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.-q-rrrqt.qa )noqr uo!:nu.:rqlrrou "li,'r'rr.r'u!r l6lr; )( rt4 s t ;1.\'nrtJual p5:u plnoa r^r )u:rLrnijrn:rl) rEnlr.!l ur LUE''oi rsnrrou.prrr o) "",";i,.-,;;;;, :]1:.1 :l njr)u5uj.t),JErno)ui pr,.rdt)rl,ilt|nr Il^r *x:ss'orpnr: or turtt')srl rxql Jurpr^:rn urlpduo) ir,,", "n"-u,".11 s lr:!orlp)ir| )ti:rutn:Jrrr rrr u)rrrSLJ:rs spurrs or ), " rr,r",^" 1-'lltllltr -pnir orurrq, surn'.,no.,.,, 0,.,*,_:r'l;Jj':llll,,'J:.i:::fi ff],,.'" rclp s:qrirur s.:^r:s or;trirr :rri.sutur)s' "", "0 ,., [i"l,,o ,r*]i 3-r-r]f,ssx)orpn!tlrjt sn ll:rt 3)u.p)d)i, pu! f,su:s uou'rror sjprsr8 lou )qr f,ru^r-prrr or slr.qr_sp.:r ruerra q, " pjo^ u-.,,u^ :1-1i1.-"1:, rlr! rot saolrr rrjlrt cqf rousrop r'ruo'q,-.;;;:;,;: :l^.:].lj* pur tuarlo uar,ldl:q uolt)rlrtur rol sr aq1 ratsensadun i1;oqn e rsor"w rq ru.runsj":,;;;; :,luq tt'JPlnlr ::TI tbo"Q sstqr 'u:rpllrltr rl.tt o) pnoF p!:r sru.rrd ,r.q^ ,r"ttq l'^ s:,r's'!ronnr o,r"".,*,"* *nlil|,0;::il,j:,j.'t":ilS: " .uJEJlOt pux pr.rr ol s.r)snrolpnr rrqruo,rn,.uo .u,o,'loti:ffi:lt'fi ,J$l::l:,fi ',r.DtuspJ)I) rF rnoqr uoDur'o.j'r r""oprpp" ,,rr.qv.iirj;;;;,r: p.'prorf,rl:rlr rrr^1ro sjurrd ,(.q ,r^.," olrr ,,(l))jn-D Dr), "'o ,flr- "l^ ,." t'orus ^l;I sl pnop -_ -1" p!:r rrr^! src,oq qrrua ur rrlrulur ,]-o-o-l'l Jrrnoq! arx roN P.rurol4 Jlesrl Dlscqr SutrtrJ*d ziq p:u:rc1 rq rJUo ulr sqpr.r sr llDis r 'stdaJuo) puusr)pun I)ur:slJr, uwJpo,,Jd r* o,ru u", arut'nt lllqal l l' eui s[r] esuas uou^!o3 sfDisBu]pr o, ,*arraoa ,ttt"totpnr nuo,,i, u,,1".*;'Jt?rililfflt:lH;Ti l:: :- ^ :uorsnlruor crqr 'spurrs )r sr r*?^roH -pnop p'rr $rooq J[rq o, r,rrp ui a_^o1p -i-r -.nlt^ ltp o1 lsatl!" lrqt salpnls 3t!J Ot uo.s:o8 rEporlpa crll 'tururuon^uf, *1ooq$ dno_r8! ur pr3r or ulBel ll!!rd& oq^ ,ruapaa rlru)rualt JoJ XJfrl)rdsa 5s!J ,r{t tou sl sIJt lrql ta^eaoq a" ,,_";a -.,0rrl]rr! e)Blos! u! eq lsnu, p!5r o, Sur_*t r"q, r*nr." -r:":u:l)q s:pls:[ -tlsnur ,;; '-riJE s!I] lo sf,Irrt:q]u.u s[ qrna S*p"a, grrr_ ,.r,.,br, ,* op r!II) sDlJqns r)qro t, tq3tlj l:)x: Bu qn'gjlp '"q oqa p[qr ! rrq] )lqrssod sE rml I"lr s! rI qor" ,rrp r,oaan, ,,".^on r,.^rooq, .; ",;;;,";;,:';lll;: :;,".iiffi;"#5I uollElos!rql 'r:p!gr rood ! rol tlqt $urrla rurunlRft eqt qr^'rrsaq or nlruor s.".ro)rp, tn roJ uoddnc )lq.plJr rJ,'.,,,o*oro ^,* "* n,-r"roJl -uosr.r Jo rrll s,rvgollp :qr Jo prr' !ru)p!^r iqr go l.rp_: csolc :r:^:^o'1 ?rrj osl! ruoruros ot Buruf,tsllJo trnfx^al{l g_^oq, a.tp-r.rrrta t*o, srn loddns oJ.pr.r puE or urr:l or Dit rou,,rr?p I: il-Il*"r"r -rus arElururelf,sf,{Er! saDasrcJorpn!ot gupltsJl n""aq rrr*,r," uI rs)^ut ptnoqs prDoq looq)s oqr rrq: sep.,jcuo"lluortpa j!qJ, sadsrorpnv or 3rmrarql ,(q p,:ag or Br zs'.*,JJ;flf slN:/lneuv !u9 tvttr llo 0zuoj slrE :no\y-i PART6 pR)c€ss.cu otsrcrsNi bccomc iusr r! dcsirabt(xs rhc brcrcrix-killing rlinric otsrcrs.To bcrrcr xssess rhc irSumcnr,scliim rhar profils for 6ulf o\.srcrprod!'ccrss,ill incrc:rsris x cnd rcsujL.I voutd rccd ro kno{ \tcrl)cr 6ulfoysrcrproduc(6 \'ilt incu rtrccxpcnscsinvot!edin Lilt,nSrhc bxcrc.irand if so, rhc cxrcnrto s,hichtbcsccxpcnscswjU impirgc o,] thc producers profiK ffl t l No 76 Ancumrr.n Employec uutu.peI606 0h Compensation at Nationa.l Brush Compan)' ln this rcporl, thc prcsidcnl of Nariond Brush Compan), (NDC) concludesrhar thc bcsr wr\' !o cnsure rixr NBC will cam a prolil nexr ycar is for rh€ company ro pxy ils woikers according ro lhe numbcr of Drusncs they produce-rather rlan hourty To suppon this conctusion,rhc presidenr claims tha! th€ ncw po[q'wilt rcsuh in thc production of more and bcrrc brushes,wtuch in F,Im will allow NBC ro rcducc irs st lf size and opcrrrins hours, Lhcrcb) cuftrrg c.r(pcnscs.This i4rumcnr is fnughr with dubious rssumprions,which rcndcr ir endrch, unconvjncirE, Firsr of rll, rhc ar81rmcnrrctics on thc unsubsrznriarcdlsswnprion rhx! lhc new polic! will morivarc workers !o produce brushes more quiclcly \"hcrbe this is rhe casc wilt depcnd, of cours., oD rhc amounr camcd pcr brush 2nd the mle ar which workcrs cln producc brusbcs rr vU also dcpcnd on the e{enr ro whjch NBC workcls arc cont€nr wir}r rhcir cuncnr incom lcvcl l:cking cvidcnce rh rhc nes, poliq, would resuh in rie producrion of morc bnrshes, fte president cannor convince mc ahxt this policl nould bc ln cffcctivc mcans ro €nsurea profit Ior NDC in rhc cominS _YC2l - Evcn if rhc neq' polic! does-morinrc NBC workers ro producc more brushcs, rhc plcsidenr's argumcn! dcpcnds on rhc additionrl assumption that producirg brushcs morc quicklt can bc accomplished wilhour sacrificing qual]q' ln facr, L\e prcsidcn! goes fu.rher b), predjcrin8 ar ircrcrse in qualjB' YeL common sensc jfforms mc rhrr f Lhc production processotherwisc rcmains the samc, qujckcr producrion is likely to rcducc quarjn'-ard in any event cclujr y nofilcrerjc iL And a decline io qurliq mighr scrvero dimintshrhe vrtuc ofNBC's brusl)csii rhe markerplacc.Thus, thc uldmarc lesu.lrof rhc ncw pojiq mjphr bc to rcducc NBC s revcnuc zrd in rurn profi6 Evcn ,6suniDg rhar :5 :$c rcsult of rhe new poliq,, NBC s currenr wo.L{orcc produces morc brushcswir,troutsacrficing qur_Iiry,rcducing t}|c sizc of.thc wortdorcc and rhc numbc of opq?ting hours vould scdc ro offscr thosc producrion gains Adrnincdl)', by kccpirtt thc mosr cmcicnt cmployccs,NBC would milri.nlizcrlc c*cnt of rhis offscr NevcFhcless,rha prcsidcnr provjdes no cvidcncc rhzr !h€ rcsulr would be a nct gain in proclucrion Wirhour ar) sucb €vidcncc t})c plesidcnCs alE:umcnrthat rbc ncw policy wil help cnsurc profilrbiljq' is hjghh suspecL \7nti,tg Sb k lar tr CRVGMAT T61t nte suosra,ad.nDm tr8! aq Jo.[ s?{ls iurua\ sttal JW: +-*t$*^m*#**rf '*tY.lffi i:-.,#idft ,:'=;,,:3 *::*irur*Nl#* *i,:3;E**tn**t**$ fffi$ffi*Prn 9g 'oryu:wncqi il sff'ffis;#f slN3!,J;t9atvfdg ]vJ3tjjo oa uoj SAVSSJ J.tdnvs PART6 omirs xn), mcnlion of rcpo(s rronr scn,crs xbout cu:itomcrss'lro na\,c coDrptrincd Sincclhc anccdoratcr,idcnccis ooc-side ::j;l:H;.,H.,il,:f ;,:jil ',""".y:r:_._T^-.,-.;Tff r!(rs pu'ouon"'H"i l*."Hj.tff il:::;:^"T:i?'*p! , papu)lt'l ',E slxssatsrlrr n srrnu,ur o€ r! ,)npoJa * ::rU{i;qj.H*:{Li:,.;ffi::;,fi ,;rsH ,or ,"1, ;!t j osfv.suoD,rpuoJpf,urDJapun s,&ssJeserl esodrloJ tou plp I rrrro)" rJ:ursou t-" 'uE uo :^l)t)Jslrd , -* ,J,lil uos-od^ r,n ;,0,;.;; ;"'i :; Jr :; r',*;lr,?H'i"ilj.,l# :Slnaonoj rqr purur L,rJ ur '(cdi7,rEa's-^)r,rsr^ ur d.)l rq, ,(prusno{ ey ;; :,;;'.: ;i:is.rsubds., 1:,,*,*1T:H,#:,ff m*:,g-x.:lF.Jfl rHd sflnssl firr{9 Tslflddo oz uod savsstrg-Idr,{vs E r,tpd PART7 lll lssurNo 'tI t l Fersonal Faililgs 1o!\,.letc6ots.con of Gre:rt Achicvc.s AJc ihe pcrsonil frili'rFs of Fre!r achicrcrs Scncmll! unimpo(:rnr comp:rrcdto drc individu:rl s schiclemcnrs.xs rhc spcrkcr contends?ln sonrccrs€s,perhapsso.Ho\\'c!cr.in ma vic\' rhisconrcnrion:rmounrsto irn untair Scncmlizntion.Thr spcakcr o\'erlooksrhar prr:on;1l fiilin8s oft(n pl:rl an inrcgral role in the processof achieving grear rhings-cidrer as a caril]'sl for it or xs pa.l of rhc process Somc pcrsonal fiilings can scwc as cr&lvsls for Frert achicvcment.,{ pcrsonal failinS can rcst tbe s'ould-bc ,chievcr's merrlc; il mighr posc r chailcosc-DccessaD'resisrxncethar drives rhc individu:rl ro achicve dcspirc ihe shoncoming For cxample, poof acadcmic or job perfoimancc can propcl a gi-ftedenlrcprcn€ur ro sran a business,Nhich ulrimare\' becomcs the dominant plrycr in irs irdusrD Or se.ious illnessor inju.j' can spur rn athlclc on o a(ajn woridrEuor)tr rr.,rrd.,, rlr p.rnpo,j , ,," ,;;;:.;'''"-"'! rx rnqsur o.nuoddnsrsnL!,,".,"*,";; ]:;.'i;:,::{:"H;: * or9 arp Srnprc8au &mqlzuodsau-s.ruarruralog zz ilt oNtnssl 'l.3olouqJ)rlqt or sn 3rn^rlsufrnoqtt,as:^II Jno8lrl^ojdun JoJ,sJulojdarour sploq-u-o-'rrxurornr Jcll3p lro^1 Bu.ITFl[rv.m pues.r,r.rurnuo, _.por or ^-"f _lo,{'rros r prrrrD r^!rl ll'o uoqrr'ornr rDtwqJsur.nl^.*n.;;-.'-, r-urnrr! 3u.rzrrErf,ourjpDsuTpr^ord,(q.r5r .r.n",_"_ o' ,"'31;i::rH :-tqtsso.Isr{Eurl€otouqrel uonruroltul !!^)aoq Xpwuoaua r"o_.a"qr 3ut'1t3lq pm srDllqrssod r^Itrrl) dn iL,ruado lq *oO"* ,lu4r^ 'slruSlsrp srsprc sDrrlq)J! o,ri p)rxdptllu mo3uolo,d;,0*i;;;;".;;;::;H:j".T-r"Ji"S*.,,;11 Sqdt:^q '$Isdqd pur uprD)E vr sJ)u[^pt rlora p.u.r|rds sEg l3o :l :n lourJf,rt fErArp srlnduror ot qsEr ?qtprd3r itnrrf:t ,{q D^:^!oH -63^!ls uEurnq Jo uorirl uao nJ alr pu' 'JTllo l.{.,nb rno qslurrlp or spu.r uoFioo)n, J"rtstp ,:e6s:: rs'rr 1l* y-,r"^;;;;.; ;;,;Ti",*;liffi:;":: filffii spaoJq 'lluJatul ql lffer)ldsf, pu! uoFrruotnr ,rrna_o9 uo,r"u-.,,i Jo puzrq u.ta'o9l rq8norq scq uoDlurotnr Tolitp rqnop " ,.,o,pl,t tu.urq srl prq€ra^ltnoo^tq ,{rlu ssr€ord Jo r)ud Juu uuor^uf pux JEt€olopos Jrrr ssal]rluf^eN sr)ulJu5^uof, e^Itrrouut lo Eoqlrld ! Aln{lddns puE rfraor8 "ruro,ro", 'sqof3un!3D srrnsnpu A,i"rnorn an)u! p5uArdsr i,,,,*0",i".,-"-" ;':jh1"T" fiTHYT:i#JJ : ,:."""";"."3, * hlrcnb no p.qs.tutulp ,rsu.s qroq uoplurorn! sFp qt rro^t i: 11 s.a!o.ruo{ uotnurJlc prrE!n sppd Jo ssol ! aurr, ,"U"*or"" r"U*r", *^ '_urur rlnt-tlqglrssc lpuJnrrrn:d uoouruo ru,ol,o,n! ,''orur",e,"" ";-d":HH:1I;il;i::.;T,"""" uonEtlotnf,fElCtlp.crutFq uo ,.JIl.Jo.^l.TEno jro D)usrmrh 5^r' rrid I otrr.uoinr f.furqr)'" rrtLA -s:^q mo-6ot.urquj lq * ,;; 'etrads.l ;;r;; Jrr{ro ul ,.l.n{a saulqjcur aars su[Lsnq ,slrf,dslj.rEros rn sa^I_I Jno IIr uolll?ruolnY Jo :' ;fr lllt oz :_::,_::y.ry'"* Trodr,,,uE:)i'!uuluosrc-*." ,".,r r" ,r.,,',,lJr,]ifi iluosrro 'tou ar lrqt r)q,6 ue^a puv nufurs^etrlJ! rx:rg Jo lJJJrd ,rux rrtd u.!o ?rr rrSulTrcJTi.oosrld rxql m uloj.rn suf,^ f".frnrrtq p* ro::nJ tusrrr.tt::s.rl^o t ! ol srunoulr uonrr.rro" ",re1".ar.qt ,_n ri s3nssllvn9tvlltijc oz doi S VSS:3,td,1vs cmpiricxl cvidcn.c to suppon lhis nrFUnrcnt s4rich in anr cvenl is r | n c o n \ ' i n c i n gi n l i h t o f n r o r ( n € r s u : r s i l er r g u r n e n r sr h x t g o v c m n r e n l s h o u l d plry no prn in cilhcr supponinS or rcstricrin! thc ins F i r s r s u b s i d i z i n Fr h ( r n s i s n c i ( h c r r p r o p ( r n o r n c c c s s r t i o b f o r Fovcmmcnr Altl)ough pLrbllc hcalrh is tener1llv v'cwcd xs criticll l(' x r conccrn of aovcrnnlent socicn s ve'-1'sun'ivrl and tbcrcforc rn ,pprop.i "hcalth' o this conccm shoukl not €xtcnd lenuousl) ro ou cullural welfbcLnF A hck of privirrc funding mjghr jusrii an cxccptioni in m)' obscnarion how€vcr, philmihrop! is alile and wcll Iodir, cspcciall) among !l)c nc\, lrchnology nnd mcdia nroguls Sccondb govern.ncnt crinoi possiblj' play an cvcnhanded tolc as ans parron, lnadequarc resourccs cxll for rcsarjctions, p.joritics, and choiccs, k is "valuc' unconscionablc to lclegarc normative decisions as !o q'hlch ari ha5 ro a Iew icSislators and jurists, vho ma)'bc un€r iS.htcned in thcit nodons about an, Also, legislarors arc all too likel)' to makc chojc€s in Iavor of thc cuftu|ll agefldas of rhosc'lobbyrsrs wirh dle mosr mone]' and kr.0ucncc Thirdll, rcsL.rcunE anrsl,c oiprcssion mr) rn somc cacs cncrorcb upon the consrirulional nghl of fre€ cxprcssion 1o an] catc, Sovcmmcntal rcslrictjon ma) chill creativit)', thcrcby defeaUns tbc veLT purposc of subsidizirg the 1116 in lhc final analysis,Sovcmmcnt crnnot philosophically o cconomical\' jusriJy itJ involvemcDt rn thc ans, cilhcr b,\'subsidy orsanction nesponsibiliq Les w,rh mdrviouals ro d€rennine whr( art his vrluc 1n,1 to suppofl tlat an lll lssurNo 26 I,ocation: utu.Jretc's66.cam Still the Ke-v to Busiress Success ln retail, or "slorcftont." busr,.less, locaiion is 6till a key inSrcdienl of busincrs succcss,Thc cxcnl ro which this will continuc to bc truc, Sivcn thc inexomblc growt}) of lntemct commerce will varl' imong industrics ll) more Faditional reuil scctors,such as clorhin8, cosmetics,trd homc 'improvcmenr, alr in-persor visir ro a reuil srore is oftcn neccssary-lo try o'l clothes for fir, comparc fnfarurces, or browse among a full selcction of rextuJes,colo$, ind stvlcs.Also, activities such a5 shoPping and dining out arc for maty consumcrs enio.ynblcexpcricnccs il]) themsclv€s as wcll as cxcus€sro ger our of the house?nd mil1lCe!r'ith odrcrs,jnt)cir cofirmuniq FrDall)' shippinS cosls for large ircms sucir as applianccs and homc' improvcmcnt.ircmsrendcr homc sh€ppin8 impiaclicablc Thus, burgconinS (cchnoloaics po3c no scno|us thrq:r to lllain Sucet, and locrlion wiu conrinuc ro play r pivoal rolc jn rhe flte of rn&y rclail busincsscs Ncvcnh.lcss rcchnologv-rclatcdindusl rcs3Jc suc to movc rway from physicrl stor€fronis to viJtual oncs- Ploducti lhat cm be rcduccd lo diSit2l 'birs ud bncs." sucb :ls books and mag^zocs recordlnss, and sofrvarc appucarjons, ffc mo.c efficicolly disriburcd clccuor}]cau)' Compulcr hards'arcwill nor disaPpexrfrom lt'l3.inSlicet quite so quicldt, thougr' sincc vrnnlg Skllk.for tb GIU/G|\UT Tcst tuto1suoe.1t).l a'n ',.rru:rjto \a srs:88ns !tru!pr^ oqt ri^)^1r s),r:rrosp,niir:lc'!^x(, ,"u, ,u, ,",.,n *l.l -:.:::l'o :o n.t1 lol slrts ;1rpra; ''":;;;;;;; : ''norsrrt rnoqsnorr,r "i,.,;il.:,;;.,;:L::l ;;[j:j'];i1 il,:lilll],,i;':; l:T::,j.lt:i:^ -un o) sn sdl.q tr sE Jqosur ldold lrlr.( ;ilJ?Jfi'fl]Jjl",_.u*,u, tt 'f,loq^l qr lnoqx etull sn lllr llllr rsdnor3rsar:-,- rf 'oN snssl x sx uolltu x Jo sE3pl ^"" sr-u5u,,sru,^n" roosorr^)r, * -.,rr|]Tj'JoT:'J:H,]|".1T.1, ts*pr fcrlrurp!tlFlruer.r ,n"q.roo"u ,n ,"U,,r]rSn .Jt s)rldrs tJsrutr^pr 11.4"".t r) lr rrrrtssl - - sJoo ]:r sr[] puE ur3tssa\ pn $oot :sor 'e,,-,snq i*; r."r'"oro',ru,,,* ;.h:,:,.:'." jff :.Lii.li:i:# -r;," or ,lnurnbrsuof ^",^ , ;"";* ;;;;r; rErr l":::p"n" )ou op urss! rtuauDs ^lprssJJf,u lolP prrr r rrunsuor spx rs)qj ir)^raoH * Jo '5E)usrrrd rrq€rr3ou ,,1]:" ,o*",a,^* llr'lr.H'li :,'f*,ji'I.j#; ^q pt)q sr:p! lursrrd op iuerrrsru.^px rsrrarq_rlqnd ,ftp.rrtrrpJ,-"^ou" PUt 'lqa" sl qJns suolrslnb Janasu! rorJ srop r!-!rapl" r;;o rnurrd rJ*-; * ,ou a, ;.;'r;";.n".",i ""tu*' ro 'rooilno 'ero." Frros * ,".;'.,;;;.' :il".;::; #'"tn":'iT."J; ::::ir-1eu'rrisrr4rdo sDtJo.!-roqrrldr eFg^r,^JlrSruJprrr uoDxa!s""" ,"lrr ,", "u, "*.*r"il -, ).ror!r urrJUoJ lllelros r: srtr)Urr sat:lqo,,rtrmn-uods _ :^T-1.I ro; spr_Jo uo1rr-,r.JTord ! )rr,,",s'" ror 3^JD!rxr pur lq"uo,qr"i., ,"q^ Irqaquo,i PL| sploq rjnrry.qr rEqa 'srpn'rrr s.nl.^ s.uo'"" " ", ;;;;;;'J,::lllff:;;ji:i,::: *" sE:pr s.uonru r rorrrr ,,rrrr"-',n)rro, p y irgr.,;.,rr.^o" rrqt srxrddE rt stuno) rpoq uO rr.U)r ,{tflnrf,! ,{jrp e,:p;;".f;;;;;; rErr jurs)rd nuJu,rsprtr^p! JJtrlrqa f,uruutrr.p or irssf,c.u T:-:ll " sr 'sDrpr s,uonEu r rr:rrer euf,uJrsr'o^p'rrvrr,j^ r.r;;r;;il;," s?epl sruoF"N,e 3'O Soo5rr"gag se stualEesF_Ia^pv Ifl zc 'oNrnssl ,::^1,^,:l' * 3nsslatolosqo uE uonrf,ol';;;;; BulrrpuJj :rrrd)r lrcnp'rs rl^a sr',rrsx.".r"0*; (lJnpord $npold rrr{jo JoJ Iqa slqrSun urrur] or r:rArr., rp,^ Il^\ uonEJol )u:lru.^UOtrloJ purL!Jp r)LrjnsuoJ uoEnl)uoJ !n rfunuo) ",'."',:lT',# :::l;::ffi # ::,$;: ,;:,: _r' : :lT.'^", jJrnduo:) uors.1Fp Brn,(nq oqr orut $rru pur rcol Fc''iad t.q e, SinSSl1vt^letVt3ElO 0Z alol SAVSgt,ldri:j of Admiltcdl) hisro4 his hclPccl us Ic:lm thc aPproPrirtcness lcvcladd.cssingccnain issucs.P:rnicul:rrlrmoml orrcs, on I socictal in br l'rohibiLion ,\rrcmDtsro lcgislircmomlil invx.ixbh f:ril.xs illustr:ttcd r " x c c c t ' r" rtFUhrc ( 1 c1 \ : r n dm o r r r c c c n ( l rl 'i r l c dI ( d e n r l ( A i s h r i o n llr( rdull marcrirl 'rJ thc lnrcmcr \\/c rrc slosl\ lcrminF tlri\ lcsson ir' rnd tlrr ptrrPoscs 'l nrcdic'n of nlxniuini tor rcccnl trendtoq:rroIcFaliLrrton rcco8nirion of cqual riShls for samc_scxPxnncrs both dcmonsu-rt€ iboul socill ills ;s d1ntdrc'r' HoNcvcr !bt ovcridios lcssonfrom histot-._l halc troubled irlmos( for exxmtlc, are b€re ro stnl Crimc lnd violcncc, becn evcq, socicn, ,{ll mantcr of rcform, Prevcntion rnd Punishmcnt hivc ioward a rried Todat, &e lrend appears to be lwa) ftom rcfom "tou8h-on-crunc' aPproach ls this b€crusc hislon mxkes clear rnal purushmenri5 th€ most cffcctjvc mcats of eliminatitg crirnc?No; lathcr' tirc trcnd mcrell' r€flccb culrcnl mofcs, attirudcs, fnd Political climatc' Anothcr examPlejnvolveshow wc dcalwith thc mcntau)''illscgmcnl of nor rhc population Histot-1tcvclls ihlt ncithcr qult-lntine' treatmcnt' wlth ils comcs accotrllr]odatioosolvesrhe problcm onl' thrt cach aPPtoach ro os,n rrade'offs.Also undcnnining the 15senionthlt ltsloq'hclps us solvc social problcms is dlc fict t})rr desPirt d)c civilrighls cfJoru of Mrnin Luthcr KitS aod hrs Pto8cnics, the cuitucd 8xP todi\' bcrwccn lftican q'idcninS l! scems that aci:tl AmcricaJlsand vhitc Amcricanssccms lo bc prciudrccis a (!melc'sPhenomenon To sum up, s'hilc hisroD cao Ieach us )cssons abour our socrar problems, more ofrcn than not thc )essonis that ihcre are no Panaceasor prescrif,uon'tor solr,nFlhesc problem'-onlr xlremrrc Nrvs of copinS with thcm lill lssuEnlo 40 Bureauctac;ts ' Impact i'I Business and Govern-ment Conrary to thc siatcmcnts Prcmise, my vicq' is rhat businesscsarc lcss likelt than Sdvcmmcnt to csBblish large bureaucncics' becauscb\rsitrcsscs kJ)oq' thai thcy are morc vuln€mble than Sovcmmcnt to damagc rcsultitg js ftom burcaucradcinefficiencics.My Posiriofl sell suPpofted bJ' common scnseand bl observation avoro Firs!, Public idminist!2tors hck rI( finaocixl bccntivcs to vil corporatio' burcaucntjc wasle Ill con!!25!,'inemciencicsij) Privatc ',,1 thc forrrl of job cuts diminishing rcducc profis: iniictinS dima+ Itc corll,'non's.ock\-nlue, ano reduc;g cmPloycc compcnsltion Thcsc amPIc itccntivcs for thc private hrm to mirimizc bureaucr-rlc w?stc Sccondlr rhcre is alnos! no accounlabiliq' amonS govcmmcnt burcruclals Thc clccro!"re s volin8 powcr is roo indirecr lo motir?rc midlevcl administntors whosc sahics "nd jobs rarcl)' dcpcnd on PoUtiol attcnlion t0 cl€ctions ljr conllast, private cor-porationsrnust p:]Y stricr uae.pcta60B.can, E ;l/rnir! Skt!lsfor lht GR:t/Gl+t+" +"4' rt t u.' \-u otl n D 4, r, t t.t t tra *,, -'t r"rs ,",,roi'"'"Jtllrlf; r[hf i t*i::*.,:$,;lt.:: ]i:,::.J,'^ffiJ;] :,1":# Hl1,ti.l;tii"l.":,sllti:'"";:; ${:if::.:,{j"*ki, :i,'il '.:.ii=l;ljilT:":*tl.ffi it'"'.ti-.,':i xT.,:"^T::"Tffi rql rt sruord'iusdruor ,)u!rnsu, ;ii$,',-d,*ff jH*$:##,.,iiffi #".ffi ;;IX.::;:'i;'",*;.;",;'".J' :: :::1 :l 1*I0"""' n'^::;T;;o';;T[ffi1ffi*H:': *f,s#*fi*i*fi *.:i*,nt#':tr$li*ru # drepo-g s,dr?o.l "r r_rr.xg llp,rrlgun-rasn tg oN rnssl II j#:^,,r:*:i:i-t:##n#.rd i1*;,#j;;:+ ",ii:;**:#*:j;m::: =r*,*",.'.;:;l:;.#;1 **-.; o,;; ;; li'T".lffi:::i.il:.:,il3l.,l;p1_" #l:';:.TT;: ifi T' ::H;"'r,:,ffi.T#:::l' il:In r;*r: il' #J#*i**iij tn** #T n.q, j;Tj.X;,T, o, r,s '^J:H:H: Hi :]fi.F: slnsst1vN9tvt:)tijo 0zuci s^r6[ain rys P^1 ffi[!l / hcihh care ir.rccessibt(ro thc vcn-indn.jduatsvho nccd jl nrosr.Thcsc uscr-unf.icndh.featurcs can be detercrious on :r socicLLtscalc as welt /i unhcrlth! populiccis xr)unp.oducrivconc Also.incrcrsccj hcrlrh_carc cosr! placc in unduc burdrn oD brcxd-\r,innin8adutrs \r,ho Jcct the squcczc oi c:rnns for rgins prrenrs rnd for chitdrcn Finath., rhcse fearurcs losrer I pcF.asilc dislr'ustof Sovcmmcnr bic busincss,xnd burcaucmcl ln sum roda\-s -poircrnd-cljck" parrdigm inaccunretl poftmys tlrc acrutrl tunctionalin of manv sl,stcms inctudin8 our herl(h