Synonym-TOEFL-Lesson 25 1. It is imperative that they arrive on time for the lecture. A (A) necessary (B) suggested (C) hoped (D) intended 2. Because of his low IQ the pre-school student was often goaded by his teachers to try harder. D (A) instructed (B) told (C) begged (D) spurred on 3. We were told to intermingle with the guests. C (A) talk (B) sing (C) mix (D) intercede 4. Pets sometimes imitate their owners, but seldom the other way round. B (A) follow (B) copy (C) annoy (D) admire 5. The successful use of antitoxins and serums has virtually eradicated the threat of malaria, yellow fever, and other insect-borne diseases. B (A) improved (B) removed (C) discovered (D) announced 6. People living along the coast escaped inland before the hurricane hit. A (A) fled (B) floundered (C) flipped (D) flattered 7. The area is roped off because the water is contaminated. A (A) polluted (B) predicted (C) placated (D) promulgated 8. According to most geologists, the universe is now about 15 billion years old. B (A) only (B) at present (C) barely (D) without question 9. The professor reprimanded the tardy student. A (A) unpunctual (B) sleepy (C) impolite (D) tiresome 10. When the museum unveiled its plans, it expected a violent reaction. A (A) revealed (B) made (C) changed (D) implemented 11. When heated to temperatures above 1250 degrees Centigrade, clay fuses and becomes pottery or stoneware. C (A) burns off (B) steams up (C) melts together (D) decays 12. While they were away on vacation, they allowed their mail to accumulate at the post office. B (A) be delivered (B) pile up (C) get lost (D) be returned 13. Nearly half of the town’s inhabitants are descendants of indigenous civilizations. A (A) native (B) backward (C) hard-working (D) poor 14. The television station was inundated with calls protesting the distasteful program. D (A) harassed (B) modulated (C) probated (D) flooded 15. Andy’s jocular manner made him loved by all his companions. B (A) easygoing (B) jesting (C) intelligent (D) artistic 16. That he should ask her to marry him was rather presumptuous on his part. A (A) audacious (B) stupid (C) brave (D) nice . Synonym-TOEFL-Lesson 25 1. It is imperative that they arrive on time for the lecture. A (A) necessary. A (A) revealed (B) made (C) changed (D) implemented 11. When heated to temperatures above 1250 degrees Centigrade, clay fuses and becomes pottery or stoneware. C (A) burns off (B) steams