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Giáo án Anh văn lớp 7 : Tên bài dạy : Unit 12: Let’s eat! Lesson 4: B -2 . pot

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Unit 12: Let’s eat! Lesson 4: B -2 . I. Objectives. - After the lesson Ss will be able to know the importance of the food to the health , and the balanced diet: unhealth/ healthy food , body building food, mordarate amounts, energy, dairy products, cereals. II. Teaching aids. Tape + cassette +Text book , work sheet. III. Teaching procedure. 1. Organization: 2. Oral test: - Do exercise B4 in the work book (page 78). 3. New lesson. A. Warm up. -Ask Ss to give the way to prevent the disease from unhealthy food , and the bad habits. -Write the sentences on the BB. - Wash the food carefully . - Eat the fresh food. - Eat the ripe food. - Eat the food sensibly. - Stop eating sweet. - Wash the hand before meals. B. Presentation: * Pre- reading. - Introduce the importance of the food in our daily life, especially food give us the main energy for body development. So abalance diet is very important. - Ask Ss the food they like best and list the food they often have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? * While - reading. - Play the tape twice and answer the questions . -Introduce the new words: Unhealthy food: thức ăn không bổ dưỡng Moderate amounts: khối lượng ăn hợp lý, cân bằng, vừa phải Energy: năng lượng. Balance diet: chế độ ăn cân bằng, hợp lý. Fatty food: thức ăn giàu chất béo Body- building food: thức ăn giúp phát triển cơ bắp Dairy products: thực phẩm bơ, sữa A variety of: đa dạng, nhiều loại Cereals: gũ cốc Advantage: sự có lợi -Ask Ss to read the new words in chorus after teacher. -Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice answering the questions in the text book. -Write the answers on the BB. - Read the answers aloud. a) Sugar add taste to food and it gives you energy. b) A balance diet is not enough, all people need exercise to keep a healthy life. * Post- reading. Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the question” About you “. Do you think your diet is balanced? Why/ Why not? -Give the answer in turns. -Ask Ss to read the reading aloud in front of the rest. 4. Consolidation : - Retell the importance of sugar , and the balance diet. 5. Home work: -Read the reading and draw the food pyramid. . Unit 1 2: Let’s eat! Lesson 4: B -2 . I. Objectives. - After the lesson Ss will be able to know the importance of the food to the health , and the balanced diet: unhealth/ healthy. words: Unhealthy food: thức ăn không b dưỡng Moderate amounts: khối lượng ăn hợp lý, cân b ng, vừa phải Energy: năng lượng. Balance diet: chế độ ăn cân b ng, hợp lý. Fatty food: thức. thức ăn giàu chất b o Body- building food: thức ăn giúp phát triển cơ b p Dairy products: thực phẩm b , sữa A variety of: đa dạng, nhiều loại Cereals: gũ cốc Advantage: sự có lợi -Ask

Ngày đăng: 06/08/2014, 16:20