the new shape to modify an existing shape, select the ‘Vector mask thumbnail’ in the layers palette and one of the options to the right of the ‘Create new shape layer’ icon in the Option
Trang 1the new shape to modify an existing shape, select the ‘Vector mask thumbnail’ in the layers palette and one of the options to the right of the ‘Create new shape layer’ icon in the Options bar.
Defi ning a new custom shape
When a vector shape is completed it can be
saved or archived as a ‘Custom Shape’ for future
use To create a custom shape drag the ‘Path
Selection Tool’ or ‘Direct Selection Tool’ over
the entire vector shape to select all points, and
then from the Edit menu select ‘Defi ne Custom
Trang 2Creating a simple vector logo
Photographers displaying and distributing images to clients over the Internet are wise to protect their images By adding a small identifying logo to images or by adding a larger reduced opacity watermark over the entire image it makes the image more diffi cult to appropriate The easiest and fastest way to apply either of these identifying graphics is to store the logo in Photoshop itself rather than as a separate image fi le Photoshop can store the logo as a ‘vector’ shape that is
‘resolution-independent’ (it can be drawn any size without becoming pixellated)
Photoshop is shipped with a small assortment of pre-drawn vector shapes called ‘Custom Shapes’ Any vector shape created can be stored as a ‘Custom Shape’ adding your own shapes
to Photoshop’s selection – hence the name ‘Custom Shapes’
In this activity you will create a custom shape from a simple combination of vector shapes and
a letter As you become confi dent with the tools you can begin to get more elaborate – but remember, the logos of the very powerful companies tend to be very simple
1 Start by going to File > New File to create an empty canvas that is 320 × 320 pixels with a resolution of 160ppi (a precise size and resolution is not important at this stage as a vector logo can be scaled later for the required output device without a problem) The resolution and pixel dimensions suggested create a fi le output size of 2 × 2 inches The fi le can be resized later to create a larger graphic without any risk of pixellating because of the very nature of vector shapes that are ‘resolution-independent’ (not described by pixels)
Trang 3the illustration The guides will help you create a
symmetrical and uniform logo To create guides
go to the ‘View’ menu and select Show Rulers
Check the rulers are set to pixels If they are not
set to pixels you can quickly reset them by going
to Edit > Preferences > Units & Rulers
Click on a vertical or horizontal ruler and drag a
guide into the image area using the ruler to guide
you The guides for this activity were placed in
the following positions:
~ 20, 60 and 85 pixels from each side
~ 160 pixel center position
~ 40 and 60 pixels from the top
~ 60 and 80 pixels from the bottom
3 Select the Type tool and type the letter ‘M’ in the center of the new canvas (in the illustration the font Arial Bold 72 pt was used)
Note > You can use any letter or letters to personalize the logo.
The background in the illustration was fi lled with a light gray The 1-pixel wide white lines were drawn over a grid and then blurred a little using the ‘Gaussian Blur’ fi lter This background does not form part of the logo
4 Select the type layer and go to Layer > Type > Convert to Shape
Trang 45 From the Edit menu select ‘Defi ne Custom
Shape’ Name the shape layer The shape is
stored in the ‘Custom Shapes’ and will be used
later in the activity
6 Delete the shape layer (the letter ‘M’) by
dragging the layer to the trash in the layers
7 Select the ‘Ellipse Tool’ (residing behind the
‘Rectangle Tool’) in the tools palette or on the
‘Options bar’
8 Starting in the top left-hand corner (where the
guides intersect) click and drag the cross hair to
the intersection of the guides in the bottom
right-hand corner of the canvas area
Now select the ‘Subtract from shape area’ icon
in the Options bar and drag a second smaller
ellipse that will cut out or subtract from the original
ellipse Use the guides to locate the starting and
fi nishing points
9 Select the ‘Add to shape area’ icon and
your custom shape from the palette Move the
mouse cursor to your ellipse and add the custom
shape (click and drag the mouse) If you need to
resize the letter you can use the Free Transform
command from the Edit menu If you need to
move the letter select the shape using the ‘Path
Selection Tool’ (black arrow) and then click and
drag the letter to a more suitable position
Trang 5or more of these paths The Direct Selection Tool (white arrow) can be used to select an individual anchor point on any of the paths to adjust the path’s shape
The ‘active’ adjustment point will be highlighted when selected and can be moved by dragging the point or using the arrow keys on the keyboard Adjust the inner ellipse so that the width is even
by selecting each of the side anchor points in turn and then tapping the left or right arrow key on your keyboard
Note > Each anchor point that is selected will display one or two ‘direction lines’ that end
in ‘direction points’ These can be moved
to change the shape and size of the curve between the two anchor points.
11 When all adjustments to your logo are complete ensure the vector thumbnail is selected and select ‘Defi ne Custom Shape’ from the Edit menu again to add the combined shape to the custom shapes menu It is now possible to throw away all the layers then select the custom shape from the custom shapes palette and draw another
Note > Custom shapes can be saved as a shapes fi le The shapes fi le can be loaded into another copy of Photoshop on a different computer by clicking on ‘Load Shapes’ and browsing to the shapes fi le to be uploaded
Trang 6Alternative ways of acquiring a shape
An alternative to creating your shape in Photoshop is to import a vector shape from Adobe Illustrator or by scanning a piece of artwork (a shape that exists on a piece of paper) using a
fl atbed scanner
When Adobe Photoshop opens an Adobe Illustrator fi le it asks for the fi le to be assigned a size and resolution so that it can be ‘rasterized’ (converted to pixels) To protect the vector properties of the shape the fi le should fi rst be opened in Illustrator, the path or paths selected and then copied to the clipboard (Edit > Copy) The vector fi le can then be pasted (Edit > Paste) as a vector shape
in an open Photoshop fi le
If a shape has been scanned and opened as a ‘bitmap’ fi le (a fi le constructed from pixels) in Photoshop you must fi rst make a selection of the shape With the selection active go to the ‘paths’ palette and from the palette options select ‘Make Work Path’ Select this path with the ‘Path Selection Tool’ and then proceed to the ‘Edit’ menu to save this active path as your custom shape
Layer styles
After dragging a logo to suit your needs the
custom shape can then be quickly assigned a
layer style A layer style is a series of layer effect
settings that has been saved (as a style) and can
be a combination of layer effects such as ‘Drop
Shadow’ and ‘Bevel and Emboss’ To apply a
layer style, click on the shape layer and then click
on a style from the ‘styles’ palette
12 To create the ‘Blue Glass’ effect start with
the one that comes shipped with Photoshop
by clicking on the style with your shape layer
Note > Unlike the vector logo the styles
are resolution dependent The effects are
described in pixels, e.g a 3-pixel bevel,
etc A layer style that is suited to a
high-resolution graphic will not be suitable for
a low-resolution graphic destined for the
Internet Photoshop offers the option of
scaling all of the layer effects at the same
time In this way a layer style that is suited
for use with a high-resolution image can be
quickly scaled to one suited for an image with
a lower resolution.
Trang 7Specifi cations for the Drop Shadow
Hue: 210 Saturation: 80 Brightness: 55
Blend: Multiply Opacity: 70% Angle: 90º
Distance: 16 px Spread: 0% Size: 14 px
Contour: Linear Noise: 0%
Specifi cations for the ‘Outer Glow’
Trang 8Saving your style
15 With the graphics layer selected click on
‘New Style’ in the styles palette to add the
modifi ed style You may choose to add the
image resolution to the name of the style Just
as with the shape the style can be saved as a
styles fi le
Scaling your logo
If the logo is destined for the Internet the fi le
should be scaled using the Image Size dialog
box (go to Image > Image Size) Make sure the
‘Resample Image’ box is checked and drop the
resolution until the pixel dimensions required are
achieved Check the Scale Styles to preserve
the appearance of the styles used in preparing
the graphic
Note > Once scaled you can ‘jump’ the fi le
into ImageReady to optimize or animate the
fi le by clicking on the ‘Jump’ icon at the base
of the tools palette.
The logo with personalized style and used at a reduced opacity to act as a watermark
Trang 9Creating an animated graphic for the web
We can use Adobe ImageReady, the companion software to Photoshop, to animate and optimize images destined for the ‘World Wide Web’ If our animation plans include rotating a graphic in space we should fi rst make some different viewpoints in Photoshop before jumping the multi-layered fi le into ImageReady, as the vector tools are not replicated in ImageReady
Photoshop is not really designed as a cutting-edge 3D rendering program, but it is quite capable
of creating a few alternative viewpoints of an image by using the Transform command Although capable of rendering a graphic to appear three-dimensional, Photoshop has no way of knowing or understanding the depth of the two-dimensional graphics that are created using the vector tools The process of rendering alternative viewpoints in Photoshop is only a semi-automated feature, as
we must instruct Photoshop how the graphic will look as it is turned in space
1 Start with the full size graphic created for
‘Activity 2’ Add some additional guides to the
canvas area, 20 pixels from the top and 40 pixels
from the bottom Drag the layer with the vector
logo to the New Layer icon in the layers palette
to duplicate the layer
2 Using the command ‘Edit > Transform >
Perspective’ drag the corner handles to increase
the height on the left-hand side and reduce the
height on the right-hand side By dragging the
side handles of the bounding box, the width of
the graphic can be reduced Press the ‘return/
enter’ key to apply the transformation
Trang 10made wider by clicking on the inner ellipse and then dragging (or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard) the anchor point to a new position.
4 Duplicate this modifi ed layer in the layers
palette before proceeding to alter the perspective
a second time The existing guides will help you
to reposition the bounding box when using the
Transform command
Note > It is important to ensure the top of the
ellipse remains in the same position as you
create additional views of the logo, if the logo
is later to appear to be spinning on the spot
(use the intersection point of two guides to
help you).
5 It will be necessary to create a new shape layer for the side view rather than modify an existing layer Use the ‘Rounded Rectangle Tool’ to draw a bar between the top and bottom guides Alter the radius in the Options bar to obtain an appropriate end shape to this bar A radius of 40 pixels was used in the example
Trang 11shapes layer by dragging the layer effects from
an existing layer to the new layer Open the layer effects on an existing layer with the required style and click and drag the word ‘effects’ to the new layer After completing the side view the logo has turned through 90˚ Duplicating and ‘fl ipping’ your existing layers can create the viewpoints of the remaining 270˚
7 To create the additional views to complete the 360˚ rotation duplicate a pre-existing layer and
fl ip the logo if required
Note > To fl ip a vector shape select all the paths using the Path Selection tool and then
go to Edit > Transform Path > Flip Horizontal.
8 Your layers palette should look like the one opposite when you have completed a 180˚ turn
Note > As the demonstration graphic is symmetrical there is no need to create additional viewpoints.
9 Save the fi le as a PSD fi le Before jumping a Photoshop fi le with layer effects into ImageReady, scale the image in the ‘Image Size’ dialog box using the resolution control to alter the pixel dimensions
Trang 12Combined use of fi lters and styles
Vector graphics can be integrated into the image using a variety of skills and techniques Layer styles can be used together with Displace and Liquify fi lters to embed a logo into a photographic background With a little skill and knowledge three dimensional graphics can be created and rendered from scratch in Photoshop without a requirement for any drawing skills
1 Create a new RGB fi le 5 inches square with a resolution of 300ppi
2 Set the foreground color to black and choose a desaturated color for the background (click on the background color to launch the ‘Color Picker’)
Trang 133 From the ‘Filter’ menu choose ‘Render > Clouds’
4 From the channels palette click on the ‘Create
new channel’ icon at the base of the palette The
new channel should appear fi lled with black
5 From the ‘Filter’ menu choose ‘Render > Difference Clouds’
6 Click on the master RGB channel and return
to the background layer in the layers palette
From the ‘Filter’ menu choose ‘Render > Lighting
Effects’ From the ‘Texture Channel’ menu
choose your ‘Alpha 1’ channel and move the
slider to ‘Mountainous’
Trang 148 From the ‘Duplicate Channel’ dialog box select
‘New’ from the ‘Document’ menu and select OK
Save the new fi le as your image map to your
desktop or project folder This will act as the
displacement map to distort the logo to follow the
contours of the background
9 Open a vector logo fi le that you have created
for an earlier activity Drag the vector logo
thumbnail over to the background image to create
a multi-layered fi le Discard any layer styles you
may already have
Trang 1511 Add a Bevel and Emboss, Inner Shadow and
Color overlay layer styles to one of the two vector
layers Choose black for the Color Overlay
Choose ‘Outer Bevel’ and ‘Chisel Hard’ for the
‘Style’ and ‘Technique’ options in the Bevel and
Emboss layer style dialog box
Trang 1612 Reduce the ‘Fill’ opacity to reveal the underlying surface The black ‘Color Overlay’ will serve
to darken the bottom of the trench slightly
13 Apply an Overlay blend mode to the logo copy layer and reduce the fi ll opacity to 50% Apply a Bevel and Emboss layer style to this layer To create the illusion of water fi lling the trench select a
‘Gloss Contour’ Switch off the ‘Global Light’ and position the light source just above center Some
fi ne-tuning will be required to move the refl ection over the surface of the water
Note > Experiment with grouping an image to the top layer at a reduced opacity to create the illusion of a refl ected image.
Trang 18images for the web
~ Create an animation for the web using Adobe ImageReady
~ Create a web page usingslices, rollovers, links and optimization in Adobe ImageReady
essential skills
Itti Karuson