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Bài tập pascal : Lời giải, đáp án part 2 doc

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Trang 1

iit; mup := round(exp(In(2)*i))-1; end; readin end {Bai 2.27} Program Phuong_trinh_bac_hai_nghiem_phuc; var a,b,c,delta:real, BEGIN

write(‘Nhap vao he so (a,b,c): ');readin(a,b,c);

'writeln(Phuong trinh: f(x)= (‘,a,")"x"x + (b,')*x + (.e,) = delta:=b*b-4*a*c;

if delta<0 then begin

writeln(‘Phuong trinh co hai nghiem phục phan biet);

writeln(' x1= 'b/(2*a),'+i!,sqt(abs(delta))/2/a); writeln(' x2= ', -b/(2*a),'-i',sqrt(abs(delta))/2/a); end else begin

if delta=0 then write(‘phuong trinh co nghiem kep x1=; else writeln(‘Phuong trinh co hai nghiem phan biet x1= ',

(-b+sqrt(delta))/2/a,' x2= ', (-b-sqrt(delta))/2/a); end; readin; END -b/(2*a)) {Bai 2.28} Program Bat_phuong_trinh_bac_hai; var a,b,c,delta:real; BEGIN

'write(Nhap vao he so (a,b,c): ');readin(a,b,

Trang 2

writeln(Phuong trinh: f(x)= (,a,)x^2 + (,b,)x + (e;) > 09;

delta:=b*b-4*a*c; if delta<O then

begin if(a>0) then

wiiteln(Bat phuong trinh tren dung voi moi x thuoc R'); if(a<0) then

writeln(‘Khong co gia tri x nao thoa man bat phuong trinh tren’); end

else if delta=0 then begin

if(a>0) then

write(‘Bat phuong trinh nghiem dung voi moi x <>'-b/(2*a));

if(a<0) then

write(Bat phuong trinh vo nghiem));


else if delta>0 then begin

if(a>0) then writeln(Bat phuong trinh nghiem dung voi moi x <',

(-b-sqrt(delta))/2/a,' hoac x > ', (-b+sqrt(delta))/2/a); if(a<0) then writeln(Bat phuong trinh nghiem dung voi ',

(-b-sqrt(delta))/2/a,' < x <', (-b+sqrt(delta))/2/a); end; readin; END {Bai 2.29} Program Phuong_trinh_trung_phuong; var a,b,c,delta:real; BEGIN

write('Nhap vao he so (a,b,c): );readin(a,b,c); wiiteln(Phuong trinh: f(x)= ax^4 + bx^2 + c = 0);


if delta<0 then write(‘phuong trinh vo nghiem')

Trang 3

else if delta=0 then begin

if -b/(2*a)>=0 then write(‘phuong trinh co 2 nghiem x1 = ,

sqrt(-b/(2*a)),' x2 = ',-sqrt(-b/(2*a)))

else write(Phuong trinh vo nghiem’); end else (*delta >0 *) begin if (-b+sqrt(delta))/2/a>=0 then writeln(x1= ',sqrt((-b+sqrt(delta))/2/a), 'x2= ',-sqrt((-b+sqrt(delta))/2/a)) else write(Phuong trinh vo nghiem); if (-b-sqrt(delta))/2/a>=0 then writeln(x3= ',sqrt((-b+sqrt(delta))/2/a), 'x4= ',-sqrt((-b+sqrt(delta))/2/a)); end; readin; END {Bai 2.30} Program He_2_an; var a,b,¢,d,p,q,dt:real; BEGIN

write('Nhap vao gia tri (a,b,p): '); readin(a,b,p);

write(‘Nhap vao gia tri (c,d,q): '); readin(c,d,q);


if (dt=0)then write('He phuong trinh vo dinh hoac vo nghiem')

Trang 4

{Bai 2.32}

Program In_ky_tu; var t:char; BEGIN

Write(Nhap vao mot ky tu: '); readin(t);

case t of

‘A’ 'Z': WriteLn(‘Chu HOA’);

'a z': WriteLn('Chu thuong);

'0 9: WriteLn('Chu so); else

WiiteLn('Chao tam biet);

end; readin; ' END {Bai 2.33} Program Tinh_tong; var n,s,i:integer; BEGIN

write(Nhap vao n: '); readin(n);


for Ï:=1 to n do s:=s+i;

if s=n"(n+1)/2 then write('Cong thuc dung va ='s); readin; END {Bai 2.34} Program Tinh_tong_bp; var n,s,i:integer; BEGIN

write(Nhap vao n: '); readin(n);

Trang 5

for ï:=1 to n do s:=s+ii;

if s=n*(n+1)*(2*n+1)/6 then write('Cong thuc dung va

readin; END {Bai 2.35} Program Tinh_to_hop; var n,m,C,i,gtn,gtm,gtmn:integer; BEGIN

write('Nhap vao n,m: '); readin(n,m);

gin:=1;gtm:=1;gtmn:=1; for ï:=1 to n do gtn:=gtn*i; for to m do gtm:=gtm°i, for ï:=1 to n-m do gtmn:=gtmnfi; write(‘Cn(m) =',gtn/(gtm*gtmn)); readin; END {Bai 2.36} Program Viet_so; var M,S,ij:integer, BEGIN for i:=3 to 8 do for j:=2 to 9 do write(i,j,', ');

for i:=10 to 99 do S:=S+i;

write(‘Tong tu 10->99 ',S); M:

for i:=2 to 8 do if odd{i)<>true then M:=M"i; write(‘Tich cac so chan co 1 chu so= ',M); readin;


Trang 6

{Bai 2.37} Program Tinh_e; var t,ij,n:integer; e :real; BEGIN e=1; 'write(Nhap n = ');readIn(n); for i:=1 to n do end; write('e = ',e); readin; END {Bai 2.38} Program HCN_sao; var d,r,ij:integer; BEGIN

'write('Nhap chieu dai, rong (d,r) = ');readin(d,r); for i:=1 to d do write(*');writeln;

Trang 7

{Bai 2.39}

Program GT; var n,Ìj:integer; BEGIN

'write(Nhap chieu cao (n) = ');readln(n); for i:=1 tondo


write(’ ':n-i+1);

for j:=1 to 2*i-1 do write(*);


for i:=1 ton do begin write(' ':n-i#1); for j:=1 to i do write("* '); writeln; end; readin: END {Bai 2.40} Program So_n; var n,ij:integer; a,s ‘real; BEGIN

write('Nhap so thuc a = ');readin(a);

repeat +1 fi; i=i*1; until s>a;

'writeln(So n nho nhat tim duoc = ',Ì);

Trang 8

write('Tong ve trai S = ',S); readin; END {Bai 2.41} Program Can_100; var i:integer; BEGIN

writeln(Can bac 2 cua ');

for i:=1 to 100 do write(' 'i, la ',sqrt():4:2);


'writeln(Can bac 3 cua’);

for i:=1 to 100 do write(' 'j" la ',exp((1/3)*In():4:2);


writeln('Can bac 4 cua ');

for i:=1 to 100 do write(" i," la ',exp((1/4)*ln():4:2);

readin; END {Bai 2.42} Program So_le; var n,count:integer; BEGIN write(Nhap so tu nhien n= ‘);1 count:=0; while n>0 do begin

Trang 9

writeln(co ',count,, ' chu so le '); readin; END {Bai 2.43} Program ASCII; var ch ‘char, BEGIN



write(Nhap vao mot ky tu));readln(ch);

writeln(‘Ky tu vua nhap co ma ASCII la: ',ord(ch));

{Bai 2.44}

Program BT;

var n,itj integer;


'writeln(' Tim so hoan hao ');

write(Nhap so n = ';readIn(n); for i:=2 to n do begin for to ï div 2 do ifi mod j=0 then t:=t+j;

if t=i then writein(t,' la so hoan hao’);


readin; END


Trang 10

{Bai 2.45} Program TB;

var nji,tj ‘integer;


writeln(' Tinh trung binh ');

t;=0; Í:=0; repeat

'write(Nhap so nguyen n = ');readIn(n); t=ttn;


until n=0;

write(‘Trung binh cua day = ',t(i-1));

readin; END

{Bai 2,46}

Program chu_so; var n,count ‘integer; BEGIN

'write(Nhap so tu nhien n= ');readin(n); count:=0; while n>0 do begin count:=count+1; n:=n div 10; end;

writeln(‘co ‘count ,’ chu so ');

readin; END

Trang 11

{Bai 2.47}

Program b47;

uses crt;

var nzi,t,j sinteger; ch: char, a,b ‘real; BEGIN



Writeln(' TINH DIEN TICH VA THE TICH CAC HINH Mộ writeln('1 Dien tich hinh chu nhat yi

writeln(2 Dien tịch hinh tam giac ');

writeln('3 The tich hinh cau‘);

'writeln(4 Ket thuc ');


if ch="1' then


write('1 Dien tích hinh chu nhat ');readin;

end; if ch='2' then


write(2 Dien tich hinh tam giac ');readIn; end;


write(’3 The tich hinh cau ');readin;

Trang 12


write(‘Nhap x = ');readin(x;;

write(Nhap eps (0<eps<1): ');readIn(eps);

t=1; =1; ex:=1; repeat ex:=extt until t<eps; write('e*x = ',ex); readin; END {Bai 2.49} Program Tinh_Sin_x; var i,j,n:integer; tsinx,x,eps :real; BEGIN write(Nhap x = ');readin(x);

write(Nhap eps (0<eps<1): ');readin(eps);

Trang 13



until abs(t)<eps;

writeln(Tinh theo cong thuc Sin(x) = ',sinx);

write('Tinh theo ham chuan cua Pascal Sin(x) = ',sin(x));

readin; END {Bai 2.50} Program Tinh_Cos_x; integer; t,coSx,x,eps ‘real; BEGIN write('Nhap x = ');readin(x);

'write(Nhap eps (0<eps<1): ')\readin(eps);

repeat for j:=1 to n do begin t=t'0)); end; COSX:ZCOSX+{, +1; until abs(t)<eps;

'writeln('Tinh theo cong thuc Cos(x) = ',cosx);

'write(Tinh theo ham chuan cua Pascal Cos(x) = ',cos(x)); readin;


Trang 14

{Bai 2.51)

Program Tinh_So_pi;

var i:integer;

t,sopi,x,eps ‘real; BEGIN

writeln(' Chuong Trinh Tinh So Pi

'write(Nhap eps (0<eps<1): ');readln(eps); =1; sopi t=1; repeat *(Uabs(Đ)* 1/(2*i+1); sopi:=sopitt; bit; until abs(t)<eps;

writeIn(Tinh theo cong thuc Pi = ',sopi"4);

'write(Tinh theo ham chuan cua Pascal Pi = ',pi); readin; END {Bai 2.52} Program Tinh_I1_I2; var I1,12,i,S:integer; BEGIN repeat

write('Nhap so nguyen I1 ');readIn(l1);

if I1<=0 then writeln(Nhap lai I1 sao cho I1>0!);

until 11>0;


'write(Nhap so nguyen l2 = ');readIn(I2), if 12<11 then writeln(‘Nhap lai l2 sao cho l2>11'); until 12>11;

Trang 15

for begin

if odd(i) then S:=S+i;


writeln('Tong gia trỉ tìm duoc = ',S);

readin; END +1 to 12-1 do {Bai 2.53} Program Tim_nghiem; var †, x,a,b,eps,f :real; BEGIN


writeln(’ F(x) = x*x*x - 27 trong khoang [-10,10]);

write(’ Nhap gia tri sai so cua nghiem eps = "›;readIn(eps);

b:=10; repeat t=(b+a)/2; = (a*a"a-27)*(t"t"t-27); if f<=0 then b:=t else a:=t; until abs(a-b)<eps;

writeln('Tong gia tri tim duoc = ',t); readin;


Trang 16

Chương 3 Kiểu mảng và tập hợp

{Bai 3.1}

Program Day_so;

var i,n,count,id :integer,

a :array[1 100] of real; Tong, Tbinh,max :real;


'write(' So luong phan tu cua day so (n) = ');readin(n); Tong:=0;

for i:=1 ton do begin

write(' Nhap phan tu a[i,] = ');readIn(a[i]);



'writeln(' Tong cac phan tu cua day = ',tong); 'writeln(' Trung binh cong cua day la: ',tong/n); tong :=0; for tondo if afij>=0 then begin count:=count+1; tong:=tong+a[i]; end;

writein(' So luong so hang duong la ',count,' va tong : ',tong);

i:=0; repeat


unil a[ï]

'writeln(' Chi so cua so hang duong dau tien cua day: ',Ì);

Trang 17


if afi]>max then



'writeln(' So lon nhat cua day la a[',id,] = ',max); readin;


{Bai 3.2}

Program So_nhi_phan;

var i,n,countid -integer;

a:array[1 100] of 0 1;


'write(Nhap so thap phan can doi ra nhì phan (n) = ');readln(n);

=0, repeat

'write(' So nhi phan tuong ung = '); unt downto 0 do write(a[i]);

{Bai 3.3}

Program diem_tb:

var i,n:integer;

kha,gioi,trungbinh,vanduoi5,toanduoi5 :real; Toan,Van, Tb:array[1 100] of real;

Trang 18


write(Nhap so luong hoc sinh (n) = '};readin(n);


for ¡=1 to n do


writeln('Hoc sinh thu ‘,i);

write(’ Diem mon Toan = ');readin(Toanfi]); write(' Diem mon Van = ');readin(Van[i]);

Tb[i]:=(Toan[i|+van[i))/2; end; kha:=0; gioi:=0; trungbinh:=0; vanduoi5:=0; toanduoi5:=0; for i:=1 tondo begin

if tb{i]>=8 then gioi:=gioi+1;

if (7<=tb[i]) and (tb[i}<8) then kha:=kha+1;

if (5<=tb[i]) and (tb[i]<7) then trungbinh:=trungbinh+1; if van[i]<5 then vanduoi5:=vanduoi5+1;

if toan[i]<5 then toanduoi5:=toanduoi5+1; end;

writeln(So luong hoc sinh xep loai gioi = ',gioi:2:0, ' chiem ",gioi*100/n:2:2,'%');

'writeln(So luong hoc sinh xep loai kha = ',kha:2:0, " chiem ',kha*100/n:2:2,'%');

'writeln('So luong hoc sinh xep loai trung binh = ',trungbinh:2:0,

' chiem ',trungbinh*100/n:2:2,'%)),

'writeln(So luong hoc bi mon Van duoi 5 = ',vanduoi5: * chiem ',vanduoi5*100/n:2:2,'%');

'writeln('So luong hoc bi mon Toan duoi 5 = ',toanduoi5:2:0, ‘ chiem ',toanduoi5*100/n:2:2,'%');

readin; END

Trang 19

{Bai 3.4}

Program Tan_xuat; var i,j,n.t ‘integer,

a:array[1 100] of integer;

daxet:array[1 100] of boolean;


'write(Nhap vao so luong phan tu cua day (n) = );readin(n); for i:=1 ton do


write(’ Nhap phan tu thu ‘ daxet[i]:=false;


fori:=1 tondo begin


if not daxet{i] then begin for j:=i+1 to n do begin if a[i]FEa[i] then begin daxet[i]:=true; daxet{j]:=true; t=tr1; end; end;

writeln(‘Tan so xuat hien cua so ',a[i],' la: ',t);

Trang 20

{Bai 3.5}

Program Tan_xuat; var ij,n,khac :integer;

a,tarray[1 100] of integer; daxet:array[1 100] of boolean;


write(Nhap vao so luong phan tu cua day (n) = ');readin(n);

for tondo


write(' Nhap phan tu thu 'i,' = ');readIn(a[i]);

daxet[i]:=false; en

for begin

if not daxet{i] then begin

for j:=i ton do

begin if afjJ=a[i] then begin daxet[i]:=true; daxet[j tondo

ton do if t[i]>0 then khac:=khac+1;

writeln(Co ',khac,' so hang khac nhau:’);

for i:=1 to n do

begin if t{i]>0 then


write(So ',a], la: ');

for tondo

Trang 21

if afjJ=afi] then write(‘a['j,'] '); 'writeln; end; end; readin; END {Bai 3.6} uses crt; var n,max,tam,m : integer; ij,chen,xoa : integer;

a,b,c,d,e : array [1 100] of integer;

thay: boolean; Begin


write (' Nhap vao so phan tu cua day So : ');

readin(n); for i:= 1 ton do


write (' Nhap vao gia cua cua phan tu thu ',i,' readln(a[l]);


Trang 22

for if b{i] > b[j] then begin tam z= b[j]; ĐỊ]

writeln( ' Mang sau khi sap xep '); for Ï:= 1ton do

write ('', bfij,");

{***** Chen Phan Tu Vao Mang ***** } writein;

write (‘ Nhap Vao gia tri can chen vao mang : '); readIn(chen);



a[n] := chen;

writeln (' Mang chua sap xep sau khi chen mot phan tu vao cuoi '); for ï:= 1ton do

write ( '", ai," ),

{**** Chen phan tu vao dung vi tri cua mang da sap xep ***** } writein;

write (' Nhap Vao gia tri can chen vao mang :'); readIn(chen);

fori := 1 to m do

if (chen < b[i]) and (thay = false) then

begin thay ;= true;

for j := m+1 downto i+1 do

bỊ] := b[-1],

bịi| := chen;


if thay = false then b[n] := chen; writeln;

'writeln (' Mang sap xep sau khi chen ');

Trang 23

for i:= 1 tondo

write (‘", bfil, ");

{****** Tim phan tu max trong mang ***** }

fori tom do := abs(c[i]);


fori:=1tomdo if max < ci] then

max := c[i]; writeln;

'writeln(' Gia trí tuyet doi max cua mang la : ',max);

đttrtr99* xoa mọt phan tụ ra khoi mang ****** }

write (' Mang dang co ',m,' phan tu, ban muon xoa phan tu thu : ); readin(xoa);

fori := xoatom-1 do

fi] := dfi+1];


Trang 24

{nhap tap hop a}

'write('So phan tu tap hop a:’); readin(m);

for i:=1 tom do


write(Phan tu thu ', ¡, ' cua tap hop a : ');



{ nhap tap hop b }

write('So phan tu tap hop b:’);


for i:=1 ton do


write(’Phan tu thu ', i, ‘cua tap hop b : ');

readIn(b[i]); end;

{phep giao: x ï A va x†B}

ks k: so phan tu tap hop ket qua c } fori := 1 tom do for tondo if afi] = bfj] then begin +; alll:

{viet ket qua }

'writeln('Giao cua 2 tap hop:’);

fori:= 1 tok do

writen('Phan tu thu’ i, ‘cua giao =', ci); {phep hop: x 1A hoac x1 B}

Trang 25

fori :=1tomdo if afi] = bj] then begin trung break; end;

if not trung then



tk] := bf); end;


{ viet ket qua }

writein('Hop cua 2 tap hop:'); fori:=1tok do

writeln(Phan tu thu’, i, ‘cua hop =‘, c[i]); { phep hieu A\B: x7 A nhung x khong 1B }

k:=0; for Ì := 1 to m do begin trung ;= false; for j:= 1 tondo if afi] = bfj] then := true; trung := true;

if not trung then begin

{ viet ket qua }

writeln(‘Hieu cua 2 tap hoy fori tok do

writeln('Phan tu thu ', i, ‘cua hieu =", c[Í]); readin;


Ngày đăng: 24/07/2014, 03:21

