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target letter (I, synesthetic color white). To ensure that AD’s attention was focused on the presented letters, we requested her to report, at the end of each block, the number of I’s presented. Earlier electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) studies showed that responses to orthographic vs. nonor thograph- ic material diverge at posterior temporal locations as early as 150–200 ms after stimulus presentation (Bentin et al., 1999; Tarkiainen et al., 1999). We examined the N1/N170 component (150–170 ms for AD) elicited by congruently and incongruently colored letters. Mean ERP amplitudes (relative to a nose reference) at this time range, in eight blocks of trials were used as random factor. These were measured at PO7 and PO8, the posterior scalp lo- cations at which the negative component N1 evoked by letters was maximal. AD’s N1 was significantly more negative in congruent than in the incongruent condition, showing for the first time an early effect of synesthesia on evoked potentials recorded over the posterior scalp, within an individual subject. Additionally, the N1 was larger on the right (PO8) than on the left (PO7) side, a somewhat unusual pattern for a right-handed participant; however, there was no interaction between co ngruency and hemisphere (Fig. 3). What are origins of this congruency effect? Note that in both conditions a synesthetic color is in- duced. The only diff erence is that we present let- ter–color combinat ions that match or mismatch AD’s individual synesthetic correspondences. This could have implications on both perceived stim- ulus contrast and stimulus categorization. The larger N1 recorded in the congruent condition is more consistent with the latter. Because AD reports seeing both her synesthetic color and the actual stimulus color at the same time, the per- ceived contrast in the congruent condition (e.g., red on red) is lower than that in the incon gruent condition (e.g., red on green). On the other hand, the congruently colored letter may be easier to categorize. Thus, a more canonical stimulus form (at least for AD) may evoke larger N1. Al- ternatively, the effect may be due to attentional modulation. While further studies will be required in order to understand the nature of this congruency effect, it is clear that it can serve as a marker for the time course of synesthesia. It may be useful as another tool for assessing individual differences among synesthetes (Hubbard et al., 2005a). Finally, the early modulation of posterior ERPs is consistent with the claim that synesthesia is a genuine per- ceptual phenomenon. Number–space synesthesia As much as 12% of the population experiences numbers as occupying a particular spatial config- uration (Seron et al., 1992). These have been termed number forms (Galton, 1880a, b). Al- though the ov erall direction of these forms is often left-to-right, the precise configuration can be idio- syncratic (Fig. 4), as can their locations in space. For some, the number forms occupy peri-personal space around their body, for others it is in their ‘‘minds eye.’ ’ For some, the number forms are re- ported to move through space according to the number attended to; for others, it is a static rep- resentation. We have recently provided some ev- idence for the authenticity of these subjective reports by showing that the task of deciding which of the two numbers is larger is biased according to whether the two numbers are displayed in an ar- rangement that is congruent or incongruent with their number form (Sagiv, Simner, Collins, but- terworth, and Ward (2006b)). Fig. 3. Event-related potentials evoked by letter stimuli colored either congruently or incongruently with AD’s synesthetic col- ors. The approximate location of scalp locations (PO7 and PO8) is shown on the schematic drawing on the lower left. 266 Although number-space synesthesia does not involve one of the traditional five sensory modali- ties, it shares a number of properties with other types of synesthesia. They are reported to be con- sistent over time, to come to mind automatically, and to have no known origin. Our sense of space is clearly a percept ual dimension, although it is not tied to any one specific sense and may be repre- sented at multiple levels in the brain (e.g., egocen- tric vs. allocentric space) (e.g., Robertson, 2004). Sagiv et al., (2006b) found that number forms are far more prevalent in synesthetes who experience colors in response to numbers than in other mem- bers of the population or in other types of synesthesia. One account of this association is that the spatial attributes of numbers are applied to the associated synesthetic colors, thus leading to a heightened awareness of a number-space relationship that, in most others, remains implicit. An alternative explanation is that number-space and number-color synesthesia are caused by the same underlying mechanisms (e.g., cross-activa- tion of brain areas, in the case of numbers forms – in the parietal lobe). Indeed, sim ilar regions in the parietal lobes are known to mediate both aspects of numerical cognition and spatial processing (Hubbard et al., 2005b). Evidence for a spatial (but typically implicit) mental number line in the normal population comes from the SNARC effect — the Spatial-Nu- merical Association of Response Codes (Dehaene et al., 1993). If participants are asked to make number judgments of parity (i.e., odd or even) about the numbers 1 to 9 then they are faster at making judgments about small numbers (o5) with their left hand and faster at making judgments about larger numbers (45) with their right hand. Hence, participants perform as if reliant on a spa- tially based mental number line running from left to right. In addition, it has been shown that pas- sive viewing of numbers can induce spatial shifts of attention (Fischer et al., 2003) and that spatial at- tention deficits can bias numerical judgments (Vuilleumier et al., 2004). Consciously perceived number forms also tend to run from left to right, although they sometimes twist and turn (Sagiv et al., 2006b). The extent to which this is culturally biased is not entirely clear (the SNARC effect is reduced in Persian immigrants living in Paris; Dehaene et al., 1993). Number forms also occa- sionally point to cultural biases (e.g., 1–12 ar- ranged like a clock). Nevertheless, it is conceivable that an association between numbers and space is universal even if direction in space is not. Summary and conclusions The literature reviewed here points to a significant number of similarities between synesthetes and nonsynesthetes in the way that different perceptual dimensions are linked together. This suggests that synesthesia is based on universal mechani sms rather than being based on mechanisms found solely in synesthetes. Although the review has been rather selective, there is evidence to suggest that Fig. 4. An example of a more convoluted number form drawn by one of our synesthetes (colors not shown). 267 the same holds in many other types of synesthesia including emotion-color corres pondences ( Ward, 2004), grapheme-color synesthesia (Rich et al., 2005; Simner et al., 2005), and the spatial repre- sentation of calendar time (Gevers et al., 2003; Sagiv et al., in press). Of course, synesthesia is different and any account of synesthesia must ex- plain the differences betw een synesthetic and nor- mal perception as well as the similarities. At least three differences are in need of explanation: phe- nomenology, automaticity, and reliability. At present, it is unclear whether the fact that synesthetes have conscious perceptual experiences reflects quantitative increases in activity in critical brain regions or whether it reflects a more complex integration of several regions. Understanding these differences may provide some insights into the re- lationship between brain function and perceptual experience. Crossmodal integration is obviously very useful for making inferences about objects and events in our environm ent. It seems, however, that this in- volves more than pathway convergence. In fact, there is a large body of evidence suggesting that activity in unimodal brain areas is modulated by information coming from other senses (e.g., Macaluso and Driver, 2005). One wonders whether the question should be why do so many people fail to experience synesthesia under normal conditions? Still, lessons from synesthesia have even wider implications. Many aspects of cognition involve making some form of cross-domain correspond- ences. Language is one obvious example. Indeed, links between synesthesia, metaphor, creativity, and the origins of language have been suggested (e.g., Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b). Quite a few metaphors seem so intuitive that we may have forgotten that they link otherwise unrelated sensory modalities (e.g., ‘‘high pitch,’’ ‘‘future lies ahead,’’ ‘‘to be touched by your sentiments,’’ etc.). Our ability to empathize is another example of cross-domain mapping. In this case an analogy is made between the self and others. Mirror-touch synesthesia may simply be an extreme form of this very basic capacity (yet still an interesting test case for theories of embodied cognition). Number forms (as well as spatial descriptions of time) are found to be even more common than ‘‘standard’’ synesthesia involving vision, touch, taste, smell, or sound. In this case, space is used not only as a ‘‘common currency’’ for crossmodal interactions and binding different stimulus prop- erties, but also as a dimension along which con- cepts can be mapped. How does space facilitate understanding of quantity? Accor ding to Walsh (2003), space, time, and quantity are all repre- sented by a general magnitude processing system in the parietal lobe. We find, however, that synesthesia and spatial forms are commonly in- duced by ordinal sequences, including the letters of the alphabet — a category that is harder to de- scribe in terms of magnitude. Instead we prop ose that use of space as an organiz ing principle may be understood as a useful tool for grasping abstract concepts by constructing concrete spatial repre- sentations. Indeed, this too could reflect a basic feature of human cognition, not only responsible for the SNARC effect (Dehaene et al., 1993), but also the precursor of the use of graphic represen- tation so prevalent in human culture. Acknowledgment The authors are supported by The Leverhulme Trust. References Aleman, A., Rutten, G.J., Sitskoorn, M.M., Dautzenberg, G. and Ramsey, N.F. (2001) Activation of striate cortex in the absence of visual stimulation: an fMRI study of synesthesia. Neuroreport, 12: 2827–2830. Armel, K.C. and Ramachandran, V.S. (1999) Acquired synesthesia in retinitis pigmentosa. Neurocase, 5: 293–296. Baron-Cohen, S. (1996) Is there a normal phase of synaesthesia in development? Psyche, 2. 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All rights reserved CHAPTER 16 Integrating motion information across sensory modalities: the role of top-down factors Salvador Soto-Faraco 1, à , Alan Kingstone 2 and Charles Spence 3 1 ICREA and Parc Cientı ´ fic de Barcelona – Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 2 Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, 2136 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6 T 1Z4, Canada 3 Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UD, UK Abstract: Recent studies have highlighted the influence of multisensory integration mechanisms in the processing of motion information. One central issue in this research area concerns the extent to which the behavioral correlates of these effects can be attributed to late post-perceptual (i.e., response-related or decisional) processes rather than to perceptual mechanisms of multisensory binding. We investigated the influence of various top-down factors on the phenomenon of crossmodal dy namic capture, whereby the direction of motion in one sensory modality (audition) is strongly influenced by motion presented in another sensory modality (vision). In Experiment 1, we introduced extensive feedback in order to ma- nipulate the motivation level of participants and the extent of their practice with the task. In Experiment 2, we reduced the variability of the irrelevant (visual) distractor stimulus by making its direction predictable beforehand. In Experiment 3, we investigated the effects of changing the stimulus–response mapping (task). None of these manipulations exerted any noticeable influence on the overall pattern of crossmodal dynamic capture that was observed. We therefore conclude that the integration of multisensory motion cues is robust to a number of top-down influences, thereby revealing that the crossmodal dyn amic capture effect reflects the relatively automatic integration of multisensory motion information. Keywords: motion; multisensory; audition; vision; perception; attention Introduction The brain represents the world through the com- bination of information available to a variety of different sources, often arising from distinct sen- sory modalities. The mechanisms of multisensory integration that afford this combination are thought to play a central role in human percep- tion and attention. Indeed, mounting evidence from the field of neuroscience reveals that neural interactions between sensory systems are more pervasive than had been traditionally thought (e.g., see; Stein and Meredith, 1993; Calvert et al., 2004, for reviews) and some researchers have even gone as far as to claim that it is nec- essary to account for multisensory integration if one wants to achieve a comprehensive understand- ing of human percept ion (e.g., Churchland et al., 1994; Driver and Spence, 2000). The intimate link between the senses in term s of information processing has often been studied through the consequences of intersensory conflict (i.e., Welch and Warren, 1986; Bertelson, 1998). Whereas real-world objects usually produce correlated information to several sensory modali- ties (i.e., the auditory and visual correlates of speech provide but one everyday example), in the à Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-93-6009769; Fax: +34-93-6009768; E-mail: Salvador.Soto@icrea.es DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(06)55016-2 273 laboratory, one can create a situation of conflict between the cues coming from different senses in order to assess the resulting consequences for per- ception. One famous example of this approach is the McGurk illusion (McGurk and MacDonald, 1976), whereby the acoustic presentation of a syl- lable such as /ba/ dubbed onto a video recording of someone’s face uttering the syllable [ga] can re- sult in the illusory perception of hearing DA, a sound that represents a phonetic compromise be- tween what was presented visually and what was presented auditorily. In the domain of spatial per- ception, the well-known ventriloquist illusion pro- vides another illustration of intersensory conflict. In this illusion, the presentation of a beep and a flash at the same time but from disparate locations creates the impression that the sound came from somewhere near the location of the light (i.e., Howard and Templeton, 1966; Bertelson, 1998; de Gelder and Bertelson, 2003, for reviews; see Urbantschitsch, 1880, for an early report). Multisensory integration in motion processing: the crossmodal dynamic capture task One especially interesting case of multisensory in- tegration in the spatial domain is associated with motion information. Recent studies have revealed that motion cues, such as the direction of motion, are subject to strong interactions when various sen- sory modalities convey conflicting information. For example, people will often report hearing a sound that is physically moving from left to right as if it were moving from right to left, when presented with a synchronous visual stimulus moving leftward (e.g., Zapparoli and Reatto, 1969; Mateef et al., 1985; Soto-Faraco et al., 2002, 2003, 2004a, 2004b; Soto-Faraco and Kingstone, 2004, for reviews). This crossmodal dynamic capture phenomenon has also been studied using adaptation aftereffects, whereby after the repeated presentation of a visual stimulus moving in one direction, observers can experience a static sound as if it appeared to move in the opposite direction (Kitagawa and Ichihara, 2002; see also Vroomen and de Gelder, 2003). In recent years, one of the most frequently used paradigms in the study of the crossmodal integration of motion cues has been the crossmo- dal dynamic capture task (see Soto-Faraco et al., 2003; Soto-Faraco and Kingstone, 2004, for re- views). In this task, participants are typically asked to judge the direction of an auditory apparent (or real) motion stream while at the same time they attempt to ignore an irrelevant visual motion stream. The visual motion stream can be presented in the same direction as the sounds or in the op- posite direction (varying on a trial-by-trial basis), and is sometimes presented at the same time as the sound or 500 ms after the onset of the sound. The typical result is that there is a strong congruen cy effect when sound and light streams are presented at the same time: while performance is near perfect in the same-direction condition, auditory direction judgments drop by around 50% when the direc- tion of the visual motion stimulus is presented in the direction opposite to the sound. When the vis- ual motion is desynchroni zed with the sounds (i.e., by 500 ms), no congruency effects are seen and performance is very accurate overall, thus demonstrating that auditory motion by itself pro- vides a robust and unambiguous direction signal. These effects have been demonstrated using both apparent motion and continuous motion streams (Soto-Faraco et al., 2004b). Levels of processing of multisensory integration in motion perception A point of contention in the literature concerning the multisensory integration of motion perception regards the extent to which these interactions oc- cur at early (perceptual) stages of processing, or else they reflect the results of somewhat later (post- perceptual) processes related to response biases and/or cognitive strategies (e.g., Meyer and Wuerger, 2001; Vroomen and de Gelder, 2003; Wuerger et al. 2003; Soto-Faraco et al., 2005). Several researchers have attempted to demonstrate that interactions between visual and auditory mo- tion signals can produce adaptation after-effects, which are generally thought to arise from the fa- tigue of sensory receptors at early stages of infor- mation processing (Kitagawa and Ichihara, 2002; Vroomen and de Gelder, 2003). Other researchers 274 have de monstrated audiovi sual interactions for motion stimuli using paradigm designed to be re- sistant to any influence of response or cognitive biases through the use of various psychophysical methods (e.g., Alais and Burr, 2004; Soto-Faraco et al., 2005). How ever, evidence for the likely in- fluence of post-perceptual stages of processing in multisensory motion interactions has also been demonstrated in studies using psychophysical models that separate sensi tivity from bias in re- sponse criterion. In particular, some researchers have suggested that there is no effect of directional congruency at the perceptual stage of information processing (crossmodal dynamic capture), and that any congruency effects observed are to be at- tributed to stimulus–response compatibility biases that arise when the target sensory signal is ambig- uous (e.g., Meyer and Wuerger, 2001; Wuerger et al., 2003; Alais and Burr, 2004). As this brief revie w hopefully conveys, the emerging picture is a rather complex one. On the one hand, several sources of evidence converge on the conclusi on that there is a perceptual basis for multisensory integration of moti on direction cues (i.e., crossmodal dynamic capture experiments, and after-effects). This would mean that, at least in some cases, motion cues from different sensory modalities are bound together in an automatic and obligatory fashion, prior to any awareness con- cerning the presence of two independent motion cues (Soto-Faraco et al., 2005). On the other, there are clear demonstrations that, as for other cross- modal illusions (see Choe et al., 1975; Bertelson and Aschersleben, 1998; Welch, 1999; Caclin et al., 2002), the influence of cognitive and response bi- ases can also play a role (Meyer and Wuerger, 2001; Wuerger et al., 2003; Sanabria et al., sub- mitted). These post-perceptual influen ces appear to be especially strong when the target signal pro- vides ambiguous information. Moreover, recent studies suggest that even the separation that has been traditionally made between early (perceptual) and late (post-perceptual) processes may not be as clear-cut as had been thought previously (e.g., Wohlschla ¨ ger, 2000). Indeed, the influence of cog- nitive biases may pervade even the earliest stages of information processing, and therefore the so- called perceptual and post-perceptual processes may, in fact, interact to produce the resulting percept which observers are aware of. Scope of the present study The majority of previous studies have sought ev- idence for the perceptual basis of crossm odal in- tegration in motion processing by attempting to demonstrate interactions between the senses in situations where cognitive biases and/or response biases are controlled for and therefore unlikely to confound the results (Kitagawa and Ichihara, 2002; Vroomen and de Gelder, 2003; Soto-Faraco et al., 2005). The few direct attempts to measure the influence of cognitive or response biases on the perception of motion (or on other stimulus features) have involved the use of somewhat am- biguous target stimuli. For example, Meyer and Wuerger (2001) presente d participants with ran- dom dot kinematograms (RDKs) where a certain percentage of the dots (0–32%) moved in a given predetermined direction, whereas the rest moved randomly. They evaluated the influence of a mov- ing sound source (i.e., white noise directionally congruent or conflicting with the dots) on partic- ipants’ responses and found a strong response bias but barely any perceptual effect (see Wuerger et al., 2003, for similar conclusions). However, the interpretation of these studies may be compro- mised by the particular type of stimuli used, which may have favored segregation between modalities on the basis of perceptual grouping principles (see Sanabria et al., 2004, 2005). In the present study, our approach was to find out whether we could induce a top-down modu- lation of the crossmodal dynamic effect by ma- nipulating cognitive and task variables directly. In Experiment 1, we presented a typical version of the crossmodal dynamic capture task with the ad- dition that participants received trial-by-trial feed- back regarding the accuracy of their responses. In Experiment 2, we performed a comparison be- tween a condition in which the visual motion dis- tractors could move in either of two possible directions (as in all previous experiments using this paradigm) and a condition in which distractors moved in a predetermined direction throughout a 275 [...]... control or visually deprived cats Finally, immunohistochemistry of the visual cortex of deprived cats revealed a striking decrease in pavalbumin- and calretinin-positive neurons, the functional implications of which we discuss Keywords: plasticity; crossmodal; multisensory; visually deprived; critical period ÃCorresponding author Phone: (+34)96 5-9 19368; E-mail: mavi.sanchez@umh.es DOI: 10. 1016/S007 9-6 123(06)5501 7-4 ... before the onset of the next trial Every time participants made an error they heard a 500 ms low-frequency buzz and the start of the next trial was delayed by an additional 100 0 ms Prior to the start of the experiment, participants received a 1 0- trial training block in the auditory motion task including feedback on errors but without visual distractors If a participant was not confident of his/her performance,... Electrophysiological recordings from the visual cortex of control and visually deprived cats (A) Visual responses recorded in control cats and evoked by moving bars with a handheld projector onto the tangent screen (Aa) Synaptic and spike responses to three consecutive visual stimuli (Ab) First visual response expanded (Ac) Subthreshold (synaptic) visual response (B) In visually deprived cats, no visual stimuli were used... Progress in Brain Research, Vol 155 ISSN 007 9-6 123 Copyright r 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved CHAPTER 17 Crossmodal audio visual interactions in the primary visual cortex of the visually deprived cat: a physiological and anatomical study M.V Sanchez-Vives1,Ã, L.G Nowak2, V.F Descalzo1, J.V Garcia-Velasco1, R Gallego1 and P Berbel1 1 ´ndezÀCSIC, Apartado 18, 03550 San Juan de Alicante, Instituto... 0.317) The factor of visual motion direction (mixed vs fixed) did not reach significance (Fo1), nor were there any significant interactions involving this factor In particular, the three-way interaction between congruency, synchrony, and visual motion direction was far from significance1 (F(2,58) ¼ 1.1, p ¼ 0.297) Additional analyses confirmed that neither the fixed-left nor the fixed-right visual motion direction... Hohnsbein, J and Noack, T (1985) Dynamic visual capture: apparent auditory motion induced by a moving visual target Perception, 14: 721–727 McGurk, H and MacDonald, J (1976) Hearing lips and seeing voices Nature, 265: 746–748 Meyer, G.F and Wuerger, M (2001) Cross-modal integration of auditory and visual motion signals Neuroreport, 12: 2557–2560 Morein-Zamir, S., Soto-Faraco, S and Kingstone, A (2002) Auditory... sections were incubated with rabbit anti-calretinin Ab (1:2000; Swant, Bellinzona, Switzerland), which was followed with biotinylated goat anti-rabbit Ab (1:150; Vector), ABC kit and DAB The other two series were stained with anti-parvalbumin (1 :100 0; Swant) and anti-calbindin D-28 K (1:2000; Swant) monoclonal antibodies Immunostaining was followed by biotinylated horse anti-mouse Ab (Vector), ABC kit and... the direction of visual motion distractors was randomly chosen from trial to trial) with a situation in which the direction of visual motion distractors was maintained constant throughout a block of trials and was therefore predictable Method Participants Thirty new participants from the same population as in Experiment 1 were tested All had normal hearing and normal or corrected-to-normal vision They... evidence of auditory -visual crossmodal plasticity in late-onset blindness (Kujala et al., 1997), it appears that the performance improvement in non -visual tasks is larger in subjects with early onset blindness (e.g Gougoux et al., 2004) This observation is in agreement with the fact that the cerebral cortex is more prone to plasticity during the early years Human studies therefore show that visual cortex... 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