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Graph practice phần 7 potx

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The first graph represents the budget breakdown of three major hospitals to factors. All of the budgets are the same and there are no other allocations besides those in the graphs. The second graph represents the percent of satisfied patients in each of the hospitals by gender. For example, 30% of the males that voted in hospital B are satisfied with the service. Budget Breakdown to factors 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Medicines Food Nurses Doctors Hygiene Equipment Percent Hospital A Hospital B Hospital C Satisfied Patients 020406080100 Hospital A Hospital B Hospital C Percent out of total voters Females Males 1. In the hospital where the percent of the satisfied female patients is the highest, what is the ratio between the percent of satisfied male patients to the percent of unsatisfied female patients? A. 1:7. B. 2:3. C. 1:3. D. 4:5. E. 7:9. The best answer is C. Use the bar chart; the hospital in which the percent of the female satisfied patients is the highest is hospital C. There, there are 10% male satisfied patients and 30% unsatisfied female patients. The ratio is therefore 1 to 3. 2. In the hospital where the percent of satisfied male and female is equal, what percent of the budget is being spent on hospital staff? A. 5%. B. 10%. C. 15%. D. 20%. E. 25%. The best answer is E. According to the bar chart, the hospital in which the percent of the males and the females is the same is hospital B. In that hospital 5% of the budget goes to nurses and 20% of the budget goes to doctors, altogether 25% of the budget goes to staff. We assume that the staff includes the doctors and the nurses. 3. In which of the following areas doe’s hospital A invests the largest part of his budget? A. Equipment. B. Hygiene. C. Nurses. D. Food. E. Medicine. The best answer is C. According to the graph, the hospital spends the largest part of his budget on doctors, which are not among the options and therefore go to the second investment, which are the nurses (25% of the budget). The best answer is C. 4. Which of the following is the most expansive investment? A. Hospital A on Hygiene. B. Hospital B on Food. C. Hospital C on Medicine. D. Hospital A on nurses. E. Hospital B on equipment. The best answer is E. Go over each of the answer and find the percent of investment. Remember that the passage prior to the questions claimed that all the budgets are equal. Hospital B spent 50% of his budget on equipment, which are the most expansive investments among the other answers. 5. In which of the hospitals the difference between the investment in doctors and nurses is the greatest? A. Hospital A. B. Hospital B. C. Hospital C. D. Answers A and B. E. Answers B and C. The best answer is A. Let’s go over each of the hospital and find the required difference. Hospital A: 50% goes to doctors and 25% goes to nurses. The difference is 25%. Hospital B: 20% goes to doctors and 5% goes to nurses. The difference is 15%. Hospital C: 30% goes to doctors and 15% goes to nurses. The difference is 15%. And therefore the greatest difference is in hospital A. 6. In which of the following hospitals is the ratio between the investment on medicine and equipment relative to hygiene and food the closest? A. Hospital A. B. Hospital B. C. Hospital C. D. Answers A and C. E. Answers A and B. The best answer is A. Go over each of the answers and find the necessary ratio. A: 15% goes to food and hygiene while 10% goes to medicine and equipment. B: 20% goes to food and hygiene while 55% goes to medicine and equipment. C: 35% goes to food and hygiene while 20% goes to medicine and equipment. The closest ratio is in hospital A. The ratio is 10 to 15 or 2 to 3. 7. The number of male patients that participated in the pole of the second graph in all the hospitals is the same. If the number of satisfied patients in hospital C is 68, what is the total number of satisfied male patients in all three hospitals? A. 476. B. 544. C. 622. D. 856. E. 1156. The best answer is B. If 10% are 68 people then 100% are 680. The question said that the number of male patients is equal in all the hospitals (680). Sum up the satisfied male patients in all the hospitals: 68 + (0.3 x 680) + (0.4 x 680) = 68 + 204 + 272 = 544 patients. 8. Based on the two graphs, which of the following statements represents the reality in the hospitals in the best way? A. The more the hospital invests in doctors the more satisfied male patients. B. The more the hospital invests on hygiene the more satisfied female patients. C. The more the hospital invests in equipment the more satisfied female patients. D. The less the hospital invests on hygiene the more satisfied male patients. E. The less the hospital invests on food the more satisfied female patients. The best answer is D. Ironically, the less hospital spends on hygiene the more satisfied male patience. Using both graphs, we are looking for a pattern in the general results of the graphs. We can see that hospital A spends the least amount of money on hygiene while the percent of male patients there is the highest. Answer D reflects the tendency of male patients according to the graphs. 9. Which of the following represents the status of hospital C? A. A relatively large percent of satisfied male patients and a large investment on nurses. B. A relatively small percent of female satisfied patients and a large investment on doctors. C. A relatively small percent of satisfied male patients and a large investment on doctors. D. A relatively large percent of female satisfied patients and a large investment on doctors. E. A relatively large percent of female satisfied patients and a large investment on equipment. The best answer is D. From the first graph you can conclude that a large portion of the budget goes to doctors. From the second graph you can notice that the percent of satisfied females is relatively high. The answer that reflects this situation is D. The following chart represents the number of visitors and their origin and the percent of bypasses that only come and go through the gates of the city. The percent of bypasses is relative to the total number of visitors. Visitors (in thousands) and bypassers (in percent) in Las-Vegas 0 20 40 60 Number of visitors bypassers U.S 48455052 Europe 5122224 South America 581816 Percent of Bypassers 3520105 1985199019952000 1. In the year where the percent of bypasses was the greatest, approximately what percent of the total visitors came from the United States? A. 25%. B. 48%. C. 65%. D. 72%. E. 83%. The best answer is E. According to the graph, the year with the greatest amount of bypasses is 1985. In that year, 48 thousand out of 58 thousand visitors came from the U.S. In percent terms: 48 out of 58 is approximately 50 out of 60, which is approximately 83% and therefore answer E is the closest one. 2. If 40% of the visitors to Las-Vegas gambled during their stay, how many gamblers were in the year 2000? A. 22,500. B. 36,800. C. 46,000. D. 55,200. E. 92,000. The best answer is B. In the year 2000 (52 + 24 + 16 = 92) thousand visitors came to Las-Vegas. 40% among them gambled. 40% of 92,000 are 800,36200,94000,92 10 4  . 3. In 1990, what was the ratio between the numbers of visitors that came from South America to those who came from Europe? A. 8:10. B. 2:3. C. 5:4. D. 3:2. E. 4:5. The best answer is C. Look at the numbers below the graph. You can easily see that 8,000 visitors came from South America while 12,000 came from Europe. In ratio problem the zero’s “fall off” and you are left with 8 to 12, which is 4 to 5. 4. Approximately how many visitors in 1990 are only bypasses? A. 5 thousand. B. 7 thousand. C. 11 thousand. D. 13 thousand. E. 15 thousand. The best answer is D. We were told that the percent of bypasses is relative to the total number of visitors. In the year 1990, we can see that there were (45 + 8 + 12 = 65) thousand visitors to Las-Vegas. 20% out of them are bypasses, which is 13,000 and therefore answer D is correct. 5. In 1995, what is the ratio between the numbers of bypasses to the number of visitors that came from South America? A. 5:9. B. 2:3. C. 1:2. D. 3:2. E. 9:5. The best answer is C. In 1995, the total number of visitors is 90,000; 10% of 90 thousand are bypasses, which is 9,000. Based on the table, the amount of visitors that came from South America is 18,000 and therefore the ratio is 1 to 2. 6. In which year was the greatest amount of real visitors? (Real visitors are the number of people that are not bypasses). A. 1985. B. 1990. C. 1995. D. 2000. E. Answers A and B. The best answer is Take each year and find the approximate number of real visitors, do not waste your time and calculate the accurate numbers. In 1985, 65% (100% - 35%) out of 58,000 is approximately 38,000. In 1990, 80% (100% - 20%) out of 65,000 is approximately 52,000. In 1995, 90% (100% - 10%) out of 90,000 is approximately 81,000. In 2000, 95% (100% - 5%) out of 92,000 is approximately 87,400. We can see that the greatest amount of real visitors is in the year 2000. Basically, the whole calculation procedure is unnecessary since we can see that the number of visitors is growing each year and the percent of bypasses is decreasing. 7. Assuming that all the Las-Vegas visitors are mentioned in the graph, how many bypasses didn’t come from Europe in 1990? A. Between 0 and 8,000. B. Between 8,000 and 12,000. C. Between 0 and 13,000. D. Between 1,000 and 13,000. E. There isn’t enough data. The best answer is D. In 1990 there were 65,000 visitors in total. 20% of them were bypasses and we don’t know their place of origin and so E looks like a good answer, but no. Even if all the Europeans were bypasses, there will still be 1,000 bypasses left and so the number of bypasses which didn’t origin in Europe is more than 1,000 but we already know that its less than 13,000 and therefore D is the answer. 8.Which of the following statements is true? A. In 1995 there were Europeans and Americans among the bypasses. B. The bigger the number of visitors, the bigger the number of bypasses. C. The number of real visitors from Europe in 1990 is larger than the number of real visitors from Europe in 1985. D. The number of real visitors from Europe in 1995 is larger than the number of real visitors from Europe in 1990. E. Answers C and D are correct. The best answer is D. Let’s eliminate each of the answers until we find the best one. (A) In 1995 there could have been any types of visitors in the groups of bypasses including people from South America and therefore this answer is disqualified. (B) We saw in the first questions that the bigger the number of visitors, the lower the percent of the bypasses and therefore this answer is also disqualified. (C) If all the Europeans in 1990 came from Europe and in 1985 none of them came from Europe than the statement wouldn’t be true and therefore it isn’t necessarily. (D) This is the only correct answer. Even if all the bypasses came from Europe there’ll still be more Europeans than in 1990. 9. In the year with the greatest percent increase in the number of visitors from South America, how many bypasses didn’t come from South America? A. Between 0 and 18,000. B. Between 0 and 9,000. C. Between 9,000 and 18,000. D. Between 18,000 and 90,000. E. There isn’t enough data to answer the question. The best answer is B. First, find the relevant year. You can see that in the year 1995 there are 18 thousand visitors from South America while in 1990 there were only 8 thousand- that’s the largest increase. In that year there are (0.1 x 90,000 = 9,000) bypasses and therefore there could be zero or even 9,000 from different places than South America. The answer is B. . first graph represents the budget breakdown of three major hospitals to factors. All of the budgets are the same and there are no other allocations besides those in the graphs. The second graph. satisfied male patients to the percent of unsatisfied female patients? A. 1 :7. B. 2:3. C. 1:3. D. 4:5. E. 7: 9. The best answer is C. Use the bar chart; the hospital in which the percent. hospital A. The ratio is 10 to 15 or 2 to 3. 7. The number of male patients that participated in the pole of the second graph in all the hospitals is the same. If the number of

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2014, 05:20

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