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TWE Essays 135/292 135 if I am to travel with a group led by a tour guide, this pleasure seems impossible. Travel alone means that I can meet new people more freely. I can meet not only the other travelers, but also the local residents whenever I travel to a new place. If the person I want to meet is not available at the present time, I can even reschedule my time. But if I travel in a group led by a tour guide, I have to stick to the schedule. I have to take other people’s time into consideration. That means I will lose a lot of chances to meet new people. Travel alone also means I can try new things personally. I can go anywhere I want and do something different from my lifestyle. However, if I travel in a group, the place where I go and the things that I will deal with are all arranged and fixed in advance. I have no choice but to follow. That will be miserable for me as a traveler. When I finally mange to take a travel, I want to relax myself totally. Work is too hard to do and I am really eager to have an enjoyable break. However, I am in a group and I have to stick to the travel schedule, to consider the other group members’ feelings, to go wherever the tour guide leads to. That seems just like I am on my duty at work again. I cannot really get relaxation. I always prefer to travel alone. I would like to meet a lot of different people, experiencing new things on my way in traveling. I think that only scheduling my travel time more casually can make me relax completely. Would not that be the only purpose of traveling? I would like to encourage you to travel alone too. In any case, do not travel in a group led by a tour guide. (Essay ID: 534 ) Topic: 74 There are basically two ways of traveling: traveling in a group led by a tour guide, or traveling independently. There are advantages and disadvantages of the both. By traveling in a group, you will enjoy the companionship, comfort and safety of group travel, and learn more information about the place from a tour guide; while traveling independently, you can maintain the freedom, flexibility and individualism. Some people say that for most people, the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. I agree with this opinion. Firstly, you will enjoy the companionship when traveling in a group. Usually a tour group consists of around 20 people. These people travel together, eat together and stay in the same hotel. During the trip, you can always find someone you like to talk with, and you will never feel lonely as when you are travelling alone. Secondly, you will enjoy the comfort and safety of group travel. When traveling in a group, everything is pre-arranged by the travel agent, and you do not have to worry about booking a ticket, finding a hotel, decide what places to visit, and so on. In the meantime, as you are not preoccupied with arranging the trip by yourself, you may find yourself concentrate more on the trip itself and enjoy it more. In addition, it is much safer to travel in a group. Your personal safety is always taken cared of by others. Thirdly, you can learn more information about the place from a tour guide, and not worrying about missing an important spot. The tour guide will take you to each spot that should be visited, and give you detailed information about the place you visit. You never have to find information about the places you are going to through the Internet or buy a book from the bookstore. Traveling in a group can save you time and money on information searching. In conclusion, there are many advantages of traveling in a group. Although for young people, TWE Essays 136/292 136 traveling alone is more advantages and stimulating, for most people, traveling in a group is the best choice. (Essay ID: 160 ) Topic: 75 Some universities require students to choose a variety of subjects; others only require students to specialize in one subject. I deem the first one as the premier choice. Among countless factors, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows. The main reason for my propensity that students should take classes in many subjects is that they can make full use of the abundant resources that a university has to offer. A university has plenty of educational and research resources. It is a very good idea to make full use of these valuable assets while studying in the university. The best way to achieve this is to take a variety of subjects as much as possible. Through learning these courses, a student can get access to knowledge and resources in different areas. On the contrary, if a student only specializes in one subject, he will not have a chance to get access to other resources offered by the university. Another reason can be seen by every person is that by choosing many subjects students can broaden their knowledge and make a solid foundation for their future concentrated study. Whatever the student will concentrate on in his senior years in college, it is necessary that he choose a wide range of subjects to build the knowledge foundation. Take the field of Business Management for example, the student has to acquire knowledge in writing, accounting, economics and human resource management before he can successfully start his major concentration study. The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because students can be more adaptable in their future career if they choose a variety of subjects during their university study. It is obvious that the development of modern society requires people with inter- disciplinary and comprehensive knowledge. If a student chooses a variety of subjects in his university study, and gained a breath and width of knowledge, he will be more adaptable to the requirement of the society, and be able to easily adjust to many kinds of jobs. This will benefit his future career. In a word, taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that students should take classes in many subjects in a university. (Essay ID: 161 ) Topic: 75 The whole point of my answer is that it is better for universities to require students to specialize in one subject. It is just what the majors are called for, even though there are a couple of the advantages of students’ taking classes in many subjects. It is a more sensible decision that universities require students to specialize in one subject. They must have known that the depth of a certain subject is infinite while both the students’ energy and time are limited. It probably tells the truth. Only when a student just specializes in one subject, can he focus on it. Thus it ensures the students more likely to be a kind of expert in some subject when they are given the degrees. That is just the purpose of so-called education. It does not mean that students have not too many classes to attend even if they just specialize one subject. There are a lot of sub-subjects or divisions of a main subject. The science of journalism, TWE Essays 137/292 137 for example, can include the theories of journalism, the histories of journalism both domestic and international, the news writing skills, the interview courses and the editorials writing and so on. The students have to study all of these above course as journalism major. It does mean a lot of work to do even if students just specialize one subject. I do not deny there are a couple of advantages for universities to require students to take in many subjects. One thing, the work places require so-called generalist today. Students who take many subjects may probably mean the opportunity of meeting that request. Another is that students who take in many subjects can also help their main subject. Thus probably can help them study what they are majoring better. Whatever the benefit it will be, however, students taking any other subjects should not interfere their main target. In the whole, I thought that universities could allow students to take subjects as many as possible if their times and energies were available. However, I think that possibility is faint. So I have to say that it is better for universities just to urge students to specialize in one subject. After all, the main subject is already a lot of work to cope with, considering the depth and width of one subject. (Essay ID: 536 ) Topic: 76 I think that children should begin to learn a foreign language as soon as they start school. Even many parents taught their children the foreign language before elementary school. It is obvious that really necessary. People can learn a language easily when they are young. Many older people often say that they are too old to learn a foreign language. They can't remember the words or phrases even after hundreds of times reciting. It's hard for them in faith, but while it's quite different from the young. A healthy child has a better and quicker memory, so the new things he learned may not be forgotten easily with the process of time. When you go to the primary school, you begin to learn the knowledge from your teachers. Most of them use their native language while teaching you. If you don't touch the foreign language you want to learn, the longer you receive the education, the more difficult for you to learn it.More and more opportunities to speak Chinese will affect on the consequence of foreign language study directly, unless we start learning it as soon as the school begins. Another reason for early language study is that the young may dare to talk with foreigners and it's a very good chance to practice oral skills. As you know, many grown-ups are bashful to talk with the foreigners, but Grade One or Two students can do so very easily, for they don't care their grammar or expressions right or not.In fact, neither do the foreigners. If they start to learn a foreign language as soon as they go to school, they may also talk with each other in it. What a good chance! It will help a lot, I think. In a word, learning a foreign language as soon as starting school is helpful and important. It's not a burden but one of the best ways of learning. (Essay ID: 532. This is a 5 point essay) Topic: 76 Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school, but others have a negative attitude that learning a foreign language early TWE Essays 138/292 138 will pose too much pressure on kids and will affect their mother-tongue learning. As far as I am concerned, I agree that bilingual education should start as early as possible. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. I agree with the statement without reservation since children learn second languages quickly than adults. As we have observed, children can learn languages faster than adults; and immigrant children translate for their parents who have not learned the language; and that child learners speak without a foreign accent, whereas this is impossible for adult learners. Therefore the earlier kids learn a second language, the less difficulties they would meet when they grow up and have to face a foreign language speaking environment. Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that bilingual education can be fun and stimulate children’s learning interest. Many parents and teachers know how to teach kids a second language in an interesting way. One of my students told me that, when he was in kindergarten, every day his mum taught him a few Chinese characters as well as their meaning in English. As time passed, the kid became keen to learn English. Sometimes he gave mum and dad a quiz by speaking some English words and asking them what their meaning is. Bilingual education will not affect the mother-tongue study of children. As we are living in an environment of pure Chinese conversation and traditional culture, it is impossible for us to give up our culture and language. Teachers also are trying to arrange the curriculum in a proper way. For instance, they create an English-speaking environment for children in the morning, and a Chinese- speaking environment in the afternoon. Bilingual education has become a trend. No matter we like it or not, future educational undertakings will become more international, and exchanges between schools throughout the world will increase. Given this, speaking a common language is important and, to this purpose, bilingual teaching is an inevitable way. (Essay ID: 164 ) Topic: 77 Should boys and girls attend separate schools? This question is very arguable. Before rendering my opinion, let’s consider the advantages for boys and girls to attend separate schools. Since boys and girls are different in many ways, they have different hobbies and the ways to learn new things. If they attend separate schools, the education can be more efficient because the school can teach them differently according to their personalities. But the disadvantages of it is greater. While boys and girls attend separate schools, there’re few chances for them to communicate with opposite sexes, which will become a handicap for them to communicate with each other in their future. As far as I concerned, boys and girls should not attend separate schools. Among countless reason one can think of, the first and foremost reason is that people should have experience with opposite sex when they are in school, because in a society there’re both males and females, people have to learn how to communicate with the opposite sex, which is a essential factor for people to succeed. Moreover, people have to learn from opposite sex. For example, while females should learn braveness from males, males should learn carefulness from females. In addition, in a family, to learn from opposite sex becomes more important to keep the family harmonious. In addition, the knowledge of opposite sex is also important, without such knowledge, dealing with the relationships with opposite sex becomes extremely difficult especially after one’s married. TWE Essays 139/292 139 Finally, as we can see, it’s definitely important for boys and girls to attend schools together, so that they can learn from each other, communicate with each other and they can know each other well, which is very valuable for their future. (Essay ID: 537 ) Topic: 77 Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that boys and girls should attend separate schools, others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that boys and girls should go to separate schools. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. I agree with the statement since single-sex education provide a environment for boys and girls to concentrate on their study. Research shows that a single-sex school environment can eliminate the distraction from members of the opposite sex, and therefore is academically beneficial to students. Girls in an all-female school can establish self-esteem, and avoid the situation faced by young women in co-ed schools such as struggle to survive emotionally. They will be able to focus more on their academic curriculum, sometimes specifically designed, and prepare for their future education and career. The single-sex setting eliminates social distractions and allows for better concentration on academics. Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that traditional gender stereotypes are often reinforced in single-sex academies. Boys tended to be taught in more regimented, traditional and individualistic fashion and girls in more nurturing, cooperative and open environments. This will develop their virtue and prepare them for their future roles in the society. Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that boys and girls should attend separate schools. Of course, there are also disadvantages of single-gender education, and simply separating boys and girls does not always improve the quality of education. A lot of efforts should be made to ensure that a single-gender education system be successful implemented. (Essay ID: 165 ) Topic: 78 In a modern society, employers always face the dilemma of whether to choose a person to work with a group of people or to work independently. This problem is a much-debated one in that it affects everybody in his or her daily lives. While both of the ways may have their advantages and disadvantages, they can be applied under different circumstances. Afterwards, I will explain my opinion about it. To work independently has the obvious advantage that it can prove the ability of a employee. One can use his own knowledge and way to solve the difficulties met during the work. But there lies intrinsic harmful characteristic in this method. Some people warn that a person choosing to work independently may lack the ability of communicating with other people. Furthermore, a person's knowledge and ability are limited. We need others' help or assistance to solve the problems. By means of it, we can improve the efficiency so that a company can make good use of human resources. On the other hand, choosing to work with a group of people also has advantages to some extent. From most advertisements, we can notice that nowadays more and more companies concentrate on communication skills and team-cooperated abilities. The reason is that they believe two heads TWE Essays 140/292 140 are always better than one's. With the combination of all people's knowledge, we can solve the problem or bring out a better solution as soon as possible. In addition, to work with team also can save the time and make more money for companies. As we know, it is a strong competitive society. Time can means a lot to a company. To work with a team can reduce the time to the lowest extend so that the company can increase their competition. Although to work with a team does have its profound advantages, at the mean time there lies some drawbacks in it such as an individual may rely on the others in a team. But if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of working with a group of people carry more weight than those of working independently because the first one fits most companies better in two ways: In the first place, we cannot live in a society independently and we need to communicate with each other, so the communication skill is very important to us. Through teamwork, we can enhance this ability. Secondly, through teamwork, we can try each one's best to give a better idea to save time and make more profit for companies. Therefore from what we have discussed, we may safely come to the conclusion that choosing to work with a group of people is a rather wise decision. (Essay ID: 167 ) Topic: 78 In a modern society, employers always face the dilemma of whether to choose a person to work with a group of people or to work independently. This problem is a much-debated one in that it affects everybody in his or her daily lives. While both of the ways may have their advantages and disadvantages, they can be applied under different circumstances. Afterwards, I will explain my opinion about it. To work independently has the obvious advantage that it can prove the ability of a employee. One can use his own knowledge and way to solve the difficulties met during the work. But there lies intrinsic harmful characteristic in this method. Some people warn that a person choosing to work independently may lack the ability of communicating with other people. Furthermore, a person's knowledge and ability are limited. We need others' help or assistance to solve the problems. By means of it, we can improve the efficiency so that a company can make good use of human resources. On the other hand, choosing to work with a group of people also has advantages to some extent. From most advertisements, we can notice that nowadays more and more companies concentrate on communication skills and team-cooperated abilities. The reason is that they believe two heads are always better than one's. With the combination of all people's knowledges, we can solve the problem or bring out a better solution as soon as possible. In additon, to work with team also can save the time and make more money for companies. As we know, it is a strong competitive society. Time can means a lot to a company. To work with a team can reduce the time to the lowest extend so that the company can increase their competition. Although to work with a team does have its profound advantages, at the mean time there lies some drawbacks in it such as an individual may rely on the others in a team. But if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of working with a group of people carry more weight than those of working independently because the first one fits most companies better in two ways: In the first place, we cannot live in a society independently and we need to communicate with each other, so the communication skill is very important to us. Through team work, we can enhance this ability. Secondly, through team work, we can try each one's best to give a better idea to save time and make more profit for companies. Therefore from what we have discussed, we may safely come to the conclusion that choosing to work with a group of people is a rather wise decision. . also are trying to arrange the curriculum in a proper way. For instance, they create an English-speaking environment for children in the morning, and a Chinese- speaking environment in the afternoon second language in an interesting way. One of my students told me that, when he was in kindergarten, every day his mum taught him a few Chinese characters as well as their meaning in English going to through the Internet or buy a book from the bookstore. Traveling in a group can save you time and money on information searching. In conclusion, there are many advantages of traveling

Ngày đăng: 09/08/2014, 00:23
