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Jpn J Appl Phys 42:1038–1039 [...]... method, 137 five-layer MC, 74 five-wing rotor, 161 flagella filament, 113 flagella motor, 113 flow-in, 140 fluorescence, 114, 164 flux amount, 139 , 159 flying head, 58 flying height, 42 flying optical head, 24 245 focus error signal, 181 focused laser beam, 123, 128 free end, 70 free spectral ranges, 39 free-space micro-optical elements, 13 free-space permittivity, 176 frequency spectra, 55 frequency-locked fringe... LD, 21, 76 two-dimensional (2-D) trapping, 128 two-liquid mixing, 166 two-photon absorption, 8 U-shaped LD, 23 ultrahigh density optical storage, 193 unfocused (parallel) laser beam, 123 uniformly filled, 133 upward-directed, 185 urethane, 8 using up-ward-directed, 104 UV light, 149 V-grooves, 3 vaccum, 81 van der Waals force, 213 vane, 81 variable parameter, 95 vector theory, 169 velocity, 137 vertical... optical tweezers, 81 optical-fiber tweezers, 97 optically switched laser head, 58, 76, 197 optically trapped gold particle, 176 OSL, 58, 197 out-of-plane micro-Fresnel lens, 13 output variation, 64 oxygen reactive ion-beam etching, 151 p-polarization, 86 packing, 30 parabolic ray model, 106 paraffin wax, 83 parallel beam, 127 particle manipulation, 83 particle pattern formation, 83 particle transport, 118... stress, 138 , 142 shuttlecock optical rotor, 124 shuttlecock optical rotor with slopes, 135 side-mode suppression ratio, 47 signal amplitude, 211 SIL, 197 silicon (Si), 2 silicon dioxide (SiO2 ), 4, 122 silicon-nitride (SiN), 66 silicon-on-insulator, 2 silver oxide (AgOx ) mask layer, 204 simple assembly, 29 single mode, 46 single peak, 192 single-beam gradient-force optical trap, 83 single-beam gradient-force... Kuwahara M, Shima T, Kolobov A, Tominaga J (2004) Thermal origin of readout mechanism in light-scattering super-resolution near-field structure disk Jpn J Appl Phys 43:L1–L10 Index µ-TAS, 163 3-D microstructures, 7, 152 3-D recording, 193 3-D trapping, 131 O2 RIE, 151 (SiO)x (Si3 N4 )1−x , 63 AgOx , 204 Au/Si3 N4 /Au, 68 a-SiN:H (hydrogenated amorphous silicon nitride), 66 absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs),... stacking, 7 sticking-free, 11 stirred flow, 165 straight ray model, 106 streamlines, 138 , 141 stripping, 3 strongly focused laser beam, 112 SU-8, 4, 148 SU-8 rotors, 162 super-RENS, 198 super-RENS readout, 208 superresolution, 193 superresolution near-field structure (super-RENS), 193 surface active agent, 155 surface micromachining, 3, 14 surface plasmon, 184 surface property, 180 surface-emitting LD, 22... electrostatic force, 14, 213 equilibrium position, 109 ESEC configuration, 41 etch-stop layer, 10 etched mirror, 10–11 evaluation criteria, 77 evanescent field, 167 evanescent light, 114 excitation light, 54 exposure time, 150 external mode frequency, 38 external-cavity LD, 35 external-cavity-length, 35, 42 extinction coefficient, 118 extremely short-external-cavity (ESEC), 197 extremely short-external-cavity laser... force, 104 gravity force, 88 gray-scale image, 184 grid system, 145 groove edge, 192 group III–V compounds, 2, 49 gyros, 3 half amorphous, 206 half-wavelength, 51 half-wavelength interval, 40 Halley’s comet, 81 Hamaker approximation, 213 heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR), 197 heavy particle, 105 high reflectivity, 60 246 Index high-speed camera, 153 Hogg approximation, 213 holographic optical tweezers,... control, 18 nanoparticle assembly, 120 NaOH, 164 Navier–Stokes equation, 137 ND filter, 104 near field, 167 near field recording, 193 near-future optical disk, 193 negative pressure, 142 next-generation DVD, 193 non-mark, 211 nonpropagating conditions, 167 number of functions, 29 numerical aperture, 93 oblique angle, 123 oblique illumination, 154 oblique incident, 101 off-axial distance, 100 off-axial trapping,... nanocluster, 204 Ag nanoparticle, 199 Ag particles, 207 Ag ring, 204, 211 Ag-Super-RENS, 204 AgInSbTe, 199 agitation, 153 agitation efficiency, 161 AgOx decomposition, 206 air bearing, 42 air gap, 50 Al-coated fiber probe, 196 aligning, 103 AlN slider, 64 amount of reagent, 165 anisotropic etching, 3 antireflection, 68 antireflection coating design, 71 antireflection-coated (ARC), 63, 76 antireflection-coated LD, 45, . 213 heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR), 197 heavy particle, 105 high reflectivity, 60 246 Index high-speed camera, 153 Hogg approximation, 213 holographic optical tweezers, 119 holography,. 176 phase change, 194 phase change medium, 59 phase difference, 53 phase mask, 188 248 Index photo-electric, 26 photo-electrochemical, 26 photocantilever, 180 photochemical reaction, 117 photoelectric. 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Ngày đăng: 10/08/2014, 05:20