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ĐỀ LUYỆN THI ( SỐ 9) pot

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ĐỀ LUYỆN THI ( SỐ 9) I. NGỮ ÂM Exercise 1. Chọn từ mà phần in nghiêng đậm gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với các từ còn lại. 1. a. nourish b. flourish c. courageous d. southern 2. a. teach b. cheap c. moustache d. question 3. a. rather b. sacrifice c. hard d. farther 4. a. toward b. wary c. award d. warm 5. a. rather b. sacrifice c. hard d. farther 6. a. decided b. hatred c. sacred d. warned 7. a. brilliant b. strip c. stripe d. tip 8. a. wound b. soak c. toast d. both 9. a. than b. theatre c. theory d. through 10. a. water b. warm c. bank d. war II. NGỮ PHÁP Exercise 1. Cho dạng đúng của động từ 1. By the time Jason arrived to help, we (1 – already finish)_____ moving everything. 2. We ( 2 – wait)_____ for Nancy for over three hours before she finally arrived yesterday. 3. What? You’re smoking another cigarette? At this rate, you (3 – smoke)_____ a whole pack before lunch- time. Don’t you think you should cut down a little? 4. As soon as I graduate, I (4 – return)_____ to my hometown. 5. When I spilled rice on the floor, I got the broom and (5 – sweep)_____ it up. 6. Are we permitted (6 – bring)_____ guests to the ceremony? I’d like to invite my friend to join us. 7. Had he followed my advice before, he (7 – not be)______ in danger now. 8. If you delay (8 – pay)______ your bills, you will only incur more and more interest charges. 9. The highway patrol advises (9 – take)______ the old route through the city because the interstate highway is under major repair. 10. My boss regrets (10 – fire)______ his secrectary now that she is gone 11. You (11 – telephone)______ for ages. You nearly (12 – finish)______? I (13 – not get )______ through yet. I (14 – try)_____ to get our Paris office but the line (15 – be)_____ engaged all morning. 12. Tom (16 – fail)______ his driving test three times because he is so bad at reversing. But he (17 – practise)______ reversing for the last week and I think he (18 – get)______ a bit better at it. 13. It is the first time he (19 – drive)_____ a car so he (20 – feel)______ nervous. 14. I’m delighted you (21 – work)______ for me again this summer. I know my photography business (22 – be)_____ in good hands until I (23 – get)______ back next week. Let me go over your schedule and duties. Hours are from 9.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m. The first thing you (24 – do)______ in the morning is (25 – check)______ the appointment book. You’ll find the book in the top right right – hand drawer of the desk. There are a few people (26 – schedule)______ to see prints. Prints (27 – file)_____ under the customer’s name in the brown file cabinet. You (28 – handle)______ this, so you know the procedure. Of course, you (29 – answer)______ the phone. Please take message, and I’ll return the calls when I get back. Any mail that (30 – come)_____ in can (31 – open)______. If someone wants an appointment (32 – photograph)______ you can make it for the week after next. If there are bills (33- pay)______, put them in the ‘bills’ box on the desks so I can take care of them when I return. It’s a great relief to know someone taking care of things while I (34 – go)______. If there is anything to have a question about my phone number is on the bulletin board. Night is the best time (35 – get)______ me, but not too late, please! Exercise 2. Điền giới từ thích họp vào ô trống dưới đây 1. Get _______ the bus at Third Street and get _______ at Broadway 2. George is jealous _______ his youngest sister. She is well qualified ______ typing and very efficient _______ her work 3. He looked down _______ his less fortunate neighbours 4. He may be quick _______ understanding but he’s not capable ______ remembering anything. 5. He is intent _______ passing the examination but I’m doubtful ______ his chances. 6. He pushed the button and the lift began moving _______. His office was ______ the 7 th floor. 7. Put ______ the cigarette, please. I don’t like the smell ______ your tobacco 8. He finished his drink , paid _______ it and got ______ ______ the seat, ready to go. 9. ______ his way ______ ______ the room he shut the door ______ him silently not to wake ______ the sleeping child. 10. That tie doesn’t go _______ that suit. Exercise 3. Viết lại câu bắt đầu bằng từ đã cho sao cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi 1. You really should be able to dress yourself by now! It’s high __________________________________________ 2. As she hadn’t been there before. America was a whole new experience for her Not ______________________________________________ 3. Such a ridiculous proposal isn’t worth serious consideration. There is __________________________________________ 4. Mosquitoes cause malaria and this is well- known. That _____________________________________________ 5. The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week There has _________________________________________ 6. You learn the basic rules. Then you’ll find it easy to play. Once ____________________________________________ 7. No one stands a chance of beating Mansell in this year’s championship. It’s a foregone _____________________________________ 8. Janet has made the necessary arrangements. The ______________________________________________ 9. “ What time does the manager come back?” the customer asked The customer wanted ________________________________ 10. It took us three hours to paint the door We spent __________________________________________ Exercise 4. Viết lại câu có sử dụng các từ in hoa ( không nhất thiết bắt đầu câu bằng từ đó) sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi. 1. We’d better leave them a note, because it’s possible they’ll arrive later. CASE _____________________________________________________ 2. This hotel is inaccessible in winter POSSIBLE _________________________________________________ 3. It was difficult for Susan to believe the good news HARDLY __________________________________________________ 4. His last letter to me was written three years ago HEARD ___________________________________________________ 5. An open fire can’t be compared to central heating COMPARISON ___________________________________________ III. TỪ VỰNG Exercise 1. Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc 1. You can find out what a book is about by looking at its table of (1 – contain)_____ 2. He was so embarrassed by the (2 – collide)______ that he turned bright red and disappeared into the restaurant’s kitchen. 3. (3 – theory)______, my old car is supposed to get 25 miles per gallon, but actually it gets only 20. 4. Skiing (4 – enthusiastic)______ come to Utah for dry, powdery snow and challenging slopes. 5. Many children have been (5 – ignore)______ of their country’s history 6. The opening of the new factory brought back (6 – prosper)______ to the small town. 7. (7 – Legal)_____ parked cars usually get a ticket and are sometimes towed away. 8. The new model has automatic windows and a more (8 – power)______ engine. 9. Her resignation was an unfortunate (9 – occur)_______ 10. She decided to have a siesta even though she was (10 – custom)______ to sleeping in the afternoon. Exercise 2. Chọn đáp án đúng 1. She kindly offered to _______ me the way to the station. a. explain b. direct c. describe d. show 2. Cut the cake into six ________ pieces a. same b. like c. alike d. equal 3. You look _______ a man with a problem a. as if b. like c. as d. similar 4. Michael Faraday made a great discovery _______ that electricity can be made to flow in a coil of wire a. when he found b. to find c. was found d. he found 5. The city’s transport system, which is extremely old, _______ prove difficult to modernize. a. it might b. and might c. might d. that might 6. The two boys are twins. I can’t _______ the difference between them a. tell b. say c. know d. distinguish 7. This is a ________. a. valuable French stamp b. French valuable stamp c. valuable stamp of French d. French stamp valuable 8. The road is _______ repair a. in b. at c. under d. for 9. There are a lot of _______ buildings in the centre of Sydney a. many floored b. multi- stories c. many story d. multi storey 10. _______ to take you fishing when you were younger? a. use your father b. did your father use c. did your father used d. would your father 11. Do you think English is an important language _________? - Yes, I think so . a. for mastering b. to master c. master d. mastering 12. Have you ever been to Hue? - Yes, I’ve been there _________ times. a. all b. much c. a few d. a lot 13. Did she use to be your next- door neighbour? - Yes, but I _________. a. was like her b. ever did like her c. did never like her d. never did like her 14. One of the government’s plans here is ________ the swamps. a. drainage b. draining c. draining of d. drained 15. Are you saying you ________ her again? a. never saw b. never will see c. will never see d. would ever see 16. I’ve been waiting for my brother. I wonder if he ___________ his way a. would lose b. will lose c. had lost d. has lost 17. In a few hours, we ________ the test, and we’ll go home and rest. a. have finished b. are finishing c. will have finished d. will be finishing 18. What _______ when you ________ school? a. do you do / will leave b. will you do / leave c. would you do / left d. will you be doing / will leave 19. What seems easy ________ you seems difficult _________ me. a. to / to b. to / for c. for / to d. for / for 20. Your personality is important ________ the success of your work. a. for b. in c. to d. on IV. ĐỌC HIỂU Exercise 1. Bài đọc Recent research has claimed that an excess of positive ions the air can have an ill effect on people’s physical or psychological health . What are positive ions? Well, the air is full of ions, electrically charged particles, and generally there is a rough balance between the positive and the negative charged. But sometimes this balance becomes disturbed and a large proportion of positive ions are found. This happens naturally before thunderstorms, earthquakes or when winds such as Mistral, Foehn, Hamsin or Sharav are blowing in certain countries. Or it can be caused by a build- up of static electricity indoors from carpets or clothing made of man- made fibres, or from TV, sets, duplicators or computer screens. When a large number of positive ions are present in the air many people experience unpleasant effects such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and some particularly sensitive people suffer nausea or even mental disturbance . Animals are also found to be affected, particularly before earthquakes, snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation, rats to flee from their burrows, dogs howl and cats jump about uncountably. This has led the US Geographical Survey to fund a network of volunteers to watch animals in an effort to foresee such disasters before they hit vulnerable areas such as California. Conversely, when large numbers of negative ions are present, then people have a feeling of well- being. Natural conditons that produce these large amounts are near the sea, close to water-falls or fountains, or in any place where water is sprayed or forms a spray. This probably accounts for the beneficial effect of a holiday by the sea, or in the mountains with tumbling, streams or water- falls 1. What effect does excessive positive ionization have on some people? a. They think they are insane b. they feel rather bad- tempered c. they become violently sick d. they are too tired to do anything 2. According to the passage, static electricity can be caused by : a. using home – made electrical goods b. wearing clothes made of natural materials c. walking on artificial floor coverings d. copying TV programmes on a computer 3. By observing the behaviour of animals, scientists may be able to a. prevent disasters b. organize groups of people c. predict earthquakes d. control areas of California 4. A high negative ion count is likely to be found. a. near a pond with a water pump b. close to a slow flowing river c. high in some barren mountains d. by a rotating water sprinkler Exercise 2. Điền từ thích hợp vào ô trống In Australia the advertising of cigarettes and tobaco is not (1)______. Before 1980, cigarette companies could show their (2)_______ on television, in magazines and newspapers. They also (3)______ in many sports by sponsoring a team’s jumpers or paying money to display advertisements at sports grounds. However, it was (4)______ that the advertising of cigarettes was having negative effects. Many Australians were (5)______ up smoking at a young age. They were (6)______ by the cigarette advertisements which showed smoking as (7)______ and enjoyable. Now, cigarette advertising is illegal. Cigarettes are very expensive in Australia because the government has taxed them. Cigarettes can’t be sold to anyone under sixteen years of age. Also, the cigarette packets must carry strong (8)______ all over. The government hopes these laws will discourage smoking. Exercise 3. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai ở những câu dưới đây. Exercise 4. Chọn đáp án đúng Canada is a massive country full of wide- open spaces. With scenery that is truly magnificent, it is without doubt one of the great unspoilt areas of the world. If you have the (1)______ make sure you go to Niagara Falls, which are the top attraction in North America and one of the most spectacular (2)_____ anywhere. Visitors who are not easily (3)______ can take a boat ride to the edge of the roaring falls, almost right (4)______ the massive torrent of white water, or walk through rock- cut tunnels for a terrific close- up look from behind the falls, a view familiar from the many film (5)_____ taken there. These tunnels are as near as anyone is likely to want to (6)_______ to Niagara Falls. In 1960 a seven year- old boy (7)______ holiday a little way upstream was playing happily in the water when he suddenly found himself (8)_______difficulties. There had been (9)______ rain and the river was very full, but nobody noticed that he was (10)______ danger until it was too late. Onlookers watched helplessly as he was swept (11)______ the Horseshoe fall. But despite being thrown down the 48- metre drop he miraculously came through the experience with no (12)______ at all. Such (13)______ escapes are the exception rather (14)______ the rule, however, and visitors are (15)______ not to try this for themselves! 1. a. occasion b. chance c. success d. fortune 2. a. visions b. sights c. looks d. scenes 3. a. scared b. feared c. thrown d. shocked 4. a. down b. beneath c. low d. further 5. a. pictures b. photos c. images d. shots 6. a. get b. arrive c. reach d. land 7. a. in b. on c. at d. of 8. a. with b. in c. by d. on 9. a. hard b. strong c. deep d. heavy 10. a. in b. on c. into d. with 11. a. straight b. towards c. for d. in 12. a. injury b. hurt c. blow d. wound 13. a. slim b. narrow c. tight d. close 14. a. than b. of c. that d. by 15. a. suggested b. warned c. informed d. demanded V. Viết và Dịch Exercise 1. Exercise 2. . ĐỀ LUYỆN THI ( SỐ 9) I. NGỮ ÂM Exercise 1. Chọn từ mà phần in nghiêng đậm gạch chân có cách phát âm khác. I think he (1 8 – get)______ a bit better at it. 13. It is the first time he (1 9 – drive)_____ a car so he (2 0 – feel)______ nervous. 14. I’m delighted you (2 1 – work)______ for me again this. boss regrets (1 0 – fire)______ his secrectary now that she is gone 11. You (1 1 – telephone)______ for ages. You nearly (1 2 – finish)______? I (1 3 – not get )______ through yet. I (1 4 – try)_____

Ngày đăng: 23/07/2014, 02:20

