Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 6 ppsx

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 6 ppsx

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 6 ppsx

... films. J Phys IV 6: 259– 264 , 19 96. 6. M Celasco, R Eggenhoffner, E Gnecco, et al. Noise dependence on magnetic field in granular bulk high- T c superconductors. Phys Rev B 58 :66 33 66 38, 1998. 7. A ... noise of high- temperature superconduc- tor bolometers on silicon membranes. J Opt Technol 66 :1 064 –1 067 , 1999. 30. M Fardmanesh, A Rothwarf, KJ Scoles. Noise characteristics...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

16 275 0
Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 1 potx

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 1 potx

... Conductance Noise in High- Temperature Superconductors László Béla Kish 6 Noise in High- Temperature Superconductor Josephson Junctions J.C. Macfarlane, L. Hao, and C.M. Pegrum 7 High- Temperature RF ... 10 High- Temperature Superconductor Microwave Devices Neeraj Khare 11 High- Temperature Superconducting IR Detectors John C. Brasunas 12 Cryocoolers and High- T c Device...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

10 239 0
Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 2 pps

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 2 pps

... 37: 366 4– 366 6, 1988. 68 . DS Rokhsar. Pairing in doped spin liquids: Anyon versus d-wave superconductivity. Phys Rev Lett 70:493–4 96, 1993. 69 . N Khare. Symmetry of Order Parameter of High- T c Superconductors. ... Some High- T c Superconductors High- T c superconductors T c (K) ⌬ (mV) 2⌬/k B T c Ref. YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7Ϫ␦ 85 20 6 51 Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8ϩ␦ 62 20 7.5 53 Bi 1,7 Pb...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

27 323 0
Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 3 docx

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 3 docx

... Cuprates A limited amount of effort has focused on the growth of the oxycarbonate cuprates ( 164 – 166 ). The structure of the Ba–Ca–Cu oxycarbonate superconductors consists of CaCuO 2 infinite-layer ... relationships of these materials and the high volatility of Tl ox- ides. The fabrication of thin films of the Tl-based HTS compounds involves a pre- carious balance between...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

56 606 0
Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 4 pdf

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 4 pdf

... Houlton, DE Peterson. High- temperature superconductor Josephson-junctions with a gradient Pr-doped Y 1Ϫx Pr x Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7Ϫ␦ (x ϭ 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) as barriers. Appl Phys Lett 65 :2 866 –2 868 , 1994. 44. B ... the fabrica- tion of high- temperature superconducting ramp-edge SNS junctions and SQUIDs. 86 Jia F IGURE 3.1 Cross-sectional diagram of a ramp-edge superconductor/ norm...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

17 277 0
Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 5 potx

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 5 potx

... alter- natively, a high- power plasma decomposition of methane. The ion-milling rate of ␣-C is slightly higher than that of the diamondlike form. Very good results in terms of a step-edge profile have ... the range of temperature between 4.2 K and the critical temperature T c of the specific junction. After removal of the YBCO stripes, by additional ion milling the I–V char...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

46 230 0
Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 8 pot

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 8 pot

... significant parts of these devices are generally noisier. The reason of the higher noise level of the all types (dc and RF) of high- T c SQUIDs may be discrete or a large ensemble of Josephson ... field of response and energy-sensitivity enhancement for high- T c thin-film RF SQUIDs (6, 9,23,30, 56, 58,59 ,63 ,72–75). Figure 7.15 shows the spectral density characteris- tic of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

40 320 0
Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 9 docx

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 9 docx

... superconducting thin film ( 161 , 166 , 167 , 169 ). There are other reports of imaging of the distribution of eddy current at a frequency below about 1 MHz ( 162 ), a microwave source of frequency up to 12.5 ... C 368 :55 65 , 2002. 1 56. LN Vu, MS Wistrom, DJ Van Harlingen. Imaging of magnetic vortices in super- conducting networks and clusters by scanning SQUID microscopy. Appl P...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

45 265 0
Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 10 pptx

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 10 pptx

... consists of a series of SFQ T-FFs. McCambridge et al. (66 ) and Sun et al. (67 ), in a first-step toward building a 304 Hidaka FIGURE 9.21 Block diagram of a counting-type AD converter. (From Ref. 67 .) Copyright ... operation us- ing high- T c superconducting interface-engineered Josephson junctions. Appl Phys Lett 76: 260 6– 260 8, 2000. 28. M Hidaka, H Terai, T Satoh, S Tahara. Mul...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

38 445 0
Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 11 potx

Handbook of High Temperature Superconductor Electronics Part 11 potx

... of the symmetry of the order parameter. Section 1.5.8 of Chapter 1 gives a detailed account of these measurements. The presence of s- or d-wave symmetry of the order parameter of a high- T c superconductor ... applications of thick film high temperature superconductors. IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech MTT-44:13 56 1 360 , 19 96. 40. TW Button, NM Alford. High Q YBa...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

33 250 0