Current communication technology allows us and our customers to use our tools from practically anywhere.. Using technology that didn’t exist a few years ago, it sets up joint auctions be
employee receives an easy-to-interpret warning The employee
can see which node is giving the problem, suggestions on how it
might be solved, and a list of phone numbers to contact to
dis-cuss these potential solutions In many cases, the operator taking
your disgruntled service call can truthfully let you know the
problem has been identified, addressed, and solved
In a recent conversation I had with founder and president Tim
Bolden, he described for me what technology has meant for his
Technology has been an enabler for us Without it, a company
our size could never attempt what we have accomplished.
Ten years ago, we would not have been able to build iGLASS.
The cost of the communication lines alone would have been
pro-hibitive to a company our size Now with low-cost cable modems
and virtual private network devices, we can build a nationwide
network very inexpensively Current communication technology
allows us and our customers to use our tools from practically
anywhere I can access our system in my pajamas at home.
Network operation centers have traditionally been the
do-main of large corporations with lots of money, lots of
equip-ment, and lots of people We have been able to use technology to
accomplish the same thing with a minimal investment, limited
equipment, and only a few people.
I love this story It clearly shows what is really happening out
there with technology A product that has been with us for only a
few years (digital cable) has quickly reached a point where service
levels have become an issue The really smart guys at iGLASS saw
the emerging need before any others and set about building a
so-lution Folks, I’ve seen the solution and while I’m no cutting-edge
engineer, I honestly believe I could work in a service role for the
company The easy-to-see, simple-to-understand interface makes
most problem resolution a snap That’s what technology offers:
not more complications but, instead, more elegant solutions
Trang 2exceed customer expectations is truly new I also know
com-panies that literally could not have existed until recently I have
worked with a company called iGLASS Networks This
seven-employee firm has managed to take a previously complicated
problem and, through technology, find a simpler, more
ele-gant solution (See A Finger on the Pulse—From Anywhere.)
Consider what the following Inc 500 companies were able
to do first:
• CourtSmart Digital Systems installs systems in
rooms that allow lawyers and judges to leave the
court-room carrying a DVD of the day’s proceedings They also
created a digital system to allow police to record
interro-gations and polygraphs With 18 employees, the
com-pany generated $4.4 million in revenue in its last
reported calendar year
• Microtek uses technology to set up a complete
out-sourced training center for companies, handling
registra-tions, printing of manuals, and other logistics through a
web interface With 60 employees, the company
gener-ated $14.5 million in its last fiscal year
• CityXpress is a Canadian company that has its main sales
office in Seattle Using technology that didn’t exist a few
years ago, it sets up joint auctions between 200
newspa-pers and local business owners The owners get
advertis-ing credit for selladvertis-ing extra inventory, the papers get a cut,
and CityXpress gets paid a fee Through technology,
everybody wins The company went from 12 to 45
em-ployees in two years, with several hundred percentage
points in revenue and profit growth
I’m not going to go into all the ways technology can help
you save money and do your job better Frankly, you can only
do that yourself However, I do want to point out that you no
longer have a financial excuse for not using information
tech-nology to your advantage Off the shelf, for a few hundred
dollars or less, you can buy top-tier software programs to
manage your accounting, web page design, documents, and
other day-to-day tasks You can subscribe to online services
that do a great job of salesforce management, supply chain
management, auctioning of unsold inventory, payroll,
tar-geted mailings, or most any other function the big guys are
doing You can buy a box the size of a briefcase that uses
so-phisticated voice recognition to route your phone calls—even
sending them to a designated cell phone
Technology allows you to innovate There are literally
thou-sands of private enterprises out there using technology to
cre-ate businesses that couldn’t have existed a few years ago I’m no
psychic, but I can promise you the same thing will be
happen-ing a decade from now, only faster Fast-growhappen-ing companies are
now offering customized services or products They’re drilling
down into data to find the perfect customer fits for their tiny
niche They’re creating new partnerships to meet customer
de-mands In short, they’re using new technology to do what they
have always done even better Perhaps most importantly,
lead-ing companies are sendlead-ing the right message to the right
prospects at the right time Technology enables growth
The key is figuring out what your real business is and then
riding those waves of creative destruction wherever they lead
Figure out what your solution is—not what your product or
service is Then offer that solution, whatever the means of
de-livery turns out to be
To take advantage of all this, however, you need to be an
ex-pert You need to know what’s out there, what works, and
Trang 4what can help your business You need to know what is on the
way and how it is going to create obstacles or opportunities in
the future No matter what business you are in, you have to
become a technology expert
The best way I know to become an expert is to fully
im-merse yourself in technology as it relates to your business and
industry Really talk to the technology vendors at the next
trade show—not just the salespeople but also the
behind-the-scenes product developers who build the solutions or
applica-tions Find out who writes the technology columns in your
trade publications and become their friend Offer them
valu-able insights into how your business is looking at technology,
and then, perhaps, they can offer a unique perspective on
other areas that might warrant your attention Journalists like
this are dying for someone like you to call You can even invite
a professor from the local community college to use your
company as a case study for a business, computer science, or
engineering class
If you truly can’t get your hands around it and understand
it, hire someone who can be that expert and can explain it to
you regularly in terms that make sense Your company needs
to be on top of the tech trends that are shaping your industry
In Chapter 4, when talking about superior market
intelli-gence, one of the things you are going to be looking for is
dis-ruptive technologies affecting other industries, geographies,
and even individuals
This doesn’t mean you adopt every new gadget that comes
along or that you are always on the bleeding edge of what’s
being pushed into the marketplace Plenty of companies spent
millions on things such as fancy CRM software, only to find
they didn’t have the internal processes or people in place to
re-ally use it Or even worse, they didn’t have the internal
exper-tise to interpret the data the software produces The money
Who Won? Who Lost?
The history books love to talk about winners and losers Let’s look
at the ripple effect some past disruptive technologies created
As the automobile reached critical mass, it literally transformed
America It led to highways, suburbs, travel destinations,
shop-ping malls, and a general spreading out of cities and towns
• Who won? Homebuilders, road builders, steel makers,
rub-ber companies, the lawn care industry, oil refiners, tourist
attractions, big box retailers, convenience stores, and states
such as Florida and California
• Who lost? Trolley car makers, railroads, corner grocery
stores, downtown department stores and movie theaters,
milk and potato chip deliverymen, and much of the
North-east and Midwest
When commercial and then consumer refrigeration technology
came along, the whole food industry was transformed
• Who won? Industrial food processors, fishermen, fruit
im-porters, packaging companies, and appliance makers
• Who lost? Local farmers, retail butchers, ice delivery
com-panies, icebox makers, and anyone else who lost their share
of the local stomach
In just 10 years, the Web went from a novelty to something
that pervades our lives Its impact hits a wide swath: research,
shopping, supply chains, marketing, customer relations, financial
Trang 6management, communication, media, entertainment, and manymore.
• Who won? Anyone who saw the potential, but the big ner so far has been the consumer
win-• Who lost? Old-guard middlemen, anyone who reacted tooslowly, and anyone whose business was based on sole access
to information: travel agents, insurance agents, car dealers,newspapers (especially classified ads), and encyclopediapublishers
You could run this little exercise in your head for a long list ofdevelopments Imagine what happened when steel, fuel oil, elec-tricity, plastic, or air conditioning came along For the businessyou are in, look for what could rock your cozy world and beready to adapt
would have been better spent on hiring the right people and
training them well By being an expert, however, or having a
talented one at your disposal, you will know what your
busi-ness can take advantage of and what is just a distraction
In the new millennium, your future depends on your
recogni-tion of disruptive technologies You’re not going to have 10 or
20 years to change course You might have 2 years, 10 months,
or 20 days Information circles the globe in a nanosecond, so
competitive innovations of any kind will enjoy a shorter and
shorter time frame
As I mentioned before, the Web has been in our lives for only
10 years or less, depending on when we each first logged on
Look at how radically some industries have been transformed
during that time I mentioned a few industries before, but here
Low-Tech Innovation
Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Steven Jobs: All of these names are
synonymous with the advancement of modern technology But
technology alone never would have made these people
success-ful It was their uncanny knack for innovation that really led to
their unprecedented success and icon status Ben Franklin
fa-mously harnessed the power of electricity, but it took more than
a century before anyone found an innovative way to make a buck
from it I submit to you that these American icons should be
re-membered as innovators, not technologists When evaluating any
technology, the prudent growth-oriented small business owner
should have marketable innovation as his or her goal
To me, no one better personifies innovation than a Chicago
baker named Jimmy Dewar In the fall of 1930, Dewar noticed
that the stack of shortcake pans resting in a corner of his bakery
was used only a couple of months a year But on that day, Dewar
didn’t see just a stack of pans He saw an opportunity
Dewar mixed together a pan full of sponge cake and sent it
through the oven He mixed up some crème and stuffed the cake
with a core of the fresh filling On a fall day in 1930, Jimmy
Dewar took a pile of idle assets and created an American icon
If you don’t think that’s innovative, ask one of the people who
ate one of the half billion Twinkies produced last year
To start thinking like a Jimmy Dewar, ask yourself the
follow-ing questions:
• What are my current assets?
• How can I use them in new and better ways?
• Is there anywhere my existing assets can streamline my
Trang 8are more: book publishing, consumer retail, employment
ad-vertising, software, direct marketing, dating services,
advertis-ing, the recorded music industry, movie rentals, and package
delivery Within companies, the Web is influencing inventory
control, shipping practices, employment screening, financial
reporting, and a dozen other factors
Most observers, even in the small business world, have been
predicting this for years A study titled The Future of Small
Business, authored in 1999 by Dr Richard W Oliver, had the
following quote in the executive summary:
While new opportunities created by technology seem limitless,
some small firms, particularly those resistant to innovation, are
threatened by these changes The rapid pace of change associated
with computerization and the Internet will force smaller firms to
Jimmy Dewar innovated with technology available to mostany other baker at that time There was nothing special about hisparticular oven or his brand of pastry gun It was a new way oflooking at his existing technology that led to this revolutionarynew product
When considering your existing assets, leave no stone turned because nothing is too sacred, too special, or too perfectthat it can’t be improved on—even the Twinkie
un-Just ask Chris Sell, a Brooklyn, New York, restaurateur who afew years back decided to batter-coat one of Dewar’s creationsand deep fry it His result: hour-long lines of people wanting topay $3 a pop for a deep-fried Twinkie Terrible for our arteries,perhaps, but a great innovation for Mr Sell
So keep your eyes open With a little ingenuity, innovation can
be a piece of cake
change even more effectively in the next 10 to 15 years
Adapt-ability, willingness to change, and the ability to execute are the
mantra for the Internet era.
Looking back now, it seems unbelievable that anyone
run-ning a business didn’t see this coming It was like a big, fat,
hairy monster stomping through Main Street, U.S.A., crushing
buildings in its wake, shouting, “Look at me! Look at me!”
Watch for the signs, so you’re not the guy taking a nap on a park
bench, about to be stomped on, who says, “What monster?”
At the beginning of this chapter, I tried to discourage any
preconceived notions of what this technology chapter was
going to be about I hope that I provided you with at least a
slightly new and broader perspective on a topic that has been
discussed ad nauseam in the past few years Much of this has
more or less been said before, perhaps more directly by some
and even more eloquently by others My goal was to plainly
outline a macroview of what technology means for you, in my
humble opinion, from one small businessperson to another
My big point is this: The role of technology in the human
condition cannot be overstated It has been with us since the
dawn of civilization, and it will be even more pervasive in our
near future Don’t allow the endless cycle of hype and
disillu-sionment, boom and bust, and trial and error dissuade you
from fully immersing yourself in technology for the growth of
your business, growth of your employees, service of your
cus-tomers, and, ultimately, growth of you as an innovative leader
If you take one thing away from this chapter, it is this:
Watch for the coming waves of technological innovation, and
learn how to ride them Over the next 10 years, regardless of
your chosen field of endeavor, technological advancements
will be more pervasive and impactful than ever before Learn
how to evaluate and implement these opportunities quickly,
and assume that these tools are only temporary
Trang 10SU G G E S T E D NE X T ST E P S
1 Review the opening henequen story Determine how this
les-son per tains to your business Be sure to use the words status quo and changing technology.
2 Invite a number of hardware, software, and telecom firms tovisit your business, and ask them to propose a way to save youmoney In par ticular, ask them to look for mundane tasks thatshould be automated but currently are not
3 Identify one or more exper ts who can assist you in your nology education
tech-4 Become the exper t on how wireless technology will impact abusiness like yours
5 Look at your existing tools and technology (not just tion technology) Consider innovating in those areas in whichyour existing technology is underutilized
Trang 12RULE 6:
You’re only as good as the people you hire.
—Ray Kroc
Since I have become a business growth expert, one question
always comes up in media interviews: “What is the number
one issue facing small business today?” When I first declared
myself a growth expert, my answer was simply “money.” It was
accurate because that was small business’s perception in the
go-go days of the mid-1990s The economy was really
begin-ning to boom, opportunities abounded, and small business
owners felt that the number one barrier to growth was access
to capital to fuel expansion
Now we are all a little wiser Like most small business
own-ers today, I now realize that the number one issue facing small