© 2000 CRC Press LLC Section IV Appendices L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 635 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:58 PM © 2000 CRC Press LLC Appendix A Index of trade names This index cross-references the trade name of the pesticides with their corre- sponding common name (as distinguished from their chemical name). For many of the pesticides, there are a host of trade names. This results from the number of companies producing the product, or the number of different formulations of similar products. While this list represents a great number of the current and past trade names of the pesticides covered in this book, it is not intended to be exhaustive. However, it should provide almost all of the most commonly used trade names for each pesticide. H= herbicide GR= growth regulator I= insecticide M= molluscicide F= fungicide A = avicide R= rodenticide Trade Name Common Name Type Trade Name Common Name Type 58-12-315 propoxur I Acarin dicofol I AAphytora zineb F Ace-Brush triclopyr H AApirol thiram F Aciban chlorpyrifos I AAprotect ziram F Acibate temephos I AAstar flucythrinate I Acimal malathion I AAtack thiram F Acinate methomyl I AAtrex atrazine H Acioate dimethoate I AAvolex ziram F Acithion ethion I Abat temephos I Acitox lindane I Abate temephos I Acivap dichlorvos (DDVP) I Abater temephos I Acizol triadimefon F Abathion temephos I Acme 2,4-D H AC 217 hydramethylnon I ACP M-629 chloramben H AC 300 hydramethylnon I ACR-2807B fenoxycarb GR AC 3422 parathion I ACR-2913A fenoxycarb GR AC 3911 AC 5223 phorate dodine I F Acrobe Bacillus thuringiensis I AC 52160 temephos I Acuprex zineb F AC 92100 terbufos I Adagio bentazone H AC 92553 pendimethalin H Adion permethrin I AC 222705 flucythrinate I Adios carbaryl I Acaraben chlorobenzilate I Adizon diazinon I Acarin dicofol I Afalon linuron H Access triclopyr H Affirm abamectin I Accotab pendimethalin H Afidan endosulfan I L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 637 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:58 PM © 2000 CRC Press LLC Trade Name Common Name Type Agricorn 2,4-D, MCPA H Agridip coumaphos I Agri-Mek abamectin I Agrimet phorate I Agrinate methomyl I Agritox MCPA, chlorpyrifos H Agriquat paraquat H Agrobac Bacillus thuringiensis I Agrocide lindane I Agrocit benomyl F Agromethrin cypermethrin I Agronexa lindane I Agronexit lindane I Agrox captan F Agroxone 2,4-D H Agroxone MCPA H AGSCO 400 2,4-D H AGSCO MXL MCPA H Agzinphos zinc phosphide R Aimcocyper cypermethrin I Aimcozeb mancozeb F Akar chlorobenzilate I Akar 338 chlorobenzilate I Aktikon atrazine H Alanex alachlor H Alanox alachlor H Alapin alachlor H Alar daminozide GR Alatex dalapon H Alazine alachlor, atrazine H Alfadex pyrethrin I Alirox EPTC H Aljaden sethoxydim H Alkron parathion I Alleron parathion I Alleviate allethrin I Alloxol S sethoxydim H Altosid methoprene I Amaze isofenphos I Ambiben chloramben H Ambiben ds chloramben H Ambrocide lindane I Ambush permethrin I Ambush C cypermethrin I Ambushfog permethrin I Amcide ammonia sulfamate H Amdro hydramethylnon I Amerol amitrole H Amiben chloramben H Amicide ammonia sulfamate H Amidosulfate ammonia sulfamate H Aminatrix dichlorvos I Amino-4- Pyridine 4-aminopyridine A Amiral triadimefon F Amitrol-TL amitrole H Amino Triazole amitrole H Aminozide daminozide (alar) GR Amizine amitrole, simizine H Amizol amitrole H Ammate ammonium sulfamate H Ammate X-NI ammonium sulfamate H Ammo cypermethrin I Amoxone 2,4-D H AMS ammonium sulfamate H Amsol 2,4-D H Anelda butylate H Anelda Plus butylate H Aneldazin butylate H Anelirox butylate H Ansar 138 cacodylic acid H Ansar cacodylic acid H Antene ziram F Anthon trichlorfon I Anticarie hexachlorobenzene I Antimilace metaldehyde M Antimitace metaldehyde M Apadodine dodine F Apavap dichlorvos I Apavinphos mevinphos I Apex methoprene I Aphamite parathion I Apistan fluvalinate I Apl-Luster thiabendazole F Appa phosmet I Apron metalaxyl F Aquacide diquat dibromide H Aqua-Kill diquat dibromide H Aqua-Kleen 2,4-D H Aquazine simazine H Aragran terbufos I Arbex glyphosate H Arrex zinc phosphide R Arrivo cypermethrin I Asana esfenvalerate I Arasan thiram F Arathane dinocap F Arbotect thiabendazole F Arinosu- Korori hydramethylnon I Ariotox metaldehyde I Arprocarb propoxur I Trade Name Common Name Type L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 638 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:58 PM © 2000 CRC Press LLC Arrex zinc phosphide R Arrivo Arsan cypermethrin cacodylic acid I H Arylam carbaryl I Asana XL esfenvalerate I Aspor zineb F Assure II quizalofop-p-ethyl H Astonex diflubenzuron I Astro permethrin I Asuntol coumaphos I Atamethrin cypermethrin I Atazinax atrazine H Ateflox trifluralin H Atgard dichlorvos (DDVP) I Atra-Bor atrazine H Atranex atrazine H Atrataf atrazine H Atratol atrazine H Atred atrazine H Atroban permethrin I Attivar ziram F Aules thiram F Avadex BW triallate H Avermectin abamectin I Avicol PCNB F Avid abamectin I Avitrol 4-aminopyridine A Azimil azinphos-methyl I Azinotox atrazine H Azinugec azinphos-methyl I Azolan amitrole H Azole amitrole H Azural glyphosate H B 401 Bacillus thuringiensis I B 995 daminozide (alar) GR Bactec Bernan Bacillus thuringiensis I Bactimos Bacillus thuringiensis I Bactis Bacillus thuringiensis I Bactospeine Bacillus thuringiensis I Bactucide Bacillus thuringiensis I Banel dicamba H Banfel dicamba H Banox glyphosate H Banvel dicamba H Banvel CST dicamba H Banvel D dicamba H Banvel XG dicamba H Barrage 2,4-D H Barricade cypermethrin I Trade Name Common Name Type BAS 152J dimethoate I BAS 351 H bentazon(e) H BAS 352F vinclozolin F BAS 90520H sethoxydim H Basagran bentazon(e) H Basamais bentazon(e) H Basanite dinoseb H Basathrin cypermethrin I Basfapon dalapon H Basicap copper sulfate F Basinex P dalapon H Basudin diazinon I Batazine simazine H Bay azinphos-methyl I Bay 21 coumaphos I Bay 6159H metribuzin H Bay 6443H metribuzin H Bay 9010 propoxur I Bay 9027 azinphos-methyl I Bay 15922 trichlorfon I Bay 17147 azinphos-methyl I Bay 19149 dichlorvos I Bay 19639 disulfoton I Bay 70143 carbofuran I Bay 29493 fenthion I Bay 30130 propanil H Bay 39007 propoxur I Bay 68138 fenamiphos I Bay 94337 metribuzin H Bay DIC 1468 metribuzin H Bay L13/59 trichlorfon I Bay MEB 6447 triadimefon F Baycid fenthion I Bay S276 disulfoton I Bay SRA 12869 isofenphos I Baytex fenthion I Bayer 21/199 coumaphos I Baygon propoxur I Bayleton triadimefon F Baymix coumaphos I Baytex fenthion I Baytox fenthion I BCS Copper Fungicide copper sulfate F Beacon primisulfuron- methyl H Beet-Kleen chlorpropham GR Belmark fenvalerate I Belt chlordane I Bendioxide bentazon(e) H Benesan lindane I Benex benomyl F Benexane lindane I Trade Name Common Name Type L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 639 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:58 PM © 2000 CRC Press LLC Benfos dichlorvos (DDVP) I Benlate benomyl F Benomilosan benomyl F Benor bromoxynil H Benosan benomyl F Bensumec bensulide H Bentazone bentazon(e) H Bent-cure hexachlorobenzene I Bent-no- More hexachlorobenzene I Benzamide pronamide H Benzilan chlorobenzilate I Benz-o-chlor chlorobenzilate I Benzulfide bensulide H Beosit endosulfan I Berliner Bacillus thuringiensis I Betamec bensulide H Betasan bensulide H Bi 58 dimethoate I Biarbinex heptachlor I Bicep metolachlor H Bifex propoxur I Bioallethrin allethrin I Biobit Bacillus thuringiensis I Bio Flydown permethrin I Biothion temephos I Bithion temephos I Blade oxamyl I Bladan parathion I Bladen M methyl parathion I Bladex cyanazine H Blatex hydramethylnon I Blattanex propoxur I Blazer acifluorfen H Blotic propetamphos I Blue Copperas copper sulfate F Bluestone copper sulfate F Blue Viking copper sulfate I Blue Vitriol copper sulfate F BMP 123 Bacillus thuringiensis I BMP 144 Bacillus thuringiensis I B-Nine daminozide (alar) GR Bolfo propoxur I Bolls-Eye cacodylic acid H Bombardier chlorothalonil F Bordeaux Mixture copper sulfate F Bordermaster MCPA H Borea bromacil H Borer-Tox lindane I Trade Name Common Name Type Borocil bromacil H Botrilex PCNB F Bovinos trichlorfon I Bovinox trichlorfon I Bravonil chlorpropham GR Broadside cacodylic acid H Bromotril bromacil H Brassicol PCNB F Brassix trifluralin H Bravo chlorothalonil F Brifur propoxur I Briten trichlorfon I Brodan chlorpyrifos I Bromazil imazalil F Bromax bromacil H Bromex naled I Brominal bromoxynil H Brominex bromoxynil H Brominil bromoxynil, dicamba H Bromofume ethylene dibromide I Brom-O-Gas methyl bromide F Brom-O-Sol methyl bromide I Bromotril bromoxynil H Bromoxian bromoxynil H Bronate bromoxynil, MCPA H Bronco alachlor, glyphosate H BRP naled I Brush tebuthiuron H Bt B.t aizawai I Bt B.t kurstaki I Bt B.t israelinsis I Buckle triallate H Buctril bromoxynil H Bud Nip chlorpropham GR Bug Master carbaryl I Buggy glyphosate H Buhach pyrethrins I Bullet tebuthiuron H Bushwacker tebuthiuron H Butilate butylate H Butirex 2,4-DB H Butormone 2,4-DB H Butoxone 2,4-DB H Butyl-Geld dinoseb H Butyrac 2,4-DB H BW-21-Z permethrin I C 2059 fluometuron H Cadan carboxin F Caldon dinoseb H Caliber simazine H Calmathion malathion I Canogard dichlorvos (DDVP) I Caparol prometryn H Capfos fonofos I Trade Name Common Name Type L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 640 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:58 PM © 2000 CRC Press LLC Caprane dinocap F Capryl dinocap F Captaf captan F Captanex captan F Caparol prometryn H Captazel captan F Captec captan F Captol captan F Carbamec carbaryl I Carbamo- thoic Acid triallate H Carbamine carbaryl I Carbarex carbaryl I Carbatene metiram F Carbazinc ziram F Carbodan carbofuran I Carbofuorfen acifluorfen I Carbosip carbofuran I Carfene azinphos-methyl I Carpene dodine F CCN52 cypermethrin I Cedar Propanil propanil H Cekiuron diuron H Cekubaryl carbaryl I Ceku C.B. hexachlorobenzene I Cekucap dinocap F Cekucap 25 WP dinocap F Cekudifol dicofol I Cekufon trichlorfon I Cekumeta metaldehyde M Cekumethion methyl parathion I Cekumetrin cypermethrin I Cekupro- panil propanil H Cekuquat paraquat H Cekusan dichlorvos (DDVP) I Cekusima simazine H Cekuthoate dimethoate I Cekusina-T atrazine H Celfume methyl bromide F Cellutec permethrin I Celmide ethylene dibromide I Celthion malathion I Cenol Garden Dust rotenone I Ceratotect thiabendazole F Certan Bacillus thuringiensis I Certrol B bromoxynil H CGA 24705 metolachlor H CGA 48988 metalaxyl F Trade Name Common Name Type CGA 136872 primisulfuron- methyl H Chardol 2,4-D H Checkmate sethoxydim, cacodylic acid H Chemathoate dimethoate I Chem-Fish rotenone I,A Chemform methoxychlor I Chem-Mite rotenone I Chemox dinoseb H Chem-Rice propanil H Chemsect DNBP dinoseb H Chem-Zineb zineb F Chim phorate I Chimarix glyphosate H Chimigor 40 dimethoate I Chinoin Fundozol benomyl F Chinufur carbofuran I Chipco thiram F Chipco 26019 iprodione F Chiptox MCPA H Chlorambene chloramben H Chlordite chlordane I Chlor Kil chlordane I Chloro IPC chlorpropham GR Chlorophos trichlorfon I Chlorosul chlorpropham GR Chlortiepin endosulfan I Chlortox chlordane I Chrys- anthemum pyrethrins I Chryson resmethrin I Ciba-2059 fluometuron H Cibe Extract rotenone I Ciclosom trichlorfon I Cinerariae- folium pyrethrins I CIPC chlorpropham GR Citrus Fix 2,4-D H CL 7521 dodine F Clanex pronamide H Classic chlorpyrifos I Clean-Boll cacodylic acid H Clomitane captan F Clortocaffaro chlorothalonil F Cloroxone 2,4-D H CMDP mevinphos I Colonil chlorpropham GR Combat hydramethylnon I Combine bromoxynil H Comfuval thiabendazole F Trade Name Common Name Type L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 641 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:58 PM © 2000 CRC Press LLC Command clomazone H Commando zinc phosphide R Commence clomazone H Contraven terbufos I CoPilot quizalofop-p-ethyl H Comply fenoxycarb GR Compound 732 terbacil H Connonex fluometuron H Coopex permethrin I Copper Pride copper sulfate F Co-Ral coumaphos I Corodane chlordane I Corothion parathion I Corsair permethrin I Cotnion- methyl azinphos-methyl I Cotoran fluometuron H Cotorex fluometuron H Cotton Aid HC cacodylic acid H Cottonex fluometuron H Cotton Pro prometryn H Contraven terbufos I Corodane chlordane I Corothion parathion I Corozate ziram F Counter terbufos I CP 23426 triallate H CP 50144 alachlor H CP Basic Sulfate copper sulfate F CP-TS 53 copper sulfate F CR-1693 dinocap F Crisalamina 2,4-D H Crisalin trifluralin H Crisamina 2,4-D H Crisazina atrazine H Crisimia 2,4-D H Crisquat paraquat H Crisuron diuron H Crittam ziram F Crittox MZ mancozeb F Crop Rider 2,4-D H Crop Star alachlor H Croptex Onyx bromacil H Crotonate dinocap F Crotothane dinocap F Crossbow triclopyr H Crossfire resmethrin I Cross Fire chlorpyrifos I Crunch carbaryl I Crysthyon azinphos-methyl I Trade Name Common Name Type Cuberol rotenone I,R Cudgel fonofos H Cuman ziram F Cunitex thiram F Cupincida heptachlor I Cuprothex zineb F Curalan vinclozolin F Curaterr carbofuran I Curex Flea Duster rotenone I Curitan dodine F Cyanater terbufos I Cyaforce hydramethylnon I Cyaforgel hydramethylnon I Cybolt flucythrinate I Cyclodan endosulfan I Cyclon hydramethylnon I Cyclone paraquat H Cydexine simazine H Cygon dimethoate I Cygon 400 dimethoate I Cymbaz cypermethrin I Cymbush cypermethrin I Cymperator cypermethrin I Cynoff cypermethrin I Cynogan bromacil H Cyper cypermethrin I Cypercopal cypermethrin I Cyperguard 25EC cypermethrin I Cyperhard Tech cypermethrin I Cyperkill cypermethrin I Cypermar cypermethrin I Cypermax cypermethrin I Cypersect cypermethrin I Cypersul cypermethrin I Cypertox cypermethrin I Cypona dichlorvos (DDVP) I Cyprex dodine F Cyrux cypermethrin I Cythion malathion I Cytrol amitrole H 2,4-D 2,4-D H D 264 diazinon I D 735 carboxin F D 1221 carbofuran I DAC 893 DCPA H Dacamine 2,4-D H Daconil 2787 chlorothalonil F Dacthal DCPA H Dacthal W-75 daminozide (alar) GR Dacthalor DCPA H Dadasul dichlorvos (DDVP) I Trade Name Common Name Type L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 642 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:58 PM © 2000 CRC Press LLC Dalacide dalapon H Dalapon 85 dalapon H Dalf fenthion I Dalf methyl parathion I Dalmation Insect Flowers pyrethrins I Danex trichlorfon I Daphene dimethoate I Dart glyphosate H Dazide daminozide (alar) GR Dazzel diazinon I DCMO carboxin F DCMU diuron H DCPC dinocap F Deadline metaldehyde M Decco chlorpropham GR Deccozil imazalil F Decemthion phosmet I Decimax diuron H Decofol dicofol I DeDevap dichlorvos (DDVP) I Ded-Weed 2,4-D H Ded-Weed dalapon H De-Fend dimethoate I Deiquat diquat dibromide H Delta-Coat AD metalaxyl F Demon cypermethrin I Demos NF dimethoate I Denapon carbaryl I Denkaphon trichlorfon I Denkarin Grains zinc phosphide R Denkavepon dichlorvos (DDVP) I Dep trichlorfon I Derriban dichlorvos (DDVP) I Derribanate dichlorvos (DDVP) I Derrin rotenone I Derringer resmethrin I Derris rotenone I Desormone 2,4-D H Destox 2,4-D H Detmol UA chlorpyrifos I Deviban chlorpyrifos I Devicarb carbaryl I Devicyper cypermethrin I Devigon dimethoate I Devikol dichlorvos (DDVP) I Devipon dalapon H Devisulphan endosulfan I Devithion methyl parathion I Devizeb zineb F Devrinol naproamide H Dextrone diquat dibromide H Trade Name Common Name Type Dextrone X paraquat H Dexuron paraquat H Diacon methoprene I Dianat dicamba H Dianex methoprene I Diater diuron H Diazitol diazinon I Diazol diazinon I Di-Blox diphacinone R Dibrom naled I Dibrome ethylene dibromide I Dicamba M dicamba, MCPA H Dicamba P dicamba H Dicambex dicamba H Dicap dinocap F Dicarbam carbaryl I Dicaron dicofol I Dicazin atrazine, dicamba H Dichlorvos DDVP I Dicomite dicofol I Didivane dichlorvos (DDVP) I Dielathion malathion I Difenthos temephos I Difol dicofol I Difonate fonofos I Digermin trifluralin H Dikamin 2,4-D H Dikar dinocap F Dikonirt 2,4-D H Dicotox 2,4-D, dicamba, MCPA H Dilic cacodylic acid H Dilice coumaphos I Dimate 267 dimethoate I Dimet dimethoate I Dimetate dimethoate I Dimethoate dimethoate I Dimethoat Tech 95% dimethoate I Dimethogen dimethoate I Dimethyl Parathion methyl parathion I Dimilin diflubenzuron I Dinitro dinoseb H Dinoxol 2,4-D H Di-on diuron H Dipel Bacillus thuringiensis I Diphacine diphacinone R Diphenthos temephos I Dipher zineb F Dipterex trichlorfon I Dipthal triallate H Diquat Herbicide diquat dibromide H Trade Name Common Name Type L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 643 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:58 PM © 2000 CRC Press LLC Direx diuron H Dirimal oryzalin H Disan bensulide H Discon-Z zineb F Disonex diazinon I Disyston disulfoton I Disystox disulfoton I Dithane mancozeb F Dithane 945 mancozeb F Dithane M-22 maneb F Dithane M-45 mancozeb F Dithane- Ultra mancozeb F Dithane Z-78 zineb F Dithio- demeton disulfoton I Dithiosystox disulfoton I Ditiner zineb F Ditiozin zineb F Ditrac diphacinone R Ditrifon trichlorfon I Diumate diuron H Diurex diuron H Diurol amitrole H Divipan dichlorvos (DDVP) I DMDT methoxychlor I DMPT fenthion I DMU diuron H DN 289 dinoseb H DNOPC dinocap F Doom dichlorvos (DDVP) I DOP 500F iprodione F Dormone 2,4-D H Double R imazalil F Dowco 179 chlorpyrifos I Dowco 233 triclopyr H Dowfume ethylene dibromide I Dowicide EC-7 pentachlorophenol I,F,H Dowpon dalapon H DPA propanil H DPA dalapon H DPX 1410 oxamyl I DPX 3674 hexazinone H DPX 5648 sulfometuron- methyl H DPX Y6202- 31 quizalofop-p-ethyl H Dragnet permethrin I Dragon permethrin I Drawizon diazinon I Drexel atrazine, captan F Drexel methoxychlor I Drinox heptachlor I Drive vinclozolin F Trade Name Common Name Type Dropaven propanil H DRP 642532 thiram F Drupine ziram F DU 112307 diflubenzuron I Dual metolachlor H Dualor metolachlor H Duo-Kill dichlorvos (DDVP) I Du Pont 732 terbacil H Du Pont 1179 methomyl I Du Pont 1991 benomyl F Du Pont Herbicide 326 linuron H Du Pont Herbicide 732 terbacil H Du Pont Herbicide 976 bromacil H Duraphos mevinphos I Dursban chlorpyrifos I Duravos dichlorvos (DDVP) I Dutch-Treat cacodylic acid H DW 3418 cyanazine H Dycarb bendiocarb I Dyfonate fonofos I Dylox trichlorfon I Dymec 2,4-D H Dynamec I abamectin I Dynamyte dinoseb H Dynex diuron H Dyphonate fonofos I Dyrex trichlorfon I D-Z-N diazinon I E 601 methyl parathion I E-605 parathion I E 3314 heptachlor I Earthcide PCNB F EBDC zineb F ECB chlorobenzilate I Echo chlorpropham GR Eclipse fenoxycarb GR Eclipse glyphosate H Ecopro temephos I Ectiban permethrin I Ectrin fenvalerate I EDB-85 ethylene dibromide F Edabrome ethylene dibromide I Eftol parathion I Efuzin dodine F Ekatin TD disulfoton I Ekatox parathion I Eksmin permethrin I EL-103 tebuthiuron H EL-119 oryzalin H Trade Name Common Name Type L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 644 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:58 PM © 2000 CRC Press LLC EL-4049 malathion I EL-12880 dimethoate I Elancolan trifluralin H Elastrel dichlorvos (DDVP) I Elbanil chlorpropham GR Elgetol dinoseb H Embamine 2,4-D H Embafume methyl bromide F Emblem bromoxynil H Embutone 2,4-DB H Embutox 2,4-DB H Emelten- middel temephos I Emmatos malathion I Empal MCPA H Empire chlorpyrifos I Emulsamine 2,4-D H Endocel endosulfan I Endocide endosulfan I Endogerme chlorpropham GR Endosol endosulfan I Endosul endosulfan I Enozin zineb F ENT 1726 methoxychlor I ENT 9932 chlordane I ENT 15108 parathion I ENT 15152 heptachlor I ENT 22374 mevinphos I ENT 24105 ethion I ENT 27093 aldicarb I ENT 27164 carbofuran I Entex fenthion I Entry bentazon(e) H Epigon permethrin I Eptam EPTC H Equigard dichlorvos (DDVP) I Equino-Aid trichlorfon I Equity chlorpyrifos I Eradex chlorpyrifos I Eradicane EPTC H Eradicane Extra EPTC H Erban propanil H Erbanil propanil H Erbitox 2,4-D H Erdex chlorpyrifos H Ertefon trichlorfon I Esgram paraquat H Esbiothrin allethrin I Esteron 2,4-D H ET triclopyr H Ethanox ethion I Ethiol ethion I Ethiosul ethion I Ethyl N butylate H Trade Name Common Name Type Ethyl Parathion parathion I Etilon parathion I Exagama lindane I Exathion malathion I Exetor triclopyr H Exmin permethrin I Exotherm Termil chlorothalonil F Expand sethoxydim H Expar permethrin I Exporsan bensulide H Extrasim simazine H Ezenosan dinocap F Ezy Pickin cacodylic acid H Faber chlorothalonil F Fallowmaster dicamba H Fanicide dinoseb H Far-Go triallate H Farmaneb maneb F Farmco Atrazine atrazine H FB/2 diquat dibromide H Fecundal imazalil F Fenamin atrazine H Fenkil fenvalerate I Fennotox heptachlor I Fenocap dinocap F Fenom cypermethrin I Ferkethion dimethoate I Fermide 850 thiram F Fernide thiram F Fernimine 2,4-D H Fernasan thiram F Fernoxone 2,4-D H Fervinal sethoxydim H Ferxone 2,4-D H Fesdan phosmet I Fibenzol benomyl F Ficam bendiocarb I Firmotox pyrethrins I Fish Tox rotenone I,R Flectron cypermethrin I Flee permethrin I Fligene CI cypermethrin I Flo-Met fluometuron H Flo-Pro imazalil F Florasan imazalil F Flurene SE trifluralin H Fly-Die dichlorvos (DDVP) I Fly-Fighter dichlorvos (DDVP) I Fly Killer-D naled I Flytek methomyl I FMC 1240 ethion I FMC 2070 thiram F Trade Name Common Name Type L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 645 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:58 PM [...]... I I I L1190 ch14ApxA pgs Page 653 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:5 8 PM Trade Name Common Name Pyrinex Pyrocide Qamlin Queletox Quinoxone R-1504 R-1582 R-1608 R-1910 R-4461 R-4572 R-7465 R-23979 Radapon Radazin Rad-E-Cate 25 Radinex Raid Flying Insect Killer Ralothrin Ramik Rampart Rampart Ranger Rat & Mouse Blues II Ratol Rattler Rasayansulfan Ravyon R-Bix RE 4355 Rebelate Reclaim Redeem Reglex Reglon Reglone... Isomers: Two or more chemical compounds having the same basic structure but different properties Kd: Soil-water adsorption coefficient, calculated by using measurements of pesticide distribution between soil and water Koc: see “Adsorption coefficient.” Kow: see “Octanol-water partition coefficient.” Larva: The immature form and stage of development of some insect species Larvicide: A class of pesticides... recommending limits for workplace exposures NOAEL: No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level; the highest dose in an experiment that does not produce an observable adverse effect NOEL: No-Observed-Effect-Level; the dosage or exposure level at which no effect(s) can be detected Nonvolatile: Having very little or no capacity to vaporize or become a gas Nonsystemic: Not capable of affecting the entire system; limited... Gestation: The duration of pregnancy In the human, gestation is normally 9 months Goiter: Enlargement of the thyroid gland Granular formulation: A dry, ready-to-use pesticide product that consists of an active ingredient mixed with or impregnated into a carrier such as coarse particles of clay Groundwater: Water located in saturated zones below the soil surface Wells and springs are fed by groundwater GUP:... organism, mg/kg Environmental concentration, mg/L Biodegradation: Breakdown of a substance into more elementary compounds by the action of microorganisms such as bacteria Biomagnification: Process by which substances such as pesticides or heavy metals become more concentrated with each succeeding step up the food chain Bone marrow: The soft tissue contained inside the bone Broad-spectrum pesticide: A pesticide. .. (skin), oral (by mouth), and inhalation (breathing) Also refers to the concentration in the environment or food to which the organism is exposed FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FDA monitoring: The collection and analysis for pesticide residues carried out by the Food and Drug Administration Fecundity: The number of offspring produced by an animal Fertility: The ability of an... ingredients such as carriers and diluents; a packaged, ready-forsale pesticide product Types of formulations include liquids, dusts, emulsifiable concentrates, ultra-low volume, and granular products Fungicide: A class of pesticides used to kill fungi, primarily those that cause diseases of plants Gastrointestinal tract (GI tract ): The entire digestive canal from mouth to anus Gavage: Forced feeding by stomach... ch14ApxA pgs Page 647 Friday, July 2, 1999 5:5 8 PM Trade Name Gnatrol Goal Go-Go San Gold Crest Gold Crest C-100 Gold Crest H-60 Golden Leaf Tobacco Spray Goldquat Gopha-Rid Gordon’s Amine Grain Guard Gramevin Gramix Gramixel Gramocil Gramoxone Gramoxone Extra Grand Grandstand Granutox Grasidim Graslan Grazon Green Cross Warble Powder GreenDaisen M Griffex Ground-Up GS 13005 Gusagrex Gusathion Guthion... carbofuran carbofuran chlorpropham fluazifop-p-butyl fluazifop-p-butyl fluazifop-p-butyl F I I F H H F I I I I I I I H F I F I F I I GR F F F F F I I I I I GR H H H dicofol propanil I H Fore Forlin For-Mal 50 Formec For-ester Fortrol Forturf Foschlor Fosdan Fosdrin Fosferno 50 Fosferno M50 Fostion MM Fostox E Framed Freshgard Frumin AL Fruttene Fuching jujr Fuklasin Fulkil Fumo-Gas Funconil Fundazol Fungaflor Fungazil... mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram mg/kg/day: Milligrams per kilogram per day mg/L: Milligrams per liter; equivalent to ppm for water µg/L: Micrograms per liter; equivalent to parts per billion (ppb) for water mg/m 3: Milligrams of material per cubic meter (of air or water) µg/m 3: Microgram per cubic meter (µg/m3) (of air or water) Molluscicide: A class of pesticides used to kill mollusks, primarily snails and . alachlor H CP Basic Sulfate copper sulfate F CP-TS 53 copper sulfate F CR-1693 dinocap F Crisalamina 2,4-D H Crisalin trifluralin H Crisamina 2,4-D H Crisazina atrazine H Crisimia 2,4-D H Crisquat paraquat. I Furloe chlorpropham GR Fusilade 2000 fluazifop-p-butyl H Fusilade Five fluazifop-p-butyl H Fusilade Super fluazifop-p-butyl H FW-293 dicofol I FW-734 propanil H Trade Name Common Name Type Fyfanon. H Bushwacker tebuthiuron H Butilate butylate H Butirex 2,4-DB H Butormone 2,4-DB H Butoxone 2,4-DB H Butyl-Geld dinoseb H Butyrac 2,4-DB H BW-21-Z permethrin I C 2059 fluometuron H Cadan carboxin F Caldon