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  • Table of Contents

  • Part 1 Preparing for the GMAT

    • Chapter 1 About the GMAT

      • Overview of the GMAT

      • Computer-Adaptive Test

      • Preparing for the Computer-Based GMAT Exam

      • How the GMAT Is Scored

      • Getting Your Scores to Schools

      • Retaking the Exam

      • GMAT Testing Center Rules and Regulations

      • Registering for the GMAT Exam

      • Paying for the GMAT

    • Chpater 2 GMAT Study Skills

      • Where Do I Start?

      • I Need a Plan

      • I Need a Place

      • The Right Tools

      • The Study Plan

      • You Are Worth It: Motivational and Relaxation Techniques that Work

      • Learning Strategies and Test-Taking Techniques

      • Testing Psychology

      • How to De-Stress

      • Stay Healthy

      • Multiple-Choice Strategies

      • The Endgame

  • Part 2 The GMAT Verbal Section

    • Chapter 3 Verbal Protest

      • Questions

      • Answer Explanations

    • Chapter 4 What to Expect on the GMAT Verbal Section

      • Reading Comprehension Questions

      • Critical Reasoning Questions

      • Sentence Correction Questions

    • Chapter 5 Reading Comprehension

      • Active Reading

      • Finding the Main Idea

      • Distinguishing between Fact and Opinion

      • Identifying Specific Fact and Opinion

      • Essay Types and Organizational Patterns

      • Making Inferences

    • Chapter 6 Critical Reasoning

      • Elements of an Arguement

      • Complicating Arguments

      • Evaluating Arguments

    • Chapter 7 Sentence Correction

      • 24 Rules for Grammar and Style

      • Sentence Structure

      • Grammar and Usage

      • Style

    • Chapter 8 Tips and Strategies for the Verbal Section

      • Reading Comprehension Questions

      • Critical Reasoning Questions

      • Sentence Correction Questions

    • Chapter 9 Verb Forms

      • Regular Verbs

      • Irregular Verbs

      • Helping Verbs

      • Subjunctive Verbs

      • Troublesome Verbs

      • Gerunds and Infinitives

    • Chapter 10 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots

      • Prefixes

      • Suffixes

      • Common Latin Word Roots

      • Common Greek Word Roots

    • Chapter 11 Verbal Section Practice Test

      • Questions

      • Answer Explanations

    • Chapter 12 Verbal Section Glossary

  • Part 3 The GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment

    • Chapter 13 Pretest

      • Questions

      • Answer Explanations

    • Chapter 14 About the Analytical Writing Assessment

      • Analysis of an Issue

      • Analysis of an Argument

      • How the Essays are Scored

    • Chapter 15 Guide to Effective Writing

      • The Writing Process

      • Seven Steps for Writing a Strong AWA Essay

      • Writing with Style

      • Writing Correctly: The Conventions of Standard Written English

      • 150 Most Commonly Misspelled Words

    • Chapter 16 Tips and Strategies for the AWA

      • General Writing Strategies

      • Analyzing the Issue

      • Analyzing the Argument

    • Chapter 17 AWA Practice

      • Analysis of an Issue Sample Prompts

      • Analysis of an Argument Sample Prompts

      • Answers and Explanations

  • Part 4 The GMAT Quantitative Section

    • Chapter 18 Quatitative Pretest

      • Problem Solving Questions

      • Data Sufficiency Questions

      • Answer Explanations

    • Chapter 19 About the Quantitative Section

      • About the Types of Questions

    • Chapter 20 Arithmetic

      • Types of Numbers

      • Properties of Numbers

      • Order of Operations

      • Special Types of Defined Operations

      • Factors, Multiples, and Divisibility

      • Prime and Composite Numbers

      • Even and Odd Numbers

      • Consecutive Integers

      • Absolute Value

      • Operations with Real Numbers

    • Chapter 21 Algebra

      • Translating Expressions and Equations

      • Combining Like Terms and Polynomials

      • Laws of Exponents

      • Solving Linear Equations of One Variable

      • Solving Linear Equations

      • Solving Inequalities

      • Multiplying and Factoring Polynomials

      • Solving Quadratic Equations

      • Rational Expressions and Equations

      • Coordinate Graphing

      • Systems of Equations with Two Variables

      • Problem Solving with Word Problems

      • Functions

    • Chapter 22 Geometry

      • Angles

      • Polygons

      • Triangles

      • Quadrilaterals

      • Circles

      • Measurement and Geometry

    • Chapter 23 Tips and Strategies for the Quatitative Section

    • Chapter 24 Quantitative Practice Test

      • Questions

      • Answer Explanations

    • Chapter 25 Quantitative Section Glossary

  • Appendix A: GMAT Online Resources

  • Appendix B: GMAT Print Resources

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PREFIX MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE omni- all omniscient knowing all Dr. Perez seems omniscient; (adj) she knows what all of us are thinking in class. micro- small microcosm (n) little or miniature Some people say that Brooklyn world; something Heights, the Brooklyn district representing something across the river from the Wall else on a very small Street area, is a microcosm of scale Manhattan. mini- small minority (n) small group within a John voted for Bridget, but he larger group was in the minority; most peo- ple voted for Elaine. macro- large macrocosm (n) the large scale world Any change to the macrocosm or universe; any great will eventually effect the whole microcosm. ante- before anticipate (v) to give advance His decades of experience thought to; foresee; enabled him to anticipate the expect problem. pre- before precede (v) to come before in The appetizers preceded the time or order main course. post- after postscript (n) message added after His postscript was almost as the close of a letter long as his letter! inter- between intervene (v) to come between Romeo, trying to make peace, intervened in the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio. inter- together interact (v) to act upon or The psychologist took notes as influence each other she watched the children interact. intra- within intravenous within or into a vein She could not eat and had to (adj) be fed intravenously for three days. intro- into, within introvert (n) a person whose Unlike his flamboyant sister, attention is largely quiet Zeke was a real directed inward, toward introvert. himself or herself; a shy or withdrawn person – PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS– 157 PREFIX MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE in- in, into induct (v) to bring in (to a group) She was inducted into the honor society. ex- out, from expel (v) to drive out or away Let us expel the invaders! circum- around circumscribe (v) to draw a line around; She carefully circumscribed to mark the limits of the space that would become her office. sub- under subvert (v) to bring about the His attempt to subvert my destruction of, authority will cost him his job. overthrow; to undermine super- above, over supervisor (n) one who watches over Alex refused the promotion to supervisor because he did not feel comfortable being his friends’ boss. con- with, together consensus (n) general agreement After hours of debate, the group finally reached a consensus and selected a candidate. non- not nonviable (adj) not able to live The farmer explained that the or survive seedling was nonviable. in- not invariable (adj) not changing The weather here is invariable— always sunny and warm. un- not, against unmindful (adj) not conscious For better or worse, he is or aware of; forgetful unmindful of office politics. contra- against contradict (v) to state that (what is I know we do not have to agree said) is untrue; to state on everything, but she the opposite of contradicts everything I say. anti- against, antipode (n) exact or direct North is the antipode of south. opposite opposite counter- against, counter- working against Complaining is counter- opposing productive (adj) production productive. dis- away, dispel (v) to drive away To dispel rumors that I was quitting, I scheduled a series of meetings for the next three months. – PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS– 158 PREFIX MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE dis- not, opposite of disorderly (adj) not having order; Two people were hurt when the messy, untidy, crowd became disorderly uncontrolled, or during the protest. unruly mis- wrong, ill misuse (v) to use wrongly She misused her authority when she reassigned Charlie to a new team. mal- bad, wrong maltreat (v) to treat badly After the dog saved his life, he or wrongly swore he would never maltreat another animal. mal- ill malaise (n) feeling of discomfort The malaise many women feel or illness during the first few months of pregnancy is called morning sickness. pseudo- false, fake pseudonym (n) false or fake name Mark Twain is a pseudonym for Samuel Clemens. auto- by oneself automaton (n) a robot; a person The workers on the assembly or by itself who seems to act line looked like automatons. mechanically and without thinking co- together with, cohesive (adj) having a tendency Though they came from jointly to bond or stick different backgrounds, they together; united have formed a remarkably cohesive team. – PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS– 159  Suffixes A suffix is a syllable added to the end of a word to change or add to its meaning. The following table lists some of the most common suffixes in the English language. They are grouped together by similar meanings. SUFFIX MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE -en to cause broaden (v) to make more Traveling around the world will to become broad; to widen broaden your understanding of other cultures. -ate to cause resuscitate (v) to bring or come Thanks to a generous gift from to be back to life or an alumnus, we were able to consciousness; resuscitate the study-abroad to revive program. -ify/-fy to make or electrify (v) to charge with The singer electrified the cause to be electricity audience with her performance. -ize to make, alphabetize (v) to put in alphabetical Please alphabetize these files to give order for me. -al capable of, practical (adj) suitable for use; He has years of practical, suitable for involving activity, on-the-job experience. as distinct from study or theory -ial pertaining to commercial of or engaged Commercial vehicles must (adj) in commerce have special license plates. -ic pertaining to aristocratic of or pertaining Though he was never rich or (adj) to the aristocracy powerful, he has very aristocratic manners. -ly resembling, tenderly (adv) done with tenderness; He held the newborn baby having the gently, delicately, and tenderly in his arms. qualities of lovingly -ly in the manner boldly (adv) in a bold manner Despite his fear, he stepped of boldly onto the stage. -ful full of meaningful significant; When Robert walked into the (adj) full of meaning room with Annette, she cast me a meaningful glance. – PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS– 160 SUFFIX MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE -ous, -ose full of humorous (adj) full of humor; funny His humorous speech made the evening go by quickly. -ive having the descriptive (adj) giving a description The letter was so descriptive quality of that I could picture every place he had been. -less lacking, painless (adj) without pain; The doctor assured me that it free of not causing pain is a painless procedure. -ish having the childish (adj) like a child; unsuitable He did not get the job because quality of for a grown person of his childish behavior during the interview. -ance/ quality or tolerance (n) willingness or ability He has a high level of -ence state of to tolerate a person tolerance for rudeness. or thing -acy quality or indeterminacy state or quality of The indeterminacy of his state state of (n) being undetermined ment made it impossible to tell (without defined limits) which side he was on. or vague -tion act, state, completion (n) the act of completing; The second siren signaled the or condition of the state of being completion of the fire drill. completed or finished -or/-er one who does narrator (n) one who tells the story; A first-person narrator is or performs the gives an account of usually not objective. action of -atrium/ place for arboretum a garden devoted They built a deck with an -orium (n) primarily to trees arboretum for their bonsai tree and shrubs collection. -ary place for, sanctuary (n) a sacred place; refuge With three noisy roommates, pertaining to Ellen frequently sought the quiet sanctuary of the library. -cide kill pesticide (n) substance for killing This pesticide is also insects dangerous for humans. – PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS– 161 SUFFIX MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE -ism quality, state, optimism (n) belief that things Her optimism makes people or condition will turn out for the want to be around her. of; doctrine of best; tendency to take a hopeful view of things -ity quality or morality (n) state or quality He argued that the basic state of of being moral morality of civilized societies has not changed much over the centuries. -itis inflammation tonsillitis (n) inflammation and Her tonsillitis was so severe of infection of the that doctors had to remove her tonsils tonsils immediately. -ment act or judgment (n) ability to judge or He exercised good judgment condition of make decisions wisely; by keeping his mouth shut act of judging during the meeting. -ology the study of zoology (n) the scientific study She took a summer job at the of animal life zoo because of her strong interest in zoology.  Common Latin Word Roots Many words in the English language derive from Latin. The following table shows the original Latin words that are used to create various English words. The Latin words serve as roots, providing the core meaning of the words; prefixes, suffixes, and other alterations give each word its distinct meaning. The word roots are listed in alphabetical order. ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE amare to love amorous (adj) readily showing She told him to stop his or feeling love amorous advances, as she was already engaged. audire to hear audience (n) assembled group of The audience was stunned listeners or spectators; when the game show host people within hearing slapped the contestant. – PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS– 162 ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE bellum war belligerent inclined to fight; The citizens feared that their hostile, aggressive belligerent leader would start an unjust war. capere to take captivate (v) to capture the fancy of The story captivated me from the beginning; I could not put the book down. dicere to say, speak dictate (v) to state or order; She began to dictate her notes to say what needs to into the microphone. be written down duco to lead conduct (v) to lead or guide He conducted a detailed tour (thorough) of the building. equus equal equilibrium (n) a state of balance I have finally achieved an equilibrium between work and leisure. facere to make manufacture (v) to make or produce The clothes are manufactured or do here in this factory. lucere to light lucid (adj) very clear No one could possibly have misunderstood such a lucid explanation. manus hand manicure (n) cosmetic treatment To take care of her long finger- of the fingernails nails, she gets a manicure every week. medius middle median (adj) middle point; middle The median household income in a set of numbers in this wealthy neighborhood is $89,000. mittere to send transmit (v) to send across The message was transmitted over the intercom. omnis all; every omnipresent present everywhere That top-40 song is (adj) omnipresent; everywhere I go, I hear it playing. plicare to fold application (n) putting one thing on His loan application was another; making a denied because of his poor formal request credit history. – PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS– 163 ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE ponere/ to place position (n) the place a person Although he is only 22, he positum or thing occupies holds a very powerful position in the company. protare to carry transport (v) to carry across The goods will be transported by boat. quarere to ask or inquiry (n) act of inquiry, The inquiry lasted several question investigation, months but yielded no new or questioning information. scribere to write scribe (n) person who makes The scribe had developed copies of writings thick calluses on his fingers from years of writing. sentire to feel sentient (adj) capable of feeling No sentient beings should be used for medical research. specere to look at spectacle (n) striking or impressive The debate was quite a sight spectacle—you should have seen the candidates attack one another. spirare to breathe respiration (n) the act of breathing His respiration was steady, but he remained unconscious. tendere to stretch extend (v) to make longer; Please extend the deadline by stretch out two weeks so we can complete the project properly. verbum word verbatim (adv) word for word The student failed because she had copied an article verbatim instead of writing her own essay.  Common Greek Word Roots Many other English words are derived from the ancient Greek language. The following table shows the Greek words that are used to create various English words. The Greek words serve as roots, providing the core mean- ing of the words; prefixes, suffixes, and other alterations give each word its distinct meaning. The word roots are listed in alphabetical order. – PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS– 164 ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE bios life biology (n) the science of He is majoring in biology and living organisms plans to go to medical school. chronos time chronological arranged in the order The story is confusing because (adj) in which things she did not put the events in occurred chronological order. derma skin dermatology (n) branch of medical She has decided to study science dealing with dermatology because she has the skin and its always been plagued by diseases rashes. gamos marriage, polygamy (n) the practice or custom Throughout history, certain union of having more than cultures have practiced one spouse or mate polygamy, but it is uncommon at a time today. genos race, sex, genocide (n) deliberate extermination The recent genocide in Bosnia kind of one race of people has created a sharp increase in the number of orphaned children. geo earth geography (n) the study of the Earth’s The geography of this region surface; the surface or made it difficult for the different topographical features tribes to interact. of a place graphein to write calligraphy (n) beautiful or elegant She used calligraphy when handwriting she addressed the wedding invitations. krates member of democrat (n) one who believes in I have always been a a group or advocates democ- democrat, but I refuse to join racy as a principle the Democratic Party. of government kryptos hidden, cryptic (adj) concealing meaning; He left such a cryptic message secret puzzling on my answering machine that I don’t know what he wanted. metron to measure metronome (n) device with a pendulum She used a metronome to that beats at a deter- help her keep the proper pace mined rate to measure as she played the song. time/rhythm – PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS– 165 ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE morphe form polymorphous having many forms Most mythologies have a (adj) polymorphous figure, a “shape shifter” who can be both ani- mal and human. pathos suffering, pathetic (adj) arousing feelings Willy Loman is a complex feeling of pity or sadness character who is both pathetic and heroic. philos loving xenophile (n) a person who is Alex is a xenophile; I doubt he attracted to foreign will ever come back to the peoples, cultures, States. or customs phobos fear xenophobe (n) person who fears Don’t expect Len to go on the or hates foreigners trip; he is a xenophobe. or strange cultures or customs photos light photobiotic living or thriving only Plants are photobiotic and will (adj) in the presence of light die without light. podos foot podiatrist (n) an expert in diagnosis The podiatrist saw that the and treatment of ingrown toenail had become ailments of the human infected. foot psuedein to deceive pseudonym (n) false name Was George Eliot a pseudo- nym for Mary Ann Evans? pyr fire pyromaniac (n) one who has a The warehouse fire was not an compulsion to set accident; it was set by a things on fire pyromaniac. soma body psychoso- of or involving both In a psychosomatic illness, matic (adj) the mind and body physical symptoms are caused by emotional distress. – PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS– 166 [...]... clearly in the circle that corresponds to the question Remember that the GMAT exam is a CAT, and you will not be able to write anywhere on the exam To mimic the exam environment, do not write on the test pages Make any notes or calculations on a separate piece of paper Remember that the types of questions will be mixed throughout the exam However, the following practice questions are grouped by type so that... which areas, if any, you need to study further One Practice Test or Two With 75 questions, this practice section has nearly twice the number of questions you will see on the actual exam To practice the timing of the GMAT exam, complete the entire practice section in 137 minutes (2 hours and 17 minutes) 169 – VERBAL SECTION PRACTICE TEST – ANSWER SHEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19... following Verbal section practice test contains 75 multiple-choice questions that are similar to the questions you will encounter on the GMAT® exam These questions are designed to give you a chance to practice the skills you have learned in a format that simulates the actual exam Answer these practice questions carefully Use the results to assess your strengths and weaknesses and determine which areas, if any,... Wars film (1977), in which Luke Skywalker saved Princess Leia and battled against the evil Empire, was followed by two equally successful sequels—The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi Nearly 25 years later, the Star Wars prequels have arrived, and they are even more successful than the original series The prequels (The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and the soon-to-bereleased Episode... any authority; she is determined to be involved in every decision This explains why Jensen’s business is successful while Ling’s business has failed The conclusion of this argument is based upon all of the following assumptions EXCEPT a the personality of a business owner is the main factor in the success of the business b a business leader with Jensen’s type of personality is more effective than one... have any kind of panther in Florida, it has been realized Since the introduction of the Texas panthers, the panther population in Florida has risen to approximately 80 mixed-breed panthers However, this success could portend a tragic trend in wildlife management in the United States We cannot and should not create genetically mixed species as a means of achieving a compromise between the needs of development... to arrive at vastly different ends The first apprentice is portrayed as a morally incorruptible, diligent worker He is promoted, marries his boss’s daughter, and achieves great distinction and financial success The other apprentice does little work and engages in many unsavory activities He is fired from his apprenticeship and continues down a path of illicit behavior and corruption The series comes to... eighteenth-century England were too quick to judge each other b the moral choices people make determine whether they will succeed or fail c apprentices often engaged in immoral behavior in Hogarth’s time d successful politicians are morally incorruptible e the moral apprentice feels sorry for his former coworker 13 Based on the passage, which of the following best expresses the main lesson of Hogarth’s work?... would most enhance this passage? a an interview with an interim employee b statistics illustrating the increased emphasis on interim staffing c a discussion of whether interim employees deserve benefits d examples of positions that are not good for interim employees e statistics illustrating how much a company can save by using interim employees 17 From the passage, it can be inferred that a interim employment...– PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS – ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION SENTENCE tele distant telescope (n) optical instrument for While Galileo did not invent the making distant objects telescope, he was the first to appear larger and use it to study the . d e 45. a b c d e 46. a b c d e 47. a b c d e 48. a b c d e 49. a b c d e 50 . a b c d e 51 . a b c d e 52 . a b c d e 53 . a b c d e 54 . a b c d e 55 . a b c d e 56 a b c d e 57 . a b c d e 58 . a. Practice Test or Two With 75 questions, this practice section has nearly twice the number of questions you will see on the actual exam. To practice the timing of the GMAT exam, complete the entire. that corresponds to the question. Remember that the GMAT exam is a CAT, and you will not be able to write anywhere on the exam. To mimic the exam environment, do not write on the test pages. Make

Ngày đăng: 11/08/2014, 15:21