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holcim first quarter results 2010 holcim ltd

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© 2010 Holcim Ltd Phu My Bridge, Vietnam First quarter results 2010 1 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd Key financial figures 2009 2009 2010 LFL CIS FX Total Sales volumes - Cement (mt) 131.9 29.7 31.0 3.4% 1.0% 4.4% - Aggregates (mt) 143.4 25.1 29.5 -2.8% 20.3% 17.5% - Ready-mix (mm 3 ) 41.8 8.7 9.5 -4.6% 13.8% 9.2% Net sales 21,132 4,523 4'741 -3.3% 6.3% 1.8% 4.8% Operating EBITDA 4,630 763 909 12.7% 4.7% 1.7% 19.1% Operating profit 2,781 343 460 27.7% 3.2% 3.2% 34.1% Net income before minorities 1,958 195 66 -51.3% 0.5% -15.4% -66.2% Net income (loss) Holcim shareholders 1,471 74 -68 -154.1% 1.4% -39.2% -191.9% Cash flow 3,888 -161 -257 -72.7% 1.9% 11.2% -59.6% EPS in CHF 1 4.93 0.26 -0.21 -180.8% Million CHF (if not otherwise stated) 1st Quarter +/-Full Year 1 Calculated on the weighted average number of shares outstanding Based on IAS 33 the average number of shares was retrospectively increased by 8.8% 2 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd Major changes in the scope of consolidation Effective as at – United Cement Company of Nigeria April 1, 2009 + Holcim Australia and Cement Australia October 1, 2009 +/– Various smaller companies 3 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd Cement – Sales volumes by region Δ Q1 09/Q1 10 LFL Change in structure Total Europe -17.6% 1.9% -15.7% North America -5.6% 0.0% -5.6% Latin America 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Africa Middle East 14.3% -14.3% 0.0% Asia Pacific 5.4% 2.9% 8.3% Total 3.4% 1.0% 4.4% 1.7 1.8 2.7 4.3 7.3 5.1 18.2 16.816.8 2.12.1 2.5 5.5 6.6 5.5 Total Group Q1 2008 34.2 Q1 2009 29.7 Q1 2010 31.0 Million t 4 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd Aggregates – Sales volumes by region Δ Q1 09/Q1 10 LFL Change in structure Total Europe -3.1% 0.0% -3.1% North America -2.2% 0.0% -2.2% Latin America -3.4% 0.0% -3.4% Africa Middle East 25.0% 0.0% 25.0% Asia Pacific -9.1% 463.6% 454.5% Total -2.8% 20.3% 17.5% 4.44.5 6.5 6.1 1.1 1.0 2.8 3.0 2.9 Total Group Q1 2008 32.7 Q1 2009 25.1 Q1 2010 29.5 Million t 15.7 21.8 16.2 5 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd 3.1 1.3 1.4 4.7 3.7 1.5 Ready-mix concrete and asphalt – Sales volumes by region Δ Q1 09/Q1 10* LFL Change in structure Total Europe -16.2% 0.0% -16.2% North America 12.5% 0.0% 12.5% Latin America 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Africa Middle East 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Asia Pacific 6.2% 75.1% 81.3% Total -4.6% 13.8% 9.2% 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 2.9 1.6 1.7 2.4 2.8 2.4 Total Ready-mix Q1 2008 10.5 Q1 2009 8.7 Q1 2010 9.5 Total Asphalt Q1 2008 1.9 Q1 2009 1.6 Q1 2010 1.6 * Ready-mix concrete only Million m 3 /t 6 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd Exchange rates 1 Weighted with net sales Q1 2010 2 Weighted with net sales full year 2009 Statement of income average exchange rates in CHF Q1 08 Q1 09 Q1 10 +/- 1 EUR 1.60 1.50 1.46 -2.7% 1 GBP 2.09 1.65 1.65 0.0% 1 USD 1.05 1.15 1.06 -7.8% 1 LATAM Basket (MXN, BRL, ARS, CLP) 1 1.19 1.00 1.05 5.0% 1 Asian Basket (AUD, IDR, INR, THB, PHP) 1 1.17 1.00 1.08 8.0% Statement of financial position exchange rates in CHF 31/03/09 31/12/09 31/03/10 +/- 1 EUR 1.52 1.49 1.43 -4.0% 1 GBP 1.63 1.66 1.60 -3.6% 1 USD 1.14 1.03 1.06 2.9% 1 LATAM Basket (MXN, BRL, ARS, CLP) 2 1.06 1.00 1.14 14.0% 1 Asian Basket (AUD, IDR, INR, THB, PHP) 2 1.04 1.00 1.13 13.0% 7 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd 4,741 4,523 5,509 Q1 2008 Q1 2009 Q1 2010 Like-for-Like (LFL) 421 7.4% -471 -8.5% -151 -3.3% Change in structure -222 -3.9% -32 -0.6% 283 6.3% Forex movements -418 -7.3% -483 -8.8% 86 1.8% Total change -219 -3.8% -986 -17.9% 218 4.8% Net sales Million CHF 8 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd Δ Q1 09/Q1 10 LFL Change in structure Currency Total Europe -11.7% 0.9% -0.9% -11.7% North America -10.6% 0.0% -1.6% -12.2% Latin America -1.3% 0.0% 1.5% 0.2% Africa Middle East 9.5% -11.5% -6.1% -8.1% Asia Pacific 5.1% 19.9% 6.9% 31.9% Total -3.3% 6.3% 1.8% 4.8% Net sales by region 454 517 647 822820 977 272 296 314 2004 1519 1537 Million CHF 1334 2243 1511 Q1 2008 Q1 2009 Q1 2010 9 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd North America 9.3% Europe 27.3% Asia Pacific 41.0% Africa Middle East 5.6% Latin America 16.8% Net sales by region Net sales Q1 2010 [...]... Retrospectively adjusted based on IAS 7 © 2010 Holcim Ltd 16 First quarter results 2010 Financial position Million CHF Net financial debt Total shareholders' equity Gearing 87.9% 62.8% 63.7% 22,756 22,044 18,955 16,658 13,833 31.03.2009 31.12.2009 14,487 31.03 .2010 17 © 2010 Holcim Ltd First quarter results 2010 Financial debt, maturities and liquidity as of March 31, 2010 Maturity profile (CHF million)... the third quarter 2010 March 2, 2011 Press and analyst conference on annual results for 2010 May 4, 2011 Results for the first quarter 2011 May 5, 2011 General meeting of shareholders Investor Relations Phone +41 58 858 87 87 Fax +41 58 858 80 09 investor.relations @holcim. com www .holcim. com/investors Mailing list: www .holcim. com/subscribe 27 © 2010 Holcim Ltd First quarter results 2010 Disclaimer Cautionary... © 2010 Holcim Ltd 26 First quarter results 2010 Contact information and event calendar Contact information Event calendar Corporate Communications Phone +41 58 858 87 10 Fax +41 58 858 87 19 communications @holcim. com May 6, 2010 General meeting of shareholders May 14, 2010 Dividend distribution August 19, 2010 Half-year results for 2010 November 10, 2010 Press and analyst conference for the third quarter. .. 2.5% 27.7% 3.2% 3.2% Total 78.6% 10.9% -4.4% 21.9% 16.1% 34.1% 13 © 2010 Holcim Ltd First quarter results 2010 Net income Million CHF Net income Net income (loss) - shareholders of Holcim Ltd 513 -3.2% 370 +3.9% 195 74 66 -80.0% -66.2% -62.0% -191.9% -68 Q1 2008 © 2010 Holcim Ltd Q1 2009 Q1 2010 14 First quarter results 2010 Cash flow from operating activities Million CHF 201 335.0% 55 91.7% -19 -31.7%... © 2010 Holcim Ltd First quarter results 2010 Operating profit Million CHF 13.4% Margin 7.6% 737 10.0% 9.7% 1 460 Like-for-Like (LFL) Change in structure Forex movements Total change -6 -106 -55 -167 -0.7% -11.7% -6.1% -18.5% Q1 2008 1 Margin on a like-for-like basis © 2010 Holcim Ltd 343 -306 -41.5% -35 -4.7% -53 -7.3% -394 -53.5% Q1 2009 95 27.7% 11 3.2% 11 3.2% 117 34.1% Q1 2010 12 First quarter results. .. currencies © 2010 Holcim Ltd 1 Calculation in USD 22 First quarter results 2010 Cement – Price/volume variances per region Domestic cement prices +/- Q1 09/Q1 10 * Africa Middle East Morocco Lebanon Indian Ocean * If not otherwise indicated calculation based on local currencies © 2010 Holcim Ltd 2.6% -0.6% -9.8% Domestic clinker and cement volumes +/- Q1 09/Q1 10 7.6% 15.4% -8.3% 23 First quarter results 2010. .. could cause actual development and results to differ materially from the statements made in this presentation Holcim assumes no obligation to update or alter forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise 28 © 2010 Holcim Ltd First quarter results 2010 Strength Performance Passion Phu My Bridge, Vietnam © 2010 Holcim Ltd ... marketable securities 3 Liquidity III =Liquidity II + unused committed credit lines 2 © 2010 Holcim Ltd 18 First quarter results 2010 Europe – mature and emerging market highlights Million CHF (if not otherwise stated) Cement volumes (mt) - of which mature markets - of which emerging markets First quarter 2009 2010 5.1 4.3 3.4 3.0 1.7 1.3 +/LFL CIS FX Total -17.6% -14.7% -23.5% 1.9% 2.9% 0.0% -15.7%... 137 101 36 14.3% 44.9% -28.0% 2.5% 2.9% 2.0% -1.7% -1.4% -2.0% 15.1% 46.4% -28.0% 19 © 2010 Holcim Ltd First quarter results 2010 Asia Pacific – mature and emerging market highlights Million CHF (if not otherwise stated) Cement volumes (mt) - of which mature markets - of which emerging markets First quarter 2009 2010 16.8 18.2 0.7 1.1 16.1 17.1 +/LFL CIS FX Total 5.4% -14.3% 6.2% 2.9% 71.4% 0.0% 8.3%... Q1 221.5% 237 2008 -288 -221.5% -32 -24.6% 32 24.6% -288 -221.5% -158 Q1 2009 11 -14 0 -3 7.0% -8.9% 0.0% -1.9% Q1 2010 -117 -72.7% 3 1.9% 18 11.2% -96 -59.6% -161 -257 15 © 2010 Holcim Ltd First quarter results 2010 Cash flow statement Million CHF Full Year 1st Quarter +/- 2009 2009 2010 3,888 -161 -257 -59.6% -376 -51 -48 5.9% 3,512 -213 -305 -43.2% Expansion investments -1,929 -493 -259 47.5% Financial . © 2010 Holcim Ltd Phu My Bridge, Vietnam First quarter results 2010 1 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd Key financial figures 2009 2009 2010 LFL CIS FX Total Sales. 2009 Q1 2010 9 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd North America 9.3% Europe 27.3% Asia Pacific 41.0% Africa Middle East 5.6% Latin America 16.8% Net sales by region Net sales Q1 2010 10 First. 34.1% Q1 2008 Q1 2009 Q1 2010 -12 -56 270 14 First quarter results 2010 © 2010 Holcim Ltd Net income 66 195 513 -68 74 370 Net income Net income (loss) - shareholders of Holcim Ltd +3.9% -191.9% -3.2% -66.2% -80.0% -62.0% Million

Ngày đăng: 26/07/2014, 21:42



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