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Part VII Appendixes 33_773883 pt07.qxp 7/28/06 8:50 PM Page 255 In this part . . . T his part includes three appendixes, two of which are very helpful glossaries: Appendix A is a French-to- English verb glossary where I list all the French verbs that I use in this book (and a few bonus ones) along with their English translations, and Appendix B is an English-to-French glossary that lists the verbs first by the English followed by a French translation. Appendix C may be one of the most helpful pieces in this book because it helps you keep irreg- ular verbs in order. 33_773883 pt07.qxp 7/28/06 8:50 PM Page 256 Appendix A French-to-English Verb Glossary H ave you encountered a French verb, but aren’t sure of its translation? Not to worry. Just use this glossary to find its English meaning. This glossary doesn’t contain every single French verb, but it does include all the French verbs I use in this book and a few more bonus ones. I place an asterisk beside the French verb to alert you that it’s an irregular verb. (Check out Appendix C to see how to conjugate the irregular verbs.) All the regular verbs are conjugated the same way, depending on whether the verb is an -er, -ir, or -re verb. accueillir*: to welcome, to greet accuser: to accuse acheter: to buy admettre*: to admit admirer: to admire adorer: to adore agacer: to annoy, to irritate agir: to act s’agir de: to be a question of, to be about aimer: to like, to love aller*: to go amener: to bring someone s’amuser: to have fun annoncer: to announce, to declare apercevoir*: to perceive, to notice apparaître*: to appear appartenir*: to belong to appeler: to call s’appeler: to be named apporter: to bring something apprendre*: to learn arranger: to arrange s’arrêter: to stop oneself arriver: to arrive assister à: to attend attacher: to attach attendre: to wait for avancer: to advance avoir*: to have se baigner: to bathe balancer: to swing balayer: to sweep bâtir: to build bavarder: to chat, to talk bercer: to rock, to cradle blesser: to hurt, to wound boire*: to drink bouger: to move 34_773883 appa.qxp 8/2/06 1:38 PM Page 257 se brosser: to brush bronzer: to tan cacher: to hide célébrer: to celebrate changer: to change chanter: to sing chercher: to look for choisir: to choose se coiffer: to do one’s hair commencer: to begin commettre*: to commit comparer: to compare comprendre*: to understand compromettre*: to compromise concevoir*: to conceive conduire*: to drive congeler: to freeze connaître*: to know conseiller: to advise consentir*: to consent construire*: to construct, to build contenir*: to contain continuer: to continue contredire*: to contradict corriger: to correct se coucher: to go to bed couper: to cut couvrir*: to cover craindre*: to fear croire*: to believe cueillir*: to pick, to gather cuire*: to cook danser: to dance se débrouiller: to manage déceler: to detect, to reveal décevoir*: to disappoint décider: to decide décourager: to discourage découvrir*: to discover décrire*: to describe dédicacer: to sign, to autograph défendre: to defend défendre de: to forbid demander: to ask se demander: to wonder déménager: to move, to change residence dénoncer: to denounce se dépêcher: to hurry déplacer: to displace déranger: to bother, to disturb descendre: to go down, to take down désirer: to desire, to want détester: to hate devenir*: to become devoir*: to have to, to must, to owe dire*: to say 258 Part VII: Appendixes 34_773883 appa.qxp 8/2/06 1:38 PM Page 258 disparaître*: to disappear disputer: to argue divorcer: to get a divorce donner: to give dormir*: to sleep écouter: to listen écrire*: to write effacer: to erase effrayer: to frighten, to scare élire*: to elect embrasser: to kiss, to embrace emmener: to take someone along employer: to use emporter: to take something along s’en aller*: to leave encourager: to encourage s’endormir*: to fall asleep s’énerver: to become irritated ennuyer: to bother s’ennuyer: to be bored enrager: to be furious, to be in a rage enseigner: to teach entendre: to hear s’entendre: to get along entreprendre*: to undertake entrer: to enter entrevoir*: to catch a glimpse of, to make out envoyer: to send épeler: to spell espérer: to hope essayer: to try essuyer: to wipe établir: to establish être*: to be étudier: to study exagérer: to exaggerate s’excuser: to excuse oneself exiger: to require, to demand faire*: to do, to make se fiancer: to be/get engaged finir: to finish fondre: to melt forcer: to force, to compel geler: to freeze glacer: to chill, to glaze grandir: to grow (up) grossir: to gain weight guérir: to cure, to heal s’habiller: to get dressed habiter: to live (somewhere), to reside hésiter: to hesitate infliger: to inflict, to impose influencer: to influence s’ inquiéter: to be worried interdire*: to forbid inviter: to invite 259 Appendix A: French-to-English Verb Glossary 34_773883 appa.qxp 8/2/06 1:38 PM Page 259 jeter: to throw jouer: to play juger: to judge laisser: to allow, to let, to leave something/ someone (se) laver: to wash lever: to raise, to lift se lever: to get up lire*: to read loger: to accommodate, to lodge maigrir: to lose weight manger: to eat se maquiller: to put makeup on marcher: to walk mélanger: to mix menacer: to threaten mener: to lead mentir: to lie mettre*: to put, to place se mettre à*: to begin monter: to climb, to go up, to get in nager: to swim nettoyer: to clean nuire*: to be harmful, to harm obéir à: to obey obliger: to oblige, to compel obtenir*: to obtain offrir*: to offer oublier: to forget ouvrir*: to open pâlir: to turn pale paraître*: to appear parler: to speak partager: to share partir*: to leave passer: to spend, to pass payer: to pay se peigner: to comb one’s hair peler: to peel pendre: to hang penser: to think percer: to pierce perdre: to lose, to waste peser: to weigh pincer: to pinch placer: to place plonger: to dive polir: to polish porter: to wear, to carry pouvoir*: to be able to prédire*: to predict préférer: to prefer prendre*: to take préparer: to prepare présenter: to present, to introduce prévoir*: to foresee, to anticipate prolonger: to prolong 260 Part VII: Appendixes 34_773883 appa.qxp 8/2/06 1:38 PM Page 260 se promener: to take a walk, to stroll promettre*: to promise prononcer: to pronounce proposer: to propose proscrire*: to banish, to prohibit protéger: to protect punir: to punish quitter: to leave, to abandon ramener: to bring someone back ranger: to put in order, to arrange se rappeler: to remember rapporter: to bring something back se raser: to shave ravager: to devastate, to ravage réagir: to react recevoir*: to receive recommencer: to start again reconnaître*: to recognize recouvrer*: to recover récrire*: to rewrite rédiger: to draft, to write redire*: to repeat réfléchir à: to reflect, to think refuser: to refuse regarder: to watch rejeter: to reject réjouir: to rejoice, to delight relire*: to reread remettre*: to put back remmener: to take someone back remplacer: to replace remplir: to fill remporter: to take back, to take away rencontrer: to meet rendre: to give back, to return se rendre compte de: to realize rendre visite à quelqu’un: to pay a visit to someone (to visit someone) renforcer: to reinforce renoncer: to give up, to renounce rentrer: to come back home repartir*: to leave again répéter: to repeat répondre à: to answer se reposer: to rest reprendre*: to take (up) again, to continue ressentir*: to feel retenir*: to retain réunir: to unite, to gather, to assemble réussir à: to succeed se réveiller: to wake up revenir*: to come back rêver: to dream revoir*: to see again rire*: to laugh rougir: to blush 261 Appendix A: French-to-English Verb Glossary 34_773883 appa.qxp 8/2/06 1:38 PM Page 261 savoir*: to know sentir*: to feel, to smell servir*: to serve songer (à): to dream, to think over sortir*: to go out souffrir*: to suffer soulager: to relieve soumettre*: to subject, to subjugate sourire*: to smile se souvenir de*: to remember suggérer: to suggest surprendre*: to surprise téléphoner: to call tenir*: to hold tomber: to fall tondre: to mow tracer: to draw, to trace trahir: to betray transmettre*: to transmit travailler: to work trouver: to find tutoyer: to address someone as “tu” unir: to unite vendre: to sell venger: to avenge venir*: to come vieillir: to grow old visiter: to visit (a place) voir*: to see vouloir*: to want vouvoyer: to address someone as “vous” voyager: to travel 262 Part VII: Appendixes 34_773883 appa.qxp 8/2/06 1:38 PM Page 262 Appendix B English-to-French Verb Glossary H ave you been talking away in French only to come to a complete halt because you’re not quite sure of the French verb? This glossary can help. Just look up the English verb for the French translation. Voilà! (I add an asterisk after the French verb to help you identify the irregular verbs; you can then check out Appendix C on how to conjugate the irregular verb.) to accommodate, to lodge: loger to accuse: accuser to act: agir to address someone as “tu”: tutoyer to address someone as “vous”: vouvoyer to admire: admirer to admit: admettre* to adore: adorer to advance: avancer to advise: conseiller to allow, to let, to leave something/ someone: laisser to announce, to declare: annoncer to annoy, to irritate: agacer to answer: répondre à to appear, to seem: apparaître* to appear: paraître* to argue: disputer to arrange: arranger to arrive: arriver to ask: demander to attach: attacher to attend: assister à to avenge: venger to banish, to prohibit: proscrire* to bathe: se baigner to be: être* to be a question of, to be about: s’agir de to be able to: pouvoir* to be bored: s’ennuyer to be engaged: se fiancer to be furious, to be in a rage: enrager to be harmful, to harm: nuire* to be named: s’appeler to be worried: s’ inquiéter to become: devenir* to become irritated: s’énerver to begin: commencer to begin: se mettre à* 35_773883 appb.qxp 8/2/06 1:38 PM Page 263 to believe: croire* to belong to: appartenir* to betray: trahir to blush: rougir to bother: ennuyer to bother, to disturb: déranger to bring someone: amener to bring someone back: ramener to bring something: apporter to bring something back: rapporter to brush: se brosser to build: bâtir to buy: acheter to call: appeler to call: téléphoner to catch a glimpse of, to make out: entrevoir* to celebrate: célébrer to change: changer to chat, to talk: bavarder to chill, to glaze: glacer to choose: choisir to clean: nettoyer to climb, to go up, to get in: monter to comb one’s hair: se peigner to come: venir* to come back: revenir* to come back home: rentrer to commit: commettre* to compare: comparer to compromise: compromettre* to conceive: concevoir* to consent: consentir* to construct, to build: construire* to contain: contenir* to continue: continuer to contradict: contredire* to cook: cuire* to correct: corriger to cover: couvrir* to cure, to heal: guérir to cut: couper to cut oneself: se couper to dance: danser to decide: décider to defend: défendre to denounce: dénoncer to describe: décrire* to desire, to want: désirer to detect, to reveal: déceler to devastate, to ravage: ravager to disappear: disparaître* to disappoint: décevoir* to discourage: décourager to discover: découvrir* to displace: déplacer to dive: plonger 264 Part VII: Appendixes 35_773883 appb.qxp 8/2/06 1:38 PM Page 264 [...]... 0-7 64 5-5 35 9-3 ߜCatholicism For Dummies 0-7 64 5-5 39 1-7 ߜHockey For Dummies 0-7 64 5-5 22 8-7 ߜJudaism For Dummies 0-7 64 5-5 29 9-6 ߜMartial Arts For Dummies 0-7 64 5-5 35 8-5 ߜPilates For Dummies 0-7 64 5-5 39 7-6 ߜReligion For Dummies 0-7 64 5-5 26 4-3 ߜTeaching Kids to Read For Dummies 0-7 64 5-4 04 3-2 ߜWeight Training For Dummies 0-7 64 5-5 168-X ߜYoga For Dummies 0-7 64 5-5 11 7-5 TRAVEL Also available: 0-7 64 5-5 43 8-7 0-7 64 5-5 45 3-0 ... 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Part VII Appendixes 33_773883 pt07.qxp 7/28/06 8:50 PM Page 255 In this part . . . T his part includes three appendixes, two of which are very helpful glossaries: Appendix A is a French-to- English. to address someone as “vous” voyager: to travel 262 Part VII: Appendixes 34_773883 appa.qxp 8/2/06 1:38 PM Page 262 Appendix B English-to-French Verb Glossary H ave you been talking away in. the present indicative and the imperative ends in -disez. For example, vous contredisez, vous interdisez, and vous prédisez. 274 Part VII: Appendixes 36_773883 appc.qxp 8/2/06 1:37 PM Page

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2014, 10:22



