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104 MacEneaney and Gasparaitis SUMMARY The vast array of imaging techniques available to today’s physi- cians allows for “customization” of radiographic imaging for particular inflammatory bowel patients. Although standard radiographs are used to provide an initial “gestalt” in the evaluation of a patient with unknown or acute disease, contrast-based studies are invaluable in providing more details, especially in the evaluation of strictures, and of the small bowel (an area “out of the reach” of traditional endoscopy). More in-depth studies of the bowel wall and its environs or areas involved with fistulas by CT, MRI, or US provide a unique perspective, and radionucleotide studies may be helpful in locating areas of inflammation not seen by other approaches. New techniques combining technologies with CT or MRI and enteroclysis have provided stunning new insights into the evaluation of these elusive diseases, and will likely become more readily practiced and available in the future. 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Targan, MD CONTENTS INTRODUCTION DIFFERENTIATION OF IBD FROM NON-IBD PATIENTS DISTINGUISHING IBD SUBTYPES: ULCERATIVE COLITIS VS CROHN’S DISEASE MONITOR DISEASE ACTIVITY AND EFFECT OF TREATMENT ASSESS NATURAL HISTORY IDENTIFY AT-RISK INDIVIDUALS THE FUTURE OF IBD DISEASE MARKERS REFERENCES INTRODUCTION For certain diseases that can only be diagnosed clinically, physicians rely heavily on the presence of disease markers to support or even at times modify their clinical impression. Typically, these markers play an important role in helping to establish a diagnosis and to evaluate the activity of a chronic disease over time. The diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), however, is not based solely on clinical grounds. Invasive endoscopic and radiological as well as histopathological crite- ria need to be met in order to make a correct diagnosis. The search for a noninvasive diagnostic marker that accurately distinguishes a group of patients with IBD from those unaffected by the disease has become an important focus in IBD research. The challenge lies in finding one marker or a combination thereof, that not only distinguishes IBD from non-IBD, or identifies at risk populations, but can also help clinicians distinguish between the IBD subtypes, ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn’s 108 Dubinsky and Targan disease (CD). Such diagnostic dilemmas occur as part of every day practice for clinicians caring for children and adults with suspicion of, or a diagnosis of, IBD. Efforts have also been focused on finding ideal evaluative markers that can be used to monitor disease activity and the effect of treatment over time. This search has taken a very exciting turn in the direction of finding markers that can assess the natural history and perhaps predict the course of individual’s disease over time. This chap- ter highlights the recent advances in the area of IBD markers, discusses the utility and feasibility of these novel markers as well as provides a review of those currently employed in clinical practice. DIFFERENTIATION OF IBD FROM NON-IBD PATIENTS The recognition of IBD and subsequent diagnostic evaluation, in most cases, can be straightforward when the clinical presentation is unambiguous. However, a diagnostic challenge arises in patients who present with overlapping, nonspecific and indolent symptoms that are characteristic of both organic and nonorganic disorders. In the face of diagnostic uncertainly clinicians are often obligated to exclude IBD using invasive diagnostic testing, in particular contrast radiography and colonoscopy with biopsies. Suspicion of IBD commonly results in exten- sive diagnostic investigations of patients who are ultimately found to have a functional bowel disorder. In contrast, the diagnosis of IBD, particularly CD, can be missed or delayed owing to the nonspecific nature of both the intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms at presenta- tion. Given these clinical challenges, the search has intensified for an accurate noninvasive diagnostic marker to aid clinicians in the prompt recognition of IBD and the differentiation of these disorders from mimickers. Serological Markers ANTIBODIES The search for an etiologic agent responsible for triggering the immune mediated bowel injury characteristic of IBD, has lead to the discovery of immune markers present specifically in the sera of patients with Crohn’s disease and/or ulcerative colitis. Antineutrophil cytoplas- mic antibody (ANCA) was originally reported in IBD in the early 1980s (1). Research and technological advancements subsequently led to the identification of a novel subset of ANCA, distinct from that observed in patients with Wegener’s granulomatosis (WG) or systemic vasculitis with glomerulonephritis (2). This IBD-specific ANCA displays a unique perinuclear highlighting (pANCA) on immunoflourence staining and is DNAse sensitive (3). Although it remains undefined, it has been sug- Chapter 7 / IBD Markers 109 gested that the antigen to which pANCA is directed is a nuclear histone (H1) (4). This antigen is clearly distinct from the proteinase 3 or the myeloperoxidase reactivity observed in those patients with vasculitic disorders. pANCA is likely an autoantibody that is representative of a cross-reactivity with a luminal bacterial antigen (5–7). Despite epide- miological and methodological differences, pANCA has been shown repeatedly to be prevalent in the sera of approx 60% and 20% of UC and CD patients, respectively (Table 1) (8–14). Typically, <5% of non-IBD patients are pANCA positive. Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) antibody (ASCA) was discovered in the course of studies designed to search for a putative dietary antigen involved in the pathogenesis of CD (15–17). IgA and IgG antibodies are directed against a specific oligomannosidic epitope present on the cell wall of the yeast saccharomyces (18). Studies in both the adult and pediatric IBD population have demonstrated that ASCA is expressed in the sera of approx 60% of CD, 10% of UC and <5% of non-IBD patients. (Table 1) (12–14). It remains unclear whether the presence of ASCA represents an immune response to the antigens on the S. cerevisiae itself or to an unidentified antigen, perhaps on the cell wall of a luminal bacteria, which cross reacts with the yeast antigens. Advances in technology have lead to the development of two novel serodiagnostic assays designed specifically to detect both pANCA and ASCA in the serum of patients with IBD (Prometheus Laboratories, 5739 Pacific Center Blvd., San Diego, CA; phone: 888-428-5227; fax: 958-824-0896; www.prometheus-labs.com) (Table 2). The traditional ASCA and pANCA assays are adjusted to maximize disease specificity (>90% specific for IBD) and accurately confirm a diagnosis of IBD when positive and differentiate UC from CD. However, these highly specific traditional assays are insufficiently sensitive to serve as diag- nostic tools for populations with a lower prevalence of disease. Recently, assays have been modified to be more sensitive (>90% sen- sitive) and less expensive than the traditional assays. To be clinically useful, a diagnostic marker must be both disease sensitive and specific in order to detect all patients with IBD and exclude all others. Neither the modified nor the traditional serodiagnostic assays are capable of achieving such high diagnostic standards on their own. However, recent research has focused on sequencing the sensitive modified assay with the specific traditional assay in order to improve the diagnostic accuracy of these noninvasive markers (19,20). A similar strategy is currently used for the evaluation of patients with suspected systemic lupus erythromatosis (SLE), whereby first the sensitive anti- nuclear antibody (ANA) detection assay is followed by a second spe- 110 Dubinsky and Targan Table 1 Test Characteristics of pANCA and ASCA in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Antibody Test Sensitivity Specificity Study n Marker Population (%) (%) Duerr, et al. (8) 209 pANCA UC vs CD 60 94 & controls Proujansky, et al. (9) 122 pANCA UC vs CD 46 79 & controls Winter, et al. (10) 215 pANCA UC vs CD 62 97 & controls Oberstadt, et al. (11) 151 pANCA UC vs CD 68 93 & controls Ruemmele, et al. (12) 209 ASCA CD vs UC 55 95 & controls pANCA UC vs CD 57 92 & controls Quinton, et al. (13) 391 ASCA CD vs UC 61 88 pANCA UC vs CD 65 85 Hoffenberg, 119 ASCA CD vs UC 60 88 et al. (14) pANCA UC vs CD 60 65 Table 2 Novel Serodiagnostic Assays Clinical Assay Assay Name Applications Methodology Characteristics Modified Assay “Rule out” a ASCA ELISA; Titer cut-offs diagnosis of IBD IgG & IgA maximized for sensitivity (>90%) “IBD First Step” Objective: Distinguish ANCA ELISA IBD from non-IBD patients Traditional Assay 1. “Rule in” a diagnosis ASCA ELISA; Titer cut-offs of IBD IgG & IgA maximized for specificity (>90%) “IBD Diagnostic Objective: differentiate ANCA ELISA System” inflammatory colitis + Indirect from other colitides Immunoflouresence (infectious, ischemic) + DNase confirmation 2. IBD subtyping Objective: Distinguish UC from CD Chapter 7 / IBD Markers 111 cific confirmatory double-stranded DNA test. Studies in children showed that these paired tests were accurate in 84% of cases presenting with nonspecific symptoms suggestive of these IBD (20). Based on the assay characteristics, a novel diagnostic strategy has been proposed to facilitate clinical decision making when the diagnosis of IBD is initially uncertain (Fig. 1). All patients undergo initial testing with the modified assay in addition to other sensitive routine laboratory tests (CBC and differential, ESR, CRP, and serum albumin). Only those patients with a positive modified assay result would undergo sequential confirmatory testing with the more specific traditional assay. Subsequently, only those patients with a positive confirmatory traditional assay would undergo a complete invasive work-up whereas all patients with a negative assay result, either the initial modified or the subsequent traditional after a positive modified assay, would be observed in follow-up. Patients with false negative serology will likely return with symptoms more compatible with IBD and should undergo a full work-up at that time. Although the diagnosis of IBD will be delayed in a proportion of patients, the advantage of this strategy really lies in its ability to avoid unnecessary and invasive investigations in the majority of patients who truly do not have IBD. Moreover, as new sensitive IBD markers are identified, fewer patients will be missed by this sequential testing strat- egy over time. Although promising, studies in larger adult and pediatric cohorts are needed to validate these initial findings. Fig. 1. Sensitive markers: ELISA-based ASCA and ANCA assays, hemoglo- bin platelets, ESR, CRP, and albumin. Proposed diagnostic strategy for indi- viduals suspected of having IBD (21). 112 Dubinsky and Targan CLASSIC LABORATORY MARKERS Attempts have been made to differentiate IBD from functional bowel disorders using a panel of screening tools comprised of simple routine blood tests (e.g., complete blood count, platelet count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate [ESR], C reactive protein [CRP], and serum albu- min) (2–24). It has been demonstrated in children that when all of the results are normal, chronic inflammatory bowel disease is an unlikely diagnosis. Therefore, these screening lab tests may select from among patients with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms, those who require endo- scopic assessment. These routine tests are very sensitive for inflamma- tion, but lack the specificity for IBD. Thus, these tests need to be combined with other diagnostic markers that are diagnostic of patients with IBD and not other forms of inflammatory disorders. Fecal Markers Stool analysis has been proposed as a useful and inexpensive noninvasive test to help clinicians delineate the potential causes of chronic diarrhea. A simple latex agglutination test detecting the neutro- phil protein, lactoferrin, has been shown to be potentially useful as a marker of colonic inflammation (25). However, lactoferrin does not necessarily distinguish between the different forms of inflammatory colitis (e.g., ischemic vs microscopic vs ulcerative). Similarly, the dis- tinction between inflammatory and infectious colitis may prove to be a challenge given that both forms of colitis give rise to fecal leukocytes. Thus, fecal markers may serve as an adjunct to the other noninvasive markers used to distinguish IBD form non-IBD. Genetic Markers The search for susceptibility genes continues to be a major focus among IBD researchers. The human major compatibility complex (MHC) region located on chromosome 6 has been proposed to contain potential candidate genes (MHC IBD-3 locus) (26–29). Previous stud- ies have suggested that the susceptibility contributed by the HLA class II genes to CD and UC are quite different. For epidemiological and methodological reasons, conflicting and inconclusive results have been reported regarding these genetic associations, particularly among the CD population (30–33). A genome-wide search has led to the identifi- cation of three other potential candidate loci situated on chromosome 16 (IBD-1 locus, recently identified as the Nod-2 gene), chromosome 12 (IBD-2 locus), and chromosome 14 (IBD-4 locus) (34–36). Given their role as initiators and perpetuators of the inflammatory process charac- teristic of IBD, genes involved in the regulation of cytokine production Chapter 7 / IBD Markers 113 may be candidate loci for IBD susceptibility. The gene encoding the interleukin 1 (IL-1) receptor antagonist (IL-1RA), a protein that modu- lates the inflammatory response of IL-1, has also been suggested, although not confirmed, as a susceptibility gene in UC (37). The multi- factorial etiology of IBD likely precludes the use of these genetic mark- ers alone as confirmatory diagnostic tools in IBD. However, the presence of these candidate genes may identify at risk populations. As work goes ahead in identifying these, it is likely that some of this will become part of the diagnostic panel. As discussed below, candidate genes may regu- late distinct immune processes, which, in turn, are manifested as specific disease behaviors in patients with IBD. DISTINGUISHING IBD SUBTYPES: ULCERATIVE COLITIS VS CROHN’S DISEASE Although UC and CD share may epidemiologic, immunologic, thera- peutic and clinical features, they are currently considered to be two distinct subtypes of IBD. Clinical, endoscopic, histopathologic and radiographic criteria have been put forth to help clinicians differentiate between these two diseases. However, despite published criteria, this discrimination may still prove to be difficult in patients with disease limited to the large bowel. This entity referred to as indeterminate colitis (IC) occurs in approx 10–15% of IBD patients. Classically, this term had applied to those patients whose diagnosis remained unknown even after careful examination of resected surgical specimens. However, the modern definition of IC refers to all patients pre or postcolectomy whose categorization remains undefined. It must be emphasized that both sur- gical options and medical treatment rely on a correct diagnosis. Not all therapies, particularly the novel biologics, are indicated for both CD and UC. Similarly, surgical procedures, such as the ileal pouch-anal anas- tomosis, is intended specifically for patients with ulcerative colitis. Serological Markers ANTIBODIES Given the CD-specificity of ASCA and the UC-specificity of pANCA, the antibodies have become more widely accepted as useful discriminatory markers that help clinicians differentiate UC from Crohn’s colitis (Table 3). Recent reports have demonstrated that approx 2/3 of cases of IC were reclassified preoperatively as either UC or CD based on the pANCA and ASCA profile (38). The presence of pANCA in up to 25% of CD patients limits its ability to distinguish UC form CD on its own. However, the discriminatory strength of these markers is [...]... 2000; 47 (4) : 48 7 49 6 47 Chambers RE, Stross P, Barry RE, Whicher JT Serum amyloid A protein compared with C-reactive protein, alpha 1- antichymotrypsin and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein as a monitor of inflammatory bowel disease Eur J Clin Invest 1987; 17 :46 0 46 7 48 Nielsen OH, Vainer B, Madsen SM, Seidelin JB, Heegaard NH Established and emerging biological activity markers of inflammatory bowel disease. .. 15–20% of CD patients (40 43 ) Although not particularly sensitive, Chapter 7 / IBD Markers 115 Table 5 Potential Markers of Disease Activity, Disease Relapse and Effects of Therapy Serological markers Antibodies ASCA & pANCA (9–13 ,42 44 ) Classic laboratory tests ESR (50) CRP (46 ) Orosomucoid (50) Platelet count (48 ) Cytokines TNFα (63) TNFα receptor (46 ) IL-1RA ( 54) IL-2R (55) IL-6 (5 6-5 8) Fecal markers... 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Hepatogastroenterology 1999 ;46 :2309–23 14 73 Miki K, Moore DJ, Butler RN, Southcott E, Couper RT, Davidson GP The sugar permeability test reflects disease activity in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease J Pediatr 1998;133:750–7 54 74 Wyatt J, Vogelsang H, Hubl W, Waldhoer T, Lochs H Intestinal permeability and the prediction of relapse in Crohn’s disease Lancet 1993; 341 : 143 7– 143 9 75 Teahon K,... susceptibility and disease phenotype in inflammatory bowel disease Lancet 1996; 347 :1212–1217 28 Hampe J, Schreiber S, Shaw SH, Lau KF, Bridger S, MacPherson AJ, et al A genomewide analysis provides evidence for novel linkages in inflammatory bowel disease in a large European cohort Am J Hum Genet 1999; 64: 808–816 29 Yang H, Plevy SE, Taylor K, Tyan D, Fischel-Ghodsian N, McElree C, et al Linkage of Crohn’s disease. .. 339:89–91 66 Nicholls S, Stephens S, Braegger CP, Walker-Smith JA, MacDonald TT Cytokines in stools of children with inflammatory bowel disease or infective diarrhoea J Clin Pathol 1993 ;46 :757–760 67 Saiki T, Mitsuyama K, Toyonaga A, Ishida H, Tanikawa K Detection of pro- and anti -inflammatory cytokines in stools of patients with inflammatory bowel disease Scand J Gastroenterol 1998;33:616–622 128 Dubinsky... with inflammatory bowel disease J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1991;12:233–236 54 Murch SH, Lamkin VA, Savage MO, Walker-Smith JA, MacDonald TT Serum concentrations of tumour necrosis factor alpha in childhood chronic inflammatory bowel disease Gut 1991;32:913–917 55 Gardiner KR, Halliday MI, Barclay GR, Milne L, Brown D, Stephens S, et al Significance of systemic endotoxaemia in inflammatory bowel disease. .. 4 6 g/d (active disease) 2 4 g/d (maintenance) divide dose 4 times daily 2 4 g/d 2 .4 4. 8 g/d 500 mg twice daily 2 4 g/d 1.5–3 g/d 2–6.75 g/d help CD patients with jejunal and ileal disease A number of these agents, including Pentasa® and Asacol® at doses of up to 4. 8 g/d, have demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of active Crohn’s ileocolitis (6,7) One study has indicated that Asacol®, given in 4. .. detected by multiple non-parametric analyses Gut 1999 ;44 :519–526 30 Smolen JS, Gangl A, Polterauer P, Menzel EJ, Mayr WR HLA antigens in inflammatory bowel disease Gastroenterology 1982;82: 34 38 31 Asakura H, Tsuchiya M, Aiso S, Watanabe M, Kobayashi K, Hibi T, et al Association of the human lymphocyte-DR2 antigen with Japanese ulcerative colitis Gastroenterology 1982;82 :41 3 41 8 32 Cottone M, Bunce . ratios Cytokines TNF (63, 64) IL-6 ( 64) IL-1(65) IL-1RA (65) Neutrophil products Myeloperoxidase (66) Calprotectin (67) Enteric proteins -1 -antitrypsin (70) Antibodies ASCA & pANCA (9–13 ,42 44 ) Classic. tests ESR (50) CRP (46 ) Orosomucoid (50) Platelet count (48 ) Cytokines TNFα (63) TNFα receptor (46 ) IL-1RA ( 54) IL-2R (55) IL-6 (5 6-5 8) Urinary Assays Lactulose/L-rhamnose (72– 74) Lactulose/mannitol. Blvd., San Diego, CA; phone: 88 8 -4 2 8-5 227; fax: 95 8-8 2 4- 0 896; www.prometheus-labs.com) (Table 2). The traditional ASCA and pANCA assays are adjusted to maximize disease specificity (>90% specific

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