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An Introduction to Database Systems 8Ed - C J Date - Solutions Manual Episode 2 Part 5 pdf

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Copyright (c) 2003 C. J. Date page 20.1 Chapter 20 T y p e I n h e r i t a n c e Principal Sections • Type hierarchies • Polymorphism and substitutability • Variables and assignments • S by C • Comparisons • Operators, versions, and signatures • Is a circle an ellipse? • S by C revisited • SQL facilities General Remarks Note the opening remarks: This chapter relies heavily on material first discussed in Chapter 5. If you originally gave that chapter a "once over lightly" reading, therefore, you might want to go back and revisit it now before studying the present chapter in any depth. To be more specific, a clear understanding of the following is prerequisite: • What a type is (reviewed in Section 20.1). • The crucial distinction between values and variables (see Section 5.2). Note: Object-based discussions typically fall foul of this distinction, since they're often unclear as to whether an "object" is a value, or a variable, or both, or neither. This failure seems to be at the root of the famous (infamous?) debate as to whether, e.g., a circle is an ellipse. See Section 20.8. • The crucial distinction between read-only and update operators (again, see Section 5.2). Note: The point is that read-only operators apply to values (possibly values that are the current values of variables), while update operators apply to variables. Copyright (c) 2003 C. J. Date page 20.2 • Every type has all of the following (among other things): ■ An associated type constraint, which defines the set of legal values of the type in question ■ At least one declared possible representation, together with a corresponding selector operator and a corresponding set of THE_ operators (or logical equivalents of same) ■ "=" and ":=" operators ■ Certain type testing operators, to be discussed in Section 20.6 (these operators might be unnecessary in the absence of inheritance support); also TREAT DOWN, to be discussed in Section 20.4 All of these bullet items except the last are also explained in Chapter 5. The following preliminaries from Section 20.1 are also important: • Values are typed (i.e., have actual "most specific" types). • Variables are typed (i.e., have declared types). • We consider single inheritance only in this chapter, for simplicity, though our model in fact supports multiple inheritance too. • We consider scalar inheritance only in this chapter, for simplicity, though our model in fact supports tuple and relation inheritance too. Throughout the chapter, value, variable, and so on, thus mean scalar value, scalar variable, and so on. • We're not talking about "subtables and supertables"!──we'll do that in Chapter 26. The chapter overall is somewhat forward-looking (most database products don't provide any inheritance support, yet). In fact, at the time of writing, this book appears to be the only database textbook to include a serious discussion of type inheritance at all. (Of course, it's true that the topics are somewhat orthogonal──data doesn't have to be in a database for the concept of inheritance to apply to it──but we might say the same about the relational model, in a way.) Also, what discussions there are in other books (i.e., nondatabase books──typically books on object orientation) seem to confuse some very fundamental issues. In Copyright (c) 2003 C. J. Date page 20.3 this connection, note the remarks in the annotation to reference [20.2]! Note too the discussion in Chapter 26, Section 26.3, subsection "Pointers and a Good Model of Inheritance Are Incompatible," which claims, implicitly, that it's really objects and a good model of inheritance that are incompatible (since, as we'll see in Chapter 25, pointers in the shape of object IDs are a sine qua non of object orientation * ). An odd state of affairs, in a way, since most of the work on inheritance seems to have been done in an object context specifically. ────────── * I note in passing that this remark applies to SQL in particular, again as we'll see in Chapter 26. But it doesn't apply just to languages in which the pointers are explicit, as they are in SQL──it also applies to languages like Java where they're supposed to be completely implicit. ────────── Be that as it may, the chapter──which can be skipped or skimmed if desired──presents a new model for inheritance, based on the proposals of reference [3.3]. It's concerned primarily with inheritance as a semantic modeling tool rather than as a software engineering tool, though we (i.e., Hugh Darwen and myself) believe the model described can meet the usual software engineering objectives──in particular, the code reuse objective──as well. Note: We justify the emphasis on the first of these two objectives by appealing to the fact that semantic modeling is more directly pertinent to the database world than software engineering is. Our model regards operators and constraints (i.e., type constraints) as inheritable and structure as not inheritable. This position is uncontroversial with respect to operators but possibly controversial with respect to constraints and structure. * We insist on inheriting constraints because if (e.g.) a given circle violates the constraint for type ELLIPSE, then that circle isn't an ellipse! We insist on not inheriting structure because in our model there isn't any structure to inherit (structure is part of the implementation, not part of the model). ────────── * Note in particular that SQL doesn't support type constraints at all, and therefore certainly doesn't support type constraint inheritance. On the other hand, it does support a form of structural inheritance. See Section 20.10 for further discussion. Copyright (c) 2003 C. J. Date page 20.4 ────────── Some further points to note: • This chapter is deliberately included in this part of the book instead of Part VI in order to stress the point that the topic of inheritance, though much discussed in connection with object orientation, doesn't necessarily have anything to do with OO, and is in fact best discussed outside the OO context. • Indeed, OO confuses the picture considerably, because (as already noted) the distinction between values and variables is absolutely crucial in this context, and that's a distinction that some people, at least, in the object world seem unwilling to make. Perhaps this fact explains why previous attempts at inheritance models haven't been very successful? • What's more (I've already mentioned this point, but it's worth repeating and emphasizing), it's our contention that if "OO" is understood to include the notion of OIDs (see Chapter 25), then in fact it's incompatible with the notion of a reasonable inheritance model (i.e., one that's "faithful to reality"). In other words, OIDs and a good inheritance model can't possibly coexist, in our opinion. See the notes on Section 20.8. • To quote Section 20.1: "The subject of type inheritance really has to do with data in general──it isn't limited to just database data in particular. For simplicity, therefore, most examples in the chapter are expressed in terms of local data (ordinary program variables, etc.) rather than database data." 20.2 Type Hierarchies Type hierarchies are pictures──they're not really part of our inheritance model as such (much as "tables" are pictures, not part of the relational model as such). In other words, type hierarchies are just a convenient way of depicting certain relationships among types (supertype-subtype relationships, to be precise). In case anyone asks: Type (e.g.) CIRCLE is not really "just circles," it's "circles at a certain position in the plane." This point notwithstanding, the book deliberately uses a rather academic example in order that the semantics can be crystal clear to everyone (?). Copyright (c) 2003 C. J. Date page 20.5 The subsection entitled "Terminology" is important, though fortunately straightforward. Ditto "The Disjointness Assumption," and its corollary that every value has exactly one most specific type. A slightly unfortunate fact: Although we're primarily concerned with an inheritance model, there are certain implementation issues that you do need to understand in order to understand the overall concept of inheritance properly. One example: The fact that B is a subtype of A doesn't necessarily mean that the actual (hidden) representation of B values is the same as that of A values. Implication: Distinct implementations ("versions") of operators might be necessary under the covers. This point will become significant in the next section, among others. The section includes this text: "So long as (a) there's at least one type and (b) there are no cycles──i.e., there's no sequence of types T1, T2, T3, , Tn such that T1 is an immediate subtype of T2, T2 is an immediate subtype of T3, , and Tn is an immediate subtype of T1──then at least one type must be a root type. Note: In fact, there can't be any cycles (why not?)." Answer: Suppose types A and B were each a subtype of the other (a cycle of length two). Then the set of values constituting A would be a subset of the set of values constituting B and vice versa; hence, both types would consist of exactly the same set of values. Likewise, the set of operators that applied to values of type A would be a subset of the set of operators that applied to values of type B and vice versa (and, of course, the set of constraints that applied to values of type A would be a subset of the set of constraints that applied to values of type B and vice versa). In other words, A and B would effectively be identical, except for their names, so they might as well be collapsed into a single type (in fact, we would have a violation of the model on our hands if they weren't). And, of course, an analogous argument applies to cycles of any length. 20.3 Polymorphism and Substitutability Really the same thing. Note the need to be careful over the distinction between arguments and parameters (logical difference!). Distinguish between overloading and inclusion polymorphism; in this chapter, "polymorphism" means the latter unless otherwise stated. Caveat: Unfortunately, many writers use the term "overloading" to mean, specifically, inclusion polymorphism No wonder this subject is so confusing. Copyright (c) 2003 C. J. Date page 20.6 Run-time binding: CASE statements and expressions move under the covers. "Old code can invoke new code." Note: As a matter of fact, an implementation that did all binding at compile time (on the basis, obviously, of declared types, not most specific types) would almost conform to our model, because we require the semantics of operators not to change as we travel down paths in the type hierarchy (see Section 20.7). The reason I say "almost" here, however, is that compile-time binding clearly won't work──in fact, it's impossible──for dummy types. Dummy types aren't discussed in detail in the book, however; see reference [3.3] for further details. Substitutability──more precisely, value substitutability──is the justification for inheritance! 20.4 Variables and Assignments Important message: Values retain their most specific type on assignment to variables of less specific declared type (type conversion does not occur on such assignment). Hence, a variable of declared type T can have a value whose most specific type is any subtype of T. So we also need to be careful over the difference between the declared type of a given variable and the actual (most specific) type of the current value of that variable (another important logical difference). Formal model of a variable, and more generally of an expression: DT, MST, v components. If operator Op is defined to have a result of declared type T, then the actual result of an invocation of Op can be of any subtype of type T. Note: We deliberately do not drag in the (in our experience, rather confusing and unhelpful) terms and concepts result covariance and argument contravariance. "Result contravariance" is just an obvious consequence of substitutability (what's more, the term doesn't seem to capture the essence of the phenomenon properly). And we don't believe in "argument contravariance" at all, for reasons articulated in reference [3.3]. TREAT DOWN (important); possibility of run-time type errors (in this context and nowhere else). 20.5 S by C Basic idea: If variable E of declared type ELLIPSE is updated in such a way that now THE_A(E) = THE_B(E), then MST(E) is now CIRCLE. After all, human beings know that an ellipse with equal semiaxes is really a circle, so the system ought to know the same Copyright (c) 2003 C. J. Date page 20.7 thing──otherwise the model can hardly be said to be "faithful to reality" or "a good model of reality." Caveat: Most inheritance models do not support S by C; in fact, some writers are on record as arguing that an inheritance model should explicitly not support it (see, e.g., reference [20.12]). By contrast, we believe an inheritance model is useful as "a model of reality" only if it does support S by C (and we believe we know how to implement it efficiently, too). Be warned that the term "S by C" (or something very close to it, anyway) is used elsewhere in the literature with a very different meaning; see, e.g., reference [20.14], where it's used to refer to what would better be called just type constraint enforcement. Here's the definition from that reference: (Begin quote) "Specialization via constraints happens whenever the following is permitted: B subtype_of A and T subtype_of S and f( b:T, ) returns r:R in Ops(B) and f( b:S, ) returns r:R in Ops(A) That is, specialization via constraints occurs whenever the operation redefinition on a subtype constrains one of the arguments to be from a smaller value set than the corresponding operation on the supertype." (End quote) This definition lacks somewhat in clarity, it might be felt. Anyway, S by C (in our sense) implies, very specifically, that a selector invocation might have to return a value of more specific type than the specified "target" type. In other words, the implementation code for S by C is embedded in selector code. (That implementation code can probably be provided automatically, too.) Explain G by C as well. 20.6 Comparisons Self-explanatory──though the implications for join etc. sometimes come as a bit of a surprise. Copyright (c) 2003 C. J. Date page 20.8 Explain IS_T and the new relational operator R:IS_T(A). Note: Generalized versions of these operators are defined in reference [3.3]. 20.7 Operators, Versions, and Signatures Much confusion in the literature over different kinds of signatures! Need to distinguish specification signature (just one of these) vs. version signatures (many) vs. invocation signatures (also many). More logical differences here, in fact Changing operator semantics as we travel down the type hierarchy is, regrettably, possible but (we believe) nonsense. Arguments in favor are (we believe) based on a confusion between inclusion and overloading polymorphism and smack of "the implementation tail wagging the model dog" [3.3]. Changing semantics is illegal in our model. Discuss union types briefly (or at least mention them). Note: Some proposals──e.g., ODMG [25.11]──use union types as a way of providing type generator functionality. E.g., RELATION might be a union type in such a system (with generic operators JOIN, UNION, and so forth), and every specific relation type would then be a proper subtype of that union type. We don't care for this approach ourselves, because we certainly don't want our support for type generators to rely on support for type inheritance. What's more, the approach seems to imply that specific──i.e., explicitly specialized──implementation code must be provided for each specific join, each specific union, etc., etc.: surely not a very desirable state of affairs? How can it be justified? The section shows an explicit implementation of the MOVE operator (read-only version) that moves circles instead of ellipses, and then remarks that "there's little point in defining such an explicit [implementation] in this particular example (why, exactly?)." Answer: Because S by C will take care of the problem! 20.8 Is a Circle an Ellipse? IMPORTANT!──albeit self-explanatory, more or less. * But you should be aware that this is another, and major, area where we depart from "classical" inheritance models. To be specific, it's here that the value vs. variable and read-only vs. update operator distinctions come into play. Other approaches don't make these distinctions; they thus allow operators (update as well as read- only operators) to be inherited indiscriminately──with the result that they have to support "noncircular circles" and similar Copyright (c) 2003 C. J. Date page 20.9 nonsenses, and they can't support type constraints at all! (SQL is very unfortunately a case in point here. See Section 20.10.) ────────── * I don't much care for "advertisements for myself," but I do think you should take a look at reference [20.6] if you propose to teach the material of this section. ────────── The section includes the following text: "[Let] type ELLIPSE have another immediate subtype NONCIRCLE; let the constraint a > b apply to noncircles; and consider an assignment to THE_A for a noncircle that, if accepted, would set a equal to b. What would be an appropriate semantic redefinition for that assignment? Exactly what side effect would be appropriate?" No answer provided!──the questions are rhetorical, as should be obvious. 20.9 S by C Revisited This section begins by criticizing the common example of colored circles as a subtype of circles. Note that there can't be more instances (meaning more values) of a subtype than of any supertype of that subtype, yet there are clearly more colored circles than there are circles. And colored circles can't be obtained from circles via S by C, either. Note the remark to the effect that "COLORED_CIRCLE is a subtype of CIRCLE to exactly the same extent that it is a subtype of COLOR (which is to say, not at all)." In my experience, most students find this point telling. Discussion of this example leads to the position that S by C is the only conceptually valid means of defining subtypes──the exact opposite of the position articulated in reference [20.12] and subscribed to by much of the object world. 20.10 SQL Facilities Extremely unorthogonal!──basically single inheritance only, for "structured types" only. * (Multiple inheritance might be added in SQL:2003.) ────────── Copyright (c) 2003 C. J. Date page 20.10 * As the book says: SQL has no explicit inheritance support for generated types, no explicit support for multiple inheritance, and no inheritance support at all for built-in types or DISTINCT types. But it does have some very limited implicit support for inheritance of generated types and for multiple inheritance. ────────── Explain the SQL analog of circles and ellipses. Inheritance not of constraints and (read-only) operators but structure and (all) operators; explain implications! Functions, procedures, and methods. Observers, mutators, and constructors. No type constraints; this omission is staggering but a necessary consequence of SQL's inheritance model (?). Do not get into details of reference types or subtables and supertables here (we'll cover them in Chapter 26, after we've discussed OO in Chapter 25). Explain delegation──it's pragmatically important, but it's not inheritance (in our opinion). References and Bibliography We repeat the opening paragraph from this section: (Begin quote) For interest, we state here without further elaboration the sole major changes required to [our single] inheritance model in order to support multiple inheritance. First, we relax the disjointness assumption by requiring only that root types must be disjoint. Second, we replace the definition of "most specific type" by the following requirement: Every set of types T1, T2, , Tn (n ≥ 0) must have a common subtype T' such that a given value is of each of the types T1, T2, , Tn if and only if it is of type T'. See reference [3.3] for a detailed discussion of these points, also of the extensions required to support tuple and relation inheritance. (End quote) Reference [20.1] describes a commercial implementation of the inheritance model as described in the body of the chapter. Reference [20.10] is a good example of what happens if the value vs. variable and read-only vs. update operator distinctions are ignored; unfortunately, it very much reflects what SQL does (see Section 20.10). Reference [20.12] is interesting as an example of how the object world thinks about inheritance, though we caution [...]... of course 20 .5 22 (this count includes the empty hierarchy) 20 .6 Since all rectangles are centered on the origin, a rectangle ABCD can be uniquely identified by any two adjacent vertices, say A and B To pin matters down more precisely (and using Cartesian coordinates), let A be the point (xa,ya) and B the point (xb,yb); then C is (-xa,-ya) and D is (-xb,-yb) Since A, B, C, and clearly lie on a circle... typical "replication" product as supported by today's commercial DBMS vendors, which is probably asynchronous and might not provide replication independence Refer backward to snapshots (Chapter 10) and forward to data warehouses (Chapter 22 ) Copyright (c) 20 03 C J Date page 21 .4 Recovery control: Explain two-phase commit very carefully──the basic version, plus any refinements you think are worth discussing... in the answer to Exercise 20 .9 20 .11 No answer provided 20 . 12 No answer provided *** End of Chapter 20 *** Copyright (c) 20 03 C J Date 20 . 15 page Chapter 21 D i s t r i b u t e d D a t a b a s e s Principal Sections • • • • • • Some preliminaries The twelve objectives Problems of distributed systems Client/server systems DBMS independence SQL facilities General Remarks Distributed databases can arise... at which they're stored • Individual copies of a replicated relvar (or fragment) can't normally be accessed directly, not even from the site at which they're stored (Actually, certain of today's so-called "replication products" do allow such direct access, but they're using the term "replication" in a rather different sense See Section 21 .4, subsection "Update Propagation." See also Chapter 22 .) Copyright... RECTANGLE IS PLANE_FIGURE POSSREP { A POINT, B POINT CONSTRAINT THE_R ( A ) = THE_R ( B ) } ; TYPE SQUARE IS RECTANGLE CONSTRAINT ABS ( THE_θ ( THE_A ( RECTANGLE ) ) THE_θ ( THE_B ( RECTANGLE ) ) ) = Π / 2 POSSREP { A = THE_A ( RECTANGLE ) } ; 20 .7 The operators defined below are update operators specifically OPERATOR ROTATE ( T RECTANGLE ) UPDATES T VERSION ROTATE_RECTANGLE ; Copyright (c) 20 03 C J. .. Copyright (c) 20 03 C J Date page 21 .2 • Let P be the primary copy of some replicated relvar (or fragment) R, and let P be stored at site X Then every site that accesses R is dependent on site X, even if another copy of R is in fact stored at the site in question • (Important!) A relvar that participates in a multi-site integrity constraint can't be accessed for update purposes within the local context... question 20 .2 Consider the expression TREAT_DOWN_AS_T(X), where X is an expression MST(X) must be a subtype of T (this is a run-time check) If this condition is satisfied, the result Y has DT(Y) equal to T, MST(Y) equal to MST(X), and v(Y) equal to v(X) 20 .3 No answer provided Copyright (c) 20 03 C J Date 20 . 12 page 20 .4 The least specific type of any value of any of the types shown in Fig 20 .1 is PLANE_FIGURE,... (useful as an organizing principle for discussion but not necessarily hard and fast requirements, and not necessarily all equally important): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Local autonomy No reliance on a central site Continuous operation Location independence Fragmentation independence Replication independence Distributed query processing Distributed transaction management Hardware independence Operating... been on Case 2 rather than Case 1 Case 2 is often referred to as "federated" or (this term is less widespread) "multi -database" systems; the term "middleware" is relevant here, too Possibly mention the Web Data integration is a hot topic!──see, e.g., reference [21 .9] It should be clear that federated systems are likely to run into nasty problems of semantic mismatch and the like (see Section 21 .6),... page 21 .3 The system can thus execute the two restrictions at the appropriate sites and then form the union of the results Replication independence: Replication with replication independence is a special case of controlled redundancy (see Chapter 1) Mention update propagation but defer detailed discussion Distributed query processing: Self-explanatory Distributed transaction management: Note the term . our experience, rather confusing and unhelpful) terms and concepts result covariance and argument contravariance. "Result contravariance" is just an obvious consequence of substitutability. asynchronous and might not provide replication independence. Refer backward to snapshots (Chapter 10) and forward to data warehouses (Chapter 22 ). Copyright (c) 20 03 C. J. Date page 21 .5 Recovery. all rectangles are centered on the origin, a rectangle ABCD can be uniquely identified by any two adjacent vertices, say A and B. To pin matters down more precisely (and using Cartesian coordinates),

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