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Đề thi thử anh văn – số 6 pptx

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TRAN DUNG HA 1 Đề thi thử anh văn – số 6 I. Grammar :Choose the best answer : 1. The economic condition today are ………….they were in the past A. much more good B. much better than C. much better D. the best than 2. Peter is the………… student in my class A. taller than B. so tall as C. the tallest D. tallest 3. The deep oceans contain some of the………….of all living creatures A. strangest B. strange C. as strange as D. stranger 4. Jane is not……… her brother. A. more intelligent as B. intelligent as C. so intelligent as D. so intelligent that 5. He drives as ………….his father does A. careful as B. more carefully C. the most careful D. carefully as 6. You can take …………books as you want A. as many B. as much C. so much D. too many 7. Of the two sisters, Linda……………. A. is beautiful B. the most beautiful C. is more beautiful D. is so beautiful as 8. The lab is ………… from the bus stop than the library A. far B. farther C. further D. B&C 9. The ……… accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the Freeway A. badest B. most bad C. worse D. worst 10. It’s becoming……………to find a job A. more difficult and more B. more and more difficult C. most and more difficult D. more difficult than 11. ………electricity you use, …………your bill will be A. The more….the higher B. The most …the higher C. The more…the high D. More…… higher 12. The more I got to know Tom,…………I like him A. least B. the less C. the least D. the fewer 13. The rooms in the front………… noisier than those in the back A. are more B. are little C. are very D. are much 14. …………you are, ……………you concentrate A. Tired…the least hard B. The more tired….the harder C. The tireder……the harder D. The tired………the harder 15. …….the man gets,………… he becomes A. The more old………the more weak B. The older…….the weaker C. The older……… the weakest D. older…… weaker 16. Of all the candidates, Peter is probably………………. A. the less qualified B. the qualified less C. the most little qualified D. the least qualified 17. …………100 billion stars are in the MIlky Way A. As many as B. As much as C. As more as D. As most as 18. The CDs here are more expensive………… over there A. those B. than those C. than that D. than this 19. These two girls…………that I can’t tell them apart TRAN DUNG HA 2 A. are so like B. are so alike C. are too alike D. alike enough 20. Mrs Harison is……….he owns many palaces A. so a rich man that B. such an rich man that C. such a rich man that D. that so rich man 21. I don’t think our daughter is……….to understand this matter A. too young B. is such young C. not enough young D. not age young 22. The ceiling is too……………… A. too high for me to reach B. too high for me to reach it C. so high for me reaching D. enough high of me reaching 23. The woman was so beautiful………………………. A. that I coundn’t help looking at B. that I coundn’t help looking at her C. for me looking at her D. that for me to look at 24. It is ………… that I would like to go to the beach A. such a nice weather B. too nice weather C. such nice weather D. such weather nice 25. These are……….that I can’t finish them A. a such long assignments B. such long assignments C. such a long assignments D. too long assignments 26. It is ……… that I have read it twice A. such an interesting book B. so interesting a book C. too interesting a book C. A&B 27. He………I was scared A. drove too fast that B. drove so fastly that C. drove so fast that D. drove such fast that 28. Sound comes in waves, and the higher the frequency,………………. A. higher is the pitch B. the pitch is higher C. the higher the pitch D. pitch is the higher 29. This one is prettier, but it costs…………….as the other one A. as much as B. as many C. twice as much D. twice as many 30. Subtropical zones,………temperate zones, but they still have have distinct summer and winter seasons A. that are warmer B. warmer C. are warmer as D. are warmer than II. A. Vocabulary : choose the best answer 31. Could you please……… me the way to the post office? A. speak B. tell C. talk D. ask 32. We use ……… to break up the earth and plant seeds A. car B. plough C. dog D. land 33. Every passenger is required to……….their seatbelt when they are on board A. hold B. take C. leave D. fasten 34. The holiday price is inclusive so our breakfast is…… by the hotel A. taken B. served C. eaten D. arraged 35. The house was……… fire and it took almost three hours to extinguish it A. in B. on C. at D. for TRAN DUNG HA 3 B. Choose the word that best suits the meaning of the underlined word(s) 36. We have our clothes cleaned by the laundry service A. washing B. emergency C. traveling D. insurance 37. Email is the best means of communication A. chance B. service C. method D. use 38. Sea Surge in Phuket was a natural disaster that caused huge damage A. luck B. ocean C. occasion D. tragedy 39. People ran into the streets in panic after the explosion A. excitement B. fright C. surprise D. loneliness 40. The contented smile on her face shows that she finally passed the exam A. sad B. boring C. happy D. disgusting 41. Choosing an appropriate occupation for which they are trained at university is a great matter of concern among the youth A. profession B. partner C. success D. education 42. Linh always has a very busy timetable for the whole week A. life B. routine C. holiday D. schedule 43. The result of the exam will be announced at the end of the month A. publicized B. delayed C. adjusted D. removed 44. No matter what may happen, you should never give up hopes A. begin B. create C. be sastified with D. stop 45. I made some good purchases of clothes when i was in town A. appearance B. buys C. decorations D. wastes III. . In each of the following sentences, four words or phrases have been underlined. Choose the one word or phrase that wouldn’t be appopriate 46. Despite of the pills which are available, many people still have trouble sleeping A B C D 47. Only a few mineral can resist weathering by rainwater, which is a weak acid A B C D 48. As a result of the Women’s Movement, women now holds positions that were A B once restricted to men C D 49. Jogging nor dieting, carried to extremes, can be harmful. A B C D 50. The letter that was sent by special delivery must be importance. A B C D 51. Alexander Calder, who was originally interested in mechanical engineering, later became a sculpture A B C D 52. To building their nets, tailorbirds use their bills as needles A B C D 53. Every student who are absent from class too often will not be allowed to take the exam A B C D 54. Hang immediate comes home after she finishes school TRAN DUNG HA 4 A B C D 55. As soon as the teacher came back into the room, the students stopped to talk A B C D IV. Read the following passage then answer questions from 56 65 THE INFLUENCE OF ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and became a very famous man. He also wrote an article which he presented in 1883. His research paper was about deaf people. In his article, Dr. Bell explained why there were so many deaf children. He believed that when deaf adults married each other, they would have (56)_______ children. He thought that this was bad. Bell blamed the schools for the deaf for causing marriages between deaf people. He did not like the idea of these intermarriages and tried to think of ways to (57)_______ them. He would have preferred that deaf children be taught at hearing schools. He did not (58)_______ schools or the deaf. Bell felt that deaf people would not mix with hearing people if they went to (59)_______ schools. Bell was (60)_______ about other things, too. He noticed that deaf people socialized with other deaf people. He felt that socializing with other deaf people was bad. Deaf people should socialize with hearing people, he thought. bell tried to start a new lar that would make it illegal for deaf people to marry each other. He (61)_______ up his idea when he realized that such a law could not be enforced. Bell also had strong feelings about the (62)_______ of deaf children. He wanted deaf children to be with hearing children in school. He thought that the deaf children could learn normal behavior from the hearing children. Bell was against the use of deaf teachers, too, because he thought this added to the (63)_______ of a deaf "race" in America. Bell had another theory which he never proved. He believed that deaf children who signed would not have good English (64)_______. He could never prove this, and now many people have tried to prove the opposite! A lot of new research shows that many deaf children whose parents sign (and are deaf) do (65)_______ schoolwork than deaf children who do not sign at home! 56 .A. blind B. dumb C. deaf D. dead 57. A. stop B. support C. help D. encourage 58. A. observe B. describe C. support D. visit 59. A. larger B. separate C. nicer D. worse 60. A. selfish B. upset C. shy D. careless 61. A. fixed B. gave C. wrote D. talked 62. A. discipline B. health C. safety D. education 63. A. ability B. loss C. problem D. cost 64. A. skills B. language C. knowledge D. vocabulary 65 .A. better B. more C. easier D. slower - Do justice to sb : Đánh giá đúng, công bằng - Make preparation : chuẩn bị - Do the best : làm tốt nhất - Make sb an offer : tặng ai cái gì - Do my own work : tự làm việc của mình - Make money : làm ra tiền - Do bussiness : làm kinh doanh - Make a profit : tạo ra lợi nhuận - Make a success : tạo ra thành công - Make work for sb :tạo công việc cho ai TRAN DUNG HA 5 . TRAN DUNG HA 1 Đề thi thử anh văn – số 6 I. Grammar :Choose the best answer : 1. The economic condition today are ………….they. 61 . A. fixed B. gave C. wrote D. talked 62 . A. discipline B. health C. safety D. education 63 . A. ability B. loss C. problem D. cost 64 . A. skills B. language C. knowledge D. vocabulary 65 . thought this added to the (63 )_______ of a deaf "race" in America. Bell had another theory which he never proved. He believed that deaf children who signed would not have good English (64 )_______.

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2014, 06:20

