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Word formation ( 4 ) pps

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Word formation ( 4 ) Exercise 1. 1. One aspirin should be ( 1 – suffice ) _________ to relieve the pain. 2. There are some stars that are ( 2 – vision ) ________ to all but the most powerful telescope 3. Einstein was one of the greatest ( 3 – think ) _______ of the 20 th century. 4. Managers should be more ( 4 – respond ) ________ to their staff. 5. The ( 5 – important ) _____ of these ( 6 – find ) ______ cannot be ( 7 – estimate ) ______. 6. Heavy smoking made him ( 8 – breathe ) ___________. 7. Goods bought in the sale are not ( 9 – exchange ) __________. 8. He showed a riskless ( 10 – regard ) _______ for his own ( 11 – safe ) _________. 9. The play was given an ( 12 – enthuse ) _____ ( 13 – receive ) _____ by the ( 14 – criticism) ___ 10. There’s no ( 15 – deny ) ____ that he’s qualified and ( 16 – experience ) ____ ( 17 – technical ) ___ Exercise 2. 1. ( 1 – Low ) _____ interest rates could have ( 2 – disaster ) ______ consequences for the economy 2. ( 3 – Succeed ) _______ government has failed to tackle the problem of drug trafficking 3. All the ( 4 – participate ) _________ in the debate had an opportunity to speak 4. Childen are so ( 5 – demand ) ________ : they need constant ( 6 – attend ) ________. 5. He showed ( 7 – remark ) _______ ( 8 – endure ) ________ through his illness 6. Smoking ( 9 – danger ) ________ yourself and those around you 7. The movie had us all ( 10 – sit ) ___ on the edges of our (11 – sit ) ___ with ( 12 – excite ) ___ 8. Police are holding two men in ( 13 – connect ) ________ with last Sunday ( 14 – rob ) ______. 9. The United Nation’s trying its best to tackle the problem of ( 15 – wide ) ___ ( 16 – literate)___ 10. The ( 17 – work ) _______ accused the company of ( 18 – fair ) _______ ( 19 – dismiss ) ______. They began shouting and the ( 20 – meet ) ________ broke out in ( 21 – order ) _________. Exercise 3. Throughout history, women have had ( 1 – responsible ) ___ for healing the sick. However, it is only in (2– compare ) __ recent times that they have been allowed to train as doctors at ( 3– medicine ) __ schools in Britain. Yet in that short time, they’ve made an enormous ( 4 – contribute ) ____ to modern medicine. The first female doctors were priestesses who gave ( 5 – advise ) _______ about diseases and ( 6 – injure ) _____ and prepared medicines. In ancient Rome, women ( 7 – heal ) _____ were considered ( 8 – skill ) _______ and respected. In Britain, for centuries male doctors were ( 9 – suspect ) _____ of women who practised medicine ( 10 – profession ) ________ and in 1512 a law was passed making it ( 11 – legal ) ____ for them to do so. Women couldn’t study medicine at universities until the 19 th century and they only began to gain ( 12 – equal ) ______ with male doctors in the 20 th century. Exercise 4. 1. Gentle ( 1 – persuade ) ________ is more ( 2 – effect ) ________ than force 2. On the way to the country we sometimes stopped to admire the ( 3 – picture ) _____ scenery 3. His ( 4 – analyze ) ________ showed great of ( 5 – perceive ) __________. 4. The ( 6 – emphasize ) _________ is on hard work, not ( 7 – joy ) _________. 5* Constant ( 8 – critic ) _______ has ( 9 – death ) ________ their ( 10 – enthuse ) _________. 6. I want no ( 11 – repeat ) ________ of such ( 12 – behave ) ________ from you 7. He felt ashamed of his ( 13 – corward ) ________ in not coming forward to support his friends 8. Fresh air and exercise are ( 14 – benefit ) ________ to one’s health 9. There was a note of ( 15 – urge ) _________ in her voice. 10. He will not benefit ( 16 – finance ) ________ from the deal Exercise 5. 1. It was ( 1 – think ) ________ of you to send me the flowers when I was in hospital. 2. Vietnam has no longer been a ( 2 – depend ) ________ of the US since 1975. 3. The previous ( 3 – occupy ) ________ of the house have left it in a terrible mess. 4. Doctors stress that this type of ( 4 – treat ) _______ is still ( 5 – experiment ) ________. 5. The ( 6 – loud ) _______ of the music was makinh my ear hurt. 6. Many people do not understand the importance of the habitats to wild animals and plants so they spoil them ( 7 – conscious )_________. 7. The posse rode several days in ( 8 – pursue ) _________ of the robbers 8. The weak and the poor are ( 9 – power ) ________ and need people to represent them. 9. The fireman’s daring rescue of those trapped in the burning building was ( 10 – credit ) ____. 10. The government want to ( 11 – military ) ________ this region. Exercise 6. The Costwolds is an area of great ( 1 – beautiful ) ________ in England. It has a number of ( 2 – delight ) _______ villages and small towns with lovely old buildings that have remained ( 3 – change) _______ since the area was a major ( 4 – commerce ) _______ centre several centuries ago. The countryside in the area is ( 5 – charm ) ________ and most of the buildings there are made from an ( 6 – attract ) ______ type of light stone that is particular to the Costwolds. In the summer, the Costwolds can get rather ( 7 – crowd ) ________ but it is always possible to find pretty places that do not have the ( 8 – famous ) _________ of the more well – known villages and towns. There is no ( 9 – short ) _____ of ( 10 – please ) _____ hotels and ( 11 – tradition ) ______ inns for visitors to stay in and the Costwolds area is an excellent place for an ( 12 – enjoy ) _______ weeken or longer trip. Exercise 7. 1. You must be careful picking mushrooms as some varieties are ( 1 – poison ) ________. 2. We must make ( 2 – provide ) _________ for our old age by saving money. 3. She was so surprised that she was unable to speak. She was ( 3 – speech ) _____ with surprise. 4. He is ( 4 – doubt ) _______ about whether he has the time to take on more work 5. There is a ( 5 – block ) ________ in the pipes and I’ve had to call the plumber. 6. My sister can be so ( 6 – irritate ) __________ at times. 7. There was ice on the pavement, which made it very difficult to walk as it was so ( 7 – slip ) __. 8. Two young children were arguing over the ( 8 – own ) ________ of the doll. 9. I’m sorry I knocked your cup over. It wasn’t ( 9 – intention ) _________. 10. My grandmother is getting ( 10 – forget ) ________ : now that she’s older Exercise 8. 1. India is a ( 1 – linguistics ) __________ country 2. The first year provides students with a sound ( 2 – theory ) ________ basic or later study. 3. Justice is often ( 3 – person ) _______ as a blindfolded woman holding a pair of scales. 4. Over two thousand students apply ( 4 – year ) _________. 5. The singer won a lot of ( 5 – admire ) __________ from the audience. 6. Don’t be deluded by her crocodile tears : there’s ( 6 – sincere ) __________ in her eyes. 7. We can take 10 ( 7 – train ) __________ on the course this September. 8. The cash and carry price is only 50$ but they charge extra for ( 8 – deliver ) ________. 9. These shoes look quite smart but they’re terribly ( 9 – comfort ) _________. 10. I don’t want my money back. I want a ( 10 – replace ) _________. Exercise 9. A recent ( 1- investigate ) __________ by scientists at the US Geological survey shows that strange animal behaviour might help predict future earthquake. ( 2 – Investigate ) ________ found that such ( 3 – occur ) ________ in a ten kilometer radius of the epicenter of a fairly recent quake. Some birds screeched and flew about ( 4 – wild ) ________, dogs yelps and ran around ( 5 – control ) ________. Scientists believe that animal can ( 6 – perception ) _________ these environmental changes as early as several days before the mishap. In 1976, after observing animal behaviour, the Chinese were able to predict a ( 7 - devastate ) ________ quake. Although hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was able to evacuate millions of other people and thus keep the death toll at a ( 8 – low ) ________ rate. Exercise 10. 1. His boss told him off because he had behaved ( 1 – responsible ) __________. 2. This knife is very blunt. It needs ( 2 – sharp ) __________. 3. I would like to book a ( 3 – fly ) _________ to Hongkong. 4. I’m afraid this iron you sold me is ( 4 – fault ) _____________. 5. We’ve had a lot of ( 5 – complain ) __________ from customers today. 6. Unless something is done about unemployment, the ( 6 – look ) _______ for the future is not good. 7. The ( 7 – conclude ) ______ about that plane crash is wrong. 8. In some areas, water has to be boiled to ( 8 – pure ) _________ it. 9. Although her visit was ( 9 – expect ) _________, we made her welcome just the same. 10. He examined the parcel ( 10 – suspect ) _________ as he had no idea what it could be. 11. A letter should always end with the ( 11 – sign ) _______ of the writer. 12. There is a great ( 12 – similar ) _______ between Harry and his twin brother. 13. With a good ( 13 – describe ) _____ of the criminal from a witness, the police could find him easily 14. Whether the rule should be abandoned remains ( 14 – controversy ) _________. 15. People love his for his ( 15 – simple ) __________. . own ( 11 – safe ) _________. 9. The play was given an ( 12 – enthuse ) _____ ( 13 – receive ) _____ by the ( 14 – criticism) ___ 10. There’s no ( 15 – deny ) ____ that he’s qualified and ( 16. admire the ( 3 – picture ) _____ scenery 3. His ( 4 – analyze ) ________ showed great of ( 5 – perceive ) __________. 4. The ( 6 – emphasize ) _________ is on hard work, not ( 7 – joy ) _________ ( 15 – wide ) ___ ( 16 – literate)___ 10. The ( 17 – work ) _______ accused the company of ( 18 – fair ) _______ ( 19 – dismiss ) ______. They began shouting and the ( 20 – meet ) ________ broke

Ngày đăng: 23/07/2014, 01:21

