Thea writting review 5 potx

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Thea writting review 5 potx

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the daughters are not inert because they are highly sensitive to their surroundings and are chemically active. Thus when the daughters enter buildings, attach to clothing, mingle with dust particles, or are inhaled, health risks increase dramatically. Radon exists across the United States, with somewhat higher amounts located in areas where granite is common. (3) Radon gas released directly into the atmos- phere poses slight health risks. Conversely, when it is trapped and has the opportunity to accumulate, such as beneath houses and other structures, risks increase significantly. This colorless, tasteless, and odorless element can seep into buildings through walls, soil, water supplies, and natural gas pipelines. It can also be part of the properties of materials such as brick, wallboard, and concrete. When radon is prevalent in a building, it circulates in that build- ing’s air exchange and is inhaled by humans. (4) The majority of the radon daughters exhibit electrostatic qualities as they attach to items such as clothing, furniture, and dust, a magnetic process known as plating out. The remainder of the daughters do not attach to anything. As an individ- ual breathes the potentially damaging air, the attached and unattached daughters enter the body. As the daughters travel through the body, particles become attached to the respiratory tract, the bronchial region, the nose, and the throat. Some particles are expelled during exhalation, but most remain within the individual. (5) The unattached daughters are the most dangerous as their untethered route often carries them directly to the lungs. They deposit significantly more radioactivity than the attached daughters— indeed, up to 40 times as much. Research indicates that those individuals who breathe primarily through their noses receive fewer doses than those who breathe primarily through their mouths. (6) Alpha radiation begins penetrating the lungs and other organs after radon daughters settle there. Penetration and the subsequent depositing of radiation are the result of a continuation of the decaying process. An appreciable dose of alpha par- ticles can lead to cell destruction. Higher doses can be fatal. One comparative study analyzed similar doses from radon, X-rays, and atom bombs, and concluded that the chances of developing lung can- cer from radon were equal to those from the other two radiation sources. In the United States most incidences involve lower-level doses, however, which destroy a relatively low number of cells. The body will regenerate lost cells, so serious health problems become less likely. (7) Serious problems materialize when cells are exposed repeatedly. The cycle of exposure-dam- age-regeneration-exposure can weaken cells and ultimately change their makeup. Cell alteration can lead to lung cancer, genetic changes, and a host of other medical problems. 36. Gases from an outdoor radon leak a. present serious health ramifications. b. are easy to detect. c. create a negligible health threat. d. transform into radon daughters. 37. It can be inferred from the passage that an inert gas such as radon is a. dormant in terms of chemical reactions. b. unusually likely to decay. c. more dangerous than radon daughters. d. created as the result of a distinct series of events. 38. One reason unattached daughters are more dangerous than attached daughters is that they a. demonstrate electrostatic qualities. b. are less likely to be expelled. c. regenerate after entering the lungs. d. have a free path toward internal organs. – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 2– 210 39. Plating out is a term for a process of a. cohering. b. disseminating. c. deteriorating. d. permeating. 40. Health hazards from radon rise greatly when a. gases accumulate inside buildings. b. daughters leave the body via exhalation. c. individuals inhale mostly through their noses. d. regeneration takes place. 41. Radon is formed as a consequence of a. the alteration of cells. b. the breakdown of elements. c. exposure to the atmosphere. d. an electrostatic process. 42. In the United States, most cases of radon expo- sure involve doses that a. affect residents near granite formations. b. lead to genetic problems. c. cause recurring exposure. d. eliminate small amounts of cells.  Section 2: Mathematics 1. Twelve less than 4 times a number is 20. What is the number? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 2. Kathy was half the age of her mother 20 years ago. Kathy is 40. How old is Kathy’s mother? a. 50 b. 60 c. 70 d. 80 3. Body mass index (BMI) is equal to . A man who weighs 64.8 kilo- grams has a BMI of 20. How tall is he? a. 1.8 meters b. 0.9 meters c. 2.16 meters d. 3.24 meters 4. Pediatric specialist Dr. Drake charges $36.00 for an office visit, which is ᎏ 3 4 ᎏ of what general practi- tioner Dr. Jarmuth charges. How much does Dr. Jarmuth charge? a. $48.00 b. $27.00 c. $38.00 d. $57.00 5. A town of 105,000 is served by 3 hospitals. How many people could be served by 4 hospitals? a. 140,000 b. 145,000 c. 130,000 d. 135,000 6. A recipe serves four people and calls for 1 ᎏ 1 2 ᎏ cups of broth. If you want to serve six people, how much broth do you need? a. 2 cups b. 2 ᎏ 1 4 ᎏ cups c. 2 ᎏ 1 3 ᎏ cups d. 2 ᎏ 1 2 ᎏ cups 7. How much water must be added to 1 liter of a 5% saline solution to get a 2% saline solution? a. 1 L b. 1.5 L c. 2 L d. 2.5 L (weight in kilograms) ᎏᎏᎏ (height in meters) 2 – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 2– 211 8. If jogging for one mile uses 150 calories and brisk walking for one mile uses 100 calories, a jogger has to go how many times as far as a walker to use the same number of calories? a. ᎏ 1 2 ᎏ b. ᎏ 2 3 ᎏ c. ᎏ 3 2 ᎏ d. 2 9. A dosage of a certain medication is 12 cc per 100 pounds. What is the dosage for a patient who weighs 175 pounds? a. 21 cc b. 18 cc c. 15 cc d. 24 cc 10. A woman drives west at 45 miles per hour. After half an hour, her husband starts to follow her. How fast must he drive to catch up to her three hours after he starts? a. 52.5 miles per hour b. 55 miles per hour c. 60 miles per hour d. 67.5 miles per hour 11. Jason is six times as old as Kate. In two years, Jason will be twice as old as Kate is then. How old is Jason now? a. 3 years old b. 6 years old c. 9 years old d. 12 years old 12. A patient’s hospice stay cost ᎏ 1 4 ᎏ as much as his visit to the emergency room. His home nursing cost twice as much as his hospice stay. If his total health care bill was $140,000, how much did his home nursing cost? a. $10,000 b. $20,000 c. $40,000 d. $80,000 13. Mike types three times as fast as Nick. Together they type 24 pages per hour. If Nick learns to type as fast as Mike, how much will they be able to type per hour? a. 30 pages b. 36 pages c. 40 pages d. 48 pages 14. Ron is half as old as Sam, who is three times as old as Ted. The sum of their ages is 55. How old is Ron? a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 30 – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 2– 212 Question 15 is based on the following diagram: 15. What is the perimeter of the figure? a. 30 b. 20 c. 17 d. 60 16. A rectangular box has a square base with an area of 9 square feet. If the volume of the box is 36 cubic feet, what is the longest object that can fit in the box? a. 5.8 feet b. 5 feet c. 17 feet d. 3 feet Question 17 is based on the following diagram. 17. If angle 1 is 30°, and angle 2 is a right angle, what is the measure of angle 5? a. 60° b. 30° c. 150° d. 120° Question 18 is based on the following diagram. 18. A half-circle is placed adjacent to a triangle, as shown in the diagram. What is the total area of the shape, if the radius of the half-circle is 3, and the height of the triangle is 4? a. 6(π + 4) b. 6π + 12 c. ᎏ 2π + 9 24 ᎏ d. ᎏ 9 2 π ᎏ + 12 19. If pentagon ABCDE is similar to pentagon FGHIJ, and A ෆ B ෆ = 10, C ෆ D ෆ = 5, and F ෆ G ෆ = 30, what is I ෆ H ෆ ? a. ᎏ 5 3 ᎏ b. 5 c. 15 d. 30 20. A water tank is in the form of a right cylinder on top of a hemisphere, both with a radius of 3 feet. If the tank currently has 170 cubic feet of water in it, how high does the water level reach in the cylinder (from the top of the hemisphere)? a. 3 feet b. 2 feet c. 6 feet d. 4 feet 1 4 5 3 2 12 5 – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 2– 213 21. Louise wants to wallpaper a room. It has one window that measures 3 feet by 4 feet, and one door that measures 3 feet by 7 feet. The room is 12 feet by 12 feet, and is 10 feet tall. If only the walls are to be covered, and rolls of wallpaper are 100 square feet, and no partial rolls can be pur- chased, what is the minimum number of rolls that she will need? a. 4 rolls b. 5 rolls c. 6 rolls d. 7 rolls Question 22 is based on the following diagram. 22. If the radius of the circle is 4 inches and the tri- angle is a right isosceles triangle with one corner in the center, what is the area of the shaded portion? a. 4π + 16 b. 4π – 16 c. 8π – 8 d. 16π – 8 Question 23 is based on the following diagram. 23. Find the area of the parallelogram above. a. 48 units 2 b. 68 units 2 c. 72 units 2 d. 240 units 2 Question 24 is based on the following diagram. 24. Find the area of the shape shown in the diagram above. a. 12 + 10π b. 32 + 12π c. 12 + 12π d. 32 + 10π 25. What is the next number in the series below? 316612128___ a. 4 b. 15 c. 20 d. 24 4 8 12 5 4 – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 2– 214 26. A pump installed on a well can pump at a maxi- mum rate of 100 gallons per minute. If the pump runs at 50% of its maximum rate for six hours a day, how much water is pumped in one day? a. 3.00 ϫ 10 2 gallons b. 1.80 ϫ 10 4 gallons c. 3.60 ϫ 10 2 gallons d. 7.20 ϫ 10 2 gallons 27. It costs $0.75 each to make color copies at a copy center. At this price, how many copies can be purchased with $60.00? a. 45 b. 60 c. 75 d. 80 Question 28 is based on the following diagram. DISTANCE TRAVELED FROM CHICAGO WITH RESPECT TO TIME TIME DISTANCE FROM (HOURS) CHICAGO (MILES) 160 2 120 3 180 4 240 28. A train moving at a constant speed leaves Chicago for Los Angeles at time t = 0. If Los Angeles is 2,000 miles from Chicago, which of the following equations describes the distance from Los Angeles at any time t? a. D(t) = 60t – 2,000 b. D(t) = 60t c. D(t) = 2,000 – 60t d. D(t) = –2,000 – 60t Use the table below to answer question 29. 29. According to the table, what is the starting time of period 3 and the ending time of period 8, respectively? a. 9:24, 1:43 b. 9:23, 1:44 c. 9:29, 1:59 d. 9:23, 1:43 e. 9:24, 1:44 30. Anne has two containers for water: a rectangular plastic box with a base of 16 square inches, and a cylindrical container with a radius of 2 inches and a height of 11 inches. If the rectangular box is filled with water 9 inches from the bottom, and Anne pours the water into the cylinder without spilling, which of the following will be true? a. The cylinder will overflow. b. The cylinder will be exactly full. c. The cylinder will be filled to an approximate level of 10 inches. d. The cylinder will be filled to an approximate level of 8 inches. Period Start Time End Time 1 7:55 8:35 2 8:39 9:19 3 10:03 4 10:07 10:47 5 10:51 11:31 6 11:35 12:15 7 12:19 12:59 8 1:03 9 1:47 2:27 Class Time Schedule – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 2– 215 . inches. Period Start Time End Time 1 7 :55 8: 35 2 8:39 9:19 3 10:03 4 10:07 10:47 5 10 :51 11:31 6 11: 35 12: 15 7 12:19 12 :59 8 1:03 9 1:47 2:27 Class Time Schedule – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 2– 2 15 . as old as Ted. The sum of their ages is 55 . How old is Ron? a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 30 – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 2– 212 Question 15 is based on the following diagram: 15. What is the perimeter of the figure? a must he drive to catch up to her three hours after he starts? a. 52 .5 miles per hour b. 55 miles per hour c. 60 miles per hour d. 67 .5 miles per hour 11. Jason is six times as old as Kate. In two

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 22:20