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, ~ j'- , , '" ' ,,- - t;d~ - ,. ~ - • FLAME ¥ ~ SAFEGUARn - CONTRULS • -' • • HoneyWell ' - A Honeywell· r Textbook I' , ' ,- ~ • • - I TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION TO FLAME SAFEGUARD • I COMBUSTION • 1 BURNERS AND BOILERS PART I: Burners •• • • • 5 PART III: Air Heating Units • • • 6a PART II: Boilers • • • • 45 flAME ROD APPLICATIONS PART I: Types 01 Flame Detectlon Systems 71 PART II: Requlremenls ror Flame Rod Rectification Systems •• 73 PART III: Flame Rods, Holders, and Rectilier Pilots 82 OPTICAL DETECTOR APPLlCATIONS 8S PRIMARY CONTROLS 107 RA890 Primary Controls 109 RA890H Self-Checking P,lmary Controls 115 R471lS Primary Controls 122 R771lS Primary Controls 124 PROGRAMMING CONTROLS 131 The Sell-Checking Function 134 6asic ProgrammIng Sequence _137 R4140 Programming Controls 148 BC7000 Microcomputer Burner Control Systems 165 Semi-Automatic, Industrial FSG Con1fols 175 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE OF 192 FLAME SAFEGUARD SYSTEMS SERVICE EOUIPMENT LIMITS CONTROLLERS, AND INTERLOCKS 216 VALVES AND VALVE TRAINS 263 SIZING AND APPLICATION OF LARGE GAS VALVES 286 FIRING RATE CONTROLS 301 G LOSSAR Y 331 206 INTRODUCTION TO FLAME SAFEGUARO WHAT ARE FLAME SAFEGUARD CQNTROLS7 The '.rm FLtmo Sol'f4!Jard irl i" b"""de.t __ 00-" aU tbe """"0"' ,.,;., <1 'lrith burnen, d lhei.r , '111 ",":pn>eIlL Thi> illcllldn ,he Ilomo ,onsin~ deoi'" I 10 dooIoc! Ills no"",. operw.liIlq aDd aroty de""",,, I \0 5tUt :l1t01> I llwtle I_ to' <00"01 lui fi<l " ""I-c:i"'l flitI'". 00><1 .<I'riIiarY ",n"o~ u J. in co~j"''':'lon witlt ,1>0 bum aloty "'n,,,,1 ·""oms. If _ -bod to dofino the 'onn FJuo. s"roquud 5J'll~m. 'lui d'lIIlition miljht be .,m lWlq Iil<. - "A of CIJIl,,01 ~Il.il>""" _ in • ''1''_ '0 I',,,,rid. ar. 0:>0'1'01 01 bU<»ar opetalion <dtod by In. bwa ppij""tian." If 'hs denz,ilion ms brood. "'"",mbor 'lui' it must ",dud. con,,,, I"" .1I typo. of., fro", <implt ""n,in""",, ( "otinq) pilot "",nKorlnq 'yr<O"'" .11 tile _y '0 ""mpln qu.n<illoJ "amtroJ <)'110m, for!arl;1o bumen. HISTORY OF FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROLS Tb. hi>lory of IJome Wequa>d "'0,,,,11 do_ bock .Imo" '0 tho n 1' ,.,1 "" ."d oil bumOR- Tbt tim: afoqllOlrl ct>ot1<lb op.,,"od ~,,"Uy and 111'1 <Iluch to b. d l ftom 'luIlU1>d OI of _yo fo' .:tample, on. ot '"" Iiort typos 01 'UIO <Ic n.m. af_nl, ""lJOd lllo "Bea/D Sal»;' """,m wMnl>y ,h. aOCllIllw.,i"" 01 ""b",,*, oil 1lI • """. wno< ",used. leo t<> clD. a 1 ill 'bo. rupply aU line. This, of count, Jl'O"Od ""'1' umatlsloetory. Than c eJ""lro~ combination. dill "'nlll<! '_peratu by Clfblm.ut., diophra9"'J. 0' ,hermoooup!os. TI\IIy wort "",,,"'td by Ilw tompo<:I., of the !lUi _ or lbe dJr""" rorholi of boo< fr<lm th. !101M. Tl>ooo "",.hods _ lUitoblo rOl JaaaII tumo<:eo ond boU , bu' instaUolion1 ~otd ill .a, tM """, ,.;.,g nom. Afoquard "' 11 ",,,,",,, .0 be I , .ID. ODd """"blo. So ,h. iIld\IfUY "-" chir>l far f ., , of p-o.u.q 1Io""" Dol no- tli1", In lbe 10<1 1920'0, it toUlld llul. na- "" _1>0< obara '" _b1o la' oI.toclion-tU abllltyof a fluoo 10 dl ,. a""t\c:ol ow-r.nt. T1li:Ilod 10 ,he develop." ' of tlul .flV trpoo of .ltetr<>ni. tlom feguard ,",011Ols. Thne lIOt "'Jy pre ,be tlomo lIluch fastor, but , __ also lIIucb ""''' _,i to fla"'" ~. M<lo.l"'I"U 'lui first manur''''","r to oI.n1ap a \nCIicol ,., of dotOC'tinq flallll oloc<r<>ai<:aUy;.nd ill ,luI ly 19:51)'" marko'ed 00 .Io""ooi. sy1tlltl "';"g a !Io n>d ood ho' is looWl at a fIollll <:ollduc<ioity dm>It While 'his a impr-ofttllenl 0_ dII .locu<> clumi<:ol .",e , , it hod iu .ba<"<",miJl.p; 1IIIZlIIv, ;. plrmittod a hillb _'" IlIcn ;,. .be n.mo 18IIIUul cirv.IlI, """" ••• n m. rod du:nod to ~. to oImW.," a fIo_. Thi., of "'\IJ1I, "'" U ""ootl a>odltioo ODd. IJI impr-o""" """bod bod 10 be deoi.d Shan., &ner World W"" II, d Joped ,110 tIo",a ,1tCti1I.""ion .ircuit to 0_0> ,bo prolll101l of ,be 110"", oolld<><O.iYitl clrotlit. If .lIa of 0111 lle<trodo in lbe t1allUl is mad .11;0\10 1of<jOl Ihl a of 'ho oth"" tbe mol' is a 1I<'lif1OOtiOO of al'omating curt'I!l, '0 dJr«:l CUtt'OJI'. lit WIO at lloctroDi. "'lwpomnt ",. opoo.cl 0II1y '0 ,h;,o direa "",,00' able '0 "id 'M pombJU,V at a skart coUliDf 'llo f. O>l>di,;"" ",uld wi'b .b. !II""" <:on4"",;Yi.y 'YO'"'" Tho II", llo<:t,OIli<' ~*"'" _to Umi.od bu:i""Uy '0 a !Ioml rod, pbl""""lly ill .bl 1Io100 i olf. 0' • pboto<>tll to n'" a Yiallll 114b'. t ler. il _. fOW'ld l"~ .hl pntI ". 0/ infrved udiotioft in a !lome a>uld b. uood fa, d ,i;:In purp:ae oftd 'he d .uIf>dol no"", dlWCUlr bam. 10 le, ,"' _ r""nd tIla' "ill aootlulr pttrtiQII. at 1ioJh. tpectnlb'l. <>:>Illd be._ fo' lJ,omo driectiOll llich would be ""'to l.e-ti ;n i" _on ODd. _b, po>ide 'l! af.ry_ond ,b. Ill"" iol.' <Io"""or ",,,,"aped- All of 'b ",n""l doroolopmon ""'to b",u!lo' about by ,bon,,", 01 oddi<i<Jo:o '" ,he <:'>ro",""",1 and iodoomu bw:oor and boiler 501d.o .0 "' , dlCiqn ",d appU""liOu od n"". FUNCTIONS PERFORMED BY THE FLAME SAFEGUARD SYSTEM • Tbe modo'" Flo SoJ"l""rr1 cootrol ,,,,ern on a ",,,,,,,,,rciol 0' indu"';"'] boilo' porfo ,110 rol"win~ fu.oction" 1. l'toYidn. JJJlI m of ~ and .toPP'nq ,bl burn i,ber """,, Uy or au'o"",'iaUy. 2. Stan. 'M bumer in 'be P'O]lOt" qu""", .nd "'~ ,be b, r !10m. during oporation. 3. GlloVtb tho ., om 090it>,. u"""""" P""""" Q' IImpora.ur. ",""-'<iOUL In .dditicm, ler<Ier <v-stlltll olao perform t~ lUDe<ions: I. Raqulall" b"""" I'IliOi" "'re. 2. llbimalJI. b Ii 4uritlq 'M b~ ,rr <>do . TYPES OF CONTROLS Tho foUowiog ", of eon",,10 UI :I '" porfoml. buic no"", afoquord runetJon,. A. CONTROLLERS Tbo <:on,rollor mI, bo 00 au,o_<i<J pot~'"re or _ :og d '" d8Iigo8d t<> opon,. ,bo. bwtlat .0 1l>II.Io""" (dlpendin9 an 'b. modi""" bft>9 Iia'odl 1Iml" 01 _, _,e, 'ompoAlllA. or .it l ,· pm.,,,,,,. on. _",,]lor "",y .ls>o be. IItOrt/ltOp ".'ion wbid1 0110", tbe opera'o, 10 uoay non .nd, if dasi:w:l, _nuo!l, ItOP 'Oo bllJ1tor. 71-97~S8 B. LlMlf NO tA.FEfY CONTROLS IV • cbo<:k IIp:m. ,110 'D1UlOlIa ."d 1~ prowido • "",:<>mom Limi' b.l""'d whkh lilt bwn 'hould not be • Lio_ '0 opo""' •• Iimil ""n'I'>! must b. pro';dod. J"Oil<>n<h"'l .ither '0 p nn Of po' LU' •. On " m boil.", iHs·olo<> • ,. ry to provid •• low w."'" CUlcff La I'<""",t bwn <>po",ti<ln should the _at., 10 1 dro~ b.lo", r. Li".". In .dditiOfl, if ,be beil.r M' • food ,.r or """d '. r",wn PI'/IlP. ,hi.o i, "anod prio' to low ,.r outoff .<'-i"n ill- ord.r '0 ,,'um 11>0 bail., _lOr 10 LI>o desired Jonl. c, llURl'leR INTERLOCK CONTROLS S"'- lnt.rled< ""nnob porI'Ofm LWI> fWlOli!>", l. Pro IMt ,he ""n_ •• 10< combustion a", os· ,"b~,luKI d 'ML 1M b i' _dJ'o be nanod. 2. Pro 'hot ""ndinon' a", 'i<faOlary fo< b"",or ope",ti"" to """'inu •. 5, on ;;'1011 ""b indu'" w1 r:l"'ocl in k>d<I. dalllpo, PO"~""''''l o:nitrolo, rutl "",",,"'" 'ob ••• oJectriool our< "".rloeb • ."d oil 10"0110."" """"010. RUMj~ inrorloda ibollJd. '"01 p lIOIlle rwitcltao. ""mbwtio. air ""n""b (t.irfi switob) ••• d doft oon'-l"'l, (10" ;md hlgh In ptQting switohoo). Locllout bltori<cl:! tnd.ude airflow and fuel ~ uro swi,ch ~ W<lllid be used will> flame f ttl e<lIl trois iIl00f?C,.ting • lockoul iIllorlock citcuit. Th"y ""'llId "pia ,imilar running ir!uulock•. SmAller bum"", do nO' ",quir. oil 0( "' ••• inL.dod<l in 1Il0ir <:onLe," ",,,.ltII'. bet lo."lOf b"'n"", would _ mCll1 0( LMm, 0. fiRING R n CONTROLS Tbe "",jori'y "I """"""rcial and i.du''''''l !l""'"'" be a mAm or ,yj1Ig 'ho firinoJ ,.L. '''''''~ to tho 1<».~ ~"","nd. Thi.o i:l "\lOlly acccmpU,hod 01"". tticallY ("",y be don. PJI.""""iooliy) and in""l_ 0!lulqln9 'h" firin~ ",te (boLh o.i, .o~ lu.1 ~l1OJltiti ,imoltallOOusly) f,oUl high rl." 10 low rlr., or mr>du Jotin~ LlI. firill~ raT ,110 syst.m d.malld cMnlJl"'. Whon flti"'l ro"i """",,I, 01 to:. higlVlow 0' m<><lu' 1.tin9 rypo .ro pmtld.,j, • """,an,eed low II'" nut , be requir.d '0 pro¥ida. ,mooth Sl.,.mp. f. FUEl V LVES ruol 1 , open, do"", d _i Jt»d t. '~a fuol ",pply. On oil b""""9 rryo1OmIl. IOma _, ha d""'yed openinQ r.,,,,",, Gu I may boo 01 Lhe .Iow 1J1 r.j! openi"'l lypo. F. PFlI_FlY 011 PIIIOGFl MMING CON'Tl'IOU Tbe primary ·0' ptolJfUlllling oo~,rol, with ill associ&'OI! fIa"'" "''-ttl,. iJ ,he 01 ,be <:o"'rol ,yno", and pto moon. of ItOrlizul Lbo b","", i. ;t> propor ""I"""""', uu, thot LM fIomo ha, "UI'oIi:lhO<l d "'i>tmlin~ "'. name dI1rin9 l.un.r oporan"n. An .1000roolo n "", t«jlOUd oon=1 a"""",p!tollM i" purJlO" I>J porI'orming ,_ IWlOlian, .1Il0h "'0 iIlt",lo~od ., 'ha'. wi,hou, ClIDIplKiJl9 ,11. Om, ,be ,"""od ~""Ol ""n'inn: 1. Senoing Lhe preMO"" 0( a 'idoctOl'Y n o 2. seq <inQ- tbe opar ian of tho b"""" rryotom, In .ddi,ion, ,h. fla", • t«juord <y>.L.". must provid• a'Nrd fuoctjo. to f"O¥ide t. opera"on- ~. (:h.ckin; ito 0 o<>mp:tllllo". 1. SENSING 'I'IU: PRESENCE OF A SATlSFACTORY FLAME A flam. ",f«juord mu" d;nin~ui,h b., t. Iltm •• rt.:l n f. flo"". and ,0methiOll (re, in"""",. ht>! :of'.Oto,y) tha' i:l ooL a flam. at u hUl ",.,<1J ha. 10"'" of Lbe chua"'oriJli", of flam<, And iL mun do thi.o la and mOro a'",,,,.,,ly tM. \'Ou could do iL or 'III ",,,,I, may b. a ditT.,enL kind 01 ri WI>'b Withou, \0;' ""mpl abili'y, • flam r<quar~ .'" t.", i, ". ,ban _10,,_;\ i' dOWlVight dong.fou, ~. JiEQUE;tlC1I'lG TIlEOPERA'I'ION OF TIlE BURNER SYST£fl! When we ,pook of "'Qu •• cin~ Lh' 0PO«l;OO 01 lh. b"",,,, syn.m, _ nlUO tN.t it. "'<><0". b!cw , ill"itio •• and fuel I• ." must b •••• "';zed ooly when 'hoy or. need.,j-in 'h' proper '.QU •• "'. On a .hUl do,"", ""' 1 or ho",u_ 01 flam. lailura, Lh_ com· po:Ion" u" also.be d gi ~ ill Pl'opor "QUO." '0 pw"~' w:lbumed ru.l l'om a"cw.,,.lIs'inq ,n ,h. a>mb""io. ,bember wher. i' ,""uld CiU'" a boArdoU' OCII't.di,in. Ylbsn • <tan bu"on ill ptlt_ 0' an au!o"""io <:onrroU", Cil!b lor hu', "'methi"'l mun make sur. 'M' ,b. blLcnor 9"lJ fuel •• ~ illl\,,;on at ,b. righ, ""'" to a good ~~ht-<>ff. Power mun be ""J>P~'" to motOll, opo!! I " .1Id .0 J>ro';~. i9n.i'ion. ANI il ""me com"" ' or intetlock .be bo, tho lJIl.m if dan ow, thi.> m• ,,,,,,,!Woq moot stOP 'ho ooq and >bu, down ,he burn., ., ,ern r.ly, Tho "lcmotllinq" 'M' mutl ~"""mpliJh an 'hi.o i> the flo"," !~ ryItOtll. h , y parlorm OLhar dUli too. """b pur11in; 0' "'utlding alar",;, bu' ill ""m> duty;' to f. Ol"""tion. To do thi<. it mUn noL o.ly ,"" ~"" or .""'not of tillaOlo" flo hut abo coo'lOl tho onli,. operaTini ooquen 01 all <:ompono." 0( Lh. blLcno, 'l'Sl.ltl ," propel' orde<, 3. CHECKING ITS OWN COMPONENTS Ey me,.,", 01 a built·in Ie·nan cbecl:, the no"", ",fe'l'"'''' ohecl:s in.if fer un",fe railures en ."'ry ".n ilnd try time po_ ill ,eapp~ed. if. nome <ilnul.tinq. failuro is pr nt, tho .ale-start eh""k will p,event!he bIlmer lrom artisl~. We !MY be tao incline<! to ronOd.r.ll ,hu,down, nuiianoe shutdawn,. Eu' •• butdawn is a nuilanoe 'hutdoWil only If ron'inue<! al""otion would ho"" b_ sate beyond all question. A 'hutdoWll 0tI a owgiml flome rondit;on i.l no, a noiwloe shu'down; the flo"'" sofequonl i. runC<ionjn~ as it .houJd. A flo"'" sat.· '1'"'''' oynern "'nsid"", Mf.ty fun IIDd c't:m nion"" ><condo Tho primary ",ntrol contoins tho neoesary "'LlY' ond oonta", tor , ninq ond rroppinq tho burnor WId orner from tbo apo""inq ",n'rollor, limit "'ntrollorr, innlrlook., ond I10me d "",o,. A ~enerali:led fla"", s.IequonI control .yrtem i' 0110,"", in the lollowin~ '- CONTOO, 'v"'.~ 'U'_'"SY>T'~ CO_,"OL'" ,""'", : ~~~r " ~. '."GUAOe •• ,~ vo. O".A""O I .Qul "T '.""'AMMmG <O"'"OC J anOOTO' .""~. "" Thi, i""."1ized 'yII.m is rep'''''''''''t; , of all 110_ .alequ.ud ooouol ,y e"",. '!'he fi'l"'e mokeo i. apparont that the primary conlrol iW't> oIle b""",," sj'ltem on siqnal from the eontrnller, and pwmia operatiOll ro """"il" UIlder control at """ feedback \oope. Tha !lams d eer.o. mooitor.lIarne ",nditian. Ind 5iqnols tho bumer 'a "op if I10me is Ie , Or if ~ lailun """"" ill tho d "",ion ,y em. Tbo limi" and inlerlock. monitor ron· dition. othor thon the p nee of nome, .hUltinqdmwn tho ",em if condi'ion.< oxceed limi' or int""lccl: "",ring" A ~rll./l\min~ oonuol i.l haoically the "'''''' primary """'rol e 1" """ 'bo ord ·'pta'l'.mmin~" impli , it ptom. tirnod "",,",,nang 01 tne b1Jrl\Or fUnctiOIU. It may aJsc incllld" rontrol of additional fUnOriCln', Neb OJ prop""}ll, po''PU''1", timod (rial for iqrtition, ond IiriD~ "Ue l.oricn. WHY DO WE NEED SPECIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR LARGE BURNERS? A bllffier is .imply a ·deoico far ronv.nin~ fuel into """ble Ileat o_!/y. Bwne'" ore ra'o<! by ,he amount of h".t m.y prodllce in BN" per bOIl' (Eruhl. Thi,;, det"rmined. by the amount of fuel hoin" burnod, and !he Etu eool.'11 of tbe fuol A "P"~ bea,er in·. 'e<ldenoo ~hl be rated for 30,000 Eruh; a damellio rurillloe !oJ, 80,000 0' 100,000 Stub. Equip"""" of 'iii, i. u.ually controllod by bOAt ,,,,,sin~ I10me d o",ion I)'5lenu uck OJ ,hormaeouple' and oil stadt ,ola\,,- wiliob =p tb. ope,.tian when they n en """,fo ritwtion. In a t1umnaoouple .y o"" fuol is rut all Lf no pilOt is 1""",0'- In 'be of. 'taok lay, ILIOI is CUt orr if i'l'tition dee, nOt OOell<. The ",t_nu, g"nmUy ~uiring 1m", I 'a 3 minu' (0 a",ually ent off lu.l IUpply Iller I1omo I"", or f.iluro to iqnite, a'" podo<:tly ",lirl'''Qry fo' tho ,ypo, or bum on whioh 'noy Ole 1lMd. Aaume ,he,. 'lI' burnet u<in~ 120 ""bie f_ or 1000 B,u ili" per hour (110,000 Etuh bllffie,) l1o""",u•. I" hN' nling protoction 'f'!'om ,b"', of! IUlII to the bllnJe< in .bout a minule. Whal luipp<ru' In tho minute '01Jo"""~ !lamoou', 2 cubic fOOl at ili" anr ,,,leaoed inro tho eombwtian clwnber. Mi>:e<l wi'h IIDouqh air for colllb_ioo-ohou. 10 ti""", lh" all>Ount of 'lI' in thi! "",,-wo eould ha 22 enbio reet of explc Oli""""'. Eut wha' would happen If thi! m" control oynern _0 .pptiod '0 • bume< med for 1,200,000 Etuh_bwninq 1200 <Ubio fOOl of 'lI' every hour. in alllinut. folJo.nnq I1orni'Oul, ,hi! rynom wouJd in<ro<la"" 20 ""bin feo1 of 'IOI-or, b.n IiIin<i wi'b combustio.n ai<-220 enbk r_ of oxplosi min",e. I! deLlyood iqrtition tokn pia"", tbe ,e.uI~ wiU be dioootro Obriaualy _ r tw _<hodl' of flam. foiJuro d11IKtiCln rot ~ bum For sof"'Y, ,h. l)'Ilem m_ a",\I011y MUI ott the fuol wi'k±o. 2'04 """,od, or. I1omo filii I:n .ddilion lO rpeod., need ,,>liabili,y-bo.h for r y ODd for """ •• ",Ii<: reasons, sin.,. lot. of bumor may be experui We _ ~u""natie """.ml-c:apoblo of ""nuoI!ing all the fUneticns of a eolllP",X burn "YW'0m Mf.lyand !iobly-withou' ""notan' a ention fmm an QperalO'. W. _ to PlOtect ,bot '>"".m from 0'''''' d.ul~"n besido bsII of f\omo-""",h e~ ,,,,,,pera'''',, 0< boiler -=. In otdot to _ all tm. r8quinmlon , _ oopblstirated "Io"''''''in !lalM requonl CDntrall)'llOlilL ii i 71·97558 To t8tJlish am mainLain carouellOl1, 3 slsma<lts must be pr"""nl. TIls ars ruel, air, and ignition. This Oan be illustraled a. a oi'ole dMded into 3 equal pe'ls called lhe combuslJon clrc/o. Removinll any SS\jr1"lIlnl 111 destroy lha cirols. Slml- la,ly, r"m,wirN;j ona 0' lha slemants raquired lor oombus· bon will OSIJ"" lhe burning 10 osasa. R""""vlng fLJelI wilt stop combusllon as air alone will ",t bu,n, a,sn al high temperatures. Ramc.lng air will leav" ruel and ~nitlon, but sinc" ru,,1 will nol tlurn wilhoot ai', oombo.JsllOI1 cannot be maintained, One may say lhat famoving ignition wiil root Slq) Com· buslion, but this ie nOllrua, sinca the combo.Jstion 01 pert 01 lha fuel and air provides th" roea! """essa", 10 lQ"lita the unburned ruel am air. Illhi. heat (01 inh"rent ilJ1ilion) is re~ th" incoming rual 9<'\d air ill r in al a Iem- peralura lawar troen that recp.Jireo for oorrtJuet;on. CLASSIFICATION OF HEATING FUELS Healing ruals may be Cl ified accordin" to thair physical SLata as solid, liqukj, or Q1ISSOus. SOUO FUELS The prlnclpel solid fuel is cOiII. Healing vallJllS cf coal rango Irom 6,900 BW per It> lor lignite to 15,550 Btu per Ib for IOW-IIOialile bituminous. Ott>el examplll!l cf ""lid fuels ara coke, ood, $9,.OOst, and t>riqususs, lIOUID FUELS The prlnoipel liquid luel I. 011. Fuel oils ara Qfadad ac- cording 10 Ihelr oharaoterlsllcs, includirN;j viSCOSity, flash point, pou' point, "aler and :limenl C0l11 ,I, oarlxln , Iwe, aslI, and dlstiliallOl1 cha,acterlstlC$. The 1Ig,ler oila, Graela. No.1 end No.2, are used pre- dominantly In do"",.llc heating aqJlpma<l1. The hea,,! oils, Gradels No. ~ end 6, a'a used in cOmmercial and in· d.<strial burne,s and gensrally 'aqulrs prshaatirN;j. Haating values rangs from 132,900 Btu per Qal fo' No. '1 od 10 155,900 Btu 'per Qal for No, 6 011. Oths, eXSfTllles olllqukj ru s a,e kerosene, Q850line, and alcohol. GASEOUS FUELS Fuel \lase. fall inlo 4 broad cl=Wcatio,,": 11) ""lural, 12) manulactured, (3) mi,ed, am 14) liqu~ied petrOleum (LPI, Healin" values of \l5s.s fange from 900 10 3200 Btu per cu~. 1. Nalural \ISS is a mixture 01 sa,sr~1 combustibla Q88BS and, usually, a small percantal;j<l 01 inert Q8S9S at>- tair>9d lrom geolog;o formafio,,". 2. Manufaclured \15595, such coke c.a<l and car· tlufaled walar gas, ara made by the C1islillatiOl1 or crack"'\1 01011 or 0"""1, by lha SlearTl-Cafl:<;n ,aaction, or by combina- tions 01 these orocesses. TYPICAL HEATING VALUES OF FUELS COAL.: ANTl-IflACITE BITUMINOUS SUBBITUMINOUS UGNITE FUEL OIL.: ORI\DE NO. 1 (IJGI lTEST] GRADE NO. 2 GflADE NO.4 GflADE NO. 5L GflADE NO. 5H GflAOE NO. 6 (HEAVIEST) 12,S10 10 15,200 Btu pel Ib 10,150 to 15,:lSO 81u pal It> 8,300 to 13,000 BIu par It> 6,000 to 8,300 Btu par It> 132,900 to 135,800 to 143,100 to 146,800 10 149.400 fO 151.:lOO to 1J7,000 Bru per \151 1 41,eOO Btu per gal 146,100 Bru per gal 150,000 Bru per 0"1 152,000 Biu par \151 155.000 Biu par (lal GAS: NATURAL GAS USUAl. RANGE FOR USE MANUFACTURED GAS~ MIl:ED GASES UOUEFIED PETROLEUM (LP) COMMERCIAL PROPANE COMMERCIAL BUTANE ~" 1,000 to ~ " ~ " ,.", 2,500 to , 1,400 BfU per ou ~ 1,050 Bill per cu ~ 600 Btu per cu II 800 Btu per cu II 3,200 Btu per cu II Btu per ou ~ Btu per cu ~ 7Hi755e·l 3. Mi""," Il"""" a,a a mllttu,a of ""Iu'al and trlMllfac- Mod ~ They 'SSlJIl f,om lI"oII """ :l d;sttil:oJllon 01 n'I~'oJ lh't>.VlI'onsoonlirerrtal p;pa lil"lll!l, Inlo atlla5 h ng a.ioling """llfaclu'oo gas Illcilili,,*. 4. Uqulfllld patmleum ILPI gases. suoh ;os .,ropo ar<! ""a"". a'e hl\1l8r I!y<jrocarbon gases r(),,,,.I'Y o:b- lairlod liS a by-p'ock;cl 01 oil 'alineries 0' bv SIh""ingnalu- ,al gas, 51""" Ihay Can be Il<J1IllO>d by 11'>0 8W/ical;"" 01 moderate p'",,"ure al no,mal ,lempe'atu",., IheV II" <J5IJ- ally SOld in matal eylinders ~ri<lar p'8S5~,e as II 1i"Ji<! and called bol1la'Q1lS., Tha IICl~i<J avapo ales vmen p,essu'. i. ,ali •• ad im::n.ha '""ullin,, ""5 ,IS I:oJrnad, FLAMMABLE LIMITS In ordar fo' lual 10 bu'n, II is necessary 10 hova ad& q,Jala ai' Ios~r1 CO~l;on, H lha,e Is 100 muCh or 100 lillie a~, LJ-oII'wI will nal bu'n, The 'ange belw , th IWD ao! ,~ <;all",," Ihe "liarnnabia limits" oi lhe par l,o lar 1I.ol1. TNs is lhe ,1lt'Ql in Wh;ch burning III be "'ff .~r1lng. When Iha mixlu'a is culside lha flammabla hmhs, lhe nre , m cp cul. The l~e below sllooos lhe 'anl:l&,ol air lhol "'HI eu~r1 carb.Jslion, 1115 >pi"'" in per ca'" 01 ",o;:niOtT1Blfle air, I.a lha e"'ol amo~nl 01 ai, 'eq~I'ad 10' p"d~<l combusll"", Fo' ample: 11100 Cu tl 01 air l< ffq.Ji,ed lor pot1ect can- l>JsI.lon 01 '0 O~ noi nolU'a,I Q8&. tha gas will .,ill b~,n wilh eo Iii!" as 84 <u n 01 ai,' or ilh as m~ch as 247 Cu n 01 ai'. PERCENT/l,GE OF STOICHIOMETRiC AIR CoaIIP~I 'izad) Net~'''' Gas '" • MINIMUM '" ." MAXIMUM '" '" The 1",,1. shown afa MllJlal QaS. oil, ond 0081. Notice partlcularl~ Ihe exlfama I""ll" 'hal wi!',po'mit caa.1 10 I:oJrn, ThiS means lhel ~'M coal wilt bu'n e-an Whan the cmo, ",.I.", is .ery low 0' very ~ig~, As a msull, greal <." ,~I t:e laJ<en 10 ha.a a vary ",lioO'" aou,ca of igni- I"" IOf p::>",,"fed coal 00''''''''- The 11"6 and pjl mixtu'es, ha.lng a mora Iimil"" Ilam- "loOM,\" '''''0'1. mUllI be """"011",," to aosu,a II>.iII lhey slay "lIhin m. l~rnnabla l,milS crICEIlgnlled. IGNITION To CIIu " 1,-,"1 TO bulO. or reeCI wllM 0 (100, hast must be _, The I"",perar~res al whl,h lhe vari"". luel6 i nile vary g'''''W. Tha 'Ollowinij l8bIa gives Iha "I¥',oxi. J!IIlle V'iticl'1 tempe'at~" 01 a lew 01 lhe moat common 1 ,•. The t~'al~'es sM_ a'. dIlla,mlned "'" hasling a mixlu,e oi 1he fuel Bt'ld 'ha prope, amo.ml oi ai, Ullillgni. 1I""la<"" DlSce. "'W'oval MdIe. SOm&limas allow special ~dBfatlons or hava dlllereni .'/IIld8l'ds lor conlrol 01 Iu,,,,,ce. end "" s Lhal ha"" a normal oPe'.'ing- lelT\- po'~lu'a "' axcess 01 1400 F, sfnea I" ,. C<>,.iclllr lhel a <ombU:Sllon chamber at>ove lhal tampera'ure will raliably "'II(11t. llammable mlxlura. A haL>roo~a c<>,d't;on exists IGMTION TEMPERATURES OF FUELS 1200 DEGREES F = = ,~ ,~ ,~ FUE~ KefO$lllna L1\tll FlJOl Oil Gasoline Bulane-N Heal'\' Fual Oil """ P'q:>ane Nalural Gas <,- Coroon Monoxide N~l~,al Gas only Duringll>e start and wa'm~p per;OCl9, tlolo,a tMa lam· pe,alure 01 !he 1I,et>o, a,cDEd; , <00 F. EXTERNAL 1~1l1T10N SOVflCES AftoI m""rs Ih.1 '.1 lhe lampe,alure oi e cOn"tlU:Sli· bla mixl~,. ae.o 'Is 9'lti"" lemperatura "ill ilJ1iTa II Sava'al 19n;t;on ""Iems afe In common u.a. Spark i'ln;lion ""'amS, consisting 01 an eleelrl, SP"rk belween t"", el"cl'O<l<ls, are mosl common. Dapend;nQ on "'a anarQY S<.9i'IiM I" IMe a,c, ils lempe'el~'a ";;1 tle well abo lhe ignili""I"""PEJ'alura oi tha luel and al! mi. IU'e. Arc terrparatu'es In ">oa"" 01 3000 Fare Oommon TN. II'PE' 01 ;""ilion is used "" op;>lianoe., WtnesiiO oil burners, andlo' pnot Q/lS 0' ",.in 0;; Ilam. Ignition on oom· merclal 51 burne' •. Olha' I",,'i<>, eystam. ora """d on romeslle lype Meal· inO equipmenl and "I¥'1i.neas . euch es Maat""" "i,e ill- n;l.rs. catelylic Ign~er,;, aM p;e.oelaot"c ignilers • bul thElSllII}~"IJl'll ar. ",n generally saltslaclory 10, Oomme" oi.1 or in<U;l,i.J i)'P8 equipmenl. flAME PR\JP/l,G/l,T10N RATES FlAme pm""""'~M rale. illnilion valDeity, wln,n~ ,'.iN ity, and ns_ &;>eed a,a synonymous larms ~soo '0 (lef;n. Iha 'ales al "h;oh a llama willl,aval th,ou(11 a Ocnr:l~,t;bl. mixlur. oi luel and a;'. If an alact,lc spa'k I, ",aoa ,n II Con· laina' filled "'11M a 11"mmoOla mixlura, il III &<plooe. Tha axpk>slon ~m!. _ar. an in9lantaneou:sbumlng of all lhe llarronable ml.rura. A<luBI'Y lhe burning slarts in' a small a,,,,, whe'e Iha m,Xlu'e Is Ignited, Tha burning j~al lhen ignlles more lual.""".""ls Il'1rough Iha spaca until il 'aecheslhe al~ ol/l1e conl8;nar Whe,a tha,e is no com- busllble "",terial. ""''';;e !his OCCU'S .ary rapldl~, Inare IS a dallnlla Ii"'" 'equi'ed 10' lhe ria"", f'''''1 10 l:I&'ao,o" IMe .noIDS~"'. The"'" ollhe ftame;. dIlpon<len, on .evaral laoto,", inCluding; ,. Flow rala and <leg'ea oi lu,l:oJl"n,. 2. Tl'P8 of lual. 3. T~,atu,a oi lhe ml.I~'e. 4. Fuel " ralio, 5. Inllial pI_~re of Ihe mixMa. , .~~~=~cr_mm D322~3 ~ 'i" ~ /" " . ·'='m' "i! ,"l'l 3g! ;!! ::r~ : o::r_ ~<S'-ciil"~cr 10 l::o~i\"'-' - "'~~g O'" » ~~"'~::J"tI [11[)O(l]~~~'; !C /:;3 S o'.!!'I>j"' ll: ggo "1i/: ~D~~~~~~~1~5 ~;~~~o~~~r.E~~~~ -" • "s",zo 5,,,-,m-06 ;;-: ,,-, ~, .o"~'-_"", ~ ~~&_~~-~~.,[~~ O~~· ~:rar - - , "'9.3'" 0 "!><-~ ",rn ~- (l\'!.!!(!ll~-"~-"" • -<0 0"1\ ai~_l ~i~~~~~~~~A32·( ~~g~~~i~ • 0.3 DC: 0- 0 Pj ~cr=- ~"~~<DIii~~_m~ l~mmc~S_ ~iiii~~,"- ~~~-:,9 i!fc!: _Q::T", '"~ 5c" n ~c~* crS~~=~~~~c_~~ C~~U~~~~ '0,_0 -'iil!l",Q.~'l' " "'~n i51l'~~.S!.O":I: ~ <0 "_g.::I ~:> 5'" ""<Ii iii <Ii =~~<D ,,;>; ~§Bo ~~€~~Di5l~i§ii' ~ ~i.~~i :I~;;' ~O ",-g5'5'iP' <D3.~o5 __ ~ ~o~_cr" o~~~F _0 :>~<;JJ - - l"ii?;;r"'i"~~15!-E",!:! "-0 0 0_"'>- ;; -"I"'" -c.;> 0;"'3;1,- ~~J[ ~i§~i~a~~i~~;i ~~~~~~ ~ iifi ~O '!· ~i.5,£n ig~""-e: ~1-'!(5:>.'.<T:> ct::_~", oc::rf·"~<D'i'~O)",'!I.il ~ i.:oO)'" <l l:::- 0'" Ii """ :I ~~5° ~a~~~C_.~d~.gg_ 33c~ii n ?_O·· ", - ~~~!~l-o~~~~~ *~a~, ~~=~~~~i~.m"@~ ~~~~p~ i i ~'I ~ ~ 8g'[ll:- ~-::!! 0:r~ ~!~~<D' ._~~ .• C ~_ ~ ~ jj:~1i~; ~~l(ll:1.li2 ~~~g ~~o~~~~~c~~~~~ ;]~~~~ ~ _ t:: PI '" :> ~ ~ ~ <> "'S"' Q-l':o<t1 ''',;- ~ x_ ~iIl3-c.';lig lS"";j "- ~ - . !' 0 • • n gg~~ £~~~~-~~:~:~~~ ~ 'Il_g 'I , ~:a.~=i:I\'~~;8~~ ~-~- ~_!~'~~",d03 -0 ~g~~~o ~ 3~~~ ~ , -~. i 0)$ ~$~~~~~,!~i= ~2~~m3 ~ g, ' i~ il iii~ (1'<' a \!l,\l S' ~ = i "5- "'~ _20"~~~_ ,;'" ::r_~m'=o 0 i'J" "''''''_::l <II c-~~ ~~ , ·10 <-'3 ,m m::ro_oc _ .::i!" "" & ~ JO:§::r~3.t,!:!,\liilli-a§ i~"'3 ~!.·r~=g~i __ ~'~3 ~m=~~.5' 3 ~~.3 ~ ; ~~ ~~~"'!C ~(!l -'3~ :3:~!'~~~2~gEt~ 8~l~6~ ~ ! _., :. f1 9 ~ = .a ~ ,,~~ § ~ i i~m~ ;~~l ~m_51~;~$ ~3~-~,~ , ,I' . 9 ""'-il-::'-l!:o~",. cr_,~,1E -'''-;;I-'3-m_~~_ 'l-"-l<- - "';;3- "o"~_" g~ll!i _ -1'j-;:loOl _ ~~=~ ~~~~ ~2~~~cOi: ~O~ €m ~ Il:r;l il ~~9 . ~-'~~_~~C£"~~~~ "~_D "3 ~ i 8 5="<I:oS']iH;lEi ,'" '" ~.~~ ~ .~~OD ';~3 E'~ 'i I , -3"!!l~i!"Ii~~ ,,~ . ~ ~ ~,·a ~,,~o~~~ ~2 ~~_~~~ ~ 3lD'[ ~ !!~!l.~~ . .!ili"'"'''' B~3 ii~~~~r~¥~"~~~ ~ ~~ ~ " ," 0 F~"'O < ''(j:[~5':::i~''! z il ? 8'i8~g~5~~1 !"' ~~~'"~~!l'!l !" "'=5~ "'llf'O .~- ~_~p",~Sl~ __ '" ':I'" ,. - 0- 0 ~[<~ .!'<~ ~:>-"-"5'-i """ .~~!.,~!.~ - - g,i"' 121ilJ;; ~i ;:;:&;>O~~:;' limii: 0" l~ l " cl,!" '= " ,jf i:l ~_"" "", ;>1!~- "t" "~!'" "~"' ~O~'!j~:dg I' ~~i~mi~ t~i:j~f~ !~~6 15"51i:i _~C !!'~;;±:~-i g 8 i.r~ o~ ii :' o~!_,g :>"" 5 i ![~ i!'~ III ~~ Gl ,,0= ~-i;'" 0l~Q"~8!i o 'i,§~ 'H cO' iil~~~~~!'.ii~i::! i~~~~~§·i~~ 8.~ 3 i ~~il!l::!i ~5 ~~ _ ~ " 0 E"i·":;;'l~ $_ §~,-::r~c< ~!l.~"-~~- "'0:-" ",_~:r So_~§"~~ !l~~ ,. 1liH 3j'" 0'" ~g" ,,:. ~~'" ~ ""l'i'~5af_~,~ •-I ," H -~:FC '§ -:J" ~ 1i:i}.§ So ~ ~ 58 ~ l!i: ~C~(l~i -~CI !!!. ~~ O=d '" ~2t!0~g:;;: G_oE h~h~ Il m _'" "",0 ';;-"~"cr"'~i'lll "'g.l"'_5ilE~ ~- "~~- ii"ggC~5" m~j; ~"'i'!",o."':;CQ: - g._!!!-~ !l.g-::~ -"' °i' ,,~- 8.1i~!i§m5~,"'" ,- 3 ~"'3o"'" "'=- a· l:~cr ~~~~ §~rl ~~5 =.P=:~~§-a:giii~ Oiiil" o,,~_ c'" l i a- i; !<. .il .il 3~~ SOlS. " -, :>~o '" ll:",0 8",,~38." Ill I\.~~= ~_ ii;.l'm::r8. ~~-z c~'" _-'cr 0 glC;;-Yl'§' !;. ~:>"~-~ ,,~- o.g~""""lc 0 -'" !_-;;;-~ - ¥;~ii:i~!~ Ol~ 3-l;'&-"''''' ~~i~ii;i~ "0 il"~:I" 0 Ol'$ 'i'5 0 i5"d6'_" ~15"~!i~g , ~!i8.iil~~"~~ ~=: :E~o"~p!!',l:,,:r<ii ";3 ,12~_IYl !~~ ~~it~l iii!!!':J"",_~aSl." og ':8: ~ m Oi!li m ~ ~'3-:~] i i C'Z ~!1. ~ 0 0 :1"0)" ~ I~Q ~5~ ~ a~~-u ~~5'8.~ =0 ~g,l~=:~i'2=' • o !!t ~ :r Ol ::r :r ",e-ni!>g~ "::r, FiP~ 0 m[ ~H~hm , "C ::r:- ,,~"''!' IF ,hi;, !i'''~''f1'''e! ~ c~ " .ell - " - 0 ~;:o,=- "'''"'! ~~ "'0"'- ~~ ~'~~H'l9 o . IIL!!!- ~ ~ ""'''f' o ~g;, ' '" -" .11 ~ !O- <:l ~ " III i ~ ~, -'''H £'~Hlif~ ij " '"iF" -::, ='&'" ·'1" 9-" , ~~B;~Q,~ :- - c [~-l U~!2" .3a~6':" R ~9. I> I m"x,,~ - ~"~.' ~. Of' al!l.;>",::r;;- = ';>' $.a" aboul 0.0210 OA micro,,". 11 readily deteoled by awn> prlal~ ,"""'5. Tl1e !ImCU11 <>I' ulI,a1o'1"'@III\t1l""~led i. 'elaled to lhe ~ame 1""'P",ature. M lmum radllliion ocou," nea' lhe bas. of the llame anddec, __ near Ihe ond of lhe lIame. Tesls iooloal. that hlg, I"""",'atum lIa , suoh liS Ihose on , 0""3clel""" wekJino tD'Ch. a'. exl,emely rioh in ull'a.>OI.1 ,adialion. E. IOtllL/l.TIOH IN AtlPAIlOUNO nn. FLAIr/lE H""I from Ihe flame cau ai' moleoul 10 ",,'lIde with on ole.,. Ill> ",""oibly 10 knock acm. "Ieeuo,," OUI of 1M .1011"6, lnuo; p'w.,oclng Ions eoo free eleou<Y\O In lhe ~am. ,'1""11 ond In a (hln ",elope a'ound the name. Tl1is makes 1M llame <ooouolive. The lesistance of lhe fl on a <onv""l;o~ bur r o>Brl ba salow as 100.000 cl"> • PART I-BURNERS INTRODUCTION Because name saleg""'d co~lrol, 3'e used on 1"'0" Ir> <iJslrlal 1!.nd tommarOial bu,~". Ihis rala"""oa Ii.' em- ~_'%e lar,." burnars. lfl(Ju"na! tJUlnB,. ~ "sed lor p,~ing matarials In pr<:O.><"oo arid """'ulaolurirog. Th<ly inolude oooking ""d baking o,·~, dryir(l kilnS. an;I metallut';lical iur""Ce!l. Commorci,1 !Jt.JmotS "'. USild 10 heallal\lO o~·;oa Olapartmerll buildings. "!'My ara t)ErIa" ally found on bailors and "aa!ir(l fLJrnao In<).J51f1al boJrners aro USualty ignilad manwlLy or semi, au!omatioaLly. """. oomma<Oi~1 burna ,,, ~sually ig- M"d aulomolically. In soma ca ,he sarna TyP<l of bUf"'" cen be el'~e' induslrial ar o<ommorc"'l. d'f'l/nOnQ on ils a~oa"o~. Sn'a'l ,i.GS I"'" OOr,,"," L lhan 400.00lJ B1Uh or oil bu'na i!l'$S U ,n 3\)01 """ ~I Can """n be usad.' domesliO i'esid~~liall bur"" SOME USEFUL DEFINiTiONS COM8USTION - lheaol or proce" 01 burninQ; Ih. '<1Pid a.,clilli~n 01 lC1SI ac<vmpanle<l by 111. pro<iJct",n of he '. or heat ar>d Ii(}hl. Tobe re. <onll>Jstion mU'1 ba coni roll , by Mop.lralor or a oon\l<>l ,yoram. F""I nd O"l'gen rai,) musl be ml.ad in II pr~r p,~rl,O'l~ and ign,led. AI R·FU£L RATIO _!M ralio of air 5LfJPI~ llow '''Ia 10 luel "'-'PlJly no r.le ""'",urad In lha same CflIIS ,-,,-;lOl' Ihe ""rna condillons !'or mosl aI'IiCi~~1 burning. 10 cub" feel 01 air afa ~e""'ally r.qu.irM [0' an ornounl ollual havlr>g a n.·all"IJ valu~ '" 1000 Btu. For nalu'aI = wilh "hearing val,," 011000 Blu per wboc teat. I~eq;lli' "",m .iHuel ratia WOLJi<l ce 10 to 1. A ",iO~· folio (n-o,e 1u~11 of 9 10 1 oLM rOSUliln a cool, I'."i"'" ~8me. wI1ile a "lean" ,allo!ia tue~ or 11 Ie 1 "ould resul! in a [:QOI. blu," flam., In nor"",1 aw'ic",.\"~,. a o.'lain "",,"-",I 01 a,ce80 8i' is provl<led. BURNE~ a davice "hi<:~ inlroouoae luOI an;Iair plOp- "rly mi<ad I1f"o(j in ihOl COrreot prqxll\ into a oom· bustion ohamoo' Mfa Ihe mixlu'e is t>Jrnad""d 1M produOis DI oont>C1Sli"" r."."",,,". FURNACE - an enclo.ad oham""r or slruolu,e", hioh heal i. p'<;dJcect the <ormClSliOfl oharrt><!<. CLOSED (SEALED-IN) I3URNER - a lltJ'''''' lOOunlOO O'l a ILJrnaCD in an al~ignl mannar so a.'1 Ql lhe air requir"" for comb",:,,,,, i~ SUpplied 1,~«)iJQh ,he OO"'''L OPEN BURNEA - a bu,ne, I'o3vinQ an opening a'ound il through hiCIl ""cordary air anl~,s lho CllrT()wlion Chamber; as atsh'9"s/led l'om a cl"""d"",ner. Many bu''''''s ~ave .~ air "'gi5!8r wilh " U'" 10 alldw W- juslmanl 01 !ha VQI"ma '" sacOf'l<lary air. CHAAGE _ in an irldusl", lumace, 1M """'" ICled nr "'" leria' , It;h is oong ~. BATCH TYPE FURNACE _ an in<iJsl(lal lurnaca "'al" aIM rl:lwn perirocally 10 'em"",. thQ old oho'O" ""d aCl:l a n chorQO, CO'lTINUOUS FURNACE - an IrdJstfJol lumar:e ope,. .tad on an ,-",;nlarrupled ,,\,ola. I~ ~IC~ 1M Ci'atga II being CONlBr1I1~ a<ti3d 10, "",vad 1~!OUQh. ~r : re- moved from 1M /urnaoe dlslirgJishad ~om a b'IO~.l\'Pa lurnaca. PRiMART AIR _ Ih9 a" suppliad !h'''''-9'' abu''''' lhol mixes w,th 'M ruel befc,e il ,aao_ I~. ocrnbusl'l>"'1 charme', Jno'udeS alomi"nO ""d c"",,,uolion air S"CO~OAflT AIR _ air ",hiC~ ,nlrodJead ~t IMl"linlof eorf'C!Uslion; ail w~lch 10 n~t mi<ad il~ 1M lusl t>e/o'a il 'mla 1M eomoClSlion cMrrb,. 8URNER CHARACTERISTICS Fioi1g fa,. is Iha corrt>us!",~ tale, II is Ina 'ale Ol hIC~ ~i', lual. or 9n Air_I",,1 mid",a i" "'-"P'iad to at"",,", or lur- MOd. ~xpr,SSe<l'ln volum~ eighl. or halJ unlls~Liad pe, ~nil lime, rutt>tj~wn 15 iM ralio of 1M ma.imum firing rale '" Iroe minimum ~""O rale al hiell tI10l ~um~, ill ~,at. "'U •. laolorily. !'or ~xampl , Ihe ~''''Il W. 01 a lltJ'''''' ,,,In a' '0 1 IufMo n 'ange can"" """ad lrom 11lI "",x;mum (100 ",,«enl) d::own ID 1/. 01 ils maximum tz.l P'«enI'), A hit;t\ I~,nrl:lwn ralio ',s partloulart~ oo<;l'.t>fe 10' ba!C~-fjpe ",-,. nece. or olhar< Inal ara shul perlr;i:jlcall~. A ~iQ'1 ~r lng r~t9 ,an ba used It> Mal 'he lurnaoe rapidly tn.r Il Is sI""ed up again. Afte lho lurnece is _Ied~. 1M nrlng r"" oan be lurnad 00_ ICl normal, Flam. tiow·o" timl!s 1M ma<imwn M"Il rala. A flame n-o,es a ay hlm a bumar W~Bn 1M valooity roIll"e ai'·Iu~ ml'lure i.geeaw Ihan 1M veloc, ,. 01 1M """'" ~ (llama pre,>!I(IiII,,,,, rala). Blow-<J"'o~en raso.JI!$ in "'e ~8tflIl I;$r(l e':'~I'J;.had, FI~sh"'ok 1i",;15 I~~ minimum ~ling ,ale. A nome IMV,," baCk 'l1.'ou~h abu,,,,,, (arid possibly back!CI Il"ea". luel m;xi"l1 POlnl) hen n flame pr~~I'" ,a'" ;s Qr9~ler lhan '~a velooii>' <>I1~a ,larinQ alr· 1 mIXlu,e, Sl~bilily is anOIha/ ilT"flllllan' oM,ael"",liO. A slIlb" cum ill remain 1;1 over ils no""",1 ·'eroa '" p,,,,,,,,,-,,es ar<! ""'lua' r~I;DS nil. i! ;s slill colll "'I rdom t~atura du'inO <la'IUP!. A tlurner ""nnal be cor ide,ad olallie ;"'1 baC1>lJ5ll ,I f\as a pilol. M ,,,,I<1Ole bur""r 1_ ma1 ~ ""I drld e~ gas mig'l' a<ccrnulal. I" cause an ""pI<> Slon han the p.,OI feignilas Ih9 burner. Flamo 5iIa"" i. dependant '-P')n bJrnar 9nd ccnbu'>- llan ~~ deSiO", Tu!bJl.nOfl I1f"o(j hiit' ""II:>:if'" rll- SUi! in ~ mi<ing hiet'lpr<XiJcase sho~. CuS/'Iy nsne. Dellal'ld mi"ng and 10- ,Iocilies pmctJ ••• 1ong. '_r , n-97S5e-1 [...]... ran \19 tram aMu' 500 '0 8,000 CUbiC feet 01 gas prlr ro.rr 'Ina U~E BURNER IFio- 26) ia a 8mIII1 po7 burner 0' venWtf mi;ri1llJ burn." - t " 10 1lon 10 tlrl""... RilOI1 Uod.r· VIBRATING XI.OCXlb Ov.,· "., ""'" ~ MUlllpl.­ - ~.= R.rort' _ -' Used al u•., al,aU· LB OF' STEAM PER HRa AGITATED ORATES ~.= - - ""'" J!IllS jLOlllrolher form l< 1 ,1 of gas of IMi.l\PIl PO' ~OJr FIG 21- TYPICAllltNQ BURNER . -,[ FIG 2~ _TYPICAL LINE BURNER FIG ~c SPREAOER IIURIHR OIL BURNERS ,ommo"" ,1 and induslrial o.,fMrS use 2 Slep' 10 gsllhe . It> 13 2,900 to 13 5,800 to 14 3 ,10 0 to 14 6,800 10 14 9.400 fO 15 1.:lOO to 1J7,000 Bru per 15 1 1 41, eOO Btu per gal 14 6 ,10 0 Bru per gal 15 0,000 Bru per 0" ;1 15 2,000 Biu. ,11 0 tIo",a ,1tCti1I.""ion .ircuit to 0_0> ,bo prolll101l of ,be 11 0"", oolld<><O.iYitl clrotlit. If .lIa of 011 1 lle<trodo in lbe t1allUl. NO. 1 (IJGI lTEST] GRADE NO. 2 GflADE NO.4 GflADE NO. 5L GflADE NO. 5H GflAOE NO. 6 (HEAVIEST) 12 ,S10 10 15 ,200 Btu pel Ib 10 ,15 0 to 15 ,:lSO 81u pal It> 8,300 to 13 ,000

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 21:21