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Materials Handbook 2011 Part 16 potx

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largely employed for the production of lanolin and its derivatives, chiefly for cosmetics. Wool grease contains lanoceric acid; lanopalmic acid, C 15 H 30 O 3 ; and lanosterol, a high alcohol related to cholesterol. All of these can be broken down into derivatives. Lanolin is a purified and hydrated grease, also known as lanain, and in pharmacy as lanum and adeps lanae. It has a melting point of about 104°F (40°C) and is soluble in alcohol. Lanolin is basically a wax consisting of esters of sterol alcohols combined with straight- chain fatty acids, and with only a small proportion of free alcohols. It contains about 95% of fatty acid esters, but its direct use as an emol- lient depends on the 5% of free alcohols and acids. However, more than 30 derivatives are obtained from lanolin, and these are used in blends to give specific properties to cosmetics. They are often mar- keted under trade names, and some of the ingredients may be synthe- sized from raw materials other than wool grease, or chemically altered from wool-grease derivatives. A variety of products used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals are made by fractionation or chemical alteration of lanolin. They are also useful in compounding plastics and industrial coating, but are gener- ally too scarce and expensive for these purposes. Ethoxylated lano- lin and ethoxylated lanolin alcohols are used in water-soluble emulsions and conditioners. Solulan is a general trade name for these materials. Lanolin oil and lanolin wax are made by solvent fractionation of lanolin. Viscolan and Waxolan are these products. Isopropyl lanolates, with trade name Amerlate, are soft, hydrophylic solids which liquefy easily and are used in cosmetics as emollients, emulsifiers, and pigment dispersants. Amerlate LFA is derived from lanolin hydroxy acids containing iso-acids. The high hydroxyl content produces the emollient and emulsifying qualities. Barium lanolate, made by saponification, is used as an anticorro- sion agent. It is antiphobic and is also used as an anticaking agent. In a 25% barium concentration it is used for hard lubricating grease. Ethoxylan is an ethylene oxide derivative of lanolin, soluble in water and in alcohol, and used in shampoos. Ceralan is a waxy solid melting at 131°F (55°C) to an amber-colored, viscous liquid. It is a mixture of monohydroxyl alcohols, obtained by splitting lanolin, and contains 30% sterol, and free cholesterol. It forms water-in-oil emul- sions and is used in cosmetics as a dispersing and stiffening agent and as an emollient. Acetylated lanolin is made by reacting lanolin with polyoxyethylenes. They are clear, nongreasy liquids soluble in water, oils, and alcohol. The acetylated lanolin is hydrophobic and oil-soluble, and is used as an odorless, nontacky emollient in cosmet- ics. Acylan, from Croda Chemicals, is a soft solid with a bland odor that is employed in baby products, hair grooms, creams, and pharma- 1050 WOOL GREASE Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses ceuticals. Oil-based solutions of Acylan are clear, forming soft, waxy, hydrophobic films. Satulan of the same firm is a hydrogenated lanolin useful in products for skin protection. Veriderm, of Upjohn Co., is a substitute for lanolin as an emol- lient. It contains about the same percentage of triglycerol esters of fatty acids, free cholesterol, and saturated and unsaturated hydrocar- bons as occurs in the natural human skin oils. Cholesterol is one of the most important of the complex sterols, or zoosterols, from ani- mal sources. It is produced from lanolin, but also from other sources, and used in drugs and cosmetics. Amerchol L-101 is a liquid non- ionic cholesterol containing other sterols. Wool grease from the scour- ing of wool was originally called Yorkshire grease. Moellon degras is not wool grease, but is a by-product of chamois leather making. The sheepskins are impregnated with fish oil, and when the tanning is complete, they are soaked in warm water and the excess oil is pressed out to form the moellon degras. WROUGHT IRON. Commercially pure iron made by melting white cast iron and passing an oxidizing flame over it, leaving the iron in a porous condition which is then rolled to unite it into one mass. As thus made, it has a fibrous structure, with fibers of slag through the iron in the direction of rolling. It is also made by the Aston process of shooting Bessemer iron into a ladle of molten slag. Modern wrought iron has a fine dispersion of silicate inclusions which interrupt the granular pattern and give it a fibrous nature. The value of wrought iron is in its corrosion resistance and ductil- ity. It is used chiefly for rivets, staybolts, water pipes, tank plates, and forged work. Minimum specifications for ASTM wrought iron call for a tensile strength of 40,000 lb/in 2 (276 MPa), yield strength of 24,000 lb/in 2 (165 MPa), and elongation of 12%, with carbon not over 0.08%, but the physical properties are usually higher. Wrought iron 4D has only 0.02% carbon with 0.12 phosphorus, and the fine fibers are of a controlled composition of silicon, manganese, and phospho- rus. This iron has a tensile strength of 48,000 lb/in 2 (331 MPa), elon- gation 14%, and Brinell hardness 105. Mn wrought iron has 1% manganese for higher impact strength. Ordinary wrought iron with slag may contain frequent slag cracks, and the quality grades are now made by controlled additions of sili- cate, and with controlled working to obtain uniformity. But for tanks and plate work, ingot iron is now usually substituted. Merchant bar iron is an old name for wrought-iron bars and rods made by faggot- ing and forging. Iron-fibered steel is soft steel with fine iron wire worked into it. Staybolt iron may be wrought iron, but was origi- nally puddled charcoal iron. Lewis iron, for staybolts, is highly WROUGHT IRON 1051 Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses refined, puddled iron with a tensile strength of 52,000 lb/in 2 (359 MPa) and elongation of 30%. The Norway iron formerly much used for bolts and rivets was a Swedish charcoal iron brought to America in Norwegian ships. This iron, with as low as 0.02% carbon, and extremely low silicon, sul- fur, and phosphorus, was valued for its great ductility and toughness and for its permeability qualities for transformer cores. Commercial wrought iron is now usually ingot iron or fibered low-carbon steel. YARNS. Assemblages or bundles of fibers twisted or laid together to form continuous strands. They are produced with either filaments or staple fibers. Single strands of yarns can be twisted together to form ply or plied yarns, and ply yarns in turn can be twisted together to form cabled yarn or cord. Important yarn characteristics related to behavior are fineness (diameter or linear density) and number of twists per unit length. The measuring of fineness is commonly referred to as yarn number. Yarn numbering systems are somewhat complex, and they are different for different types of fibers. Essentially, they provide a mea- sure of fineness in terms of weight per unit or length per unit weight. Cotton yarns are designated by numbers, or counts. The stan- dard count of cotton is 840 yd/lb (1,690 m/kg). Number 10 yarn is therefore 8,400 yd/lb (16,900 m/kg). A No. 80 sewing cotton is 80ϫ840, or 67,200 yd/lb (135,500 m/kg). Linen yarns are designated by the lea of 300 yd (274 m). A 10-count linen yarn is 10 ϫ 300, or 3,000 yd/lb (6,048 m/kg). The size or count of spun rayon yarns is on the same basis as cot- ton yarn. The size or count of rayon filament yarn is on the basis of the denier, the rayon denier being 492 yd (450 m), weighing 0.00011 lb (5 cg). If 492 yd of yarn weighs 0.00011 lb, it has a count of 1 denier. If it weighs 0.0011 lb (10 cg), it is No. 2 denier. Rayon yarns run from 15 denier, the finest, to 1,200 denier, the coarsest. Reeled silk yarn counts are designated in deniers. The interna- tional denier for reeled silk is 547 yd (500 m) of yarn weighing 0.00011 lb. If 547 yd weighs 0.0022 lb (1 g), the denier is No. 20. Spun silk count under the English system is the same as the cotton count. Under the French system the count is designated by the number of skeins weighing 2.205 lb (1 kg). The skein of silk is 1,094 yd (1,000 m). A ply yarn is one that has two or more yarns twisted together. A two-ply yarn has two separate yarns twisted together. The separate yarns may be of different materials, such as cotton and rayon. A six- ply yarn has six separate yarns. A ply yarn may have the different plies of different twists to give different effects. Ply yarns are stronger than single yarns of the same diameter. Tightly twisted yarns make strong, hard fabrics. Linen yarns are not twisted as tightly as cotton 1052 YARNS Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses because the flux fiber is longer, stronger, and not as fuzzy as the cot- ton. Filament rayon yarn is made from long, continuous rayon fibers, and it requires only slight twist. Fabrics made from filament yarn are called twalle. Monofilament is fiber heavy enough to be used alone as yarn, usually more than 15 denier. Tow consists of mul- tifilament reject strands suitable for cutting into staple lengths for spinning. Spun rayon yarn is yarn made from staple fiber, which is rayon filament cut into standard short lengths. YUCCA FIBER. The fiber obtained from the leaves of a number of desert plants of the genus Yucca of the lily family native to the south- western United States and northern Mexico. The fiber is similar to fibers from agave plants and is often confused with them and with istle. The heavier fibers are used for brushes, and the lighter fibers are employed for cordage and burlap fabrics. In Mexico the word palma designates yucca fibers and grades of istle as well as palm-leaf fibers. Palma samandoca is fiber from the plant Samuela carner- osana, the date yucca. It is also called palma istle. Palmilla fiber is from Y. elata. Palma pita is a fiber from Y. treculeana. Pita fiber used for coffee bags in Colombia and Central America is from a differ- ent plant. Other yucca fibers come from the plants Y. glauca, Y. bac- cata, and Y. gloriosa. Some varieties of Y. baccata also yield edible fruits. The roots of species of yucca yield saponin which is also obtained as a by-product in extracting the yucca fiber. ZINC. A bluish-white, crystalline metal, symbol Zn, with a specific gravity of 7.13, melting at 788°F (420°C) and boiling at 1662°F (906°C). The commercially pure metal has a tensile strength, cast, of about 9,000 lb/in 2 (62 MPa) with elongation of 1%, and the rolled metal has a strength of 24,000 lb/in 2 (165 MPa) with elongation of 35%. But small amounts of alloying elements harden and strengthen the metal, and it is seldom used alone. Zinc is used for galvanizing and plating; for making brass, bronze, and nickel silver; for electric batteries; for die castings; and in alloyed sheets for flashings, gutters, and stamped and formed parts. The metal is harder than tin, and an electrodeposited plate has a Vickers hardness of about 45. Zinc is also used for many chemicals. The old name spelter, often applied to slab zinc, came from the name spailter used by Dutch traders for the zinc brought from China. The first zinc produced in the United States in 1838 came from New Jersey ore. Sterling spelter was 99.5% pure. Special high-grade zinc is distilled, with a purity of 99.99%, containing no more than 0.006% lead and 0.004 cadmium. High-grade zinc, used in alloys for die cast- ing, is 99.9% pure, with 0.07 maximum lead. Brass special zinc is ZINC 1053 Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses 99.10% pure, with 0.06 maximum lead and 0.5 maximum cadmium. Prime western zinc, used for galvanizing, contains 1.60% maxi- mum lead and 0.08 maximum iron. Zinc crystals produced for elec- tronic uses are 99.999% pure metal. On exposure to the air, zinc becomes coated with a film of carbonate and is then very corrosion-resistant. Zinc foil comes in thicknesses from 0.001 to 0.006 in (0.003 to 0.015 cm). It is produced by electrode- position on an aluminum drum cathode and stripping off on a collect- ing reel. But most of the zinc sheet contains a small amount of alloying elements to increase the physical properties. Slight amounts of copper and titanium reduce grain size in sheet zinc. In cast zinc the hexagonal columnar grain extends from the mold face to the surface or to other grains growing from another mold face, and even very slight additions of iron can control this grain growth. Aluminum is also much used in alloying zinc. In zinc used for galvanizing, a small addition of aluminum prevents formation of brittle alloy layer, increases ductility of the coating, and gives a smoother surface. Small additions of tin give bright, spangled coatings. Zinc has 12 isotopes, but the natural material consists of 5 stable isotopes, of which nearly half is zinc 64. The stable isotope zinc 67, occurring to the extent of about 4% in natural zinc, is sensitive to tiny variations in transmitted energy, giving off electromagnetic radia- tions which permit high accuracy in measuring instruments. It mea- sures gamma-ray vibrations with great sensitivity and is used in the nuclear clock. Zinc powder, or zinc dust, is a fine, gray powder of 97% minimum purity usually in 325-mesh particle size. It is used in pyrotechnics, in paints, as a reducing agent and catalyst, in rubbers as a secondary dis- persing agent and to increase flexing, and to produce Sherardized steel. Sherardizing consists in hot-tumbling steel parts in a closed drum with the zinc powder. It is a form of galvanizing, and controlled zinc coatings of 0.1 to 0.4 oz/ft 2 (0.4 to 1.8 g/cm 2 ) of surface give good corrosion protection. In paints, zinc powder is easily wetted by oils. It keeps the zinc oxide in suspension and hardens the film. Mossy zinc, used to obtain color effects on face brick, is a spangly zinc powder made by pouring the molten metal into water. Feathered zinc is a fine grade of mossy zinc. Photoengraving zinc for printing plates is made from pure zinc with only a small amount of iron to reduce grain size and alloyed with not more than 0.2% each of cadmium, manganese, and magnesium. Cathodic zinc, used in the form of small bars or plates fastened to the hulls of ships or to underground pipelines to reduce elec- trolytic corrosion, is zinc of 99.99% purity with iron less than 0.0014 to prevent polarization. Merrillite is high-purity zinc dust. Zinc serves as the anode in the zinc-air battery, which, for powering electric vehi- 1054 ZINC Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses cles, has demonstrated much greater storage capacity than the com- mon lead-acid battery. ZINC ALLOYS. Alloys of zinc are mostly used for die castings for deco- rative parts and for functional parts where the load-bearing and shock requirements are relatively low. Since the zinc alloys can be cast easily in high-speed machines, producing parts that weigh less than brass and have high accuracy and smooth surfaces that require minimum machining and finishing, they are widely used for such parts as handles, and for gears, levers, pawls, and other small parts. Zinc alloys for sheet contain only small amounts of alloying elements, with 92 to 98% zinc, and the sheet is generally referred to simply as zinc or by a trade name. The modified zinc sheet is used for stamped, drawn, or spun parts for costume jewelry and electronics, and it contains up to 1.5% copper and 0.5 titanium. The titanium raises the recrystallization temperature, permitting heat treatment without coarse-grain formation. Hartzink had 5% iron and 2 to 3 lead, but iron forms various chemical compounds with zinc and the alloy is hard and brittle. Copper reduces the brittleness. Germania bearing bronze con- tained 1% iron, 10 tin, about 5 each of copper and lead, and the bal- ance zinc. Fenton’s alloy had 14% tin, 6 copper, and 80 zinc; and Ehrhard’s bearing metal contained 2.5% aluminum, 10 copper, 1 lead, and a small amount of tin to form copper-tin crystals. Binding metal, for wire-rope slings, has about 2.8% tin, 3.7 antimony, and the balance zinc. Pattern metal, for casting gates of small patterns, was almost any brass with more zinc and some lead added, but is now standard die-casting metal. Zinc alloys are commonly used for die castings, and the zinc used is high-purity zinc known as special high-grade zinc. ASTM AG40A (SAE 903) is the most widely used; others include AC41A (SAE 925), Alloy 7, and ILZRO 16. All typically contain about 4% aluminum, small amounts of copper and very small amounts of mag- nesium. AG40A has a density of 0.24 lb/ft 3 (6,643 kg/m 3 ), an electrical conductivity 27% that of copper, a thermal conductivity of 65 Btu/(ft и h и °F) [113 W/(m и K)], an ultimate tensile strength of 41,000 lb/in 2 (283 MPa), and a Brinell hardness of 82. AC41A is stronger [48,000 lb/in 2 (331 MPa)] and harder (Brinell 91), a trifle less electrically and heat-conductive, and similar in density. The alloys have much greater unnotched Charpy impact strength than either die-cast aluminum or magnesium alloys, but are not especially heat-resistant, losing about one-third of their strength at temperatures above about 200°F (93°C). Both alloys have found wide use for auto and appliance parts, espe- cially chromium-plated parts, as well as for office equipment parts, ZINC ALLOYS 1055 Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses hardware, locks, toys, and novelties. Alloy 7 is noted primarily for its better castability and the smoother surface finish it provides. It is as strong as AG40A, though slightly less hard, and more ductile. ILZRO 16 is not nearly as strong [33,000 lb/in 2 (228 MPa)], but more creep-resistant at room and elevated temperatures. The most recent casting alloys are three high-aluminum zinc casting alloys for sand and permanent-mold casting: ZA-8, ZA-12, and ZA-27, the numerals in the designations indicating approxi- mate aluminum content. They also contain more copper than AG40A and AC41A, from 0.5 to 1.2% in ZA-12 to 2 to 2.5 in ZA-27, and a bit less magnesium. As sand-cast, ultimate tensile strengths range from 36,000 to 40,000 lb/in 2 (248 to 276 MPa) for ZA-8 and 58,000 to 64,000 lb/in 2 (400 to 441 MPa) for ZA-27. Unlike the com- mon die-casting alloys, the ZA alloys also exhibit clearly defined tensile yield strengths: from 28,000 lb/in 2 (193 MPa) minimum for sand-cast ZA-8 to 53,000 lb/in 2 (365 MPa) for sand-cast ZA-27. Tensile modulus is roughly 12ϫ10 6 lb/in 2 (83,000 MPa). Also, because of their greater aluminum content, they are lighter in weight than the die casting alloys. Zinc-copper-aluminum alloys developed at General Motors and designated ACuZinc alloys, are noted for high tensile strength and superior creep resistance. ACuZinc 5, with 5% copper and 3 aluminum, has a tensile strength of 59,000 lb/in 2 (407 MPa). ACuZinc 10, with 10% copper and 3.5 aluminum, has a creep strength of 8,000 lb/in 2 (55 MPa) at 120°F (49°C) for 0.2% creep in 10,000 h. Manganese-zinc alloys, with up to 25% manganese, for high- strength extrusions and forgings, are really 60–40 brass with part of the copper replaced by an equal amount of manganese, and are classi- fied with manganese bronze. They have a bright white color and are corrosion-resistant. Zam metal, for zinc-plating anodes, is zinc with small percentages of aluminum and mercury to stabilize against acid attack. A zinc-aluminum-oxide coating imparts corrosion resis- tance to steel underhood and underbody auto parts. Developed by Metal Coatings International, it consists of zinc and aluminum flakes in a waterborne, neutral pH solution that complies with regulations governing emission of volatile organic compounds. It is applied by dipping or spraying. Baking during curing forms an insoluble matrix of silicon, aluminum, and zinc oxides between the flakes for corrosion protection. CorroBan, of Pure Coatings Inc., is an electrolytically deposited coating of 82 to 89% zinc, balance nickel, which resists corrosion as well as cadmium plating. Zinc solders are used for joining alu- minum. The tin-zinc solders have 70 to 80% tin, about 1.5 alu- minum, and the balance zinc. The working range is 500 to 590°F 1056 ZINC ALLOYS Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses (260 to 310°C). Zinc-cadmium solder has about 60% zinc and 40 cadmium. The pasty range is between 510 and 599°F (266 and 315°C). A group of wrought alloys, called superplastic zinc alloys, have elongations of up to 2,500% in the annealed condition. These alloys contain about 22% aluminum. One grade can be annealed and air-cooled to a strength of 71,000 lb/in 2 (490 MPa). Parts made of these alloys have been produced by vacuum forming and by a compression molding technique similar to forging but requiring lower pressures. ZINC CHEMICALS. With the exception of the oxide, the quantities of zinc compounds consumed are not large compared with many other metals, but zinc chemicals have a very wide range of use, being essen- tial in almost all industries and for the maintenance of animal and vegetable life. Zinc is a complex element and can provide some unusual conditions in alloys and chemicals. Zinc oxide, ZnO, is a white, water-insoluble, refractory powder melting at about 3587°F (1975°C), having a specific gravity of 5.66. It is much used as a pigment and accelerator in paints and rubbers. Its high refractive index, about 2.01, absorption of ultraviolet light, and fine particle size give high hiding power in paints, and make it also useful in such products as cosmetic creams to protect against sun- burn. Commercial zinc oxide is always white, and in the paint indus- try is also called zinc white and Chinese white. But with a small excess of zinc atoms in the crystals, obtained by heat treatment, the color is brown to red. In paints, zinc oxide is not as whitening as lithopone, but it resists the action of ultraviolet rays and is not affected by sulfur atmo- spheres, and is thus valued in outside paints. Leaded zinc oxide, consisting of zinc oxide and basic lead sulfate, is used in paints, but for use in rubber the oxide must be free of lead. The lead-free variety is also called French process zinc oxide. Canfelzo is one such product, from Pigment & Chemical Corp. In insulating compounds zinc oxide improves electrical resistance. In paper coatings it gives opacity and improves the finish. Zinc-white paste for paint mixing usually has 90% oxide and 10 oil. Zinc oxide stabilizers, composed of zinc oxides and other chemicals, can be added to plastic molding compounds to reduce the deteriorating effects of sunlight and other types of degrading atmospheres. Zinc oxide crystals are used for transducers and other piezoelec- tric devices. The crystals are hexagonal and are effective at elevated temperatures, as the crystal has no phase change up to its disassocia- tion point. The resistivity range is 0.2 to 3.9 ⍀иin (0.5 to 10 ⍀иcm). ZINC CHEMICALS 1057 Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses Zinc oxide has luminescent and light-sensitive properties which are utilized in phosphors and ferrites. But the oxygen-dominated zinc phosphors used for radar and television are modifications of zinc sul- fide phosphors. The zinc sulfide phosphors which produce lumines- cence by exposure to light are made with zinc sulfide mixed with about 2% sodium chloride and 0.005 copper, manganese, or other acti- vator, and fired in a nonoxidizing atmosphere. The cubic crystal struc- ture of zinc sulfide changes to a stable hexagonal structure at 1868°F (1020°C), but both forms have the phosphor properties. Thin films and crystals of zinc selenide with purities of 99.999% are used for photo- or electroluminescent devices. Zinc selenide is also used for optical lenses in CO 2 laser systems. Zinc sulfide is a white powder of composition ZnS и H 2 O, and is also used as a paint pigment, for whitening rubber, and for paper coating. Cryptone is zinc sulfide for pigment use in various grades, some grades containing barium sul- fate, calcium sulfide, or titanium dioxide. Multilayer coatings of zinc sulfide and yttria protect zinc sulfide infrared sensor windows of mis- siles and military aircraft from harsh flight environments. Zinc is an amphoteric element, having both acid and basic prop- erties, and it combines with fatty acids to form metallic soaps, or with the alkali metals or with ammonia to form zincates. Sodium zin- cate is used for waterproofing asbestos-cement shingles. Zinc stearate, ZN(C 18 H 35 O 2 ) 2 , is a zinc soap in the form of a fine, white powder used in paints and in rubber. A USP grade of 325 mesh is used in cosmetics. Aquazinc and Liquizinc, of Rubba, Inc., are zinc stearate dispersions in water used as an antitack agent in milling rubber. Zinc acetate, Zn(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 , is a white solid partly soluble in water, used as a mordant, as a wood preservative, in porcelain glazes, and as a mild antiseptic in pharmaceuticals. Zinc sulfate, ZnSO 4 и 7H 2 O, is the chief material for supplying zinc in fertilizers, agricultural sprays, and animal feeds. For these pur- poses it is used in the form of white vitriol containing 22% zinc, or as the monohydrate, ZnSO 4 и H 2 O, containing 37% zinc. Zink Gro is a water-soluble grade for dry-blended fertilizers for correction of zinc deficiencies. It is from Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc. Zinc chloride, a white, crystalline, water-soluble powder, ZNCl 2 , was formerly an important preservative for wood, and railway crossties treated with the material were called Burnettized wood. But it is highly soluble and leaches out of the wood, and is now chromated and copperized with sodium bichromate and cupric chloride. Copperized CZC, of Koppers Co., Inc., for treating wood against rot and termites, is cop- perized chromated zinc chloride. zinc chloride is also used for vulcan- izing fiber, as a mordant, in mercerizing cotton, in dry batteries, in disinfecting, and in making many chemicals. Spirits of salts and butter of zinc are old names for the material. 1058 ZINC CHEMICALS Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses Zinc chromate, used chiefly as a pigment and called zinc yellow and buttercup yellow, is stable to light and in sulfur atmospheres, but has a lower tinting strength than chrome yellow, although it is less subject to staining and discoloration. It is a crystalline powder of specific gravity 3.40. It is only slightly soluble in water, but will absorb 24 lb (11 kg) of linseed oil per 100 lb (45 kg). Zinc chromates are made by reacting zinc oxide with chromate solutions, and they may vary; but the usual composition is 4ZnO и 4CrO 3 и K 2 O и 3H 2 O. Zinc bichromate, ZnCr 2 O 7 , is an orange-yellow pigment. The zinc peroxide used in dental pastes and cosmetics as a mild antiseptic is a white powder, ZnO 2 , containing 8.5% active oxygen. Organic salts of zinc that have achieved commercial prominence are zinc naphthen- ate and zinc pyrithione. The former is available in 6 and 8% grades for prevention of wood rot and decay, in solvent- and water-dispersible formulations. Nap-All and M-Gards are from Mooney Chemicals, Inc., and Zinclear is from Standard Tar Products Co. Olin Corp.’s Zinc Omadine, a zinc pyrithione, is employed as an antidandruff agent, for preserving cosmetics, in metalworking fluids, and as an antimicrobial on textiles. Fluidized zinc titanate (FZT) can serve as a sorbent to remove 99% of the sulfur dioxide in power plants using sulfur-containing coal. In a process developed at Research Triangle Institute with the U.S. Department of Energy, the sorbent can be continuously recirculated and the sulfur absorbed recovered from the regenerator off-gas. Use of the sorbent is an alternative to cooling the coal gas to remove sul- fur, then having to reheat it to produce electricity. ZINC ORES. The metal zinc is obtained from a large number of ores, but the average zinc content of the ores in the United States is only about 3%, so that they are concentrated to contain 35 to 65% before treatment. The sulfide ores are marketed on the basis of 60% zinc content, and the oxide ores on the basis of 40% zinc content. Sphalerite, or zinc blende, is the most important ore and is found in quantities in Missouri and surrounding states and in Europe. Sphalerite is a zinc sulfide, ZnS, containing theoretically 67% zinc. It has a massive crystalline or granular structure and a Mohs hardness of about 4. When pure, its color is white; it colors yellow, brown, green, to black with impurities. The ores from New York State are round and concentrated by flotation to an average of 58% zinc and 32 sulfur, which is then concentrated by roasting to 68 zinc and 1 sulfur. It is then sintered to remove lead and cadmium and finally smelted with coke, and the zinc vapor condensed. The Silesian zinc blende, known as wurtzite, contains 15% zinc, 2 lead, and some cadmium. Calamine is found in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Europe. It is the ore that was formerly mixed directly with copper for ZINC ORES 1059 Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses [...]... 22.58 12.10 21.45 0.91 to 0.965 0.906 12.44 7.8 7.5 10.7 4.5 16. 6 19.6 18.7 6.5 0.63 0.36 0.56 0.65 0.42 0.41 2.6 2.5 1.8 2.2 1.9 1.9 2.3 3.0 1.7 0.533 2.7 1.2 2.5 Density, lb/ft3 165 115.5 509 537 450 547 535 556 160 1206 710 109 849 637 556 71.2 1410 755 1339 56.8 to 60.2 56.6 777 490 440 668 281 1036 1224 1167 406 40 22 32 43 26 26 165 165 110 140 120 120 144 183 103 76 95 60 153 33.28 170 92 75... Co Cb Cu Dy Er Eu Fl Fr Gd Ga Ge Au Hf He Ho H Il (Pm) In I Ir Fe Kr La Pb Li Lu Atomic weight O ϭ 16. 000 227.028 26.97 121.76 39.944 74.91 …… 137.36 9.02 209.00 10.82 79. 916 112.41 40.08 12.00 140.13 132.91 35.457 52.01 58.94 92.91 63.57 162 .46 167 .64 152.0 19.00 223 157.3 69.72 72.60 197.2 178.6 4.002 163 .5 1.0078 147.0 114.76 126.92 192.9 55.84 83.7 138.92 207.22 6.940 175.0 Melting point, °C 1430... the Terms of Use as given at the website Materials, Their Properties and Uses Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies All rights reserved Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website Source: Materials Handbook Part 2 Structure and Properties of Materials Downloaded from Digital Engineering... form only a small part The human eye can see through only such materials as these light waves will penetrate But electrical eyes can be made to operate in other wavelengths and record vision not seen by the human eye Not all animals see with the same wavelengths, and some animals do not have normal eyes but receive vibrations through special receiving parts of the body Different materials transmit,... is a sensation effect It is not inherent in the pigments, dyes, or other materials, but is the sensation effect from those light rays reflected to the eye by the material Property of Flavor in Materials The quality of many materials is judged by the flavor Flavor is the resultant of three senses: taste, smell, and feeling Some materials, such as salt and quinine, may be detected by taste alone Some,... rather than to materials technology, and involves the mathematics of progressive assembly of energy Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies All rights reserved Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website Structure and Properties of Materials 1072 STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS waves... Properties of Materials Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies All rights reserved Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website Structure and Properties of Materials THE STRUCTURE OF MATTER 1069 The Structure of Matter Elements, or atoms, are the basic building blocks of all tangible materials. .. 8 46 15 78 84 19 59 91 88 86 75 45 37 44 62 21 34 14 47 11 38 16 73 43 52 65 81 90 69 50 22 74 92 23 54 70 39 30 40 Symbol Atomic weight O ϭ 16. 000 Mg Mn Hg Mo Nd Ne Ni N Os O Pd P Pt Po K Pr Pa Ra Rn Re Rh Rb Ru Sm Sc Se Si Ag Na Sr S Ta Ma Te Tb Tl Th Tm Sn Ti W U V Xe Yb Y Zn Zr 24.32 54.93 200.61 96.0 144.27 20.183 58.69 14.008 191.5 16. 0000 106.7 31.02 195.23 …… 39.096 140.92 231 226.05 222 186.31... (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies All rights reserved Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website Structure and Properties of Materials 1076 STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS Specific Gravity and Density of Materials Specific gravity Aluminum Beryllium Bronze Cadmium Cast iron Cobalt Columbium Copper Glass Gold Lead Magnesium Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nylon Osmium... basis of tangible materials, now necessary for modern scientific analysis of materials, is intrinsic in human logic It came to the Greeks from the Ionians, survivors of the Cretan civilization antedating 3000 B.C., and appears in the Hebraic Genesis, in the Sanskrit Vedas, and in the Taoism of ancient China Energy is in harmonic motion, in waves or rays, and may be said to become a particle of mass . to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Materials, Their Properties and Uses 2 Structure and Properties of Materials Part Source: Materials Handbook Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library. (93°C). Both alloys have found wide use for auto and appliance parts, espe- cially chromium-plated parts, as well as for office equipment parts, ZINC ALLOYS 1055 Downloaded from Digital Engineering. deco- rative parts and for functional parts where the load-bearing and shock requirements are relatively low. Since the zinc alloys can be cast easily in high-speed machines, producing parts that

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