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8 She's a(n) old woman, who's always complaining about something. A annoyed B furious C bad-tempered D infuriated 9 He's very about his work, so try not to say anything that he might take as a criticism. A annoyed B touchy C irritated D annoying 10 My boss will be absolutely with me for being late again. A angry I3 annoyed C furious D irritated 11 My father has a very bad A temper B mood C humour D tantrum 10.2 The ulord in c-apitals at the end cfeuch of thefollo~~ing sentences can be used toform u M.OI.LJ thulfjlx suitahly in the blank space. Fill each hlunk in this Mny. EXAMPI.E We had an interesting df?~.'!!~!!!! about football. DISCUSS I It's not being able to speak a foreign language. FRUSTRATE 2 Most people tend to be rather when they're tired. lRRITATE 3 It's having to wait so long for an answer. ANNOY 4 There's nothing worse than the of being stuck in a traffic jam when you're in a hurry to get somewhere. FRLSTRATE 5 He's got some very habits. I R R ITATE 6 It's when people won't believe things that are obviously true. FURIOUS 10.3 For euch of the sentences he lo^', write a newv sentence as similar us possible in n~eaniri~ to the originul sentence, hut using the word given. This ~~rd musf rzot he altered in an! M3a!. EXAMPLE It's no use arguing: I've made up my mind. point ANSWER There's no polnt rn arguing; I'LY made up rnj mind 1 She'll be furious when she finds out what's happened. go 2 He got angry because we all disagreed with him. temper 3 She is angry and bad-tempered today. mood 4 1 don't want to be treated as an inferior any more! sick 5 He got extremely angry when he saw the damage that had been done to his car. fit Unit 10 Exercises 6 His arrogance irritates me. nose 7 I don't want people to order me about any more. enough 8 Waiting for buses irritates me. nerves 9 Having to get up so early is irritating. neck 10 It annoys me to see so much food being wasted. sick 1 certain (oflabout sth; that ) He's not certain what her name is.ll'm certain (that) she having no doubt in your mind doesn't like me.lShe doesn't like me - I'm certain of it. about something 2 sure (oflabout sth; that ) Are you sure (that) he said he was coming?/lt was him certain who caused the accident, I'm sure of it.lHave you got a map? I'm not quite sure about the way. 3 to make certainlsure a (of sthlthat ) He looked all around to make certain that nobody was to check in order to be certain listening.// think this is your train but you'd better ask the guard to make sure (of it). b (of sthlof doing sthlthat ) England scored twice in the last ten minutes to make to do something in order to be certain of victory.lWe left early to make sure of getting certain of something else there on time.lMake sure (that) you're not late. 4 positive (oflabout sth; that ) 'Are you sure you locked the door?' - 'Yes. I'm positive.'/ completely sure She was positive (that) she had met him before somewhere.lAre you positive oflabout what happened? 5 confident (of sthlof doing sthl She was confident (that) she would win./We're confident oj" that ) victory.lHe's confident of finishing the job on time. certain that something will happen as you want it to happen 6 hopeful (of sthlof doing sthl I'm hopeful (that) everything will turn out well in the end.! that ) She's not very hopeful of success.lAlthough the concert is fairly confident sold out, he's hopefi.1 of getting a ticket at the door. 7 hopefully let us hope (that ) liopejklly, I'll. be feeling better tomorro~~.lSee you next week, hopefully. 8 optimistic (about sthlthat ) We're optimistic that our money problems will soon he always expecting the best; hopeful over.lShels optimistic about her chances of getting the job. about the future 9 an optimist You must be a real optimist if you think that the bank are a person who is always optimistic going to agree to lend you all that money. 10 to hope for the best tier attitude towards exams is to do a bit of revision the to be hopeful that things will go night before, and just hope for the best! well (especially when there is reason to believe that they will not) 11 to look on the bright side 'I've just lost my job and my wife is asking for a divorce.' to find something to be hopeful - 'Look on the bright side - at least you've still got your about in spite of problems friends. ' Unit 11 Certain/Optirnistic/Doubtful/Pessimistic Part 2 I doubtful (about sth) I'm doubtful (ahout) ~'herhel- she'll cSonle.ll'\v ogr'ced to uncertain and unconfident lend him n7s car., hut I still feel a bit douhrful ahour it. 2 to doubt a (s.o./sth) I'm sot-1.y if1 doubted you - ~ou p~.o\sed mc ~,~.orr,y./.Yhc~ to be uncertain about someone or upologised for having doubted my cr9or.d (= fcr having something thought that I was not telling the truth.) b (thut ) She may he there tonight. hut I 1.er.y much doubt 11.11 ~iouhf to consider something to be that she'll he thew.ll doubt whether they'll come. unlikely 3 doubt (about sth) There seems to be some doubt about ah he rho. hc 1s (a feeling of) uncertainty actuall~ guilty or not./The~.e's 170 dot~ht that she's ki11g.1 Everyone thinks it's a wonderfir1 idea, hut I hurv mj. douhts./No~' that I'm jinully lea\.ing the c.owltl.y for.e~.cr I'm heginnirzg to h(11.e doubts ahout it. 4 no doubt No doubt you'll hu\*e heard about their e17gu~r~n7ent.lM/~~'II certainly or very probably (used see you tonight, no douht. to emphasise that you believe something to be true) 5 sceptical (ofluhou: sth) I've ussur-ed her. that my offer- is genuine, hut she still very doubtful about something; seems rather sceptic-a1 (($'about it). unwilling to believe that a claim, statement, promise etc. is true 6 pessimistic (uhout sth) tfe'.r very pessimistic uhouf hts (./7anc.~s ~fpu~sing his always expecting the worst exams. 7 a pessimist a pessimistic person Don't he such a pessimist! You' 1.e got us good a chance as unphody of getting the job. X a reservation (about s.o./sth) She's beginnin,? to ha1.e I-esel-vatiorrs about ma~-r.yin,q him.! a feeling of doubt about someone My big~est r.eserrlution about hu~,ing it, is the PI-ic.c.lWe or something, that causes you to accept yo~ir offer ~ifhout resel.\'ation. hesitate Unit 11 Exercises I I. 1 Choose the bt~or-d or- phrase (A. R. C or- D) ~9hic.h best con~pletes each sentence. 1 Are you that those were his exact words? A positive B hopeful C secure D safe 2 He seems about whether she'll agree or not. A doubtful B undoubted C unlikely D without doubt Unit 11 Exercises 3 She's that she'll get the job. She thinks she did well in the interview. A confident B doubtless C trustworthy D safe 4 I'm it. I saw it happen with my own eyes. A confident for B sure from C certain of D positive from 5 He says he might come, but he A doubts B doubts it C doubts so D doubts about it 1 1.2 Fill each rf the blanks ~irh otle suiruhle ~.or-d. 1 1 couldn't remember if I'd closed all the windows, so 1 went back to make 2 I always think that things will turn out well. 1 guess you could call me an 3 She's confident getting into university. 4 You're such a ! You always think that something is going to go wrong. 5 The manufacturers are claiming that it is a miracle drug, but many doctors and scientists still have their about it. I 1.3 For euch of the sentence.r helo~b, write a neM, senret1c.e as sirnilat' us possible in nleunin,q to t/lr> ori~inul sentence, h~it using the word gil'en. This u,ol-d nlust not be altet.ed in unj* uti~. ~XAMPL.~. It's no use arguing: I've made up my mind. point There's no point in ar,qlcln,q: I've mude up my rnrnd AKSWER I I'm hoping to go skiing at Christmas. hopefully 2 1 don't think his reasons for being nice to me are sincere. sceptical 3 Think about the good things! You're young and healthy and will have plenty more opportunities. bright 4 Do you think that your chances of getting promotion are good? optimistic 5 I don't quite understand the meaning of this word. sure 6 All I can do is cross my fingers and be optimistic. best Unit 11 Exercises 7 I expect he'll be late, as usual. doubt 8 1 can only see bad things happening in the future. pessimistic 9 I wasn't sure about him at first, but now he seems very good at his job. reservations 10 Does she think that her chances of getting the job are good? hopeful Unit 12 Confused/Bewildered 1 confused a (about sth) (of a person) unable to understand something (often because it does not seem to be logical); uncertain or unclear b (of something, a situation etc) difficult to understand; not clear 2 to confuse a (s.o.) to make it difficult for someone to understand or think logically. b (a situation etc.) to make it difficult to understand c (s.o./sth with s.o./sth else) to think, by mistake, that one thing is another 3 confusing causing you to be confused 4 confusion the feeling of being confused; a situation where everything is confused 5 to cause confusion 6 puzzled unable to understand or explain something, often because it seems strange or unusual 7 to puzzle (s.o.) to cause someone to be puzzled 8 puzzling causing you to be puzzled 9 baffled completely unable to explain or understand something, or find a solution to it; very confused 10 to baffle (s.0.) to cause someone to be bafflea I'm afraid I'm rather confused - could you explain fr-om the beginning again?ll'm confused abour whar to do.lA lot of people get confused by rules and regulations. The plans are rather c-onfused at the moment so I don'r know what's going to happen. Do you have to use all those technical terms? They just confuse me. You've already changed your plans twice - if you change them again you'll just confuse things even more. I think you're confusing me with someone else - I've never met you before in my life./I always confuse them because they look so alike. The road signs were so confusing that I didn't know which way to go. Her explanation only added to his confusion.lThere was a lot of confusion because nobody knew where to go. The changes in the law have caused a lor of confusion. The doctor was clearly puzzled by my illness.il'm puzzled about why she decided to leave./I'm puzzled that someone as intelligent as yourself should want to leave universi~ after only one year. His attitude puzzles me., His failure in the exam is puzzling, since he's one of the better students. I was hafled by the question.lPolice are hafled as to who could have committed such a crime. His decision to leave the company hafPes me 1 1 baffling It'.r a hajjiin8 siruurion und 1 r.eullp c.ccn'r e.~plarn 11. causing you to be baffled 12 mixed-up A lot cf young people ure rni.ved-up uhout rheir- firrur.cs.ll'nl confused (perhaps for emotional getting mixed-up noH. - are you tulkit~g uhout Rlchurd or or social reasons) his hrother?ltIe's been so mived-up s111ce his ~,ije IeJi him. 13 to mix up (s.o./sth with s.o./sth I mixed her up ~'ith ~omeone else hec.truse I'\,(> ,?or N hurl else) memo/.y./Aunt Sheila is uI~~uj r nii.x.inx ~rp rhr t~,i/ls uild to confuse two things. so that you c~alliiig them by rheir h'rong rlunies.11 ~IMYJJS mi \ rllo.sc~ think that one thing is the other hzZo ~'o/.u's up and use one M~~PII I should use rhe orhcr 14 a mix-up It wa.r a mix-up - I rhought ~~e ~~e1.e meeting at 8 o'c.1oc.k a confused arrangement hut he iho~rght u9e ktset.e meeting at 7 o'c.1oc.k. 15 bewildered Don'i ask me to esplair~ the film to sou - I'm trs completely ccnfused and unable to heulilder-ed as you ure.ll'm hew9ilder.ed us ro ~.hs she's so understand something angrj - she uvas perfect1.v friendlp this mot-ning. !6 to bewilder (s.0.) Eblen affer- ten pears, his hehu\siour still he~>ilders me ar to cause someone to be times. bewildered 17 bewildering Her jirsr visit to India ~,a.r all e.uc~irir7g bur he~'ildei.r/~,q very confusing and difficult to experience. understand (often because many new and different things are happening at the same time) 18 lost I'm lost - could yorr expluin rhar ull ~c~ain. plruse?/I don't confused; unable to fo!low (an know what's happenit18 iii rhis film - I'm rotullj losr. explanation, argument etc.) 19 mystified Don't usk me ~'hy ir happened - I'm us m~srificd us jSoi,r very puzzled: unable to even are.iShe u3us mystified h)' Dr. Jackson's i~onimer/t - ~3hut begin to understand something c-ould he hu~,e meant? because it is s~ htrange 20 to mystify (s.0.) The rules of the gume completelp mpsr$v rno. to cause someone to be mystified 2 1 mystifying Most for-ei~ner-s frnd the gume of c,t.ic,ket c,onrplete/y causing you to be mystified mq'sti'in~. 22 mysterious It's b1erj. niy.~teriou.~ - she .suddeiilp d~sapl~ent.ed hut unable to be explained or i~ohodq' knows ~,herc she br'er~t. understood: strange and causing you to wonder 23 a mystery (to so.) I huve no ideu ~vhy that hnppeired - tt's u i?rv.vfer\. 10 nrcJ something strange that cannot be explained or understood 24 not to be clear (clhout sth) If there's unjthing jou're not clear about, plrusc. usk il'nr to be confused; not to understand not clear (ahour) ~t,hat you M7anf me to do - c.oltld explain if again? 25 to be unable to think straight tie asked me so rnuny yursfions that 1 c~ouldn't think to be unable to think clearly strai~ht. because of confusion, pressure. panic etc. Unit 12 Exercises 12.1 Choose the uurd or phra.re (A, R. C or L)) ~$hic.h hest cwmpletes ec7c.h .renrenc.c3. 1 My first day at work was because there were so many new things to take in A contused B puzzling C bewildering D mystifying 2 Statistics - all those numbers! A baffles me B mixes me up C mixes me D loses me 3 You're talking too fast - I'm getting ! A lost B puzzled C mystified D baffled 4 Considering his unhappy childhood, it's not surprising he's so A mystified B lost C baffled D mixed-up 5 Due to an administrative , the room had been double-booked. A confusion B mix-up C puzzle D mystery 6 She's usually very calm, so I must admit I'm rather as to why she lost her temper like that. A confusing B puzzled C mixed-up D bewildering 12.2 The ford in cupitals at the end c?feuch ofthe following sentences tun he used tofi)t.m u ~nrd rhar fits suituhlj in the blank spuce. Fill eac.h blank in this M1aj. discussion ~XAMPLE We had an interesting about football. . DISCUSS 1 He's behaving in a very way. MYSTERY 2 There seems to be some about what she actually said. CONFUSE 3 Her sudden disappearance is rather PLI.ZI,E 4 I'm as to how such a thing cou1.d have happened. BEWILDER 5 The instructions are very I can't tell what I'm supposed to do. CONFUSE 6 The police were - why should anyone want to steal a wastepaper basket'? MYSTIFY Unit 12 Exercises 12.3 For each of the sentences below, write a new sencence as similar as possible in meaning ro the original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way. EXAMPI.E It's no use arguing: I've made up my mind. point There's no point in arguing; I've made up my mrnd. ANSWER 1 If you change all the plans now, you'll only confuse things. confusion 2 I find the whole subject very confusing. bewilders 3 What I don't understand is why he did such a strange thing. puzzles 4 I'm not sure what you want me to do. confused 5 They look so alike that it's very easy to confuse her with her sister. mix 6 I was so worried that my mind couldn't function normally. straight 7 We can't explain his disappearance. mystery 8 You're not the first person to mistakenly think that I am my twin brother. confuse 9 1 don't understand how to fill in this form. clear f", /- i ph ,r [...]... instructions about what to do.lWhat's the problem? It all seems perfectly clear ro me U n i t 13 \'aguelIncomprehensible/ . Unit 12 Exercises 12 .3 For each of the sentences below, write a new sencence as similar as possible in meaning ro the original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered. solution to. clear 3 She clearly doesn't like me. obvious Unit 13 Exercises 4 He's got such a strong accent that half the time I can't understand a word he's saying language well. 14 .3 For eurh ($the smtences helouv, write u new sentence as similul- us poss~hle 111 rneur~irqq lo tho originul sentence, hut using the word ~ilven. This word nlust riot