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Parallel Manipulators Towards New Applications Part 15 potx

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Lower-Mobility Symmetrical Parallel Manipulators and Several Novel Manipulators. " International Journal of Robotics Research 21(2) 131-145 506 Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications Hunt, K H (1978) Kinematic Geometry of Mechanisms Oxford, Oxford:Claredon Press Jin, Q.; Yang, T L et al (2001) Structure Synthesis of A Class of Five-DoF (Three Translation and Two Rotation) Parallel Robot Mechanisms... currently, there are only three manipulators without passive prismatic and cylindrical pairs, including 5-RRR(RR), 5(RRR)RR, 5-(RRR)(RR) as shown in Fig.2, where “AB” denotes axes of pairs A and B are parallel, “(AB)” denotes axes of pairs A and B intersect at a common point 2.1 5-RRR(RR) (a) Fig 3 5-RRR(RR) (b) 500 Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications For a 5-RRR(RR) parallel manipulator shown... Re-analysis of the Degree-of-Freedom Configuration of the Platforms in Spatial Parallel Mechanisms with Constraints Spaces, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 28, No 1-2, (February 2006)190-196, ISSN: 0268-3768 496 Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications *hao, J.-S et al (2006b) The Free Mobility of a Parallel Manipulator, Robotica, Vol.24, No.5, (September 2006)635-641,... structure As the most advanced quadruped robot on Earth, BigDog (bostondynamics.com) adopted rigid torso which result in the failure to realize the motion between shoulder and waist 498 Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications To improve flexibility, some bio-vertebrate robots adopt bio-spine torso, which means a number of functional kinematic units (FKU, working as FSU) joined end-to-end through... Mo9ility of . common point. 2.1 5-RRR(RR) (a) (b) Fig. 3. 5-RRR(RR) Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications 500 For a 5-RRR (RR) parallel manipulator shown in Fig. 3, the movable and base. which result in the failure to realize the motion between shoulder and waist. Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications 498 To improve flexibility, some bio-vertebrate robots adopt. O 2 . Let O 1 be the origin, the x-axis be along the axis of R 1 and z-axis be Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications 502 perpendicular to the base platform. In such a coordinate

Ngày đăng: 12/08/2014, 02:20