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Neuroscience of Rule-Guided Behavior Phần 1 docx

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[...]... tendency of many subjects to verbalize the associations between the color stimuli and the hand postures It may also reflect the greater contribution of the left hemisphere to the control of certain types of motor 8 Rule Representation 80 70 Mean Errors 60 ** * 50 ** 40 30 20 10 0 Group N NC LTh LTH RTh RTH LF RF 20 10 10 15 10 11 17 * p < 01 **p < 0 01 Figure 1 5 Mean error scores for the various groups of. .. reflect future task operations Nature Neuroscience 6:75– 81 Introduction xxiii Sakai K, Passingham R (2006) Prefrontal set activity predicts rule-specific neural processing during subsequent cognitive performance Journal of Neuroscience 26: 12 11- 1 218 Shallice T, Burgess PW (19 91) Deficits in strategy application following frontal lobe damage in man Brain 11 4 (Pt 2):727–7 41 Snyder LH, Batista AP, Andersen... 98 :12 239 12 244 Miller EK, Cohen JD (20 01) An integrative theory of prefrontal cortex function Annual Review of Neuroscience 24 :16 7–202 Milner B (19 63) Effects of different brain lesions on card sorting Archives of Neurology 9:90 10 0 Murray EA, Bussey TJ, Wise SP (2000) Role of prefrontal cortex in a network for arbitrary visuomotor mapping Experimental Brain Research 13 3 :11 4 12 9 O’Reilly RC, Noelle DC, Braver... selection of different Conditional Associative Learning 15 4 6C 6R 8 9 9/46 4 46 44 45 10 47 /12 4 6R 6C 9 9/46 46 10 8 45 4 47 /12 Figure 1 11 Schematic drawing of the lateral surface of the human brain (above) and that of the macaque monkey (below) to indicate the location of the mid-dorsolateral frontal region (areas 46, 9, and 9/46) and the mid-ventrolateral frontal region (areas 45 and 47 /12 ) The... approach to behavior and biology in schizophrenia Psychological Review 99:45–77 Constantinidis C, Franowicz MN, Goldman-Rakic PS (20 01) The sensory nature of mnemonic representation in the primate prefrontal cortex Nature Neuroscience 4: 311 – 316 Crone EA, Donohue SE, Honomichl R, Wendelken C, Bunge SA (2006) Brain regions mediating flexible rule use during development Journal of Neuroscience 26 :11 239– 11 247... components of task-switching Cerebral Cortex 16 :475–486 Dreher JC, Berman KF (2002) Fractionating the neural substrate of cognitive control processes Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 99 :14 595 14 600 Fantino E, Jaworski BA, Case DA, Stolarz-Fantino S (2003) Rules and problem solving: another look American Journal of Psychology 11 6: 613 –632 Funahashi S, Bruce CJ, Goldman-Rakic PS (19 89)... excisions were severely impaired in learning the arbitrary stimulus-response relations (Fig 1 6) Patients with anterior 10 Rule Representation ** 60 ** 50 Mean Errors * 40 30 20 10 0 Group N NC LTh LTH RTh RTH LF RF 20 20 19 17 17 13 17 * p < 0. 01 ** p < 0.0 01 Figure 1 6 Mean error scores for the various groups of patients on the visual motor conditional task (demonstration testing procedure) NC, normal... LL (20 01) Semantic memory and the brain: structure and processes Current Opinion in Neurobiology 11 :19 4–2 01 Merriam-Webster Dictionary (19 74) New York: Pocket Books xxii Introduction Messinger A, Squire LR, Zola SM, Albright TD (20 01) Neuronal representations of stimulus associations develop in the temporal lobe during learning Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 98 :12 239 12 244 Miller... cortex: a review Vision Research 40 :14 33 14 41 Sohn MH, Ursu S, Anderson JR, Stenger VA, Carter CS (2000) Inaugural article: the role of prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex in task switching Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 97 :13 448 13 453 Stoet G, Snyder LH (2003) Executive control and task-switching in monkeys Neuropsychologia 41: 1357 13 64 Stoet G, Snyder LH (2004) Single... role of the inferior frontal junction area in cognitive control Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9: 314 – 316 Brass M, Ullsperger M, Knoesche TR, von Cramon DY, Phillips NA (2005b) Who comes first? The role of the prefrontal and parietal cortex in cognitive control Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17 :13 67 13 75 Braver TS, Barch DM (2002) A theory of cognitive control, aging cognition, and neuromodulation Neuroscience . alt="" Neuroscience of Rule-Guided Behavior This page intentionally left blank Neuroscience of Rule-Guided Behavior Edited by SILVIA A. BUNGE, Ph.D. and JONATHAN D. WALLIS, Ph.D. 1 2008 1 Oxford. Nature Neuroscience 4: 311 – 316 . Crone EA, Donohue SE, Honomichl R, Wendelken C, Bunge SA (2006) Brain regions mediating flexible rule use during development. Journal of Neuroscience 26 :11 239– 11 247. Crone. cm. ISBN -13 : 978-0 -19 -5 314 27-4 1. Cognitive neuroscience. 2. Neuropsycholog y. 3. Rules (Philosophy) I. Bunge, Silvia A. II. Wallis, Jonathan D. [DNLM: 1. Neurosciences—methods. 2. Behavior physiology. 3.

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 04:20