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1 PROGRESS TEST 1 A. PHONETICS AND VOCABULARY I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently form the others in each group 1. A.offered B. advised C. warned D. relied 2. A. enrolled B. dropped C. mixed D. passed 3. A. travels B. permits C. spreads D. pays 4. A. shows B. thanks C. suggests D. translates 5. A. hours B. waves C. lights D. curtains II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the rest. 6. A.deny B. accent C. moral D. figure 7. A. oblige B. cancel C. instead D. reduce 8. A. counterpart B. million C. recognise D. detective 9. A. determine B. supportive C. conical D. performance 10. A. compliment B. attetion C. onformal D. approaching III. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence. 11. Mosot of us hands to make our school clean and green as well as better than it used to be. A. connect B. give C. share D. join 12. They are very company that has the biggest incomes in this area. A. slose down B. close up C. close-knit D. close run 13. Saving the environment is the of everybody, not the government only. A. mission B. assignment C. responsibility D. task 14. Are you to give me a lift home when the party is over? A. willing B. mind C. please D. glad 15. Usually the groom’s family gifts, such as wine, tea, fruits… with red paper and bring them to the bride’s on the wedding day. A. pack B. wrap C. cover D. tie 16. Many old-aged people don’t believe in the marriage that is by love. A. run B. contracted C. led D. preceded 17. Different from Western culture, in some Asian countries love is to follow marriage. A. demaned B. forced C. supported D. offered 18. Recently, a survey has just made to figure out the of young people toward love and marriage. A. attitude B. behaviour C. ambition D. will 19. In a restaurant, there are several choices to attract a waiter’s for instance by waving or raising hand. A. serve B. attitude C. support D. attention 20. In general, people use much more vocabulary in written than they do in daily conversation. A. language B. gesture C. communication D. contact. B. GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer. 21. Studies that many students unfamiliar with doing research, particularly using the library. A. are showing/ are B. show/ are C. showed/ are D. has shown/ will be 22. Maria the university after she had graduated from the community college. A. entered B. has entered C. had entered D. have entered 23. In my childhood. we much Tv inside the house in hot weather. A. don’t watch B. didn’t watch C. aren’t watching D. won’t watch 24. Although the internet was originally for military purpose, today it for anything. A. is used B. uses C. will be used D. will use 25. The population of the world has increased throughout history, but in this century, it the fastest. A. is increasing B. will increase C. has increased D. increases 26. China is trying to slow its population growth, so it limits on family size. 2 A. is putting B. put C. puts D. has put 27. What a terrible day! So far, I the wrong change three times, and someone my keys. A. gave/ stole B. have given/ stole C. gave/ has stolen D. have given/ has stolen 28. “ Hi Miguel! How is going?” “ Well…terrible. I about home, and I a little homesik.” A. thought/ got B. was thinking/ was getting C. am thinking/ am getting D. have thought/ have got to 29. My classmates on the project all last summer. A. were working B. worked C. have worked D. are working 30. “ When we young, my sister always everyone that she was going to be a scientist.” A. had been/ told B. were/ told C. were/ had told D. were/ was telling 31. “ How are your classmates going, Maria?” “ I as much this semester and I life much more.” A. don’t study/ ‘m enjpying B. won’t study/ enjoy C. ‘m not studying/ ‘m enjoying D. don’t study/ enjoy 32. Rivers on the east side of the Rockies to the Atlantic ocean. On the other west side they to the Pacific. A. flow/ flow B. flow/ is flowing C. is flowing/ flow D. is flowing/ is flowing 33. Before Columbus and his men landed on the Atlantic Coast of America, they corn. A. never tasted B. had never tasted C. have never tasted D. never taste 34. As far as we know, no one the Atlantic Ocean from Southern Europe before 1492. A. has croosed B. had crossed C. crossed D. was crossing 35. “ Remember to switch off when you’ve finished.” Indirect: - She me to switch off when A. warned/ you had finished B. advised/ I’ve finished C. suggested/ you’d finished D. reminded/ I’ d finished. 36. “ How long have you been here?” Indirect: - Ann asked the man . A. how long he had been there B. how long had he been there C. how long have you been here D. how long you have been here 37. “ I wish my children would eat vegetables.” she said. Indirect: - She her children vegetables. A. asked/ would have eaten B. wished/ would eat C. begged/ would eat D. hoped/ would have eaten 38. “ Do they teach music here?” I said to them. Indirect: - I asked them . A. if we taught music here B. if did we teach music here C. if they taught music there D.if did they teach music there 39. “ Why don’t you tell her your prolem?” Indirect: - He me her my prolem. A. suggested/ to tell B. reminded/ telling C. suggested/ telling D. asked/ to tell 40. “ I hpope I will improve my English and learn new thingf there.” Jill said. Indirect: - Jill hoped she her English and new things there. A. would improve/ learn B. will imprive/ learns C. improved/ would learn D. improves/ learns C. READING I. Read the passage and choose the best answer. READING FACES An old proverb says: “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” . This means that you you can’t tell what people are like just by looking at them. But most people feel they can learn some things from someone’s face. If nothing else, they try to read people’s faces to tell how they are feeling at the given moment. 3 Consider the smile. It is one of the most easily regconizable human facial expressions. We can see a smile on someone’s face hundreds of feet away. But there is a subtle difference between a genuine smile and a false one. For example, when two odl friends meet, they smile with their eyes as well as their lips. The muscles of the face contract and pull the lips up while the muscles around the eyes wrinkle the skin around the corners of the eyes. On the other hand, when a clerk in a grocery store smiles politely, the lips move but the smile doesn’t necessarily reach their eyes. We may be able to reach common emotions like joys, sadness, and anger from facial expression, but that’s not all. Research suggests that we also tend to judge chararters based on their faces. In her book Reading Faces, Professor Leslie Zebrowitz documents her research showing that baby faced adults ( people big eyes and round cheeks) makes the rest of us feel protective as we do towards children. In one study of cases in a Boston courtroom, Leslie Zebrowitz found that people with “baby-faced” were more likely to be successful than people with mature-looking faces. So, it might be a good idea to think twice the next time you have a quick impression of someone. Your assumtions may or may not be true. 41. People try to look at faces . A.to research their feeling B. to learn how someone feels C. to regconize their smiles D. to judge their character 42. a smile is one of the easiest for people to see. A. body language B. emtions C. gestures D. expressions 43. When a clerk in a grocery store smiles politely, she often smiles A. with her eyes as well as her lips B. with her eyes C. with her lips only D. with the muscles around her eyes 44. According to the passage, which of these things is NOT true? A. a smile is one of the human facial expressions. B. A false smile uses muscles near the eyes, but a real one doesn’t. C. We can see a smile from hundreds of feet. D. Two friends smile with their eyes as well as their lips. 45. In the study of court cases, people with were more successful. A. round cheeks B. big eyes C. baby-faces D. mature-looking faces II. Read the passage and then fill in each blank with the best completion. THE PERFECT PARTNER A long and happy (46) is something that many people wish for, but finding the right partner is (47) more difficult than you may imagine. A friend of mine, Susan, had not been very successful in her (48) to find a perfect partner, and she was beginning to lose heart and feel rather (49) . One day she happened to hear someone (50) about a computer dating agency which could help you to find the (51) partner. Susan immediately (52) an appointment to see someone at the agency, the nwaited to see (53) would happen. The agency arrange a meeting with a “suitable” partner at the local railway station a week later, although I (54) her not to go. My friend arrived a few minutes early (55) she could see no one who matched the (56) of the manin the photograph she hed been sent. She noticed a man waiting under the station clock and (57) a bunch of flowers, but there was no one else around. (58) the man started chatting to her and, (59) asked her she would like to go and have a coffee. Not until much later did they come to the conclusion that they had both been waiting for each other! When they both (60) from the shock, they decided that the computer had been right after all. 46. A.honeymoon B. wedding C. marriage D. angagement 47. A. so B. much C. too D. lot 48. A. attempt B. afford C. effect D. assault 49. A. depressed B. ashamed C. embarrassed D. bored 50. A. mentioning B. telling C. talking D. relating 51. A. idle B. idol C. idea D. ideal 52. A. did B. had C. set D. made 53. A. that B. what C. which D. who 54. A. advised B. urged C. suggested D. whispered 4 55. A. and B. but C. so D. then 56. A. look B. appearance C. gesture D. manner 57. A. fetching B. wearing C. carrying D. holding 58. A. Suddenly B. Immediately C. Quickly D. Recently 59. A. after B. afterwards C. after that D. after a while 60. A. returned B. recovered C. reviewed D. realized D. ERROR IDENTIFICATION: Identify the error in each sentnence. 61. Be a homeowner involves a lot more responsibility than being a tenant. A B C D 62. People often talk of their fatherland when they are feeling that their country is under A B C D threat from natural disasters. 63. Among her many cultural interests is opera and classical ballet. A B C D 64. Does television adequately reflected the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country? A B C D 65. To keep our relationship, I often send her greeting cards in special occasions. A B C D 66. To attract listeners, besides your appearance, you must have a wide range of knowledges about A B C the topic you are going to present. D 67. To attract the waiter’s attention, you can wait until he passes near us, catch his eyes, A B C and nodded slightly. D 68. When going abroad, we had better learn about the gift-giving customs of the countries we are visiting. A B C D 69. Noone can deny the benefits that modern science and technology has brought to us. A B C D 70. By next June 2000, the company had exported 150 tons of potatoes. A B C D THE END . 1 PROGRESS TEST 1 A. PHONETICS AND VOCABULARY I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently form the others in each group 1. A.offered B. advised C supportive C. conical D. performance 10 . A. compliment B. attetion C. onformal D. approaching III. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence. 11 . Mosot of us hands to make our school. connect B. give C. share D. join 12 . They are very company that has the biggest incomes in this area. A. slose down B. close up C. close-knit D. close run 13 . Saving the environment is the

Ngày đăng: 06/08/2014, 19:21

