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ĐỀ LUYỆN THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT NĂM 2011 I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest 1. a. whenever b. family c. mischievous d. general 2. a. project b. garbage c. believe d. hurry 3. a. suitable b. supportive c. solution d. discussion 4. a. problem b. suppose c. notice d. verbal 5. a. technology b. economics c. achievement d. dependent II. Choose a, b, c or d that best completes each following sentences 6. John _______along the street when he _________ to see Mary a. is walking/ happened b. was walking/ happened c. has walked/ was happening d. walks / has happened 7. I am going to stay here until you________ your work a. will finish b. are finishing c. finished d. have finished 8. Your homework ________every day. a. will be completed b. are being completed c. must be completed d. must have completed 9. My favorite poem ________ over 150 years ago. a. is written b. was written c. has written d. was writing 10. Tom said he_______ to see us the following week. a. will come b. came c. had come d. would come 11. The policemen told him ________ his car on the sidewalk a. do not park b. does not park c. did not park d. not to park 12. ________ you are in need, you can call me for help at any time. a. if b. unless c. meanwhile d. however 13. If you_______ a taxi, you would have been late. a. take b. took c. had taken d. have taken 14. When I entered the room, everybody was busy working, so no one seemed to notice my_____ a. impression b. existence c. development d. discovery 15. Drinking ________ water can lead to serious illness. a. contaminated b. destroyed c. exploited d. damaged 16. Vietnam hosted the 22 nd SEA GAMES with a great_________. a. succeed b. success c. successful d. successfully 17. Developments in micro________ have a huge influence on our future life. a. technology b. technological c. technologist d. technological 18. It is ________ novel that I have ever read. a. the more interested b. most interested c. as interesting as d. the most interesting 19. I need _______ time to read ______ book you lent me yesterday. a. a/ 0 b. the/ a c. the/ 0 d. 0/ the 20. Different people have different ideas of human life in _____ future. a. a b. an c. the d. 0 21. It was in this house_______ I spent my childhood. a. where b. that c. which d. whose 22. Let’s have some more drink, ______? a. aren’t you b. do you c. shan’t we d. shall we 23. Her teacher gets annoyed ________ she is too lazy to do her homework. a. although b. because c. as if d. unless 24. David was crossing the street________ a truck turned round at the corner and nearly hit him. a. by the time b. as far as c. till d. when 25. I like games, music and _______. a. read b. to read c. reading d. reads 26. Those students feel like_______ out for a picnic after _________ so hard. a. to go/ study b. going/ studying c. go/ to study d. gone/ studied 27. The hikers were worried ________ not having enough water. a. in b. at c. with d. about 28. Magaret is tired ________ making dinner every morning. a. in b. of c. for d. about 29. – You really have a beautiful dress! - ___________ a. Thanks. That’s a nice compliment b. Never mind c. Not at all! I like it d. No, thanks. I don’t like it at all 30. – How long does the primary school last? - _________ a. for five years b. last year c. during five years d. since the five years III. Choose a, b, c or d that needs correction 31. In Wales two-thirds of the people live in the industry southern valleys. A B C D 32. The fire spread quickly and destroy the houses in the village within minutes. A B C D 33. Would you mind to go to the concert with me tonight? I have got the tickets. A B C D 34. If I know it was going to rain like this, I would have stayed at home. A B C D 35. In my opinion, advertising is expensive and competition. A B C D IV. Choose a, b, c or d to complete the passage The Sahara Desert is the world’s largest desert area. It ___(36)___ from the Africa’s Atlantic Ocean side to the Red Sea. It is about 5,200 miles long. Overall, the Sahara Desert covers 3,500,000 square miles. The geography of the desert is varied. In the west, the Sahara is ______(37)___. It contains underground rivers, resulting in oases. Even though the area lacks rainfall, these peaks are snowcapped during the winter. The Eastern part of the Sahara, the Libyan Desert, is dry ____(38)____ very few oases. The Sahara’s climate is very hot and dry. On average, it only has 8 inches of rainfall a year. The Sahara used to be a fertile area in which elephants, giraffes and other animals grazed. This was about 10,000 years ____(39)____. It is estimated that in 4,000 BC, the climate began to get drier. The fertile landscape _____(40)____ up and the desert widened, creating the form that appears today. 36. a. puts b. extends c. remains d. enters 37. a. endangered b. productive c. rocky d. paralleled 38. a. and b. so c. with d. but 39. a. before b. ago c. then d. later 40. a. wetted b. cleaned c. dried d. rained V. Read the passage and choose the correct answers In the English common law tradition, a marriage was a contract based on a voluntary private agreement by a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Traditionally, the husband had a duty to provide a safe house, pay for necessaries such as food and clothing. The wife’s obligations were maintaining a home, living in the home, and rearing the couple’s children. Today the underlying concept that marriage is a legal contract still remains due to changes in society the legal obligations are not the same. Entering into a marriage changes the legal status of both parties and gives the husband and the wife new rights and obligations. All states limit people to one living husband or wife at a time and will not issue marriage licenses to anyone with a living spouse. Once an individual is married, the person must be legally released from the relationship by either death or divorce before he or she may remarry. Other limitations on individuals include age and close relationship. Limitations that some but not all states prescribe are: the requirements of blood tests, good mental capacity, and being of opposite sex. 41. Which sentence is true? a. Marriage in England has remained the same at all time. b. Marriage in England has some changes because of social changes. c. Marriage in England needs no legal contract. d. Marriage in England has not relation to laws. 42. In England, marriage is _________ a. incidental b. immoral c. forced d. voluntary 43. In marriage, _________ a. the wife has to pay all necessities b. the husband has no obligations c. both the husband and the wife have obligations d. the husband has no rights to bring up children 44. The word “parties” has a close meaning to _________ a. celebrations b. spouses c. dinners d. states 45. A spouse ________ a. can remarry without divorce b. is never made to have a blood test c. can marry at any age d. needs to be given a marriage license VI. Choose suitable phrase or clause that best completes the sentence 46. I reminded him_______________ a. that he would have an appointment at 3 o’clock b. though he had an appointment at 3 o’clock c. when he was going to have an appointment at 3 o’clock d. if he should have an appointment at 3 o’clock 47. No one knows_______________ a. hardly when will he come b. because he will come c. the time when he will come d. which time he will come 48. The author’s latest book _______ is about two children in Jamaica a. become a best seller b. whether it becomes a bestseller c. it has become a bestseller d. which has become a best seller 49. The teacher will not punish him_________ a. unless he keeps on making noise b. so that he can keep on making noise c. keeping on making noise d. since making noise 50. _________ that the painting is mine. a. Just not telling anyone b. Don’t tell anyone c. To tell everybody d. Not tell anyone . ĐỀ LUYỆN THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT NĂM 2011 I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest 1. a. whenever. correction 31. In Wales two-thirds of the people live in the industry southern valleys. A B C D 32. The fire spread quickly and destroy the houses in the village within minutes. A B C D 33 people have different ideas of human life in _____ future. a. a b. an c. the d. 0 21. It was in this house_______ I spent my childhood. a. where b. that c. which d. whose 22. Let’s have some

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 10:23



