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Name: Class: BÀI KIỂM TRA KIẾN THỨC CƠ BẢN 5 1. She said…………and asked if she could get me anything. a. she would be going shopping b. she was going shopping c. she will go shopping d. she is going shopping 2. If I worked harder at school,……………. a. I will sit in a comfortable office now b. I would be sitting in a comfortable office now c. I would have sat in a comfortable office now d. I will be sitting in a comfortable office now 3. This is the best play……… I have ever seen. a. which b. what c. whom d. that 4. I had no sooner closed the door……… somebody started knocking on it. a. as b. that c. than d. when 5. She left very early………… a. so she be at home when he arrived b. so as to be at home when he arrived c. so as that to be at home when he arrived d. so that to be at home when he arrived 6. They………… for Japan at 10.30 tomorrow. a. will be leaving b. have left c. are left d. will have left 7. I…………….the hot weather in the South. a. used to b. use to c. uses to d. am used to 8. My mother said………… my study results the year before. a. she is satisfied with b. she is satisfied to c. she was satisfied to d. she was satisfied with 9. ……… told me this refused to give his name. a. The man whom b. The man whom was c. The man who was d. The man who 10. to / begin / wash / David / his / study / have / after / clothes a. After David had washed his clothes, he began to study b. After David washed his clothes, he begins to study c. After David has washed his clothes, he began to study d. After David washed his clothes, he had begun to study 11. Opinion / violent movies / not / show / television a. With my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television. b. For my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television. c. In my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television. d. To my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television. 12. By September next year I……….here for ten years. a. will be working b. work c. will have been working d. have been working 13. The first customer……….this morning was quite rude. a. dealing with b. with whom we dealt c. to deal with d. dealt with 14. My brother likes music very much. He……….to music while working. a. used to listen b. is used to listening c. is used to listen d. used to be listening 15. This room is……………… a. too small for us to work in b. so small that we can’t work in c. not big enough for us to live in it d. such small room that we can’t live in it 16. This student is determined to be the best student……………. a. so as his parents to be proud of him b. in order to be proud of his parents c. in order for his parents will be proud of him d. so that his parents will be proud of him 17. Paul: Mary, this is Mr.Baker. Mary ( to Mr.Baker):…………………… a. How are you? B. How do you do c. Hello d. Hi 18. Tom is thought……………the runaway murderer last week. a. to meet b. to be met c. to have met d. that he met 19. They don’t allow…………here. a. to take photographs b. taking photographs c. photographs to take d. photographs taking 20. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm…………… a. went off b. went out c. went on d. went by . Name: Class: BÀI KIỂM TRA KIẾN THỨC CƠ BẢN 5 1. She said…………and asked if she could get me anything. a. she would be going. had no sooner closed the door……… somebody started knocking on it. a. as b. that c. than d. when 5. She left very early………… a. so she be at home when he arrived b. so as to be at home when he. working. a. used to listen b. is used to listening c. is used to listen d. used to be listening 15. This room is……………… a. too small for us to work in b. so small that we can’t work in c. not

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2014, 01:20