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Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 Lyn1982vn@gmail.com Lê Nga CBT - 2010 1 TEST 15: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION I. Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1. A.wounded B.mounted C.founded D.counted 2. A.struggle B.support C.suffer D.destruction 3. A.foothill B.cook C.flood D.childhood 4. A.victim B.initiate C.poverty D.adopted 5. A.examine B.determine C.famine D.mine II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern 1. A. appall B. devote C.provide D.prgramme 2. A.dedicate B.existence C.tsunami D.civilian 3. A.catastrophe B.emergency C.epidemic D.activity 4. A.conference B.official C.delegate D.medical 5. A.protection B.impartial C.objective D.volunteer III. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences 1. This cold has lasted too long, I feel like I’ll never get it. A.away B.back C.over D.with 2. This hike is pretty axhausting. I don’t think I can go any further. I need to rest. A.on B.out C.in D.to 3. There you are at last! I was wondering when you’d up! A.look B.turn C.hold D.give 4. That’s him off that bus over there! A.dropping B.taking C.going D.getting 5. I seem to spend all my time forms! A.going away B.trying out C.filling in D.lying down 6. With that bad temper he certainly after his father. He’s exactly the same. A.takes B.looks C.goes D.puts 7. Bob takes other children’s toys and doesn’t want to give them . A.to B.in C.away D.back 8. You should look the word in the dictionary. A.after B.up C.into D.at 9. Michael could hardly wait to his new bicycle. A.sit down B.turn back C.try out D.put on 10. The building work has been by bad weather. A.given up B.held up C.lain down D.turned off IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct phrasal verb from the list. call for find out give up go away look after look up sort out take off turn back turn on 1. I want to where Sophia was yesterday. I’m going to ask her! 2. If you keep a pet, you must it properly. 3. I don’t know his phone number. I’ll it in the phone book. 4. The files are untidy, so he is going to them . 5. What time does your plane ? 6. Ooh! The film’s about to start! Let’s the television, shall we? 7. What time shall I you tonight? 8 o’clock? 8. Don’t now! Try again! You can do it! 9. Leave me alone! Just ! 10. We were half way to the airport when we had to for our passports, which we had left at home. V. Complete each sentence with a correct particle from the list. Particles may be used more than once. away back down in off on out up 1. I’d like to listen to some music. would you please turn the radio ? 2. My husband makes bedtime stories for our children. Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 Lyn1982vn@gmail.com Lê Nga CBT - 2010 2 3. My arms hurt, so I put the baby for a minute. But he started crying right away, so picked him again. 4. You still owe me the money I lent you. When you are going to pay me ? 5. A: Why are you wearing yyur new suit? – B: I just put it to see what it looks like. A: It looks fine. Take it and hang it up before it get wrinkled. 6. A: I found this notebook in the wastebasket. It’s yours, isn’t it? B: Yes. I threw it . I don’t need it anymore. 7. A: I’m afraid I’ve lost Jan’s address. Tell me again, and I’ll write it . B: Just a minute. I have to look it in my address book. 8. In physics class today we had a big test. When I looked it over, I realised that I couldn’t figure any of the answers. Our teacher had handed the wrong test! I hadn’t covered that material yet. 9. You’d better take those clothes and put something clean and dry before you go to work. 10. A: Wake ! It’s 7 o’clock! Rise and shine! B: What are you doing? Turn the light and close the window certain! VI. Match the statements or questions on the left with the correct responses on the right. Use each item only once. 1. Why were you so late? 2. When do you get up? 3. Where’s the sugar? 4. This programme’s very boring. 5. When are you setting off? 6. How are you getting on at school? 7. Can I speak to Tricia, please? 8. This exercise is too difficult. 9. Where did you spend your childhood? 10. How do you spell “committeee”? A. Sorry, we’ve run out of it. B. Early on Thursday morning. C. Shall we turn it off, then? D. Yes. Hold on a moment, please. E. My car broke down on the motorway. F. Try looking it up in the dictionary. G. I grew up in the South of France. H. Usually at about half past seven. I. Let’s give up and have a cup of coffee. J. Quite well, thank you. VII. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. 1. The show was so that nobody knew who was coming on next. ORGANIZE 2. One of the aims of the organization is to provide aid to the refugees. HUMAN 3. Why don’t you take the and arrange a meeting? INITIATE 4. After some one of the children began to speak. HESITATE 5. International Red Cross has its in Geneva, Switzerland. HEAD 6. After the tsunami many people lost their families, friends and . LIVE 7. The driver of the lorry sustained only minor to legs and arms. INJURE 8. Was the of international Red Cross inspired by a Sweden? FOUND 9. The dotor gave him and injection to the pain. DIE 10. The mother was to see her son eating properly again. RELIEF VIII. Fill in each numberd blank of the following passage with a suitable word. GREENPEACE Greenpeace was organised in 1971 in Vancouver, British Columbia, (1) the west coat of Canada. It was organised because the United States was testing bombs on Amchitka Island in Alaska. There were American tests, (2) they were very near Canada. When Greenpeace (3) the tests, are the people became interested. A year later, the testing was stopped because of the protests. Next, members of Greenpeace (4) to the South Pacific to protest where France does nuclear testing on Moruoa, an island half way between Chile and Australia. In 1973, the French (5) testing, but they started again in the 1980s. In 1985, a Greenpeace ship was in New Zealand on (6) way to Moruroa again. Someone working for the French Government put a bomb on the Ship and it sank. The explosion killed one man. Greenpeace also (7) to save animals. Every year hunters killed thousands of baby seals in Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 Lyn1982vn@gmail.com Lê Nga CBT - 2010 3 Norway and Canada and sell the (8) to make coats. Members of Greenpeace sail to the Area and stand between the hunters and the seals. When ships (9) whales, Greenpeace sail to the area, and then members go in small boats (10) the Whaling ships and the whales. Many countries put their chemical and nuclear (11) in the sea. Although the seas and oceans are huge, we are beginning to (12) them with our wastes. Greenpeace is trying to protect the seas. Green peace believes that all forms of life on earth (13) on each other. All the forms of plant and animal life fit (14) in the environment. We need all of them. Greenpeace also believes that there is a limit to all of our natural resources. We need to take (15) of them and use them carefully. We need to protect the earth for our children. IX. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. UNICEF UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, serves the children of the world. It serves the children of (1) races, nationalities, religions, and political systems in more than 100 developing countries. Its (2) is to help provide a better life for children and their mothers. It gives both long-term assistance and (3) help. This programme is very necessary. Today 800 million humans (4) in conditions of poverty and hopelessness. Two-thirds of them (5) children and mother of small children. Four-fifths of these children have no regular health services. Nine (6) ten are not protected against childhood diseases. One hundred million do not have (7) of the right foods. Most of them drink impure water. Unsafe water is not one of the (8) millions of people die every year. UNICEF works (9) governments to provide three kinds of services. They plan and organise programmes, they (10) people to work in the programmes, and UNICEF provides supplies and equipment. UNICEF has programmes to (11) children’s health. It does this in several ways. It improves water supplies. It provides food and teaches people what (12) their children. It helps equip health centres, provides (13) services, and train people to take good care of their children. It helps (14) children, and provides vitamin A for children who might go blind (15) of thhe lack of it. 1. A.every B.several C.both D.all 2. A.purpose B.finance C.opinion D.duty 3. A.sudden B.emergency C.unfortunate D.urgency 4. A.stay B.live C.settle D.survive 5. A.have B.get C.are D.make 6. A.above B.into C.out of D.below 7. A.enough B.such C.large D.abundant 8. A.influences B.factors C.sources D.reasons 9. A.for B.with C.in D.on 10. A.let B.make C.train D.hold 11. A.lengthen B.enlarge C.grow D.improve 12. A.feeds B.to feed C.feeding D.fed 13. A.medical B.curable C.physical D.treatment 14. A.unable B.incapable C.impossible D.disable 15. A.because B.due C.owing D.instead X. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not change the form of the given word. (use 2 – 5 words in total) 1. My father hasn’t smoked for over three years now. gave My father over three years ago. 2. The meeting has been postponed until next day. put They until next day. 3. There isn’t enough space in this room for a big cupboard. take A big cupboard would space in this room. 4. His recovery was slow. get It took him a long time his illness. Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 Lyn1982vn@gmail.com Lê Nga CBT - 2010 4 5. What was the reason for their late arrival? turn Why did so late? 6. You can stay here for the night. put I can here for the night. 7. That noise is driving me crazy! put I can’t that noise any longer. 8. He feels supervior because he is so rich. looks He other people because he’s so rich. 9. If you don’t take care of those shoes, they won’t last for long. look Unless you , those shoes won’t last for long. 10. I offered to help her but she said “No, thanks.” turned She of help. XI. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. THE UNITED NATIONS In one very long sentence, the introduction to the U.N.Charter express the ideals and the common aims of all the peoples whose goverments joined together to form the U.N. “We the people of the U.N. determined to save succceeding generations from scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold suffering to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental rightd, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in large freedom, and for these ends, to practise tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the instruction of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all peoples, have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims” The name “United nations” is accredited to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the first group of representatives of member states met and signed a declaration of common intent on the New Year’s day in 1942. Representatives of five powers worked together to draw up proposals, competed at Dumbarton Oaks in 1944. These proposals, modified after delibration at the conference on International Organisation in Sanfracisco which began in April 1945, were finally agreed on and ssigned as the U.N.Charter by 50 countries on 26 June 1945. Poland, not represented at the conference, signed the Charter later and was added to the list of the original members, It was not until that autumn, however, after the Charter had been ratified by China, France and the U.S.S.R., the U.K. and the U.S. and by a majority of the other participants that the U.N. officially came into existence. The date was 24 October, noe universally celebrated as United Nations Day. 1. The first stated aim of the U.N. was to . A.supervise peace treaties B.revise international laws C.prevent the 3 rd world war D.assist the 3 rd world countries. 2. Under its Charter, the U.N. guarantees . A.never to use arm B.to employ international machines C.better standards of life D.to promote economic and social advancement 3. President Poosevelt . A.probably devise the name “ The United Nations” B.was given the name “The United nations” C.established “ The United Nations” D.was a credit to “ The United Nations” 4. Dumbarton Oaks was the place where . A.the U.N. first met B.representatives of five powers formulated basic suggestions C.the final proposals were agreed on and the Charter signed D.50 countries the U.N. Charter 5. The U.N. came into existence fully in . A.1940 B.1942 C.1944 D.1945 . Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 Lyn1982vn@gmail.com Lê Nga CBT - 2010 1 TEST 15: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION I. Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced. was testing bombs on Amchitka Island in Alaska. There were American tests, (2) they were very near Canada. When Greenpeace (3) the tests, are the people became interested. A year later, the testing. later, the testing was stopped because of the protests. Next, members of Greenpeace (4) to the South Pacific to protest where France does nuclear testing on Moruoa, an island half way between

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 10:22

