. This explains the limited recovery poten- tial after resection of theobviousbony physeal bridge. 11 Radiologic Evaluation Standard radiography usually con- firms the site and extent of the bony bridge in patients with obvious de- formity. Asymmetry of growth recov- ery lines (ie, Harris lines) may be the earliest sign of physeal bridge forma- tion. 31 A sclerotic bridge of bone or blurring and narrowing of the phy- sis is often seen on plain radiographs when the x-ray beam is tangential to the physis. Problems of interpretation arise when part of the physis is ori- ented obliquely to the x-ray beam. An elongated physeal bridge extending from anterior to posterior has a radio- logic appearance similar to that of a central bridge in the anteroposterior projection. The distinguishing feature is the absence of tenting of the phy- sis resulting from peripheral growth seen in central bridges (Fig. 4). The presence of growth recovery lines is useful. These lines form at the location of the physis at the time of injury, presumably as a result of tem- porary slowing or cessation of growth secondary to trauma or illness. The distance between the physis and the growth recovery lines indicates the amount of growth that has taken place since the injury. When growth is normal, the growth recovery lines are parallel to the physis. When growth is arrested peripherally, the lines tend to converge toward the ar ea of abnormal physis. With slowing of growth rather than complete arrest, the line is oriented obliquely but is not converging. 2 In a total physeal ar- rest, there is no growth recovery line. Harris lines can be seen best on MRI scans, often 6 to 7 weeks earlier than their appearance on normal radio- graphs 13 (Fig. 5). Skeletal age estima- tion is essential, especially in the older child, because future growth poten- tial dictates the therapeutic alterna- tives. The length of both the involved and uninvolved extremity should be documented radiographically. 16 Computed Tomography Scans Axial computed tomography (CT) scans are sometimes difficult to inter- pret because of the normal undula- tions of the physis (Fig. 6). However, multiplanar reconstructions in the coronal or sagittal plane may show the physeal bridge. CT may provide additional information on the config- uration of a central bridge with tent- ing. The cr oss-sectional area of the teth- ering physeal bridge can be obtained from the most superior CT slice through the abnormal region. This view can easily define the extent of the physeal bridge and enable mea- surement of the area of affected phy- sis. 10 Helical CT has improved imag- ing quality; also, positioning of the leg and physis in the gantry is not as crit- Figure 4 Anteroposterior (top) and cross section (bottom) views of the Peterson classifica- tion of physeal bridges (shaded areas). A, Peripheral bridge. B, Elongated bridge. C, Central bridge. Note the tenting of the physis (top) caused by peripheral growth. Khalid I. Khoshhal, FRCS Edin, ABOS, and Gerhard N. Kiefer, MD, FRCSC Vol 13, No 1, January/February 2005 51 ical as with conventional CT. Because the scanning time is reduced to ap- proximately 20 seconds, it often can be done without sedation and with lower radiation exposur e. 39 Helical CT imaging is accurate for mapping be- cause the physeal cartilage is easily differentiated from the adjacent bone on the reformatted images 39 (Fig. 7). Scintigraphy Single-photon emission computed tomography can map the distribution of osteoblastic activity in the phy- sis. 40 One limitation of this technique is that, in the absence of an atlas of normal tomoscintigraphic slices of different physes, only one-sided in- volvement can be established with certainty. The lesion should be >1 cm to be detectable. Single-photon emis- sion computed tomography is the only radiographic method that can distinguish between generalized slowdowns of growth (eg, injuries to the blood supply without actual bridge formation) and complete epi- physiodesis. 40 Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI, which provides images of ex- cellent quality without radiation, is the imaging method of choice for eval- uation of physeal bridges. 13,27,41-44 MRI scans help to map the bridge (the physical dimension and distance fr om known landmarks) while demonstrat- ing the injured and uninjured areas of the gr owth cartilage (Fig. 5).At least two sequences are necessary for com- parison to differentiate cartilage, cor- tical bone, and bone marrow: fat- suppressed three-dimensional spoiled gradient echo imaging and a three- dimensional T1-weighted gradient with water excitation. Fat-suppressed three-dimensional spoiled gradient echo–weighted images clearly dem- onstrate the bridge and the associat- ed abnormalities that might follow the physeal injury. It is now thought to be the best sequence for physeal bridge imaging. 43 The images ar e made in two planes perpendicular to the physis to localize the exact size, shape, and lo- cation of the physeal bridge and the status of the remaining physeal area. 44 Definition of physeal bridges across the physis can be obtained using thr ee- dimensional projection with software for MRI angiography. 12 The area of in- volvement is best measured using a three-dimensional T1-weighted gra- dient with water excitation. The re- sult is a true anatomic image based on volume data, depicting only the physis and the physeal bridge. 27 Figure 5 Posttraumatic physeal bridge in a 10-year -old girl. A, Sagittal gradient echo–weight- ed image of the distal femoral physis demonstrating the posttraumatic physeal bridge. There was involvement of the middle and posterior thirds of the physis 9 months after the girl suffered a Salter-Harris type II fracture. B, Coronal short tau inversion recovery image dem- onstrating physeal bridge involvement in the middle third of the posterior physis. In both images, a Harris line is visible distal and parallel to the proximal tibial physis. Figure 6 Axial computed tomography scan of the right distal femoral physis demonstrat- ing a posttraumatic posterior physeal bridge in a 13-year-old boy. Figure 7 Coronal helical CT scan demon- strating a clear central physeal bridge of the distal physis. (Courtesy of J. A. Herring, MD, Dallas, TX.) Physeal Bridge Resection 52 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Physeal widening on gradient echo– weighted and T2-weighted images im- plies physeal dysfunction without bridge formation. 42 The disadvantage of MRI is the considerable amount of time r equired for the child to lie still in the scanner. Younger children often require seda- tion or general anesthesia. Hasler and Foster 23 recommend preoperative MRI to map the bridge; early postop- erative MRI to detect incomplete re- section; and MRI 6 months after sur- gery to detect bridge recurrence, migration, and necrosis of the inter- position material (if fat graft is used) and to evaluate the remnant physis and its repair potential. Mapping the Bridge Before physeal bridge resection is considered, it is critical to carefully and precisely delineate the physeal bridge in three dimensions toplan the best approach. The physical dimen- sions of the physeal bridge should be defined schematically with precise di- mensions of easilyidentified anatom- ic borders. Most MRI and CTsoftwar e can now do the mapping (Fig. 8). Patient Selection The mere presence of a premature partial physeal bridge is not an indi- cation for surgery. Patients with doc- umented existing or developing de- formities ar e candidates for resection. At least 2 years or 2 cm of growth should remain, and the physeal bridge should be ≤50% of the physeal area. The younger the patient, the greater the benefit of a successful re- section. In very young children, re- secting physeal bridges of >50% of the physeal area could be considered because the alternatives (eg, repeat- ed corrective osteotomies) are unde- sirable. Additionally, if the procedure is unsuccessful, other treatment op- tions remain. 27 The smaller the bridge, the better the likely outcome because less resec- tion is needed. Excellent results have been reported for bridges of <25%. 20 Also, the shorter the time interval be- tween the insult and surgery, the bet- ter the likely outcome. In such cases, the deformity is smaller and the bridge is easier to treat. The deformi- ty might even correct spontaneously. Central physeal bridges generally have a better long-term outcome than do peripheral bridges, although they are more difficult to remove. The sur- rounding physis should be healthy to resume growth after bridge resection. Determining the health of the growth plate is difficult and is especially im- portant in physeal bridges secondary to infection, vascular insult, and crushing Salter-Harris type V injuries. Physes injured by infection or vascu- lar insults often do not heal as suc- cessfully as do physeal bridges sec- ondary to fracture. The patient should be free of drainage for at least 1 year if previously infected. 21 Surgical Technique The surgical approach varies depend- ing on the type of bridge and its lo- cation. Generally, posterior peripher- al physeal bridges are more difficult to approach in the lowerlimb because of the neurovascular structures and soft tissues encountered. Peripher- al and elongated bridges are ap- proached directly after localization with an image intensifier (Fig. 9). First, the overlying periosteum is ex- cised from the junction of the bridge with the intact perichondrial ring and across the extent of the bridge. It is important to excise, not suture, the periosteum to prevent bridge refor- mation when the surgical approach necessitates periosteal violation. The bridge usually is hard sclerotic bone that should be removed with a high- speed burr until healthy physis is seen surrounding the resection cav- ity. After complete removal of the bridge, 2 to 3 mm more bone is re- moved along the metaphyseal and epiphyseal margins of the physis. This ensures good contact between the physis and the interposition ma- terial, while avoiding contact between the epiphysis and the metaphysis. Constant irrigation should be used to prevent heat injury to the remain- ing physis and to remove all osseous debris. Periodic imaging is helpful to accurately delineate the bridge and Figure 8 Physeal bridge of the distant tibial physis in a 5-year-old child 1 year after a Salter- Harris type IV fractur e. A, Coronal CT scan of the ankle showing the peripheral physeal bridge (arrow). B, Axial CT scan showing the anteromedial physeal bridge (arrow). Khalid I. Khoshhal, FRCS Edin, ABOS, and Gerhard N. Kiefer, MD, FRCSC Vol 13, No 1, January/February 2005 53 to define the depth and extent of the cavity. Loupe magnification and a co- axial light source will facilitate visu- alization of the physis. Care must be taken not to elevate the periosteum when defining thelimits of the bridge unless elevation is needed for the ap- proach, because damage to the peri- chondrial ring can cause a new phys- eal bridge. When an osteotomy is needed to correct the angular defor- mity, physeal bridge resection can be done simultaneously using the cut surface of the osteotomy to approach the bridge. Central physeal bridges can be approached either through a meta- physeal window or, more directly, through access created by a meta- physeal osteotomy adjacent to the bridge. With either approach, a curette should be used tor emove can- cellous bone down to the area of the bridge. This bone should be saved and used at the end of the procedure to fill the surgical defect. Once the bridge is located, a high-speed burr can be used to completely remove the physeal bridge from the inside out. Using a small dental mirror, the nor- mal physis must be visualized thor- oughly thr oughout the circumference of the resection cavity. The following may aid evaluation: the physeal bridge usually is composed of dense bone similar to cortical bone; the sur- rounding bone is more cancellous; the physeal cartilage is usually straight- er and wider, often with a blue tinge; and the epiphyseal bone feels spongy and, when pressed on, feelsas though it were floating. 24 Approaching central bridges through a metaphyseal window may be difficult even with adequate suc- tion, illumination, magnification, dental mirrors, and cutting instru- ments. In some cases, Jackson’s mod- ification of cutting a predrilled and tapped wedge of metaphysis as a window is helpful 45 (Fig. 10). With help from the image intensifier, the horizontal cut is made parallel to the physis and 5 t o 1 0 m m f r om it. Screw- ing the bone wedge back on top of the fat graft fixes the graft and pre- vents the hematoma from displacing it, thus reducing the risk of recur- rence.Thescrewactsasausefulmark- er for follow up. Stricker 46 used an arthroscope to better visualize the excision of cen- tral physeal bridges through small metaphyseal windows. Insertion of metallic markers on either side of the physis after resection of the physeal bridge is essential for measuring sub- sequent growth. The markers alsocan be used to differentiate growth of the affected physis from overgrowth of the physis at t he other end of thesame bone. The markers are best inserted in the cancellous bone parallel to the physis in the plane of deformity (eg, in the sagittal plane in sagittal plane deformity) and in the ossified center of the epiphysis to avoid extrusion with growth and metaphyseal re- modeling 23,27 (Fig. 11). The markers should not be in contact with the cav- ity. Transverse small Kirschner wires cut flush with the bone, small vascu- lar clips, and small bone anchors without sutures all have been used. Titanium Kirschner wires are prefer- able because they do not interfere with future MRI evaluation. 23 It is very instructive to draw a postoperative “map” immediately af- ter the surgical treatment based on the surgical findings. The map is useful for future refer ence should bridge for- mation recur and for comparison with the preoperative map. 47 Interposition Material Animal studies have shown that bridge reformation occurs consistent- ly when interposition material is not used. 20,48 Fat, polymethylmethacry- late (PMMA), bone wax, cartilage, muscle, and silicone have all been used as interposition materials. Fat and PMMA are the two most com- monly used materials. Because carti- lage is the damaged tissue, it is the ideal interposition material. 49 Autog- enous chondrocytes, which are cul- tured in vitro and transplanted into the defect created by the resection of the physeal bridge, appear to be promising in animal models. 50,51 Ev- idence suggests that the defects are filled with cartilage; histologic exam- ination showed the chondrocytes lin- ing up in a columnar arrangement, as in anormal physis. 50 Based on their rabbit study, Tobita et al 51 reported that autogenous chondrocyte trans- Figure 9 Cross-section (top) and anteropos- terior (bottom) views of a peripheral physeal bridge. A, The shaded area inthe cross-section diagram represents mapping of a peripheral physeal bridge. B, The bridge is excised via a direct approach. Figure 10 Jackson’s modification of the metaphyseal window approach. Physeal Bridge Resection 54 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons plantation is better than fat graft for cases in which the damaged area is larger than two thirds of the physis. Cultured chondrocytes or other bio- logic tissue (eg, cartilage) may be use- ful in the near future. 48 Lee et al 52 investigated the feasi- bility of using gene therapy and tis- sue engineering to treat tibial physeal defects in rabbits. Their studies were based on autologous muscle- and adenoviral-mediated gene transfer of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2). IGF-1 appeared to have a supportive effect on physeal chon- drocytes; BMP-2 caused increased os- teogenic activity in the injured phy- sis. 52 Johnstone et al 53 reported that osteogenic protein-1 had a localized effect of promoting outgrowth of the adjacent physeal cartilage. Regardless of the type of interpo- sition material used, the material should remain at the original site of the physeal bridge and the adjacent metaphysis-epiphysis. The likelihood of physeal bridge reformation occur- ring acr oss the physis increases when the epiphysis grows away from the interposition material (Fig. 12). Fat has the advantage of being au- togenous and can potentially enlarge in size with the patient. Langenskiöld 18 used buttock fat because of its firmer and globular consistency. The disad- vantage of using fat is that it is asso- ciated with poor hemostasis in the cav- ity. It tends to float out of the cavity when the tourniquet is released. Clo- sure of the periosteum over the cav- ity to contain the fat predisposes to peripheral bridging. Fat grafts do not provide structural support to the weakened bone, which predisposes the bone to fracture, thereby requir- ing postoperative immobilization. Tachdjian 54 recommends suturing the fat graft through drill holes made in the epiphysis and metaphysis sur- rounding the cavity; doing so may avoid fat migration caused by bleed- ing from the raw bony surfaces. To decrease bleeding and hematoma for - mation, bone wax can be used on os- seous surfaces. Shrinking of the graft may induce recurr ence of the physeal bridge, 23 and partial necrosis of fat grafts has been reported. PMMA without barium is an in- ert material with minimalthermogen- ic properties. Its radiolucency allows assessment of bridge recurrence. It provides hemostasis because it occu- pies the entire portion of the cavity and is strong enough to provide some structural support, thereby permit- ting potentially less postoperativeim- mobilization. PMMA can be poured into a dependent cavity in a liquid state, or it may be allowed to set par- tially and then be pushed into the de- fect like putty so that it molds well to the cavity. 16 When PMMA is used as an inter- position material, the epiphyseal walls should be undermined with a right-angled cur ette to ensure that the PMMA plug stays in the epiphysis and adjacent physis and does not dis- place toward the metaphysis. It also can be kept in the epiphysis by cre- ating drill holes (pods) in the epiphy- sis to anchor it. 16 A minimal amount of PMMA should be used in the me- taphysis (Fig. 12). After the PMMA sets completely, the remaining metaphyseal cavity is packed with the cancellous bone har- vested during the exposure. Allograft bone can be usedas a supplement. Sil- icone, which has many properties similar to PMMA, has been used ex- perimentally in both humans and an- imals, but it is currently unavailable for use. Corrective Osteotomy With Bridge Resection Absolute indications for corrective os- teotomy at the time of bridge resec- tion have not been firmly established. Although spontaneous correction of up to 35° has been reported, the de- gree of correction is variable and in- consistent. 20 A current indication for Figure 11 Posttraumatic posterior physeal bridge of the distal femoral physis in a 13-year- old boy. A, Intraoperative lateral radiograph after excision of the bridge and insertion of fat graft. Note the orientation of the metal markers. B, Lateral radiograph of the distal femur of the same patient 4.5 years later demonstrating the spread and nearly parallel orientation of the metal markers. Khalid I. Khoshhal, FRCS Edin, ABOS, and Gerhard N. Kiefer, MD, FRCSC Vol 13, No 1, January/February 2005 55 osteotomy is correction of angular de- formities >20° because theylikely will not correct spontaneously after bridge resection. 16,24,25,27 Williamson and Staheli 20 recommended corrective os- teotomy at the time of bridge resec- tion for all knee and ankle deformi- ties >10°, especially when the area of growth arrest is >25% of the physis. Initial spontaneous improvement in angular deformity was noted in the first year after bridge resection and was attributed to surgical stimulation of the physis. Recurrence of the de- formity by the time of skeletal matu- rity was attributed to early closure of the injured side of the physis. 20 The decision to perform an osteotomy at the time of bridge resection must be guided by the degree and location of the deformity as well as the area of the physeal bridge. A one-stage pro- cedure can be done when corrective osteotomy can be performed without compromising either the physeal bridge resection or the level of the os- teotomy. Postoperative Care Postoperative immobilization is not necessary after excision of small pe- ripheral bridges when PMMA is used as an interposition material or when osteotomy is not performed. Patients should be advised that, although it is not routinely necessary, the PMMA plug may need to be removed. Re- moval can be difficult and may be destructive. There is a theoretical dan- ger of fracture if the PMMA is dis- placed by growth of the metaphysis and creates an area of stress concen- tration within the bone. 31 Removal could cause recurrence of the bridge if done before longitudinal growth is completed. 27 All patients should be followed to skeletal maturity with scanograms to accurately determine the out- come. Peterson 47 reported unexpect- ed growth in the nonoperated phy- sis of the operated bone compared with the nonoperated contralateral bone. It isnot uncommon that growth slows or even ceases completely on the operated side before the contralat- eral side. This could be either second- ary to reformation of the physeal bridge or because of premature clo- sure of the physis. 21 Complications Early or late physeal bridge reforma- tion may occur, especially with bridg- es ≥50%. Early bridge recurrence can be repeatedly resected if the indica- tions for resection are met (2 cm of growth remaining and <50% of the area of the physis). When insufficient growth remains and the deformity is unacceptable, osteotomy is the pro- cedure of choice. 34 There is a small risk of fractur e i f excessive bone is re- moved during resection. Infection is a risk, especially when the physeal bridge is secondary to osteomyelitis. Premature closure of the involved physis, which is reported frequently, may not be a complication but rather a normal physiologic response to physeal injury. 21 In a r eview of 98 patients followed to maturity, Peterson 27 reported that the average growth was 84% of that of the unoperated side. Thirteen per- cent of the patients did not need fur- ther surgery. Eighty-five patients (87%) required adjunctive surgery, usually for preexisting length discrep- ancy and angular deformity, which did not correct fully even with suc- cessful bridge resection. The recur- rence rate was 18%, and the infection rate, 3%. Osteomyelitis was the cause of the bridge in all of the infected cas- es. Two patients (2%) had fractures postoperatively. 27 Summary Physeal bridge r esection can prevent, correct, or improve deformity and limb-length discrepancy by restoring growth potential. It also may help avoid r epetitive complex lengthening surgeries. 24,31 Surgery is not indicat- ed in every patient with a physeal bridge unless a deformity is shown to be present or developing.The over- all results for this procedure indicate an efficacy of growth restoration in most patients, with correction of an- gular deformity up to 20°. Even with successful bridge resection, a patient might need surgery to correct resid- ual limb-length discr epancy or angu- lar deformity. Figure 12 Shape and position of the PMMAinterposition material. A, The PMMA is mainly in the epiphysis, leaving as little PMMA as possible in the metaphysis. B, With the growth of the epiphysis away from the physis, the physis grows inward over the PMMA, prevent- ing bridge reformation. The arrows indicate directions of growth. C, The PMMA is mostly in the metaphysis. When the physis grows away from the interposition material, the ma- terial becomes completely metaphyseal, which predisposes it to bridge reformation once the epiphysis comes into contact with the metaphysis. D, Bridge reformation with tenting of the physis and distortion of the articular surface. Physeal Bridge Resection 56 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons [...]... recommended once the physeal bridge is defined The best outcomes are associated with younger age at the time of surgery, shorter time interval from injury to resection, traumatic etiology, and smaller central bridges Physeal closure seems to occur prematurely despite physeal bridge resection Thus, continued follow-up examination to the end of the growth period is mandatory after physeal bridge resection... 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Imaging of References 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Salter RB: Injuries of the epiphyseal plate Instr Course Lect 1992;41:351-359 Ogden JA, Ganey T, Light TR, Southwick WO: The pathology of acute chondro-osseous injury in the child Yale J Biol Med 1993;66:219-233 Salter RB, Harris WR: Injuries involving the epiphyseal plate J Bone Joint Surg Am 1963;45:587-603 Moen CT, Pelker RR: Biomechanical and . arrest secondary to physeal bridge formation is an uncommon but well- recognized complication of physeal fractures and other injuries. Regardless of the underlying etiology, physeal bridges may. dependent on the remaining physeal growth poten- tial. Physeal bridge resection and insertion of interposition material releases the teth- ering effect of the bridge. Physeal bridge resection has. the physeal bridge. 16 The results of physeal dis- traction r emain controversial because premature complete epiphysiodesis frequently occurs after distraction of the physis. 17 Autogenous physeal transplantation

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