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Robotics Automation and Control 2011 Part 15 ppsx

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Autonomous Robot Navigation using Flatness-based Control and Multi-Sensor Fusion 411 where cos( ( )) 0 () sin(()) 0 0 Tk Ln T k T θ θ ⎛⎞ ⎜⎟ = ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ and ^ 10 ()sin() (()) 0 1 ()cos() 00 1 vk T J xk vk T ϕ θ θ − ⎛⎞ ⎜⎟ =− ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ while 222 () [ (), (), ()]Q k diag k k k σσσ = , with 2 ()k σ chosen to be 3 10 − , and T kkykxkx )](),(),([))(( ^^^^ θφ = , ^^^^ ( ( )) [ ( ), ( ), ( ), ( )] T x kxkykkdk γθ = , i.e. ^ ^ ^ ^ () () (()) () ()cos( ) ()sin( ) jj j ri n i n xk yk xk k Pxk P yk P γ θ ⎛⎞ ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ = ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ −− ⎝⎠ (52) Assuming one sonar 1 s n = , and one plane 1 P , 1 p n = in the mobile robot's neighborhood one gets ^ '' 10 0 01 0 (()) 00 1 cos( ) sin( ) { cos( ) sin( )} T jj j j nninin Jxk PPxPyP γ θθ − ⎛⎞ ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ = ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ −− −−− ⎝⎠ (53) The vehicle is steered by a dynamic feedback linearization control algorithm which is based on flatness-based control [Oriolo, G. et al., (2002)]: 11 22 1 2 12 21 ()() ()() cos( ) sin( ) cos( ) sin( ) , dd pd d dd pd d uxKxxKxx uyKyyKyy uu uu v ξθθ θ θ ξω ξ •• • • •• • • • =+ −+ − = +−+− =+ − == (54) The following initialization is assumed (see Fig. 3(a)): (i) vehicle’s initial position in OXY : mx 0)0( = , my 0)0( = , (0) 45.0 o θ = , (ii) position of the sonar in ''' OXY : ' 1 0.5 x m= , ' 1 0.5 ym= , ' 1 0 o θ = , (iii) position of the plane 11 1 : 15.5 , 45 o rn PP mP==, (iv) state noise () 0wk = , ^ (0) [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]Pdiag= and 333 [10 ,10 ,10 ]Rdiag −−− = , (v) Kalman Gain 34 () K kR × ∈ The use of EKF for fusing the data that come from odometric and sonar sensors provides an estimation of the state vector )](),(),([ ttytx θ and enables the successful application of Robotics, Automation and Control 412 nonlinear steering control of Eq. (54). For the case of motion along a straight line on the 2D- plane, the obtained results are depicted in Fig. 3(a). Moreover, results on the tracking of a circular reference path are given in Fig. 4(a), while the case of tracking of an eight-shaped reference path is depicted in Fig. 5(a). Tracking experiments for EKF-based state estimation were completed in the case of a curved path as the one shown in Fig. 6(a). 5.2 Flatness-based control using a state vector estimated by Particle Filtering The particle filter can also provide solution to the sensor fusion problem. The mobile robot model described in Eq. (48), and the control law given in Eq. (54) are used again. The number of particles was set to 1000 = N . The measurement update of the PF is 1 (()| ) (()) i k N i k i pxk Z w xk ξ δ − = = ∑ with 1 (()| () ) (()| () ) ii i kk k N jj k k j wpzk xk w wpzk xk ξ ξ −− − = = = = ∑ where the measurement equation is given by ^ () () ()zk zk vk=+with () [(), (),(), ()] T zk xk yk k dk θ = , and ()vk = measurement noise. The time update of the PF is 1 (( 1)| ) (()) i k N i k i pxk Z w xk ξ δ = += ∑ where ~(( 1)|() ) ii kk pxk xk ξ ξ +=and the state equation is ^ (()) () () x xk LkUk ϕ − =+ , where ))(( kx φ , )(kL and )(kU are defined in subsection 5.1. At each run of the time update of the PF, the state vector estimation ^ (1)xk − + is calculated N times, starting each time from a different value of the state vector i k ξ . The measurement noise distribution was assumed to be Gaussian. As the number of particles increases, the performance of the particle filter- based tracking algorithm also improves, but this happens at higher demand for computational resources. Control of the diversity of the particles through the tuning of the resampling procedure may also affect the performance of the algorithm. The obtained results are given in Fig. 3(b) for the case of motion along a straight line on the 2D plane. Additionally, results on the tracking of a circular reference path are given in Fig. 4(b), while the case of tracking of an eight-shaped reference path is depicted in Fig. 5(b). Tracking experiments for PF-based state estimation were completed in the case of a curved path as the one shown in Fig. 6(b). From the depicted simulation experiments it can be deduced that the particle filter for a sufficiently large number of particles can have good performance, in the problem of estimation of the state vector of the mobile robot, without being subject to the constraint of Gaussian distribution for the obtained measurements. The number of particles influences the performance of the particle filter algorithm. The accuracy of the estimation succeeded by the PF algorithm improves as the number of particles increases. The initialization of the particles, (state vector estimates) may also affect the convergence of the PF towards the real value of the state vector of the monitored system. It should be also noted that the calculation time is a critical parameter for the suitability of the PF algorithm for real-time applications. Autonomous Robot Navigation using Flatness-based Control and Multi-Sensor Fusion 413 When it is necessary to use more particles, improved hardware and parallel processing available to embedded systems, enable the PF to be implemented in real-time systems [Yang, N. et al., (2005)]. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 X Y 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 X Y Fig. 5. (a) Desirable trajectory (continuous line) and trajectory using EKF fusion based on odometric and sonar measurements, when tracking a straight line. Fig. 5. (b) Desirable trajectory (continuous line) and trajectory using PF fusion based on odometric and sonar measurements, when tracking a straight line. Fig. 4. (a) The trajectory of the mobile robot (dashed line) tracks the reference circular path (continuous line) when the robot’s state vector is estimated with the use of Extended Kalman Filtering. Fig. 4. (b) The trajectory of the mobile robot (dashed line) tracks the reference circular path (continuous line) when the robot’s state vector is estimated with the use of particle filtering. Robotics, Automation and Control 414 Fig. 5. (a) The trajectory of the mobile robot (dashed line) tracks the reference eight- shaped path (continuous line) when the robot’s state vector is estimated with the use of Extended Kalman Filtering. Fig. 5. (b) The trajectory of the mobile robot (dashed line) tracks the reference eight- shaped path (continuous line) when the robot’s state vector is estimated with the use of Particle Filtering. Fig. 6. (a) The trajectory of the mobile robot (dashed line) tracks the reference curve- shaped path (continuous line) when the robot’s state vector is estimated with the use of Extended Kalman Filtering. Fig. 6. (b) The trajectory of the mobile robot (dashed line) tracks the reference curve- shaped path (continuous line) when the robot’s state vector is estimated with the use of Particle Filtering. 6. Conclusions The paper has studied flatness-based control and sensor fusion for motion control of autonomous mobile robots. Flatness-based control stems from the concept of differential flatness, i.e. of the ability to express the system parameters (such as the elements of the state vector) and the control input as relations of a function y called flat output and of its higher order derivatives. Flatness-based control affects the dynamics of the system in a way similar to control through feedback-linearization. This means that writing the system variables and the control input as functions of the flat output enables transformation of the system dynamics into a linear ODE and subsequently permits trajectory tracking using linear control methods. For linear systems differential-flatness coincides with the property of controllability. Flatness- Autonomous Robot Navigation using Flatness-based Control and Multi-Sensor Fusion 415 based control is applicable to finite dimensional systems (linear or nonlinear) as well as to infinite dimensional systems, such as the ones usually described by PDE. The problem of motion control of the mobile robots becomes more complicated when the robot's state vector is not directly measurable but has to be reconstructed with the use of measurements coming from distributed sensors. Consequently, the control input generated by the flatness-based control algorithm has to use the estimated state vector of the robotic vehicle instead of the real one. Extended Kalman and Particle filtering have been tested in the problem of estimation of the state vector of a mobile robot through the fusion of position measurements coming from odometric and sonar sensors. The paper has summarized the basics of the Extended Kalman Filter, which is the most popular approach to implement sensor fusion in nonlinear systems. The EKF is a linearization technique, based of a first- order Taylor expansion of the nonlinear state functions and the nonlinear measurement functions of the state model. In the EKF, the state distribution is approximated by a Gaussian random variable. Although the EKF is a fast algorithm, the underlying series approximations can lead to poor representations of the nonlinear functions and the associated probability distributions. As a result, the EKF can sometimes be divergent. To overcome these weekness of the EKF as well as the constraint of the Gaussian state distribution, particle filtering has been introduced. Whereas the EKF makes a Gaussian assumption to simplify the optimal recursive state estimation, the particle filter makes no assumptions on the forms of the state vector and measurement probability densities. In the particle filter, a set of weighted particles (state vector estimates evolving in parallel) is used to approximate the posterior distribution of the state vector. An iteration of the particle filter includes particle update and weights update. To succeed the convergence of the algorithm at each iteration resampling takes place through which particles with low weights are substituted by particles of high weights. Simulation tests have been carried out to evaluate the performance of flatness-based control for the autonomous mobile robot, when using the EKF and the particle filter for the localization of the robotic vehicle (through the fusion of measurements coming from distributed sensors). It has been shown, that comparing to EKF, the PF algorithm results in better estimates of the mobile robot's state vector as the number of particles increases, but on the expense of higher computational effort. Consequently, the flatness-based controller which used the robot's state vector coming from the particle filter, had better tracking performance than the flatness-based controller which used the robot's state vector that was estimated by the EKF. It has been also observed that the accuracy in the localization of the mobile robot, succeeded by the particle filter algorithm depends on the number of particles and their initialization. 7. References Arulampalam, S.; Maskell, S.R., Gordon, N.J. & Clapp, T. (2002). A tutorial on particle filters for on-line nonlinear/non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 50, pp. 174-188. Campillo, F. (2006). 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The effectiveness of a solution to the localization problem in an unstructured environment strongly depends on how it copes with the uncertainty affecting robot perception. The probabilistic robotics paradigm provides statistical techniques for representing information and making decision, along with a unifying mathematical framework for probabilistic algorithms based on Bayes rule (Thrun et al., 2005). For this reason, bayesian filtering has become the prevailing approach in recent works on localization (Elinas & Little, 2005; Sridharan et al., 2005; Hester & Stone, 2008). Bayesian filtering is a general probabilistic paradigm to arrange motion and sensor data in order to achieve a solution in the form of distribution of state random variables. Bayesian filters differ in the representation of the probability density function (PDF) of state. For example, the resulting estimation of Gaussian filters (Kalman Filter, Extended Kalman Filter) (Leonard & Durrant-Whyte, 1991; Arras et al., 2002) is expressed in the form of a continuous parametric function, while the state posterior is decomposed in discrete elements for nonparametric filters. The main nonparametric algorithm is called Particle Filter (PF) (Fox et al., 1999) and relies on importance sampling (Doucet et al., 2001). With importance sampling, the probability density of the robot pose is approximated by a set of samples drawn from a proposal distribution, and an importance weight measures the distance of each sample from the correct estimation. The nonparametric approach has the advantage of providing a better approximation of the posterior when a parametric model does not exist or changes during iteration, e.g. in initialization or when environment symmetries determine a multi-modal PDF. Even if techniques like Multi-Hypothesis Tracking (Arras et al., 2002) attempt to manage multi- modal distributions, particle filters are more efficient and can represent all kinds of PDFs, including uniform distributions. Moreover, particle filters limit errors due to the linearization of model equations that can lead to poor performance and divergence of the Robotics, Automation and Control 418 filter for highly nonlinear problems. Unfortunately, particle filters suffer from computational complexity due to the large number of discrete samples of the posterior: for each sample a pose update, a correction and a resample step are performed. Since localization can be performed slowly with respect to the usual movement and tasks of the robot, it would be conceivable to perform localization over a large time interval. Therefore, there have been attempts to adapt the number of samples (Fox, 2003). However, during an excessive time interval uncertainty increases and many useful observations are dropped; a proper interval to complete a particle filter iteration should be approximately equal to the rate of incoming data. A trade-off must therefore be reached between time constraints imposed by the need of collecting sensor data incoming with a given rate and the number of samples determining the accuracy of the representation of localization hypotheses. Performance depends both on the number of integrated observations and on the number of samples. The Real-Time Particle Filter (RTPF) (Kwok et al., 2004) is a variant of a standard particle filter addressing this problem. Samples are partitioned into subsets among observations over an estimation window. The size of each partitioned subset is chosen so that a particle filter iteration can be performed before a new observation is acquired. The difference with standard PF with smaller sample set lies in the representation of the posterior as a mixture of samples: at the end of an estimation window the distribution consists of the samples from each subset of the window. Mixture weights determine how each partition set contributes to the posterior and are computed in order to minimize the approximation error of the mixture distribution. While RTPF represents a remarkable step toward a viable particle filter-based localizer, there are a few issues to be addressed in developing an effective implementation. RTPF convergence is prone to bias problem and to some numerical instability in the computation of the mixture weights arising from the need to perform a numerical gradient descent. Furthermore, even adopting RTPF as the basic architecture, the design of a flexible and customizable particle filter remains a challenging task. For example, life cycle of samples extends beyond a single iteration and covers an estimation window in which mixture posterior computation is completed. This extended life cycle of samples impacts over software design. Moreover, RTPF addresses observations management and derived constraints. A good implementation should be adaptable to a variety of sensors. In this chapter, we describe the application of RTPF to robot localization and provide three additional contributions: a formal analysis for the evolution of mixture of posterior in RTPF, a novel solution for the computation of mixture weights yielding improved stability and convergence, and a discussion of the design issues arising in developing a RTPF-based robot localization system. The algorithm described in (Kwok et al., 2004) computes mixture weights by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance between the mixture distribution and the theoretically- correct one. Unfortunately, this criterion tends to promote partition sets of the estimation window that provide a poor representation of the distribution of robot state. In particular, we show that KL criterion favours sets with low effective sample size (Liu, 1996) and leads to a bias in the estimation. As an alternative way to compute mixture weights, we define a weights matrix, whose elements are related to the effective sample size. The mixture weight vector is then computed as an eigenvector of this matrix. This solution is more robust and less prone to numerical instability. Finally, we propose the design of a library that takes care An Improved Real-Time Particle Filter for Robot Localization 419 of efficient life cycle of samples and control data, which is different between RTPF and standard particle filter, and supports multiple motion and sensor models. This flexibility is achieved by applying generic programming techniques and a policy pattern. Moreover, differing from other particle filter implementations (e.g., CARMEN (Montemerlo et al., 2003)), the library is independent from specific control frameworks and toolkits. The remaining of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 contains an overview of RTPF with the original algorithm to compute mixture weights. Section 3 provides a formal description of the bias problem and a novel approach in the computation of mixture weights based on the effective number of samples. This approach simplifies RTPF and tries to avoid spurious numeric convergence of gradient descent methods. Section 4 illustrates design issues connected to RTPF and describes a localization library implementing a highly configurable particle filter localizer. Section 5 presents simulation and experimental results which are reported and compared with the original RTPF performance. Finally, section 6 gives conclusion remarks. 2. Real-time particle filters In particle filters, updating the particles used to represent the probability density function (potentially a large number) usually requires a time which is a multiple of the cycle of sensor information arrival. Naive approaches, yet often adopted, include discarding observations arriving during the update of the sample set, aggregating multiple observations into a single one, and halting the generation of new samples upon a new observation arrival (Kwok et al., 2004). These approaches can affect filter convergence, as either they loose valuable sensor information, or they result in inefficient choices in algorithm parameters. Fig. 1 RTPF operation: samples are distributed in sets, associated with the observations. The distribution is a mixture of the sample sets based on weights i α (shown as ai in figure). An advanced approach dealing with such situations is the Real-Time Particle Filters (RTPF) (Kwok et al., 2003; Kwok et al., 2004) which is briefly described in the following. Consider k observations. The key idea of the Real-Time Particle Filter is to distribute the samples in sets, each one associated with one of the k observations. The distribution representing the system state within an estimation window will be defined as a mixture of the k sample sets as shown in Fig. 1. At the end of each estimation window, the weights of the mixture belief are determined by RTPF based on the associated observations in order to minimize the approximation error relative to the optimal filter process. The optimal belief could be obtained with enough computational resources by computing the whole set of samples for each observation. Formally: Robotics, Automation and Control 420 01 0 1 1 () (|)(| ,) () k k ii ii i k opt t t t tt tt t t i Bel x p z x p x x u Bel x dx dx − − = ∏ ∫ ∝ … (1) where )( 0t xBel is the belief generated in the previous estimation window, and ti z , ti u , ti x are, respectively, the observation, the control information, and the state for the thi − interval. Within the RTPF framework, the belief for the ith − set can be expressed, similarly, as: 01 0 1 1 () (|) (| ,) () k k jj j k it t t ti ti t t t t j Bel x p z x p x x u Bel x dx dx − − = ∏ ∫ ∝ … (2) containing only observation-free trajectories, since the only feedback is based on the observation ti z , sensor data available at time i t . The weighted sum of the k believes belonging to an estimation window results in an approximation of the optimal belief: k i1 (|) () kkmix t i i t Bel x Bel x αα = ∝ ∑ (3) An open problem is how to define the optimal mixture weights minimizing the difference between the )( ktopt xBel and )|( α ktmix xBel . In (Kwok et al., 2004), the authors propose to minimize their Kullback-Leibler distance (KLD). This measure of the difference between probability distributions is largely used in information theory (Cover & Thomas, 1991) and can be expressed as: 1 (|) () ( | )log () k k k k mix t mix t opt t Bel x JBelx dx t Bel x α αα − ∝ ∫ (4) To optimize the weights of mixture approximation, a gradient descent method is proposed in (Kwok et al., 2004). Since gradient computation is not possible without knowing the optimal belief, which requires the integration of all observations, the gradient is obtained by Monte Carlo approximation: believes i Bel share the same trajectories over the estimation windows, so we can use the weights to evaluate both i Bel (each weight corresponds to an observation) and opt Bel (the weight of a trajectory is the product of the weights associated to this trajectory in each partition). Hence, the gradient is given by the following formula: jj i i j j (s) tt Np 1 (s) t t (s) s1 t t 1 w(x ) 1w(x) w(x ) k j j k i j J α α = = = ∑ ∏ ∂ ≅+ ∂ ∑ (5) where i Bel is substituted by the sum of the weights of partition set thi − and opt Bel by the sum of the weights of each trajectory. Unfortunately, (5) suffers from a bias problem, which (Kwok et al., 2004) solve by clustering samples and computing separately the contribution of each cluster to the gradient (5). In the next section, an alternative solution is proposed. [...]... samples and new objects for representation of odometric and sensor data are created to be immediately destroyed Note that the samples and controls are created in different iterations of the localizer in the same estimation window and survive after the end of this window: that is a rather different way of handling objects from a standard particle filter implementation Thus a management 428 Robotics, Automation. .. By applying command control and updating robot position, the dispersion radius increases together with the trace of the covariance matrix If Gti is the Jacobian of motion model computed in (η xti , u ti ) , with Gti G T ≥ I (hypotheses verified by a standard model ti like (Thrun et al., 2005)), and Σ wti is the covariance matrix of additive noise, then 422 Robotics, Automation and Control ( ) tr (... and Control policy and proper data structures for storage are required in a flexible implementation Therefore observations, even if they are created and used in an iteration and their handling is quite straightforward, exhibit a variety of sensor models given by the range of sensors To support such a variety, the library provides generic sensor data Fig 3 Life cycle for particle, measurement, and control. .. understanding of the problem and of the algorithmic solution should be combined with a careful software implementation to attain the potential of probabilistic localization methods 7 Acknowledgement This research has been partially supported by Laboratory LARER of Regione EmiliaRomagna, Italy 434 Robotics, Automation and Control 8 References Alexandrescu, A (2001) Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and. .. by partition sets 1 relative effective sample size 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0 5 10 15 partition set index 0.09 RTPF-Grad RTPF-Eig 0.085 0.08 mixture weights 0.075 0.07 0.065 0.06 0.055 0.05 0.045 0.04 0 5 10 15 partition set index Fig 2 Effective sample size (top) and mixture weights computed according to the original algorithm and to the proposed variant (bottom) in an estimation window of 15. .. 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D., & Meilǎ, M (2003) Adaptive real-time particle filters for robot localization IEEE Int Conf on Robotics and Automation, 2:2836–2841, 2003 Kwok, C., Fox, D., & Meilǎ, M (2004) Real-time particle filters Proc of the IEEE, 92(3):469– 484 Leonard, J J & Durrant-Whyte, H F (1991) Mobile Robot Localization by Traking Geometric Beacons IEEE Int Conf on Robotics and Automation Liu, J (1996) Metropolized independent... probabilistic – but static – error description 436 Robotics, Automation and Control This is particularly important when dealing with autonomous or semi-autonomous systems With an increasing degree of autonomy and safety requirements, requirements for dependability increase Hence, being able to measure and compare the dependability of a system becomes more and more vital Since autonomous mobile systems... Int J of Robotics Research, 21(8):735–758 Sridharan, M., Kuhlmann, G., & Stone, P (2005) Practical vision-based Monte Carlo localization on a legged robot IEEE Int Conf on Robotics and Automation, pages 3366–3371 Thrun, S., Burgard, W., & Fox, D (2005) Probabibilistic Robotics MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 22 Dependability of Autonomous Mobile Systems Jan Rüdiger, AchimWagner and Essam Badreddin Automation. .. independent localization methodology To this purpose, some visual 432 Robotics, Automation and Control % Test with error less than 1.5 m (A) Conv ergence in Map 1 100 RTPF-Grad RTPF-Eig 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 Num Iteration 25 30 35 40 % Test with error less than 1.5 m (B) Conv ergence in Map 2 100 RTPF-Grad RTPF-Eig 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 Num Iteration 25 30 35 40 Fig 8 Percentage of simulation trials . odometric and sonar sensors provides an estimation of the state vector )](),(),([ ttytx θ and enables the successful application of Robotics, Automation and Control 412 nonlinear steering control. 419 of efficient life cycle of samples and control data, which is different between RTPF and standard particle filter, and supports multiple motion and sensor models. This flexibility is achieved. information from each Robotics, Automation and Control 424 observation. Conversely, the trajectories update given by odometry and observation spreads the particles on partition sets. Our

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