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13 Case Study: Impact of Partially Treated Mine Water on an Ohio River(U.S.A.) Mussel Bed—Use of Multiple Lines of Evidence in Impact Analysis Heidi L. Dunn, Jerry L. Farris, and John H. VanHassel INTRODUCTION In July 1993, an undergroundcoal mine in southern Ohio underwent an emergency dewatering operationdue to floodingfrom an adjacent abandoned mine. Becauseofthe tremendous volume of water involved ( w 1billion gallons) and the urgency of the situationinterms of preserving the miningoperation, regulatory action allowed the removed mine water to bypass normal treatment. The mine water, therefore, onlyreceived partial treatment with acaustictoraise thepH. Asubstantial volume of mine water was released into ParkerRun,atributary of Leading Creek in MeigsCounty, Ohio,overa28-dayperiod. Aquaticlife wasvirtuallyextirpatedfrom approximately 29 km of ParkerRun andLeading Creek, fromthe mine-water discharge point to the Leading Creek confluence with the Ohio River, due to acidic pH averaging about 4.5 and elevated concentrations of iron, copper,manganese, nickel, and zinc. Extensive chemical and biological monitoring was undertaken to document the magnitude of impact caused by the mine-water release and to monitor stream recovery.Aspart of this program, potential impacts on theOhioRiver were assessed.Inparticular, freshwaterunionidmussel resourceswere considered at risk because of the knownpollution sensitivity of theseorganisms and the presence of the federally endangered pink mucket, Lampsilis abrupta ,from both upstream and downstream Ohio River pools (Zeto et al. 1987). Mine-water chemistry and its effects on aquatic life have been extensively studied. Minewater is typicallycharacterizedbyextremely acidic pH! 3and elevated concentrations of several metals, particularly iron, which can reachconcentrations in the thousands of parts per million,—three orders of magnitude above background concentrationsinstream water (Parsons 1968; Short et al. 1990; Grippo and Dunson 1996). The ferrous (Fe 2 C )form of iron predominates at acidic pH andlow redoxconditions andisgraduallyreplaced by theferric(Fe 3 C )formaspHand oxidation potential increase. Both thedirect toxiceffects of thepH/metalinteractionand the indirect effects of ferric iron precipitationonstreambottoms canbesevere(Parsons 1968; Grippo and Dunson 1996). Parsons (1968) observed that mussels were the mostsensitive group of organisms to acid mine drainage in aMissouristream. 4284x—CHAPTER 13—17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 335 © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Measuring the potential mine-water releaseimpactonOhio River mussels was the logical choice becauseoftheir known sensitivitytoavariety of environmental stressors compared to othergroups of organisms (Simmons andReed1973; Greenetal. 1989; Cherry et al.2002). Mussels have provided specificevidence of impact in studies of acid mine drainage (Simmons and Reed 1973; Gardner et al. 1981). Density, species richness, size and age range,recruitment, mortality, and growth are useful metrics for assessing impacts to mussel communities. Cellulolytic enzyme activityand glycogen content of mussels are physiological measures that appearsensitive to environmental stress (Haag et al. 1993). In this study, acombination of water and sediment chemistry,mussel community monitoring, and toxicological investigations was used to define the immediate and long-term impact of the 1993 mine-water releaseonOhio River unionid mussels. METHODS S AMPLING L OCATIONS Mussels (in the years1993,1994, 1995, and 1997), water (in 1993), andbottom sediments (in1994 and1995) were collectedfromthe Ohio Riveratestablishedlocations upstream and downstream of the confluence of Leading Creek (Figure13.1). These sites were selected to provide an upstream–downstream assessment of impact from mine waterintroduced into Leading Creek and were locatedinthe Ohio-West Virginia portion of the upper Ohio River near Middleport, Ohio. To assess conditions upstream of Leading Creek, aknownmussel bed at Ohio River Mile (ORM)252.6,approximately 2.4kmupstream of theLeadingCreek confluenceonthe West Virginiaside of the river, was selected in 1993 as an upstream reference site (Site 1). Thesite waslocated on asharp outsidebend, anddepth was6.1–11.0 m. Duetoscouringdischarges in winter 1993/1994, substrate at thissite changed from predominately gravel/sand in 1993 to cobble/gravel/boulder in 1994. Mussel communities were alsoreduced due to scour, and diving conditions became unsafe, prompting achange of mussel sampling to ORM 254.0 for 1995 and 1997.This new upstreamsite (Site 1A) was 160 mupstream of the Leading Creek confluence on the Ohio side of the river and 4.5–8.7 mdeep, with substrate of mostly sand and gravel. Water quality (fromAug. 2toSept. 2, 1993),sedimentquality(in 1994 and1995),and unionidmussels (in1993 and1994) were sampledatSite1,and unionidmussels (in1995 and1997) were sampledatSite 1A. Thefirst knownmussel bed downstream of Leading Creek occurred at ORM 255.5, approxi- mately 2.25 km downstream of Leading Creek (Site 2). Depth within the bed rangedfrom 6.4 to 13.5 m, and substrate was gravel/cobble. Site 2was between the water quality transects located 1.3 and 2.6 km downstream from the confluence of Leading Creek. Water quality (from Aug. 2to Sept. 2, 1993), sediment quality (in 1994 and 1995), and unionid mussels (in the years1993, 1994, 1995, and 1997) weresampledatSite 2. Afew unionids had also been previously found at ORM 257.6 on the right descending bank of Eightmile Island, which is on the West Virginia side of the river approximately 5.6 km downstream of the Leading Creek confluence (Site 3). Water depth at Site 3ranged from 2.7 to 4.4 m, and substrate was predominately sand and gravel. Site 3was downstream of thedownstream-mostwater quality transect (4.7 km downstream of Leading Creek).Unionids (in the years 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1997) and sediment (in 1994 and 1995) were sampled at Site3. To determinethe extent of the impact area, water quality was also sampled in Leading Creek 150 mupstream of the Ohio River confluence and in the Ohio River downstream of the Leading Creekconfluence at distancesof122 m, 183m,244 m, 366m,1.3 km,2.6 km,and 4.7km. Sediment wasalsosampled on theOhiosideofthe river 160m downstream of theLeading Creek confluence. Freshwater BivalveEcotoxicology336 4284x—CHAPTER 13—17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) W ATER C HEMISTRY Water samples were collected daily beginning on August 2, 1993, when the partially-treated mine water first reachedthe OhioRiver,through September2,1993, when sampling indicatedthat mine water discharging from Leading Creek was fully treated. For the first few days, each of the Middleport Leading creek Mile 253 Mile 256 Mile 257 Mile 258 09.15.03 Eightmile Island Power plant Site 1A 160 m Upstream Site 2 2.25 km Downstream Site 3 5.6 km Downstream 1.3 km OHIO 2.6 km WEST VIRGINIA 4.7 km N 01mi Beverly, Ohio Quadrangle USGS topographic map LEGEND Mussels Sediment Water quality transect ½ Cheshire 122 m 183 m 244 m 366 m OHIO RIVER Site 1 2.4 km Upstream FIGURE 13.1 Study locale and location of sampling stations (mussels). Case Study: Impact of Partially Treated Mine Water on an Ohio River (U.S.A.) Mussel Bed 337 4284x—CHAPTER 13—17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) OhioRiver transects was sampled for temperature and conductivity from surface to bottom at approximately 0.3-mdepth intervals andatseveralpointsacross the widthofthe river. Mine water dischargedfromLeadingCreek maintainedadiscrete plume at thebottomofthe Ohio River due to its temperature (18–198 C) beingcooler than that of the OhioRiver. Samplingat eachtransectconsisted of plumetrackingusing conductivitymeasurements. Temperatureand conductivity werethen sampled at approximately 0.3-km depthintervals at apoint centered on the plume, and samplesfor further analysiswerecollected from the depthdisplaying the highest mine-water density (conductivity). Field measurement of pH and dissolved oxygen and sample preservation for laboratory analysiswere performed according to USEPA (1979) methods. In thelaboratory,water hardness, conductivity,acidity, alkalinity,total suspended solids, sulfates, and the metalsAg, Al, As, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe (total and ferrous), Hg, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn were measured. All analyses exceptferrous ironwere performed according to USEPA (1979) methods,with total recoverable metal concentrations determined by an AES–ICP analyzer and FAA and GFAAspectrometers. Ferrous iron concentrations were determined by the phenan- throline method (American Public Health Association 1992). S EDIMENT C HEMISTRY Sedimentsampleswere collected 2.4 km upstream and 160 m, 2.25 km, and 4.7 km downstream of Leading Creek in July,August, and September 1994, and July and August, 1995. At each site, sampleswere collected from depositional sediments usingaponar dredge and were preserved intact for laboratory analysis. In the laboratory, samples weredried for 48 hours at 50–608 C, sieved through 12 mesh (1.4 mm) to remove debris and large particles, then milled and sieved through 100 mesh (0.15 mm). Theportion of each sample to be analyzed for aluminum (as Al 2 O 3 )and iron(as Fe 2 O 3 )was digested in aclosed PFAvessel usinghydrofluoric, hydrochloric, nitric, andboric acidsina microwave digestion system. Another portion of each sample to be analyzed for Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn was similarly digested usinghydrochloric and nitric acids. The vessel pressures were not allowed to exceed95psi during the digestion. Metal concen- trations were measured using an AES–ICP analyzer and FAA and GFAA spectrometers. M USSEL S URVEYS Mussel beds located at 2.4 km (Site 1) and 160m(Site 1A) upstream and 2.25 km (Site 2) and 4.7 km (Site 3) downstream of Leading Creek weresampledinAugust–September of 1993, 1994, and 1995, and June 1997, approximately two weeks, one, two,and four years following mine-water release.Sampling wasattempted butnot completed in 1996 because of extended high-water conditions on the Ohio River. Sampling at each site consisted of visual observation and quan- titative and qualitative collecting. Beforecollecting, each site was visually assessed for substrate characteristics, relative mussel density,presence of dead shells, and mussel behavior (e.g., buried, siphoning, and gaping). At each site, four 100-m transectlines were established perpendicularto theriverbank at 100-mintervals.Twenty(20)quantitative sampleswerecollected from 20 randomly selected pointsalong each transectline in 1993. This sample size was only sufficient to detect a50% change in unionid density; therefore, sample sizewas increased to 40 in sub- sequent years. However, theadditionalsamples yieldedonlyaslight decrease in sample variability. Each sample was collected by excavating a0.25 m 2 area of substrate to adepth of 15 cm, broughttothe surface in abucket,then rinsed through aseries of nested sieves with decreasing meshsize (12, 6, and 3mm). All unionids wereremoved,and substrate composition was visually estimated and scored according to the Wentworth Scale. To increase the probability of collecting rare species,each transectand areas of high unionid density were alsoqualitatively sampledbyhand picking for two to three hours or until 100 unionids Freshwater BivalveEcotoxicology338 4284x—CHAPTER 13—17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) were recovered. All collected unionids,including relic shells, wereidentified to species, counted, measured for length (mm) and weight (g), aged (external annuli count), and returnedtothe river near the collection location. Age estimates were obtained by counting externalannuli, which are prone to underestimate true age but is an acceptable method for younger age classes (Neves and Moyer 1988), which wereofprimary interest for this study. Live mussel density (number/m 2 ), percent mortality (number of freshly dead shells compared to the number of live animalsand freshlydead shells,with “freshly dead” defined as with or without soft parts, nacrelustrous, periostracum intact, and dead less than one year), percent less than or equal to three yearsofage, percent less than or equal to five years of age, and average age were calculated from quantitativesamples.Species richness andspeciesrelative abundancewere determined from the total of all unionids collected in quantitative and qualitative samples. T OXICITY T ESTING Samples of the mine water that had been discharged to Leading Creek wereshipped to ArkansasState University’s Ecotoxicology Research Facility for acuteand chronic toxicity testing during 1994– 1995. Forty-eight-hour acute toxicitytests wereperformedonthe fatheadminnow(Pimephales promelas)and two cladocerans ( Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex)according to USEPA(1993) protocols. Two tests each were performed on the fathead minnow and D. magna,and one on D. pulex. Test treatments consisted of dilutions of the mine water, ranging from 1.25 to 100% mine water, using dechlorinated, carbon-filtered tap water for dilution and controls. Further description of test conditions is provided in Milam and Farris (1998). In addition, two acute tests were performed on the fragile papershell mussel ( Leptodea fragilis), measuring glochidial viability according to the methods of Jacobson et al. (1997).Gravid L. fragilis females wereobtainedfrom the field, and glochidiawere excised from the marsupiafor transfer into test chambers.Following 24-hour exposuretoaseriesofmine-water dilutions, glochidia viabilitywas determined by recordingthe number of animalswithopenversusclosed valves before and after exposure to asaturated salt solution. Chronictoxicitytests of theminewater were performedusing theAsian clam Corbicula fluminea and the cladoceran Ceriodaphniadubia.Two 30-dayexposures of the Asian clamwere conducted usinganartificial stream system consisting of aseries of 60-liter oval fiberglassstreams (Farris et al. 1989). Acurrent averaging0.05m/sec was maintained in each stream unit using fiberglasspaddles powered by an electric motor. Mine-water treatments (three replicatestreams per treatment) ranged from 1.25 to 20%, using dechlorinated, charcoal-filtered tap water for dilution and controls. Mine water was renewed in each treatment on adaily basis from amine-water stock that was in turn renewedbyweekly shipments from the mine. Adult Asian clams obtained from an unimpacted area of the Saline River, Arkansas, were used in testing. Clams were held in baskets with a1-cm 2 mesh size and wereplaced in each stream. During daily mine-water renewals, the baskets were removed and placed for approximatelyone hour in 2-liter polycarbonate vessels containing concentrated algae. Atri-algalmix ( Chlamydo- monas , Ankistrodesmus ,and Chlorella)cultured in Bold’sbasic medium was dispenseddaily to each container at arate of 5mL/L, which represented approximately200 cells/mL as asuggested provisional feeding rate (USEPA 1989). Thechronic endpoints measured were cellulolytic enzymeactivity for both tests and clam growth in lengthfor Test 1. Twelve clams from eachreplicate stream were randomly chosen following the 30-dayexposure and were dissected for cellulolytic enzyme analysis(Farris et al. 1989). The 1-g sampleswere homogenized in aphosphate buffer (0.15 MatpH6.1) at awet mass to buffer ratio of 0.02 g/mL.Samples were centrifugedfor 15 minutes at 15,000 rpm,supernatants were decanted for endo/exocellulase analysis, and the pellets were recoveredfor dry mass measure- ments. Lengthinmillimeters of ten individually marked clams in each replicatestream in Test 1 was measured at the start and end of the 30-day exposure usingcalipers. Case Study: Impact of Partially Treated Mine Water on an Ohio River (U.S.A.) Mussel Bed 339 4284x—CHAPTER 13—17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Three short-term chronic tests were performed on the mine water using C. dubia according to USEPA (1989) protocols. The three tests were performed consecutivelyduringthe first 30-day Asian clam test usingthe same stock of mine water. Treatment concentrations were the same as thoseused for the Asian clamexposures. Water quality measurements for the toxicity tests are shown in Table 13.1 for the combined tests. Alltesting was performed at atemperature of 25G 1 8 C. D ATA A NALYSIS Statistical analysisofstudyresults for water and sediment chemistry(site comparisons by par- ameter), mussel surveys (site,year, and site times year comparisonsfor density and age),and the 30-day Asian clamtoxicity tests (treatment vs.control) wasperformed usingANOVA (SAS Institute1985). Results of the remaining acute and chronic toxicity tests were evaluated using Dunnett’s testand the trimmed Spearman-Karber method (Hamilton et al. 1977). Theimplied significance levelwas a Z 0.05. RESULTS W ATER C HEMISTRY Ohio River water chemistry did not vary significantly betweensampling sites prior to August 6, 1993, or subsequent to August26, 1993.However, astatisticallymeasurable influence of mine water dischargingfromLeading Creekwas observedbetween these dates(p ! 0.05).The mine-water plume at the bottom of the river was apparent as conductivity and temperature differed between the upper and bottom 0.5 mofthe water column (Table 13.2). At the 183 mtransect, the plume was approximately 3.7 mdeep, measured verticallyfrom thebottom and one-half of the river wide, comparedtoatotaldepth of 8.2–9.1mandatotal widthof366–457m.The plumegradually expanded and became less concentrated with increasing distance from Leading Creek as it mixed with the ambient water,sothat at the 2.6-km transect, the plume occupied approximately one-half of the water column and close to two-thirds of the river width. At the 4.7-km transect, the plume was no longerdiscrete, and water chemistry measurements were only slightly elevated compared to results upstream of Leading Creek. Of the suite of metals analyzed,only total and ferrous iron measurements within the mine-water plumewere significantly elevated to levels expected to pose arisk to resident TABLE 13.1 Toxicity Test Conditions(Mean G 95% C.I.; n Z 30 Except for Hardness, Alkalinity, and 50–100% Exposures: n Z 4) Mine Water (%) pH (s.u.) Conductivity ( m mhos/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Turbidity (NTU) Hardness (mg/L) Alka- linity (mg/L) Total Fe (mg/L) Ferrous Fe (mg/L) 0(Control) 8.02G 0.01 187G 18.40G 0.43 0.57G 0.02 95G 773 G 1 ! 0.1 ! 0.1 1.25 8.03G 0.01 272G 27.85G 0.03 6.12G 0.29 93G 10 64G 20.80G 0.06 0.16G 0.03 2.50 8.01G 0.01 354G 47.84G 0.03 15.7G 0.80 108G 10 60G 21.71G 0.25 0.22G 0.04 5.00 7.89G 0.02 516G 48.00G 0.03 37.8G 1.80 120G 11 47G 33.17G 0.18 0.36G 0.07 10.00 7.73G 0.04 948G 77.74G 0.04 60.9G 4.30 212G 47 22G 55.79G 0.54 0.83G 0.14 20.00 7.38G 0.07 1696G 15 7.83G 0.03 184.0G 8.20 324G 41 22G 612.40G 0.87 2.54G 0.39 50.00 7.27G 1.49 4485G 495 8.08G 0.24 ND 590G 55 24G 8NDND 75.00 7.00G 2.63 6380G 838 7.95G 0.21 ND 930G 77 18G 5NDND 100.00 6.83G 1.65 7888G 909 8.00G 0.29 ND 1115G 445 13G 13 ND ND Freshwater BivalveEcotoxicology340 4284x—CHAPTER 13—17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) organisms. Of the remaining parameters, small but statistically significant increases wereobserved only for manganese, nickel, and zinc. Concentrations for these three metals during August 6–26 averaged 61, less than 3, and 5 m g/L at 2.4 km upstream, compared to 154,10, and 15 m g/L, respec- tively, 2.25 km downstream of the Leading Creek confluence. S EDIMENT C HEMISTRY Sedimentsamplesfrom the Ohio River upstream of Leading Creek and at various distances down- stream were collected on three occasions in 1994,and an additional twosamples were collected in 1995 to address concerns regarding potential residualeffects from the 1993 discharge of mine water. No evidence of any residualmetals was found in the sediments. Metal concentrations within sediments for the six metals that weremostelevatedinthe mine water werenot significantly different among sampled sites (Table 13.3). The only observable trend in the data was slightly higher aluminum and iron at 2.25 km downstream of Leading Creek, attributable to higherconcen- trations in the first two samplescollected in 1994. M USSEL S URVEYS Twenty-one unionid mussel species were collected from 1993 to 1997 at the four sampling sites combined(Table 13.4). Species richnessand composition were very similar among the TABLE 13.2 Ambient Water Chemistryfor Leading Creek and the Ohio River,August 6–26, 1993 ( n Z 21; Mean G 95% C.I.) Location a Conductivity (Surface- m mhos/cm) Conductivity (Bottom- m mhos/cm) Temperature (Surface-8 C) Temperature (Bottom- 8 C) Total Iron (mg/L) Ferrous Iron (mg/L) Ohio River Upstream 585G 8582G 727.6 G 0.2 27.3G 0.4 0.27G 0.07 ! 0.1 Leading Creek 6635G 956 6748G 567 19.1G 2.1 19.4G 1.5 1362G 594 554G 190 Ohio River-122 m592G 11 1870G 311 27.6G 0.1 26.3G 0.6 25.6G 11.2 11.6G 4.9 Ohio River-183 m588G 71623G 309 27.7G 0.3 26.5G 0.4 23.0G 6.40 10.9G 5.5 Ohio River-244 m588G 71723G 483 27.7G 0.1 26.4G 0.7 22.9G 6.00 11.0G 3.9 Ohio River-366 m590G 11 1450G 631 27.7G 0.3 26.6G 0.8 ND 8.5G 6.5 Ohio River-1.3 km 596G 16 1185G 400 27.7G 0.4 26.8G 0.5 9.60G 6.50 5.0G 2.2 Ohio River-2.6 km 628G 23 835G 347 27.5G 0.3 27.2G 0.4 3.80G 3.00 0.1G 0.1 Ohio River-4.7 km 666G 16 667G 27 27.4G 0.2 27.1G 0.1 1.34G 0.38 ! 0.1 a Distance from confluence of the Ohio River and Leading Creek. TABLE 13.3 Selected Sediment Metals Data at Four Ohio River Sites ( n Z 5; Mean G 95% C.I.) Metal 2.4 km Upstream 160 mDownstream 2.25 km Downstream 4.7 km Downstream Al 2 O 3 (%) 8.73G 2.28 10.8G 2.54 11.1G 2.75 6.18G 2.85 Fe 2 O 3 (%) 5.28G 0.68 4.91G 0.48 7.98G 2.85 5.33G 1.11 Cu (ppm) 35.0G 17.0 30.0G 6.00 46.0G 21.0 21.0G 11.0 Mn (ppm) 1008G 282 712G 247 844G 310 730G 181 Ni (ppm) 44.0G 14.0 32.0G 9.60 44.0G 20.0 30.0G 5.50 Zn (ppm) 194G 96.0 110G 55.0 221G 188 115G 35.0 Case Study: Impact of Partially Treated Mine Water on an Ohio River (U.S.A.) Mussel Bed 341 4284x—CHAPTER 13—17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) three sites. Of the 21 total species collected, 20 appeared in collections at the upstream sites, and 17 each were collectedatthe twodownstream sites. Additionally, 12 species occurred at all three sites, 8occurred at two of the three sites, and only the pistol grip ( Tritogoniaverrucosa)was limited to a single individual at only one site (Site 2). Dominant species were alsosimilar among sites. The four mostabundant species overall and at each site were the threeridge ( Amblemaplicata ), threehorn wartyback ( Obliquariareflexa), pink heelsplitter ( Potamilusalatus ), andmapleleaf ( Quadrula quadrula ). No federally listed endangeredorthreatened species were collected at any of the sites duringsampling; however, West Virginia DNRrecovered onepinkpearly mucket ( Lampsilis abrupta )during areconnaissance dive at Site 2. Species richnessand mortality also varied little among years (Table 13.5). Total species rich- ness (quantitative and qualitative samplescombined) varied from 10 to 13, 12 to 14, and 9to12at Sites 1/1A, 2, and 3, respectively, with no trend towardincrease or decrease with time at any of the sites. Mortality was lessthan 5% at all sites during all study years. No freshlydead shells were recovered in quantitative samples in 1993 or 1994 at any site. Only afew freshly dead shells (3.2%) were found at Site2in 1995. Changes in density over time were difficult to detect due to high variability in density estimates at all sites; however, some differences were significant. Statistical comparison of mussel densities in the quantitative samplesindicated that both site and year significantly affected unionid density, but the interaction of these variables was not significant. Density was significantly higheratSite 2 than at Sites 1/1A and 3inthree of the four years. Annual variation in density was not significant at TABLE 13.4 Unionid Species Total RelativeAbundance(1993, 1994, 1995, 1997) at Three OhioRiver Sites Site 1/1A Site 2Site 3Total Species No. %No. %No. %No. % Actinonaias ligamentina 10.1 10.4 20.1 Amblema plicata 404 51.0 195 26.9 41 17.1 640 36.4 Ellipsaria lineolata 30.4 10.4 40.2 Elliptio crassidens 70.9 10 1.4 17 1.0 Fusconaia ebena 10.1 10.1 10.4 30.2 Fusconaia flava 60.8 22 3.0 31.3 31 1.8 Lampsilis cardium 60.8 30.4 23 9.6 32 1.8 Lampsilis siliquoidea 10.1 20.8 30.2 Lasmigona c . complanata 31 3.9 23 3.2 20.8 56 3.2 Leptodea fragilis 40.5 14 1.9 31.3 21 1.2 Ligumia recta 50.6 20.3 83.3 15 0.9 Megalonaias nervosa 81.0 71.0 10.4 16 0.9 Obliguaria reflexa 116 14.6 209 28.8 36 15.0 361 20.5 Potamilus alatus 79 10.0 80 11.0 42 17.5 201 11.4 Pyganodon grandis 10.1 20.3 30.2 Quadrula metanevra 30.4 19 7. 9221.3 Quadrula p. pustulosa 91.1 60.8 41.7 19 1.1 Quadrula quadrula 79 10.0 124 17.1 26 10.8 229 13.0 Tritogonia verrucosa 10.1 1 ! 0.1 Truncilla truncata 27 3.4 22 3.0 27 11.3 76 4.3 Utterbackia imbecillis 10.1 40.6 50.3 Total 792 725 240 1757 No. Species 20 17 17 21 Freshwater BivalveEcotoxicology342 4284x—CHAPTER 13—17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Sites 1/1A.AtSite 2, density estimates fluctuated among years, with 1997 density significantly greater than 1994, but neither 1994 nor 1997 density significantly differed from density in 1993 or 1995. At Site 3, density estimates alsofluctuated, with 1995 density significantly greater than 1994, but neither 1994 nor 1995 differed significantly from 1993 or 1997. Mean age of the collectedmussels was very uniform across sampling sites and years, with significant variation occurring only at Site2in 1995 (Figure 13.2). The mean age of 10.0 yearsat this site in 1995 was significantly greater than the meanages at this site observed for the otherthree years, and it was alsosignificantly greater than the 1995 mean age at Site 3(5.2 years), butnot at Site 1A (7.3 years). Achange in averageage becameapparent when ageclasses were examined separately (Figure 13.3). The percentage of less than or equal to three-year-olds, four-and five-year-olds, and greater than five-year-olds at Site 1/1A remained fairlyconsistent during all four years. In 1993, TABLE 13.5 Comparison of Unionid Species Richness, Mortality,and Density Among Years and Sites Metric Year Site 1/1A Site 2Site 3 No. Species 1993 12.0 12.0 12.0 1994 10.0 14.0 9.0 1995 13.0 14.0 12.0 1997 13.0 14.0 10.0 Mortality (%) 1993 000 1994 00 1995 03.2 0 1997 000 Density (No./m 2 )1993 5.2 A,1 6.2 A,1,2 2.6 A,1,2 1994 2.2 A,1 4.7 B,1 0.5 A,1 1995 3.0 A,1 6.0 B,1,2 2.9 A,2 1997 4.3 A,1 9.6 B,2 1.9 A,1,2 Different letters within arow indicate asignificant difference ( p ! 0.05); different numbers within a column indicate asignificant difference ( p ! 0.05). 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1993 1994 1995 1997 Ye ar Mean age (years) Site 1/1A Site 2 Site 3 FIGURE 13.2 Estimated annular age (years G 95% C.I.) of unionids at three Ohio River sites, 4, 1993–1997. Case Study: Impact of Partially Treated Mine Water on an Ohio River (U.S.A.) Mussel Bed 343 4284x—CHAPTER 13—17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) immediately following the mine-water discharge, age classes were also very similar among the three sites. However, the percentage of less than or equal to three-year-olds and four- to five-year- olds at Site 2declined during 1994 and 1995 before returning to alevelcomparable to the upstream site in 1997.Atthe far downstream mussel bed (Site 3), no unionids less than or equal to three years old were found in 1994, whereas four- to five-year-olds and greater than five-year-oldsremained fairly constant.Incontrast, the percentage of less than or equal to three-year-olds in 1995 and 1997 was greater than other sites. T OXICITY T ESTING Acute toxicity of the mine water to four organisms resulted in fairlysimilar results for Cladocera and unionid mussel (L. Fragilis),but the three invertebrate species were muchmore sensitive to the mine water than the fathead minnow (Table 13.6). Results are provided in terms of total and ferrous iron concentrations at the statistically determined effect level, since iron was the primary toxic constituentofthe mine water.AnLC50 could not be calculated for the fathead minnow because sufficient mortality was not observed in either test of this species at up to 100% mine water.For L. fragilis and D. magna ,repeatedtests gave very similar results in terms of both total and ferrous iron. Total and ferrous iron LC50sfor glochidial L. fragilis averaged 18.4 and 3.6 mg/L, respect- ively. Similarly, D. pulex LC50s were also 18.4 and 3.6 mg/L, respectively, while D. magna LC50s were slightly lower, averaging 11.7 and 2.2 mg/L, respectively. In theinitial 30-day chronictestofthe Asianclam, bothgrowthand cellulolytic enzyme activitywere significantly impaired at 20% mine water, or 12.4 mg/Ltotal iron and 2.54 mg/L ferrous iron. Therefore, the NOEC (no observable effect concentration) for this testwas 10% mine water,where total andferrous ironmeasurements averaged 5.79 and0.83mg/L, respectively (Table 13.6). In the second30-dayclam test, enzymeactivitywas impaired at only 10% mine water.Although the associated 0.62 mg Fe 2 C /L was similar to the concentrations measured in Test 1, total iron was much higher(20.6 mg/L). 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1A13213232321A Site-Year Percent per age category 4and 5years old 1993 1994 1995 1997 >6years old – 3years old – < FIGURE 13.3 Percentage of young unionids at three Ohio River sites, 1993–1997. Freshwater BivalveEcotoxicology344 4284x—CHAPTER 13—17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) [...]... Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 4284x CHAPTER 13 17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C – pp 335–348 346 Freshwater Bivalve Ecotoxicology previous long-term monitoring for total iron 9.7 km downstream of the Leading Creek confluence that ranged from 0.22 to 13. 8 mg/L and averaged 3.3 mg/L (Loeffelman et al 1986) Therefore, the total iron concentrations associated with the mine-water discharge were high but not... Test Mat., Philapelphia, PA, pp 137 152, 1986 MacDonald, D D., Ingersoll, C G., and Berger, T A., Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystems, Arch Environ Contam Toxicol., 39, 20–31, 2000 Milam, C D and Farris, J L., Risk identification associated with iron-dominated mine discharges and their effect upon freshwater bivalves, Environ Toxicol Chem.,... OH, EPA 600/ 4-7 9-0 20, 1979 [USEPA] U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms 2nd ed., U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 1989 EPA 600/ 4-8 9/001 [USEPA] U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and... validation in coal mine-polluted streams, Environ Toxicol Chem., 15, 1964–1972, 1996 Haag, W R., Berg, D J., Garton, D W., and Farris, J L., Reduced survival and fitness in native bivalves in response to fouling by the introduced zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in western Lake Erie, Can J Fish Aquat Sci., 50, 13 19, 1993 Hamilton, M A., Russo, R C., and Thurston, R V., Trimmed Spearman-Karber method for... concentrations in the Ohio River during the mine-water discharge were almost two orders of magnitude above ambient, ranging from 11.6 mg/L at the 122-m transect to 5.0 mg/L at the 1.3-km transect before decreasing to normal levels at 2.6 km downstream of Leading Creek Sediment sampling of the Ohio River in 1994 and 1995 found little evidence of residual effects of the mine-water discharge, as upstream and downstream... substrates during this event, lead to the conclusion that temporarily elevated ferrous iron © 2007 by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 4284x CHAPTER 13 17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C – pp 335–348 348 Freshwater Bivalve Ecotoxicology concentrations may have caused the observed reduction in young mussels in the near downstream bed There are no published ferrous iron criteria... approach, with higher levels of iron and lower levels of manganese and zinc reported here Available empirically-based sediment guidelines also support the conclusion that post-discharge sediment metal levels did not pose a residual threat to aquatic life, as these levels were below the consensus-based probable effect concentrations of 149 mg Cu/kg, 48.6 mg Ni/kg, and 459 mg Zn/kg (MacDonald et al 2000)... 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The percentage of less than or equal to three-year-olds, four-and five-year-olds, and greater than five-year-olds at Site 1/1A remained fairlyconsistent. found in 1994, whereas four- to five-year-olds and greater than five-year-oldsremained fairly constant.Incontrast, the percentage of less than or equal to three-year-olds in 1995 and 1997 was greater. 77 18G 5NDND 100.00 6.83G 1.65 7888G 909 8.00G 0.29 ND 1115G 445 13G 13 ND ND Freshwater BivalveEcotoxicology340 4284x CHAPTER 13 17/10/2006—10:36—JEBA—XML MODEL C–pp. 335–348 © 2007 by the Society

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