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25.1 Combined Dissociative and Kick-out Diffusion 427 k +1 k −1 = C eq s C eq i C eq V , (25.8) k +2 k −2 = C eq s C eq I C eq i . (25.9) These ratios are constants, which depend on temperature. Simplifications of Eqs. (25.3) to (25.6), which are usually justified under conditions of diffusion experiments [4, 5], concern local equilibrium between the various species. For local equilibrium between the partners of Eqs. (25.1) or (25.2), the laws of mass action can be written as C s C i C V = C eq s C eq i C eq V (25.10) and C i C s C I = C eq i C eq s C eq I . (25.11) In addition, as indicated in Eq. (25.4), the pure substitutional diffusivity, D s , can often be neglected for hybrid diffusers. Even with these simplifications, the coupled nonlinear system of partial diffusion-reaction Eqs. (25.3) to (25.6) cannot be solved analytically in full generality. Particular solutions C X (x, t) are determined by the pertinent ini- tial and boundary conditions. Often, numerical methods of computational physics must be used to derive solutions. In the following, we consider first the two limiting cases of practical importance already given in Chap. 24. Then, we report an example for an intermediate case, which requires numer- ical treatment. 25.1.1 Diffusion Limited by the Flow of Intrinsic Defects Hybrid diffusion controlled by the slow flow products (or transport products) of self-interstitials and/or vacancies emerges, if the relationship C eq I D I + C eq V D V C eq i D i (25.12) is fulfilled. This condition can be realised in material that is completely or virtually free of inner sinks and sources of point defects. Dislocation-free Si wafers are commercially available 3 . Such wafers are the base materials for the fabrication of microelectronic devices. Ge and GaAs materials are available at least with very low values of the dislocation density. If dislocations (and other extended defects) are absent, the sink and source terms in Eqs. (25.5) and (25.6) can be omitted, i.e. K V = K I = 0. Then, the interstitial-substitutional 3 This situation is very different from metals. Carefully grown metal single crystals still have dislocation densities of about 10 10 m −2 . 428 25 Interstitial-Substitutional Diffusion exchange reactions and the pertinent establishment of the A i equilibrium are the fastest processes and Eq. (25.3) can be replaced by C i ≈ C eq i . (25.13) This approximation may be approximately true either for in-diffusion in a fi- nite region beneath the surface of thick crystals or throughout the entire width of a thin wafer, provided that the diffusion time is not too short. Taking into account the exchange reactions via local equilibria, Eqs. (25.10) and (25.11), equations (25.4), (25.5), and (25.6) can be simplified to ∂C s ∂t = ∂ ∂x D I+V eff ∂C s ∂x . (25.14) This is a diffusion equation with an effective diffusion coefficient given by 4 D I+V eff = C eq I D I C eq s C eq s C s 2 D I eff + C eq V D V C eq s D V eff . (25.15) We recognise in Eq. (25.15) the diffusivity for defect-controlled diffusion of hybrid solutes given in Eq. (24.10). D I+V eff contains a self-interstitial compo- nent, D I eff (kick-out mechanism), and a vacancy component, D V eff (disso- ciative mechanism). For in-diffusion in dislocation-free material, the kick-out term leads to a supersaturation of self-interstitials and the dissociative term to an undersaturation of vacancies. Let us point out some further interesting features of the combined diffusion described by Eq. (25.14): – The defect-limited diffusion mode of hybrid solutes is closely related to self-diffusion of the host (see Chap. 23). The tracer self-diffusion coefficient D ∗ = f I C eq I D I + f V C eq V D V (25.16) equals the sum of the flow products of self-interstitials and vacancies mod- ified by their correlation factors f I and f V , respectively. This equation provides a valuable key to deduce these contributions from diffusion ex- periments of hybrid solutes (see Chap. 23). 4 The assumptions made to derive Eq. (25.15) are: p C eq V C eq I C s and C eq V C eq s . These are not severe restrictions, because the equilibrium concentrations of point defects in semiconductors are very small compared to the substitutional solubility of hybrid diffusers. As explicitly shown in the case of kick-out diffusion by G ¨ osele et al. [2], the use of the local equilibrium condition Eq. (25.11) also imposes the restriction C s ≥ p C eq I C eq s . Therefore, Eq. (25.15) can be used with virtually no further loss of generality. 25.1 Combined Dissociative and Kick-out Diffusion 429 – If both mass action laws for the dissociative reaction, Eq. (25.10), and the kick-out reaction, Eq. (25.11), are fulfilled C I C V = C eq V C eq I (25.17) holds automatically. This means that the equilibrium between vacancies and self-interstitials can be established via the reactions of Eqs. (25.1) and (25.2) even if the direct reaction of Frenkel pair annihilation and creation V + I 0 (25.18) is hampered, for example, by high activation barriers for spontaneous Frenkel-pair recombination or formation. – The self-interstitial component D I eff of Eq. (25.15) depends strongly on the actual local concentration C s (x, t), whereas the vacancy component D V eff is independent of concentration. The concentration dependence of D I eff provides an important key for the identification of kick-out diffusion from experimental determined concentration profiles (see below). – Under practical diffusion conditions, usually one of the two terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (25.15) predominates. Such positive identification has been made, for example, for Cu in Ge and Co in Nb (dissociative diffusion) and for Au, Pt, and Zn in Si (kick-out diffusion). Some key results that led to these conclusions are presented in Sects. 25.2 and 25.3. 25.1.2 Diffusion Limited by the Flow of Interstitial Solutes Hybrid diffusion controlled by the low flow products of foreign interstitials emerges if the inequality C eq i D i C eq I D I + C eq V D V (25.19) is fulfilled. In this case, Eqs. (25.3) and (25.4) together with the local equilib- rium conditions yield for the substitutional concentration a normal diffusion equation with an effective diffusion coefficient D i eff = C eq i D i C eq i + C eq s ≈ C eq i D i C eq s . (25.20) This effective diffusivity is independent of the actual concentration, C s .The approximation made on the right-hand side, C eq i C eq s , is readily fulfilled for most hybrid diffusers. We recognise that Eq. (25.20) is the interstitial- controlled diffusivity of hybrid solutes given in Eq. (24.11). This diffusion mode can be expected under the following conditions: 1. The interstitial flow product of hybrid atoms is smaller than the combined point defect flow products. This implies that C V ≈ C eq V and C I ≈ C eq I . (25.21) 430 25 Interstitial-Substitutional Diffusion This condition is virtually maintained during in-diffusion by the large flow product of intrinsic defects as compared to that of foreign interstitials. This holds even for dislocation-free substrates. 2. Equation (25.20) can also hold for crystals with high dislocation densi- ties, regardless of the validity of Eq. (25.19). This is because the presence of sinks (sources) for self-interstitials (vacancies) shortcircuits the flows of intrinsic point defects, whereas the foreign interstitials have to cover a long distance from the surface of the crystal. Under such conditions, the equilibrium concentration of intrinsic point defects can be established almost instantaneously everywhere. Then point defect equilibrium is vir- tually maintained during in-diffusion, although the fast penetration of A i with the subsequent changeover to A s tends to create a supersaturation (undersaturation) of self-interstitials (vacancies). Let us consider as a simple example, diffusion of a hybrid solute limited by its interstitial flow product 5 . During in-diffusion of foreign atoms into a thick sample from an inexhaustible source at the surface x =0,thesurface concentration C s (0)iskeptatC eq s . Then, an erfc-type diffusion profile typical of a concentration-independent diffusion coefficient is expected (see Chap. 3 and [6, 7]): C s = C eq s erfc ⎛ ⎝ x 2 D i eff t ⎞ ⎠ . (25.22) We emphasise that the same result is obtained for the kick-out and for the dissociative mechanism. Hence, in experiments involving high sink and source densities or a priori slow interstitial transport both mechanism cannot be distinguished. The same holds true for in-diffusion into a thin wafer. 25.1.3 Numerical Analysis of an Intermediate Case So far, the basic concepts of interstitial-substitutional diffusion have been elucidated with the aid of limiting cases. In practice, however, one is often confronted with more complex ‘intermediate’ cases. Then, numerical simu- lations can provide a more complete picture. Figure 25.1 shows the result of computer simulations within the kick-out model [4] using the soft ware package ZOMBIE [8]. The numbers chosen for the numerical simulation are representative for in-diffusion of Zn in Si at 1380 ◦ C for 280 s. The in-diffusion profiles of Fig. 25.1 (a) represent distributions of substitutional atoms, C s (x), in dislocation-free material for various magnitudes of the interstitial flow product, C eq i D i , relative to a fixed value of the self-interstitial flow product, 5 In case of a highly dislocated sample, we further assume that dislocations act as sources or sinks of intrinsic defects only. Trapping of foreign atoms is not considered. 25.2 Kick-out Mechanism 431 Fig. 25.1a,b Computer simulation of in-diffusion into a thick sample via the kick- out mechanism according to Stolwijk [4]. The left part (a) shows the concen- tration of substitutional foreign atoms. The right part (b) shows the associated self-interstitial supersaturations. The values of the ratio α j ≡ C eq I D I /C eq i D i are: α 1 =1/25,α 2 =1/5,α 3 =1,α 4 =5,α 5 = 25, with the indices j listed in the diagrams C eq I D I . Figure 25.1 (b) reveals the corresponding supersaturation of self- interstitials induced by the kick-out reaction (25.2), which mainly proceeds from right to left in the case of in-diffusion. The lowest profile in Fig. 25.1 (a) and (b) is representative of diffusion limited by the flow product of foreign interstitials, C eq i D i , according to Eq. (25.19). This profile is of the erfc-type and the self-interstitial concentration is practically at its equilibrium value. The upper profiles in Figs. 25.1 (a) and (b) visualise solutions of Eq. (25.14), with D I+V eff ≡ D I eff generating a convex near-surface shape for C s (x) due to the factor (C eq s /C s ) 2 and a significant self-interstitital supersaturation. At greater depths, however, the C s (x) profile changes its shape to concave, which relates to the violation of C i ≈ C eq i adopted in the derivation of Eq. (25.14). Figures 25.1 (a) and (b) also exhibit intermediate cases, where C eq i D i and C eq I D I are not too much different. 25.2 Kick-out Mechanism 25.2.1 Basic Equations and two Solutions Kick-out diffusion involves the interchange of the diffusing hybrid atoms be- tween substitutional and interstitial sites with the aid of self-interstitials. If 432 25 Interstitial-Substitutional Diffusion we follow G ¨ osele et al.[2] and assume local thermal equilibrium, this type of diffusion simplifies to the following set of equations: ∂C I ∂t = D I ∂ 2 C I ∂x 2 + ∂C s ∂t + K I C I C eq I − 1 (25.23) ∂C i ∂t = D i ∂ 2 C i ∂x 2 − ∂C s ∂t (25.24) C i C s C I = C eq i C eq s C eq I . (25.25) As discussed in the previous section, the a priori interstitial-limited dif- fusion as well as diffusion in highly dislocated material imply that self- interstitial equilibrium is virtually maintained, i.e. that C I ≈ C eq I holds. Then, Eqs. (25.24) and (25.25) yield for the substitutional concentration a normal diffusion equation with the diffusion coefficient given by Eq. (25.20). The lowest C s (x) profile in Fig. 25.1 provides an example of such acase. The self-interstitial controlled limit emerges for C eq I D I C eq i D i .For negligible sink and source density, the K I -term in Eq. (25.23) can be omit- ted. Then, the kick-out reaction and the establishment of the A i equilibrium are the fastest processes. Using the local mass-action law Eq. (25.25) and replacing Eq. (25.24) by C i ≈ C eq i , we get from Eqs. (25.23) and (25.25) the following non-linear partial differential equation: ∂C s ∂t = ∂ ∂x ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ C eq s C eq I D I C 2 s D I eff ∂C s ∂x ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ . (25.26) The effective diffusion coefficient D I eff is the self-interstitial limited diffusivity of Eq. (25.15). In the usual case of in-diffusion, the kick-out reaction leads to a supersaturation of self-interstitials. Then, the incorporation of hybrid for- eign atoms on substitutional sites is limited by the outflow of self-interstitials, C eq I D I . The concentration dependence of D I eff gives rise to distinct features of the kick-out diffusion. For example, its 1/C 2 s -dependence speeds up diffu- sion at low concentrations and leads to convex-shaped diffusion profiles. In what follows, we mention two particular solutions of Eq. (25.26), which play arˆole in experiments discussed in the next section. 1. Diffusion into a Dislocation-free Thick Specimen: In-diffusion of hybrid atoms from the surface x = 0 of a thick specimen is described by Eq. (25.26) with the boundary condition C s (x =0,t)=C eq s and the initial condition C s (x, t =0)=C 0 s . For a dislocation-free crystal Seeger 25.2 Kick-out Mechanism 433 and coworkers [9, 10] derived an analytical solution in parametric form. The approximate solution for C 0 s C eq s is C s = C eq s 1+|a 0 | C eq s x 2 /D I C eq I t , (25.27) where a 0 exp a 2 0 = − C eq s 2 √ πC 0 s . (25.28) In-diffusion profiles of kick-out diffusion into a thick, dislocation-free crys- tal differ radically from the erfc-type diffusion expected for a concentration- independent diffusivity. This finding played a decisive rˆole in revealing the diffusion mechanism of Au, Pt, and Zn in Si (see next section). 2. Diffusion into a Dislocation-Free Wafer: Next, we consider diffusion into a wafer of thickness d and take advantage of the wafer symmetry by choosing the wafer center at x = 0 and the wafer surfaces at x = ±d/2. For a dislocation-free wafer a solution of Eq. (25.26) has been derived for the boundary condition C s (x = ±d/2,t)=∞. Such a solution is useful for not too long diffusion times and in the vicinity of the wafer center. G ¨ osele et al [2] have shown that for C 0 s =0solutionsoftheform C s (x, t)=X(x) D I t (25.29) fulfill Eq. (25.26), if X(x) satisfies the ordinary differential equation 2C eq I C eq s d 2 X −1 dx 2 + X =0. (25.30) The solution of Eq. (25.30), with the above mentioned boundary condi- tion, may be written in implicit form ± πC eq I C eq s X(0) erf ln[X(x)/X(0)] = x (25.31) with X(0) = 2 πC eq I C eq s /d . (25.32) Hence, the A s concentration in the center of the wafer is given by C m s (t)=X(0) D I t = 2 d πC eq s C eq I D I t. (25.33) For C 0 s = 0 but otherwise equal assumptions, the expression C m s (t)= C 0 s C eq s C eq I erf C 0 s d/4 C eq s C eq I D I t (25.34) is valid [10], which reduces to Eq. (25.33) for C 0 s → 0, because for small values of z the error function may be replaced by erf(z) ≈ 2z/ √ π. 434 25 Interstitial-Substitutional Diffusion Fig. 25.2. In-diffusion of Au into a thick dislocation-free Si specimen according to Stolwijk et al. [13]. The solid line represents a fit of the kick-out mechanism. The dashed line is an attempt to fit a complementary error function predicted for a concentration-independent diffusivity 25.2.2 Examples of Kick-Out Diffusion Au and Pt Diffusion in Silicon: Diffusion of Au in Si has been stud- ied by several authors. For a list of references see [10]. For example, Wilcox et al. [11, 12] report that the diffusion profiles in thick, dislocation-free sam- ples differ considerably from the erfc-type shape. Accurate measurements by Stolwijk et al. [13], using neutron-activation analysis and grinder section- ing for depth-profiling, confirmed the non-erfc nature of Au profiles in Si. A comparison between an experimental Au-profile and the predictions of the kick-out mechanism, Eq. (25.27), and an erfc-profile is shown in Fig. 25.2. The kick-out model permits a successful fit. Stolwijk et al. [13] also investigated the diffusion of Au into thin, dislocation-free Si wafers and found U-shaped diffusion profiles displayed in Fig. 25.3. Similar observations were reported by Hill et al. [15], who used the spreading-resistance technique for depth profiling (see Chap. 16). U-shaped profiles are in qualitative agreement with both the kick-out and the dissociative mechanism. A distinction between the two mechanisms is possible via a quantitative analysis of the profile shape. Figure 25.4 shows a comparison of an experimental profile from Fig. 25.3 with the relationship 25.2 Kick-out Mechanism 435 Fig. 25.3. In-diffusion of Au into dislocation-free Si wafers for various annealing times at 1273 K according to [13]. The Au concentration C Au is given in units of the solubility C eq Au ; the penetration depth x as a fraction of the wafer thickness d.For one penetration profile of the two 4.27 h anneals d ≈ 300 µm, otherwise d ≈ 500 µm erf ln C s C m s = 2|x| d (25.35) predicted by Eqs. (25.31) and (25.32). Very good agreement is obvious. Diffusion and solubility of Pt in dislocation-free Si has also been studied using both neutron activation analysis plus mechanical sectioning as well as the spreading-resistance technique by Hauber et al. [16]. The results suggest that diffusion of Pt in Si is also dominated by the kick-out mechanism. Zn Diffusion in Si: Diffusion of Zn in Si provides a well-studied example of interstitial-substitutional exchange diffusion dominated by the kick-out mechanism. Both cases – in-diffusion limited by the defect flow product or by the flow product of interstitial Zn – have been observed in the work of Bracht et al. [17]. Figure 25.5 shows concentration profiles of Zn s mea- sured on dislocation-free and on highly dislocated Si. Both wafers were si- multaneously exposed to Zn vapour from an elemental Zn source in a closed quartz ampoule. This source yields at both wafer surfaces a concentration of C eq Zn s ≈ 2.5 × 10 16 cm −3 , which corresponds to the solubility limit of Zn in Si in equilibrium with the vapour phase from a pure Zn source. Also shown is a Zn s profile in dislocation-free Si obtained at the same temperature but using a 0.1 molar solution of Zn in HCl as diffusion source, providing a much 436 25 Interstitial-Substitutional Diffusion Fig. 25.4. Comparison of Au diffusion into a dislocation-free Si wafer (1.03 h at 1273 K) with the prediction of the kick-out mechanism (solid line) [13]. Circles: x<0; squares x>0 lower Zn vapour pressure. Then, the boundary concentration observed at both surfaces of the wafer is C eq Zn s ≈ 4.5 ×10 14 cm −3 ,whichisafactorof55 smaller than the solubility limit reached in equilibrium with an elemental Zn source. Figure 25.5 demonstrates that Zn diffusion in Si depends sensitively on the defect structure as well as on the prevailing ambient conditions. The diffusion profile in dislocation-free Si (crosses) is convex, whereas the pro- file in the highly dislocated wafer, apart from the central region, is concave (squares). Also the profile obtained for lower Zn concentrations is convex (circles). The kick-out mechanism yields a consistent description of all three profiles in Fig. 25.5, as illustrated by the solid lines. In addition, Bracht et al. [17] studied the time evolution of Zn incorpo- ration in dislocation-free and in highly dislocated Si for various temperatures applying a specially designed short-time diffusion method. Typical examples are displayed in Fig. 25.6. The solid lines in the top part show the result of successful fitting of all experimental profiles based on the kick-out mechanism. The solid lines in the bottom part represent complementary error functions. 1. Dislocation-free Si and high boundary concentration: In dislocation-free material no sinks and sources for self-interstitials exist. High boundary concentrations of Zn maintain C eq i D i C eq I D I , (25.36) representing self-interstitial limited flow. The supply of Zn i from the sur- face occurs more rapidly than the decay of self-interstitial supersatura- [...]... A Seeger, Appl Phys Lett 38, 157 (1 981 ) o 21 A Seeger, W Frank, Appl Phys 27 , 171 (19 82 ) 22 C.S Fuller, J.D Struthers, Phys Rev 87 , 526 (19 52) 23 C.S Fuller, J.D Struthers, J.A Ditzenberger, K.B Wolfstirn, Phys Rev 93, 11 82 (1954) 24 H.H Woodberry, W.W Tyler, Phys Rev 105, 84 (1957) 25 N.A Stolwijk, W Frank, J H¨lzl, S.J Pearton, E.E Haller, J Appl Phys 57, o 521 1 (1 985 ) 26 H Bracht, N.A Stolwijk,... DV (Ge) (25 .46) eq The flow products of foreign interstitials, Ci Di , for all three noble metals solutes are given by [26 ]: 4 42 25 Interstitial-Substitutional Diffusion 1.64 eV kB T 2. 30 eV eq Ci Di (Ag) = 4.3 × 10 8 exp − kB T 2. 98 eV eq Ci Di (Au) = 1.3 × 10−5 exp − kB T eq Ci Di (Cu) = 6.1 × 10 8 exp − m2 s−1 , (25 .47) m2 s−1 (25 . 48) m2 s−1 (25 .49) These equations are represented by solid- line... Phys Rev B 43, 14465 (1991) 27 W.C Roberts-Austen, Phil Trans Roy Soc 187 , 383 ( 189 6) 28 G.M Hood, Defect and Diffusion Forum 95– 98, 755 (1993) 29 W.K Warburton, D Turnbull, in: Diffusion in Solids – Recent Developments, A.S Nowick, J.J Burton (Eds.), Academic Press, 1975, p 171 30 J Groh, G von Hevesy, Ann Physik 63, 85 (1 920 ) 31 J Groh, G von Hevesy, Ann Physik 65, 21 6 (1 921 ) 32 J Pelleg, Philos Mag 33,... functions (25 .22 ), like the lower profile in Fig 25 .5 3 Highly dislocated Si: In Si with a high dislocation density a supersaturation of self-interstitials can decay by annihilation at these defects The profiles in the bottom part of Fig 25 .6 were obtained on plastically deformed Si with a dislocation density of about 10 12 m 2 This corresponds Fig 25 .6 Diffusion profiles of substitutional Zn (Zns ) at 1 021 ◦... 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Science Forum 38 41, 707 (1 989 ) 17 H Bracht, N.A Stolwijk, H Mehrer, Phys Rev B 52, 165 42 (1995) 18 U G¨sele, W Frank, in: Defects in Semiconductors, J Narajan, T.Y Tan o (Eds.), North-Holland, New York, 1 981 , p 53 19 U G¨sele, F Morehead, F F¨ll, W Frank, H Strunk, in: Semiconductor Silio o con 1 981 , H.R Huff, R.J Hriegler, Y Takeishi (Eds.), The Electrochem Soc., Pennington, 1 981 , p 766 20 U G¨sele,... vacancies is obtained from Eq (25 . 42) as eq V eq CV DV = Def f Cs , (25 .43) provided that the incorporation of the hybrid solute is indeed limited by the vacancy flow The flow product of interstitial solutes is obtained from Eq (25 .20 ) as eq i eq Ci Di = Def f Cs , (25 .44) 25 .3 Dissociative Mechanism 441 Fig 25 .7 Comparison of Cu penetration profiles in almost dislocation-free Ge (1 126 K, 900 s) and in a crystal... the following set of equations: ∂ 2 CV ∂Cs ∂CV = DV + KV − 2 ∂t ∂x ∂t 1− ∂ 2 Ci ∂Cs ∂Ci = Di − 2 ∂t ∂x ∂t eq Cs Cs = eq eq CV Ci CV Ci CV eq CV (25 .39) (25 .40) (25 .41) For material free of internal sinks and sources, we have KV = 0 Then, the dissociative reaction and the establishment of the Ai equilibrium are the eq fastest processes Using Eq (25 .41) and replacing Eq (25 .40) by Ci = Ci , we arrive at... Academic Press, 1 984 11 W.R Wilcox, T.J LaChapelle, J Appl, Phys 35, 24 0 (1964) 12 W.R Wilcox, T.J LaChapelle, D.H Forbes, J Electrochem Soc 111, 1377 (1964) 13 N.A Stolwijk, B Schuster, J H¨lzl, H Mehrer, W Frank, Physica 116 B, 35 o (1 983 ) 14 N.A Stolwijk, J H¨lzl, W Frank, E.R Weber, H Mehrer, Appl Phys A 39, o 37 (1 986 ) 15 M Hill, M Lietz, T Sittig, J Electrochem Soc 129 , 1579 (19 82 ) 16 J Hauber, . Appl. Phys. 27 , 171 (19 82 ) 22 . C.S. Fuller, J.D. Struthers, Phys. Rev. 87 , 526 (19 52) 23 . C.S. Fuller, J.D. Struthers, J.A. Ditzenberger, K.B. Wolfstirn, Phys. Rev. 93, 11 82 (1954) 24 . H.H. Woodberry,. ×10 8 exp − 1.64 eV k B T m 2 s −1 , (25 .47) C eq i D i (Ag)=4.3 ×10 8 exp − 2. 30 eV k B T m 2 s −1 . (25 . 48) C eq i D i (Au)=1.3 ×10 −5 exp − 2. 98 eV k B T m 2 s −1 . (25 .49) These equations. equations: ∂C I ∂t = D I ∂ 2 C I ∂x 2 + ∂C s ∂t + K I C I C eq I − 1 (25 .23 ) ∂C i ∂t = D i ∂ 2 C i ∂x 2 − ∂C s ∂t (25 .24 ) C i C s C I = C eq i C eq s C eq I . (25 .25 ) As discussed in the previous