Unit 1 • FAMILIES CONSUMABLE Visit our Web site at www.macmillanmh.com Published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, of McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Two Penn Plaza, New York, New York 10121. Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, network storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Printed in the United States of America ISBN-13: 978-0-02-206187-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MER 13 12 11 10 9 ISBN-10: 0-02-206187-8 At Home: Use the cover of the Activity Book to talk about the unit theme: Families. Illustrator credits: Cvr: Ana Ochoa. 5: Jo Parry. 6: Jo Parry. 7: Jenny Mattheson. 8: Jenny Mattheson. 9: Laura Freeman. 10: Mark and Rosemary Jarman. 11: Nathan Jarvis. 12: Nathan Jarvis. 15: Gloria Calderas. 16: Gloria Calderas. 17: Karen Strommer Brooks. 18: Karen Strommer Brooks. 19: Farah Aria. 20: Michelle Swan. 21: Nathan Jarvis. 22: Nathan Jarvis. 25: Tammie Lyon. 26: Tammie Lyon. 27: Chris Lensch. 28: Chris Lensch. 29: Mark and Rosemary Jarman. 30: Michelle Swan. 31: Nathan Jarvis. 32: Nathan Jarvis. Photo Credits: All Photographs are by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill (MMH) except as noted below: 3: Creatas/Punchstock. 4: (tr) StockTrek /Getty Images; (cl) Ryan McVay/Getty Images; (bl) C Squared Studios/Getty Images; (br) G.K. & Vikki Hart/Getty Images. 13: (tl) Stockdisc/PunchStock. 14: Stockdisc/PunchStock. 23: (tl) Stockdisc/PunchStock; (br) Rubberball Productions/Getty Images. 24: (tl, tc, cl) Photodisc/Getty Images; (tr, bl) C Squared Studios/Getty Images; (c) StockTrek /Getty Images; (bc, br) G.K & Vikki Hart/ Getty Images. 29: Stockdisc/PunchStock. A Mm Aa Write Mm and Aa. Mm Mm Mm Aa Aa Aa Mm Unit 1 • Week 1 Name Listen and Read Word to Know we Letter to Know Big Book Pre-Decodable Readers Unit 1: Families • Week 1 33 ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill at ouse ap an oonop Phonics: /m/m Say the name of each picture. Identify the sound that you hear at the beginning of each picture name. Write the letter that stands for the /m/ sound. Repeat the names aloud. At Home: Ask your child to name each picture and its beginning letter and sound. Mm Mm Mm m Unit 1: Families • Week 1 4 Name At Home: Ask your child to identify and sort the animals by texture: smooth, soft, sharp. Comprehension: Make Predictions Whose Baby Am I? Cut out the animals. Match each baby animal with the adult animal you think it will grow into in the story. 55 Unit 1: Families • Week 1 ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Comprehension: Make Predictions Whose Baby Am I? Cut out the animal figures. Match each baby animal with the adult animal you think it will grow into. At Home: Ask your child to identify and sort the animals by texture: smooth, soft, sharp. 6 Unit 1: Families • Week 1 Name We can eat . We can sweep . High-Frequency Word: we Point to the title page first. Then, read the book aloud to a partner. Take Home Book: Ask your child to read the book aloud to you. 14 ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Unit 1: Families • Week 1 We can paint .We can rake . 2 3 Name Phonemic Awareness: /m/ Look at the picture. Say the name of each item. Circle the item if its name begins with the same sound you hear at the beginning of moon. At Home: Ask your child to point to and name all the items in the picture that begin with the same sound as moon. 9 Unit 1: Families • Week 1 ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill m At Home: Ask your child to name each picture on the page that begins with the same sound as monkey. Phonics: /m/m Say the name of each picture. Identify the sound that you hear at the beginning of each picture name. Circle each picture whose name begins with the same sound as monkey. Write the letter. Mm Mm Mm Unit 1: Families • Week 1 10 [...]... the pictures Unit 1: Families • Week 1 11 ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Phonics: /m/m Say the name of each picture Write the letter below the picture if its name begins with the /m/ sound 12 Unit 1: Families • Week 1 At Home: Ask your child to name each picture and then point out and say each word that begins with the letter m Unit 1 • Week 2 Name Letter to Know Listen and Read Aa Big Book Pre-Decodable... Unit 1: Families • Week 2 15 ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Comprehension: Setting The Picnic at Apple Park Cut out the characters Glue them on craft sticks Use them to tell about the setting in the story 16 Unit 1: Families • Week 2 At Home: Ask your child to tell you about a setting in the story, The Picnic at Apple Park Name I see the High-Frequency Word: the Point to the title page first Then, read the book. .. about the size of each animal Can We? The duck High-Frequency Words: we, the Point to the title page first Then, read the book aloud to a partner 4 Unit 1: Families • Week 3 can! Take Home Book: Ask your child to read the book aloud to you ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Name Can we? 1 We can! 2 Can the duck ? 3 Name Phonics: /a/a Say the name of each picture Identify the sound that you hear at the beginning... picture Unit 1: Families • Week 2 21 ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Phonics: /a/a Say the name of each picture Identify the sound that you hear at the beginning of each picture name Write the letter below the picture if its name begins with the /a/ sound 22 Unit 1: Families • Week 2 At Home: Ask your child to name each picture and then point out and say each word that begins with the letter a Unit 1 • Week 3... Know Listen and Read Aa Big Book Pre-Decodable Readers Word to Know the Unit 1: Families • Week 2 13 Aa a nt nchor x pple mbulance Phonics: /a/a Say the name of each picture Identify the sound that you hear at the beginning of each picture name Write the letter that stands for the /a/ sound Repeat the names aloud 14 Unit 1: Families • Week 2 At Home: Ask your child to name each picture and its beginning... Picnic at Apple Park Name I see the High-Frequency Word: the Point to the title page first Then, read the book aloud to a partner 4 Unit 1: Families • Week 2 dog At Home: Ask your child to read the book aloud to you ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill The I see the baseball 1 I 2 see the bat I see the mitt 3 Name Phonemic Awareness: /a/ Look at the picture Say the name of each item Circle the item if its name... Know Listen and Read Mm Aa Read-Aloud Trade Book Pre-Decodable Readers Words to Know we the Unit 1: Families • Week 3 23 Mm Mm Mm ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill m Phonics: /m/m Say the name of each picture Identify the sound that you hear at the beginning of each picture name Circle each picture whose name begins with the same sound as monkey Write the letter 24 Unit 1: Families • Week 3 At Home: Ask your child... Ask your child to point to and name all the items in the picture that begin with the same sound as astronaut Unit 1: Families • Week 2 19 I am I I Phonics: Blending am Point to the word as you blend the sounds and say the word Read the sentence Write the word Read the sentence again 20 Unit 1: Families • Week 2 happy sad mad At Home: Ask your child to read the sentences aloud ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill... below that shows what might happen next At Home: Ask your child to tell a story about the pictures Unit 1: Families • Week 3 31 ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Name Phonics: /m/m, /a/a Say the name of each picture Then write the letter that stands for the sound you hear at the beginning of the word 32 Unit 1: Families • Week 3 At Home: Ask your child to name each picture and its beginning letter and sound ... Home: Ask your child to name each picture on the page that begins with the letter a Unit 1: Families • Week 3 29 am Phonics: Blending am Point to the word as you blend the sounds and say the word Read the sentence Write the word Write the word am and your name to complete the sentence Read the sentence again 30 Unit 1: Families • Week 3 sad happy ? At Home: Ask your child to read the sentences aloud . in the United States of America ISBN -13 : 978-0-02-20 618 7-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MER 13 12 11 10 9 ISBN -10 : 0-02-20 618 7-8 At Home: Use the cover of the Activity Book to talk about the unit theme:. Laura Freeman. 10 : Mark and Rosemary Jarman. 11 : Nathan Jarvis. 12 : Nathan Jarvis. 15 : Gloria Calderas. 16 : Gloria Calderas. 17 : Karen Strommer Brooks. 18 : Karen Strommer Brooks. 19 : Farah Aria picture. Then draw a line to the picture below that shows what might happen next. Unit 1: Families • Week 1 111 1 ©Macmillan/McGraw-Hill At Home: Ask your child to name each picture and then point