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TIMER CAMS CAN BE ADDED (FIG. 36) Extra ~ce on lh9 programmer chassis allowS cams to be added 10 lh9 timet wifhout redeslgt ThI6 may be nec- essary If more timer contacts are nq.J1red to mEleI future COdes. ALL IlELAVS A,RE VISIBLE. LA,BELEo. A,NO.ACCESSIBLE '.0 FIG.36-ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF THE R4140. TIMER SWITCH (FIG. 37) A limer switch lets the c:perator stop the Iimer near the end of prepurge or during the PUo! Flame-Establishing P&- ried 10 facilitate checkoUl and troubleshooting. The switch win nol slop the Iimer when the main fuel val~e/S) is energized. S9111NG CLI9 HOLDS A,MPLIFIER '" -~-: . • IlEL",V/TIIOIERCOVER :: _. EASILY SNA,I'S \ : ONOROFF , TIMEII SWITCl-I TO HOI' T"'IE~ FOil CHEC~OUT , OR TROUIILESl-IOOTlNG FIG.37- MORE ADOITfONAL FEATURES OF THE R4140. RELAY(TIMER COVER (FIG. 31) A metal cover helps prOlect the relays and limer cams. The cover easily snaps on or off. There are no screws 10 remove. 150 SPRING CLIP TO HOLD AMPLIFIER (FIG. 37) A spring clip on the relaylllme1 cmer securely hold the plug-In flame slgtal arT\?lIner to ensure good electrical connEilctlons. MODERNIZATION WITH THE R4140 The R4140 Flame 5af9QU8.rd Programming Conffols are Ideal for replacing older pt0g'8JlY'ners thai no longer meetlhe f8CJ,llremenis 01 ~roval agenCies. They incor· porate all the lfming changeS rllqJlred !:PI the OCIet:ler 1, '974, revisions to Underwrltel'$ laboratories Inc. Stan- dards for 5afety-UL 296 for oN burners and UL 795 for comrnerclaHnduslrlaJ gas-heating 8(JJipment. Thus, they are excsllentfor convertlf"Q systems 10 differenl fuels. Th& R4140lls perfect for L pQrading a system 10 meet Factory Mutual and Induslrial Risk Insurers (formerly F.I.A.) re- qJiretTlQ"lts. (Refer to Table I for other applications In meeting awroval to::ly requirements.) With the flexibility provided by the pklQ-ln arT\?lif'iers, the pfq:l8r programmer and flame delecllon system can readily be selected to meet the speclfiCaliOl'l$ and local codes on almost any job. For reliability and long life, all models 1ealure heavy dUty timers, relays, and contacls as waJl as solid slale flame signal arT\?flflers. In adcIlUon, TRADELINE models have been developed thaI make il easy \0 stalX:lardize. Standardization allows dealers to reduce their service and spare parts inventory. Because lhere are 0I11y a few models, it is easier and1aSier to train installers and seNice techniCians. Some of lhese TRADEUNE models can easily replace certain competi- tors' devices by uSing specially deSigned replacemenr packages. FLAME DETECTION SYSTEMS (TABLE II) The flexibility provided by the lnlerchaf'lgeable, plug-in flame signal amplifiers is llvidenlln Table II. Aslandardor a self.Checkin'Ol delection syslem is available 10r burne:s usin'Ol any type of fuel- gas, oil, or coal. NOTE: Table If Is subject 10 change to Include new devel· opments or to reflect requirement modificalions. For lhe lalesl sys:ems available, refer to the table In the in- struction sheel packed with Ihe programmer. TRADELINE MODELS (TABLE III AND FIG. 38) seven TRAOEUNE A4, 40 models can replace sev- enty A4150 models. A cross reference is Included in each TRADruNE JnSlfuCJion Sheel. Twvc ad:::1ilional screw fer- minals on the backs of some of the programmers prOVide a third choice of the Main Burner Flama EslablishJng Pe- riod. (Consult the awropriate Instruction sheet for further information.) SUPER TRADELlNE Y4'40 Modernization Packages, containing one of the 120 voll TRADEUNE R4140 modelS and a Q52QA1'21 Wiring SLtbase, are also avaifable. They also contain cocle requirements, installation instruc· lions, wiring matrices, and preprlnlud wire markers. Com· plele packages also inClude either a plug-in infraracl ampl11ier and matching flame detector, or a plug-in reclifl· caliOf'l amplifier. Par1ial packages. withoUl the deleclor and/ct amplifier, are also available. (For further informa- tion, consult the Y4140 mslrt/cliOn sheet, form 6o-D574.' TABLE II-FLAME DETECTION SYSTEMS PLUG-IN flAME SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS APPLICABLE flAME DETECTORS SELF- FLAME FAILURE FUEL TYPE MODELS COLOR MODEl TYPE CHECKINI RESPONSE TIME HOlderf: C7004, r::r00l, Rectifying C70ll. R7247A 2 to 4 sec Gas Flame Complete asserrolies: C700 5, Rods C7OOS, C7009, 0179. No C;7OO3, r::rOl0. Rectifying Oil - Photocells d r::r013, C7014. R7247A'b 2to4sec RectifIcation Green Ultraviolet Oil, Gas, R7247B {Purple C7012A or C. Coal Peepe~ , Holders c : C7004, r::roo7, Rectifying C70". " R7247Bb 2to4sec Ga. Flame Complete asserrolies; C700S Rods Dynamic C7008, C7OO9, 0179. Self Check Ga Ultraviolet C7012E or F. Oil, (Purple 2t04sec R7247c! Coal Peeper) No R7248A 2104sec Gas, Infrared Infrared Red Dynamic Oil, (Lead C701S. Ampli· A7248Bb 2to4sec Coal Sulfide) ene" . Purple No R7249A 2to4sec Gas, Oil Ultraviolet (Minipeeper) C7027, C7035, C7044. Ultraviolet Blue Dynamic Selt R7476A a 2t04sec Gas, Oir, Ultraviolel (Adjustable C7076. Check Coal sensitivity) a Circuitry tests all electronic corrp:ll'I8nts in the flame detection system (ampliller and detector) 60 to 120 limes a minute during burner ClI')eration and shuts down the burner il the detection system fails. b Circuitry lests the flame siglal amplifier at least 150 times a minute during burner operation and shuts down the burner it the ~lltier.fcl'lIs. c Order flame rod separately; see Instruction sheet lor the holder. d Use Honeywell photocell, Part No. 38316, only. TABLE 111- TRADEUNE MODELS AVAILABLE TRADE LINE MODEL INSTRUCTION SHEET FORM NO. NUMBER OF R4150'S IT CAN REPLACE MAIN BURNER FLAME-ESTABLISHING PERIOD IN SECONDS (FielD SelECTABLE) R4140G1114 a R4140Gll22 b R4140G1163 R4140Gl171 R4140Ll147 R4140Mll86 R4140Mll94 6<Hl466 6<Hl466 6<Hl414 6(}{)466 6Q-0468 6<Hl412 6<Hl412 ,a ,0 • 7 "22 ,. 10,30 OR SOC 10,30 or SOC 10 or Intermittent 10, 30, or SOC 10, 15, or 30 c 10 Of Intermittent 10 or Inlermlttent a 240 vall model. b 208 volt model. c The longest period is ootained by installing a jumper on Ihe back of the progranmer (Fig. 38). 151 71-97558·1 (;) Q -c -c O",,@ '$ $" u@ '0 c" " @ 0& " @ '0 " ;, . 0" ,@ i & ,1lO\i "00£1.5 HAVE NO l[R"'NAI.5 "AND 16 FIG. 38-REAR VIEW OF MODELS WITH 3 CHOICES OF THE MAIN BURNER FLAME·ESTABLISHING PERIOD. Y593 REPLACEMENT PACKAGES (FIG. 39) EiQht Y593 Replacement Packages are designed to re- place 64 different models of a compelilor's flame sale- guard controls. EaCh package includes a prewired adapter base to make replacement as easy and conven- ient as possible. No eXlernal wiring changes are neces- sary for most fl"ICX:iels. After the removal altha compelilo(s conlrol, the adapter base is mounted directly on the exist- ing &.tbase or in the existing Cabinet. The TRADELINE R4140 included in the replacement package is simply plugged into the adapter base. (Cons\.l'lt lhe Y593 instruc- tion sheel, form 60-0407, for further information.) INSTALLATION OF AN R4140 The bask sleps in the installation of an R4140 are (1) mounting the wiring Sl.t:lPase. (.2) wiring \0 sutbase, (3) installing the flame detector, (4) performing a static checkout, and (5) mounling the programmer. These steps will be desCribed in general in this sectiOl1. During an ac· lual installation, follow the applIcable instructions pte> vided by the burner manufacturer in addition 10 those in the instruction sheet particular model being 'or Ihe Installed. MOUNTING THE WIRING SUBBASE First, ChOOSe a location where the temperature will stay wilhin specification limits for the R4140, and where the re/antle humidity never reaches the saturalion lX>inL C0n- densation 01 moisture on the R4140 could cause enough leakage to short the flame signal to ground and thus pre venl the burner from starting. Locate the sutbase close to the name detector(sj in order 10 keep Ihe flame signal lead- wires as short as possible. 00 not Inslall it where II could ~(T"'NING SCR(W KNIF(-BlADE CONTACTS (NGAGE FLAM( SAFEGUARD QS~OC PF!(W'F!(O ADAPT(F! BASE ,",OUNTING SCR(WS 121 CONTROl " FIG.39- TYPICAL INSTALLATION OF A Y593 REPLACEMENT PACKAGE IN AN EXISTING CABINET. be subject [0 extreme vibration. Vibration shortens the 1I1e 01 the eJaclronic comp::lnents. Finally, the R4140 is not weathartighl, so prolection wilt be required If it is installed O!.JtdOOrs. 152 The sut::oase can be mounted in any position except on a horizontal surface with the knifErblade contacts pointing down; the relays on Ihe programmer cb not operate prop- erly if il Is mol,.Jnted in this position. The standard moonling position for the programmer Is on a lr&I1ical surface with its handle up. as shown in Fig. 41. Ani other posilion de- creases the maximum awt:lienl terJl)Elrature raling. Whan yOu selec! the Iqcatlon on a wall or instrument panel. be sure to allow clearances for servicing and tor re- moval of th~ progrartlmer- it swings out. Use the back of the sutoase as a template to marl< the 4 screw locatiQf1s. and drilllh~ pilot holes. (If mounting the sutoase in an ex- isting C3binet, new holes may not be necessary.) Start the mOLintlng screws and scr~ them most of IMe way In. [fhe sutOase has keyhOle type mounting ho.'es. so the mount- In'il screw,s can be statted alone.) Fil the subbase over the screws and ,tighten them securely. WIRING TO THE SUBBASE (FIG. 40) The external devices anc:l wiring required will be differ· ent 10r every Installation. A typical wiring diagram for an R4140L is shown in Fig. 40. If one is furnished. follow the burner manufacturer's wiring diagram. Remember that all wiring must comply with all applicable local electrical codes. ordinances. and regulations, and it must be NEC Class 1 (line voltage). An Important thing 10 remember is - Do not run high vol/age ignirion transformer wires in the same conduit with the flame detector wiring. Check all wirin'il circuitsa(kj perform a Static Checkout before mountin'ilthe programmer. Make sure the wiring to any terminal does not touch any other terminal. Especially make sure the wiring 10 termjr.aJ 7 does nor touch terminal 8. INSTALLING THE FLAME DETE.CTOR Proper flame detector installatlon is the basis of a safe and reliable fla,mo sal9l;)Jafd InstaJlati::ln. Refer to the in- structions packed with the flame delec.tor and amplifier, and to the burner manufacturer's instructions. Follow the Instructions carefully to'maka the best possible applica- tion of the flame detector. Keep the name Signal leadwires Irom the flame detector to tfJe terminal strip or win'ng subbase as short as possible. capaCitance Increases with leadwire length. redUcing the si'ilnal stren'ilth. The I'TIaXlmum permissible leadwire len'ilth depends on the type oflaadwlre, conduit, a(kjtlame detector. The ultimate limiting factor In Dame signal lead- wire length is the Signal current. Refer 10 Table V. For detailed diSCussions on flame defector installation, refar to the Flame Safeguard Reference Materials on Flame ADd Application, form 7Q 8108, and Optical Detec- tor Application. form 7()'8109. PERFORMING A STATIC CHECKOUT (TABLE IV) After checking all wiring circuits. per10nn a checkout of aU eXlernal devices before mounting Ihe programmer on the subbase. These teslS ensure that the wiring subbase is wired correctly a(kj lhat lhe external controllers, limits, inlerlocks, valves. transformers, and molors are qJElrating properly. TneV Can be made ri't1't at the sutoase by Install· ing jumpers and reading the voltage between the proper terminals. Remember that line oItage is present on most terminals when power is on, so be extremely careful when performing these tests. Follow the instruclions In the in· struction sheet for the R4140 e!}' carefully. The tests shown in Table IV are typical lor an R4140L. Tests for other models are similar, but all of them may not beappli· cable, and some ot the terminals may be different. MOUNTING THE PROGRAMMER (FIG. 41) Be sure to open the master switch to remo e power from the subbase terminals before mounting the program- mer. Also make sure that- - there are no bare (unlnSUlaled) wires in lhe suttlase. -the Wiring to any terminal does not touch any other terminal. - no sut:Oase wiring is protruding out beyond the lerm1· nat blocks. - the wlrin'il does not interfere with the connectors. Tuck all wiring In againstlhe back 011he subbase. After you have checked all the wiring, grasp lhe handle of the programmar chassis anc:l engage lhe Chassis hinge braCkets with lhe pivot pins at the ooltom of the S<.tbase. Swing the chassis inward until lhe spring conneclors en- gage lha knifErblade contacts on the sutoase. Push in un- til the contacls are fuJly enga!J8d. Tighten the chassis relaining screw securely. REMOVING AND REPLACING THE RELAYIT\MER COVER (FIG. 42) The operator may wanl to remO\'e the relay/time cover 10- - install or change a ptug-in 11ame Signal amplifier. - observe relay anc:l timer qJElralion. - Inspect ralay or timer cootacts. If the programmer is mounted on the subbase. make sure the master sWilch is qJEln before removing or replac- Ing the cover. REMOVING THE COVER 1. Grasp lha relay/timar cover and 5ql.JBeZe until the V- notch on the cover slides tree of the stud on the handle. 2. Rotate the cover dlwn a(kj oot to disengage the 2 tabs 1rom the slol in the ooUom of lhe programmer chassis. 3. Pull the cover oul. REPLACJNG THE COVER 1. Insert the 2 tabs on IheooUom of the covarbalween the timer and the programmar chassis and engage them with the slot In the bOtiom oflhe chassIs. Make sure the labs are nol jammed in the slot. 2, Rolale the cover up anc:l in, so the V-nolch slides along Ihe stud on the handle. If the cover does not rotate easily, the tabs are jammed. 3. Maka sure the spring clip on the cover fits O\'er the plug-in ampli1ler. 4. Push in on the caver until the V-nOlch snaps into place on the stUd. 153 I r '01'1 FJI'l!CT 5PAIIK IGNITION lOlL 01'1 0 511 I I I I I I : "I I I " I ,e I I J I ) " B;;. """VIP'[ o'K"""[CT [~ ~~o ""U\.O"O """"Cn"" """~£< & "'. ~u. NH'~""" I .'RI~,,_ &. FOR 0'''''' •• ~A ' "'0" (Ol~ OR ,. "'''''"In " " 'o~ ~o TU"'''''L' .~" ,.IN '~'l V.~V!('1 HI ,,_ '. 'u ~ n~"'''''L' to T,RMINAL •. ",'HJU .& FOII'~ uco.a ""T£"~UI'TED.'~OTI'D"'lION, ""T~LLJU" " (IN_ 'Wa'o IN '"''.v.''''' "'U~.CYI "" B.CO< Of "OG~.""'R .,. T ~ """." "'N.li >fL.D 'V •0 U'TIJOl) '" «ON 'RIA~ ':C I H I~ >£'01'0 '~TERRuI'TLo H ~,~ 'VI, , v"c~.", '-l 8U"N'" l- "0'-0'" ~ L"" ,,~( f ."'''c~ FIG. 40-SAMPLE BLOCK DIAGRAM OF FIELO WIRING FOR AN R4140L PROGRAMMER. 154 ~ MODELS All R41'40L Models ~ , TABLE IV-TYPICAL STATiC TESTS OF EXTERNAL DEVICES VOLT· NO. JUMPERS METER NORMAL OPERATION :'''ii: ::::~:::>:':CA1JJION' .'" TEST TEST 11'.' I Mak.lt sura all manual luel shvtel1 lIalves are closed I None 1 2 None J No" L,. 4 LH2 ~L2 1&L2 ~L2 Linlt IIOltage at terminal U. linlt -ollaglt at tarminal 4. LinB IIOltage at terminal 16 1. BurnBr rnobr (Ian or bloWer) starts. 2. line IIOllaqe at terminal 3 witil- In 12 seconds. I . ".' '77.?;'7'l7'wA~ NING< /·/:1' ·:· ·>1<, I Mak_ lure all manual ftIel ,hutDn lIalllet are crDSBd~ I , " 5 L1.s - . ", • L1~ - 1.lgnitbn spar1( fit ignition trans- former is connected 10 larminal 5). I 2. Automatic pilot wive opens (II connected fo tem1inal 5). NOTE: ReM" tJ schEmatic dia- gram of the programmer model being ~d. Same IS TEST NO.5 br connec- oons tJ tBrminBJ 6. (tI using direct spar1( igniOOn, main ,""'. the fuel lIaJve(S) instead 01 !he piklt 1Ia/Ve.} V/j><>~//.:///,//Y(A'RN1'N'G/.;:/,,/;<'j;~:/,/:,>,/~j:/ I Mike lure all manuII fuel ahutoft lIa[lIet are closed. I 7 11·7 AuIunoOO ~m lIeIIIe(S) opens. - "'" L1-9 - A1Brm fit used) is energized. 8 IF OPERATION IS ABNORMAL, CHECK THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW 1. Mastltr switch s closed, 2. F'owltr is connected to the mastllr ~h. 3.0ver1(lad protection (luse, circuit break.er. etc.) hes oot 0pltned the power line. IMPORTANT low fuel pressure limits, it used, could be open. Bypass thEm with jumpltrs for the rest 01 the Sta~c Tltsts (It required) 1 limits closed " open. determine '" causers) and correct the condition{s). 2. Burner controllltr is closed (call lor heat). 1. PrBignition interlock.s arB Closed. II open. determine cause(s) and corrBCt thB condi- tJoo(s). 1. Burner I1'lOIDf circuit: a. Manual switch 01 burner rnolDf is closed. b. Bumer motor power supply. overload prolecti:m, and starter are okay. c. Burner I1'lOIDf is ok.ay. 2. Lock.out im9l1xk.s Qncluding the Airflow Switch) are closed. 1. Wetch for spar1( or listen for buzz. a.lgnitbn electrodes are clean. b.lgnition trans10rmer it ol<6y. 2. usten for click or leel head 01 IIUve br 8C~VBtion . a.h:lUalDr fit U:led) is okay. b. Pi'ct lIalve ie okay. same as TEST No.5. (1'1 using dll1lct tpark iqnllion, check the IT\lIin fuel valYe(lf) instead 01 the pibt llllve.) 1. Listen tit and obsefve operallon 0I1he mBln IueI wNe(e) and actue.t:Ir(e). 2. Va/IIe(B) and BetuaJor(S) are ~. 1.AlBrm II okay. 155 71-97558-1 I TABLE IV - continued , ' VOLTw MODElS TEST TEST JUMPERS METER NORMAL OPERATION NO. Firing rete m:rtor c!rives open; All 9 ,5-L2 11~ line ~ttage at terminal 15 after R4140L molDr opens. Moc!els 10-11 '"' Firing rate motor arives closec!; and: L1·8 13-L2 '0 line ~Ilage al terminal 13 after 14 11 molDr closes. __ ·11 L ,.,5 Firing rale motor olives closed; line ~Ilage at terminal 13 atler '"' molDf closes. ,~L2 14-11 R4140L1030, R4140L 1097, 0' R4140L11Q5 All R4140L Models 12-11 '" 1. Raile point 01 series 90 "IB molD< 12 controlltH"-firing should drive toward ·open.· 2. Lower ,~ poirrt of series 90 COntroller - firing "IB mo'" Should drtve toward ·closed.· - Ignl1ion l!ipar1l (' ignition trans· former is COnnected to \erminal L '-18 '3 18). . ;;I, . Upon canpleting these lasts. open the master switch and remJVe all reSl Jumpers from \he SUbbase terminals. Also r rove bypass jumpern from \he low level fuel pressuR! limits (rf used). IF OPERATION IS ABNORMAL, CHECK THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW 1. High fire 5"I'l'Ilch lliI closl'd. 2. Firing rats mo\of and trans~rmer are okay. 1. Low r'rl~ IWitcM is connectsa between termi· nals 8·13. 111'lJl. proceed to TEST No. 11. 2. Low fire RWiII::h ill closed. 3. Firing rail m:rtor ana transformer are okay. 1. Low fire switCh is conneclad between lermi- nals 1&-13. H 1'lJl. proceed to TEST No. 12. 2. Low fire switt:h is closed. 3. Fir1ng rate rr'IllDr and 1Jansformer are okay. 1. Series 9D controller is okay. 2. Firing rats motor ana transformer are okey, ,. Watch !of spar1l or listen tor buzz. a.lgnition electrodes are clean, b.lgnition transformer is okay. V·"OTC" ON COYER STIJD ON NOlE: 11 0LE SPRING CLIP \ KI'lIFE_BLAOE SPRING CONT"'CTS (201 CONNECTORS C SSIS R(T I"'''G SCRE PROGR",MMER CHASSIS PIYOT PI" (2) •••• PROGR MME:R C.,"'5515 T 85 (2J 0 COVER lilOTIN c: SSlli , , ON COVER " "'''' TIMER DI L TIMER FIG.41- MOUNTING THE PROGRAMMER ON FIG. 42-REMOVING AND REPLACING THE THE SUBBASE. RELAYfTlMER COVER. 156 INSTALLING A SMALL PLUG·IN FLAME SiGNAL AMPLIFIER (FIG. 4J~ Two stanc1:l.rd amplifier models are packaged in a small c - - R7247A Rectification Amplifier (green). - R7249A UltravIolet Amplifier (purple). To install one oll1lese amplifiers. follow these steps: 1. RemoveJIle relay/limar co er. 2. Make sure the amplifier nameplate is on tile outSide, Then align llle circuiCboard wflh the receplacle on tile programme"; 3. Align tile ends of tile amplifier witll tile 2 scribe marks alongside the receptacle on the programmer, 4, Push in Ille amplifier unlillhe circuit board is tully in- serted Into Ille receptacle. (It It doesn't Q:l in easily, clleck llle alignment. The receptacle is keyed 10 the circuit board to pre enl Insertion if the amplifier is not alignod proparly.) 5. Make sure tile amplifier is firmly in place; lllen re- place tile relay/l'mer cover, 6. Make sure tile spring Clip on the cover fils over tile pluQ4f1 amplifier (see Fig. 42), AMPLIFIER \TI tR TIMfR OIAl CIRCUIT BOARO "'EVEI:) RECEPTACLE ALlG, ENT SCRIBE "'AR"-S PROGRA "'ER FOR S"ALL CHASSIS 1007'" AMPLifiER FIG. 43-INSTALlING A SMALL PLUG·IN FLAME SIGNAL AMPLIFIER, INSTALLING A LARGE PLUG·IN FLAME SIGNAL AMPLIFIER (FIG. 44) Four amplifier mooels are paCkaged in a large case- - R72478 Oynamc Sej~ CheCk Aecllflcalion Amplifier (green). ror flame rods, . R7247C Dynamic Self CIleck Rectification Amplifier (green), for C7Q12E,F Purple Peeper Ullraviolel Flame Deteclors. - R7248A Standard Inlrared Amplifier (red). - A72488 Dynamic AmpI~.Qleck lnlrared Amplifier (red). The slaps for installing a lar\)9 amplilier are lhe same as lllose for a small amplifier, except that the 2 Scribd' marks are nol used. "'EYED RE;CE;PTAcLE I A"PLlflE;R 'PROGA" ER ,., CHASSIS ,'" (;'RCUIT 60ARD FIG. 44-INSTALLING A LARGE FLAME SIGNAL AMPLIFIER. CHECKOUT AND TROUBLESHOOTING Before the system is put inla service, the q:leralor must perform all appliCable lests listed in tile CIleckout Sum- mary below and any others required by lhe burner manu- faclurgr. Instructions lor Ihe tests listed are in tile instruction Sheet for the R414Q. Before starting the burner the first time, milke sure all manual fuel shutort valves are closed. Also, 'b9 siJra to I}OOd.IIle follawlng warning: Do not allow fuel to accumulete In the com· bustlon chamber. If fuel Is allowed to enter the chamber for longer than a few second. without Igniting, an explosIve mixture could result. It Is recommended thet you limit the trial for pilot to 1Q seconds, and limit the attempt to light tile maIn burner to 5 seconds. In any case. do not eltceed the normal light off time spaclfled by the burnar manufacturer; close the manual fuel shutoffval~es If the flame Is not burn· In9 at the end 0' the specifIed time. CHECKOUT SUMMARY Tnv following lisl summari.:9S the cneckoul lests 'a- quired for each type of installalion. It explains tile purpose 01 each lest and lells wilen It is ro be performed. PREUMINARY INSPECnON is required for all installa- tions to avoid common problems. It sIlould be per- formed at the beQ:inning of lhe checkout before any otller lestS. (see Fig. 4510r lXlSitions of the Umerswilct", and dial at startup.) 157 71-97558·1 REl-AY/TI",tR COVtR/ , I " \ \ I' \ \ , , ,, \ FlAME SIGNAL MEASUREMENT is required for all In- stallatIons to ensure that the flame detector is sighting the flame and lhat the proper flame sig"lal is provided to the pr.QQrammer. It should be performed thrOlJl'ttlout the checkout procedure at the appropriate limes de- fined In the checkout tests. (See Fig. 46 for the meas· urement procedure.) INITIAL UGHTOFF CHECK FOR PROVED PILOT is re- quiredfor all installatiorls using a pilot, to ensure that the burner lights 011 properly. It should be the first lest after the p-rel!lJJinary inspection. INITIAL UGHTOFF CHECK FOR DIRECT SPARK IGNI- TiON is required for all burnen; not using a pilot, usually small oil butners, to ensure that the burner lights off properly. It should be the first test after the preliminary Inspection. PILOT TURNDOWN TEST is requirecl for all installations using a pllol, to ensure that the main burner can be ig- nited by the smallest pilot flame lhat will hold in the flame relay 2K. It should be performed ril1ll aner IhEt in- itiallightoff check. IGNmON INTERFERENCE TEST is required for all in- stallations using flame rods, 10 make sure lhat a false signal from a spark ignition syslem is not superim- posed on the flame signal. It should be pertormecl after the Pilot Turncbwn Test. HOT REFRACTORY SATURATION TEST is required for all Installations using infrared (I&ad sutflde) flame de- lectors, 10 make sure that radialion from hot refractory c:bes not mask the flickering radiation of the flame ilseff and cause satety shutdown. It should be performed fol- lowing the Pilot Turncbwn Tesl and if recommended in the troubleshooting proCedures. HOT REFRACTORY HOLD-IN TEST is reQ-lired for all in- stallalions using rectifying phOtocells or infrared (lead sulfide) flame detection, to make sure lhat hot refrac· tory will not cause the flame relay 2K to Slay pulled-in after the burner flame goes out. [tshould be performed following the Pilot Turndown Test for rectifying photo- cells, or following Ihe Hot Refractory Saturation Test for infrared detectors. It may also be recommended in Ihe troubleshooting procedures. ULTRAViOLET RESPONSE TESTS are required for all installalioos using ultraviolet (Purple Peeper or Mini- peeper) flame detectors. An IGNITION SPARK RE- SPONSE TEST is required to make sure that the ignition spark does not actuate the flame relay 2K. RE- SPONSE TO OTHER ULTRAVIOLET SOURCES should be checked to ensure proper detector opera- tion. These tests should be performed following the Pi· lot Turndown Test. FLAME SIGNAL WITH HOT COMBUSTION CHAMBER should be checked for all installations to ensure ade- quate flame signal under actual conditions while the burner is firing and 10 check the flame failure response time. 1\ should be performed aner all start~ lests and burner adjustments have been compleled. SAFETY SHUTDOWN TESTS are required for all installa- tions to ensure that the lockout switch on the program· me/ trips and locks oul the system If an abnormal condition occurs that reqUires safety shutdown. They should be performed al the end of checkout after all other lesls have been completed. If the system fails to perform properly during checkout, the operator should note the lXlir:t at which troubla occurs and refer to lhe TROUBLESHOOTING section in the In- struction sheet tor the R4140. /lJ1 checkout tests must be satisfied with the flame detector(s) in its final IXlsilion, Methods of flame simulation are available to aid in Iroubleshooting the flame detection system (Figs. 47 and 48). POSITIONS OF THE TIMER SWITCH ANO OIAL AT STARTUP (FIG. 45) During the preliminary inspection. the operator should make sure thaI the timer switch is in the NORM position, and that the large 001 between PURGE and PREPURGE on the limer dial is at the index notch. It the cbt is not at the index ~tc.h. the dial should be rotated manually, in the di- rection shown by the arrow on the relay/timer cover, to the proper position. DOT OM " 1 TIMER DIAl- r I < i< - ::TTO~ 0' PROGRA ME:<l TIMER CHASSIS TIMER SWITCH FIG. 45-POSITIONS OF THE TIMER SWITCH ANO OIAl. AT STARTUP. To facilitate checkout and troubleshooting, the opera- lor can stop the timer by setting the timer switch to lhe TEST position. The timer will lhen Slop nsar the end of Prepurge to allow time 10 cheCk the standard models of the plug-in amplifiers (R7247A, R7248A, and R7249A). It can also be stopped during the Pilot Flame·Establishing Pe- riod to adjust the pilot during the Pilot TurndownTest, orto check the IXlsilions of the timer and relay contacts during troubleshooting. 158 NOTE: Wilh the limer stopped during the Pilot Flam&Es- lablishing Period, the lockout switch will heal. If il heals 100 long (a~roxirnately half a minute), safety shut· doW"f1 wi11 occur. FLAME SIGNAL MEASUREMENT (FIG. 46 AND TABLE V) When a flame detectqr senses a flame, it procfuces a very sm.all electrical signal that Is called a Rame signal. This liny signal is fed back through leadwires to the flame signal amplifier on the flame safeguard control, where it is made much larger so it can be read on a meter. The mag- nitude or the flame signal Is proportional to the size and quality of the flame (providing the detector is sensing the flame properly), so the condition or a flame can be deter· mined.by making a Ilame signal measurement. " 1QSJ METIER CONfllECTOA "LUG FLAME SIC METER JACI< "lEO SPAOIE TIP \ILACI< SPACIE TIP n,." P\.UC-lN FU\Me: SIGN MPLIFle:Rj FIG. 46-MEASURING THE FLAME SIGNAL. The flame signal should be lTleaSJJred at the a~rcpri ate times defined In the CHECKOUT and TROUBLE· SHOOTING sections of the instruction sheet for the R4140. REiad the flamecsignal in microamps at the meter jack on the plug-in flame signal amplifier (Fig. 46). The meter reading must be as speCified in Table V. Detailed measurement procedures are included in the CHECK- OUT section of Ihe R4140 instruction sheet NOTE: Table V is sLbject to change to include new devel· opments or to reflect requirement modifications. For the latest requirements, refer 10 the label on the amplifier. FLAME SIMULATION (FIGS. 47 AND 48) During troubleshooting, It is often advantageous to simulate a flame rather than to ignite the pilot or burner. Two devices are available for this purpose: 123514A Flame Simulator-for checking out a stan· dard R7247A Rectification Amplifier. 1235148 Flame Simulator-for cheCking oul a stan· dard R7249A Ultraviolet Amplifier. To use either of these devices, follow the appropriate procedure in the TROUBLESHOOTING section 01 the in- strucfion sheet tor the R4140. These steps are included in the procedure: 1. Remove the flame detector leadwire from terminal F on the subbase. 2. Set the timer switch to TEST position and stop the programmer near the end of the Prepurge period. 3. Plug the probe of the flame simulator into the tip jack on the front of fhe programmer chassis (Fig. 47). (The tip jack is connected direCtly to the F terminal of the programmer.) 4. Hold the plug (lead end) 01 the simulator against the programmer chassis. The flame relay 2K should pull in and stay in while the plug is in contact with the chassis. 5. If relay 2K pulls in, the ampli1ieris okay. (The trouble is in the flame detector or its circuitry outside the programmer.) 6. If relay 2K does nol pull in, either the amplifier Of the programmer is faulty. Replace the amplifier ,and check out the new one with the flame simulator. 7. If relay 2K now pulls in, the old amplifier was fauny.11 2K still does not pull In, the programmer is faUlty. To check a standard R7248A Infrared Amplifier, use a la-inch length or insulated wire instead of a flame simula- tor. Remove 3/4 inch of insulation 1rom each end of the wire. Remove the plug-in amplifier, and plug one end of the wire into the tip jack on the front of the programmer chassis (Fig. 48). Reinstall the plug-in amplifier,_ and lollow the same procedure as for the R7247A and R7249Aampli- fiers:;' except l felf simulating flame (steps 3 and 4). To simu- late llame, tap the free end of the wire against the programmer chassis about 2 times a second. Relay 2K should pull in and stay in while flame is simutated. CHECKING OUT THE SELF-CHECKING AMPLIFIER The R72478 or C or R72488 amplifiers with sel1-check- ing circuitry can be checked by observing the red 1lame-in- dicating larrp for these conditions: . R72478 or C DYNAMIC SELF CHECK REcnFICA- TION AMPLIFIER (GREEN) No flame -lalTll should glow slightly. Replace the am- plilier ilthere is no glow, or if lhe larrp is ON (bright) conlinuously or blinking. Flame present -lamp should blink aboul 1 to 4 times a second. Replace the amplifier if the larrp <::bes not blink. R72488 DYNAMIC AMPU-eHECK INFRARED AM- PLIFIER (RED) No Rame -lamp should not glow. nep/ace the arllllifier if the 1aJ'Tl) is ON continuously or blinking exces· sively. (The 1aJ'Tl) may blink occasionally d.Je to electrical noise pulses on the signal leads. These occasional noise pulses are rejected by the ~Iifi er and cb not affect normal c:peration.) Flame present-lamp shoutd blink at the same rate thai lhe flame Is fliCkering (as high as 20 limes a sec· ond), Replace lhe ~Iifi&f if the lamp does nol blink. 159 71-97558-1 [...]... controller FIG 50 - TYPICAL LOCATION OF RELAY CON· TACTS (FRONT VIEW) I 8~-'" 'M'O' AL _J '" • '" • EJ 8 8 B • • " ,p < I r , l':t.: ~ I~ EI EJ El: "OTOA A U' 15' O( CONTACT5 8 oUT5'DE CONTACTS FIG 51 - TYPICAL LOCATION OF TIMER C~NTACTS (FRONT VIEW) AS5EMIlLY ROD ~OMMO" ~O"TACTS (CE"HRl 8 CONTACT (OUT5'oEl FIG 52 - POSITIONS OF "An (INSIDE) AND "8" (OUTSIDE) TIMER CONTACTS THE BAR CHART (FIG 53 ) A Timer... ~~~~~~~E HOLD IGN TRIAL FLAME ON RUN POSTPURGE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ILLUMINATED RESET BUTTON 'RUN/TEST SWITCH E1201 FIG 54 -BC7000 MICROCOMPUTER BURNER CONTROL SYSTEM TABLE VI-PM720 MODELS AVAILABLE PREPURGE EARLY SPARK TERMINATION TIMJ~G PM720 (sec) L1030 30 y~ FLAME ESTABLISHING PERIOD (sec) PILOT 10 MAI~ 10 or 15 POST­ PURGE TIMING (.sec) 15 1200' G20 05 \.:12013 y~ '" 10 100~ 15 15/ 30 10 or Inter­ ENERGY... 110 FDA '''''oLlOI .'u FIG 59 -OPERATION OF THE BC7000l WITH THE PM720Ll030 PROGRAM MODULE 173 71-9 755 8-1 , 7 ~ soon es the presence 01 flame Is det8cled, the FLAME ON status light comes on 8 5 secorx:ls Into the iQrlilion trial period the iQrlition transformer (Iermlnal 18) Is energized 9 10 seconds into -the ignition lrial period and will, presence 01 flame detected (FLAME ON status lighl on) the... check is expanded to in' cll.lde a flame signal check dur.ing si'anctJv (Off-CyCle) ar\d a preignition output circuit check - Off-Cycle (Standby) Flame Signal Check is apro­ vision Ihat monitors the sfatus of lhe flame detection sub­ system (flame detector and amplifier) If a flame simUlating condition as a result of marginal or faulty flame detection components (or actual flame) exists, a hold code will... INSTAUATlON FIG 57 -INSTALLING THE PM720 PROGRAM MODULE IN mE BC7000 INSTALLING THE PLUG-IN FLAME SIGNAL AMPLIFIER (FIG 58 1 1 Remove the amplifier compartment cover 2 Grasp the flame signal amplifier with the monogram toward the ootside face of the amplifier companlTlEll"ll Align the circuit board with the keyecl receptacle in the 171 71-9 755 8-1 E11U BC7000 CHASSIS -­ SMALL AMPLIFIER LARGE AMPLIFIER FIG 58 -INSTALLING... M2002 30190 & y~ '0 "'" Inler­ mitlent 15 Preignition Running, low Fire 2-WIIlI lsolatecl O~,OFF· ON Contacts , M2036 & & & 30f7 & Preionili::>n, Running None 90 seconds: 30 seconds" lelTT1inaI 15 is jumpered to terminal B 15 seconds; 30 seconds" tem1inal 15 ~ jumpered ll:llBrminal B 30 seconds: 7 seconds if terminal 1S is jump8(ed to t&rminal B 1 65 7'-9 755 B-' CIRCUIT STATUS MONITORING -Dynamic... Jnstallation Because terminal designations for lhe R4075E are unlQJ9, II requires a special Q295A1 054 Wiring Subbase The R4075E is available in 120 and 220 voll models 50 ECTIDN A TIlANSo FORMER T[R"INA~ STII.IP ON;_-:SUIBASE­ ~ P~UG·IN ~~~~IEF~~~:"'~'' -'''''~ SEQUENCE OF OPERATION FOR THE R4075E (FIG 64) The q:>eration of the 120 volt model o1lhe R4075E will be described The sequence 01 operalion for... BC7000 INSTALLING THE FLAME DETECTOR NOTE: Table IIlisls the flame detection systems available for use with the BC70Q0 Mic·rocomput9l' Burner Control System Maka sure you are using the correct corrblna· lion of ampli1ier and flame detector(s) Proper flame detector inslallation is Ihe basis of a safe and reliable flame safeguard Installalion Refer to the In­ slructions packed with the flame detector and... V -FLAME SiGNAL C7012A C Ultravi:llet (Purple Peeper) C7012E F UltravDlet (PurP!l;l Peeper) d C7tJ27A, C703SA, or C7044A lJO",_ 5' ,.,/4 2-112 9 R7247A (Grwn) c 2 R72476 (Green; Self Check) C Rod C70 15. A (riftareel (Laad Sutlide COl' MAXIMUM CURRENT EXPECTED (MICROAMPERESI R7247A (Grwn) Rectitjing Flame RectifYing f:Ihclocell MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE STEADY CURRENT­ (MICROAMPERES) FLAME SIGNAL AMPUFIER FLAME. .. -"~i5 li ~ ~ '" i l"l!" ~ 0::1 ' !< L 5 II, r~HD"-" ~ ~~:!gt-i 1 ;:iiiL ~i "I'.' U I 1 • I II 51 2 I I :i "" ~ 9~ ,­ ~"'i I uuo ;o! 0" 1~ ~, e' ",",' " ® ® C'J ",'I5I' I , I l'l ~ O:li o • • I I I.~:.:. 11 , , ""'" :::1' ;;:: ~ I Z ! " • I I :;:::;: I I I I to i:!J,: ~ ~~:g~ :I I '" , 1I 1 ~ " ~ 5 i 0 ;: l! 6:;=~ 'I' Ii; ~u 0' , , , -"' . the Y4140 mslrt/cliOn sheet, form 6o-D574.' TABLE II -FLAME DETECTION SYSTEMS PLUG-IN flAME SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS APPLICABLE flAME DETECTORS SELF- FLAME FAILURE FUEL TYPE MODELS COLOR. II okay. 155 71-9 755 8-1 I TABLE IV - continued , ' VOLTw MODElS TEST TEST JUMPERS METER NORMAL OPERATION NO. Firing rete m:rtor c!rives open; All 9 ,5- L2 11~ line. lestS. (see Fig. 451 0r lXlSitions of the Umerswilct", and dial at startup.) 157 71-9 755 8·1 REl-AY/TI",tR COVtR/ , I " I' , , ,, FlAME SIGNAL MEASUREMENT

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 21:21