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TWE Essays 110/292 110 choose a reliable friend. Now you can see how important choosing a reliable friend is. Secondly, a reliable friend is always ready to help you whenever you are in trouble. There is an old saying that "a friend in need is a friend indeed" which is very meaningful. That is what a reliable friend does. You can always rely on him. We can say that a reliable friend is a true friend. One is lucky if he has even one reliable friend in his life. Not too many words are needed for a reliable friend to help you, just one sentence "thank you, my friend" is enough and you needn’t think hard in the pay back because that is not necessary. That’s the reason why I see reliability as the most important factor when I choose my friends. A reliable person can be trusted and relied on that’s the two reasons why I think reliability is what I want most in a friend. (Essay ID: 400. This is a 5 point essay) Topic: 62 The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style. In my point view, the most important quality for a friend is reliable. Among countless factors which influence the choice, these are three conspicuous aspects as follows. To me, reliability is the most important quality of a friend. A friend is person whom we know, like, and trust. We may know and like a person who is intelligent, or who has a sense of humor, but we cannot can him a friend unless he is also faithful and trustworthy. Perhaps we all know the famous novel by Victor Hugo, Notre-Dame de Paris, and wish that we had a friend like Quasimodo. Although he is ugly, the man has a kind heart and a very loyal nature. He seems dedicated to anyone who will show him in turn kindness. Even if someone we know who does not have a sense of humor, or does not intelligent enough, he can still be our friend because he is the one we can trust. Another reason can be seen by every person is that a friend must a person whom we can depend on. He is willing to listen to us, give us supports, and sympathizes with us when we are in need. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” A friend is a person whom we can trust our feelings and inner thoughts with, and do not fear that he will betray us. It is hard to imagine that anyone will share his thoughts with a person who, afterwards will spread the content of their conversation to everyone else in the world. Of course, intelligent and humorous are also important qualities of a friend. A friend who is mentally acute can give us sound judgment and rationality when we have problems; a friend who is funny can give us an enjoyable time, and add spice to our life. But for me, I still think that the most important quality of a friend is being reliable. (Essay ID: 146 ) Topic: 62 Friendship is a very important part in everyone's life. There are different kinds of friends: some of them are intelligent, some have a good sense of humor and some are reliable. What I want most is the friend who has a good sense of humor. Humor is a very important character for a person, because a person who is humorous can always bring us happiness. I have a friend, who is not very intelligent, but he is one of my best friends, simply because he has a good sense of humor. Whenever I call him, talk with him, he always tells TWE Essays 111/292 111 me some funny jokes that make me laughing. Even though I am in a very bad mood, he can make me laugh and forget about the sad things. In addition, a person with a good sense of humor is very optimistic; they can make our world full of light. But if a person doesn't have a sense of humor at all, that's really bad. No matter how intelligent he is, no matter how reliable he is, he will never bring us happiness, although he can help us to solve a few problems, but his world is without laughter. In my class there is a very smart guy, but because of his lack of humor, we don't like to play with him, although it seems that he knows everything. Friends are very important in everyone's life, and humor is the most important characteristic in a friend, because humorous friends make us happy. They make our life full of joy, and full of laughter. (Essay ID: 144 ) Topic: 62 Almost every person in the world needs friends. Different people hold different opinions in choosing friends. Some consider intelligence as the most important characteristics in their friends; others regard a sense of humor as the most significant personality. As far as I am concerned, reliability, which means faith, confidence and trust, is of vital importance. The reasons go as follows. Firstly, based on reliability, friendship can be lasting. On the one hand, when your friends are faithful, you would love to get in close touch with them. For instance, you could reveal your secrets to them without worry about being betrayed, and tell them your pleasure so as to double the joys. On the other hand, when you are loyal to your friends, they would also like to keep relationship between each other. Undoubtedly, you will be frequently invited to friends’ get- togethers and discussions, in which your opinions will be fully taken into consideration since your friends respect you and know your suggestion does good not only to yourself but also to them as well. Thus, willing of both your friends and you to continue the formed friendship will lead to your perpetual friendship. What’s more, reliability makes real friendship more solid and deeper. Take borrowing money as example, it is almost completely sure that, probably besides your family, people you ask for money are your most reliable friends. You turn to them because you trust their sincerity to give you help, and, at the same time, they exert themselves to meet your need because they are confident of your attitude to your friendship, to be more specific, your promise to return money. Friendship between those friends and you, thereby, gets further development and finally becomes really invaluable friendship just in coincide with the old saying- a friend in need is a friend indeed. In conclusion, reliability can be a norm to exam the real friendship and motivate people to deepen their friendship. When I choose my friends, reliability is the foremost factor to be considered. Not only should my friends be reliable to our friendship, but also I should too. (Essay ID: 145 ) Topic: 63 Some people assume that most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time will become valuable lessons for the future. I agree with it. In my opinion, most difficult experiences we go through now will help develop our personalities, such as persistence, independence and TWE Essays 112/292 112 confidence, which are most valuable for our future. Persistence is the first lesson most difficult experiences will teach us. When I was a little girl, teachers and parents always taught me that if you want to succeed in our future, then you must learn how to keep ourselves persisting on our goals. From that time, I know no matter what kind of dreams I hold, I must persist in realizing them. For me, entering a university is a very good example. During my high school, I felt math was the most difficult subject for me. I almost gave up my dreams because of my poor math scores. However my mom asked me not to give up my plan and encourage me to keep going on. Finally I succeeded in entering a prestigious university. After entering the university, I learned my second lesson - independence. It was a really difficult time for me because I was never far away from my parents for such a long time, what's more, I need to take care of myself not only about living conditions but also about my study. At the first period I really didn't know how to adapt myself into the new environment, it was no surprise that I got lost during that time. Luckily, I have my parents and friends' encouragement to help me go through that quite difficult time. Now I am working in Singapore and I think what makes me get used to this fast society is due to my college's experiences. I believe that I will become more independent than before. Building enough confidence is another lesson the difficult experiences teaches me. Not everyone is born to be confident. What helps me build my confidence is also through most failures I went through. There is an old saying " failure is the mother of success". Yes, it is true! Through failures we can learn what we are short of and gain a lot of lessons from others. Building confidence is a gradual process. It takes time and you may see our improvement a few years later. I think the chance of getting this job greatly relies on myself to show much confidence that I can do this job well. There is no denying that three important personalities I learned from most difficult experiences before make my life totally different now. In a short, we need to go through many experiences no matter they are sweet or bitter. Although most experiences are currently difficult or a bit tough for us, it is believed that this kind of influence is powerful and definitely will be valuable for our future. (Essay ID: 379 ) Topic: 63 Some people argue that most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time, can later become valuable experiences. I cannot agree with them more. There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence on this opinion, and I would explore only a few primary ones here. Difficulties are beneficial to our personal growth. In the course of our life, we are going to face numerous difficulties and obstacles, and each difficulty will help us grow up, and become a valuable lesson for the future. A toddler fells off the ground for many times before he knows how to walk, and a child learns how to swim after he drinks water in the swimming pool. In addition, only after we experienced failures, we know the value of success. We will never appreciate anything that comes so easy. Difficulties can make us feel stronger and be more confident for the future obstacles. Furthermore, difficulties in our work can help us gain more experience and knowledge. Most of the times we can gain knowledge and experiences faster through experiencing difficulties in our life and trying to find a solutions to the perplexities that we face. There is a famous saying, no pain, no gain. For example, when we take on a new job that we do not have much experience in, TWE Essays 113/292 113 the first few weeks can be extremely painful and we may feel enormous pressure and difficulties. And we will try our best to adjust, to learn and to think, how to do this job better. The more difficulties we feel, the harder we try to acquire the skills and knowledge to overcome it. Learning and this stage is extremely efficient and our problem-solving skills well increase. After we overcome more and more problems, we can become an experienced worker in this field and will be able to take on more challenges. We will never fear that we will face the same kind of problem again. This means that we have accumulated valuable experiences for the future. In a word, a difficult experience is a gift that life gives us. We should appreciate it and take it as a precious opportunity to gain knowledge and experience about our study, work and life. (Essay ID: 147 ) Topic: 64 There are many advantages for people to work for themselves and have their own business. For example, you don't need to worry about getting up too late for work; you don't need to worry about the relationship between you and your boss; you may go to work at any time you want, because you are the boss of your own business. You may lead a more spontaneous and free-style life. In spite of this, personally, I would like to work for someone else. No matter what kind of business you own, a domestic or international company, or a small one like a snack shop, you have to take care of many things such as a license, rent, your personnel, your competitors, product-market, even the weather if you own an umbrella shop. That is what I don't like. I don't like a complicated life. I mean, I am just a normal female who hasn't much ambition either in my life or in my career. I am used to having a simple life, a regular life with discipline, without much risk. What is most important for me, besides work, is that I can still have free time the things I enjoy doing, and don't need to think about the business all the time. For me, being a business owner might have too much risk and stress. Of course, being an employee, you are subject to discipline, and pay attention to your boss, but that's a part of life, just like for others, paying attention to their own business, earning a lot of money, and having risk are parts of their lives. In a phrase, I would rather to work for someone else. I just want to have my own simple and regular life! (Essay ID: 148 ) Topic: 64 Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an employer. Personally, I prefer to work for myself. I choose to be self-employed because of the reasons as follows. I can decide what I do according my own willing and interest. This point is the most important because one person can find work motivity from his interest. I also can decide how to do the thing. I can choose my own directions and ways, whereas those who are employed by others must do work according to the directions of their employers. The other important point is that I have freedom to decide when I do the thing. The time I work is determined by myself. I am not constricted by other people. Hence, if I am tired, I can rest in the TWE Essays 114/292 114 daytime; if I have more energy, I can work late at night. I have more freedom on the choice of work time than those who work for an employer. I work for myself, so I only can depend on myself. This can train me to learn more knowledge and to work hard and teach me to face the success and the failure correctly. I can learn how to take advantage of different conditions and deal with different situations from the practice. I can learn to encourage myself when I succeed and not to be afraid of difficulties and failures. Based on the above statements, I think that self-employing has more advantages. So I prefer to be self-employed. (Essay ID: 345. This is a 5 point essay) Topic: 64 Many teachers prefer to assign homework to their students everyday. Some people may think that daily homework is unnecessary and that it may be even an extra burden to children. I believe, however, it will definitely help students study their subjects well. Assigning homework to students is totally necessary for their study. It is an important way of studying to assign homework to students everyday. There are a lot of ways of studying for students, such as attending classes, discussion, field trips and so forth. But doing homework is much more a direct and intensive way of studying. By doing homework, students can absorb those viewpoints that teachers have lectured in class more thoroughly and keep them deeply in mind by reviewing them over and over. Children can be easily distracted by something fun at home and down street and finally spending all their time playing. That teachers assign them homework and ask for handing in when they return to school will push students to go to study as frequently as possible. Thus ensures students do well in study. Also, assigning homework to students everyday will help them learn self-discipline and responsibility. Students must always remind themselves that they are students and studying is their main job rather than playing. They must realize that if they did not accomplish their homework, they would be punished by their teachers. They must know their responsibility and enforce themselves to study. These, the sense of responsibility and self-discipline, are useful qualities helping a child form to be a person. Overall, it is a good idea that teachers assign homework to students everyday. It can ensure them to spend more time on studying and eventually lead to a success at study. It can also help students learn responsibility and self-discipline that will benefit them in social life in the future. For these reasons, I think that all teachers should assign homework to their students everyday. (Essay ID: 522. This is a 5 point essay) Topic: 65 Whether the city should try to preserve its old, historic building or destroy them? I believe that different people will have different opinions. According to my experiences, I think that we should preserve these old, historic building. I like to use following reasons to explain why I think so. The first and important reason is that every old building represents an important piece of history. Undoubtedly, they can reflect contemporary culture, custom and life style, etc. For example, the TWE Essays 115/292 115 Former Imperial Palace in China, where ancient emperors have ever stayed, has had a longstanding history as long as over 2,000 years. Through it, we can not only remember many famous historical events, but can also know that ancient people have grasped very advanced architecture techniques and methods. I believe if we demolish these valuable buildings, we will destroy an significant piece of history also. More seriously, we won’t be able to rebuild them. What people need isn’t the duplication or copy. In many old cities, there are some old houses at where there were many important meetings hold. When we visited old meeting sites, we seemed to back to that turbulent or excited time. As if we can hear again what those important historic characters were talked about each other vigorously. Moving on to wider themes, I admit that some old buildings have got a bit dilapidated and unsightly, and haven’t generated any revenue for us any more. But if we can refurbish them, I believe that they could start to attract visitors to cities again. From what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that we should preserver these old and historic buildings. (Essay ID: 149 ) Topic: 65 It is a controversial problem that whether a city should preserve its old,historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modrn buildings.Some people think that a city should preserve its old,historic buildings because they are the witness of the past,others think that a city should destroy them and replace them with modern buildings because they take up a lot of places.As far as I am concerned, I prefer the previous idea that the old,historic buildings should be preserved. Although the old,historic buildings would take up a lot of places and the modern society will need these places to building the new buildings such as skyscrapers,the old,historic buildings are the witness of the history.It is known that a modern city comes from the past history which had a valuable experience.The old,historic buildings could tell people what happened in the past and what was the past like.From that,people could gain kownledge and experience to contribute to the modern society better. The old,historic buildings could also be offered to education.They can become the teaching bases for children.It is necessary for children to know the past,so that they can kown better about the present society.In addition,children will be interested in the strange structure of the buildings and the funny things in the buildings,which will promote the childern to study. Finally,the preserved building would offer the important clues for archeologists to study the past.It is more valuable to maintain them well than destroy them to build new ones. In conclusion,the old,historic buildings should be preserved for the reasons above.First is that they are the witness of the past,then they could teach children something and last they are the important clues for archeologists. (Essay ID: 431. This is a 5 point essay) Topic: 65 . thereby, gets further development and finally becomes really invaluable friendship just in coincide with the old saying- a friend in need is a friend indeed. In conclusion, reliability can be a. direct and intensive way of studying. By doing homework, students can absorb those viewpoints that teachers have lectured in class more thoroughly and keep them deeply in mind by reviewing them. present society .In addition,children will be interested in the strange structure of the buildings and the funny things in the buildings,which will promote the childern to study. Finally,the preserved

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