©2007 Holcim/Switzerland First quarter results 2007 1 First quarter results 2007©2007 Holcim/Switzerland Key financial figures 2006 2006 2007 LFL CIS FX in CHF Net sales 23,969 4,628 5,728 10.4% 15.6% -2.2% 23.8% Operating EBITDA 6,086 1,001 1,342 19.4% 18.9% -4.2% 34.1% Operating profit 4,385 627 904 29.2% 20.4% -5.4% 44.2% Net income 2,719 273 530 51.7% 50.5% -8.1% 94.1% Cash flow from operating activities 4,423 -107 130 187.9% 51.4% -17.8% 221.5% EPS in CHF 8.64 0.74 1.40 89.2% Million CHF 1st Quarter +/-Full Year 2 First quarter results 2007©2007 Holcim/Switzerland Major changes in the scope of consolidation Effective as at + ACC, India January 24, 2006 + Ambuja Cements, India May 3, 2006 + Meyer Material, US July 21, 2006 + Foster Yeoman, UK September 7, 2006 +/– Various smaller companies 3 First quarter results 2007©2007 Holcim/Switzerland Exchange rates Statement of income average exchange rates in CHF Q1 05 Q1 06 Q1 07 +/- 1 EUR 1.55 1.56 1.62 3.8% 1 GBP 2.23 2.28 2.41 5.7% 1 USD 1.18 1.30 1.23 -5.4% 1 LATAM Basket (MXN, BRL, ARS, CLP) 1 0.85 1.00 0.93 -7.0% 1 African Basket (EGP, ZAR, MAD) 1 0.93 1.00 0.88 -12.0% 1 Asian Basket (AUD, IDR, INR, THB, PHP) 1 0.92 1.00 0.98 -2.0% Balance sheet exchange rates in CHF 31/03/06 31/12/06 31/03/07 +/- 1 EUR 1.58 1.61 1.62 0.6% 1 GBP 2.26 2.40 2.39 -0.4% 1 USD 1.30 1.22 1.22 0.0% 1 LATAM Basket (MXN, BRL, ARS, CLP) 2 1.06 1.00 1.00 0.0% 1 African Basket (EGP, ZAR, MAD) 2 1.14 1.00 0.98 -2.0% 1 Asian Basket (AUD, IDR, INR, THB, PHP) 2 1.04 1.00 1.03 3.0% 1 Weighted by net sales Q1 2006 2 Weighted by net sales full year 2006 4 First quarter results 2007©2007 Holcim/Switzerland Cement – sales volumes by region Δ Q1 06/Q1 07 LFL Change in structure Total Europe 18.6% 3.4% 22.0% North America -17.1% 0.0% -17.1% Latin America -1.6% 0.0% -1.6% Africa Middle East 17.6% 0.0% 17.6% Asia Pacific 6.9% 50.5% 57.4% Total 5.1% 19.4% 24.5% 2.9 3.5 3.0 7.2 5.9 5.5 15.9 10.1 6.8 4.0 3.4 3.2 6.3 5.4 6.4 Total Group Q1 2005 22.3 Q1 2006 27.8 Q1 2007 34.6 Million t 5 First quarter results 2007©2007 Holcim/Switzerland Aggregates – sales volumes by region Δ Q1 06/Q1 07 LFL Change in structure Total Europe 5.9% 15.3% 21.2% North America -27.9% 3.2% -24.7% Latin America -3.2% 0.0% -3.2% Africa Middle East 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Asia Pacific 14.3% 0.0% 14.3% Total -4.4% 9.3% 4.9% 7.0 9.3 1.8 22.9 18.9 10.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 2.52.5 2.0 3.0 2.8 3.1 Total Group Q1 2005 18.2 Q1 2006 34.5 Q1 2007 36.2 Million t 6 First quarter results 2007©2007 Holcim/Switzerland Ready-mix concrete and asphalt – sales volumes 1.8 2.1 6.3 9.1 9.4 Q1 2005 Q1 2006 Q1 2007 +16.7% +44.4% Ready-mix concrete in million m 3 Asphalt in million t +3.3% +3.3% 7 First quarter results 2007©2007 Holcim/Switzerland 5,728 4,628 2,730 Q1 2005 Q1 2006 Q1 2007 Net sales Like-for-Like (LFL) 19 0.7% 481 17.6% 483 10.4% Change in structure 40 1.5% 1,105 40.5% 722 15.6% Forex movements -89 -3.2% 312 11.4% -105 -2.2% Total change -30 -1.1% 1,898 69.5% 1,100 23.8% Million CHF 8 First quarter results 2007©2007 Holcim/Switzerland Net sales by region Δ Q1 06/Q1 07 LFL Change in structure Currency Total Europe 17.3% 12.2% 5.9% 35.4% North America -10.6% 2.9% -4.9% -12.6% Latin America 7.4% 0.2% -6.8% 0.8% Africa Middle East 29.2% 0.0% -13.7% 15.5% Asia Pacific 15.4% 57.3% -4.4% 68.3% Total 10.4% 15.6% -2.2% 23.8% 773 884 405 933926 675 2237 914 1652 379 466 538 1451 862 495 Q1 2005 Q1 2006 Q1 2007 Million CHF 9 First quarter results 2007©2007 Holcim/Switzerland North America 13.0% Europe 37.7% Asia Pacific 24.5% Africa Middle East 9.1% Latin America 15.7% Net sales by region Net sales Q1 2007 [...]... two months ACC 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland 22 First quarter results 2007 Contact information and event calendar Contact information Event calendar Corporate Communications Phone +41 58 858 87 10 Fax +41 58 858 87 19 communications @holcim. com August 23, 2007 Half-year results 2007 November 7, 2007 Third quarter results 2007 Conferences for press and analysts February 27, 2008 Annual results 2007 Conference... interests In(De)crease in cash and cash equivalents 37.3% n.a 17 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 Financial position Million CHF Net financial debt Total shareholders' equity Gearing 91.2% 68.6% 70.0% 19,309 18,725 14,063 15,418 31.03.2006 12,837 31.12.2006 13,508 31.03 .2007 18 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 Cement – Price/volume variances per region Domestic cement... 104.6% 34.1% 11 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 Operating profit Million CHF Margin 15.1% 15.8% 13.5% 904 627 154 37.5% 12 2.9% 50 12.2% 216 52.6% 183 128 -34 277 Q1 2005 Like-for-Like (LFL) Change in structure Forex movements Total change 411 -23 -5.3% 18 4.1% -18 -4.1% -23 -5.3% Q1 2006 Q1 2007 29.2% 20.4% -5.4% 44.2% 12 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 Operating... Annual results 2007 Conference for press and analysts May 6, 2008 First quarter results 2008 May 7, 2008 Annual General Meeting Investor Relations Phone +41 58 858 87 87 Fax +41 58 858 80 09 investor.relations @holcim. com www .holcim. com/investors Mailing list: www .holcim. com/subscribe 23 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 ... 17 -5.2% 31.2% -3.9% 22.1% Q1 2006 40 51.9% -219 -284.4% -5 -6.5% -184 -239.0% -107 201 55 -19 237 187.9% 51.4% -17.8% 221.5% Q1 2007 40 -219 -5 -184 15 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 Cash flow statement Million CHF Full Year 1st Quarter +/- 2006 2006 2007 4,423 -107 130 221.5% -1,062 -210 -254 -21.0% 3,361 -317 -124 60.9% Expansion investments -1,265 -252 -305 -21.0% Financial... Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 Group net income Million CHF Net income Net income - equity holders of Holcim Ltd 530 +94.1% 356 273 +109.4% +69.6% 161 +66.0% 170 120 +41.7% +192.7% Q1 2005 1 1 Adjusted in line with revised IFRS 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland Q1 2006 Q1 2007 14 First quarter results 2007 Cash flow from operating activities Million CHF 130 77 Like-for-Like (LFL) Change in structure Forex... on local currencies 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland 1 Calculation in USD 20 First quarter results 2007 Cement – Price/volume variances per region Domestic cement prices Domestic cement volumes +/- Q1 06/Q1 07 * +/- Q1 06/Q1 07 Africa Middle East Morocco Egypt Lebanon Indian Ocean South Africa * If not otherwise indicated calculation based on local currencies 1 Calculation in USD 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland 4.2%... -1,096 -687 37.3% Cash flow from operating activities Net investments to maintain productive capacity and to secure competitiveness Free cash flow 16 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 Financing Million CHF Full Year 1st Quarter 2006 2006 2007 -661 -1,096 -687 1,705 – – -548 11 8 Movements of treasury shares net -42 9 11 In(De)crease in financial liabilities -544 1,068 283 -90 -8 -385... Forex movements Total change 658 -31 -4.5% 22 3.2% -27 -3.9% -36 -5.2% Q1 2006 25.1% 15.5% 11.6% 52.1% 194 189 -42 341 19.4% 18.9% -4.2% 34.1% Q1 2007 10 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 Operating EBITDA by region Million CHF Q1 2005 Q1 2006 Q1 2007 435 291 175 43 77 444 17 217 196 127 329 250 304 151 Δ Q1 06/Q1 07 Europe North America Latin America Africa Middle East Asia Pacific Total... 2005 Q1 2006 Q1 2007 278 162 2 -1 -62 92 324 177 107 263 141 128 72 242 192 Δ Q1 06/Q1 07 Europe North America Latin America Africa Middle East Asia Pacific Total LFL Change in Currency structure 61.7% 3.7% 6.2% n.a n.a n.a -1.2% 0.0% -6.8% 54.7% 0.0% -16.4% 39.0% 97.2% -6.4% 29.2% 20.4% -5.4% Total 71.6% n.a -8.0% 38.3% 129.8% 44.2% 13 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 Group net income . 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland First quarter results 2007 1 First quarter results 2007 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland Key financial figures 2006 2006 2007 LFL CIS FX in CHF Net sales. Q1 2006 Q1 2007 14 First quarter results 2007 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland Group net income 530 273 161 356 170 120 Q1 2005 Q1 2006 Q1 2007 Net income Net income - equity holders of Holcim Ltd +192.7% +109.4% +66.0% +94.1% 1 +41.7% +69.6% Million. America 15.7% Net sales by region Net sales Q1 2007 10 First quarter results 2007 2007 Holcim/ Switzerland 1,342 1,001 658 23.4% 21.6% 24.1% Q1 2005 Q1 2006 Q1 2007 Operating EBITDA Margin Like-for-Like