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Neurologic Disease in Women - part 4 pps

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NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN WOMEN 132 with male lethality, but affected males have survived with subsequent father to daughter transmission possible (61,62). Familial incontinentia pigmenti is due to muta- tions in the NEMO gene (nuclear factor ␬B essential mod- ulator) at Xq28 (8). This gene produces a transcription factor that regulates multiple genes in immune, inflam- matory, and apoptotic pathways (8,7). Seventy to eighty percent of patients have an identical large genomic dele- tion (7,8). Milder mutations occur and may produce sur- viving males (63). There has been considerable debate over a second nonfamilial incontinentia pigmenti site at Xp11. Sybert (64) and Berlin (65) suggest that these patients do not satisfy the criteria for incontinentia pig- menti. Extremely skewed X chromosome inactivation is common and crucial to disease expression, as cells with the abnormal X activated are replaced by cells with the normal X activated (66,65) Intrafamilial variability is the rule. Typical skin lesions progress through stages, with initial blistering (blisters, pustules, and erythema) presenting in a typically linear distribution (up to 4 months of age), followed by verrucous and hyperkeratotic lesions (up to 6 months of age) (Figure 9.4). These early lesions occur primarily on the extremities and are found at birth in 40% of patients; they occur in almost 95% of cases (67). In an individual patient, not all stages may occur, or some may occur simultaneously. Later, affected women develop truncal hyperpigmentation often following Blaschko’s lines (developmental skin pattern due to proliferation of two different clonal cell lines during early embryogenesis) (up to 20 years of age), and pale hairless patches of skin (adulthood). Dental anomalies occur in 65%, and fea- tures include delayed eruption and dental malformations. Conical and pegged teeth are the most common findings (67). Ocular manifestations (retinal vascular abnormali- ties with secondary retinal detachment) may be absent or severe enough to cause visual loss (68). Neurologic involvement includes seizures, mental retardation, and microcephaly. CNS involvement in the neonatal period is a poor prognostic sign (69). CNS imaging in seven patients with incontinentia pigmenti revealed abnormal- ities consistent with small vessel occlusion in five patients with concordance of imaging and clinical involvement (70). A few patients with periventricular white matter abnormalities have been reported (Figure 9.5; 71,72). Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome I OFD syndrome type I is another probable X-linked dom- inant disease with male lethality. Marked clinical vari- ability occurs in heterozygous females (1). Extraneural manifestations include skull malformations (basilar kyphosis with steep anterior fossa and downsloping pos- terior fossa), digital anomalies (polydactyly, brachy- dactyly, and syndactyly), oro-facial involvement (lobu- FIGURE 9.4 Three-month-old female with lesions of incontinentia pig- menti. FIGURE 9.5 Axian T1-fast spin echo MRI demonstrates periventricular white matter abnormalities in a 6-year-old with incontinen- tia pigmenti. NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN GIRLS 133 lated tongue, dental malformations, cleft palate, hyper- trophic frenula), and polycystic kidneys (73,74). Mental retardation occurs in 30 to 50% of heterozygous females. Speech delay due to the marked oral pathology in this dis- order should not be misinterpreted as mental retardation. The incidence is approximated to be at least 1% of cleft palate cases (73). CNS malformations may be severe and include age- nesis of the corpus callosum, abnormal gyri (polymicro- gyria), ependymal-lined cysts, and widespread hetero- topias that involve the cortex, brainstem, and spinal cord (75,76). As many as one-third of affected girls may die in the first year of life (74). The gene responsible for OFD1 maps to Xp22.2-p22.3 (77) and mutations have been found (78), but gene function remains unknown. Mental Retardation It has been known for over a century that mental retar- dation is more common in males (79). One etiology is Fragile X syndrome but there are many other forms of X-linked mental retardation. This diagnosis is usually based on inheritance patterns, and the genetic loci for many are unknown (79). Skewed X-inactivation is com- mon in X-linked mental retardation carriers (80). Many affected pedigrees are small but in some larger ones, affected females are found (79,81). Fragile X Syndrome Fragile X syndrome is the most common form of inher- ited mental retardation (82). In the hemizygous male, the phenotype is characterized by early delays in motor and speech development followed by hyperactivity, autistic or aggressive behavior, varying degrees of mental retarda- tion in childhood, and macroorchidism in puberty. Char- acteristic dysmorphic features, which may be inapparent prior to adolescence, consist of a long face with promi- nent forehead and jaw and large ears. Additional variable features include strabismus, hyperextensible joints, mitral valve prolapse, and smooth skin (83). The fragile X syndrome is most appropriately clas- sified as an X-linked dominant condition with reduced penetrance in females. The gene, FMR1, carries a CGG trinucleotide. Among normal individuals, the number of CGG copies is less than 52. Individuals harboring the mei- otically unstable premutation exhibit between 52 and slightly greater than 200 copies (84). Individuals with the full mutation of greater than 200 CGG copies will, under culture conditions depriving the cells of pyrimidine nucleotide precursors, demonstrate a fragile site (FRAXA) of some but not all of their metaphase X chromosomes (85). The FMR-1 gene protein product is an RNA bind- ing protein that is absent or severely reduced in sympto- matic males (86). The CGG repeat is located in the 5' untranslated region, but apparently the expanded repeat sequence leads to abnormal methylation of another untranslated region upstream which, in turn, inhibits transcription of the gene (87). Males and females who possess the intermediate length premutation are often phenotypically normal. Sub- tle expression of the fragile X phenotype may occur in such individuals, however, with a significant lowering of intellectual scores in males and females and minor facial dysmorphism in some males (88). Twenty-one percent of female permutation carriers will have premature ovarian failure (89). All hemizygous males with the larger full mutation express some fragile X characteristics and the threshold for full expression of the phenotype appears to be slightly greater than 200 copies. Additionally, both the premutation and full mutation are mitotically unstable, possibly leading to mosaicism of the number of repeats between and among tissues (84). The risk of complete phenotype expression increases in subsequent genera- tions, a phenomenon termed genetic anticipation, and depends upon the sex of the parent from whom the defect is inherited. Although the intermediate length premuta- tion is stable during spermatogenesis, it is markedly unstable during oogenesis, producing symptomatic sons and daughters of an asymptomatic carrier female (90). Symptomatology among heterozygous females bear- ing the full mutation is variable (91–93). In heterozygous females, the repeat length, if within the full mutation range, does not correlate with the degree of mental impairment (93,94). Rather, X chromosome inactivation ratios favoring the normal FMR1 allele have been detected in higher functioning females bearing the full mutation (91). The neuropsychologic profiles of young girls with the full mutation show that as many as 85% demonstrate mild intellectual impairment and 50% are mentally retarded. These girls may demonstrate avoidant, autistic, and hyperactive behaviors, and mood disorders (95–97). Specific deficits may be apparent in math achievement; longitudinal studies are underway to deter- mine neuropsychologic profiles (97). Females may also exhibit a subtle facial dysmorphism similar to that observed in affected males (90). Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease A second disorder inherited in a semidominant fashion is the X-linked form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMTX) disease. Abnormalities of the connexin 32 protein, a gap junction protein involved in the intercellular transfer of ions and small molecules, have been established in CMTX families (98). In hemizygous males, the disorder manifests during childhood or adolescence as a severe, diffuse demyelinating neuropathy with resultant distal weakness, atrophy and sensory loss, pes cavus, and areflexia (99). Heterozygous females often have milder clinical features NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN WOMEN 134 with later onset, less severe slowing of nerve conduction velocity, and slower progression than their affected male relatives. However, 15% of females will present before 10 years of age (100). In some families, heterozygous females may be asymptomatic (101). The presence of symptoms in females depends on unfavorable X inactivation ratios but also on specific mutations (100). Families bearing frame shift mutations causing a complete lack of the con- nexin 32 protein may demonstrate a more severe pheno- type among both hemizygous males and heterozygous females (101). A female with onset of symptoms at 1 year of age is probably the result of the specific mutation she carries (100). Other Possible X-Linked Dominant Conditions CHILD syndrome consists of unilateral ichthyosiform erythroderma with ipsilateral limb malformations. This syndrome may include unilateral hypoplasia of cranial nerves, brain stem, and cerebellum (1). A single family has been described in which affected females have a slowly progressive spastic paraparesis, IgG2 deficiency, and reduced night vision, while males died in infancy of severe hypotonia (102). Cervico-oculo-acusticus syn- drome (Wildervanck syndrome) includes congenital sen- sorineural deafness, Klippel-Feil anomaly (cervical ver- tebrae fusion and short neck), and Duane syndrome (abducens nerve paralysis), dysmorphic features, and mental retardation (1). Affected females outnumber males by a ratio of 10:1. X-LINKED RECESSIVE DISEASE Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked recessive muscular dystrophy caused by mutations within the dys- trophin gene that lead to an absence of dystrophin at the sarcolemma membrane (103). The absence of dystrophin causes muscle fiber degeneration and loss. Hemizygous males present with progressive skeletal muscle weakness with calf hypertrophy. Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) levels are markedly elevated. Mental retardation and car- diomyopathy occur in many. Although persistent eleva- tions of CPK are present in approximately 70% of car- rier females (104), only 10 to 15% exhibit clinically evident weakness (104). Common complaints in symp- tomatic carrier females are cramping and enlargement of the calves and mild to moderate proximal muscle weakness that may mimic limb-girdle muscular dystro- phy (104,105). In a study of muscle biopsies in females (106), 4% of isolated cases of neuromuscular disease in females (limb-girdle dystrophy, myopathy) had dystro- phinopathies and another 4% were symptomatic carri- ers of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, having a positive family history. Abnormalities in dystrophin are a not uncommon cause of neuromuscular disease in females. With advancing age, symptomatic carrier females may experience an improvement of muscle symptoms and nor- malization of CPK (107). This is produced by constant selective pressure for dystrophin-negative myofibers to become increasingly dystrophin-positive through the dif- fusion of dystrophin to affected areas. Also, the regener- ation of necrotic dystrophin-negative areas by dys- trophin-expressing satellite cells will increase the number of dystrophin-positive cells (108). Girls with moderate weakness, however, may experience progression as the rate of fiber necrosis exceeds the rate of fiber regenera- tion (104,108). Dilated cardiomyopathy has also been reported in females (109,110). With advancing age, its incidence and severity increase. The compensatory replacement of dystrophin-negative cells by dystrophin- positive cells seen in skeletal muscle does not occur in car- diac muscle (111). In almost all symptomatic carrier females, skewed X inactivation underlies the presence and severity of symptoms (108,112). A single female with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and uniparental disomy of the X chromosome (two copies of one of the parental chromosomes) with a deletion in the dystrophin gene has been described (11), and some girls are symptomatic due to X-autosome translocations. A second X-linked disorder of muscle, Emery-Drei- fuss syndrome, is characterized in the hemizygous male by a clinical triad of early contractures, scapulo- humeroperoneal distribution of weakness, and cardiac conduction defects that may precipitate sudden death (113). Among heterozygous females, significant and per- sistent elevations of CPK do not occur (114), but cardiac conduction abnormalities may appear during adulthood (113,115). Leukodystrophies Two X-linked forms of leukodystrophy are recognized, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher and X-linked adrenoleukodystro- phy. The Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease phenotype in males ranges from onset in infancy or early childhood of eye movement abnormalities, profound hypotonia, and choreoathetosis followed by spasticity and early death, to later onset with more static CNS disease to spastic para- pareis (5). Imaging in the early onset forms show a pro- found lack of myelin. This X-linked recessive leukodys- trophy results from abnormalities of proteolipid protein (PLP), a major constituent of myelin. Mutations in the PLP gene include duplications in 60 to 70%, null or point mutations in 10 to 20%, and no mutation found in 10 to 20%. The gene is dosage sensitive, and Pelizaeus- Merzbacher is one of few diseases produced by increase in gene function (116). NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN GIRLS 135 Symptomatic females are reported, some with detectable mutations and some without (117–119). Symptoms range from an infantile-onset of encephalopa- thy with nystagmus and decreased central myelin to spastic paraparesis to adult-onset leukodystrophies (120). In general, female carriers of duplications and other mutations that produce a severe phenotype in males are asymptomatic, whereas female carriers of milder mutations are more often symptomatic. X-inac- tivation may play a role, but more important, in severe mutations, the affected population of oligodendrocytes may die, leaving only the normal population of cells, while in milder mutations, the cells survive and produce abnormal myelin and symptoms (120). Two exceptions to this have been reported by Inoue (120): two girls with duplications presented with CNS dysmyelinating disor- der with marked improvement with time. He postulated that skewed inactivation of the X chromosome was responsible for symptoms, but affected oligodendrocytes failed to differentiate and were gradually replaced by cells with the normal X activation, and symptoms grad- ually improved. If most symptomatic girls do not have a duplication, then testing by fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) to detect the duplication will not detect most affected females. X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a hetero- geneous disorder producing five distinct phenotypes in the hemizygous male: rapidly progressive childhood form; adolescent and adult cerebral forms; adrenomyeloneu- ropathy (AMN), primarily a spinal cord disease; and iso- lated adrenal insufficiency (121). The variability of phe- notype among family members presumably carrying the same mutation is most likely explained by the presence of modifying autosomal genes (122). A striking elevation of saturated very long chain fatty acids in tissues and body fluids is present in all affected and presymptomatic males (121). Concentrations of very long chain fatty acids are increased in the plasma of 88% of obligate female het- erozygotes. Sensitivity improves to 94% when levels in skin fibroblasts are also assayed (121). AMN is the most common phenotype observed in adult heterozygous females (121). Its presence has not been recorded in childhood. It is characterized by an insidious onset of weakness, spasticity, and vibration loss affecting the lower extremities (123). Although 15 to 20% of heterozygous females eventually develop overt signs and symptoms of AMN, as many as 60% will demonstrate abnormalities on neurologic examination (121). Rarely, heterozygous females may experience pro- gressive cerebral symptoms, and occasionally these symp- toms occur in childhood and adolescence. Three adoles- cent females with seizures, encephalopathic symptoms, and adrenal dysfunction have been reported (124). Adrenal dysfunction is very rare in adult heterozygotes. Childhood onset of the cerebral phenotype has been reported in a female with monosomy of Xq27-terminus (125). All affected females have elevated blood levels of very long chain fatty acids. The presence of neurologic symptoms in heterozygous females is probably due to skewed X inactivation (126). Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency is an X- linked disorder of urea synthesis that classically presents as hyperammonemia in hemizygous newborn males, with lethargy progressing to coma and, without treatment, death at 1 to 5 days of life. Approximately 20% of female heterozygotes will be symptomatic during their lifetime (127). Females can pre- sent at any age; a few cases of typical neonatal onset dis- ease in females have been described (128). More com- monly, symptomatic female heterozygotes present with later onset disease. Patients may have a lifelong history of protein avoidance and poor growth. There may have been no or many episodes of altered mental status, and early symptoms may be mistaken for behavioral or psychiatric disturbances. During hyperammonemic episodes, hyper- activity and behavioral changes precede ataxia and vom- iting, which are followed by lethargy and coma. Among heterozygous females, diagnosis is often delayed, and a significant number die or are left with serious neurologic sequelae (127). Hyperammonemic episodes in heterozy- gous females may be precipitated by infection, high pro- tein intake, valproate therapy, and the puerperium (127,129,130). Because of the risk of serious symptoms among carrier females, a detailed search of affected fam- ily members is required if a case of OTC deficiency is iden- tified. Effective dietary and medical treatment is available. Symptomatic females have undergone curative liver trans- plantation (131). The presence of symptoms in such a large proportion of female carriers may be due to skewed X inactivation in the liver, as was recently demonstrated in OTC-deficient mice (132). Mutations in the gene coding for OTC have been found in approximately 75% of patients with confirmed enzymatic deficiency; most are private mutations (133). Symptomatic females have mutations seen in neonatal onset males, mutations that severely affect gene function (134). Allopurinol loading and the measurement of uri- nary orotate has been used in the past to diagnose carri- ers, but may not be sensitive or specific (135). Measure- ment of 15N labeled urea to glutamine ratio may be a more sensitive and specific test of carrier status (136). Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Pyruvate dehydrogenase is a multienzyme complex that catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA. PDH is the rate limiting step connecting glycolysis with the tri- NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN WOMEN 136 carboxylic acid cycle (TCA) and oxidative phosphoryla- tion (Figure 9.6). A deficiency of PDH is the most common cause of congenital lactic acidosis. With deficiency of PDH, cells have decreased ATP production and accumulate pyru- vate (and, therefore lactate, since the two are in equilib- rium). If severe deficiency is present, cell death may ensue. Clinical symptoms relate to a cell’s dependence on glycol- ysis as an energy source and a tissue’s energy demands. The brain is completely dependent on glycolysis for its high energy needs. Enzyme function is nearly maximal normally (137). Thus, the CNS is the primary structure affected in PDH deficiency. Both structural malformations and destructive cystic lesions are found, probably reflecting the timing of the insult. Regions affected are those with the highest levels of PDH (138,139). The three components of the multienzyme complex are pyruvate decarboxylase (E1, EC1.2.4.1), dihy- drolipoyl transacetylase (E2, EC2.3.1.12), and dihy- drolipoyl dehydrogenase (E3, EC 1.8.14). The E1 enzyme is a heterotetramer of two ␣ and two ␤ subunits. Most cases of PDH deficiency are due to E1␣ subunit deficiency and are sporadic (139). The E1-␣ subunit has been local- ized to Xq22. Patterns of disease expression make it dif- ficult to classify as simple X-linked recessive or X-linked dominant. Although X-linked, an equal incidence of dis- ease occurs in males and females (140,141). This equal ratio is the result of several factors: prenatal lethality in some affected males, skewed X inactivation, and a very low threshold of enzyme deficiency required to produce CNS disease in heterozygous females (142). Enzyme activity is measured in cells (fibroblasts) other than the affected tissue (brain). X-inactivation in the cells in which PDH is measured may not correlate with X-inactivation in the affected tissue; measured enzyme activity in the fibroblasts of affected women may not correlate with, or even be diagnostic of, PDH defi- ciency in the CNS (139). The phenotype of PDH deficiency in females is extremely variable, ranging from fatal neonatal lactic aci- dosis to progressive neurologic disease with CNS mal- formations, to carbohydrate-induced mild lactic acidosis and episodic ataxia (138,140). Affected girls may present with infantile spasms, but this is rarely seen in affected males (143). In females, a broad spectrum of disease is probably produced by variations in residual enzyme activ- ities and X-inactivation patterns. The role that X-inacti- vation plays in PDH deficiency is further evidenced by the phenotypic variation in women with identical mutations (144). Three females with the same point mutation (R302C) had phenotypes ranging from mild mental retar- dation and seizures to severe systemic acidosis and death by age 5 months. Two of these females were mother and child but the mother was only able to be diagnosed by mutational analysis after the diagnosis was made in her child. In the mother’s fibroblasts (the tissue tested for enzyme activity), over 90% of cells expressed the normal X chromosome, and enzyme analysis was normal. Diag- nosis in a female suspected of PDH deficiency may require mutational screening, determination of X-inactivation patterns by analysis of methylation patterns, or mono- clonal antibody staining for mosaicism in fibroblasts (13,145–147). Disease should be suspected in females with systemic or central lactic acidosis and characteristic CNS involve- ment. Typical clinical neurologic involvement may pre- sent as profound neonatal hypotonia, infantile spasms and other seizure types, a neurodegenerative course, or episodic ataxia. Structural involvement includes destruc- tive lesions and malformations. Malformations include agenesis of the corpus callosum, abnormal inferior olives and medullary pyramids, and ectopic gray matter (138,140,144,148). Cerebral atrophy and cystic lesions in cortex, basal ganglia, brain stem, and cerebellum are evidence of cell death and tissue loss. Features of Leigh syndrome may be seen on imaging (Figure 9.7). Milder cases in females may be missed if the course or lesions are not typical. Treatment is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet. Rare cases respond to thiamine (140). Fabry Disease Fabry disease, resulting from a deficiency of the lysoso- mal enzyme ␣-galactosidase A (149), typically manifests in the young male hemizygote as painful crises involv- ing the palms and soles. The presence of characteristic skin lesions (telangiectases of the back, buttocks, umbili- cus, and scrotum) often leads to the correct diagnosis in adolescence. With advancing age, cardiac (cardiomy- opathy), cerebral (stroke), and renal vascular abnor- malities appear (150). Glucose Acetyl Coa Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Oxidative Phosphorylation Amino Acids Fatty Acids Ketone Bodies Pyruvate Lactate Pyruvate Dehydrogenase FIGURE 9.6 Glucose metabolism. NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN GIRLS 137 In the past, Fabry disease was considered X-linked recessive, but reports documenting symptoms in carrier females are common, and the deficiency may function more as a dominant trait (151). All symptoms seen in males may also occur in carrier females, although at a later age (151,152). In females, the mean age of onset of neuropathic pain is 9.3 years, and renal failure has been reported in patients as young as 19 years old (151). Other X-Linked Recessive Diseases Several neurodegenerative disorders of infancy and early childhood are transmitted in an X-linked recessive man- ner. Menkes disease is an X-linked recessive disorder of copper transport marked by intractable seizures, pro- gressive neurodegeneration, and an unusual malforma- tion of hair termed pili torti (153). Among female het- erozygotes, low copper and ceruloplasmin levels are not present, although patchy areas of poorly pigmented skin and pili torti (kinky hair) have been reported (154,155). Rarely, severe symptoms have appeared in girls with a normal karyotype (156). A defect of X-linked creatine transporter has been recently described (157). Affected males have mental retardation, severe language deficits, and hypotonia. Some female carriers have been reported to have low IQ and learning disabilities, and magnetic res- onance spectroscopy has demonstrated low creatine lev- els throughout the brain in a young infant carrier female (158). Neurologic symptoms have only rarely been doc- umented among females heterozygous for myotubular myopathy (159), Hunter syndrome (160,161), and Lesch- Nyhan disease (162,163). Again, extremes of lyonization, Turner syndrome, and X chromosome translocations appear to be responsible. DISEASE DIFFERENTIALLY EXPRESSED IN GIRLS A number of common pediatric neurologic diseases are dif- ferentially expressed in males and females. This differen- tial expression may simply be an increased incidence of the disease in girls (absence seizures, lupus) (Table 9.2), but often involves clinical symptomatology (Tourette syn- drome) and disease severity (autism). The basis of the dif- ferential expression may be hormonal and exacerbated by puberty (migraine, menstrual-related disorders) or due to a varying threshold for disease presentation (autism) or unknown (multiple sclerosis). The practitioner should be aware of these differences because they may play an impor- tant role not only in treatment and prognosis, but also in their own perception of the patient and her disease. Tourette Syndrome Tourette syndrome remains a fascinating disease both phe- notypically and genotypically. Phenotypically, it is a dis- ease with varied expression ranging from classic Tourette syndrome (onset less than 18 years of age, motor and vocal tics present for more than 1 year), to chronic tic disorder (usually a single type of tic, motor or vocal), to obsessive compulsive disorder (170–172). The male-to-female ratio in children is 3:1 to 4:1 when only classic Tourette syn- drome is considered (172,173). In family studies, however, TABLE 9.2 Neurologic Diseases More Commonly Seen in Girls Absence epilepsy (164) Myasthenia gravis (165) Sydenham chorea (166) Occult spinal dysraphism (167) Systemic lupus erythematosus (168) Dopa-responsive dystonia (169) Dermatomyosistitis (168) FIGURE 9.7 Axial T2-weighted MRI demonstrates typical features of Leigh syndrome with abnormal high signal in basal ganglia and brainstem representing primary areas affected by the disease. NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN WOMEN 138 if all three components of the phenotype (Tourette syn- drome, chronic tic disorder, obsessive compulsive disor- der) are included, this ratio drops to 1.6:1. Female rela- tives of Tourette syndrome probands are more likely to have obsessive compulsive disorder without tics and male relatives to have a tic disorder (170,172). Gender influence on disease expression is seen structurally in magnetic res- onance imaging studies of patients with Tourette syn- drome; changes seen in the corpus callosum and basal gan- glia of boys are not seen in girls (174,175). Assuming autosomal dominant transmission (as yet unproven), pen- etrance of the gene is lower for females for all three expres- sions of the disease, and gender plays a role in the type of disease expressed (172,176). More is at play here than just gender-based expres- sion, however. In classic Tourette syndrome, males and females have a similar mean age at onset of tics with sim- ilar severity, but females have a later age at diagnosis by 7 to 9 years (171,173). A comparison of ratios between childhood and adulthood found an almost even ratio in adults with Tourette syndrome. Santangelo (171) postu- lates that gender-based behavioral and socialization dif- ferences and physician awareness of increased incidence in boys may play a role in later age at diagnosis in females. In most studies, proband ascertainment is through the diagnosis of Tourette syndrome and, if the disease has a significant gender-based expression, with females pre- senting with non-Tourette syndrome symptoms, then clearly there is ascertainment bias (170). When the disease expression is Tourette syndrome, some gender differences in symptoms occur. Females are more likely to have sensory tics, to have onset with com- plex tics (reproducible set of tics) or compulsive tics, and to experience uninhibited anger and aggression (rage) during the course of the disease (but males are more likely to present with rage) (171). Copralalia may be more com- mon in females (39% vs. 28%) (173). In general, how- ever, disease experience is similar for males and females with Tourette syndrome. Headache Headaches are common in children, with 35 to 40% of 5- to 7-year-olds and 68% of 14-year-olds reporting some type of headache (177,178). The prevalence of headache in the pediatric population increases with age. The two most frequent headache diagnoses in children and ado- lescents are migraine and tension-type headaches and, with increasing age, both are more frequent in girls (178–182). Any discussion of migraine in children must be pref- aced by some comments about definition. The Interna- tional Headache Society criteria were not developed for children and are not always appropriate for use in chil- dren. Most pediatric practitioners have modified the cri- teria for children, sometimes formally (183). Migraine without aura (common migraine) is more frequent and has a later onset than migraine with aura (classical migraine) in all children. The onset for both is later in girls, with a peak for classical migraine of 12 to 13 years in girls and 4 to 7 years in boys, and for com- mon migraine, 13 to 17 years in girls and 8 to 12 years in boys (180,183). Many epidemiologic studies of migraine in children have been performed (184), but stratification by age and migraine type vary considerably. In prepuber- tal children, migraine is probably more frequent in males, but the trend is reversed in pubertal and postpubertal chil- dren and adolescents (178–181,183). Although some authors (181,185) report no gender difference in common migraine incidence, these studies are not stratified by age or do not include patients older than 14 years of age. When age stratification is incorporated, the incidence of common migraine increases throughout adolescence in females but remains relatively steady in males, producing a male-to- female ratio of 1:2 by age 15 years. Classical migraine is more frequent in adolescent females, a reversal of early childhood findings (180,181,183). Basilar artery migraine (migraine with symptoms referable to the posterior circu- lation) is much more common in girls, and most have onset by 5 to 6 years of age (186,187). Attacks sometimes begin in infancy but can only be diagnosed in retrospect. Other types of headache seen more frequently in girls include cyclic migraine, chronic paroxysmal hemicrania, and hem- icrania continua (188). Children with recurrent abdomi- nal pain are more likely to have headache, significantly so in girls (189). Pediatric female migraneurs have a higher relapse rate of migraine in adulthood (182). Females are more likely to have aggravation of the headache by physical activity and are less likely to vomit with headache (181). They are more likely to report stress as a precipitant (190) and to have panic attacks (191). They are more likely to miss school, and to miss more days, than males, and somewhat more likely to report severe headache, longer duration of headache, and a higher frequency of headache than males (192). In our experience, status migrainosis is more com- mon in adolescent females than in any other pediatric pop- ulation. There are little data regarding treatment outcome and gender in pediatric migraine, but Linder (193) reported a 91% response rate of boys to subcutaneous sumitriptan but only a 68% response in girls. There are increasing data regarding the interaction of hormone levels, the menstrual cycle, and headache in females, with possible implications for treatment, but these data do not extend to pediatric females. The increased incidence of migraine in pubertal and postpubertal female children would seem to argue for a hormonal role in pediatric migraine as well, once again with implications for treatment. Chronic daily headache and chronic daily headache with migraine may be slightly increased in female adoles- NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN GIRLS 139 cents (193,194). Females with chronic daily headache have fewer coping skills, more parental negative responses to headache, and fewer solicitous parental responses (194). See also Chapter 14. Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (MS) is usually considered an adult onset disease but 0.2 to 6.0% of cases have childhood onset, with 20% of those presenting at less than 10 years of age (195,196). The female preponderance seen in adult cases is even more pronounced in childhood-onset cases, with a female-to-male ratio of 3:1 to 5:1 (195,197). Peak age of onset (11 to 14 years) is similar for males and females. Childhood onset cases in general are likely to present with purely sensory symptoms, to recover com- pletely from the initial episode, and to have a remitting or relapsing-remitting course and slower progression of disease (195,196,198). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) findings are similar to those of the adult population. The risk of developing MS after a bout of optic neu- ritis is higher in adult women than men (74% vs. 34%) (199), but gender does not seem to affect the risk of devel- oping MS after optic neuritis in childhood (200). See also Chapter 18. Autism Autism is a syndrome that is usually diagnosed by age 3 years because of characteristic abnormalities in language and social development. Affected children have a marked impairment in social behaviors (eye contact, peer rela- tionships, spontaneous interactions) and ability to inter- act socially. There is severe impairment in language abil- ities (delayed language development, little spontaneous language, and abnormal use of language) and repetitive stereotyped behaviors (self-stimulatory behaviors, rituals and compulsions). Known etiologies account for 10 to 30% of cases and include chromosomal defects (partic- ularly Fragile X), metabolic disturbances, tuberous scle- rosis, structural brain malformations, and Rett syndrome (201,202). Males and females have a fairly equal chance (56% vs. 65%) of having an identifiable organic condi- tion (202). Males are affected with autism three to four times more frequently than females, but females are more severely affected. In classic autism, affected females have a significantly lower mean IQ than males (42 vs. 57), with few females having an IQ greater than 50 (203). In chil- dren with IQs greater than 70 and pervasive develop- mental disorder (PDD), females are more common (204). Affected females have more impaired receptive and expressive language skills, poorer social development, and fewer self-help skills (203). When studies control for IQ, other authors report few gender differences (204). Girls are more likely to have seizures (201,205). Tsai and Beisler (203) hypothesize a genetic load model. A higher threshold for disease in females requires a higher genetic load to cause autism in females, thus pro- ducing more severe disease. Other hypotheses include more genetic variation in males for autistic characteris- tics, and constitutional gender differences that make females less vulnerable to language loss, but also less able to compensate for language loss (206). Periodic Hypersomnia Three forms of sleep disorder are associated with menses: premenstrual insomnia, menstruation-linked hypersomnia, and insomnia associated with menopause (207). Menstru- ation-linked hypersomnia has sometimes been called a female Kleine-Levin syndrome (periodic hypersomnia in teenage boys) (208,209). Onset is within 2 to 3 years of the onset of menses. The hypersomniac episodes may begin a few days before menses and last up to 7 days. Episodes begin with personality change; affected girls become hos- tile and withdrawn. During the episode, they are pale and do not get up to eat or drink but only to void. No consis- tent neurotransmitter or hormonal abnormalities have been described, but with suppression of ovulation, the hyper- somniac episodes resolve. Of 94 women presenting to a sleep clinic for excessive daytime sleepiness, two had men- struation-linked hypersomnia (210). Catamenial Seizures The onset of seizures with menarche or the exacerbation of seizures with menses does occur, but the etiology and incidence remain obscure. Many seizure types may exac- erbate with puberty in males and females, but females who are later determined to have catamenial epilepsy often present at menarche. A review by Newmark and Penry (211) finds no predominant seizure type and incon- sistent hormonal data, although seizures may respond to hormonal therapy. See also Chapter 15. TREATMENT ASPECTS OF NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN GIRLS Most treatments in pediatric neurologic disease are not affected by gender. When hormonal status affects disease (catamenial seizures, migraines), however, then specific hormonal therapy (estrogen and progesterone) may play a role. Treatment in postpubertal girls must always take potential pregnancies into account. The side effects of drugs that may be common in both males and females, may be more cosmetically apparent and bothersome for females (hirsutism in phenytoin therapy). The most common association of gender with treat- ment is that of valproate and polycystic ovary syndrome NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN WOMEN 140 (212). Valproate may increase the risk of not just poly- cystic ovaries but polycystic ovary syndrome, which includes hyperandrogenism, hirsutism, obesity, and poly- cystic ovaries, although there is controversy about actual increased risk (213). PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF NEUROLOGIC DISEASE IN GIRLS Many studies of psychosocial illness in children with chronic disease have been performed, but little data are given on the effects of gender. Isolated examples of gen- der differences can be found; for example, parental response to females with chronic daily headache are more negative than toward boys (194). An excellent review of much of this data by Pless and Nolan (214) reports that girls are less likely than boys to have emotional malad- justment with chronic disease. In general, children with chronic disorders have a twofold increased risk for an emotional handicap (214). This risk is increased if the CNS is involved in the chronic disorder (215). The risk may be further increased by medications used to treat the underlying disorder, because these medications may actu- ally worsen cognitive or behavioral functions. Diagnoses in these children include depression, anxiety disorders, and conduct and behavior disorders. If the disease affects appearance, there may be sig- nificantly abnormal self-esteem. The occurrence of seizures, tics, compulsions, or other disease manifestations in school or in the presence of other children often leads to ridicule. Many children are in an inappropriate class- room setting where they are consistently the poorest stu- dents. A positive correlation exists between headache and school absence (216), and children with more school absences have poorer psychologic adjustment (215). Children often fear visits to their physician. There is anxiety about tests such as imaging studies or blood draw- ing. There may be fears not verbalized by the patient; thoughts that they are dying or have a brain tumor. Edu- cation of parents and children is crucial to addressing these fears. Children should be reassured when appropriate. Adolescence and puberty may be a particularly dif- ficult time. At this time when most adolescents are strug- gling to become more independent, those with chronic disease must incorporate the fact of their disease in this struggle. Parents are fearful of too much independence for the child because they fear a negative impact on the child’s condition. The patient may also be afraid of increasing independence and its effects on their condition. The iso- lation experienced by many adolescents may be com- pounded by a chronic disease. Patients should be allowed as much freedom as is reasonable with regard to the ill- ness. The patient should be included in the decision mak- ing process. Of course, several of the diseases discussed in this chapter affect mental functioning so severely that emo- tional adjustment to the disease is usually not an issue for the child. These are the children whose families are most affected by the severity of the child’s impairment and the intensive care these children require. There may appear to be intense, sometimes pathologic, focus on the affected child, sometimes at the expense of parental rela- tionships or parent–nonaffected sibling relationships. This may stem from parental guilt over the disease, espe- cially in genetic disease. These issues should be addressed by the practitioner early and often, and recommendation for more counseling may be needed. Physicians are often less aware of psychosocial issues. In visits with patients, only 25% of parental expec- tations of psychosocial issues were addressed by the physician (217). References 1. 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P, Zimmer J, Ropers HH X inactivation patterns in two syndromes with probable X-linked dominant, male lethal inheritance Clin Genet 1985;28: 238– 242 67 Gorski JL, Burright EN The molecular genetics of incontinentia pigmenti Semin Dermatol 1993;12:255–265 68 Goldberg MF The blinding mechanisms of incontinentia pigmenti Ophthalmic Genet 19 94; 15:69–76 69 Landy SJ, Donnai D Incontinentia pigmenti (BlochSulzberger... conditions should be distinguished from more sinister causes such as lumbosacral disc disease, bone disease, infections [spinal tuberculosis (Pott’s disease) , meningitis, herpes zoster], and tumors In a review of 347 consecutive cases of surgically proved lumbar disc herniations in women, in which 39% of the women experiencing symptoms either during or immediately after pregnancy, O’Connell (48 ) concluded that... syndrome: the clinical and epileptic spectrum in 10 patients Neurology 1991 ;41 :1656–1662 56 Pinard JM, Motte J, Chiron C, Brian R, Andermann E, Dulac O Subcortical laminar heterotopia and lissencephaly in two families: a single X linked dominant gene J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 19 94; 57:9 14 920 57 Gleeson JG, Allen KM, Fox JW, et al Doublecortin, a brain-specific gene mutated in human X-linked lissencephaly... phenylalanine hydroxylase activity in fetal cells# ↑↑Amino acid levels ↑ Serum methionine; ↑ cystathionine-␤-synthase activity in fetal cells None XR AR ↓ Iduronate sulfatase activity in fetal cells ↓ ␣-iduronidase enzyme activity in fetal cells AR – Niemann-Pick disease • Carbohydrate metabolism – Galactosemia AR ↓ Hexosaminidase A activity (useful for detecting carrier status); DNA analysis ↓ Spingomyelinase . (90). Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease A second disorder inherited in a semidominant fashion is the X-linked form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMTX) disease. Abnormalities of the connexin 32 protein, a gap junction. female Lesch- Nyhan patient. J Clin Invest 1989; 84: 10 24 1027. 163. Aral B, de Saint Basile G, Al-Garawi S, Kamoun P, Cebal- los-Picot I. Novel nonsense mutation in the hypoxan- thine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase. The E 1- subunit has been local- ized to Xq22. Patterns of disease expression make it dif- ficult to classify as simple X-linked recessive or X-linked dominant. Although X-linked, an equal incidence

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