mainlyacrossthehyaloidmembrane,the15mLinjectionsplacedcloserto thehyaloidmembrane(hyaloid-displacedandlens-displaced)resultedin lowermeanconcentrationsat24hoursthanthe100mLinjectionsatthe samelocations,duetoahigherinitialrateofeliminationacrossthehyaloid membrane.Figure12showstheconcentrationadjacenttothehyaloidmem- braneforthe15and100mLhyaloid-displacedinjectionsoffluorescein glucuronide.Similartofluorescein,whentheinjectionoffluoresceinglucur- onidewasnotplacednexttoitseliminationsurface(centralandretina- displaced),highereliminationisproducedbythe100mLinjection. 3.ClinicalImplicationsofChangesinInjectionConditions Fromaclinicalperspective,theresultsofchangesininjectionconditionsare verysignificant.Retinaldamagefromexcessivedrugconcentrationsis observedperiodicallyfollowinganintravitrealinjection.Theresultsofthis DrugDistributioninVitreousHumor203 Figure11Concentrationoffluoresceinatthevitreoussiteadjacenttotheretina following a 15 or 100 mL injection adjacent the retina on symmetry axis of vitreous. The mass of fluorescein injected in each case was identical, resulting in higher peak concentrations adjacent to the retina following the 15 mL injection case and, there- fore, a higher initial loss of fluorescein across the retina. Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. the injection positions that were examined in this study are extremes within the anatomy of the eye, a varia tion of only 5–8 mm from a central injection will produce these extremes. Slight changes in the injection conditions can easily produce these variations. Knowledge of concentration variations that are present at different sites within the vitreous will facilitate the optimiza- tion of administration techniques for diseases that affect the posterior seg- ment of the eye. C. Effects of Aphakia and Changes in Retinal Permeability and Vitreous Diffusivity on Drug Distribution in the Vitreous Posterior segment infections that result in endophthalmitis most often occur as a complication following cataract extraction, anterior segment proce- dures, and traumatic eye injuries (23–25). Vitreoproliferative disease, a dis- order in which there is uncontrolled proliferation of nonneoplastic cells, accounts for the majority of failures following retinal detachment surgery (26). A common result of both of these diseases states is inflammation of the retina, which results in a breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier (27). Long- term diabetes is also known to result in a breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier (28). The permeability of the retina will be affected as a result of these disorders and will depend on the extent to which the blood-retinal barrier has been compromised. The retinal permeability of compounds nor- mally unable to cross the blood-retinal barrier will be increased; however, the retinal permeability of compounds that are normally actively trans- ported across the retina may actually decrease due to a disrupt ion in the active transport processes. Another transport parameter that may change indirectly with changes in the pathophysiology of the eye is the diffusivity of drugs in the vitreous. Changes in drug diffusivity will be most significant when drugs of different molecular weight are used to treat different patho- logical co nditions. The developed human eye finite element model was used to estimate how the pathophysiology of the posterior eye segment affects the distribution and elimination of drug from the vitreous (29). In particular, the effect of three conditions were examined: changes in the diffusivity of drugs in the vitreous, changes in retinal permeability, and, since it is com- mon to inject drugs into aphakic eyes, the presence or absence of the lens. 1. Range of Vitreous Diffusivity and Retinal Permeability Values Considered In order to cover a large number of drugs with a wide range of physico- chemical properties, retinal permeabilities between 1 Â 10 À7 and 1 Â 10 À4 Drug Distribution in Vitreous Humor 205 Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. cm/s were considered. Retinal permeabili ties have been estimated for only a small number of compounds, including fluorescein (2:6 Â 10 À5 cm/s), fluor- escein glucuronide (4:5 Â 10 À7 cm/s), and dexamethasone sodium m-sulfo- benzoate (4:9 Â 10 À5 cm/s) (1,9,15–17,30). All of the reported values fall within the range of permeabilities that were studied. The vitreous is composed of water and low concentrations of collagen and hyaluronic acid. As the vitreous ages, the concentration of collagen and hyaluronic acid increases; however, even when elevated, the concentrations are still relatively low, at 0.13 mg/mL and 0.4 mg/mL, respectively (31). It has long been accepted that the diffusivity of solutes in the vitreous is unrestricted (32). An empirical relationship developed by Davis (33) can be used to deter- mine if the concentration of collagen and hyaluronic acid would affect drug diffusivity in the vitreous. The diffusivity of a substance in a hydrogel can be estimated relative to its free aqueous diffusivity using the following equation: D P D o ¼ exp À 5 þ 10 À4 M w ðÞ ÀÁ C p ÂÃ where D P and D o represent the hydrogen (vitreous) diffusivity and the dif- fusivity in a polymer-free aqueous solution, respectively, M W represent the molecular weight of the diffusing species, and C P represents the concentra- tion of polymer (collagen and hyaluronic acid) in the hydrogel in units of grams of polymer per gram of hydrogel. Using the sum of the maximum concentration of collagen and hyaluronic acid ð5:3 Â 10 À4 g/g) as C P and the molecular weight of fluorescein (330 Da) gives a D P to D o ratio of 0.997. This value indicates that the diffusivity of a small molecule like fluorescein in the vitreous is virtually identical to the diffusivity of fluorescein in a poly- mer-free aqueous solution. Even if a molecular weight of 100,000 Da is used, the ratio of D P to D o is still 0.992, indicating that for virtually all drugs of interest, the diffusivity in a free aqueous solution is an accurate representa- tion of vitreous diffusiv ity. This conclusion will hold for any molecule that does not have some form of binding interaction with collagen and hyaluro- nic acid. The diffusivity of molecules that do not interact with hyaluronic acid and collagen is simply a function of the molecular weight of the diffus- ing species. The molecular weight of drugs administered to the vitreous fall within a range of approximately 100–10,000. Davis (33) estimated the dif- fusivity of Na 125 I (125 Da), [ 3 H]prostaglandin F 2/ (354 Da), and 125 I- labeled bovine serum albumin (67,000 Da) in water. Although these com- pounds would not be administered therapeutically to the vitreous, their diffusivities represent a reasonable range of values for testing the sensitivity of drug distribution and elimination using the model. Therefore, the diffu- sivities used in the model simulations are 2:4 Â 10 À5 cm 2 /s (125 Da), 5:6 Â 10 À6 cm 2 /s (354 Da), and 5:4 Â 10 À7 cm 2 /s (67,000 Da). 206 Friedrich et al. Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. Theeffectsofchangingtheretinalpermeabilityorvitreousdiffusivity werestudiedusingthephakiceyemodel.Whenthesensitivitytothevitreous diffusivitywasstudied,theretinalpermeabilitywasheldconstantat 5Â10 À5 cm/s.Likewise,whenthesensitivitytotheretinalpermeability wasstudied,thevitreousdiffusivitywasheldconstantat5:6Â10 À6 cm 2 /s. Whentheeffectsofchangingthevitreousdiffusivityandretinalpermeability werestudiedinthephakiceyemodel,onlyacentralinjectionwasconsidered toreducethenumberofvariablesthatwerechanged. 2.ModificationstoFiniteElementModeltoSimulateAphakic Eyes Althoughcataractextractionspreviouslyinvolvedremovaloftheentire lens,itismorecommontodaytoleavetheposteriorlenscapsuleintactin ordertoreducepostoperativecomplicationssuchasvitreouschangesand retinaldetachment(34).Tostudyeliminationinanaphakiceye,thehuman phakiceyemodelwasmodifiedsothatthecurvedbarrierformedbythelens (Fig.7)wasreplacedbytheposteriorcapsuleofthelens(Fig.13).Allofthe other tissues of the aphakic eye model were assumed to be in the same Drug Distribution in Vitreous Humor 207 Figure 13 Cross-section view of aphakic human eye model. Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. configurationasinthephakiceyemodel.Thevaluesnotedearlierforthe retinalpermeabilityoffluoresceinandfluoresceinglucuronidewerealso usedintheaphakicmodeltostudytheeffectsofremovingthelensonthe eliminationofcompoundsthathaveeitherahighoralowretinalperme- ability.Thediffusivityoffluoresceinandfluoresceinglucuronideusedfor thevitreousandhyaloidmembranewas6:0Â10 À6 cm 2 /s,whichisthesame asthediffusivityinfreesolution(35).KaiserandMaurice(30)studiedthe diffusionoffluoresceininthelensandconcludedthatthemasstransfer barrierformedbytheposteriorcapsuleofthelenswasthesameasan equalthicknessofvitreous.Thedrugdiffusivityusedwithintheposterior lenscapsule,therefore,wasalso6:0Â10 À6 cm 2 /s. 3.ResultsofChangesinVitreousDiffusivityandRetinal Permeability Theeffectsofchangingtheretinalpermeabilityandvitreousdiffusivityare summarizedinTable5.Theresultsagreewithwhatwouldbeexpectedbased on mass transfer principles. The effect of vitreous diffusivity was examined with the retinal permeability set to an intermediate value of 5:0 Â 10 À5 cm/s, such that both the hyaloid membrane and the retina are expected to be important elimination routes. Decreasing the drug diffusivity through the vitreous increases the time required for drug molec ules to travel from the injection site to an elimination boundary. Accordingly, the mean concentra- tions in the vitreous, calculated at 4, 12, and 24 hours after injection, increased as the drug diffusivity was reduced. Furthermore, the rate of drug elimination, which is inversely related to the drug’s elimination half- life, decreased significantly as the drug diffusivity was reduced. (Note: The half-life noted in these studies is not the terminal phase half-life normally quoted for a drug’s pharmacokinetic properties, but rather the time required for the average concentration in the vitreous to drop by a factor of two immediately following injection.) At the lowest diffusivity considered (5:4 Â 10 À7 cm 2 /s), the mean intravitreal concentration at 24 hours was only 7.5% lower than the concentration at 4 hours. In contrast, at the highest diffusivity examined ð2:36 Â 10 À5 cm 2 /s), the mean vitreal concentration decreased by more than 99% between 4 and 24 hours. Consequently, drug diffusivity can have a drastic effect upon drug distribution and elimination. Table 5 shows the peak concentrations in the vitreous adjacent the lens were only slightly affected by changes to the drug diffusivity. However, the time at which the peak concentration occurred increased as the dru g diffu- sivity decreased because the average time required for a drug molecule to reach the lens increased. In the regions adjacent to the retina and hyaloid membrane, the peak concentrations increased as the drug diffusivity 208 Friedrich et al. Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. in the vitreous at 24 hours was approximately 27% lower than at 4 hours. In contrast, when the retinal permeability was 1:0 Â 10 À4 cm/s, the mean vitreal concentration at 24 hours was 95% lower than the concentration at 4 hours. Peak concentrations and peak times in the vitreous adjacent to the lens were virt ually unaffected by changes to the retinal permeability. The largest changes in the peak concentrations were noted adjacent to the retina, where changing the retinal permeability by four orders of magnitude caused a sixfold variation in peak concentrations. As the retinal permeability increases, it is less likely to be a rate-limiting barrier. Therefore, where the permeability is high, drugs are eliminated faster, leading to a lower concen- tration adjacent to the retina. Figure 14 contains a plot of the half-life of a drug within the vitreous as a function of either its vitreous diffusivity or its retina permeability. 210 Friedrich et al. Figure 14 Dependence of half-life on vitreous diffusivity or retinal permeability. Note the half-life noted in these studies is not the terminal phase half-life, but rather the time required for the average concentration in the vitreous to drop by a factor of two immediately following injection. Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. Similarrelationshipsbetweenretinalpermeability,vitreousdiffusivity,mole- cularweight,andhalf-lifehavebeenshownbyMaurice(32,36).Withinthe rangestudied,half-lifeisinverselydependentonthevitreousdiffusivityand retinalpermeability.Thehalf-lifehasagreaterdependenceonthevitreous diffusivitythanontheretinalpermeability,althoughneitherrelationshipis linear.Astheretinalpermeabilityeitherdecreasestowardszeroorincreases toahighvalue,thehalf-lifeapproacheseitherahighoralowlimit,respec- tively.Thisisconsistentwithexpectationsbecausealldrugiseliminated acrossthehyaloidmembranewhentheretinalpermeabilityiszero. Therefore,thehalf-lifewillbedependentontherateatwhichdrugreaches thehyaloidmembrane,whichisdeterminedbythedrugdiffusivitythrough thevitreous.Likewise,whentheretinalpermeabilityishigh,therateof eliminationwillbelimitedbytherateofdiffusionacrossthevitreous. Althoughtherangeofdrugdiffusivitiesconsideredisnotlargeenoughto showtheeffectofextremevaluesofdiffusivityonhalf-life,itisexpectedthat asthevitreousdiffusivitydecreases,thehalf-lifeshouldincreasewithout bound.However,asthevitreousdiffusivityincreases,drugelimination wouldoccurprimarilythroughthehyaloidmembraneintotheaqueous humorandultimatelythroughtheaqueous/bloodbarrier.Sincediffusivity intheaqueoushumorshouldbeatthesameasinthevitreousandhyaloid, theflowingaqueoushumorshouldnotrepresentalimitingmasstransfer barrier.Althoughthefiniteelementmodeldidnotaccountfortheaqueous/ bloodbarrier,thepropertiesofthisbarrierwoulddictatethelowerlimitof vitreoushalf-lifewhenvitreousdiffusivityincreasestolargevalues. Mostdrugsadministeredintravitreallyhavemolecularweightsran- gingfrom300to500Da;therefore,Figure14(foravitreousdiffusivityof 5:6Â10 À6 cm 2 /s,354Da)willberepresentativeofmostdrugs.However,for smallerorlargercompounds,thequantitativerelationshipbetweenhalf-life andthepermeabilitywillbedifferent,aswillthelimitingvalues. Nevertheless,thesamequalitativerelationshipshouldstillbeobserved, regardlessofthevitreousdiffusivity.Consequently,Figure14permitsqua- litativecomparisonsbetweentheeliminationofdifferentdrugs(molecular weightaffectsdiffusivity).Furthermore,Figure14demonstratestheimpor- tanceofdoseadjustmentifadrugisadministeredintoaneyecompromised byretinalinflammationorotherdiseasethatalterthepermeabilityofthe blood-retinalbarrier. 4.ResultsofAphakiaonDrugDistributionintheVitreous Figure15showsthemodelcalculatedconcentrationprofileoffluoresceinon half of a cross section of the vitreous 24 hours after a central intravitreal injection in the phakic and aphakic eye models. The concentration contours Drug Distribution in Vitreous Humor 211 Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. trends were noted when comparing the half-life of fluorescein in the phakic versus aphakic eye model. In both cases, the longest half-life was found for a central injection and the shortest half-life was found for a hyaloid-displaced injection. The half-life for the lens-displaced injection, however, was much Drug Distribution in Vitreous Humor 213 Table 6 Half-Life and Peak and Mean Vitreous Concentrations of Fluorescein Calculated Using the Aphakic and Phakic Eye Models Following Intravitreal Injections at Different Locations Injection location t 1=2 (h) a C mean in vitreous (mg=mLÞ C peak in vitreous (mg=mLÞ 4h 12h 24h Adjacent lens Adjacent retina Adjacent hyaloid Phakic Central 8.36 6.61 2.61 0.60 9.53 (3.78) 6.77 (3.17) 0.673 (6.89) Lens 8.08 6.49 2.49 0.564 628 0.989 2.97 Displaced (0.128) (7.94) (2.83) Retina 3.54 3.79 1.27 0.339 1.52 563 0.154 Displaced (9.89) (0.119) (11.1) Hyaloid 1.39 2.11 0.695 0.158 5.73 0.166 210 Displaced (3.28) (12.1) (0.104) 0.084 b (9.31) b Aphakic Central 8.38 6.61 2.47 0.646 3.34 4.13 0.873 (4.33) (4.33) (5.22) Lens 3.54 3.72 1.26 0.312 328 0.430 3.58 Displaced (0.093) (10.3) (2.01) Retina 3.75 3.84 1.35 0.303 0.421 563 0.144 Displaced (11.2) (0.131) (11.2) Hyaloid 2.29 2.41 0.626 0.146 3.98 0.163 238 Displaced (2.03) (12.9) (0.137) 0.102 b (8.44) b Values in parentheses indicate the time (hours) to reach the peak concentrations. a The half-life noted in these studies is not the terminal phase half-life, but rather the time required for the average concentration in the vitreous to drop by a factor of 2 immediately following injection. The terminal phase half-life would not be expected to change with changes in injection position since the terminal phase occurs after a pseudo equilibrium has been achieved in the vitreous. After this point only vitreous diffusivity and retinal perme- ability would govern the rate of elimination. b Peak concentration in vitreous adjacent hyaloid opposite the location of the intravitreal injection. Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. lowerintheaphakiceyemodelthaninthephakiceyemodel.Placingthe injecteddrugclosertothelenscapsuleintheaphakiceyemodelwould initiallyproducearapidlossofdrugtotheposteriorchamberoftheaqu- eoushumor.However,inthephakiceyemodel,sincethereisnolossacross thelens,injectingthedrugclosertothelenshaslittleeffect.Theinitialdrug lossacrossthelenscapsuleintheaphakiceyemodelisconfirmedbycom- paring,intheaphakicandphakiceyemodels,theratiobetweenthemean concentrationsat4and24hoursforthecentralandlens-displacedinjec- tions.Intheaphakiceyemodel,themeanconcentration4hoursfollowinga centralinjectionis1.75timesgreaterthanthemeanconcentrationfroma lens-displacedinjection;thisratioincreasesslightlyat24hours.Inthe phakiceyemodel,however,thisratioisonlyapproximately1.02,despite thefactthatthemeanconcentrationinthevitreousisthesameforthe phakicandaphakiceyemodels4hoursfollowingacentralinjection.The higherratiointheaphakiceyemodelisthereforeduetoincreasedtransport acrossthelenscapsule,muchofwhichoccurswithinthefirst4hoursfol- lowinganinjection. Themeanvitreousconcentrationsinthephakicandaphakiceyemod- elsdifferbylessthan10%followingcentral,retinal-displaced,andhyaloid- displacedinjections,regardlessofthesampletimeconsidered.However,the peakconcentrationsoffluoresceinadjacenttothelensandretinawere higherinthephakiceyemodelthaninaphakiceyemodelforalltheinjec- tionpositions.Adjacenttothelens,thepeakconcentrationswerehigherin thephakiceyemodelbecausethereisnolossacrossthelens.Adjacenttothe retina,thepeakfluoresceinconcentrationswereonlysignificantlyhigherin thephakiceyemodelforthecentralandlens-displacedinjections.Thisis duetoincreasedlossacrossthelenscapsuleintheaphakiceyemodeland thefactthatthedistancebetweentheinjectionsiteandtherecordingsiteis slightlylargerintheaphakiceyemodelthaninthephakiceyemodel.The peakconcentrationsadjacenttothehyaloidmembranewerehigherinthe aphakiceyemodelthaninthephakiceyemodelforthecentralandlens- displacedinjections.Thisisduetothefactthat,intheaphakiceyemodel, theinjectionsitesareslightlyclosertothesiteadjacenttothehyaloidwhere theconcentrationswererecorded. Figure16showsthemodelcalculatedconcentrationprofileoffluor- esceinglucuronideinhalfofacrosssectionofthevitreous36hoursaftera centralinjectioninthephakicandaphakiceyemodels.Inthiscase,since fluoresceinglucuronidehasalowretinalpermeabilityandiseliminated primarilyacrossthehyaloidmembrane,theconcentrationcontoursare perpendiculartothesurfaceoftheretina.Table7liststhehalf-lives, mean concentrations, and peak concentrations of fluorescein glucuronide within the vitreous as a function of injection position for both the phakic 214 Friedrich et al. Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. Therateofeliminationfromthevitreousatlongertimes(intheterm- inalphase)shouldbeindependentoftheinjectionposition.Ingeneral,the half-lifeoffluoresceinglucuronideishigherthanthatforfluorescein. However,theeliminationbehaviorobservedwiththephakicmodeland theaphakicmodelisdifferentforfluoresceinandfluoresceinglucuronide. Thesedifferencesareduetothefactthatfluoresceinglucuronideiselimi- natedmainlyacrossthehyaloidmembrane,ratherthanacrosstheretina.In boththeaphakicmodelandthephakicmodel,thehighesthalf-lifeoccurred fortheretina-displacedinjectionandthelowesthalf-lifeoccurredforthe hyaloid-displacedinjection,whichisconsistentwiththefactthatthehyaloid isthemaineliminationpathway.Similartofluorescein,thehalf-lifefollow- ingalens-displacedinjectionwasmuchlowerintheaphakicmodelthanin thephakicmodelduetotransportofdrugacrossthelenscapsuleinthe aphakiceyemodel.Meanintravitrealconcentrationsoffluoresceinglucur- onideat12and24hoursarelowerintheaphakicmodelforalltheinjection locationsconsidered. Acomparisonofpeakconcentrations(Table7)showsthatfluorescein glucuronideconcentrationsadjacenttothelensandretinawereconsistently lowerintheaphakiceyemodel.However,concentrationsadjacenttothe hyaloidmembraneweretypicallyhigherfollowinginjectionintheaphakic eyemodel.Similartrendsareobservedforthepeakfluoresceinconcentra- tions(Table6).Theaphakicmodelcalculatedlowerpeakconcentrations near the retina and lens, for all the injection positions, but calculated higher concentrations near the hyaloid membrane. Thus, this comparison of elim- ination in the aphakic and phakic eye models has indicated that not only does the presence of the lens affect elimination, but the difference in elimination from an aphakic eye and a phakic eye is highly dependent on the injection location and the retinal permeability of the drug. If the drug has a low retinal permeability, then the half-life of the drug in an aphakic eye is highly depen- dent on the distance between the injection location and the lens capsule. V. SUMMARY Finite element modeling has been shown to be a useful tool to study drug distribution within the vitreous humor, with fewer limitations than pre- viously developed mathematical models. Using a finite element model of the vitreous, the site of an intravitreal injection was shown to have a sub- stantial effect on drug distribution and elimination in the vitreous. The retinal permeability of fluorescein and fluorescein glucuronide in rabbit eyes calculated by the model ranged from 1.94 to 3:5 Â 10 À5 and0to7:62 Â 10 À7 cm/s, respectively, depending on the assumed site of the injection. The Drug Distribution in Vitreous Humor 217 Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. [...]... 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