5 Conductance Noise in High-Temperature Superconductors László Béla Kish Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, U.S.A 5.1 INTRODUCTION High-Tc superconductor (HTS) materials have the potential to revolutionize lownoise electronics, because superconductor electronics can be realized at relatively high temperatures These temperatures might soon be achievable by solid-state cooling elements at the commercial level if both the HTS and the cooling element development continues at the current level However, it should be kept in mind that this task might not compromise the requirements of low-noise The real condition of success of HTS materials will always be the potentially low level of noise, because their high-speed semiconductor and nanoelectronics are strong competitors at convenient working temperatures Due to the different physics of superconductors, their potentially achievable noise properties seem to be unbeatable However, as far as HTS devices are concerned, although their noise properties are good, the same properties are achievable by semiconductor circuits also, but the circuits need a carefully designed circuitry Therefore, understanding the source of noise and reducing the noise level in the HTS materials has a high priority in research Although the details of the mechanism of noise generation in HTS materials is not fully understood, it has been proven that percolation effects are the key Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved 150 Kish to understanding the characteristic behavior of the noise in the conductor–superconductor temperature regime The percolation models are superior also in the sense that they can predict the behavior of normalized noise in a very wide range, with variations up to nine orders of magnitude Such a success of a model to predict behavior can rarely be found in condensed matters physics In the present survey, we give a basic overview (based on Refs 1–3) of lowfrequency (ƒ Ͻ 105 Hz) conductance noise in the conductor–superconductor transition region of HTS materials We are concerned only about the “essence,” namely understanding the origin and mechanism of dominant and generally occurring noise effects For readers who are interested in learning more about the base of other, more sample- and material-specific noise effects and their theories, we recommend Refs 1–3 and the references therein The original concept has been enriched by the inclusion of the biased percolation effect; see Section 5.4.4, which explains the lack of (universal) scaling when the control parameter is not the temperature but the current or magnetic field Those who are interested in learning some fundamental limits of the present approaches and some relevant unsolved problems, we recommend Ref Since the publication of the percolation picture (1–4), the field has become very active; however, up to now, no comparable breakthrough has appeared Some interesting experimental and theoretical additions can be found in Refs 5–18 It can also be of interest to review Refs 19–27 Noise results relevant for applications, such as bolometers, can be found in Refs 28–33 Finally, some concern to those readers who go beyond reading the present chapter As the aim of this chapter is to show a coherent, and reliable frame of thinking which can be the base of further studies, I will not deal with and will not take any responsibility for all the materials described in Refs 5–33 Moreover, in certain cases, I have some strong reservations about the reliability of some of the published data and theories, see the above relevant comments about the number and nature of mistakes in this field However, as the evolution of science has been manifested by disputes, when some inspiring thoughts were presented in an article, I decided to include it even if I could not always fully trust its content 5.2 BASIC TERMS Conductance noise in a normal conductor material (34) means a fluctuation of the resistance which can be described as a stationary, random, stochastic process Conductance noise of a superconductor material, either in the conductor–superconductor transition temperature region or in the superconductor state, is a nontrivial issue, as the material is non-Ohmic and the energy dissipation can contain components due to vortex motion Therefore, in order to avoid any misunder- Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved Conductance Noise in High-Tc Superconductors 151 standing, in this section, we clarify what we call conductance noise and relate the defined quantities to well-known quantities of classical noise research For the measurement of the conductance noise of the superconducting material, it is assumed that a four-terminal measurement method is used (see Fig 5.1) or an equivalent arrangement to avoid contact noise Otherwise, contact noise could dominate the noise due to the low resistivity of HTS samples when being close to the superconducting state For simplicity and due to the low resistivity, here we neglect thermal noise, however, the thermal noise voltage of the voltage contacts can be a problem The measured resistance fluctuation is defined as ⌬U(t) ⌬R(t) ϭ ᎏᎏ I (1) where ⌬U(t) is the measured voltage noise and I is the dc current through the current contacts Therefore, the power density spectra of the resistance noise is related to the power density spectrum of ⌬U(t) by SU (ƒ) SR (ƒ) ϭ ᎏ2 ᎏ I (2) Both the measured noise and the resistance R(T) of the sample strongly depend on the temperature and the dependence varies between samples made by different technologies or made of different materials The normalized resistance noise spec- FIGURE 5.1 Four-terminal sample arrangement The current is fed by a lownoise current generator via contacts 1–3 (current contacts), and the voltage and voltage noise are measured between 2–4 (voltage contacts), presumably by a device which does not have dc input current Thus the resistance fluctuations of contacts and cannot be seen because of the lack of dc current, and the resistance fluctuations of contacts and cannot be seen because of the current generator driving Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved 152 Kish trum is defined as SR(ƒ, T ) C(T ) ϭ ᎏ R 2(T) (3) History has shown that to find a coherent, conclusive, and reproducible behavior of the noise of various HTS samples and materials, the temperature has to be used as a control parameter (hidden variable) and the C(T ) versus R(T) curve should be analyzed In this way, the various temperature dependencies are put out of the picture and the C[R(T)] or C(R) curve with a hidden temperature variable supplies information about the spatial distribution of the microscopic current density distribution in the sample This sort of plot made it possible to identify percolation in HTS films already at an early stage of HTS technology in 1989 (35) 5.3 TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF THE MEASURED NOISE 5.3.1 General Temperature Dependence of the Normalized Noise We study the most characteristic temperature-dependent behavior of the noise at a fixed frequency According to thorough investigations, in a significant fraction of samples two fundamental temperature regimes exist; see Figure 5.2 FIGURE 5.2 Qualitative temperature dependence of the normalized noise and the resistance In the bulk regime, the normalized noise is not increasing, and sometimes it is even decreasing with decreasing temperature In the percolation regime, the normalized noise is radically increased while the temperature is decreased Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved Conductance Noise in High-Tc Superconductors 153 “Bulk” Temperature Regime At the high-temperature part of the conductorn–superconductor transition region, when the resistance has significantly decreased (the onset of superconductivity has started), C(R) can be constant, or sometimes even decreasing, with decreasing R (i.e., with decreasing T) In this regime, the microscopic current density is spatially homogeneous in the sample (as in a bulk conductor) or, at least, the distribution is independent of the temperature Note: Although a significant part of HTS samples show this behavior especially materials of lower quality, the bulk regime is often missing from the C(R) curve of the films (2) “Percolation” Temperature Regime C(R) increases many orders of magnitude with decreasing R (i.e., with decreasing T) This regime is reported in almost all articles in the literature In this regime, the microscopic current density is spatially random in the sample and the distribution randomly changes when the temperature is varied The distribution of current density has the properties (percolation) of conductor–superconductor random composites 5.3.2 Scaling of C with R This is a very frequently occurring behavior (see Figs 5.3–5.5) which can often be quantitatively explained (1–4) When, at fixed dc measuring current, the nor- FIGURE 5.3 Scaling with universal exponents through nine orders of magnitudes of the normalized noise The sample (4) is an Y-based HTS film, representing low-noise and good technology (laser ablation technique with in situ annealing) Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved 154 Kish FIGURE 5.4 Universal scaling in Y-based superconductor films (1) representing an older technology (evaporation with ex situ annealing) malized noise and the resistance R is controlled by varying the temperature, C can be approximated as a power function of R(T): C ϰ Rx (4) where the exponent x can have various values in different temperature ranges and in different samples The occurring x values are usually close to the following values: Ϫ2.74, Ϫ1.54, Ϫ1, 0, and ϩ These values are predicted by a simple theory (1) Note that the existence of relation (4) remains hidden if only the R(T) and SR(T) curves are plotted FIGURE 5.5 Universal scaling in a Y-based superconductor film (1,2) representing a middle-class technology (evaporation with in situ annealing) Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved Conductance Noise in High-Tc Superconductors 155 5.4 SIMPLE THEORETICAL PICTURE 5.4.1 Framework of the Model: Two-Stage Transition Picture For simplicity, we call normal conducting charge carriers “electrons” and superconducting ones “Cooper pairs.” The model is based on a physical picture of the conductor–superconductor transition (1), which is a slight modification of the twostage transition picture of HTS materials In sufficiently homogeneous HTS materials, at the high-temperature part of the transition there are no superconducting grains present yet The conductance increases with decreasing temperature due to the increasing number and lifetime of Cooper pairs The current density distribution is homogeneous, so the name “bulk regime” is used here In the low-temperature part of the transition region, there are superconductor grains of random sizes at random locations, because the Cooper pairs are very “fragile” due to their extremely short coherence length, which means that even an atomic scale disorder can prohibit superconductivity in small subvolumes That implies a random distribution of current density and naturally leads to percolation effects in this regime The neighboring grains can form superconducting islands via Josephson coupling, and the lower the temperature, the larger the mean linear size (percolation length) of these islands When the percolation length reaches the thickness of the film, a three-dimensional (3D)/pro-dimensional (2D) crossover occurs At the effective Tc, where the macroscopic superconductivity sets in (then the system is at the “percolation threshold”), there is at least one large island between the electrodes Note: If the Tc in the microscopic subvolumes of the material is strongly inhomogeneous (⌬Tc Ͼ ⌬Ttr, where ⌬Ttr is the width of the transition region in the subvolumes and ⌬Tc is the root mean square spatial fluctuation of Tc), the bulk region does not exist Percolation occurs in the whole transition region This behavior can be observed at high-tech HTS materials with a very narrow transition region 5.4.2 Effects at the High-Temperature End of the Transition Region (Bulk Region) Number of Fluctuations of Electrons and Cooper Pairs Mobility Fluctuations of Electrons In the present model, it is assumed that, in the bulk region, the noise basically originates from the electrons, as in normal conductors The knowledge of low-frequency noise in conductors (36) implies that the microscopic origin of the noise is rather independent of the temperature in the few Kelvin range around 100 K, which is the typical width and location of the conductor–superconductor transition region This condition makes the explanation of the generality of the scaling behavior easier Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved 156 Kish Number of Fluctuations of Electrons and Cooper Pairs It is assumed that the density n of free electrons fluctuates due to trapping When the proportion of the Cooper pairs is small, at a given temperature the density of Cooper pairs is proportional to the density of electrons In that way, the fluctuation of the electron density causes a correlated fluctuation of the Cooper-pair density and the normalized fluctuations ⌬n/n of electrons and Cooper pairs will be equal It can be easily shown (1) that this effect leads to a normalized conductance noise which is independent of the temperature, no matter which class of carriers dominates the dc current Thus, C(R) ϰ R (5) An example can be seen in Figure 5.4 Mobility Fluctuations of Electrons It is assumed that the mobility of free electrons is the only fluctuating quantity As the mobility of electrons (unlike their density) is not coupled to the Cooper pairs, the resulting system can be modeled as two parallel conductors: one of them (the electronic) is noisy and its conductance is independent of the temperature, whereas the other one (the Cooper pairs) is noise-free and strongly temperature dependent It can be easily shown (1) that this effect leads to a normalized conductance noise which satisfies the following relation: C(R) ϰ R (6) An example can be seen in Figure 5.5 5.4.3 Effects in the Percolation Regime Classical Percolation Noise and p-Noise Percolation effects in random resistor networks have been intensively studied during the last two decades (see Ref and references therein) The study of HTS noise enriched the field of percolation by the appearance of p-noise, which is a new type of percolation noise (see Sec Classical Percolation Noise The relevant classical model is a random resistor network, where some resistors at randomly located places are short-circuited The resistors represent the normal conducting materials, whereas the short circuits represent the superconducting grains, so the lower the temperature, the larger the number of short circuits The noise originates from the normal conducting material The resistors are noisy and their resistance fluctuations are uncorrelated and independent of Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved Conductance Noise in High-Tc Superconductors 157 the temperature In such a system the normalized noise satisfies the following relation: C(R) ϰ R x (7) with x close to Ϫ1 and its value depending on the geometrical dimension of the sample Examples are presented in Figure 5.4, at the low-resistance ends of the curves Novel Percolation Noise Effect: p-Noise (1,2) Assume that we have the same random resistor network as above, except that the resistors are noise-free and some of the short circuits are “noisy”; that is, they randomly switch “on” and “off” in time, controlled by independent random processes w(t) These switching elements represent unstable superconductivity in grains or intergrin junctions Such switching may occur because of defect motion, electron trapping, or flux motion at the unstable elements The large number of switching elements causes a fluctuation of the volume fraction of superconducting material, which is called p in earlier works on percolation (0 Ͻ p Ͻ 1) We call this fluctuation “p-noise.” In order to calculate the behavior of the resultant normalized noise C, it is assumed that in a given temperature range, the number and dynamics of switching elements not change For that temperature range, simple calculations yield (1,2) C(R) ϰ R x (7) with x values given as Ϫ2.74 in three dimensions, Ϫ1.54 in two dimensions, and in one dimension Figures 5.3 and 5.5 are examples for the 2D and 3D behavior and the 3D/2D dimensional crossover, respectively, described earlier The difference between classical percolation noise exponents and p-noise exponents is remarkable Summary of the General Model Under the applied assumptions, the normalized noise can be approximated as C(R) ϰ R x, where the x exponent can vary as the conditions determine (Fig 5.6) Apart from p-noise, the microscopic origin of the noise is the noise of the normal conducting charge carriers If the normal conductor phase is noise-free, then only pnoise would exist in terms of this model Figures 5.7 and 5.8 show a rough prediction based on this simple theoretical picture A number fluctuation ⌬n of charge carriers and a p-noise ⌬p are assumed For simplicity, these microscopic noise sources (⌬n and ⌬p) are assumed to have a constant strength in the whole temperature range An exponentially decaying resistance R(T ) is assumed The 3D/2D crossover of percolation is assumed to be abrupt, which makes the relevant peak on the noise curve sharper than real peaks of that kind Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved 158 Kish FIGURE 5.6 Summary of the power exponents by which the C(R) function can most frequently be approximated 5.4.4 When the Temperature Is Kept Constant and the Current or Magnetic Field Is Varied: Biased Percolation Until now, we assumed that the temperature was the control parameter which causes the change of R and C Another interesting questions is what happens when FIGURE 5.7 Illustration of the scaling of normalized noise versus resistance and the behavior of measured noise voltage in terms of the simple model The dashed hairline shows the change due to temperature fluctuations (not inherent in the general model) Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved Conductance Noise in High-Tc Superconductors 159 FIGURE 5.8 A possible temperature-dependent behavior is shown, as an illustration of the simple model A number fluctuation ⌬n of charge carriers and a p-noise ⌬p are assumed For simplicity, these microscopic noise sources (⌬n and ⌬p) are assumed to have a constant strength in the whole temperature range An exponentially decaying resistance R(T ) is assumed for the sake of simplicity The 3D/2D crossover of percolation is assumed to be abrupt, which makes the relevant peak on the noise curve sharper than real peaks of that kind the temperature is kept constant and the current density or the magnetic field is the control parameter (4); see Figure 5.9 Surprisingly, in these cases, scaling between R and C often cannot be found or the scaling exponent is nonuniversal (i.e., sample and temperature dependent) This fact was a mystery until 1995, when inspired by this problem, Kiss introduced the biased percolation concept, which, with other co-workers, was later applied to explain degradation and abrupt failure of electronic devices (37,38) The picture is very simple Let us assume that in a superconductor with homogeneous current density, an isolated island of normal conducting phase suddenly occurs, due to the increase of external current As the electrical field in the superconductor is zero, no current will flow through this island As a consequence, the local current density around the island will increase More precisely, the increase will happen around the edge of the cross section perpendicular to the direction of the original current density, and to the contrary, a decrease is observed around that region of the island surface, which is, at most, far from this edge (projection of the center of that cross section to the island surface) The situation is very similar to the case of a real island surrounded by a laminar flow of water: The flow around the corresponding edges of the island will be higher than without the island Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved 160 Kish FIGURE 5.9 Nonuniversal scaling (4) in the same sample as shown in Figure 5.3; when at fixed temperature, the control parameter is the current Usually, the scaling exponent depends on the temperature The increased local current density implies a higher probability of the occurrence of a superconductor–conductor transition at this edge Therefore, this effect manifests itself by causing growth of the conductor island in a perpendicular direction against the electrical field These effects has been observed by computer simulations (37,38) of vacancy generation due to high current density in metal films and, recently, in real experiments on nanocrystalline gold films The simulation of percolation noise effects (37,38) shows that due to the strongly anisotropic nature of biased percolation, the effects not show universal scaling exponents, and the scaling is only approximate or its existence is doubtful As a similar argumentation can be made for magnetic fields by invoking screening effects, we can conclude that the nonuniversal behavior is a biased percolation effect 5.5 ON NOISE DUE TO TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS The normalized temperature derivative dR(T) ␥ ϭ RϪ1(T) ᎏᎏ dT (7a) describes the strength of coupling of temperature variations to resistance variations and this is the relevant quantity to describe the behavior of the normalized Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved Conductance Noise in High-Tc Superconductors 161 noise C(T) In certain temperature regions, the ␥ of HTSC materials can be orders of magnitude greater than that of metals and semiconductors As a consequence, temperature noise caused by heating power fluctuations can significantly contribute to the conductance noise (2,39–41) Heating power fluctuations naturally occur due to the noise of the thermometer (especially silicon diode thermometers), mechanical noise (helium-flow temperature regulators), or the noise of the temperature control amplifiers which can originate from the method of regulation (switching regulators) The frequency range of interest (1 Hz to 10 kHz) implies that the very short-term stability is the crucial property For a good HTSC sample, to avoid this kind of artificial noise in the most sensitive temperature region, the temperature noise typically has to be smaller than 10Ϫ8 K/HzϪ1/2 Such stability typically needs a stable ac bridge with a metal wire thermometer, a tuned PID regulator, and a low-noise dc heater amplifier A large (several 100 s) thermal time constant of the sample holder is beneficial An example that this is shown on Figure 5.10 For practical applications, the effect of temperature fluctuations can easily be avoided by using the device at that temperature region where ␥ is low There is one exception—the bolometer, which has to be used where ␥ is large FIGURE 5.10 An example in which, due to the careful temperature control design, the temperature fluctuations not show up at any part of the conductor–superconductor transition regime The sample is the same, which is shown in Figures 5.3 and 5.4 (4) The noise voltage amplitude and the temperature derivative of the resistance have opposite temperature dependence in the whole regime Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc All Rights Reserved 162 Kish REFERENCES 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 LB Kiss, T Larsson, P Svedlindh, L Lundgren, H Ohlsen, M Ottoson, J Hudner, L Stolt Physica C 207:318–332, 1993 LB Kiss, P Svedlindh Noise in high-Tc superconductors, IEEE Trans Electr Dev 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All Rights Reserved Conductance Noise in High- Tc Superconductors 153 “Bulk” Temperature Regime At the high- temperature part of the conductorn? ?superconductor transition region, when the... the noise of high- temperature superconductor bolometers on silicon membranes J Opt Technol 66 :1 064 –1 067 , 1999 M Fardmanesh, A Rothwarf, KJ Scoles Noise characteristics and detectivity of YBa2Cu3O7