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TOEIC 13 doc

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TOEIC 13 1. Sam really wanted a dog, but his parents wouldn't let him ____ a pet. a. have b. having c. to have d. has 2. I don't know how you convince your children to clean up their rooms. I couldn't get my children ____ up their rooms if my life depended on it. a. clean b. cleaning c. cleaned d. to clean 3. Professor Yu _____ each of her students write an essay describing their future goals in life. a. got b. caused c. had d. ordered 4. Debbie's husband hates the opera. But after days of nagging, she finally ____ him to go see the new production of La Boheme. a. had b. made c. let d. got 5. ____ 57 people have died after a crowded pleasure boat capsized in the Gulf off the coast of Bahrain. a. At the least b. At least c. At less d. As least 6. ____ the passengers on board were foreigners from a construction firm enjoying an evening dinner cruise. a. Most b. The most c. Almost d. Most of 7. Chinese police have vowed to clamp down on pipeline oil theft, even threatening to _____ the death penalty. a. impose b. face c. abolish d. suffer 8. According to the police, oil theft ____ the industry more than 1 billion yuan ($124.6m, £71.8m) and led to 2,877 arrests. a. charged b. paid c. cost d. offered 9. Many cases were ____ serious that they had "wrecked" production facilities, senior police officials told reporters. a. too b. so c. enough d. such 10. While increased police surveillance had almost halved the number of thefts, a significant ____ of thefts were also going unnoticed. a. number b. numbers c. amounts d. amount 11. China is currently battling with growing ____ for fuel - a factor which has made the risk of oil theft a more attractive proposition. a. responsibility b. demand c. request d. concern 12. The majority of crude oil thieves are farmers in the impoverished and remote regions, who ____ a third as much as their city dwelling counterparts. a. win b. deserve c. pay d. earn 13. One popular method ____ to steal oil involves thieves building a hut and then drilling into oil pipes beneath the building. a. uses b. using c. used d. use 14. The price of gold has hit its highest level for 25 years, ____ more than $588 an ounce. a. reaches b. reached c. reach d. reaching 1 15. Investors believe that precious metals are a sound ____ and could outperform stocks and bonds. a. investor b. investment c. investing d. invest 16. The price of spot gold rose to $588.70 an ounce before settling later ____ Thursday at $587.45. a. on b. in c. at d. for 17. The price of gold has gone up by ____ $71.10 an ounce or just under 14%, since the end of 2005. a. as many as b. too much as c. so much that d. as much as 18. Gold, ____ other precious metals, is appealing to investors who are concerned over unpredictable conditions in the Middle East, dollar instability and inflation. a. like b. likes c. alike d. liking 19. India, Brazil and South Africa have agreed ____ efforts to improve trade between the three nations. a. continue b. continuing c. to continue d. continued 20. A plane ____ 19 people has crashed on a mountainous region, killing all aboard. a. carrying b. carried c. carry d. carries 21. The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods within a culture ____ tolerated diversity. a. who b. that c. whom d. where 22. ____ other belief systems, Greek culture recognized no single truth or code and produced no sacred, written text like the Bible or the Qur’an. a. Different b. Dislike c. Dissimilar d. Unlike 23. Stories about the origins and actions of Greek divinities varied widely, depending on whether the tale appeared in a comedy, tragedy, ____ epic poem. a. nor b. and c. or d. but 24. Greek mythology was like a complex and ____ language, in which the Greeks could express a vast range of perceptions about the world. a. richness b. enrich c. richly d. rich 25. A Greek city-state devoted itself ____ a particular god or group of gods. a. for b. to c. at d. with 26. Greek mythology has several distinguishing ____, in addition to its multiple versions. a. characteristics b. characteristically c. characterize d. character 27. The Greek gods resembled human beings in their form and in their emotions, ____ they lived in a society that resembled human society in its levels of authority and power. a. moreover b. however c. and d. but 28. A crucial ____ existed between gods and human beings: Humans died, and gods were immortal. a. similarity b. difference c. contribution d. role 29. Heroes also ____ an important role in Greek mythology, and stories about them conveyed serious themes. a. acted b. supported c. fulfilled d. played 2 30. Japan has plans for a huge Asian free trade bloc of 16 nations that would help ____ economies in the region. a. integrate b. integrating c. integrated d. integrates 31. Attempts by Japan to accelerate a regional tree trade agreement ____ by difficult relations with China. a. has been stalled b. have stalled c. have been stalled d. have been stalling 32. Their relationships have been aggravated by ____ over a visit by Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's to Tokyo's Yasukuni shrine. a. a proposal b. an agreement c. an understanding d. a conflict 33. Millions of Chinese ____ in World War II by the Japanese and the shrine includes 1,000 war criminals among the dead. a. have been killed b. were killed c. had killed d. was killed 34. Former Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto recently held ____ in Beijing with the Chinese President, Hu Jintao, in an attempt to improve relations. a. talks b. seats c. gossips d. elections 35. Dutch public prosecutors said that ____ investigation into the death of Milosevic showed that he died of natural causes. a. its b. they c. them d. their 36. The former Yugoslav leader, on trial for war crimes, was found dead in his cell in The Hague ____11 March. a. in b. at c. on d. since 37. Judas Iscariot's reputation as one of _____ in history could be thrown into doubt with the release of an ancient text on Thursday. a. the most notorious villains b. the most notorious villain c. most notorious the villains d. the notorious most villains 38. The Gospel of Judas, a papyrus document from the 3rd or 4th Century AD, tells the story of Jesus' ____ from the fallen disciple's point of view. a. die b. dying c. dead d. death 39. Alleged to be a copy of an even older text, it casts Judas as a benevolent figure, ____ Jesus to save mankind. a. helps b. helped c. help d. helping 40. The early Christian Church denounced ____ teachings as heretical. a. so b. such c. such as d. as such 41. The 31-page fragile document, ____ in the Coptic language, was discovered in Egypt in the 1970s. a. wrote b. writing c. written d. writes 42. For 2,000 years Christianity ____ Judas as the treacherous apostle who betrayed his divine master with a kiss, leading to his capture and crucifixion. a. had portrayed b. has portrayed c. portrayed d. portraying 43. According to the Bible, Judas received 30 pieces of silver for the act, ____ died soon afterwards. a. but b. or c. however d. despite 44. The Gospel of Judas puts Judas in a positive light, ____ him as Christ's favorite disciple a. identified b. identifies c. identify d. identifying 3 45. The Gospel of Judas depicts his betrayal as the fulfillment of a divine mission to enable the crucifixion - and thus the foundation of Christianity - ____ place. a. taking b. to take c. took d. taken 46. This view is _____ that held by the Gnostics - members of a 2nd Century AD breakaway Christian sect, who became rivals to the early Church. a. similar b. the same c. similar to d. same as 47. They thought that Judas was in fact ____ of the apostles, acting in order that mankind might be redeemed by the death of Christ. a. the most enlightened b. the more enlightened c. most enlightened d. more enlightened than 48. Gnostic writers are believed to have set down their contrasting account of Judas' role in Greek in about 150 AD, ____ some believe that this manuscript may be a copy of that. a. furthermore b. in addition c. and d. but 49. Records show ____ the leaders of the early Christian Church denounced that version as heretical in about 180 AD. a. which b. that c. whether d. how 50. In 2000, the Maecenas Foundation for Ancient Art in Basel Switzerland took possession of the document, and translation ____ soon afterwards. a. begins b. beginning c. to begin d. began 51. Along with a magazine article, the society will be ____ two books on the Gospel of Judas. a. publish b. publication c. published d. publishing 52. The National Geographic TV channel will be running a special _____ on the manuscript on Sunday 9 April. a. two-hour documentary b. two-hour documentaries c. two-hours documentary d. two-hours documentaries 53. Opponents of the outgoing Thai prime minister say they will keep up their protests ____ he is removed completely from political power. a. until b. because c. so d. if 54. Thaksin Shinawatra won Sunday's election ____ stepped aside following a large protest vote. a. or b. and c. but d. so 55. The opposition, which ____ the poll accusing Mr Thaksin of corruption and abuse of power, says it will press on to "uproot the Thaksin regime". a. supported b. boycotted c. concluded d. praised 56. ____ Mr. Thaksin has handed power temporarily to Deputy PM Chidchai Vanasatidya, many analysts question whether he is truly stepping from the political arena. a. Despite b. However c. Although d. Unless 57. The US economy created 211,000 jobs in March as the unemployment _____ dropped to 4.7%. a. speed b. rate c. compensation d. pace 58. Gold prices are continuing to climb amid investor belief that it offers better ____ than shares or bonds. a. reimbursements b. fees c. expenses d. returns 4 59. Gold futures for June hit $603.10 an ounce in early trade on Friday, its highest level ____ January 1981, after breaching the $600 mark a day earlier. a. for b. on c. at d. since 60. Analysts are predicting that metal prices will continue rising as ____ from places such as China and India outstrip supply. a. demand b. request c. requirement d. commission 61. Prices have now surged ____ 30% since the start of November. a. most b. mostly c. almost d. most of 62. Other commodities such as oil, copper, zinc, silver and sugar have also risen recently ____ greater interest from investors. a. because b. because of c. despite d. due 63. Oil has risen following concerns over supplies ____ by geopolitical tension, notably in Nigeria and Iran. a. prompt b. prompting c. to prompt d. prompted 64. Investors think metals are a ____ investment than shares, bonds or currencies, because of uncertainty about whether interest rates or inflation will increase. a. most sound b. sounder c. more sound d. sounder than 65. Capacity today remains relatively ____, helping to fuel higher prices, as investing to develop new mines was expensive and largely unviable in the 1990s. a. scarce b. scarcity c. scarcely d. scarceness 66. Russia's Gazprom is to take control of Armenian pipelines and a power station in exchange ____ setting gas prices at half of European levels until 2009. a. of b. in c. for d. at 67. Gazprom would be able to control part of a 40 km long pipeline, ____ gas from Iran to Armenia, following this new arrangement. a. bring b. brought c. bringing d. would bring 68. The agreement would also allow Russia ____ electricity from the Razdan-5 gas fired power plant. a. export b. to export c. exporting d. exported 69. Armenia is strategically ____ to Russia in the Caucasus and hosts a Russian military base there. a. importantly b. importance c. imported d. important 70. Some critics say Russia is using its energy position an ____ and political tool. a. economic b. economical c. economy d. economist 71. Gazprom has been trying to raise prices among its neighbors but has met with fierce _____. a. deadline b. support c. target d. opposition 72. Attempts by Gazprom to hike gas prices from $50 to $230 per 1,000 cubic meters ____ by Ukraine. a. was rejected b. were rejected c. was rejecting d. were rejecting 5 73. Gazprom subsequently cut supplies to Ukraine on 1 January 2006 due to the failure to reach ____, worsening relations with the country. a. a goal b. a verdict c. a destination d. an agreement 74. South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has ____ the U.S. launch of its next- generation DVD player for a month, to late June, in order to complete testing. a. delayed b. blamed c. created d. repeated 75. Japan's Toshiba Corp. last week started rolling out its HD DVD format players in Japan, becoming the first company ____next-generation optical disc players worldwide. a. offer b. offered c. to offer d. offering 76. Samsung's BD-P1000 model is expected to be sold at a $999 street price and include a memory card interface, ____ enables users to enjoy digital still pictures on a high-definition television. a. that b. who c. whom d. which 77. Toshiba plans to offer two HD DVD models in the United States from April, for $799 and $499, ____. a. respect b. respected c. respectful d. respectively 78. Fifty-seven countries have a serious ____ of health workers, affecting children's jabs, pregnancy care and access to treatment. a. short b. shortage c. shortly d. shorten 79. 1.3 billion people worldwide lack access to the most basic healthcare, often because there is ____ health worker. a. no b. not c. none d. nor 80. A lack of personnel, combined with a lack of training and knowledge, is also a major ____ for health systems as they attempt to respond effectively to chronic diseases and bird flu. a. role b. aid c. obstacle d. impact 81. The WHO says that life expectancies in the poorest countries are half of ____ in the richest nations. a. that b. these c. this d. those 82. The WHO says that ____ country needs to improve the way in which it plans for, educates and employs its doctors, nurses and support staff. a. each of b. each c. each of the d. of each 83. The WHO ____ national leaders to urgently formulate and implement country strategies for the health workforce, backed by international donor assistance. a. calls for b. calls in c. calls off d. calls back 84. ____ on long-haul flights are being urged to wear sunglasses in a bid to reduce the effects of jet lag. a. Customers b. Commuters c. Passengers d. Pedestrians 85. Scientists in Edinburgh have found that people can adjust ____ body clocks when traveling to different time zones by altering their light patterns. a. its b. his c. her d. their 86. Jet lag, which causes feelings of ____ and muscle inefficiency, is affected by the biological clock. a. sleeping b. sleepiness c. sleepy d. sleeper 6 87. The study, ____ by Edinburgh Sleep Centre for British Airways, monitored more than 1,000 passengers. a. conducts b. conducting c. conduct d. conducted 88. Dr. Chris Idzikowski said that without using sunglasses, ____ took a day to recover for every hour travelled westwards. a. they b. their c. it d. its 89. According to a poll, people are more ignorant of how HIV is ____ than they were five years ago. a. communicated b. transmitted c. broadcast d. influenced 90. ____ rising infection levels in the UK, 12% fewer people know the virus can be passed on through unprotected sex. a. In spite b. Although c. However d. Despite 91. The National Aids Trust study found that some people still believed it could be passed on through kissing, spitting or ____ toilet seats. a. share b. to share c. sharing d. shared 92. In London, where HIV rates are the highest, knowledge of HIV transmission was lower than anywhere ____ in the country. a. also b. else c. at all d. nor 93. Women outlive men everywhere in the world thanks to ____ deaths in childbirth. a. much b. less c. little d. fewer 94. In 2002, the World Health Organization reported male life expectancy exceeded ____ of women in only six countries. a. that b. those c. this d. these 95. Recent research by Professor Danny Dorling at Sheffield University found that this was ____ true anywhere in the world. a. not longer b. no longer c. neither d. no 96. Scientists have been able to make eye nerve cells ____ to light by adding a protein from green algae. a. responding b. to respond c. respond d. responded 97. _____ my English class is cancelled again, I'll go and see Lost in Translation at the cinema. a. If b. Unless c. Although d. Because of 98. I generally wash up before I go to bed _____ I'm feeling too tired. a. if b. unless c. as soon as d. however 99. For nearly 100 years the Panama Canal has been a key link in international shipping routes, ____ an estimated 5% of world trade each year. a. handle b. handled c. handles d. handling 100. The recent rapid growth of Asian economies like China and India has led to a surge in shipping worldwide, and the canal is now operating at near full ____. a. ability b. yield c. productivity d. capacity 7 TOEIC 13 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. C 37. A 38. D 39. D 40. B 41. C 42. B 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. D 51. D 52. A 53. A 54. C 55. B 56. C 57. B 58. D 59. D 60. A 61. C 62. B 63. D 64. B 65. A 66. C 67. C 68. B 69. D 70. A 71. D 72. B 73. D 74. A 75. C 76. D 77. D 78. B 79. A 80. C 81. D 82. B 83. A 84. C 85. D 86. B 87. D 88. C 89. B 90. D 91. C 92. B 93. D 94. A 95. B 96. C 97. A 98. B 99. D 100. D . special _____ on the manuscript on Sunday 9 April. a. two-hour documentary b. two-hour documentaries c. two-hours documentary d. two-hours documentaries 53. Opponents of the outgoing Thai prime minister. full ____. a. ability b. yield c. productivity d. capacity 7 TOEIC 13 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. D 23 TOEIC 13 1. Sam really wanted a dog, but his parents wouldn't let him ____ a pet. a. have b. having c.

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2014, 11:21

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