A car today produces 70% pollutants lower than ten years agoA farmer can draw up a contract with a mill to lock in a certain price for six months in order to be protected against falling
Trang 1A car today produces 70% pollutants lower than ten years ago
A farmer can draw up a contract with a mill to lock in a certain price for six months in order to be protected against falling prices
A good salesperson can persuade almost anybody to buy anything
A good salesperson can persuade almost anybody to buy anything.
A good way to avoid misunderstandings in business is to put all agreements in writing.
According to the findings of the investigative committee, the company is not liable for the damages
Affofdable electric cars will be available sometime in the near future.
After all these years she has decided to take early retirement
After rationalisation the company was in good shape and its order book was full.
All departments meeting their deadlines will be given a substantial bonus.
All items in this range will be available from 27 April.
All letters of credit should include an expiry date when payment is due
Although I am a very junior member of staff, my long-term prospects are good
Although improving, the unemployment problem still persists
Although prices have remained static for the past two years we are expecting a sharp rise in the near future.
Although profit is one indicator of success, it need not be the only one
An estimated 35 million tax dollars is lost even year in the black economy
Are you able to say at this point how much damage has actually been done to the company’s reputation?
Artemis gives us a good price on this because they are our sole suppliers.
Arthur Morris created the first installment loan in 1916 despite all advice to the contrary.
As a journalist for a national newspaper, I am used to working to a deadline.
As a limited partner she rarely engages in the internal administration of the company.
As a result of our trip to Lima, we were able to forge a partnership with one of our former competitors
As a result of the review, they decided to close the factory down.
At the factory, all the workers have to fill in time sheets to show what they have done.
At the new job vacancy centres, unemployed people get training in how to write a good resumé and letter of application.
At the time it was signed the contract satisfied all parties.
Because of a stable economic growth rate, the president can probably look forward to another term.
Before negotiating a deal make sure you know the strengths and weaknesses of competing products.
Bond activity increased as a result of our intense marketing efforts.
Bondholders are generally considered more conservative than stockholders.
Both parties were at an impasse because nothing was written down at the time of the negotiations
Buying in bulk can reduce unit costs.
Calendar years and fiscal years don't always coincide
Carol's reliability and confidence make her an ideal employee
Customer Service on the fifth floor, will have to approve your application before I can process it
Do you want to stand as a candidate in the local elections?
Dr Klein will be able to meet with us this afternoon if we can make it.
During the inspection of the production process, the consultant paid particular attention to the assembly line workers.
Enabling consumers to make educated decisions was the purpose of enacting the Truth in Lending Act.
For many people job satisfaction is more important than a high salary.
He explained pyramiding as simply using the profits of one investment to make another
He thanked the management on behalf of the staff for taking their suggestions seriously
He was asked to undertake a thorough review of the health and safety provision within the organisation.
He was offered a bank overdraft when the company experienced financial problems.
He was unable to stay for the duration of the meeting as he had other business to attend to.
Henry Ford introduced the assembly line as a way of mass-producing cars
Her supervisor was very discreet in her choice of words when pointing out areas that need improvement
I don’t understand which of these is to be included in the shipment.
I felt that we had finally made some headway on these tax issues.
I think we’ll be able to sell the house quite easily – in fact, we’ve got two prospective buyers corning round this afternoon.
I thought it best to look over the competition before deciding to star a consulting business in this town.
I would be grateful if you could let me have a detailed offer, including prices and delivery terms.
I would be very interested in applying for that job.
I would like to postpone the conference call until both analysts have sent us their conclusions
I’d like to raise a point connected with staff turnover You said it was high but it’s no higher than normal, is it?
Trang 2I’ll put you through to the Sales Department.
I’m afraid Miss Johnson’s in a meeting.
I’ve given the latest sales figures to Mr Allen but he hasn’t had a chance to look at them yet.
Ian has to be very organised as his work involves meeting tight deadlines
If customers fail to charge their bills you can be left with a serious cash-flow problem.
If inflation gets too high, it steadily erodes the buying power of people with a fixed income.
If it weren't for venture capital, the American business machine would collapse
If this project is completed on time we will receive a bonus in next month's pay.
If you are interested in attending, please let me know as soon as possible.
If you do not pay your bill within the next few days we will have to consider taking legal action.
If you had examined each factor individually, she argued, “you would have been that the error was theirs.”
If you're taking notes it's a good idea to make them as clear and brief as possible.
In light of rising health care costs, many companies are streamlining their benefits program.
In some countries it is quite tricky to use the correct title when talking to business colleagues.
In this course, you will be learning the most widely used method of taking inventory and maintaining inventory records Inflation is eating away at our hard-earned savings
It is important for many small businesses to improve their credit control and ensure customers pay on time
It was a big sacrifice for her to give up her acting career to look after her family
It was agreed that the full cost would be refunded if the goods were returned in perfect condition.
It’s important to take frequent breaks when working at a computer.
It's going to be difficult to break into the Far East market but I believe it will become a key market for us
It's important to take up customer references when offering credit.
Jan is working as an apprentice with Global Printers
Job losses are mainly in the blue-collar sectors of the industry
Lack of orders has meant that a number of employees have been laid off.
Lawmakers were about to end their summer session but not before they passed a proposal giving themselves a pay raise Like many companies, we were affected by the downturn in the world economy
Managers should encourage staff to maintain the no-smoking policy throughout the building.
Many employees are eager to try out new ideas.
Many people would jump at the chance of working for a successful travel company.
Many people would jump at the chance of working for a successful travel company
Most investment brochures carry the following caveat: "Past performance cannot guarantee future results."
Mrs Perez is writing to confirm the arrangements she made with you
Mrs Corritas always ships her orders out in a timely fashion.
Ms Yen's contribution to the company has been invaluable ,
Municipal bonds are issued by state and local governments to pay for keeping roads and bridges in good repair
My boss promised to take on board the suggestions I made at the meeting
My colleague has always had luck with his investments.
My colleague has gone off on a quick business trip to Paris
My job frequently involves having to work under intense pressure.
Neither the customer or the salesperson wants to feel cheated over a deal
No amount of money was going to stop her from blowing the whistle on the company's policy regarding waste disposal.
No This is the Finance Department I’ll check the extension number.
Oh, dear I think T’ve dialed the wrong number.
Once further investment has been secured the plans for growth can be carried out.
Once they had agreed terms the deal was pushed through very quickly
One of the relative advantages of writing over talking to someone face-to-face is that you can take your time.
Our department is neither prepared nor willing to fund this research.
Our division is responsible for making and delivering frozen foods.
Our family was once a majority shareholder in a company that lost everything during the Depression.
Our original was supplier very reliable and always delivered on time.
Our prices are very competitive.
Our technical department is racing to develop the technology that will give us the competitive edge we'll need to maintain our
profit trend
Over the decades, the name of Siemens has become synonymous with progress.
Plans have already been drawn up to deal with such situations
Trang 3Please send us a copy of her itinerary so that we can arrange transport.
Printix are offering us a 15% discount on all orders over $1000.
Professor Haage, as a public speaker, is more entertaining than Professor Doyle.
Professor Zagrov praised Mr Modello for his literary contribution before presenting him with the little money the group had
Properly conducted business ventures would do more for strengthening international relations than anything else
Restoration of the downtown shopping district was done to attract more business.
She is, in every respect, an ideal candidate for the position
She made sure that everyone was able to express their points of view
Siemens is a highly innovative leader in the electrics and electronics market.
Since the managers enhanced the training program for new employees, absenteeism has been declining.
Some companies have abolished all their secretarial posts
Sonya & Company settled the matter out of court to avoid the pending lawsuit
Supermarkets often find point of sale displays very useful when introducing new products to their customers
Thank you for your remittance of $500 which we received today.
That’s a very good solution to the problem.
The advertising company has come up with a catchy new slogan for the car.
The annual general meeting was held in the conference centre
The backup system will have been turned on by that time
The bank laid down several policies designed to simplify the collection process
The board of directors convinced him to take action against the other firm.
The building, for which a purchasing fund had been set aside, was severely damaged in the hurricane.
The buying and selling of stocks and bonds is something I would like to learn more about
The CD-ROM only has a demo version of the software, the full program costs $130.
The circular will contain key financial information to help investors.
The client will reconsider the offer should you decide to open an office in Taiwan.
The company had its own code of attitude in these matters.
The company had scarcely gotten back on its feet when it was ravaged completely by the fire.
The company has decided to introduce a share option scheme, starting next year.
The company has good industrial ralations and disputes are rare.
The company needed to make job cuts so they asked staff to volunteer for redundancy.
The company rewarded the entire staff with an additional two days of vacation
The company saw net profits fall as a result of the downturn in the industry world-wide
The company will be promoting a new range of health foods over the next few months.
The complaint about the cost of the item was soon sorted out
The comptroller asked the treasurer for a breakdown of the information in his report.
The consignment arrives at the warehouse on Monday and will be unloaded immediately
The consultants emphasised the importance of managers involving staff in the issue of timekeeping.
The credit terms stipulate that payment should be on presentation of the goods.
The customer demanded a refund when he discovered the equipment was missing.
The decision to hire her rests ultimately with the director of human resources
The delay in despatch was due to circumstances beyond our control
The development of new technologies means that there are fewer jobs for manual workers.
The entire industry has evolved out of the need to conserve energy
The field staff was quite articulate in expressing its dissatisfaction with the company's restructuring
The financial statement would have reflected our difficulties if we had not changed our accounting year.
The findings of the investigation confirmed that there was no corruption amongst the local police force.
The form of a computer command is so precise that any alteration of it is unintelligible the computer
The fringe benefits enticed him to accept the position
The goods will be delivered by Wednesday at the latest
The government has changed its policy and had a complete change of view.
The hotel management and the union are at a standstill regarding the benefits package.
The hotel manager would have offered us a 25% discount if we had held a party of ten or more.
The interview panel's overall impression was that Sam was the most suitable candidate
The lease states that you must vacate the apartment in good condition
The lecturer was neither on time nor prepared
Trang 4The letter from the attorney mentions nothing about the lease amendments.
The mail sorting machine is out of order again.
The management committee stipulated that flextime should be limited to permanent members of staff.
The managing Director is now urgently seeking to appoint a Head of Operations.
The market crashed right after he sold most of his stocks
The marketing department chalked up the high sales to their new ad campaign
The most effective sales technique is one which tells the customer how the product will benefit him or her.
The new employee found it difficult to work under such stressful conditions
The new Managing Director of the company has just been appointed
The poor quality of the products was explained on inadequate supervision of the workforce.
The public utility companies have been forced to hire over fifty new personnel to help with all the repairs
The publisher will probably need the report by week's end
The reason there are no buses is because the drivers are on strike
The receptionist informed customers that there would be a two-week delay in deliveries as the current stock had been exhausted The report is likely to show better than expected results.
The retail merchants knew that a price increase was inevitable
The sales forecast for the next few months is not particularly optimistic
The secretary told me that a new prospectus was being mailed to all interested investors.
The shares had been undervalued for quite some time.
The successful applicant will have a proven track record in project management.
The town hopes to collect enough money from the municipal bonds to pay for the bridge repairs
The transport strike is becoming a disaster for small businesses.
The volume of paperwork that needs to be filled out to buy a home can make it seem insurmountable
Their products are only available through selected outlets
There are no public phones in here but there is a phone booth in Market Street
There has been a long-standing agreement to supply Texmills with our products and services
There is a unnecessary danger that the new regulations will be misunderstood by many staff.
There was a definite air of expectation in the room when the general manager brought up the topic of wages.
There was a mix-up in the order at the factory and the wrong package was sent
There was a serious staff shortage at the time so several shipments were held up
They agreed that the system wasn't working well and there was a need to choose a more radical approach.
They do not accept cheques in that restaurant.
They said my qualifications were more varied than those of any other applicant
They were badly managed for years, so I’m not surprised to hear they’ve gone out of business.
This approach will enable us to get the maximum benefit from resources of scale.
This supermarket is trying to target young shoppers by offering fashionable
This type of decision has to be made at broad level
Thousands of subscribers are already signing up for this new telephone service.
Unfortunately the recent takeover will result in a number of redundancies at the plant.
Unfortunately there is still a lot of discrimination against older people in the workplace
Ursula was the vice president of marketing for the East Coast last year
We apologise for the difficulty we are experiencing in paying your outstanding account.
We are happy to replace the damaged goods free of charge.
We are willing to supply the goods at a discount of 5%.
We cannot print out the financial report until the computer is working.
We have two representatives from Intel who were invited to speak at the opening ceremonies.
We were told that the expense budget was being trimmed because the company was considering the purchase of a larger
What kind of problems will the change in the schedule cause?
When deciding what kind of advertising to use it's important to find out as much as possible about your competitors
Why is it that most bog government building projects finish over budget and behind schedule?
With the holidays coming, department stores are gearing up for their busy season
Would you like me to fix up an appointment for you?
Would you mind telling us a little more about how you intend to enter this new market?
You can see the advertisement about the sale in the local paper
You must submit your application by the end of the week.
Trang 5You said earlier that we can expect a return to profits in the next two years Isn’t it possible to be a litle more precise? You should always speak to customers politely
You should have bought up those shares when they were cheap.
You will see from the catalogue that our prices are very competitive.
Your body appearance usually gives other people information about how you really feel