[...]... 19 3 19 4 19 6 200 203 2 07 2 07 2 07 211 216 2 17 220 2 21 222 222 222 223 224 224 225 226 226 226 2 27 Application 2 31 7. 1 Introduction 7. 2 Automatic Audio Segmentation 7. 2 .1 Feature Extraction 7. 2.2 Segmentation 7. 2.3 Metric-Based Segmentation 7. 2.4 Model-Selection-Based Segmentation 7. 2.5 Hybrid Segmentation 7. 2.6 Hybrid Segmentation Using MPEG- 7 ASP 7. 2 .7 Segmentation Results 2 31 234 235 236 2 37 242 243... and algorithms as a starting point Many state-of-the-art analysis and description 1. 2 MPEG- 7 AUDIO CONTENT DESCRIPTION – AN OVERVIEW 3 algorithms beyond MPEG- 7 are introduced and compared with MPEG- 7 in terms of computational complexity and retrieval capabilities 1. 2 MPEG- 7 AUDIO CONTENT DESCRIPTION – AN OVERVIEW The MPEG- 7 standard provides a rich set of standardized tools to describe multimedia content. .. and Searching Methods 6.2.4 MPEG- 7- Standardized AudioSignature 6.3 Audio Signal Quality 6.3 .1 AudioSignalQuality Description Scheme 6.3.2 BroadcastReady 6.3.3 IsOriginalMono 6.3.4 BackgroundNoiseLevel 6.3.5 CrossChannelCorrelation 6.3.6 RelativeDelay 6.3 .7 Balance 6.3.8 DcOffset 6.3.9 Bandwidth 6.3 .10 TransmissionTechnology 6.3 .11 ErrorEvent and ErrorEventList References 6 18 2 18 5 19 0 19 2 19 2 19 3 19 4... extraction and description We will provide various examples to illustrate how trade-offs between size and performance of the descriptions can be achieved 1. 1 AUDIO CONTENT DESCRIPTION Audio content analysis and description has been a very active research and development topic since the early 1 970 s During the early 19 90s – with the advent of digital audio and video – research on audio and video retrieval. .. 246 250 CONTENTS 7. 3 Sound Indexing and Browsing of Home Video Using Spoken Annotations 7. 3 .1 A Simple Experimental System 7. 3.2 Retrieval Results 7. 4 Highlights Extraction for Sport Programmes Using Audio Event Detection 7. 4 .1 Goal Event Segment Selection 7. 4.2 System Results 7. 5 A Spoken Document Retrieval System for Digital Photo Albums References Index ix 254 254 258 259 2 61 262 265 266 2 71 Acronyms... Both human users and automatic systems that process audiovisual information are within the scope of MPEG- 7 In general MPEG- 7 provides such tools for audio as well as images and video data .1 In this book we will focus on the audio part of MPEG- 7 only MPEG- 7 offers a large set of audio tools to create descriptions MPEG- 7 descriptions, however, do not depend on the ways the described content is coded... initiated the MPEG- 7 “Multimedia Content Description Interface” work item in 19 97 The target of this activity was to develop an international MPEG- 7 standard that would define standardized descriptions and description systems The primary purpose is to allow users or agents to search, identify, filter and browse audiovisual content MPEG- 7 became an international standard in September 20 01 Besides support... scenario 1. 2 MPEG- 7 AUDIO CONTENT DESCRIPTION – AN OVERVIEW 5 the audio files (i.e whether the broadcast files are news, music, etc.) Even if this is not the case, it is often possible to categorize the audio files based on the low-level MPEG- 7 descriptors stored in the database 1. 2 .1 MPEG- 7 Low-Level Descriptors The MPEG- 7 low-level audio descriptors are of general importance in describing audio There... piece of audio data The efficiency of a particular fingerprint MPEG- 7 Audio and Beyond: Audio Content Indexing and Retrieval © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd H.-G Kim, N Moreau and T Sikora 2 1 INTRODUCTION used for comparison and classification depends greatly on the application, the extraction process and the richness of the description itself This book will provide an overview of various strategies and. .. correspond to application areas are integrated in the standard: audio signature, musical instrument timbre, melody description, general sound recognition and indexing, and spoken content They are good examples of how the MPEG- 7 audio framework may be integrated to support other applications 1. 2 MPEG- 7 AUDIO CONTENT DESCRIPTION – AN OVERVIEW 7 Musical Instrument Timbre Tool The aim of the timbre description . 17 1 5 .1. 1 Introduction 17 1 5 .1. 2 InstrumentTimbre 17 3 5 .1. 3 HarmonicInstrumentTimbre 17 4 5 .1. 4 PercussiveInstrumentTimbre 17 6 5 .1. 5 Distance Measures 17 6 5.2 Melody 17 7 5.2 .1 Melody 17 7 5.2.2. and Sub-Word Indexing 16 1 4.5 Conclusions 16 3 4.5 .1 MPEG- 7 Interoperability 16 3 4.5.2 MPEG- 7 Flexibility 16 4 4.5.3 Perspectives 16 6 References 1 67 5 Music Description Tools 17 1 5 .1 Timbre 17 1 5 .1. 1. Recognition Systems 10 8 4.2.3 Recognition Results 11 1 4.3 MPEG- 7 SpokenContent Description 11 3 4.3 .1 General Structure 11 4 4.3.2 SpokenContentHeader 11 4 4.3.3 SpokenContentLattice 12 1 4.4 Application: